Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development
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Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development



Study released in Feb 2012 by the Energy Institute at the University of Texas which looks at the science of hydraulic fracturing and a potential link between fracking and groundwater contamination. ...

Study released in Feb 2012 by the Energy Institute at the University of Texas which looks at the science of hydraulic fracturing and a potential link between fracking and groundwater contamination. The study's conclusion: there is no link. Fracking itself does not contaminate groundwater. There are legitimate concerns about drilling, but those issues exist in conventional drilling--they are not specific to fracking.



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Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development Document Transcript

  • 1. F E BR ua Ry 2012Fact-Based Regulation forEnvironmental Protectionin Shale Gas Development A report By
  • 2. FEBRUARY 2012Fact-Based Regulation forEnvironmental Protectionin Shale Gas DevelopmentCharles G. Groat, Ph.D.Principal InvestigatorThomas W. Grimshaw, Ph.D.Co-Principal InvestigatorThe Energy InstituteFlawn Academic Center, FAC 4282 West Mall, C2400The University of Texas at AustinAustin, TX 78712http://energy.utexas.edu/512.475.8822 A REPORT BY
  • 3. Table of Contents________________________________________________Preface..............................................................................................................................................31 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................42 Summary of Findings ............................................................................................................7 2.1 Media Coverage and Public Perception .................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Media Coverage ......................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Public Perception and Knowledge ........................................................................... 11 2.2 Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development ............................................................. 14 2.2.1 Drill Pad Construction and Operation ..................................................................... 14 2.2.2 Hydraulic Fracturing and Groundwater Contamination .......................................... 15 2.2.3 Flowback and Produced Water Management .......................................................... 20 2.2.4 Blowouts and House Explosions ............................................................................. 21 2.2.5 Water Requirements and Supply ............................................................................. 24 2.2.6 Spill Management and Surface Water Protection .................................................... 25 2.2.7 Atmospheric Emissions ........................................................................................... 27 2.2.8 Health Effects .......................................................................................................... 29 2.2.9 Regulation or Policy Topics: Environmental Impacts ............................................. 30 2.3 Regulatory and Enforcement Framework ............................................................................. 33 2.3.1 Federal Regulation ................................................................................................... 33 2.3.2 State, Regional, and Local Regulation..................................................................... 37 2.3.3 State Enforcement of Regulations ........................................................................... 48 2.3.4 Regulation or Policy Topics: Regulatory and Enforcement Framework ................. 513 News Coverage and Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing4 Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development5 Regulation of Shale Gas Development6 State Enforcement of Shale Gas RegulationsAppendix A. Energy Institute OverviewAppendix B. Project Team
  • 4. PrefaceThe discovery of large reserves of natural gas in shale formations – shale gas – has been a majorpositive development for the energy picture of the US and the world. Yet a number ofcontroversies over shale gas development have emerged that must be resolved in order for thefull potential of this valuable resource to be realized.The Energy Institute has launched a series of initiatives to help deal with these issues and ensureresponsible development of shale gas. This report is from one of these initiatives. It seeks to helppolicymakers and regulators deal with shale gas issues in a rational manner based on factualinformation. The report may be found online at the Energy Institute website: http://energy.utexas.edu/The Senior Contributors to the report are shown below with their respective areas ofcontribution: Matt Eastin News Coverage and Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing Ian Duncan Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development Hannah Wiseman Regulation of Shale Gas Development Hannah Wiseman State Enforcement of Shale Gas Development RegulationThe investigations continue, and findings will be updated and supplemented as progress is made.Future initiatives are planned to gather more field and laboratory information to improve thescientific basis for development of shale gas resources with adequate control and regulation. 3
  • 5. 1 IntroductionNatural gas produced from shale formations, commonly referred to as "shale gas", has becomeincreasingly important in the energy supply picture for US and worldwide. Obtaining natural gasfrom shale units was until recently not considered economically feasible because of lowpermeability of shales. Economic utilization has been made possible by application andrefinement of two previously-developed methods in the oil and gas industry – horizontal drillingand hydraulic fracturing.The current estimate of the shale gas resource for the continental US is about 862 trillion cubicfeet (TCF). This estimate doubled from 2010 to 2011 and is expected to continue to grow withadditional resource information. Annual shale gas production in the US increased almost five-fold, from 1.0 to 4.8 trillion cubic feet between 2006 and 2010. The percentage of contribution tothe total natural gas supply grew to 23% in 2010; it is expected to increase to 46% by 2035. Withthese dramatic increases in resource estimates and production rates, shale gas is widelyconsidered a "game changer" in the energy picture for US.Most would consider this greatly increased availability of natural gas as a highly favorabledevelopment for the public interest. Yet a number of controversies have emerged that must beresolved in order for the full benefit of shale gas to be fully realized. The US and the world are ingreat need of the energy from shale gas resources. In particular, the energy security of the US isgreatly enhanced by the full availability of shale gas. At the same time, the resource must bedeveloped with due care for human health and the environment. Meeting these requirements –and addressing controversies – requires carefully-crafted policies and regulations to enhance thepublic interest in shale gas development.The Energy Institute at The University of Texas at Austin has funded the initiative leading to thisreport to promote shale gas policies and regulations that are based on facts – that are wellgrounded in scientific understanding – rather than claims or perceptions. The initiative is focusedon three of the principal shale gas areas of the US – the Barnett shale in Texas, the Haynesvilleshale in East Texas and Louisiana, and the Marcellus shale in several states in the eastern US. 4
  • 6. The overall approach of the initiative was to develop a solid foundation for fact-based regulationby assessing media coverage and public attitudes, reviewing scientific investigations ofenvironmental impacts, and summarizing applicable state regulations and regulatoryenforcement. The results are oriented toward energy policy makers in both the public and privatesectors – legislators and their staff, state and federal regulators, energy company executives, andnon-governmental organizations.The findings of this initiative have been developed from the professional opinions of a team ofenergy experts primarily from The University of Texas at Austin. The team was established toincorporate different perspectives and includes representatives from: • UT Jackson School of Geosciences • UT Bureau of Economic Geology • University of Tulsa College of Law (Team member now at Florida State University) • UT School of Communications • UT Energy InstituteThe team consists of Senior Participants who are faculty members or research scientistsconducting state-of-the-art energy research in their respective fields. Staff of the EnvironmentalDefense Fund (EDF) have participated as full members of the project team by assisting withplanning the project and providing expert review of the White Papers and project report.To accomplish the objectives of this initiative, the Senior Participants prepared a set of WhitePapers covering the major topics relevant to fact-based shale gas regulation: • News Coverage and Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing • Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development • Regulation of Shale Gas Development • State Enforcement of Shale Gas Development RegulationsThe White Papers have been consolidated into the project report. This Summary of Findingsprovides the highlights of the report for ease of reference by policymakers. The findings arepresented for each of the four topical areas and are derived almost entirely from the respectivesections. In many cases, almost the exact wording, as well as references to sources, are utilizeddirectly without attribution. 5
  • 7. Natural gas resources – and shale gas specifically – are essential to the energy security of the USand the world. Realization of the full benefit of this tremendous energy asset can only comeabout through resolution of controversies through effective policies and regulations. Fact-basedregulation and policies based on sound science are essential for achieving the twin objectives ofshale gas resource availability and protection of human health and the environment. 6
  • 8. 2 Summary of FindingsThe findings of this exploration of shale gas regulation are summarized starting with an overviewof shale gas followed by a description of media coverage and public perception of itsdevelopment. The science of shale gas impacts is then reviewed, and the regulatory framework –and the enforcement of regulations – are described. Finally, the compiled results of theinvestigation are interpreted for future fact-based regulation of shale gas development.Shale gas is considered an unconventional gas resource because in conventional exploration anddevelopment it is understood that natural gas originates in shale as a "source rock" but that itmust migrate into porous and permeable formations (termed "reservoirs"), such as sandstones, inorder to be produced economically. Shale gas production involves going directly to the sourcerock to access the resource. Such production from shale units was not considered economicallyfeasible before application and refinement of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.Shale units capable of producing natural gas in large quantities are found in five regions of thecontinental US. They are shown below with the shale plays and percent of US resources: • Northeast: primarily the Marcellus (63%) • Gulf Coast: Haynesville, Eagle Ford (13%) • Southwest: Barnett and Barnett-Woodford (10%) • Mid-Continent: Fayetteville, Woodford (8%) • Rocky Mountain: primarily Mancos and Lewis (6%)The use of hydraulic fracturing to increase production from conventional oil and gas wells grewrapidly starting in the late 1940s and continues to be used routinely for reservoir stimulation.Since its initiation, hydraulic fracturing has been used to stimulate approximately a million oiland gas wells. Improvements in horizontal drilling technologies, such as downhole drillingmotors and telemetry equipment, led to its increased application in conventional drilling startingin the early 1980s. A partnership between agencies of the US government, a gas industryconsortium, and private operators beginning in the 1970s led to the development of horizontaldrilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, which were critical to economic production of shale 7
  • 9. gas. The development efforts of Mitchell Energy Corporation in the Barnett shale in Texasduring the 1980s and 1990s were critical in the commercial success of shale gas production.Shale gas has become embroiled in controversy over alleged impacts on public health and theenvironment. Some segments of the public have become deeply suspicious of the veracity andmotives of gas companies. These suspicions were intensified by the natural gas producers andgas field service companies initially refusing to disclose the chemical makeup of fluids used toenhance hydraulic fracturing. Many outside observers have concluded that it is “likely”, “highlylikely” or “definitively proven” that shale gas extraction is resulting in widespread contaminationof groundwater in the US. For example 1, one study of the impacts of shale gas exploitation in theUS asserted that “there is considerable anecdotal evidence from the US that contamination ofboth ground and surface water has occurred in a range of cases”. In another example, a universityprofessor stated in a written submission to the EPA that “Shale gas development clearly has thepotential to contaminate surficial groundwater with methane, as shown by the large number ofincidences of explosions and contaminated wells in Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Ohio in recentyears.” and that “… shale gas development has clearly contaminated groundwater and drinkingwater wells with methane…”.The response from the gas industry and its supporters has generally been denial – not only thatany such problems exist but also that if they did exist they are not real risks. For example 2, oneindustry website denied that the migration of fracturing fluid underground is among the“environmental and public health risks” of hydraulic fracturing and shale development. Inanother example, a university professor who is a shale gas proponent told a CongressionalCommittee that “the hydraulic fracturing process is safe, already well regulated by the variousStates” and that “the hysterical outcry over this process is completely unjustified”.The debate between protagonists and antagonists of shale gas development has in some casesbecome strident and acrimonious. Negative perceptions and political consequences have led to1 The examples cited are from the report section on Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development.2 The examples cited are from the report section on Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development. 8
  • 10. the prohibition of shale gas development in a number of instances, at least temporarily.Realization on the part of all stakeholders of the large national energy security and other benefitsof shale gas resource – when developed with adequate protection of public health and theenvironment – may provide "common cause" for seeking solutions.The most rational path forward is to develop fact-based regulations of shale gas developmentbased on what is currently known about the issues and, at the same time, continue research whereneeded for information to support controls in the future. Additional or improved controls mustnot only respond to the issues of controversy, but also address the full scope of shale gasdevelopment. Priorities must be set on the most important issues as well as on publicperceptions. The path ahead must take advantage of the substantial body of policies andregulations already in place for conventional oil and gas operations. Enforcement of current andfuture regulations must also be ensured to meet the twin objectives of protection of environmentand other resources and gaining public acceptance and support.2.1 Media Coverage and Public PerceptionAll six shale gas areas were assessed for media coverage. Public perception was determined forthe Barnett Shale area.2.1.1 Media CoverageMedia coverage of hydraulic fracturing, a critical and distinctive component of shale gasdevelopment, was assessed for tonality (negative or positive) and reference to scientific research.The assessment covered the period from June 2010 to June 2011 and included three areas: • Barnett shale area (Dallas, Tarrant, and Denton counties, Texas) • Haynesville shale area (Shreveport, Louisiana) • Marcellus shale area (six states)The six Marcellus locations were Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh), New York (Buffalo), West Virginia(Charleston), Maryland (Hagerstown), Ohio (Cleveland), and Virginia (Roanoke). Four types ofmedia – newspapers (national and metropolitan), television (national and local), radio (national 9
  • 11. and local), and online (Google News) – were included using searches for keywords for hydraulicfracturing in 14 groups as follows: Well Blowout Pipeline Leaks Water Well Contamination Regulatory Enforcement Frac Fluid (and Frack Fluid) Local Government Response Surface Spills or Accidental Release Public Interest and Protest Groups Flow-Back Water Barnett Shale Groups Water Disposal Wells Wyoming Groups Atmospheric Emissions and Air Quality Marcellus GroupMedia coverage of shale gas development was assessed in the Marcellus, Haynesville, andBarnett shale areas. The analysis of the tonality of articles and broadcasts included 13newspapers (three national and 10 metropolitan), 26 broadcast media (seven national and 18metropolitan television stations and one national radio station), and one online news source.For the nation as a whole, the attitudes were found to be uniformly about two-thirds negative. Negative Neutral Positive National Newspapers (3) 64% 25% 12% Metropolitan Newspapers (10) 65% 23% 12% National Television & Radio (7) 64% 19% 18% Metropolitan Television (18) 70% 27% 3% Online News (1) 63% 30% 7%The local media coverage for each of the shale areas shows similarity to the national results forthe Barnett and Marcellus shale areas; the Haynesville area may be anomalous because only onenewspaper and one television source were available. Barnett Shale Area Negative Neutral Positive Newspapers (3) 79% 6% 16% Television (6) 70% 30% 0% Marcellus Shale Area Newspapers (6) 67% 25% 8% Television (11) 74% 20% 6% Haynesville Shale Area Newspapers (1) 8% 46% 46% Television (1) 0% 100% 0% 10
  • 12. With respect to reference to scientific research, the search found that few articles referencedresearch on the topic of hydraulic fracturing: Percent Referencing Scientific Research Newspaper Articles 18% Television Reports 25% Radio Coverage 15% Online Coverage 33%2.1.2 Public Perception and KnowledgePublic perception of hydraulic fracturing was assessed specifically in the Barnett shale areautilizing an online survey method that included 75 questions in six categories: Thoughts about hydraulic fracturing Perceptions about hydraulic fracturing Knowledge of hydraulic fracturing Behaviors Media use DemographicsThe area included was expanded to 26 counties in Texas, and the survey included almost 1500respondents. The results of the survey indicate a generally positive attitude toward hydraulicfracturing, with more favorable responses for the following descriptors: good for the economy,important for US energy security useful, important, effective, valuable, and productive. Attitudeswere neutral to slightly positive as indicated by response to several descriptors for hydraulicfracturing: importance for US energy security, safety, beneficial or good, wise, and helpful.There was a more negative attitude, however, about environmental concerns. Hydraulicfracturing was felt to be bad for the environment by about 40% of the respondents. Another 44%were neutral and only 16% were positive.With respect to knowledge of hydraulic fracturing, many respondents were found to have somegeneral knowledge about the process of hydraulic fracturing, but they tend to lack anunderstanding of regulation and the cost-benefit relationship of production: • Most respondents overestimate the level of hydraulic fracturing regulation; for example, 71% were not aware that the Railroad Commission does not regulate how close a gas well can be drilled to a residential property. 11
  • 13. • Many respondents (76%) overestimate annual water consumption for shale gas usage and underestimate (75%) the amount of electricity generated from natural gas. • Most generally understand the process of fracturing and gas development surrounding the fracturing of wells, but the scope and technical aspects of fracturing are less well understood. For example, 49% were unaware of proppants, and 42% overestimated scientific evidence surrounding the issue of hydraulic fracturing and water contamination. • Knowledge of policy issues related to groundwater contamination, such as the disclosure of chemicals used in fracturing and active groups affiliated with groundwater issues, was high. • Knowledge of the occurrence of well blowouts in hydraulic fracturing was high (73%), as well as the impact of blowouts comparison to surface spills (72%). And 54% understand the frequency that blowouts have occurred in the Barnett shale.Hydraulic fracturing knowledge was also assessed for the following five areas: • Awareness of Hydraulic Fracturing. 50% of the respondents consider themselves to be somewhat aware or very aware hydraulic fracturing. The other 50% were not very aware or were not aware at all. • Concern about Water Quality. 35% indicated they were very concerned, and 40% were somewhat concerned. 24% were not very concerned or not at all concerned. • Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing. Regarding whether state and national officials are doing enough to require disclosure, 12% thought that the officials are doing everything they should, and 32% indicated that officials were doing some of what they should. 47% indicated not as much as should be done was being done. 9% thought that nothing at all was being done. • Message to Politicians. When asked about relative priorities of energy production on the one hand and public health and the environment on the other, 67% indicated higher priority on public health and the environment. • Americas Future Energy Production. When asked to prioritize between meeting energy needs (and override concerns about water shortages and pollution) on the one hand and 12
  • 14. focusing on energy sources that require the least water and minimal water pollution impacts on the other hand, 86% placed higher priority on second choice.The survey also included an assessment of the degree of willingness to get involved incommunity efforts, such as organizing, protesting, calling legislators, and petitioning. The resultsindicate that people are either undecided or ambivalent, or they sense two equal points of viewand aren’t sure which one to accept. It also appears that respondents sense that it is not desirableto get involved – they are mostly unwilling to participate in any events in support of or againsthydraulic fracturing. This could be related to their ambiguous attitudes. 13
  • 15. 2.2 Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas DevelopmentShale gas development, as with all types of resource utilization, should take place with adequateprotective measures for human health and the environment. Although many of the shale gascontroversies have arisen over concerns about adverse impacts of hydraulic fracturing, all phasesof shale gas operations and their potential impact should be addressed. The various phases of theshale gas development life cycle and their associated issues have been organized for theassessment as follows: • Drill Pad Construction and Operation • Hydraulic Fracturing and Flowback Water Management • Groundwater Contamination • Blowouts and House Explosions • Water Consumption and Supply • Spill Management and Surface Water Protection • Atmospheric Emissions • Health EffectsThese shale gas phases and their impacts have been assessed based on a review of scientific andother literature on shale gas development.2.2.1 Drill Pad Construction and OperationDuring the construction phase for a well pad and associated infrastructure such as unimproved orgravel roads, the quality of surface water resources may be impacted by runoff, particularlyduring storm events. Soil erosion and transport of sediment into streams and other water bodiesmust be managed not only to protect water quality but also to prevent damage to ecologicalhabitats. During both construction and operation, protection must also be provided against leaksand spills of oil and grease, VOCs, and other contaminants.Regulations under the Clean Water Act require Storm Water Management Plan (SWMPs) toprotect water quality during high precipitation events. The requirements of an SWMP may nothighly specific but instead call for Best Management Practices (BMPs), which include erosionand sediment control measures such as seeding, filter fences, terraces, check dams, and strawbales. Studies of sediment yields from well pad sites during storm events indicate a comparable 14
  • 16. yield to typical construction sites – from 15 to 40 tons per hectare per year. The US DOENational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) sponsors a wide range of research into waterquality and ecological impacts and mitigative measures for drill pads and access roads, includingimproved road designs, impacts on sensitive birds, and impacts on wildlife in streams(particularly large invertebrates).Shale gas development will affect forests and ecological habitat at a large scale as well. Studiesof development in the Marcellus shale area indicate that two thirds of well pads will beconstructed in forest clearings, resulting in the clearing of 34,000 to 83,000 acres for pads and anadditional 80,000 to 200,000 acres of habitat impacts from pads and associated roadinfrastructure.2.2.2 Hydraulic Fracturing and Groundwater ContaminationOf all the issues that have arisen over shale gas development, hydraulic fracturing and itsclaimed effects on groundwater are without doubt the most contentious. The term has becomesuch a lightning rod that it is equated in the eyes of many with the entire cycle of shale gasoperations – from drilling to fracturing, completion, and production. Many allegations have beenmade about contamination of groundwater caused by hydraulic fracturing, with particularemphasis on impacts on water wells. A contributing factor to the level of controversy may wellbe the location of portions of shale gas plays in proximity to urban centers and other highlydensely populated areas, resulting in closer contact with the general public than in previous in oiland gas operations.The concerns over hydraulic fracturing and related activities have a number of dimensions, butthey can be summed up with a few relevant questions: 1. Does the composition of additives to the fracturing fluid pose extraordinary risk drinking water? 2. Does fracturing fluid escape from the shale formation being treated and migrate to aquifers? 3. Are claims of hydraulic fracturing impacts on water wells valid? 4. Does the flowback and produced water after fracturing have a negative impact? 5. Does hydraulic fracturing lead to well blowouts and house explosions? 15
  • 17. The last two questions are addressed in subsequent sections of this Summary of Findings.Fracturing Fluid AdditivesThe overall composition of the fluid used for hydraulic fracturing varies among companies andthe properties of the shale being treated. In general the fluid is about 90% water, 9.5% proppantparticles, and 0.5% chemical entities (the latter percentage is variable but is less than 1%). Theadditives have a number of purposes, including reducing friction (as the fluid is injected), biocide(to prevent bacterial growth), scale inhibition (to prevent mineral precipitation), corrosioninhibition, clay stabilization (to prevent swelling of expandable clay minerals), gelling agent (tosupport proppants), surfactant (to promote fracturing), and cleaners. Estimates of the actualchemicals utilized range as high as 2500 service company products containing 750 chemicalcompounds.The detailed composition of the additives has been controversial because until recently thecompanies that manufacture fracturing fluid components have insisted that the exact compositionwas proprietary. But over the last two years, voluntary disclosures and state-based disclosurelaws (e.g., Texas) have resulted in increased openness on the details of the composition of thechemical components of fracturing fluids. In spite of the much broader disclosure of theingredients of the additives, there is not yet a clear understanding of what are the key chemicalsof concern for environmental toxicity or their chemical concentration in the injected fluid.The Waxman Committee Report 3 is the most comprehensive publicly available study of thechemical makeup of additives used in hydraulic fracturing fluids. Many of the chemicals listedare no longer in use. The report indicates that from 2005 to 2009, some 95 products containing13 different carcinogens were utilized in hydraulic fracturing. Four compounds – 2-BE (asurfactant), naphthalene, benzene, and acrylamide (or polyacrylamide) – were singled out in thisreport for special emphasis. As context for the analysis of the impact of these compounds, itshould be noted that all four are widely used in the manufacture and use of many commercialproducts and other applications.3 See Section 2 of the full report for the Waxman Report reference. 16
  • 18. 2-BE (noted in the report for destruction of red blood cells and dangerous to the spleen, liver,and bone marrow) is widely used in many commercial products, such as solvents, paints,polishes, pesticides, household cleaners, and brake fluids. As a result of the production and useof 2-BE, it is now widely dispersed in a natural environment. In Canada alone, for example, 6100tonnes of 2-BE were sold in 1996 as part of consumer products or for commercial uses. 2-BE ishighly biodegradable, and in any case it is being replaced in hydraulic fracturing with a newproduct having low toxicity and with properties requiring use of a much lower volume ofproduct.Benzene (a known human carcinogen) and naphthalene (a probable human carcinogen) are alsowidely distributed in modern society. Naphthalene, for example, is a major component ofmothballs and toilet bowl deodorizers. It is relatively biodegradable (half-life of a few weeks insediment). Exposures to benzene take place through use of consumer products and in a numberof workplace environments, as well as from fumes from gasoline, glues, solvents, and somepaints. Cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke are significant sources of benzene exposure,accounting for about 50% of benzene exposure in the general population of the US.PAM (polyacrylamide, which is confused with acrylamide in the Waxman report) is widely usedas a consumer product – such as non-stick spray or frying pans, biomedical applications,cosmetics, and textiles – as well as other applications such as flocculants, thickening agents, andsoil conditioners. Although some risk assessment research has been done for severalenvironmental applications of PAM, it has generally been assumed that PAM is safe.Although the release of more of these chemicals, which are used for many applications, into theenvironment by hydraulic fracturing is not necessarily totally acceptable, their use should beevaluated in the framework of other broad uses and environmental releases as well as the depthof release, which is typically several thousand feet below the surface.Migration of Fracture Fluids to AquifersClosely related to the concerns about the chemicals in hydraulic fracturing fluid additives areallegations that the fluids are not contained in the shale being fractured but instead escape andcause groundwater contamination. The route of escape may be through propagation of induced 17
  • 19. fractures out of the target zone and into aquifers, intersection of induced fractures with naturalfracture zones that lead to aquifers, through abandoned and improperly plugged oil and gaswells, or upward in the well bore through the annulus between the borehole and the casing.However, there is at present little or no evidence of groundwater contamination from hydraulicfracturing of shales at normal depths 4. No evidence of chemicals from hydraulic fracturing fluidhas been found in aquifers as a result of fracturing operations. As noted in a subsequent section,it appears that the risk of such chemical additives is greater from surface spills of undilutedchemicals than from actual fracturing activities.Although claims have been made that "out-of-zone" fracture propagation or intersection withnatural fractures, could occur, this study found no instances where either of these has actuallytaken place. In the long term after fracturing is completed, the fluid flow is toward (not awayfrom) the well as gas enters the well bore during production. Some allegations indicate arelatively small risk to water supplies from individual well fracturing operations, but that a largenumber of wells (in the Marcellus shale) has a higher likelihood of negative impacts. However,the evidence for this risk is not clearly defined.Much of the concern is for migration of natural gas through unplugged abandoned oil and gaswells is for natural gas and the risk of house explosions and methane contamination of waterwells, which are addressed in subsequent sections. The issue of well integrity and potentialleakage upward around the well casing is connected to well blowouts and water well impacts bynatural gas, which are also addressed below.Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Water WellsMany allegations have been made by residents in shale gas areas of impacts on water wells byshale gas development activities. Claims of water well impacts have been among the mostprominent of the shale controversies. The majority of the claims involve methane, chemicalconstituents (iron, manganese, etc.) and physical properties such as color, turbidity, and odor.4 Apparently in some cases, such as the Pavilion area, Wyoming, fracturing has been performed at depths shallowerthan normal for shale gas wells, which are typically more than 2,000 or 3,000 feet deep. 18
  • 20. These properties and constituents in many cases were present in water wells before shale gasdevelopment began, but often there is insufficient baseline (pre-drilling) sampling or monitoringto establish the impacts of drilling, fracturing, and other operations.Iron and manganese are common naturally-occurring constituents in groundwater that are higherin concentration in some aquifers than others. Particularly in areas underlain by gas-producingshales, methane migrates out of the shales under natural conditions and moves upward throughoverlying formations, including water-bearing strata (aquifers). Such naturally-occurringmethane in water wells has been a problem in shale gas areas for many years or decades beforeshale gas drilling began.It appears that many of the water quality changes observed in water wells in a similar time frameas shale gas operations may be due to mobilization of constituents that were already present inthe wells by energy (vibrations and pressure pulses) put into the ground during drilling and otheroperations rather than by hydraulic fracturing fluids or leakage from the well casing. As thevibrations and pressure changes disturb the wells, accumulated particles of iron and manganeseoxides, as well as other materials on the casing wall and well bottom, may become agitated intosuspension causing changes in color (red, orange or gold), increasing turbidity, and release ofodors.None of the water well claims involve hydraulic fracturing fluid additives, and none of theseconstituents has been found by chemical testing of water wells. The finding of acrylonitrile in awater well in West Virginia resulted in major concerns about its potential source in hydraulicfracturing fluid. However, no evidence has been found that this compound has ever been used infracturing fluid additives.The greatest potential for impacts from a shale gas well appears to be from failure of the wellintegrity, with leakage into an aquifer of fluids that flow upward in the annulus between thecasing and the borehole. Well integrity issues resulting in leakage can be divided into twocategories. In annular flow, fluids move up the well bore, traveling up the interface between therock formation and cement or between the cement and the casing. Leak flow is flow in a radialdirection out of the well and into the formation. In general, a loss of well integrity and associated 19
  • 21. leakage has been the greatest concern for natural gas – leading to home explosions as describedin a subsequent section.2.2.3 Flowback and Produced Water ManagementAfter hydraulic fracturing has been accomplished in a shale gas well, the fluid pressure isrelieved and a portion of the injected fluid returns to the well bore as "flowback" water, which isbrought to the surface for treatment, recycling, and/or disposal. The fluid withdrawn from thewell actually consists of a mixture of the flowback water and saline water from the shaleformation, which is referred to as" produced" water. As withdrawal proceeds, the fluid becomesmore saline as the relative contribution of produced water to the flow increases. The point intime when produced water dominates the flow has been a subject of controversy.The amount of injected fluid returned as flowback ranges widely – from 20% to 80% – due tofactors that are not well understood. The ratio of ultimate water production after fracturing to thevolume of fracturing fluid injected varies widely in the different shale areas – Barnett (3.1),Haynesville (0.9), Fayetteville (0.25), and Marcellus (0.15). The return of hydraulic fracturingfluid is important because as recycling increases in the industry a higher rate of return reducesthe water requirements of shale gas production. Greater emphasis is being placed on recyclingand reuse not only to reduce water requirements but also to reduce the volume of flowbackwastewater that must be managed.Management of the combined flowback and produced water streams has become a major part ofthe shale gas controversy, both from the standpoint of uncontrolled releases and the treatment,recycling, and discharge of the fluid as a wastewater stream. Disposal of the flowback water hashistorically been primarily by permitted injection wells in the Barnett and Haynesville shaleareas and by discharge to publicly-owned treatment works in the Marcellus shale area.Flowback water contains some or all of the following: sand and silt particles (from the shale orreturned proppants), clay particles that remain in suspension, oil and grease from drillingoperations, organic compounds from the hydraulic fracturing fluids and the producing shale, andtotal dissolved solids (TDS) from the shale. This composition reflects the mixed origin of thefluids from hydraulic fracturing and produced shale water. The average TDS of flowback water 20
  • 22. has a considerable range for the different shale plays – 13,000 ppm for the Fayetteville, 80,000ppm for the Barnett, and 120,000 ppm for the Marcellus. But there is also considerable variationin the TDS content in wells within each shale area. For example, one study of the Marcellusshale found a range of 1850 to 345,000 and mg/L.Of the chemicals found in fluids related to shale gas development, the one that appears to be ofgreatest concern is arsenic. Although arsenic is not uncommon in domestic water wells where nohydraulic fracturing has taken place, it has become a source of strong allegations in Texas andPennsylvania. Concerns over arsenic and other contaminants and flowback water have resultedin demands for increased regulation.Although there has been considerable controversy over hydraulic fracturing fluid additives andtheir potential impact on water supplies, the potential risk of naturally-occurring contaminantslike arsenic in flowback and produced water is also a major concern. Similar concern about riskmay be associated with organic chemicals in flowback and produced water that may be presentin injected hydraulic fracturing fluids or in the formation water of the shale.2.2.4 Blowouts and House ExplosionsUnplanned releases of natural gas in the subsurface during drilling may result in a blowout of thewell or migration of gas below the surface to nearby houses, where the gas may accumulate inconcentrations high enough to cause an explosion.BlowoutsBlowouts are uncontrolled fluid releases that occur rarely during the drilling, completion, orproduction of oil and gas wells. They typically happen when unexpectedly high pressures areencountered in the subsurface or because of failure of valves or other mechanical devices.Blowouts may take place at the wellhead or elsewhere at the surface, or they may involvemovement away from the well in the subsurface. High pressures may be encountered in naturalgas in the subsurface or may be artificially induced in the well bore during hydraulic fracturing.Many blowouts happen as a result of the failure of the integrity of the casing or the cementing ofthe casing such that high-pressure fluids escape up well bore and flow into subsurface 21
  • 23. formations. Blowout preventers (BOPs) are used to automatically shut down fluid flow in thewell bores when high pressures ("kicks") are encountered, but like other mechanical devices,they been known to fail, although infrequently.Blowouts are apparently the most common of all well control problems, and they appear to beunder-reported. Data are not available on the frequency of blowouts for onshore oil and gaswells, but data from offshore wells indicate that the frequency is between 1 and 10 per 10,000wells drilled for wells that have not yet had a BOP installed. The frequency depends on whetherthe well is being drilled or completed and whether the blowout is at the surface or in thesubsurface.Surface blowouts at the wellhead are primarily a safety hazard to workers and may also result inescape of drilling fluid or formation water to nearby surface water sources. Subsurface blowoutsmay pose both safety hazards and environmental risks. The potential environmentalconsequences of a blowout depend mostly on three factors: 1) the timing of the blowout relativeto well activities (which determines the nature of the released fluid such as natural gas orpressurized fracturing fluid); 2) occurrence of the escape of containments through the surfacecasing or deep in a well; and 3) the risk receptors, such as freshwater aquifers or water wells, thatare impacted. A major problem in these events is the limited ability to discern what is happeningin the subsurface. For example, when a pressure kick causes a BOP to prevent flow fromreaching the surface, the fluid may exploit weaknesses in the casing and cement below the BOPand escape into the surrounding formations (or aquifers).Blowouts due to high gas pressure or mechanical failures happen in both conventional and shalegas development. Shale gas wells have the incremental risk of potential failures caused by thehigh pressures of fracturing fluid during hydraulic fracturing operations. Underground blowoutsoccur in both wells that had been or about to be hydraulically fractured. For example, in theBarnett shale, the Railroad Commission of Texas determined that two of 12 blowouts wereunderground, but publicly available information is insufficient to evaluate the causes orconsequences of the blowouts. 22
  • 24. An example of the environmental consequences of an underground blowout (related toconventional rather than shale gas drilling) has been reported in Louisiana, in which pressurechanges in the Wilcox aquifer caused a number of water wells around the blowout will to startspouting water. And two craters also formed around two abandoned wells near the drill site.In another incident in Ohio, again not involving shale gas drilling, high-pressure natural gas wasencountered and moved up the well bore and invaded shallow rock formations. Within a fewdays gas bubbling was observed in water wells and surface water, and the floor of a basement ina house was uplifted several inches. Over 50 families were evacuated from the area. The wellwas brought under control and capped a week later.Although the Louisiana and Ohio examples did not involve shale gas operations, they areillustrative of the types of blowout impacts that can occur when high pressure natural gas isencountered. In general, issues of blowouts – whether from high pressure natural gas or fromhigh pressure hydraulic fracturing – may be addressed most effectively through proper wellconstruction and ensuring well integrity.House ExplosionsClaims of impacts on water wells as a result of shale gas drilling have included methane as wellas chemical contaminants as described in Section 4.2. Such observations are in most cases theresult of naturally-occurring methane migration into aquifers and wells before shale gasdevelopment began. In addition to impacts on water quality in wells, claims have also been madeof home and wellhouse explosions caused by migration of natural gas from shale gas wells. Inone well-known case in Ohio, a house exploded soon after a nearby hydraulically fractured wellwas drilled. After much investigation by the regulatory agency and a private geologicalengineering consulting firm, followed by study of the case by a distinguished review committee,it was concluded that methane may have migrated to the house along shallow horizontal fracturesor bedding planes. On the other hand, it was observed that the groundwater have very low levelsof dissolved methane.Other cases of methane explosions in homes and wellhouses have been investigated in Colorado,Pennsylvania, and Texas. In some of these cases, the explosions were found caused by gas 23
  • 25. migration from hydraulically fractured wells. In general, if natural gas migrates away from ashale gas or conventional gas well, it is because well integrity has been compromised such asthrough failure of the surface casing or cement job.2.2.5 Water Requirements and SupplyWater consumption, particularly for hydraulic fracturing, is one of the most contentious issuesfor shale gas development. The drilling and fracturing of shale gas wells requires significantquantities of water for drilling mud, extraction and processing of proppant sands, testing naturalgas transportation pipelines, gas processing plants, and other uses.Although many of these requirements apply to conventional natural gas production as well asshale gas specifically, consumption is greater for hydraulic fracturing than for other uses. Thewater required to hydraulically fracture a single well has varied considerably as hydraulicfracturing of shale gas has become dominated by more complex, multi-staged horizontal wells.The average quantity of water used for a shale gas well varies somewhat by the shale gas area:Barnett (4.0 million gallons), Fayetteville (4.9 MG), Marcellus and Haynesville (5.6 MG), andEagle Ford (6.1 MG).Several metrics have been used in an attempt to quantify the significance of water used in shaleproduction, but the most popular has been the energy water intensity (volume of water used perunit of energy produced). There appears to be a consensus among shale gas researchers that thewater intensity of shale gas is relatively small compared to other types of fuels. The energy waterintensity for the Barnett, Marcellus, and Haynesville shale plays has been estimated at 1.32, 0.95,and 0.84 gallons per million BTU, respectively.The US EPA has estimated that if 35,000 wells are hydraulically fractured annually in the US,the amount of water consumed would be equivalent to that used by 5 million people.Pennsylvanias annual total water consumption is approximately 3.6 trillion gallons, of which theshale gas industry withdraws about 0.19% for hydraulic fracturing.Water for shale gas wells may be obtained from surface water (rivers, lakes, ponds), groundwateraquifers, municipal supplies, reused wastewater from industry or water treatment plants, and 24
  • 26. recycling water from earlier fracturing operations. The primary concerns – and sources ofcontroversy – are that the withdrawals will result in reduced stream flow or will depletegroundwater aquifers. Water impacts vary considerably by locations of withdrawals, and theseasonal timing of the withdrawal can be a critical difference between high impact and no impacton other users. The most reasonable approach to assessing water usage is to evaluate the impactit has on the local community and the local environment both in the short- and long-term. Animportant distinction among water sources is whether the water usage is sustainable (renewable).For example, surface-water usage is likely to be more sustainable than groundwater usage.The sources for water used for hydraulic fracturing are not well documented in most statesbecause the patchwork of agencies responsible for various water sources do not closely monitorwithdrawals or consumption. Water sources and withdrawals differ significantly for the Barnett,Haynesville, Marcellus, Fayetteville, and Eagle Ford shale areas.2.2.6 Spill Management and Surface Water ProtectionLeaks and spills associated with shale gas development may occur at the drill pad or duringtransport of chemicals and waste materials. Sources at the wellsite include the drill rig and otheroperating equipment, storage tanks, impoundments or pits, and leaks or blowouts at thewellhead. Leaks or spills may also occur during transportation (by truck or pipeline) of materialsand wastes to and from the well pad. The primary risk of uncontrolled releases is generally tosurface water and groundwater resources.On-site and off-site releases may occur because of accidents, inadequate facilities managementor staff training, or illicit dumping. Released materials include fuels, drilling mud and cuttings,and chemicals (particularly for hydraulic fracturing). Hydraulic fracturing chemicals inconcentrated form (before mixing) at the surface present a more significant risk above groundthan as a result of injection in the deep subsurface.Wastewater from flowback and produced water is typically temporarily stored in on-siteimpoundments before removal by trucks or pipeline for reuse, treatment, or disposal. Theseimpoundments may be another source of leaks or spills. Lining of pits for flowback waterdepends on company policies and regulatory requirements, which vary from state to state. 25
  • 27. Because liners may leak, releases to the subsurface may still occur, resulting in calls todiscontinue the use of pits in favor of closed-loop steel tanks and piping systems.Three characteristics of a spill generally determine the severity of its consequences – volume,degree of containment, and toxicity of the fluid. Depending on toxicity, smaller releasesgenerally have lower impact than larger spills. Effective containment is key to minimizing theimpacts on human health and the environment when a spill occurs. The more toxic the release is,the higher the risk if containment is not effective to prevent migration into exposure pathwaysthat are linked through surface water or groundwater to humans, animals, or other receptors.An important aspect of spill management is to provide secondary containment for areas of fueland fracturing fluid chemicals storage, loading and unloading areas, and other key operationalareas. Such containment prevents a spill from reaching surface water or groundwater through theuse of liners or other barriers.Little information is available on the short- or long-term consequences of surface spills.Regulatory reports on spill investigations do not necessarily include information that wouldallow evaluation of environmental damage or the effectiveness of remedial responses. Data arealso not readily available from regulatory agencies on the frequency of spills and other releases.One experiment in West Virginia involved an intentional release of about 300,000 gallons offlowback water in a mixed hardwood forest followed by observation of the effects on trees andother vegetation. Ground vegetation was found to suffer extensive damage very quickly followedby premature leaf drop from trees in about 10 days. Over two years the mortality rate for thetrees was high – greater than 50% of one species. Available data indicate that the high salinity ofthe flowback water was responsible for the underbrush and tree mortality.Advance planning to be prepared to respond to a spill is essential to minimize impacts. The mosteffective way to reduce risk of spills is to avoid the use of toxic chemicals through substitution ofnon-toxic substances were possible or by arranging for just-in-time delivery to reduce risks ofon-site storage. Many states require Spill Prevention Control and Contingency (SPCC) plans atwell pad sites, which specifies the best practices to be used in the event of a release. Spillmanagement and remediation should be accomplished based on contingency plans that are 26
  • 28. prepared in advance and are developed jointly with regulatory agencies and emergencyresponders. Rapid communication of that nature, volume, and toxicity of a spill is essential toeffective emergency response.2.2.7 Atmospheric EmissionsAir emissions from shale gas operations occur at the drill site during drilling and fracturing andat ancillary off-site facilities such as pipelines, natural gas compressors. The onsite emissionsinclude dust, diesel fumes, fine particulate matter (PM 2.5), and methane. Air emissions havebecome a major component of the shale gas controversies.A principal concern is for shale gas emissions is related to the volatile organic carbon (VOC)compounds. Depending on the composition of the gas produced from the shale, VOCs aretypically rich in the BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylene, xylene) compounds. However, the role ofVOCs as smog precursors – they combine with NOx in the presence of sunlight to form smog –is the main source of concern with these compounds. Ozone, a primary constituent of smog, andNOx are two of the five “criteria pollutants” of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The Fort Worth area inthe Barnett shale play has been designated “non-attainment” for ozone under the CAA, whichmeans that the established standard is not met for ozone concentration in the atmosphere. Therole of VOCs in forming smog and their contribution to the elevated levels of ozone is the reasonfor the focus on VOC emissions from shale gas activities.However, the contribution of shale gas activities to ozone levels is highly controversial. Forexample, investigations in the Fort Worth area have found that most VOCs are not associatedwith natural gas production or transport. Allegations that VOC and NOx emissions from naturalgas production from Barnett shale activities play a significant role in ozone formation have beenstrongly contested. Records of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)monitoring program since 2000 actually show overall decreases in the annual averageconcentration of benzene, one of the VOCs, during the period of early shale gas development inthe Fort Worth area.Public concern over air quality and the need for more precise information led to more focusedemissions studies sponsored by local governments or private foundations. The first – and most 27
  • 29. controversial – of these studies was at DISH, Texas, where elevated levels of benzene, xylene,and naphthalene were found from a set of 24 samples and four residences. Another study in avery active area of shale gas production located about seven or eight miles from DISH found thatshale gas was responsible for less than half of the VOCs (43%) in the atmosphere, with motorvehicle emissions contributing most of the rest (45%). Modeling studies indicate that 70 to 80%of benzene is from fugitive emissions of natural gas, but that other VOC constituents are frommotor vehicle emissions.In portions of Western states such as Wyoming, air emissions from oil and gas activities are thelargest source of VOCs and related high ozone levels. In Sublette County, Wyoming, forexample, ozone levels in the winter routinely exceed the EPA 8-hour standard, resulting in airquality that is sometimes worse than in Los Angeles.Allegations that the emission of VOC constituents such as benzene in “widespread” or“prevalent” amounts in shale gas operations appear not to be supported when comparisons aremade with air quality standards or when the relative amounts are compared to other sources suchas vehicle exhausts. The relative contribution of shale gas activities in relation to conventionaloil and gas development and other sources such as vehicle exhaust emissions must be taken intoaccount in reports such as those from Wyoming and Fort Worth.Emissions of methane have caused public concerns over global climate change since methane isa strong greenhouse gas. Venting or flaring of natural gas may take place during the fracturingand flowback phase of shale gas well development. However, many operators use "greencompletions" to capture and sell rather than vent or flare methane produced with flowback water.Onsite fugitive emissions of methane may take place from other sources as well, such as pressurerelief valves of separators, condensate tanks, and produced water tanks. Although natural gas isconfined in pipelines from production wells to the point of sale, methane emissions may alsooccur from offsite gas processing equipment and compressors notwithstanding the economicmotive to minimize loss of natural gas. It is not known in the public realm the extent to whichBest Management Practices (e.g. low-emissions completions, low-bleed valves) result in reducedmethane and fugitive losses of methane. 28
  • 30. 2.2.8 Health EffectsPotential health effects have emerged as a primary area of controversy for shale gas operations.Several chemicals associated with shale gas wells and natural gas infrastructure have thepotential for negative impact on human health. Chief among these are benzene and other VOCcompounds as well as endocrine disruptors. The main sources are air emissions (described inSection 4.7 above) and surface and underground releases of fluids such as hydraulic fracturingfluids and flowback and produced water. Claims of shale gas effects include leukemia and otherforms of cancer, headaches, diarrhea, nosebleeds, dizziness, blackouts, and muscle spasms.In order for health effects to be determined for shale gas activities (as for other industrialoperations), not only must the types and toxicity of releases be known, but also the chain ofevents from the point of release. The transport, possible attenuation, and exposure of toxicsubstances to receptors must be established in order for health risk to be evaluated. Many of thehealth effects allegations have focused on the potential toxicity of shale gas chemicals, such asVOCs and hydraulic fracturing fluids, but they provide little or no data on releases, migration, oractual exposure.A large number of the reports are anecdotal rather than the results of scientific investigation. Inmany situations, separating the health impacts of shale gas from other potential sources such assmoking, living conditions, and travel on busy streets and highways is a complex task. Oursociety faces a problem in that benzene (and other VOCs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and a variety of endocrine disruptors are widespreadpollutants in our environment. For most of the population individual exposure to benzene andother VOs compounds is dominated by exposure to tobacco smoke, highway driving, time spentin gas stations, and time spent in urban environments.Very few rigorous risk assessments of health effects of shale gas for other "upstream" oil and gasactivities have apparently been conducted. In the absence of information specifically for shalegas, reference is made to other similar operations, including refineries and chemical plants. Bothworkers and nearby populations have been the subjects of these studies. Releases of VOCs(especially benzene) and endocrine disruptors have been investigated in several studies. 29
  • 31. A short-term study of VOC levels in a sample of the population of DISH, Texas has been theonly health-related study that is focused specifically on the possible impact of shale gasextraction. Although the response to this study from hydraulic fracturing antagonists was strong,some argue that the results were interpreted in a somewhat misleading manner or were notaccurately communicated.In general, none of the studies reviewed for this initiative showed a clear link between shale gasactivities and documented adverse health effects, It may also be worth noting that the gasindustry has been using hydraulic fracturing for over 50 years, but the studies examined in thisreview did not find any direct evidence for health impacts on workers in the industry or thepublic living near oil and gas industry activity.2.2.9 Regulation or Policy Topics: Environmental Impacts • Surface disturbances during construction and operation of well pad sites and associated roads and facilities may result in soil erosion, and transport of sediment and other contaminants, particularly during storm events. Clean Water Act regulations call for preparation and implementation of Storm Water Management Plans (SWMPs) to mitigate impacts of well pad sites greater than one acre in size. • On a large scale, construction of a number of well pads in shale gas areas may result in land clearing (estimated at 34,000 to 83,000 acres) with resulting loss of forest and fragmentation of habitats. • Research is needed to assess impacts and inform regulations for individual well site construction and operations and for large-scale regional impacts of land clearing and loss of habitats. • Continued progress in the detailed disclosure of chemicals present in hydraulic fracturing fluid additives will enable a more complete analysis to be made of their potential impact and will help address public concern over their risk to water resources. • Publicly available information on the additives to date indicates that the chemicals receiving attention are widely used in commercial products and are already dispersed in the environment. • Risks of additional utilization of commonly used chemicals for hydraulic fracturing are mitigated by the fact that the depth of injection (several thousand feet) and the generally high biodegradability of the chemicals. • Claims of migration of fracturing fluids out of the target shale zone and into aquifers have not been confirmed with firm evidence. 30
  • 32. • The possible routes of escape such as induced or natural fractures or improperly plugged abandoned oil and gas wells as conduits for fracture fluid flow have not been substantiated.• Many claims of impacts on water wells by shale gas activities have been made, but none have shown evidence of chemicals found in hydraulic fluid additives.• Most claims have involved naturally-occurring groundwater constituents, such as iron and manganese, which may form particles in water wells that are released (resulting in change in color and increased turbidity in the water) as a result of vibrations and pressure pulses associated with nearby shale gas drilling operations.• Water wells in shale gas areas have historically shown high levels of naturally- occurring methane long before shale gas development began; methane observed in water wells with the onset of drilling may also be mobilized by vibrations and pressure pulses associated with the drilling.• Management of flowback water, which includes saline formation water from the shale (“produced water”), as a wastewater stream requires careful advance planning to maximize recycle and reuse and minimize the quantity of water required for fracturing and to be disposed after fracturing is completed.• Gradually increasing contribution of produced water to flowback with time after fracturing results in increasing dissolved solids and associated challenges for reuse and disposal, particularly by land application or by discharge to surface water or to a publicly-owned treatment works (both requiring a permit).• The potential risk from fracturing fluid additives in flowback water is smaller than that of naturally-occurring contaminants such as arsenic or high dissolved solids from produced water mixed with the flowback.• Unplanned releases of natural gas in the subsurface during drilling may result in a blowout of the well or migration of gas below the surface to nearby houses, where the gas may accumulate in concentrations high enough to cause an explosion. Subsurface blowouts may pose both safety hazards and environmental risks. A major problem in these events is the limited ability to discern what is happening in the subsurface.• Regulations for conventional oil and gas drilling address most issues of blowouts (such as through the use of blowout preventers) and other subsurface gas releases, primarily through provisions to ensure well integrity (especially for surface casing and cementing). But the added step in shale gas development of hydraulic fracturing through high downhole pressures may require upgrades of regulations in some states.• Escape of methane from shale gas wells as a result of loss of well integrity (surface casing and cementing) may result in migration to water wells and homes along fractures or bedding planes. Methane accumulations in basements or wellhouses may result in explosions, but the rate of occurrence of such incidences is uncertain. 31
  • 33. • Water requirements for hydraulic fracturing of shale gas wells are substantial (typically 4 to 6 million gallons per well), but the consumption may be relatively limited compared to other water users in the area. And for many shale areas, the withdrawalS may be sustainable for prolific aquifers – and particularly for surface- water supplies in high rainfall regions.• Management of leaks and spills at the well pad site and at off-site facilities such gas pipelines and compressor stations for shale gas drilling is similar to conventional gas development. But shale gas wells also make use of hydraulic fracturing fluids and associated chemical additives, and they have impoundments for storage of flowback and produced water, both of which may increase risks of spills and other releases. Chemical additives may pose a higher risk in their concentrated form while being transported or stored on-site than when they are injected into the subsurface for hydraulic fracturing.• Emissions of volatile organic carbon compounds (VOCs) are the primary area of concern for air quality, particularly in ozone non-attainment areas like Fort Worth; however, the shale gas contribution to VOC emissions is quite limited in comparison to other sources such as vehicle exhaust.• Methane releases during shale gas operations have caused concern over contribution to global climate change, since methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. However, many operators already recover most methane during "green completions". Shale gas, like natural gas in general, may be subject to more stringent controls in the future if global climate change regulations are put in place.• The primary concern for health effects of shale gas development are benzene and other VOC compounds, primarily as air emissions and from liquid sources such as flowback and produced water. Much research remains to be done on the toxicity, transport, exposure, and response of receptors to shale gas VOC emissions to verify claims of impacts on health, such as cancer, headaches, nosebleeds, and other symptoms. 32
  • 34. 2.3 Regulatory and Enforcement FrameworkEffective regulation of shale gas development must not only provide adequate protection ofhuman health and the environment, but also build upon what has been developed previously.Shale gas regulation is accomplished within a solid framework of laws and regulations that havebeen developed for conventional oil and gas over many decades. Although many of theseregulations were put in place before the advent of major shale gas production, they arenevertheless applicable.Shale gas development is regulated at almost all levels of government, but in general theprincipal regulatory authority lies with the states. Compliance with regulatory requirements forshale gas development is being accomplished in many states through additions to andmodifications of existing regulations. The regulatory framework for shale gas is described belowfor federal laws and regulations and for state, regional, and local requirements. The description isthen rounded out with an evaluation of regulatory enforcement by the states. Because theregulatory situation is similar for two similar resources – shale oil and tight gas – they areincluded in the description and analysis.2.3.1 Federal RegulationShale gas development is subject to many federal regulations (as is the case for other oil and gasoperations), but has also received exemptions from a number of regulations that normally wouldhave been applicable. Federal regulation has also led to cooperative efforts between agencies andthe private sector to optimize the effectiveness of applicable shale gas regulations. Applicable Legislation and RegulationsA number of federal laws and associated regulations apply to various phases of shale gasdevelopment.Clean Water Act (CWA). Stormwater controls aim to minimize erosion and sedimentationduring construction (including construction of oil and gas sites), and the CWA prohibits thedumping of any pollutant into U.S. waters without a permit. The EPA intends to propose CWAstandards for the treatment of wastewater from shale gas wells in 2014. 33
  • 35. Clean Air Act (CAA). Under recently-proposed CAA regulations, shale gas operators will haveto control volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from flowback during the fracturingprocess by using a VOC capture techniques called “green completion.”Endangered Species Act (ESA). Under the ESA, operators must consult with the Fish andWildlife Service and potentially obtain an incidental “take” permit if endangered or threatenedspecies will be affected by well development.Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). Operators will be strictly liable for any harm to migratorybirds under the MBTA and therefore must ensure that maintenance of surface pits or use of rigsdoes not attract and harm these birds.Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Occupational Safetyand Health Act (OSHA). Under EPCRA and OSHA, operators must maintain material safetydata sheets (MSDSs) for certain hazardous chemicals that are stored on site in thresholdquantities.Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).Under CERCLA, operators must report releases of hazardous chemicals of threshold quantitiesand may potentially be liable for cleaning up spills. Exemptions from Federal RegulationsIn addition to having to comply with several federal requirements, shale gas developers, likeother oil and gas operators, enjoy several federal exemptions.Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).Most wastes (“exploration and production” or “E&P” wastes) from fracturing and drilling areexempt from the hazardous waste disposal restrictions in Subtitle C of the RCRA, meaning thatstates – not the federal government – have responsibility for disposal procedures for the waste.Although Subtitle C of RCRA originally covered oil and gas wastes – thus requiring thatoperators follow federally-established procedures for handling, transporting, and disposing of thewastes – in the 1980s Congress directed the EPA to prepare a report on oil and gas wastes anddetermine whether they should continue to be federally regulated. In its report, the EPA noted 34
  • 36. that some of the wastes were hazardous but ultimately determined that due to the economicimportance of oil and gas development and state controls on the wastes, federal regulation underRCRA Subtitle C was unwarranted.The EPA did note some state regulatory deficiencies in waste control, however, and relied on thedevelopment of a voluntary program to improve state regulations. This voluntary program hassince emerged as the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations(STRONGER), a non-profit partnership between industry, nonprofit groups, and regulatoryofficials. STRONGER has developed guidelines for state regulation of oil and gas wastes,periodically reviews state regulations, and encourages states to improve certain regulations.Despite the RCRA exemption, some states treat oil and gas wastes as unique wastes under theirwaste disposal acts. Pennsylvania, for example, treats certain oil and gas wastes (includingflowback water from fracturing) as “residual” wastes under its state Solid Waste ManagementAct and has special handling and disposal requirements for these wastes. Furthermore, in allstates, non-exempt oil and gas wastes still must be disposed of in accordance with federal RCRArequirements.Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).CERCLA holds owners and operators of facilities, those who arrange for disposal of waste, andthose who accept hazardous substances for disposal liable for the costs of hazardous substanceclean-up, and the Act also requires reporting of certain hazardous waste spills. CERCLAexempts oil and natural gas from the hazardous substances that trigger these liability andreporting requirements, however. Oil and gas operators still must report spills of other hazardouswastes of a threshold quantity, however, and may ultimately be liable for clean-up of thesewastes.Clean Water Act (CWA).Typically, industrial facilities that generate stormwater runoff (as “pollutant” under the Act)must obtain a stormwater permit under the Clean Water Act for this runoff; they are required tohave a permit both for constructing the facility (at which point soil sediment may run off the site) 35
  • 37. and operating it (at which point polluted substances may continue to run off the site duringprecipitation events, for example). The Clean Water Act does not require oil and gas operators,however, to obtain a permit for uncontaminated “discharges of stormwater runoff from . . . oiland gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations.”In the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005), Congress expanded the definition of oil and gasexploration and production under the Clean Water Act – a definitional change that potentiallyallowed for the exemption of more oil and gas activity from stormwater permitting requirements.The EPA subsequently revised its regulations to exempt oil and gas construction activities fromthe NPDES stormwater permitting requirements. The 2008 Ninth Circuit case NaturalResources Defense Council v. EPA, however, vacated these regulations, and the EPA hasreinstated its prior requirements for stormwater permits along with “clarification” based onEPAct 2005.In sum, oil and gas operators must obtain a stormwater permit under the Clean Water Act for theconstruction of a well pad and access road that is one acre or greater, but they need not obtainsuch a permit for any uncontaminated stormwater from the drilling and fracturing operation.Some states and regional entities such as New York and the Delaware River Basin Commission,however, have proposed to require stormwater permitting that addresses both the constructionand operation of gas wells that are hydraulically fractured.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).Fracturing operators also are exempt from the SDWA, which requires that entities that injectsubstances underground prevent underground water pollution. The SDWA applies only to wastefrom fracturing and drilling that is disposed of in underground injection control wells; operatorsneed not obtain an SDWA underground injection control (UIC) permit for the fracturingoperation itself. If operators use diesel fuel in fracturing, however, they are not exempt fromSDWA. The EPA currently is developing UIC standards for fracturing with diesel fuel. 36
  • 38. 2.3.2 State, Regional, and Local RegulationThe primary regulatory responsibility for shale gas development is at the state level. Stateagencies both administer federal environmental regulations and write and enforce many stateregulations covering nearly all phases of oil and gas operations. The degree of local regulation,such as by municipalities, is also subject to state control. Sixteen states that have produced – orsoon will produce – shale gas are included in the scope of this investigation: Arkansas, Colorado,Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota,Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. In general, regulationsapplying to shale gas also apply to shale oil, so states producing shale oil are included in theabove list. STRONGER, as noted above, is a partnership including regulatory officials andindustry representatives that develops guidelines for state oil and gas regulations. STRONGERalso periodically reviews the regulations of individual states.An effective way of reviewing state, regional, and local regulations applying to shale gas is toconsider the stages of the shale development process. The stages of the cycle are generally asfollows: • Shale Gas Exploration • Well Pad Siting and Construction • Equipment Transport • Well Drilling and Casing • Hydraulic Fracturing • Water Supply and Consumption • Air Emissions Controls • Surface Water and Spill Management Controls • Wastewater and Solid Waste Management • Site Remediation • Groundwater Contamination 37
  • 39. State regulatory provisions, shown below, are organized according to these stages. Thedescriptions are derived from Section 5 of this report and are intended to be representative ratherthan comprehensive. Shale Gas ExplorationThe occurrence of shale gas in the US is well understood in a general way in the largesedimentary basins as described in Section 2. Additional, more detailed, delineation may berequired when a specific development project is undertaken. The seismic method of exploration,a type of geophysical technology, may be used for locating suitable shale gas targets. In theseismic method, energy is introduced into the subsurface through explosions in shallow "shotholes", by striking the ground forcefully (with a truck-mounted "thumper"), or by vibrationmethods. A portion of this energy returns to the surface after being reflected (or refracted) fromthe subsurface strata. This energy is detected by surface instruments, called geophones, and theinformation carried by the energy is processed by computers to interpret subsurface conditions.The results are then used to guide shale gas drilling locations.Exploration by seismic methods is subject to an array of safety, environmental, and relatedregulations. In many states, a permit must be obtained before seismic exploration can proceed.Some states have general environmental protection provisions, whereas others have moredetailed stipulations, such as minimum distances from springs or water wells. General protectionprovisions often stipulate prevention of environmental damage, protection of natural resourcessuch as surface water and groundwater, and restoration or prevention of impacts of large seismicequipment, such as shot hole rigs, thumpers, or vibration-inducing trucks. Minimum distances ofseismic activities from roads, residences, schools, commercial buildings, and other culturalfeatures may also be required. Safety regulations apply to the use of explosives in shot holes,such as a license for blasting. Plugging of shot holes is normally required after the survey toprevent the introduction of contaminants from the surface. Well Pad Siting and ConstructionOnce the best location for a shale gas well (or wells) has been ascertained by explorationmethods, a site for the well pad and associated facilities must be established. Besides the pad and 38
  • 40. access road, accommodation must be made for drilling mud and surface pits or containers,below-grade tanks, land application sites, trucks, and other well drilling materials. Regulationsfor drilling pad siting are designed to protect both natural resources and cultural features, such asresidences, private water wells, public water supplies, parks, and commercial property. Naturalfeatures identified for protection include streams, floodplains, wetlands, watersheds, aquifers,and similar components of the environment. The principal method of assuring protection underthe siting regulations is by designation of setbacks – minimum distances from the well pad andfacilities to the feature being protected. In some cases, buffer zones are established within whichthe type of shale gas activity allowed is designated.After a suitable location has been found (and a permit obtained, if required), the well pad, accessroad, and associated facilities are constructed and operated. Often, the well pad is used fordrilling a number of individual wells that extend in different directions in the subsurface. Thewell pad typically requires about 3.5 acres and the access road 0.1 to 2.8 acres, depending onlength.One of the most important regulatory provisions, besides the setback as described above, isstormwater permitting as well as other Clean Water Act requirements. In general, Storm WaterManagement Plans (SWMPs) are required when a well pad site is greater than one acre in size.In many states, a "general industrial" stormwater protection permit is issued, which is based on"best management practices" (BMPs). The general industrial permit requires stormwater controlsthat are not individualized by site. The BMPs help control erosion and sedimentation during padand access road construction and are generally consistent among the states.Some states also have regulations for wildlife protection, which in many cases call for a BMP tominimize surface disturbances and prevent habitat fragmentation. And some states call for use ofnetting over pits to protect birds and may include a reminder of requirements of the EndangeredSpecies Act where applicable. Certain regional jurisdictions, such as the Delaware River BasinCommission, have proposed to regulate many stages of shale gas development, includingrequirement for a Non-Point Source Pollution Control Plan. 39
  • 41. Equipment TransportDuring construction of the well pad, access road, and other drilling facilities, truck traffic is oftensubstantially increased. Regulatory and other responses to increased traffic typically take place atthe local rather than the state level. The increased traffic, along with the large size of the trucksand equipment that is being transported, gives rise not only to crowded roads (possiblynecessitating road expansion), but also to greater stress on the roads and associated higher costsof road repair and maintenance. One estimate indicates a need for 100 to 150 truckloads ofhydraulic fracturing equipment and another 100 to 1000 loads for the fracturing fluid (whentrucks rather than pipelines are used) and sand for proppants. In some cases, operators arerequired to post bonds to help deal with rises in heavy traffic.Some communities require operators to enter into a road repair or maintenance agreement withthe city. Such agreements designate routes to be used in addition to bonding requirements, howoperators must repair damage, and damage for which the city will not be liable. Some cities alsorequire operators to pay road remediation assessments to cover the increased costs of repairs. Well Drilling and CasingSome of the most detailed state oil and gas regulations cover the well drilling and casing stages.There is considerable variation among states in the current regulatory provisions. In general, theprimary emphasis is on surface casing integrity, cementing of the casing, and blowoutprevention. Many of the existing regulations address well construction for conventional oil andgas operations, but some states are updating provisions specifically for shale gas drilling. Theregulations address both short-term integrity during well drilling and formation fracturing andlong-term operation of a producing well.Protection of aquifers as sources of fresh water is the main objective of surface casing andcementing requirements. Such protection is provided from drilling fluids, methane leakageduring drilling, and fracturing fluids during hydraulic fracturing. These provisions include depthof placement of surface casing, strength of the casing, and placement and strength of the cementthat is injected around the surface casing. In addition to these requirements, a well log ("bondlog") may be specified as a check that sufficient integrity is accomplished. 40
  • 42. Regulations for blowout prevention cover both losses of control at the wellhead and in thesubsurface and both the drilling and hydraulic fracturing phases. The depth that surface casing isrequired to be set may be specified in feet for all wells or on a well-by-well basis to account forsite-specific aquifer conditions. Some states call for detailed pressure testing of the surfacecasing and cement jobs. Many oil and gas producing states have blowout prevention regulationsin place for drilling into formations with unknown or abnormal pressures. Prevention ofblowouts during the hydraulic fracturing phase is described in a previous section. Hydraulic Fracturing.Regulations for hydraulic fracturing have been put in place in many states for conventional oiland gas wells, but they also apply to hydraulic fracturing for shale gas. Such regulationsemphasize the proper function of processes and equipment with little direct reference togroundwater or surface-water protection. A few states (e.g., Oklahoma, West Virginia) havewater pollution prevention requirements for oil and gas wells in general, but they are not specificto hydraulic fracturing. These general provisions do not provide specific guidance for operators,but may be used in litigation if pollution occurs.Some states require notification of the responsible agency when hydraulic fracturing is plannedso that operations can be observed or supervised by the agency. STRONGER recommends thatagencies require prior notification and follow up reporting of hydraulic fracturing operations.One of the primary issues of aquifer protection is the existence of old, improperly plugged oiland gas wells that may provide conduits from the target fracture zone upward to aquifers.Another risk that must be managed is underground blowouts that may occur during the high-pressure phase of hydraulic fracturing, which is addressed in another section.Most relevant regulations for hydraulic fracturing focus on the chemicals used, but the mainfocus is not so much on water quality protection as it is on human exposure and medicalresponses. Some of the regulations apply to chemical spills, with a focus on the transport ofchemicals as addressed by the US Department of Transportation as well as state-level agencies.Regulations for chemical spills are covered in another section below. 41
  • 43. Disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing has become an issue in many states, but thefocus of current regulations is on human exposure and meeting requirements of federal laws(EPCRA, OSHA). Many of the chemicals are required to have Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDSs) available at the point of storage and use. Water Consumption and SupplyShale gas development has a higher water requirement than most conventional oil and gasdrilling because of the need for large quantities of water for hydraulic fracturing. A shale gaswell may require as much as 300,000 gallons per day per well, and a total fracturing treatmentmay require up to seven million gallons (or more) of water. The amount of water used in relationto other consumptive uses in a shale gas area has become a major component of the shale gascontroversy, particularly in areas of drought, such as Texas in recent years.Water supplies for fracturing operations may come from surface water, groundwater, or acombination of both. Surface-water withdrawals are subject to the availability of water rights asdetermined by water law, a form of common law of the various states. Water rights are grantedin the eastern states generally under riparian water law, whereas such rights are generally subjectto prior appropriation rights in the western states. Water rights for shale gas are determinedprimarily by ownership of land adjacent to the surface water source under the riparian rightsdoctrine. Under the prior appropriation doctrine such rights depend on availability of water afterthe needs of earlier water rights holders have been met.In many states, the straightforward concepts of the two common law doctrines have beensupplemented by statutory law, which may have additional requirements such as permits forwithdrawal or reporting of amounts withdrawn (or both). In some drainage basins, additionalcontrols of water withdrawal and use are imposed by non-state Congressionally-mandatedorganizations, such as the Delaware River Basin Commission and Susquehanna River BasinCommission.Regulation and control of groundwater withdrawals are also quite variable from state to state andmust be ascertained by shale gas operators to be assured of water availability from these sources.In some states, for example, groundwater is owned by the surface owner and subject only to 42
  • 44. reasonable use requirements (if at all), whereas in other states groundwater is a public assetowned by the state and subject to permits from state agencies for withdrawal of water.Some states have responded to the water needs of shale gas drilling with added or modified wateruse requirements. These changes focus on the processes of allocating water rights, grantingpermits for withdrawal, and reporting of amounts withdrawn. Some requirements address thewater quality implications of large water withdrawals and regulate on the basis of need tomaintain baseline water quality standards or to protect riparian ecosystems. In states where thisconnection is made, additional regulatory authorities, such as traditional state water qualityagencies, many enter the picture for securing water for share gas drilling.Some states are beginning to require increased reuse and recycling of flowback and producedwater not only to reduce water consumption but also to moderate wastewater disposal impacts. Air Emissions ControlsShale gas development is subject to both federal and state air emissions regulations establishedby the Clean Air Act (CAA) and state-level legislation. Many of the CAA provisions aredelegated from the US EPA to the various states’ environmental agencies. The major airpollutant sources of shale gas drilling and fracturing are the drilling and associated equipment,tanks and pits for flowback water, flared gas, and methane sources at the wellhead and frompipelines and compressors.Oil and gas operations, and shale gas in particular, are subject to regulations for “criteriapollutants” (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, andlead) and "hazardous air pollutants" (HAPs, including 187 compounds). However, theseregulations focus on "major" sources, which generally do not include oil and gas operations forthe sources listed above specifically. If regulated at all, oil and gas sources of criteria pollutantsand HAPs fall under state minor source programs. The strictest criteria air pollutants regulationsapply to areas not meeting established maximum ambient air standards, which are referred to as"non-attainment" areas. 43
  • 45. Compressor stations are an example of an oil and gas emission source of criteria pollutants thatare subject to technology-based emission controls referred to as new source performancestandards (NSPS). Volatile organic carbon (VOC) compounds is another type of pollutant that issubject to regulation under the CAA. The US EPA has proposed VOC emission regulations thatwould apply to hydraulic fracturing. A number of states (e.g. Colorado, Wyoming, New York)have also adopted VOC regulations that include such requirements as emissions reductions,siting stipulations (distances from buildings), and VOC capture requirements.Municipalities, including Fort Worth in the Barnett shale area, have implemented air emissionscontrols such as VOC capture requirements, reduced emissions stipulations, and exhaustmufflers. The primary sources of natural gas emissions from shale gas operations are wellheadreleases and leaks from pipelines and compressors. Although much concern has been expressedabout methane emissions as a strong greenhouse gas, regulations for its control have not beenpromulgated. Surface Water Protection and Spill Management ControlsShale gas development, like conventional oil and gas, is subject to many federal and stateregulations to protect surface-water resources from intentional discharges and unintentional spillsand other releases. The Clean Water Act (CWA) stipulates that a permit (National PollutantDischarge Elimination System, NPDES permit) must be obtained for discharges to surface water,as described in below. Stormwater runoff must also be controlled and is subject to an NPDESdischarge permit.A source of primary concern for shale gas well production is the potential for spills or otherreleases at the well pad site or during transportation of chemicals, fuels and other materials.Other potential sources of release are diesel fuel for the drilling rig and on-site equipment,storage tanks and pits that may leak or overflow, drilling mud, flowback and produced waterstorage, and hydraulic fracturing fluid. The CWA, as amended by the Oil Pollution Act (OPA)addresses spills and other accidental releases, primarily through a requirement for a SpillPrevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan for adequate responses to releases. Moststates require an SPCC plan or equivalent for oil and gas operations as well as a statewide plan 44
  • 46. for response to spills and other releases. SPCC plans include not only prevention and control, butalso reporting and cleanup requirements.When a release involves hazardous chemicals, regulations pursuant to The ComprehensiveEnvironmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) apply if the amountexceeds a threshold quantity.In most states, the provisions of these federal laws have been delegated by the US EPA to stateenvironmental regulatory agencies. These agencies are also responsible for state laws andregulations that have been prepared in addition to the federal requirements. Some states haverecently updated their laws and regulations to address spills of chemicals and other materialsspecifically related to shale gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, such as new or additionalchemicals. Wastewater and Solid Waste ManagementDisposal of liquid and solid wastes from shale gas operations is subject to a host of federal andstate regulations that apply to oil and gas operations in general as well as shale gas specifically.Disposal of drilling and fracturing wastes pose a number of potential environmental and healthrisks. Management of these wastes may be the greatest challenge of shale gas regulation by stateagencies having the responsibility. Many of the wastes are the same as or similar to those ofconventional oil and gas production, but some – notably flowback water and produced water –are somewhat unique to shale gas. Drilling fluids comprise most of the liquid wastes that are notspecific to shale gas development. Drill cuttings are the primary solid wastes produced by bothconventional and shale gas operations.Regulations for waste storage primarily address temporary pits and tanks for drilling fluids andcuttings and for flowback and produced water. The regulations include requirements for pitliners, freeboard (excess volumetric capacity), and closure, all of which have the objective ofpreventing soil and water contamination. Some states are adopting provisions for "closed loop"drilling systems, which require that drilling and fracturing wastes must be stored in tanks ratherthan pits that are more likely to leak and enter the surrounding environment. 45
  • 47. Although some states have only general requirements not to contaminate soils, surface water orgroundwater, most have specific mandates for individual waste streams. Waste disposalrequirements for drilling and hydraulic fracturing vary substantially from state to state and thetype of waste being disposed of. Wastewater disposal is primarily by underground injection inwestern and southern shale gas producing states and by discharge to publicly owned treatmentworks (POTWs) in eastern states. Federal requirements for wastewater discharge to surfacewaters and POTWs under the CWA (in the form of an NPDES permit) have been delegated tostate agencies for many shale gas producing states.Wastewater discharge to a POTW – which is necessitated by less desirable subsurface conditionsfor underground injection wells in eastern states – has become controversial and has beenprohibited by some of the shale gas producing states. Other states require pretreatment beforedischarge to a POTW. The US EPA has announced that wastewater treatment standards will bedeveloped for shale gas wastewater by 2014.In addition to administering federally delegated regulatory and permitting program, states haveadded their own restrictions on disposal. Some states, including Pennsylvania, prohibit dischargeto POTWs, and other states are reevaluating the practice of onsite land disposal of wastes.In general, increased emphasis is being placed on requirements for wastewater reduction throughrecycle and reuse of hydraulic fracturing fluids (which has the added benefit of produced waterrequirements) in a number of states.In some shale gas areas, operators manage wastes at a centralized waste disposal facility thataccepts RCRA-exempt waste from multiple well sites. These facilities may be subject to generalstate requirements such as best management practices to protect human health and theenvironment. They may also be subject to specific requirements, such as an operating plan (toaddress emergency response, site security, inspection and maintenance, safety requirements),water well monitoring, and surface water diversion for storm events.Another important category of wastes for management is naturally occurring radioactive material(NORM), which is produced in both drill cuttings and in flowback and produced water. Federal 46
  • 48. regulations do not address NORM so its control takes place at the state agency level. In manycases NORM regulation is split among two or more state agencies, as in Texas. Site RemediationThe requirements for plugging and abandoning shale gas wells at the end of their life cycle, as isthe case for unconventional oil and gas wells, are specified by state agencies. States also haveresponsibility for specifying site (drill pad and surrounding area) restoration requirements. Theobjective is often to restore the site to its former use. Typically operators are required to removethe contents stored in pits, test for contamination and clean up as necessary, and revegetate thesite within a reasonable time. For shale gas wells, restoration should consider testing andremediation of hazardous chemicals that may have been released as a result of hydraulicfracturing procedures. Groundwater ContaminationProtection of shallow aquifers in conventional oil and gas operations through such measures assurface casing and cementing and drilling mud pit liners needs to be a primary focus for shalegas wells. For example, the use of additional chemicals and proppants for hydraulic fracturingand the potential for groundwater impacts by construction problems or failures in the upper partof the well bore require additional monitoring and protective measures. The focus of mediaattention specifically on the fracturing process has highlighted concern about potentialgroundwater impacts.A few states, such as Pennsylvania, have supplemented oil and gas regulations with requirementsdirected specifically to shale gas wells in the Marcellus. Establishing pre-drilling groundwaterquality through a baseline monitoring program, which has not been routinely performed as shalegas well locations in the past, will enable impacts to be detected and mitigative actions to betaken when required. Some states, for example Colorado and Pennsylvania, have implementedmeasures to protect water supplies during shale gas operations. These measures do not requiresystematic, well-designed monitor well programs, but instead provide for monitoring of existingwater wells, replacement of water supplies if contamination occurs, and holding operators legallyresponsible for contamination. 47
  • 49. 2.3.3 State Enforcement of RegulationsEqually as important as having well-developed regulations on the books is adequate enforcementby staff both in the office and conducting field inspections. Regulatory enforcement can bemeasured in several ways, including number of staff assigned, inspections conducted, andviolations recorded. The type and severity of violations demonstrate the type of adverse effectsbeing addressed by the regulatory programs. Regulatory enforcement was analyzed for 15 of the16 states whose regulations were assessed as described in the preceding section. Enforcement CapacityThe capacity of an agency with regulatory responsibility was assessed by gathering informationon the number of staff assigned to the inspections and the number of inspections actuallyaccomplished for the years 2008 to 2011. The information included many of the 16 statesincluding in the survey of regulations: Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico,North Dakota, Texas and Wyoming. The following parameters were included in the assessment: • Number of active shale gas, tight sands, and/or shale oil wells, 2008 • Total number of field inspectors in agency, 2008 • Of total inspectors listed above, total number assigned to shale gas wells, 2008 • Number of field inspections, 2008 • Number of attorneys devoted enforcing activities that oil and gas wells, 2008Texas had the highest number in all categories. A wide variation was found in the ratio ofenforcement staff and field inspectors to the number of shale gas and similar wells in the state.Part of the variation is due to differences in methods of reporting among the states. Despite thisvariation, it was found that most states with current shale gas and related development haveenforcement capacity necessary to address at least some complaints associated with oil and gasdevelopment and to conduct independent enforcement actions.Some states have much higher enforcement capacity, and larger numbers of inspections, thanothers. This higher capacity more than likely influences the total number of violations noted andenforcement actions taken. A higher capacity may also result in more representative violations. 48
  • 50. Development Activities and Environmental EffectsShale gas development activities addressed by state violation and enforcement actions were alsoevaluated for Louisiana, Michigan, New Mexico and Texas for the following: Construction of access road and well pad Fracturing-specific violations and complaints Erosion and sedimentation Fracturing Maintenance of site: vegetation, signs, fencing Groundwater contamination (complaints only) Fencing Surface spill frac fluid Signs and labeling Storage of waste Site maintenance (clearing weeds, for Pits and tanks: construction, operation, maintenance, example) closure Drilling (and potentially fracturing) Secondary containment Air quality Disposing of waste Casing and cementing Land application of waste Commingling oil and gas Improper disposal Failure to prevent oil and gas waste Plugging and site closure Fire Plugging Gas or oil leak at wellhead/venting Removing equipment, filling ratholes Noise Well not secured if shut in Odors Procedural violations: financial security, permits, Surface spill condensate tests and drills, reporting Surface spill contaminant not indicated Financial issues (bonding, etc.) Surface spill diesel Permitting, plat filing, reporting Surface spill drilling mud Tests and drills Surface spill oil Other Surface spill produced water Water well construction Wellhead and blowout equipment Well spacingThe percentages are violations each of the states and the categories were found as follows: LA MI NM TX Total violations (number) 158 497 77 72 Construction of access road and well pad 0% 1% 0% 0% Maintenance of site: vegetation, signs, fencing 20% 55% 16% 6% Drilling (and potentially fracturing) 10% 30% 58% 15% Fracturing-specific violations and complaints 0% 0% 11% 0% Storage of waste 41% 4% 1% 1% Disposing of waste 0% 0% 2% 21% Plugging and site closure 0% 10% 0% 1% Procedural violations 20% 0% 7% 45% Other 0% 0% 0% 0%Except for Louisiana, few of the violations noted in the table resulted in formal enforcementactions. All of the violations were for Louisiana resulted in issuance of administrative orders. 49
  • 51. Environmental Effects of Violations and Enforcement ActionsThe types of environmental effects associated with state violation and enforcement actions werealso evaluated. First, an interpretation of the effects of the actions was made in terms of "gravityof environmental effect" in five categories, and the percentages of total violations werecomputed, with the following result: Gravity of Louisiana: Michigan: Antrim New Mexico: tight Texas: fractured Environmental Haynesville Shale Shale wells 1999- sands & shales (non- shale wells, FY Effect wells 2009-2011 2011 exhaustive) 2000-2011 2008-2011 158 total violations 497 total violations 77 total violations 72 total violations Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total violations violations violations violations Procedural 60 33 26 53 Minor—no effect 31 28 1 1 Minor effect 2 25 20 8 Substantial 7 15 42 29 Major 1 0 12 8Generally, this information suggests that many of the violations are procedural and represent noenvironmental effects; are minor with no effect – meaning that an inspector noted a flaw in a pitor casing job, for example, but did not note any release of contaminant to the environment as aresult of that flaw; or represent minor effects, such as small releases. The higher percentage ofsubstantial and major effects noted for New Mexico could potentially result from several factors.New Mexico may focus more closely on environmental effects that are technical violations, suchas a failure to post a sign. Alternatively, there could be more significant problems in NewMexico, or the smaller size of the data set could skew the percentages. Most of the majorviolations in New Mexico involved large spills of produced water.In Pennsylvania, three activities at one site led to a consent order and agreements as well as asubstantial penalty. The Pennsylvania agency also issued notices of violation for 80 additionalactivities ranging from improper casing and cementing to discharge of flowback water.Violations in New Mexico were for land application of produced water, a spill of hydraulicfracturing fluid, release of oil (with remediation required), failure to obtain well drilling permits,constructing surface pits, and disposing of produced water above the in a pit. Michigan actions 50
  • 52. included a compliance case for soil contamination at a wellhead and notices of non-compliancefor failure to plug wells after production ended.A limited number of the violations was noted in response to complaints. These includedproblems with seismic testing, compressor sounds and other noise, weed growth, brine sprayingaround a wellhead, venting gas from wellheads, an overflowing production pit, odors, equipmentoil leaks, and improper reseeding of well sites. Overall, the data collected showed fewcomplaints made to agencies. However this could be because of lack of records or no link beingestablished between compliance and enforcement actions.2.3.4 Regulation or Policy Topics: Regulatory and Enforcement FrameworkThe topics for regulation or policy consideration for shale gas regulation may be considered forFederal regulation; state, regional and local regulation; and state enforcement of regulations. Federal Regulation • In general, few Federal regulations are currently directed specifically to shale gas or to oil and gas generally; applicable regulations are pursuant to broader environmental laws for air, water, waste, and other areas. • A number of exemptions from federal regulations have been granted for oil and gas activities and have been applied to shale gas development. • In some states, similar requirements that are exempted from federal regulation are imposed at the state level. State Regional and Local Regulation • Primary regulatory authority for shale gas is at the state level; many federal requirements have also been delegated to the states. • Most state oil and gas regulations were written before shale gas development became important; shale gas development is therefore subject to body of previously- developed oil and gas regulations in many of the states in the shale gas areas. • Regulations for many shale gas activities and their consequences are applicable to oil and gas activities generally and not just to shale gas specifically, including exploration activities. 51
  • 53. • Some states have revised regulations specifically for shale gas development; regulatory gaps remain in many states, including the areas of well casing and cementing, water withdrawal and usage, and waste storage and disposal.• A number of organizations and activities are underway, including the Groundwater Protection Council (GWPC) and State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Regulations (STRONGER), to develop and improve state regulation of oil and gas operations, including shale gas development..• Recent regulatory revisions focus on three prominent concerns: 1) proper casing of wells to prevent aquifer contamination; 2) disclosure of hydraulic fracturing chemicals; and 3) proper management of large quantities of wastewater.• Any new regulations – and modification of existing provisions – should be developed with a strong foundation in science, with well-supported research into areas requiring better understanding to support regulations.• Care must be taken to focus regulations on the most urgent issues (e.g. surface spill prevention) is well as areas of greatest public concern• States not having regulations for blasting in environmentally sensitive areas or for shot hole plugging during the shale gas exploration phase may want to consider adding these requirements.• Particularly in states not having previous extensive oil and gas development, new or additional site-specific regulations, such and stormwater requirements, may be needed to minimize surface disturbances and impacts on environmentally sensitive areas.• For protection of sensitive areas and cultural features such as schools and public water supplies, state regulations may need to set minimum distances (setbacks) from drill pads and other facilities.• States may need to specify more uniform requirements for truck traffic and other community impacts of shale gas activities – an area currently addressed primarily by municipalities and other local governments.• More consistent requirements from state to state may be needed to ensure well integrity (surface casing and cementing) to prevent blowouts and leakage – but with provisions for flexibility to meet site-specific drilling and well completion conditions.• Additional and consistent regulations for control of air emissions may be needed to address all phases and facilities of shale gas development, including conventional 52
  • 54. (“criteria”) and hazardous air pollutants, fugitive emissions of natural gas from pipelines and other facilities, and gas releases during drilling, fracturing and well completion (“green completions”).• States may need to continue to modify common law rights systems (e.g., riparian, prior appropriation) with legislation to strengthen permitting and reporting of surface water withdrawals for shale gas development.• States may also need to supplement current laws and practices for groundwater withdrawals and associated permitting for shale gas development.• Disclosure of the chemical contents of additives to hydraulic fracturing fluids may be needed on a more uniform basis among state regulatory authorities.• Additional requirements to ensure well integrity during hydraulic fracturing (e.g., strength testing of casing, bond logs) may be needed in some states.• Updates may be needed for requirements of spill prevention and contingency plans in some states to take into account new chemicals, such as fracturing fluid additives, that are transported to and used at the drill site.• Updates of state regulations may be needed to require adequate baseline (pre-drilling) groundwater sampling, analysis, and/or monitoring to improve the basis for determining if shale gas activities have an impact on water quality in nearby aquifers.• Updates may also be required for establishing responsibility for groundwater impacts and for replacing water supplies when water wells are affected.• With the additional wastewater streams of flowback and produced water from shale gas development, states may need to consistently update regulations for waste storage in pits to specify liners, minimum freeboard, closure methods, and other requirements.• States may also need to more uniformly require a plan for disposal of wastes (including drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and flowback and produced water) and to ensure that the methods of disposal (e.g., centralized facility, surface discharge with permit, discharge to POTW or injection well, land application) conforms with regulations and best practices• States may need to update or put in place adequate regulations for disposal of wastes containing naturally-occurring radioactive material (NORM) – as for oil and gas operations in general. 53
  • 55. • States may need to review requirements for site restoration after drilling and well completion to ensure that shale gas specific characteristics (e.g., fracturing fluid chemicals, flowback and produced water) are taken into account. State Enforcement of Regulations • Regulations that are effective for protecting human health and the environment depend not only on the content of the regulations but also on how well they are enforced by regulatory agencies. • Evaluation of state enforcement is hindered by several factors, including differing methods of collecting, organizing, and recording violations and enforcement actions; variances in the completeness of records; and responsiveness of agencies to information requests. • Enforcement capacity, as measured by staff levels, is highly variable among the states, particularly when measured by the ratio of staff to numbers of inspections accomplished. • Preliminary findings from four states (Louisiana, Michigan, New Mexico, Texas) found over 800 violations involving most phases of shale gas operations – construction, site maintenance, drilling and fracturing, waste storage and disposal, site closure and well plugging, and operations procedures. But the comparison of these violations with those for conventional gas development is not known. • When violations are classed into categories ranging from merely procedural to major environmental impact, 58% were found to be procedural or having little or no impact, and 42% indicated a major, substantial or minor effect. • Surface spills, improper disposal of oil and gas wastes, and problems with leaking pits or tanks are relatively common violations, which can be prevented. • Most violations were from operations in common with conventional gas drilling rather than shale gas specific; this comparison merits further research. • Enforcement needs to be focused on shale gas effects with the highest risk (e.g., subsurface releases) rather than on minor or readily evident violations (e.g., inadequate fencing, misplaced signage). • Regulations need to be set up to match as closely as possible the stiffness of penalties to the relative degree of environmental impact. • Enforcement records indicate that surface incidents are important in relation to underground occurrences; this may in part be because they are easier to observe and 54
  • 56. report by inspectors; some states may need to turn inspection and enforcement efforts toward higher-risk incidents, both underground and at the surface.• The tendency of the media to focus on the fracturing stage of shale gas development may not be justified based on the violations information found in the four states evaluated.• Strong focus in the media on impacts on groundwater resources could pull attention away from potentially higher risks of surface incidents. 55
  • 57. 3 News Coverage and Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing 55
  • 58. Table of Contents________________________________________________To the Reviewer ...............................................................................................................................31 Introduction and Overview ........................................................................................................42 News Coverage Methods ...........................................................................................................6 2.1 Newspapers ..................................................................................................................7 2.2 Television .....................................................................................................................8 2.3 Radio ............................................................................................................................8 2.4 Online ...........................................................................................................................8 2.5 Defining the Media ......................................................................................................93 News Coverage Results ...........................................................................................................11 3.1 Keyword Frequency ...................................................................................................11 3.2 Tonality of Media.......................................................................................................13 3.3 Reference to Scientific Research in Media ................................................................17 3.4 News Coverage Conclusions .....................................................................................204 Public Perceptions Methods .....................................................................................................225 Public Perceptions Results .......................................................................................................23 5.1 Attitude toward Hydraulic Fracturing ........................................................................23 5.2 Knowledge of Hydraulic Fracturing ..........................................................................23 5.3 Linking to Phase One………………….…………………………………………….37 5.4 National Survey Comparison to the Barnett Shale……..…………………………....40 5.4.1 Awareness of Hydraulic Fracturing.............................................................. 40 5.4.2 Concern about Water Quality ....................................................................... 41 5.4.3 Disclosure of Chemicals used in Hydraulic Fracturing ................................ 42 5.4.4 Message to Politicians .................................................................................. 42 5.4.5 Focus on America’s Future Energy Production ........................................... 43 5.5 Media Habits ..............................................................................................................45 5.6 Commitment to Involvement .....................................................................................49 5.7 Public Perceptions Conclusions .................................................................................506 Overall Conclusions .................................................................................................................527 Sources/References ..................................................................................................................54Appendix A. Keywords List Used for the Search..........................................................................55Appendix B. Spreadsheet Items .....................................................................................................57Appendix C: Online Attitude, Knowledge, and Behavior Survey Items .......................................58Appendix D. Links to Spreadsheets ...............................................................................................712
  • 59. 1 Introduction and OverviewThis project locates and documents popular media coverage of shale gas production andextraction. Further, this project seeks to assess knowledge of and attitudes toward shale gasproduction and extraction among residents of the Barnett shale area. The result of this two-pronged effort allows researchers to isolate potential links between media coverage and publicknowledge and attitudes in the Barnett shale. This assessment will allow for recommendationsfor future public communication and diffusion of research in the Barnett shale region, but alsowill serve as a case study with implications beyond this region.In sum, this project consists of two phases: 1) a content analysis of media coverage of shale gasproduction and extraction in news articles and stories that would have been available toaudiences within three large US-based shales – Barnett, Marcellus, and Haynesville – during a12-month period and, 2) a shale gas production and extraction “knowledge assessment” surveyof 1,473 respondents currently living in the 26 counties that cover or touch on the Barnett shale.Looking at phase one, the content analysis, media coverage from June 2010 through June 2011was examined. To locate the media coverage, popular national and metropolitan coverage thatwas available to people living in the Barnett, Marcellus, and Haynesville shales was searched.Our selection of media within these areas, as well as national media is detailed below.Once media were located nationally and within the above shale areas, a list of key words wascompiled by the Energy Institute research team to aid us in searching for articles relevant tohydraulic fracturing (see Appendix A for keywords). Search results are detailed below.The second phase of this project, the literacy assessment, determines what the audience knowsabout hydraulic fracturing. This information is then used to link back to media coverage inphase one. Specifically, looking at the Top 10 keywords searched within the Barnett Shalemedia, phase one will examine how media coverage influences public understanding ofhydraulic fracturing. Moreover, phase two will compare the knowledge and attitude surveyresults gathered from the Barnett Shale to national data. Additional insights include respondents’media consumption patterns, attitudes about and perceptions of hydraulic fracturing, andbehaviors/behavioral intentions related to fracturing (e.g., voting, speaking out publicly,4
  • 60. blogging or writing editorials, contacting politicians, joining protest or support groups, etc.).Among other things, this data will allow for future messaging that is responsive to residents’information needs and concerns. 5
  • 61. 2 News Coverage MethodsThe sampling frame for media coverage extended a year from June 2010 through June 2011.This time period corresponded with duration of the larger Energy Institute project and includedthe 12 months preceding the collection of Phase Two knowledge and attitude data.To locate media coverage within this time frame, we used databases of national newspaperstories provided by Lexis-Nexis and Factiva; databases of national television and radio storiesprovided by Lexis-Nexis; and archives of local metropolitan newspaper and television stories. Toidentify metropolitan areas of interest, we studied maps of the shale areas and located the nearestmetropolitan areas with media outlets. The areas were chosen for the reach of their circulationsin the surrounding shale areas. For the Marcellus shale, we located Pittsburgh, AlleghenyCounty, PA; Buffalo, Erie County, NY; Charleston, Kanawha County, WV; Cleveland,Cuyahoga County, OH; Hagerstown, Washington County, MD; and Roanoke, Roanoke County,VA. For the Haynesville shale, we identified Shreveport, Caddo Parish County and for theBarnett1 shale, we located Dallas, Dallas County; Fortworth, Tarrant County; and DentonCounty.Once the media outlets were identified, we searched the databases and archives for storiesrelevant to “Hydraulic fracturing, or hydraulic fracking, or hydraulic fracing” and any of the keywords provided by the Energy Institute team (Appendix A). The EI keyword list was compiledwith the assistance of a team of experts from nine colleges at the University of Texas at Austin,including business and engineering. The experts specialized in issues and science related tohydraulic fracturing and shale gas development. The list was developed collaboratively throughconsensus and repeated review by the team over the course of several months. The final list ofkeywords was also used in the analysis detailed in the research report drafted by Wiseman’steam; thus, there is consistency across EI reports.Using these keywords as our search terms, we located 999 stories and articles for analysis. Togauge the comprehensiveness of this sample, we compared that number to the number of storiesand articles that surfaced with the more general search terms of “hydraulic fracturing, orhydraulic fracking, or hydraulic fracing.” These three terms, which captured all mentions of6
  • 62. these very general search terms, generated an additional 1506 stories and articles. Data on theseadditional articles are available through the EI. Comparing these numbers allows us to say thatthe keyword list generated by the expert team captured 66% of the overall coverage of hydraulicfracturing, including all mentions of that term, regardless of context, etc.All articles were assessed for whether or not they referenced any scientific research.Additionally, articles were also coded for tonality. Tonality was coded as primarily negative,primarily positive or primarily neutral. Based on these definitions of negative, positive andneutral, (which are further described below), 48 articles were coded by two graduate researchassistants. Percent agreement between the two coders was 80%. After establishing the intercoderagreement, the remaining articles were coded by one of the graduate research assistants who hadreached acceptable agreement. Additional information on this variable is detailed below.2.1 NewspapersNationalThree newspapers were included in the national search: The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), The NewYork Times (NYT), and USA Today. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC,2011), these are the three most circulated newspapers in the United States. The WSJ has a dailycirculation of more than 2 million people and a Sunday circulation of 1.99 million people. USAToday has a daily circulation of 1.8 million, and the NYT has a daily circulation of .9 millionand a Sunday circulation of 1.3 million.MetropolitanMetropolitan newspapers were identified through the weekday circulation by Designated MarketArea (DMA) within each shale area. The top newspapers with the highest circulation in theDMA were included in the search. That is, Dallas Morning News, Denton Record Chronicle,and Fort Worth Star-Telegram for Barnett; Shreveport Times for Haynesville; and PittsburgTribune-Review, Pittsburg Post Gazette, Charleston Gazette, Buffalo News, Roanoke Times, andCleveland Plain Dealer for Marcellus. Circulation data were found with the SRDS (StandardRate & Data Service) publications database. Of note, our original intention was to include localmedia within the Barnett shale, however, media archives for this area (which included thecounties of Denton, Johnson, Tarrant, Wise, Archer, Bosque, Clay, Comanche, Cooke, Coryell, 7
  • 63. Dallas, Eastland, Ellis, Erath, Hamilton, Hill, Hood, Jack, Montague, Palo Pinto, Parker,Shakleford, Somervell, and Stephens) was limited at the local level, and thus not deemedpossible given the relatively short timeframe for execution of the media coverage project.2.2 TelevisionNational levelThe following national and cable television networks are included in the search: ABC News,CBS News, CNBC News, CNN, Fox News Network, MSNBC. These media outlets wereidentified as the major cable and national news providers by the Lexis Nexis database.Local levelWe sought the transcripts of local television networks and radio stations in the Barnett,Haynesville, and Marcellus shales to allow for us to read and search the text generated from thetranscripts. However, after an exhaustive search, we determined that local TV networks do notprovide the public with transcripts of their news. As a result, we looked only at the online textstories posted on the stations’ or networks’ local Websites.2.3 RadioNational and Local levelAt the national level, NPR transcripts were searched and analyzed within the keyword listpreviously defined. At the local level, similar to local TV networks, radio stations do not providethe transcripts of their news. Thus, local radio coverage was not included in our analysis.2.4 OnlineIn addition to the online counterparts of news media, we also identified and searched the largestonline news portal – Google News. Google analytics and trends were also examined to visualizepeaks in online searches for hydraulic fracturing information.8
  • 64. 2.5 Defining the MediaThe following represents the media population used for all analyses.- Online search - Includes the search of Google online news- National TV and Radio: - Includes the following stations: CNN, CBS, MSNBC, abc, NBC, and NPR- National Newspapers: - Includes the following papers: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The USA Today- Marcellus Metropolitan TVs - Includes the following metropolitan stations (Those stations are the ones that we could access their news articles online and their search options allow us to look for keywords): - Pittsburgh: KDKA (CBS), WPXI (NBC), WQED (PBS), and WTAE (abc) - Buffalo: WIVB (CBS), and WKBW (Eyewitness News) - Charleston: WCHS (abc), - Cleveland: WEWS (abc), WKYC (NBC), WOLO (CBS), and WVIZ (PBS)- Marcellus Metropolitan Daily Newspapers - Includes the following metropolitan newspapers: - Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Post Gazette and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Charleston: The Charleston Gazette - Buffalo: Buffalo News - Roanoke: The Roanoke Times - The Cleveland Plain dealer- Barnett Metropolitan TVs - Includes the following metropolitan stations (Those stations are the ones that we could access their news news articles online and their search options allow us to look for keywords): - DFW: KTVT (CBS), KXAS (NBC), KDAF (CW), KDFW (FOX), KERA (Public Media for North Texas), WFAA (abc)- Barnett Metropolitan Daily Newspapers - Includes: - The Dallas Morning News - The Denton Record Chronicle 9
  • 65. The Fort-Worth Star-Telegram (yet to be added- Haynesville Metropolitan TVs - Includes: - Shreveport: KTBS- Haynesville Metropolitan Newspapes - Includes: - The Shreveport Times10
  • 66. 3 News Coverage ResultsOverall, using the keywords identified by the EI, 999 articles were located; 113 articles werefound in national newspapers, 331 in metropolitan newspapers, 74 articles from nationaltelevision, 150 from metropolitan television, 20 articles from national radio, and 311 from onlinesources. All results presented will be based on this core set of articles. The frequencies listedbelow are broken out by keywords and represent how frequently keywords surfaced in articlesand stories; furthermore, multiple keywords often surfaced in one article/story.3.1 Keyword FrequencyFigures 1, 2, and 3 represent the keywords that returned the most searches across the variousmedia.For the Newspaper searches (regional/metropolitan and national) the keyword combinationwhich returned the most results was “Ground water or Water well or aquifer contamination andfracing or fracking” (N = 166), followed by Ground water or water well contamination Shale gasplus methane” (N= 98), and “Ground water contamination Shale gas plus Marcellus or Barnett orHaynesville” (N=78) (Figure 1). Figure 1: Top Ten Found Keywords in Newspaper Search 11
  • 67. For the online search, the keyword combination which returned the most results is “Groundwater or Water well or aquifer contamination and fracing or fracking” (N = 83), followed by“Haynesville plus well blowout”, “Marcellus plus blowout” (N= 57), and “Shale gas plus wellblowout” (N=22) (Figure 2). Figure 2: Top Ten Found Keywords in Online SearchFor the television and radio searches (regional/metropolitan and national), the keywordcombination which returned the most results is “Ground water or Water well or aquifercontamination and fracing and fracking” (N = 38), followed by “Ground water or water wellcontamination Shale gas plus methane” (N= 21) and “Surface spill and/or shale gas and/orsurface spill and or accidental release and/or Dimock / Stevens Creek / Cabot / Halliburton /Fiorentino (spill)” (N=21) (Figure 3).12
  • 68. Figure 3: Top Ten Found Keywords in TV and Radio Searches3.2 Tonality of MediaAs described above, all articles were coded for tonality. Articles covering aspects of hydraulicfracturing associated with negative outcomes (such as pollution, explosions, accidents,explosions, etc.) were coded as “negative.” Articles covering aspects of hydraulic fracturingassociated with positive outcomes (such as economic benefits, energy availability, etc.) werecoded as positive. Finally, when an article was balanced (i.e., presenting both positive andnegative outcomes), it was coded neutral.As shown, the majority of media articles have a negative tonality across the different types ofmedia examined (Newspapers, Online, and TV and radio) (Figures 4, 5, 6a, and 6b).For newspapers, of the 444 articles found, 288 (65%) were negative, 103 (23%) were neutral,and 53 (12%) were positive. As for the online articles, of the 311 articles found, 197 (63%) werecategorized as negative, 92 (30%) were neutral, and only 22 (7%) positive. As for TV, of the 224retrieved articles, 152 (68%) were negative, 55 (25%) were neutral, and only 17 (8%) were 13
  • 69. positive. As for radio, of the 20 articles retrieved, 19 (95%) were negative and 1 (5%) wasneutral. 70 65% Figure 4: Tonality of Newspaper Searches 60 50 40 30 23% 20 12% 10 0 Negative Neutral Positive Figure 5: Tonality of Online Searches 70 63% 60 50 40 30% 30 20 7% 10 0 Negative Neutral Positive14
  • 70. Figure 6a: Tonality of TV Searches 80 68% 70 60 50 40 30 25% 20 8% 10 0 Negative Neutral Positive 95% Figure 6b: Tonality of Radio Searches 100 80 60 40 20 5% 0 0 Negative Neutral PositiveTables 1 and 2 represent the tonality of articles by media outlet. Table 1a shows that of the 113articles found in national papers, 72 are negative, 28 neutral and only 13 positive. Table 1bshows that of the 331 metropolitan newspapers in the three shales, 216 are negative, and only 75are neutral and 40 are positive. Table 2a shows that of the 74 articles found on nationaltelevision, 48 are negative, 14 are neutral, and 13 are positive. Similarly, with metropolitantelevisions, table 2b shows that 105 of the 150 articles retrieved are negative while only 41 areneutral and 4 are positive. 15
  • 71. Table 1a: Tonality of National Newspapers Tonality NYT WSJ USA National Today Negative 39 24 9 72 Neutral 11 14 3 28 Positive 9 3 1 13 Total 59 41 13 113 Table 1b: Tonality of Metropolitan Newspapers by Shale Tonality Haynesville Marcellus Barnett Total Negative 2 159 55 216 Neutral 11 60 4 75 Positive 11 18 11 40 Total 24 237 70 331 Table 2a: Tonality of National TelevisionTonality by media, National TVsregion, scale ABC CBS CNBC CNN FOX MSNBC NBC TotalNegative 0 4 0 37 0 6 0 47Neutral 0 0 0 8 5 0 1 14Positive 0 6 1 4 2 0 0 13Total 0 10 1 49 7 6 1 74 Table 2b: Tonality of Metropolitan Television by Shale Tonality Haynesville Marcellus Barnett Total Negative 0 49 56 105 Neutral 4 13 24 41 Positive 0 4 0 4 Total 4 66 80 15016
  • 72. 3.3 Reference to Scientific Research in MediaFew articles referenced scientific research conducted on the topic of hydraulic fracturing(Figures 7, 8, 9a, and 9b). For newspapers, of the 444 articles found, 362 (82%) had no referenceto research. As for the online articles, of the 311 articles found, 207 (67%) had no reference toresearch. Finally, of the 224 retrieved articles from television, 169 (75%) had no reference toresearch, and of the 20 articles retrieved from radio, 17 (85%) had no reference to research. Figure 7: Reference to Research in Newspaper Searches 90 82% 80 70 60 50 40 30 18% 20 10 0 No Reference to Research Reference to Research 67% Figure 8: Reference to Research in Online Searches 70 60 50 40 33% 30 20 10 0 No Reference to Research Reference to Research 17
  • 73. 75% Figure 9a: Reference to Research in TV Searches 80 70 60 50 40 30 25% 20 10 0 No Reference to Research Reference to Research Figure 9b: Reference to Research in Radio Searches 100 85% 80 60 40 20 15% 0 No Reference to Research Reference to ResearchTables 3 and 4 represent the presence of scientific research in articles related to hydraulicfracturing by media outlet. Table 3a shows that 109 of the 113 articles found in nationalnewspapers don’t include any reference to research, while only 4 include a reference to researchacross all three national newspaper outlets. Also, table 3b shows that for metropolitannewspapers, only 78 articles have reference to research, while 253 don’t. Table 4a shows that 56of the articles found in national televisions don’t include any reference to scientific research, andonly 18 had reference to scientific research related to hydraulic fracturing. Similarly, formetropolitan televisions, table 4b shows that 114 of the 150 found articles have no reference toresearch.18
  • 74. Table 3a: National Newspaper Reference to Research NYT WSJ USA National Today No 58 39 12 109 Yes 1 2 1 4 Total 59 41 13 113 Table 3b: Metropolitan Newspaper Reference to Research Haynesville Marcellus Barnett Total No 7 204 42 253 Yes 17 33 28 78 Total 24 237 70 331 Table 4a: National Television Reference to Research National TVs ABC CBS CNBC CNN FOX MSNBC NBC TotalNo 0 10 1 35 6 3 1 56Yes 0 0 0 14 1 3 0 18Total 0 10 1 49 7 6 1 74 Table 4b: Metropolitan Television Reference to Research Haynesville Marcellus Barnett Total No 4 53 57 114 Yes 0 13 23 36 Total 4 66 80 150 19
  • 75. 3.4 News Coverage ConclusionsOur results suggest that news coverage on hydraulic fracturing, within the scope of the keywordcombinations examined, focused more on the negative outcomes associated with hydraulicfracturing. Reflecting on this, it helps to consider that, across all media, environmental issuessuch as ground water contamination dominated the narrative; therefore, most articles and storieswere coded as negative in tonality (as a result of the focus on contamination). For example, 65%of the stories on ground water contamination (top keyword combination: Ground water or Waterwell or aquifer contamination and fracing and fracking).Furthermore, the coverage tended not to include scientific research and discovery.This narrative mainly played out in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, both of whichcovered issues related to the potential negative outcomes of fracturing and rarely referencedscientific research. The television narrative was carried by CNN. As with newspaper coverage,over 70% of the coverage surrounded negative issues and approximately 30% referencedscientific research on CNN. Also of note, while CBS carried the second largest number of storiesnationally on hydraulic fracturing, they never reported any scientific research in their coverage.It is important to note a few limitations with the overall media content analysis component. First,the keywords examined only touched on a portion of the articles related to hydraulic fracturing.Across all media under examination, over 1500 documented articles were excluded from thepresent analysis. This exclusion maintained consistency with other EI reports, but also allowedus to focus on coverage relevant to the three shales of interest. For example, an article wasexcluded if it was not speaking within the context of Barnett, Marcellus, and Haynesville shales.These excluded articles are included, however, in the data files on record with the EI. Second,due to the lack of access to historical records kept by some media (i.e., smaller local mediaoutlets), the media content covered locally only represents those outlets that made their coverageavailable electronically (i.e., through transcripts, etc.) for the year under investigation.Recommendations for future research are as follows. Additional research on the scope of newscoverage of hydraulic fracturing will be well-served by building on the EI keywords to maximizethe percentage of overall available coverage sampled with those keywords. Furthermore,additional work could be done on the tonality coding scheme. For example, research could20
  • 76. explore the sources of these tonal references. Coding for the tone of news content is notoriouslydifficult among researchers who practice content analysis. Another area that deserves moreattention is the lack of scientific research and discovery found in the articles analyzed. Thisfinding could be further contextualized with a review of the literature on content analysis ofscience-related news. For example, a review of health coverage by Malone, Boyd and Bero(2000) suggests that media coverage of health issues tends to cover moral issues over thescience. This trend needs to be further explored. Finally, because of limitations in online ordatabase access to local news archives, researchers in pursuit of a keener focus on local coveragewill need to budget for the difficulties associated with traveling to the local media outlets tosearch physical archives for any coverage of interest. 21
  • 77. 4 Public Perceptions MethodsData were collected from 1,473 respondents who are currently living in the 26 counties that areconsidered core or noncore counties of the Barnett shale. Included counties were: Denton,Johnson, Tarrant, and Wise (the core counties), and Archer, Bosque, Clay, Comanche, Cooke,Coryell, Dallas, Eastland, Ellis, Erath, Hamilton, Hill, Hood, Jack, Montague, Palo Pinto, Parker,Shakleford, Somervell, Stephens, Young, and Collin. All participants were part of an opt-inonline research panel managed by Research Now. The sample was quota-based and thus, wasonly long enough (5 days) to collect the requested 1,500 participants.Sixty-three percent of our respondents were female and 37% were male. The average age of thesample was 49 years old. Turning to education, 7% earned a high school degree, 20% have somecollege education, 9% have a 2-year degree, 37% have a college degree, and 27% have aMasters, PhD, or a professional degree. Twenty eight percent of the respondents earned $50,000or less annually, 43% earned between $50,000 and $100,000, and 29% earned more than$100,000. As for political affiliations, 41% of the respondents are republicans, 25% aredemocrats, and 34% identified themselves as independents. Also, 85% of our respondentsidentified themselves as Caucasian.Looking to potential relationships with the oil and gas industry, 17% of the respondents haveland currently leased to gas industry operators. And, only 2% of the respondents have a part-timeor full-time employment related to hydraulic fracturing.22
  • 78. 5 Public Perceptions Results5.1 Attitude toward Hydraulic FracturingA semantic differential attitudinal scale was used to understand the general attitude towardhydraulic fracturing. As presented in Table 5, while many think hydraulic fracturing isproductive, wise, important, valuable, and beneficial, they also think it could be bad for theenvironment. These attitudinal differences displayed throughout Table 5 are very representativeof the complexity surrounding the topic of hydraulic fracturing. Those results suggest a certaindegree of ambiguity in people’s attitudinal positions. This indicates that most people have notformed their positions on hydraulic fracturing yet, which is important to be taken intoconsideration when formulating the media messages targeting them.5.2 Knowledge of Hydraulic FracturingOverall, 27 questions developed by the Energy Institute research team were asked regarding theprocess, regulation, and cost-benefit relationship of hydraulic fracturing (Charts 1 to 27). As withmany science related topics, while many living in the Barnett Shale area have some generalknowledge about the process of hydraulic fracturing, they tend to lack in their understanding ofregulation and the cost-benefit relationship of production. Here, data trends suggest that mostoverestimate the level of hydraulic fracturing regulation. For example, 71% were not aware thatthe Railroad Commission (RRC) does not regulate how close a gas well can be drilled to aresidential property (Chart 18). Moreover, although the RCC does not regulate liners and drillingpits, 56% thought they did regulate specific requirements (Chart 19). Also, 75% did not know thestate of Texas lacks standards for determining the locations, shapes, and sizes of the drilling rigs(Chart 20).Looking at the resources used and gained through hydraulic fracturing, data indicated that manyrespondents overestimate annual water consumption for shale gas usage (i.e., 76% overestimate,see Chart 24), and underestimate (75%) the amount of electricity generated from natural gas in2010 (Chart 26). 23
  • 79. Table 5: Hydraulic fracturing is (percentage): 4% 9% 14% 48% 12% 7% 5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Safe Unsafe 12% 17% 22% 41% 4% 2% 2% Good for the Bad for the economy economy 3% 5% 11% 44% 15% 12% 10%Good for the Bad for theenvironment environment 15% 18% 17% 40% 4% 3% 2% Important Unimportant for for energy the energy security security in 7% 10% 14% 48% 10% 6% 4% in the US the US Positive Negative Useful 13% 17% 24% 39% 4% 1% 2% Useless Important 12% 16% 22% 43% 4% 2% 1% Not important 11% 17% 20% 43% 5% 2% 2% 11% 18% 20% 44% 3% 1% 2% Effective Ineffective 7% 10% 16% 48% 9% 6% 4% Valuable Worthless 7% 9% 14% 43% 13% 8% 6% Good Bad 7% 11% 16% 54% 6% 3% 4% Beneficial Harmful Wise Foolish Productive 11% 18% 22% 43% 3% 1% 2% Unproductive Helpful 9% 13% 18% 49% 6% 3% 3% Unhelpful24
  • 80. To this end, most generally understand the process of fracturing (e.g., Charts 1, 2, 5 and 9) andthe gas development surrounding the fracturing of wells (Chart 3). However, the scope (Chart 4)and technical aspects to fracturing are generally less understood. For example, 55% did notaccurately estimate the depth of wells being drilled for hydraulic fracturing (Chart 6), 49% wereunaware of proppants (Chart 7), and 42% overestimated the scientific evidence surrounding theissue of hydraulic fracturing and water contamination.Below, we have included all knowledge questions relating to hydraulic fracturing. We havehighlighted the correct answers to each question in red. 25
  • 81. Chart 1. Hydraulic fracturing is the process of producing a “fracture” in:Answer Response %The underground soil 103 7%layerThe topsoil 36 2%An old mine 15 1%The underground 1,298 89%rock layerTotal 1,452 100%Chart 2. In general:Answer Response %There is a consensus that hydraulicfracturing is safe for the 200 14%environment.There is a consensus that hydraulicfracturing is dangerous and harmful 152 10%to the environment.Some scientists and environmentalgroups claim hydraulic fracturing isdangerous and should be banned, 1,042 72%but the industry insists it is a safetechnology.The industry insists that hydraulicfracturing is dangerous and shouldbe banned, but scientists and 56 4%environmental groups think it is asafe technology.Total 1,450 100%26
  • 82. Chart 3. More than three quarters of the hydraulic fracturing wells used in the UnitedStates produce:Answer Response %Oil 216 15%Gas 1,172 81%Coal 31 2%Water 34 2%Total 1,453 100%Chart 4: Nearly all of the natural gas wells in the United States use hydraulic fracturing.Answer Response %True 599 42%False 841 58%Total 1,440 100%Chart 5: Hydraulic fracturing requires ___________________ to retrieve natural gastrapped under the earth’s surface.Answer Response %Hammering solid rock 330 23%undergroundInjecting fluid underground 1,022 70%Extracting soil underground 85 6%Freezing underground water 15 1%suppliesTotal 1,452 100% 27
  • 83. Chart 6: Hydraulic fracturing involves drilling under the Earth’s surface forAnswer Response %Less than 500 feet 87 6%1,000-3,000 feet 397 27%3,000-10,000 feet 648 45%10,000-50,000 feet 250 17%More than 50,000 65 4%feetTotal 1,447 100%Chart 7: Proppants areAnswer Response %Gaseous materialused to induce 419 29%hydraulic fracturingCompounds used to 186 13%clean a fracturing siteParticles used to holdfractures open after ahydraulic fracturing 734 51%treatment so thatfluids can easily flowalongThe legal permitsrequired for drilling 87 6%in fracturing sitesTotal 1,426 100%28
  • 84. Chart 8: Texas now requires companies to disclose the chemicals they use in hydraulicfracturing.Answer Response %True 1,026 71%False 415 29%Total 1,441 100%Chart 9: The fracturing fluid is used to induce a hydraulic fracture by:Answer Response %Over flooding theground level surface 48 3%areaDisplacing ground 128 9%waterApplying pressure toproduce a crack in 1,213 84%the natural rockformationWashing out the soil 61 4%to release pressureTotal 1,450 100%Chart 10: During the fracturing process, if fracturing fluid seeps from the fracture channelinto the surrounding permeable rock, this is called:Answer Response %Fracture Gradient 167 12%Leak off 378 26%Frack Seepage 837 58%Natural Gas 49 3%Total 1,431 100% 29
  • 85. Chart 11: The Ground Water Protection Council, Natural Resources Defense Council, FWCAN DO, and PARCHED are:Answer Response %Gas drilling 71 5%companiesGovernment agencies 155 11%Environmental Groups 1,192 82%TV shows 27 2%Total 1,445 100%Chart 12: There is considerable scientific evidence that hydraulic fracturing has resulted inthe contamination of water.Answer Response %True 613 42%False 831 58%Total 1,444 100%Chart 13: Well blowouts occur:Answer Response %Frequently in drilling 88 6%wellsWhen the drilling 274 19%well explodesWhen drilling fluidsescape from the top 1,049 73%of the wellbore underhigh pressureWhen the weather 23 2%conditions are badTotal 1,434 100%30
  • 86. Chart 14: In general, blowouts that occur during the drilling process have anenvironmental impact similar to surface spills.Answer Response %True 1,032 72%False 402 28%Total 1,434 100%Chart 15: In the Barnett shale, there has been:Answer Response %No blowouts 318 22%20 or less blowouts 772 54%20-40 blowouts 218 15%40 or more blowouts 113 8%Total 1,421 100%Chart 16: The Barnett shale area extends over:Answer Response %50 square miles 68 5%500 square miles 202 14%1,000 square miles 318 22%5,000 square miles 437 30%15,000 square miles 409 29%Total 1,434 100% 31
  • 87. Chart 17: Drilling activity in the Barnett shale is regulated by the Railroad Commission ofTexas (RRC) and:Answer Response %Texas Department ofState Health Services 51 4%(DSHS)Texas Commission onEnvironmental 1,046 73%Quality (TCEQ)Texas Department of 138 10%TransportationTexas Department of 199 14%AgricultureTotal 1,434 100%Chart 18: The Railroad Commission regulates how close a gas well can be drilled to aresidential property.# Answer Response %1 True 1,024 71%2 False 419 29% Total 1,443 100%Chart 19: The Railroad Commission rules do not include specific requirements for liners indrilling pits.# Answer Response %1 True 625 44%2 False 801 56% Total 1,426 100%32
  • 88. Chart 20: In Texas, there are standards for determining the locations, shapes and sizes ofthe drilling rigs.# Answer Response %1 True 1,074 75%2 False 350 25% Total 1,424 100%Chart 21: Texas law allows drillers to use as much of the surface as necessary to explore,drill and produce the minerals from a property.# Answer Response %1 True 585 41%2 False 849 59% Total 1,434 100%Chart 22: Texas Railroad Commission has no authority over the impact on property valueas a result of drilling activities on properties.# Answer Response %1 True 912 63%2 False 526 37% Total 1,438 100%Chart 23: In Texas, an oil or gas operator is required to perform an environmental studybefore drilling.# Answer Response %1 True 1,090 76%2 False 353 24% Total 1,443 100% 33
  • 89. Chart 24: In the Barnet shale area, the annual water consumption for shale gas usage is:# Answer Response %1 Less than 2% 334 24%2 2-4% 406 29%3 4-6% 342 24%4 >6% 334 24% Total 1,416 100%Chart 25: In Texas Barnett shale, the number of active/producing horizontal wellsincreased from fewer than 400 in 2004 to more than ____________ during 2010.# Answer Response %1 1,000 516 36%2 10,000 673 47%3 20,000 180 13%4 30,000 54 4% Total 1,423 100%Chart 26: In 2010, the percentage of electricity in Texas produced from natural gas was:# Answer Response %1 less than 18% 566 40%2 28% 492 35%3 38% 277 19%4 48% 90 6% Total 1,425 100%34
  • 90. Chart 27: In 2010, US shale gas production was __________ of total US natural gasproduction.# Answer Response %1 less than 3% 375 26%2 13% 542 38%3 23% 325 23%4 33% 180 13% Total 1,422 100%5.3 Linkage to Phase One Media CoverageSeveral knowledge questions included in this survey where based on the top 10 keywordsearches identified in the media search completed and explicated in Phase One (above) of thisstudy (Figures 1, 2, and 3). More specifically, given that the survey was only assessed residentswithin the Barnett Shale, the survey conducted in Phase Two used the top 10 keyword searchesidentified specifically in the Barnett shale media coverage (Table 6 and Table 7). For instance,we asked respondents about their knowledge ground water contamination, air contamination,drilling regulations, well blowouts, and other topics covered by the Barnett Shale media (i.e.,newspapers and televisions).From Barnett Shale resident assessment, it is clear that respondents are generally moreknowledgeable about key issues covered in the media. For example, environmental issues suchas ground contamination were relatively frequent in media coverage. Consequently, knowledgeof policy issues related to contamination such as the disclosure of chemicals used duringfracturing (see Chart 8) and active groups affiliated with ground water issues (see Chart 11) wasrelatively high. Additionally, topics related to well blowouts were also high in media coverage(see Table 6 and 7) and in knowledge. To this end, 73% correctly identified when well blowoutsoccur during the fracturing process (Chart 13), 72% correctly evaluated the impact of wellblowouts in comparison to surface spills (Chart 14), and finally, as shown in Chart 15, 54%understand the frequency that well blowouts have occurred across the Barnett Shale. Charts 24through 27 provide further evidence that coverage influences knowledge. Here, consistent with 35
  • 91. the lack of media coverage on positive outcomes associated with fracturing, knowledge ofpotentially positive associations is relatively low.The evidence that media coverage on hydraulic fracturing does influence knowledge acquisitionshould allow policy makers to better understand how to reach relevant publics on such acomplicated topic. It also should alert policy makers to the fact that much of the informationbeing reported is not based on, or at least referencing, scientific research and in many casesreports on the negative consequences associated with hydraulic fracturing. If the public is goingto be able to accurately understand the impact, positive and negative, that fracturing has onsociety, it is imperative that media coverage represents the breadth of issues associated.36
  • 92. Table 6: Top Barnett Newspaper Media SearchKeyword FrequencyDish, Texas and/or water well contamination, emissions, air contamination, 12benzeneGround water or Water well or aquifer contamination and fracing or fracking 9Shale gas and pipeline Emissions 8Fort Worth gas drilling ordinance/ gas drilling task force 5Pipeline Leaks together with Barnett Shale or Haynesville etc 4Water well contamination plus arsenic, and/or chromium, 4Earthworks OGAP Oil and Gas Accountability Project 3Ground water or water well contamination Shale gas plus methane 3Haynesville plus well blowout, Marcellus plus blowout etc 3Flow-back water and shale gas and/or Marcellus, Barnett, Haynesville etc 2Salt water injection well or Disposal well together with environmentalcontamination or problem, well integrity problem, cases pressure, 2groundwater contaminationShale gas and methane Emissions 2TCEQ air quality study 2Water well contamination shale gas plus Marcellus, Haynesville, Barnett 2 37
  • 93. Table 7: Top Barnett TV Media SearchKeyword FrequencyShale gas and methane Emissions 11Ground water or water well contamination Shale gas plus methane 9Shale gas or Marcellus and trihalomethanes 6Dish, Texas and/or water well contamination, emissions, air 4contamination, benzenePennsylvania Environmental Council 4Fort Worth gas drilling ordinance/ gas drilling task force 3Frac fluid and groundwater contamination 3Riverkeeper (collects alleged cases of environmental contamination 3from drilling and fracturing)Shale gas and Ground water or water well contamination andSurface spill and or accidental release Surface spill and/or shale gas 3and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or drill pad or padShale gas plus well blowout 3TCEQ air quality study 338
  • 94. 5.4 National Media Comparison to the Barnett ShaleTo gain perspective on the perceptions of Barnett shale residents, we have included surveyquestions included in a national survey conducted for the Civil Society Institute in 2010. Theseadditional questions allow us to compare perceptions of people living in the Barnett shale tonationwide perceptions. In doing so, we will be able to see how media coverage within theBarnett Shale has influenced its residents compared to a national sample.5.4.1 Awareness of Hydraulic FracturingFifty percent of the respondents from Barnett shale considered themselves to be somewhat awareor very aware of the issue surrounding hydraulic fracturing (Chart 28) compared to 43% found inthe national survey.Chart 28: As of right now, how aware would you say you are about the issue of hydraulicfracturing?Barnett Shale Survey Results Very aware 9% Somewhat aware 41% Not very aware 20% Not aware at all 31% 0 10 20 30 40 50Looking at the gender trends and awareness of hydraulic fracturing, males surveyed in from theBarnett Shale were more aware of the issue of hydraulic fracturing than the females. Specifically,64% of males reported being somewhat/very aware of hydraulic fracturing compared to 41% of 39
  • 95. the women. Those results are similar to the national survey where males reported moreawareness than females (52% vs. 35%).Politically, Independents in the Barnett shale indicated more awareness on the issue of hydraulicfracturing with 54% reporting very or somewhat awareness. Forty-eight percent of Democratsand 46% of Republicans reported an awareness level of very or somewhat. In the nationalsurvey, awareness was relatively similar among different political affiliations, such that 49% ofRepublicans, 47% of Independents and 39% of Democrats considered themselves aware.When considering the education level of respondents, Barnett Shale respondents with a collegedegree or higher education level were more likely (51%) to report a higher knowledge abouthydraulic fracturing than people who have a high school degree or less (33%). In the nationalsurvey, similar results were noticed such that 51% of those who have a college degree or higher,and 37% of those who have a high school degree or less are aware of hydraulic fracturing.5.4.2 Concern about Water QualityIn the Barnett Shale, 75% of those who were aware of hydraulic fracturing said they arevery/somewhat concerned about the issue of water quality. (Chart 29). This is very close to thepercentage found in the national survey (69%) This finding is not surprising given the amount ofmedia coverage the issue of water contamination received across all media.Chart 29: Still thinking about the natural gas drilling process sometimes referred to asfracking, how concerned are you about this issue as it relates to water quality?Barnett Shale Survey Results Very concerned 35% Somewhat concerned 40% Not very concerned 20% Not at all concerned 4% 0 10 20 30 40 5040
  • 96. 5.4.3 Disclosure of Chemicals used in Hydraulic FracturingWhen questioned what they think of the efforts by state and national officials regarding thedisclosure of chemicals used in natural gas drilling, 44% of respondents reporting awareness ofhydraulic fracturing in the Barnett Shale said they are doing “everything or some of what theyshould be doing”, (Chart 30) compared to 33% of those reporting awareness in the nationalsurvey.Chart 30: Do you think that state and national officials are doing enough to requiredisclosure of the chemicals used in natural gas drilling? Would you say they are...Barnett Shale Survey Results Doing everything they should 12% Doing some of what they should 32% Not doing as much as they should 47% Not doing anything at all 9% 0 10 20 30 40 505.4.4 Message to PoliticiansSixty-seven percent of respondents from the Barnett Shale who disclosed awareness of hydraulicfracturing said they favor cleaner energy sources, while 33% said they favor energy production.(Chart 31) At the national level, 72% said they care more about cleaner energy and only 21%said they favor energy production. 41
  • 97. Chart 31: If you could speak directly to your member of Congress, your governor or stateleader, which of the following statements would you be most likely to make to them?Barnett Shale Survey When it comes to energy 67% production, I come down on the side of the publics health and the environment. I favor cleaner energy sources that use the least water. 33% Energy production comes first. There are always risks and tradeoffs when it comes to public health and the environment. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 805.4.5 Focus on America’s Future Energy ProductionEighty-six percent of those aware of hydraulic fracturing in the Barnett Shale and 81% nationallysaid America should focus on new energy sources that require the least water and minimalpollution. (Chart 32) Only 14% of those reporting awareness of hydraulic fracturing in theBarnett Shale and 12% nationally said that America should proceed first with developing energysources even if they may pollute water or create shortages.42
  • 98. Chart 32: Which of the following statements best expresses your view about whereAmerica should focus its energy production in the future?Barnett Shale Survey Results Water shortages and clean drinking water are real concerns. 86% America should put the emphasis on first developing new energy sources that require the least water and have minimal water pollution Energy supply needs should override concerns about water 14% shortages and water pollution. America should proceed first with developing energy sources even if they may pollute water or create shortages. 0 20 40 60 80 100In summary, we have found that communities in the Barnett shale perceive themselves to bemore aware of hydraulic fracturing than the national sample. However, they are similar to thenational sample in their concerns about water quality and what politicians are doing about theissue. This should alert politicians to the local and national concerns related to hydraulicfracturing and the level of accountability the public holds for policy makers regarding the issue.5.5 Media HabitsLooking at newspaper use among Barnett Shale residents, data indicate that many no longer readnational (35%) or regional (39%) newspapers. Local newspaper, however, seems to have thehighest rate of use -daily (25%), 2-3 times a week (14%) and once a week (17%). (Chart 33) 43
  • 99. Chart 33: Frequency of newspaper use 6% Daily 5% 25% 5% 2-3 Times a Week 6% 14% 9% Once a Week 11% 17% National Newspapers 13% Regional Newspapers 2-3 Times a Month 14% 12% Local Newspapers 31% Few times a year 24% 19% 35% Never 39% 13% 0 20 40 60Turning to television use, most respondents have indicated they use cable (54%), nationalnetwork (50%), and local (60%) daily. Conversely, only 17% of respondents never use cabletelevision, 7% never use national television, and only 4% never use local television (Chart 34).Generally speaking, when trying to reach the Barnett Shale population, television should beconsidered a good media outlet for message delivery.Similar to newspapers use, magazine use is relatively low. For example, 48% of respondentsnever or seldom use national magazines. Local magazine use was even lower, with 61%reporting never or seldom use. (Chart 35)44
  • 100. Chart 34: Frequency of television use 54% Daily 50% 60% 13% 2-3 Times a Week 20% 17% 6% Once a Week 10% 8% 5% 2-3 Times a Month 7% 7% 5% Few times a year 6% 4% Cable Television 16% National Network Television Never 7% 4% Local Television 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Chart 35: Frequency of magazine use Daily 5% 3% 2-3 Times a Week 9% 5% Once a Week 14% 10% National Magazines 2-3 Times a Month 24% Local Magazines 22% Few times a year 26% 33% Never 22% 28% 0 10 20 30 40 45
  • 101. Local radio seems to be a promising media to reach the Barnett Shale residence. Here, 50% ofrespondents use the local radio on a daily basis, while 21% use national radio daily. Only 8%never use local radio, and 27% never use national radio. (Chart 36)Chart 36: Frequency of radio use Daily 20% 50% 2-3 Times a Week 14% 19% Once a Week 11% 9% National Radio 2-3 Times a Month 12% Local Radio 8% Few times a year 16% 6% Never 27% 8% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60Displaying similar numbers to television, online resources seem to be part of many residents’daily routine. Fifty percent indicated they visit a generic website daily, 39% specifically usesocial media daily, and 49% use a news website daily. Comparing these numbers to those whonever use a generic website (11%), social media (23%) and news website (7%), one canconclude that if placed correctly (i.e., good SEO, SEM, etc.), digital media such as the Internetcould represent a good information dissemination platform. (Chart 37)46
  • 102. Chart 37: Frequency of Internet use 50% Daily 38% 49% 19% 2-3 Times a Week 14% 19% 9% Once a Week 9% 10% Other internet websites 7% Internet social media 2-3 Times a Month 9% 8% Internet news sites 5% Few times a year 6% 7% 11% Never 24% 7% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60Focusing on digital media, online information sources were further explored through an open-ended question. The following represents the magnitude of use within each displayed sourceamong the Barnett Shale population. For example, CNN, MSN, and Yahoo dominated the newsuse within the digital sphere (Chart 38). Thus, when considering where to reach the BarnettShale residents online, media strategist are better off place their message on or within the MSN,CNN or Yahoo news sections. 47
  • 103. Chart 38: What websites do you use to get your news? 5.6 Commitment to InvolvementTable 8 reports behavioral perceptions toward hydraulic fracturing. As presented, many of themeans are close to the midpoint of the scale, thus, suggesting people are either undecided orambivalent or that they sense two equal view points and aren’t sure with which to agree.Regardless, undecided populations can be considered very useful in terms of campaign direction.The lack of polarization within these individuals allows them to be open to developing aviewpoint and thus, is key when considering who to target for knowledge acquisition. Moreover,for several items, it also appears that respondents sense that it is not desirable to get involved(see items 4 and 5). Meaning, respondents are mostly unwilling to participate in any events insupport or against hydraulic fracturing. This could be related to their ambiguous attitudes.Consequently, this too could be a direction for campaigning to this audience.48
  • 104. Table 8: Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statementsabout community efforts (organizing, protesting, calling legislators, petitioning, etc.)(percentages). Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree nor Agree Disagree 3% 11% 69% 14% 2%My community will appreciate me takingaction when it comes to hydraulic fracturing. 2% 9% 56% 30% 2%If I participate in events related to hydraulicfracturing, I will feel like I am doingsomething positive for my community. 4% 13% 60% 20% 2%Participating in community efforts related tohydraulic fracturing will make me feel goodabout myself. 13% 23% 57% 5% 1%People who are important to me think that Ishould not participate in community effortsrelated to hydraulic fracturing. 25% 34% 39% 2% 1%I feel I am under social pressure toparticipate in community efforts related tohydraulic fracturing. 5% 12% 66% 15% 3%I will vote for the candidate who takes astand on hydraulic fracturing. 4% 10% 49% 33% 4%Participating in community efforts isimportant to me. 10% 28% 47% 13% 1%I know how to participate in communityefforts related to hydraulic fracturing. 24% 33% 40% 3% 1%My family expects me to participate incommunity efforts related to hydraulicfracturing. 15% 30% 41% 13% 1%I know where to go to get involved incommunity efforts related to hydraulicfracturing.If I wanted to, I could participate incommunity efforts related to hydraulic 4% 8% 48% 36% 5%fracturing. 49
  • 105. 5.7 Public Perceptions ConclusionsRespondents, in general, seem to have mixed attitudes towards hydraulic fracturing; however,they tend to have more negative than positive perceptions of the fracturing process. For instance,they view it as mostly bad for the environment, unsafe, and harmful. However, when it comes totaking action about hydraulic fracturing, we notice that generally, respondents have no intentionto engage in any behavior against or in support of hydraulic fracturing. Moreover, residents ofthe Barnett shale are generally informed about issues related to hydraulic fracturing; however,they tend to overestimate existing shale gas regulations in Texas.Compared to a national survey conducted in 2010 by the Civil Society Institute, the Barnett shalerespondents report greater awareness of hydraulic fracturing than the national sample. However,they are similarly concerned concern about water quality as a result of hydraulic fracturing andprefer cleaner energy sources. Also, they generally think that policy makers are not doingeverything they should to disclose chemicals used in natural gas drilling.As for the media use of the Barnett shale sample, they read local newspapers, watch national,cable, and local television, listen to local radio, and use the internet almost daily. This providesus with an idea of where to place campaigns to inform the Barnett shale population abouthydraulic fracturing.50
  • 106. 6 Overall ConclusionsTo begin, a key limitation of the study relates to the scope of keywords used for each media. Thekeyword list used did not turn out all instances of hydraulic fracturing covered. However, theentirety of hydraulic fracturing coverage (i.e., beyond the keywords) is available on the EnergyInstitute website.The sample surveyed from the Barnett Shale counties suggest that people are very likely to uselocal and national media outlets for their news. Specifically, people refer daily to localnewspapers (25%), local television networks (60%), regional television networks (60%), nationaltelevision networks (54%), local radio (50%), and national radio (20%). Online sites are also amajor source of news. For instance, 49% use Internet news sites, 38% use social media, and 50%use other Internet websites daily.Media stories collected from national and local news sources on hydraulic fracturing generallycover negatively related issues, and scientific evidence is mostly lacking. Coverage resultsbecome especially important given that knowledge of such issues are directly associated to thelevel of coverage. Meaning, the frequency a topic is covered in the media does seem to influenceknowledge. And, perceived knowledge does seem to influence attitude toward hydraulicfracturing. The respondents were asked about the most prominent topics related to hydraulicfracturing found in the media. Results suggest that respondents are mostly aware of those topicsas they relate to the process of hydraulic fracturing; however, they missed the questions that gomore into detailed scientific technicalities. Moreover, although participants are informed aboutsome aspects of hydraulic fracturing policies and regulations in Texas, they tend to overestimatethe scope of those regulations. This suggests that people are more prone to think the State ofTexas regulates more aspects of hydraulic fracturing than it actually does.The knowledge questions also reflect on the attitudes that people hold about hydraulic fracturingand the level of their involvement in the subject. Since respondents displayed a general lack ofknowledge about the specific science and regulations of hydraulic fracturing, respondents seemto have ambiguous attitudes about the topic. Here, 48% of respondents reported being neutralabout whether the fracturing process is safe or unsafe, good or bad, or positive or negative. This 51
  • 107. group could be considered a potentially good target of media campaigns directed at informingthe public about hydraulic fracturing, as the information they receive should have a relativelylarger influence on their overall attitude. This should be an important consideration for policymakers interested in promoting hydraulic fracturing agendas.Developing stronger attitudes should also increase public involvement in hydraulic fracturingefforts (pro or against). Currently, people are generally neutral when asked about being involvedin any such efforts and about the importance for the community. Respondents also do not seewhere politicians stand on the topic of hydraulic fracturing as a determinant of who they aregoing to vote for in the next elections (i.e., 66% are neutral). Given the significance of this issuein the upcoming policy making process, it is obvious that the public is generally unaware of theimpact of hydraulic fracturing on their communities.52
  • 108. 7 Sources/ReferencesAudit Bureau of Circulation (2011). US newspaper search results. Retrieved from http://abcas3.accessabc.com/ecirc/newstitlesearchus.asp on 2011-07-18. DMA SRDSLinkages to other White Paper s The above findings were forwarded to Prof. Suzanne Pierce in order to analyze them and compare them to the scientific research published on the topic.Authors/contr ibutors Research faculty: Professor Matthew S. Eastin and Professor LeeAnn Kahlor Research Assistants: Niveen Abi Ghannam and Ming Ching Liang. 53
  • 109. Appendix A. Keywords List Used for the SearchWell Blowout Shale gas plus well blowout Haynesville plus well blowout, Marcellus plus blowout etc Chesapeake, Talisman plus well blowout Shale gas well blowout plus cause, or mechanism Shale gas well blowout plus citation or regulatory enforcement Shale gas well blowout plus death and or injury Shale gas well blowout plus groundwater contamination and or frac water release Shale gas well blowout plus engineering reportWater Well Contamination Ground water or Water well or aquifer contamination and fracing or fracking Ground water or Water well or aquifer contamination and shale gasWater well contamination shale gas plus Marcellus, Haynesville, Barnett etc Ground water contamination Shale gas plus Marcellus or Barnett or Haynesville etc Ground water or water well contamination Shale gas plus methane Ground water or water well contamination and surface casing, and/or well completion, and/or cement job Water well contamination plus BTEX, and /or Benzene, diesel, methanol (according to Waxman, Markey, DeGette report, most commonly used chemical in fracturing) Water well contamination plus barium, and/or boron, bromine Water well contamination plus arsenic, and/or chromium, Water well contamination plus butanone (contamination from drilling, not fracturing, as you likely already know; not sure that drilling-contamination causation shown?) Water well contamination plus uranium, NORM, radium, radioactive contamination, radon Water well contamination plus acrylonitrile Well and/or water supply and contamination and Southwestern Energy and Berish and Susquehanna (Berish = plaintiff in contamination lawsuit) Lenox and township and contamination Pavillion, Wyoming together with EPA, water well contamination, benzene, “Price # 1 Well” (subject of lawsuit in Susquehanna County alleging well contamination) Dish, Texas and/or …. water well contamination, emissions, air contamination, benzene Range Resources, and Parker County, Texas, and/or water well contamination and/or EPA and/or RRC and/or hearings, and/or citationFrac Fluid (and Frack Fluid) Frac fluid and/or safety, benzene, diesel, carcinogenic, disclosure, composition Frac fluid and/or ethylene glycol monobutyl ether Frac fluid and disclosure Frac fluid and groundwater contamination54
  • 110. Surface Spills or AccidentalRelease Shale gas and Ground water or water well contamination and Surface spill and or accidental releaseSurface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or drill pad or pad Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Dimock / Stevens Creek / Cabot / Halliburton / Fiorentino (spill) Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Susquehanna County / Springville / Cabot Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Flower Mound, Cummings pad (spill) Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Muncy Creek Watershed/ XTO Energy / Sugar Run (spill) Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Williams / Louisiana / Caddo Parish / Schlumberger / Chesapeake /cattle kill (spill) Bradford Township / Schreiner Oil and Gas Surface spill and/or shale gas and/or surface spill and or accidental release and/or Greene, Fayette, Washington County / Atlas Resources (waste discharges on surface) McNett Township / Lycoming County (methane) Hickory, PA Garfield County, Colorado Shale gas and/or surface spill and/or surface release and/or fish killFlow-Back Water Flow-back water and shale gas and/or disposal and/or environmental issue, and /or recycling, and/or treatment and/or contaminants Flow-back water and shale gas and/or Marcellus, Barnett, Haynesville etc Tracy Bank (Buffalo) uranium and flowback or flow-back Surface Water Disposal and land applicationShale gas and/or water disposal and/or fish kill total dissolved solids 402 or NPDES or national pollutant discharge elimination system and permit and wastewater and flowback POTW / publicly owned treatment works / wastewater treatment plants / flowback water disposal Shale gas or Marcellus and trihalomethanes land application and/or land farming agriculture and/or field and/or spreading and fracture and/or flowback and wastesWater Disposal Wells UIC and/or well and/or permit and/or underground injection control and/or Safe Drinking Water Act Heritage Consolidated LLC contamination chloride Cenozoic Pecos Alluvium Aquifer Salt water injection well or Disposal well together with environmental contamination or problem, well integrity problem, cases pressure, groundwater contamination Salt water injection well or Disposal well or class 2 well and shale gas and or Barnett and/or Haynesville and or Fayetteville etc Hydro FX Injection Disposal Well west of Boyd, Wise County Chico, Wise County 2005 injection well accident Doc’s Tank Trucks , Injection Disposal Well, Parker County, water pollution, casing pressure, down hole integrity problem City of Annetta North, Parker County, Aledo, Increased salinity, deep Trinity water wells Moratorium on new salt water injection wells Fort Worth Class 2 disposal well PA; brine disposal well PA 55
  • 111. Atmospheric Emissions andAir Quality Shale gas and Atmospheric Emissions together with methane, and/or VOC, benzene Shale gas and methane Emissions Shale gas and methane Emissions and flow back water and/or well completion and/or gas processing Shale gas and pipeline Emissions TCEQ air quality study Town of Dish Ambient Air Monitoring AnalysisPipeline Leaks Pipeline Leaks together with Barnett Shale or Haynesville etc Pipeline leak, Enbridge Springtown Gas Plant Pipeline line together with: shale gas or Marcellus, or Barnett etc and/or methane emissions, leaks, spills, accidents and/or IngraffeaRegulatory Enforcement Regulatory Enforcement together with: shale gas, and/or permitting, surface spill, water contamination, water disposal, blowout, ground water contamination, surface water release, Frequency of inspection together with: shale gas, and/or permitting, surface spill, water contamination, water disposal, blowout, ground water contamination, surface water release, PA DEP plus shale gas and/or enforcement, citations, spill incident, groundwater contamination, blowout, surface spill, surface release, stream release, publicly owned treatment works, wastewater treatment plants, flow back water disposal TX RRC plus shale gas and/or enforcement, citations, spill incident, groundwater contamination, blowout, surface spill, surface release, flow back water disposal, well integrity, salt water disposal New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and/or Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement Louisiana DEQ Oklahoma DEQ Arkansas DEQ Susquehanna River Basin Commission Delaware River Basin Commission and/or proposed regulations http://www.state.nj.us/drbc/naturalgas- draftregs.pdf State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER) [Does not issue fines or penalties but reviews adequacy of state programs and may review penalties issued.]Local Government Response Groundwater Availability Certification Parker County Fort Worth gas drilling ordinance/ gas drilling task force Arlington gas drilling ordinance http://www.marcellus-shale.us/pdf/Gas-Drill-Ord_Arlington-TX.pdfPublic Interest and ProtestGroups Riverkeeper (collects alleged cases of environmental contamination from drilling and fracturing) Earthworks OGAP Oil and Gas Accountability Project Natural Resources Defense Council ProPublica Ground Water Protection Council (nonprofit group of state regulators that has argued that state regulations of fracturing are adequate) (pro) Marcellus CoalitionBarnett Shale Groups Fort Worth Citizens Against Natural Gas Drilling Ordinance (FW CAN DO) Erath Citizens for Clean Water PARCHED Parker Area Residents Committed to Halting Excessive Drilling56
  • 112. Wyoming Groups Wyoming Outdoor Council (trade secrets and chemical disclosure)Marcellus Groups Pennsylvania Environmental Council Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future 57
  • 113. Appendix B. Spreadsheet ItemsItems included in the spreadsheets in which we have compiled our results:- Date: date of the published article/ transcript- Sour ce: the name of the media source used to retrieve the article- Title: the Headline or title of the article- Author: person/group of people writing the articles- Scale: whether the source is international national, regional/metropolitan to a city, or local to a certain city or town- Keywor ds: the combination keywords from the list provided by the group used to conduct the search. Please note that in every spreadsheet, all the keywords are listed, whether or not they turned out search results. This will help us to observe which keywords are turning out results and which are not in each source.- Refer ence to r esear ch: Whether or not the article includes any reference to a published study/report.- Tonality: whether the article gives a positive, negative, or neutral connotations of hydraulic fracking. Please note that whenever an article presents different points of views, we categorized it as neutral.- Link: the hyperlink where the articles are found online- Text: The actual text of the article.58
  • 114. Appendix C: Online Attitude, Knowledge, and Behavior Survey ItemsYour thoughts about Hydr aulic Fr actur ing:As of r ight now, how awar e would you say you ar e about the issue of hydr aulic fr actur ing? 1. Very aware 2. Somewhat aware 3. Not very aware 4. Not aware at allHydr aulic fr actur ing is:Knowledge about Hydr aulic Fr actur ing:The ar ea wher e I live is r ich in Shale gas. a. True b. False 59
  • 115. Hydr aulic fr actur ing is the pr ocess of pr oducing a “fr actur e” in: • The underground soil layer • The topsoil • An old mine • The underground rock layerIn gener al: A. There is a consensus that hydraulic fracturing is safe for the environment. B. There is a consensus that hydraulic fracturing is dangerous and harmful to the environment. C. Some scientists and environmental groups claim hydraulic fracturing is dangerous and should be banned, but the industry insists it is a safe technology. D. The industry insists that hydraulic fracturing is dangerous and should be banned, but scientists and environmental groups think it is a safe technology.More than thr ee quar ter s of the hydr aulic fr actur ing wells used in the United Statespr oduce: A. Oil B. Gas C. Coal D. WaterNear ly all of the natur al gas wells in the United States use hydr aulic fractur ing. A. True B. FalseHydr aulic fr actur ing r equir es ___________________ to r etr ieve natur al gas tr apped underthe ear th’s sur face. A. Hammering solid rock underground B. Injecting fluid underground C. Extracting soil underground D. Freezing underground water supplies60
  • 116. Hydr aulic fr actur ing involves dr illing under the Ear th’s sur face for: A. Less than 500 feet B. 1,000-3,000 feet C. 3,000-10,000 feet D. 10,000-50,000 feet E. More than 50,000 feetPr oppants ar e: A. Gaseous material used to induce hydraulic fracturing B. Compounds used to clean a fracturing site C. Particles used to hold fractures open after a hydraulic fracturing treatment so that fluids can easily flow along D. The legal permits required for drilling in fracturing sitesTexas now r equir es companies to disclose the chemicals they use in hydr aulic fr actur ing. A. True B. FalseThe fr actur ing fluid is used to induce a hydr aulic fr actur e by: A. Over flooding the ground level surface area B. Displacing ground water C. Applying pressure to produce a crack in the natural rock formation D. Washing out the soil to release pressureDur ing the fr actur ing pr ocess, if fr actur ing fluid seeps fr om the fr actur e channel into thesur r ounding per meable r ock, this is called: A. Fracture Gradient B. Leak off C. Frack Seepage D. Natural Gas 61
  • 117. Which of the following r isks ar e associated with hydr aulic fr actur ing? Choose all thatapply. A. Human health B. The contamination of ground water C. Risks to air quality D. Migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surfaceThe Gr ound Water Pr otection Council, Natur al Resour ces Defense Council, FW CAN DO,and PARCHED ar e: A. Gas drilling companies B. Government agencies C. Environmental Groups D. TV showsTher e is consider able scientific evidence that hydr aulic fr actur ing has r esulted in thecontamination of water . A. True B. FalseWell blowouts occur : A. Frequently in drilling wells B. When the drilling well explodes C. When drilling fluids escape from the top of the wellbore under high pressure D. When the weather conditions are badIn gener al, blowouts that occur dur ing the drilling pr ocess have an envir onmental impactsimilar to sur face spills. A. True B. FalseIn the Bar nett shale, ther e has been:62
  • 118. A. No blowouts B. 20 or less blowouts C. 20-40 blowouts D. 40 or more blowoutsThe Bar nett shale ar ea extends over : A. 50 square miles B. 500 square miles C. 1,000 square miles D. 5,000 square miles E. 15,000 square milesDr illing activity in the Bar nett shale is r egulated by the Railr oad Commission of Texas(RRC) and: A. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) B. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) C. Texas Department of Transportation D. Texas Department of AgricultureThe Railr oad Commission r egulates how close a gas well can be dr illed to a r esidentialpr oper ty. A. True B. FalseThe Railr oad Commission r ules do not include specific r equir ements for liner s in dr illingpits. A. True B. False 63
  • 119. In Texas, ther e ar e standar ds for deter mining the locations, shapes and sizes of the dr illingr igs. A. True B. FalseTexas law allows dr iller s to use as much of the sur face as necessar y to explor e, dr ill andpr oduce the miner als fr om a pr oper ty. A. True B. FalseTexas Railr oad Commission has no authority over the impact on pr oper ty value as a r esultof dr illing activities on pr oper ties. A. True B. FalseIn Texas, an oil or gas oper ator is r equir ed to per form an envir onmental study beforedr illing. A. True B. FalseIn the Bar net shale ar ea, the annual water consumption for shale gas usage is: A. Less than 2% B. 2-4% C. 4-6% D. >6%In Texas Bar nett shale, the number of active/pr oducing horizontal wells incr eased fr omfewer than 400 in 2004 to mor e than ____________ dur ing 2010.64
  • 120. A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 20,000 D. 30,000In 2010, the per centage of electr icity in Texas pr oduced fr om natur al gas was: A. less than 18% B. 28% C. 38% D. 48%In 2010, US shale gas pr oduction was __________ of total US natur al gas pr oduction. A. less than 3% B. 13% C. 23% D. 33%Media Use:How often do you use the following media? 65
  • 121. What websites do you use to get your news?After answer ing the above questions in this sur vey, how awar e would you say you ar eabout the issue of hydr aulic fr actur ing? A. Very aware B. Somewhat aware C. Not very aware D. Not aware at allPer ceptions about Hydr aulic Fr actur ing:Still thinking about the natur al gas dr illing pr ocess sometimes r efer r ed to as fr acking, howconcer ned ar e you about this issue as it r elates to water quality? A. Very concerned66
  • 122. B. Somewhat concerned C. Not very concerned D. Not at all concernedDo you think that state and national officials ar e doing enough to r equir e disclosur e of thechemicals used in natural gas dr illing? Would you say they ar e... A. Doing everything they should B. Doing some of what they should C. Not doing as much as they should D. Not doing anything at all E. Dont knowIf you could speak dir ectly to your member of Congr ess, your gover nor or state leader ,which of the following statements would you be most likely to make to them? A. When it comes to energy production, I come down on the side of the publics health and the environment. I favor cleaner energy sources that use the least water. B. Energy production comes first. There are always risks and tradeoffs when it comes to public health and the environment. C. Dont knowWhich of the following statements best expr esses your view about wher e Amer ica shouldfocus its ener gy pr oduction in the futur e? A. Water shortages and clean drinking water are real concerns. B. America should put the emphasis on first developing new energy sources that require the least water and have minimal water pollution C. Energy supply needs should override concerns about water shortages and water pollution. D. America should proceed first with developing energy sources even if they may pollute water or create shortages. E. Dont knowBehavior s:Have you par ticipated in any community efforts against hydr aulic fr acking? A. Yes 67
  • 123. B. NoHave you par ticipated in any community efforts supporting hydr aulic fr actur ing? A. Yes B. NoCommunity effor ts (or ganizing, pr otesting, calling legislator s, petitioning, etc.) r elated tohydr aulic fr actur ing are:Demogr aphics:In which Texas county do you live? Denton Clay Eastland Hood Shakleford Johnson Comanche Ellis Jack Somervell Tarrant Cooke Erath Montague Stephens Wise Coryell Hamilton Palo Pinto Young Archer Dallas Hill Parker Other Bosque68
  • 124. What year wer e you born?Gender A. Male B. FemalePolitical Affiliation (choose the most applicable.) A. Republican B. Democrat C. IndependentIs your land cur r ently being leased to gas industr y oper ator s? A. Yes B. NoDo you have a par t-time or full-time employment r elated to hydr aulic fr actur ing? A. Yes B. NoWhat is the highest level of education you have completed? A. Less than High School B. High School / GED C. Some College D. 2-year College Degree E. 4-year College Degree F. Masters Degree G. Doctoral Degree H. Professional Degree (JD, MD)Ar e you (check as many as apply) A. White B. Asian (including Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Southeast Asians C. Pacific Islander D. Native American or Alaskan native E. Hispanic or Latino origin F. African American 69
  • 125. G. OtherWhat is your household income? Below $10,000 $60,000 - $69,000 $10,000 - $19,999 $70,000 - $79,999 $20,000 - $29,999 $80,000 - $89,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $90,000 - $99,999 $40,000 - $49,999 More than $100,000 $50,000 - $59,99970
  • 126. Appendix D. Links to Spreadsheets- Online search - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydFg5Sy1jaHFYOXJRSUMyUjVUdzZ0a1E&hl=en_US- National TV and Radio: - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydFlib1lEczk3cXVjbGZYYUt5UThDLVE&hl=en_US- National Newspapers: - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydE9RX3IteS12VlAwRDBRT0FBbkd3N0E&hl=en_US- Marcellus Metropolitan TVs - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydGJJby01cjZ3bUNUVXhkZUNFaVJJSEE&hl=en_US- Marcellus Metropolitan Daily Newspapers - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydFFoTUN5NXdXeGsxaGR1Qkg4WUFtMGc&hl=en_US- Barnett Metropolitan TVs - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydGVmY1lZSjNRRS1lSmtGTHFyMWJKc1E&hl=en_US- Barnett Metropolitan Daily Newspapers - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydFB0OFhBQVhMYzJGU25LUDUzMnUweUE&hl=en_US- Haynesville Metropolitan TVs - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydDBvLXRYckFTRklJdUFxUHJoVU5qLWc&hl=en_US- Haynesville Metropolitan Newspapes - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCqmaiHbS- ydEhYaTdya0RHTnFpVEdhQ0lBTllTQlE&hl=en_US#gid=0 71
  • 127. 4 Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas DevelopmentThis section is still in draft form. 57
  • 128. Table of Contents________________________________________________To the Reviewer ...............................................................................................................................31 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................42 Environmental Impact of Usage and Disposal of Water.....................................................10 2.1 Quantity of Water Usage ...........................................................................................10 2.2 Sources for Water ......................................................................................................12 2.3 Environmental Issues with Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, Flowback and Produced Water .........................................................................................................................20 2.4 Disposal, Recycling and Reuse of Fracturing Water.................................................263 Noise Pollution ....................................................................................................................304 Risk of Surface Spills ..........................................................................................................355 Environmental Impact of Blowouts ....................................................................................396 Groundwater Contamination ...............................................................................................437 Impact on Landscape...........................................................................................................478 Atmospheric Emissions.......................................................................................................519 Health Impacts ....................................................................................................................5610 Discussion ...........................................................................................................................58 10.1 Environmental Concerns over Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids and Disposal of Flowback Water.........................................................................................................61 10.2 Water Contamination.................................................................................................65 10.3 Long Term Risks of Groundwater Contamination from the Deep Hydraulic Fracturing Process .....................................................................................................71 10.4 Atmospheric Emissions .............................................................................................73 10.5 Health Issues ..............................................................................................................78 10.6 Are Regulatory Frameworks in Place that Minimize Risk of Environmental Damages? ..................................................................................................................8511 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................9312 References: ..........................................................................................................................94 (over)
  • 129. 1 IntroductionHydraulic fracturing has been used by the oil and gas industry since the late 1940’s (Sallee andRugg, 1953). Over the next 50 years the oil and gas industry used fracturing technology tostimulate on the order of a million wells. The Independent Petroleum Association of America, anindustry Trade Association has suggested (with strong justification it would seem) that hydraulicfracing is a technology that is critical accessing the US’s oil and gas resources in a cost effectivemanner (IPAA, 20XX). The exploitation of shale gas resources in North America has had such adramatic and profound impact on both gas production and in the long term reserves of naturalgas that it has been deservedly acclaimed as a “game changer” for North America by energyanalysts (ICF, 2010).Shale gas occurs in fine grained organic rich rocks that were originally recognized as sourcerocks for hydrocarbons but were long thought to be to impervious to be exploited for their gascontent. Developing an approach to cost effectively producing natural gas from these rocks wasaccomplished over a period of years by a determined small gas company operating in the BarnettShale of Texas. This approach refined the hydraulic fracturing technique and eventuallycombined it with horizontal drilling. The success of these stimulation and associated well-completion techniques led to a revolution in the natural gas industry.The report by ICF International on gas shale identified three critical environmental concerns: (1)water requirements; (2) chemical exposures; and (3) management of contaminated water. Shalegas has become a contentious and polarizing issue, with both sides expressing almost exactingopposite views of the facts. Some segments of the public have become deeply suspicious of theveracity and motives of gas companies. These suspicions were intensified over that last fewyears by the natural gas producers and gas field service companies initially refusing to disclosethe chemical makeup of fluids used to enhance hydraulic fracturing. Anecdotal evidencesuggests that in areas of intense shale gas drilling many of the local public have a low degree oftrust of gas producers, gas field service companies and in many cases the regulatory agencies.All of this has undoubtedly intensified a widespread outcry on internet blogs, in social media,and documentaries asserting that shale gas drilling and production is an environmental disasteron an unprecedented scale. A presentation at a recent annual meeting of the Society of Petroleum 4
  • 130. Engineers (SPE) warned that future shale gas operations “depend in part on public support” andthat such support in the future may be “jeopardized by unresolved [largely environmental]issues” (Fanchi and Fanchi, 2011).Many outside observers have concluded that it is “likely”, “highly likely” or “definitivelyproven” that shale gas extraction is resulting in widespread contamination of groundwater in theUS. For example Wood et al (2011) in a comprehensive study of the impacts of shale gasexploitation in the US, from the Tyndall Center at the University of Newcastle, have concludedthat “there is considerable anecdotal evidence from the US that contamination of both groundand surface water has occurred in a range of cases”. Other scientists have seen even greaterclarity in the evidence. For example Robert Howarth,the David R. Atkinson Professor ofEcology & Environmental Biology at Cornell University, in a formal written submission to theEPA, has stated “Shale gas development clearly has the potential to contaminate surficialgroundwater with methane, as shown by the large number of incidences of explosions andcontaminated wells in Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Ohio in recent years” (Howarth, 2010). Inthe next paragraph of his submission Howarth expresses even greater certitude, stating “… shalegas development has clearly contaminated groundwater and drinking water wells withmethane…”. Such statements from prominent scientists have increased public anxiety regardinghydraulic fracturing in general and shale gas drilling in particular.In general the response from the gas industry and its supporters has been total denial not onlythat any such problems exist but also that such issues are real risks. For example the industrysponsored web site Energy-in-Depth (EID), in response to a white paper by the NGO Food &Water Watch, flatly denied the validity of “[an allegation that] fracking fluid migrationunderground” are among the “environmental and public health risks” of hydraulic fracturing andshale development. In response to a question from Congressman Matheson on the safety ofhydraulic fracturing in a congressional hearing in 2010, Rex Tillerson the Chairman of ExxonMobil stated that “there have been over a million wells hydraulically fractured in the history ofthe industry, and there is not one reported case of a freshwater aquifer ever having beencontaminated from hydraulic fracturing, not one” (CEC, 2010). At times the statements of thesupporters of the gas industry have been even more strident. Michael Economides, Professor ofChemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the University of Houston, recently told a 5
  • 131. Congressional Committee that “the hydraulic fracturing process is safe, already well regulated bythe various States” and that “the hysterical outcry over this process is completely unjustified”(Economides, 2011). He also asserted in his testimony that “documentaries such as Gasland, andthe national media have fueled a frenzy of anti-fracturing sentiment previously unknown”.Economides has also referred to arguments made by the environmentalists as “two huge lies” and another oftheir concerns as “preposterous”. Although from a scientific viewpoint this epithet may bejustifiable, this kind of language degrades the tenor of the debate. There are U-tube videoscirculating where at least one academic opponent of hydraulic fracturing in a state of highagitation, express his concerns in a manner not conducive for rational discussion. Someopponents of hydraulic fracturing have escalated the argument by attempting to have hydraulicfracturing declared a violation of human rights by the United Nations (UN, 2011).Mark Boling (Executive Vice-president of Southwestern Energy, a major shale gas company) ina recent presentation has appealed to both sides in the shale gas debate to “Dial down therhetoric” and to work to understand the “real obstacles to responsible development of [shale gasresources].” He suggested that only if the focus was placed on these “real obstacles” thatsolutions will be developed. Dr Cal Cooper of Apache Corporation has expressed some similarthemes in his Congressional testimony. He noted that Apache “would be pleased if the U.S.scientific community were to conduct robust scientific investigations that better establish therisks of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources”. He also noted that ‘based on existingknowledge and practical experience” that his company believes that the risks “are minimal andmanageable”. Finally he cautioned that “alarmist sensationalism, especially when it purports tobe science, is destructive, and this topic has enjoyed more that it’s fair share of that already”.The question of whether hydraulic fracturing has directly contaminated fresh water aquifers iscontroversial in some part because of differing sematic distinctions drawn by the protagonists.The gas industry and the supporters of hydraulic fracturing tend to see hydraulic fracturing as aparticular technology that is applied to the deeper extremity of gas (or oil) wells, typically atdepths of a thousand meters or more below fresh water aquifer. The gas industries assertion thatno “definitive evidence” has been found of “direct” water contamination from “deep” hydraulicfracturing is undoubtedly true if the sentence is parsed pedantically. However the use of nuanceddenials is unlikely to increase public confidence in the shale gas industry. At the same time for 6
  • 132. the opponents of the technology, hydraulic fracturing is seen as a broad term that covers thedrilling and completion of the well and all the associated activities. Under this view a truck ofhydraulic fracturing fluid rolling over going around a tight bend and spilling its load onto theground is contamination from hydraulic fracturing. Professor Mark Zoback of StanfordUniversity was recently quoted by Dittrick (2011) as stating “There are significant environmentalimpacts to shale development, but none of them have anything to do with hydraulic fracturing”.Hoffman (2011), representing the Susquehanna River Basin Commission has appealed forscience-based decision making for regulations of shale gas extraction from the Marcellus(Hoffman, 2011). Unfortunately scientific research has not kept pace with the “shale gasrevolution”. Ben Grumbles (former Assistant Administrator of the EPA for water in the G.W.Bush administration) writing in Yale-Environment-360 (Y-E-360, 2011) suggested that “localand national policymakers need an honest assessment of potential safety risks [associated withshale gas]”. Soeder (2010) has suggested that the rapidity of the expansion of shale gas drillingmay result in “regulatory agencies [making] policy decisions based on little data”. Taking adifferent perspective, some energy experts have expressed concerns that “If the regulation ofhydraulic fracturing becomes more stringent, this could slow the growth of shale gas production”(ICF, 2010). Shale gas production is particularly susceptible to regulatory slowdown asproduction rate is sensitive to the rate of drilling (because shale gas wells produce most of theirgas in a year or so). As reported by National Public Radio Governor Corbett of Pennsylvania,under considerable pressure from environmentalists to increase regulatory oversight of shale gasextraction, has said that “We need to protect the water… We need to protect the environment.But we must do it based on science and not emotion.”This paper (by necessity for conducting a comprehensive evaluation) takes a broad view of theenvironmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, placing it in the context of the full range ofenvironmental concerns related to not only fracturing, but also drilling, water supply, wastedisposal and so on. Soeder (2011) amongst others, has suggested that two main aspects ofattempts to minimize the potential environmental impacts of shale gas extraction require moreattention: (1) understanding the “long-term and cumulative” effects on “landscape, terrestrial andaquatic ecosystems, water resources, and air quality”; and (2) Understanding whether currentregulations, and regulatory enforcement (numbers of regulatory staff) are sufficient. Soeder 7
  • 133. (2011) has also expressed concern as to whether it is understood which potential environmentalimpacts are most important.The range of environmental concerns engendered by shale gas production includes: • Water resources issues, including the magnitude of withdrawals, problems with the disposal of produced water • The potential toxicity of chemicals in hydraulic fracturing fluids and their long term fate in the subsurface • Surface spills (of fracturing chemicals, produced water, or condensate)from trucks, tanks and pipelines • Contamination of groundwater by surface spills or leakage from wells with poorly completed surface casing and cement • Disposal of drilling wastes and NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material) from produced water and scale deposits • Blowouts of wells , well head accidents resulting in surface spills of hydraulic fracturing fluids, produced water or condensates • Road traffic, noise and light pollution caused by drilling activity, pipeline compressors and so on. • Ecologic damage caused by habitat fragmentation and pollution of streams by chemicals and/or sediment • Emissions of VOC and methane (and possibly H2S) impacting air quality • Seismic activity possibly induced by fracturing or salt water disposal wellsShale gas production also has a direct human impact, more so than traditional oil and gasproduction. A recent White Paper summarizing a Society of Petroleum Engineering TechnicalSummit (SPE, 2011) on the topic “Hydraulic Fracturing: Ensuring Ground Water Protection”noted that shale gas has resulted in intensive “industrial activities” in rural and sub-urbanpreviously not familiar with such activity. And that this has resulted in a range of social impactsranging from noise from drilling rigs and heavy equipment, and high levels of truck traffic. Thereport (SPE, 2011) notes that the influx of out-of-town, industry workers “changes thesociological dynamics of small communities”.This paper sets out to critically review available scientific information addressing these issues. Inwriting this paper not only has the scientific literature been reviewed but also an extensivesampling of reports by NGO’s, regulatory agency reports, homeowner complaints and newspaper 8
  • 134. articles. In all this sources a particular emphasis was put on tracking down chemical analyses ofwater well chemistry, original reports on emissions measurements, health reports, and similartangible evidence. It should be noted however that a single chemical analysis done by a homeowner at a single commercial laboratory lacks the veracity of an EPA chemical analysis done atmultiple specialized laboratories using triplicate samples. In some cases scientific studies arelacking or inconclusive and assessment of analogues is all that is available. A question ofparticular importance whether the deep fracturing fluid can have an appreciable impact on freshwater aquifers in the long term. The overall aim of this paper is to attempt to evaluate the natureof the potential environmental risks and understand their potential for substantial impacts. It alsoattempts to identify best practices that should be considered for future legislation and/or rulemaking by regulatory agencies. 9
  • 135. 2 Environmental Impact of Usage and Disposal of Water2.1 Quantity of Water UsageThe drilling and hydraulic fracturing of a shale gas wells requires significant quantities of water:for use as drilling mud, for the hydraulic fracturing fluid, for extraction and processing ofproppant sands, for testing of natural gas transportation pipeline, and for gas processing plants toname a few. Water usage is one of the most frequently mentioned environmental issuesassociated with shale gas production and hydraulic fracturing technology uses significantquantities of water. Some refer to the water usage associated with hydraulic fracturing as “large”and some as “vast”. The EPA (EPA, 2011) has estimated that if 35,000 wells are hydraulicallyfractured each year in the United States, then this would consume an amount of water equivalentto that used by five million people. However it is important to put this water usage into thecontext of how much energy is produced through the drilling activity and also to understand ifthe consumption is sustainable.The water required to hydraulic fracture a single well has varied considerably over the lastdecade as hydraulic fracturing for shale gas has become dominated by more complex, multi-stage horizontal wells. Table (1) shows the estimated average current (October 2011) waterconsumption for hydraulic fracturing for a number of shale gas plays or basins from ChesapeakeGas data presented in Mathis (2011). This data shows that shale gas plays vary about 4 to 6million gallons their per well water requirements.Table One: Current Chesapeake Water Use by Shale Play Shale Gallons Used for Gallons Used for Million Gallons Drilling Fracturing Used per Well Barnett 250,000 3,800,000 ̴4.0 Haynesville 600,000 5,000,000 ̴5.6 Fayetteville 65,000 4,9000,000 ̴4.9 Marcellus 85,000 5,500,000 ̴5.6 Eagle Ford 125,000 6,000,000 ̴6.1Several metrics have been used in an attempt to quantify the significance of water usage in shalegas production. The most popular has been the energy water intensity (typically expressed as m3of water per TJ of energy), used by Gleick (1994) in his seminal paper on the water energy 10
  • 136. nexus. Mantell (2011) has estimated the water intensity of the Barnett shale, Marcellus shale andHaynesville shale plays as 1.32, 0.95, and 0.84 gallons per MMBtu, respectively. Mantell notesthat these water intensities are low compared to the water intensities calculated by Gleick (1994)for other types of energies by one or two orders of magnitude. Nicot and Scanlon (2012) havecalculated the average water intensity for shale gas production in Texas for 2008 as 4.6 L/GJ.Note that Nicot and Scanlon’s estimated water intensity if for the overall drilling in the playincluding both vertical and horizontal wells, as well as wells from both high producing andmarginal areas. The calculation of the water intensity metric for shale gas wells is somewhatuncertain because of uncertainty in the projected life time gas production of shale gas wells.However there appears to be a consensus amongst researchers working in this field that for mostall shale gas well the water intensity is small compared to other types of fuels such as coal.Another possible metric is the water consumption per head of local population by area or bypolitical subdivision (such as by county or by state). For example Ramudo and Murphy (2010)quoting Josh Brown from Chesapeake Energy, note that Pennsylvania’s annual total waterconsumption is approximately 3.6 trillion gallons, of which the shale gas industry withdrawsabout 0.19% for hydraulic fracturing.Significantly the water usage for hydraulic fracturing is a short-term and transitory (Arthur,2009). The vast bulk of the water usage related to a specific well, takes place over a short periodof time (on the order of days to a few weeks), while the hydraulic fracturing activity takes place.Infrastructure (particularly gas pipelines, water distribution pipelines) is important for costeffective exploitation of shale gas resources. As a results water usage tends to be highlyconcentrated in space and time, as particular companies and in some cases alliances ofcompanies expand drilling activity to an area in concert with development of the necessaryinfrastructure. From the perspective of a small geographic area undergoing intense shale gasdevelopment the water intensity of shale gas in m3 per TJ is not a relevant metric to represent thelocal impact of water consumption. The variety of water sources and the fact that pipelines ortrucks may be bringing in water from considerable distance means that it is almost impossible todevelop a detailed understanding of the local impact of water usage.The first systematic study of water sources for shale gas extraction was undertaken in 2006 forthe Barnett shale play by Harden and Associates in collaboration with J.P. Nicot of the 11
  • 137. University of Texas (Bene et al., 2007). The Bene et al. study was particularly concerned withunderstanding what impact the rapidly growing Barnett shale play was having on groundwater inthe region and specifically the impact on the trinity aquifer, which supplied much of the waterfor small communities in the rural counties around Dallas and Fort Worth. Bene et al. (2007)estimated that in 2005 nearly 90% of the total water withdrawals for the region for their studyarea (municipal, agricultural irrigation, thermo-electric power generation, industrial, and mining)comes from surface water, whereas groundwater supplies the rest. The total water withdrawalsfor the Barnett Shale development was estimated as less than 1 percent. The demand on groundwater from gas shale drilling was about 3% of all groundwater total groundwater withdrawals.Nicot (2007) made predictions for the future water needs for Barnett Shale development in thecontext of low medium and high scenarios for the rate of exploitation of the gas resource. It hassince become clear that the path of development has been between the medium and the highestimate (Nicot and Scanlon, 2012). The high estimate predicts an increase, from an estimated7,200 acre-feet in 2005, to about 10,000-25,000 acre-foot per year by 2025. Nicot (2007)estimated an increase in groundwater used from 3% in 2005 to 7 to 13 percent in 2025. Theseestimates for groundwater consumption will likely prove high as increasingly water usage in theBarnett Shale Play has increasingly been sourced from surface water, an inherently renewablesource. In a recent comprehensive study of water usage in shale gas production Nicot andScanlon (2012) computed the cumulative water use in the Barnett totaled 145 Mm3 from 2000 tomid-2011 and cumulative gas production over that time was They also have shown that notsurprisingly, the cumulative gas production track cumulative water consumption over time.Annual water use by the entire shale gas industry in the Barnett represents approximately 9% ofwater use in in the City of Dallas (Nicot and Scanlon, 2012).2.2 Sources for WaterWater for drilling hydraulic fracturing shale gas wells can be sourced from surface water (rivers,lakes, ponds), groundwater aquifers, municipal supplies, reused waste water from industry orwater treatment plants, and recycling water from earlier fracturing operations (Arthur andCoughlin, 2011; Veil 2010). The main environmental concerns are that water withdrawals forshale gas drilling will result in reduced stream flow or deplete groundwater aquifers.Significantly the source of water used has varied considerably from area to area. Water impacts 12
  • 138. are inherently a local matter and the exact location and the seasonal timing of the withdrawal canbe a critical difference between high impact and no impact on other users.The most reasonable approach to assessing the significance of the water usage is to considerwhat impact it has on the local community and the local environment both in the short and longterm. In the early days of shale gas production water was brought to the site by trucks. This formof transporting water is expensive and the scale of truck traffic is disruptive for the localcommunity. On the order of a 1,000 truck trips to the well site may be required for a modernhydraulic fracture job, a third or more of the trucks carrying water for fracturing. Trucking isexpensive ($0.75 to $1.00 per barrel per 30 miles of route). Therefore there is a strong economicincentive to either source water locally or to develop a pipeline system for water delivery (anddisposal). Pipelining water both lowers cost and decreases issues related to truck traffic.The sources for water used for hydraulic fracturing in most states is not well documented (see forexample the situation in Texas noted in Nicot and Scanlon, 2012), in large part because of thecomplex patchwork of regulatory agencies that are responsible for various water sources in thestates mostly do not monitor consumption. Perhaps the key distinction between water sources interms of their environmental impact is whether the water usage is sustainable, in other words,renewable. For example surface water usage is likely to be sustainable whereas groundwaterusage is less likely to be sustainable. For each shale play the ratio of groundwater to surfacewater withdrawals can vary considerably bother in time and location.Again in the Barnett, Bene et al., (2007) estimated that in 2000, the groundwater use for gas welldrilling and fracturing was approximately 3 percent of the total groundwater use in their studyarea. By 2005 water usage had grown substantially and Bene et al. (2007) estimated that thewater consumption for gas well was 7,200 acre-feet with approximately 60 percent beinggroundwater from the Trinity and Woodbine aquifers and 40 percent being from surface watersources.Usage of groundwater and farmers ponds is more typical than river water in the early stages ofthe exploitation of a shale gas play when drill pads are typically geographically dispersed andbefore pipeline based water-distribution systems are established. For example Bene et al. (2007)estimated that, early in the development of the Barnett shale gas (in 2005–2007), between 45 and 13
  • 139. 100% (depending on the location) of the water for hydraulic fracturing came from groundwateraquifers. At the same time this usage was relatively small compared to other sources ofconsumption. Mace (2007) presented data that shows that water levels in groundwater wells inthe three aquifers underlying the Barnett shale play (the Trinity, the Paluxy, and the Woodbine)have been in approximately linear decline over the last hundred years. In 2005 the water usagefrom the Trinity aquifer (the main aquifer overlying the area of the Barnett Shale underdevelopment at the time, was 8000 acre feet , 1.6% of the annual pumping from this aquifer(Groat 2006). Except locally (for domestic or farm water wells close to major extraction wellsfor shale gas water) it seems unlikely that the impact of an additional 1.6% of annualgroundwater withdrawals could be discerned from the noise in water levels declines for thisaquifer.Nicot (2010) has made a first order inventory of the various water sources available to operatorswithin the Barnett Shale footprint including: (1) water from wastewater treatment plants; (2)groundwater from “smallish possibly slightly brackish aquifers”; (3) farm ponds; and (4) othernon-state surface water bodies. The approximate annual water availability from these sources is100,000 AF from ponds and non-State surface-water bodies, over 100,000 AF from wastewateroutfalls, and more than 25,000 AF from small often brackish aquifers. These water resources area factor of five greater than the maximum annual consumption for the Barnett of 40,000 AFprojected by Nicot. Although there may often be a mismatch between available water sourcesand the location of drilling, as the Barnett play has matured operators have increasinglydeveloped pipeline networks to resolve such issues.On a regional basis the groundwater withdrawals for gas wells are such a small volumecompared to total withdrawals (by agriculture, municipal, manufacturing and so on) it would bedifficult to distinguish their impact except at a local level. Such distinct negative impacts onspecific local water wells have been observed in some domestic wells perhaps within the cone ofdepression of wells particularly active in supplying gas companies. For example in 2006 inParker County, the local newspapers had a number of stories of property owners water wellsrunning dry in response to water usage for hydraulic fracturing and the local Sierra club andother environmental activists were expressing strong concerns (Chruscielski, 2007). There isevidence that this pressure from the local population resulted in gas companies lowering their 14
  • 140. water consumption. For example from January 2005 to March 2007 one company operating inthe Barnett shale play (Devon) reduced their water consumption per frac job by a half (Degner,undated).Galusky (2010) has noted that early projections for withdrawals of freshwater for hydraulicfracturing of gas wells in the Barnett had assumed that groundwater would come to represent100% of usage as the play was fully developed. Although Rahm and Riha (2012) have suggestedthat “ground water is the major source of water for hydraulic fracturing [in the Barnett Shale inTexas]”, this has not been true since 2006 when groundwater usage was estimated by Galusky(2007) as 56% of the usage for fracturing. By 2007 Galusky estimated that groundwater usagehad fallen to 41% of usage. As noted by Galusky (2010) after 2007 shale gas activity in theBarnett has been concentrated in the so-called “core areas” largely in the more urban areas and a“substantial fraction” water for gas wells “has come entirely from municipal purchases”,essentially all from surface water sources. Galusky (2010) concluded that “it is likely… that thefraction of groundwater [resource used by the Barnett shale activity] will be considerably lessthan the 10% figure originally projected by [Bene et al., 2007]”.In part of the Barnett Shale play companies have made minor use of brackish water aquifers assource. API (2010) states that gas companies working in the Barnett shale “are drilling to theLower Trinity aquifer to supply water [for their needs]”. The Lower Trinity aquifer has such highTDS content it cannot be used for domestic use without expensive treatment. It is not clear whatproportion of current groundwater usage is from these brackish sources. Anecdotal evidencetalking to operators suggests that where convenient operators recycle the early less saline portionof the flowback water. Both reuse of flowback and usage of brackish water is accomplishedthrough use of in-line filtration, and in some cases centrifuge/chemical treatment.In contrast to the Barnett Shale, when the Haynesville Shale play began to be exploited in EastTexas and western Louisiana, water initially dominantly came from the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer(Hanson, 2010). Although the local recharge rate of this aquifer is not well understood localwater experts and landowners were concerned that water for hydraulic fracturing was not beenproduced in a sustainable manner. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these concerns were drivenby observations of unexpected drops in the water levels in community wells in areas where itwas known that significant abstractions were being made to supply drilling needs. Van Biersil et 15
  • 141. al. (2010), in evaluating the sustainability of the Carrizo-Wilcox as a water source for futureHaynesville gas drilling, concluded that aquifer is “subject to elevated drawdown and largecapture zone”, has “locally poor productivity”, and thus “is of limited use as a large waterproducer”.In October 2008, Jim Welsh the State of Louisiana’s Commissioner of Conservation Jim Welshissued a groundwater advisory recommending that companies developing the Haynesville Shalein Northwest Louisiana should use the more sustainable Red River Alluvial aquifer system (thatbecause of its hardness and high TDS, is mainly suitable for industrial uses) in preference to theCarrizo-Wilcox (Welsh, 2011). The Commissioner further encouraged surface water or otheralternative water sources where practical.At the same time the commission pointed companies towards two very large surface water inNorthwest Louisiana, the Toledo Bend Reservoir (to the west), and the Red River (near thecenter of the Haynesville Shale play), as sources of water for fracturing with about 300-billiongallons available annually (Welsh, 2011). This strategy has proved successful in getting the gascompanies to lower their withdrawals from the Carrizo-Wilcox; by March 2010 73% of the waterused in the Haynesville play was surface water, and the rest was groundwater (DNROC, 2011).At the same time the entire water usage by the hydraulic fracturing industry was, according toMathis (2010), 1.6% of the entire water consumption of within the eight parishes (Louisiana) andfour county’s (Texas) within the area of the Haynesville Shale play. By far the largest operatorsin the Haynesville play over the last few years have been Chesapeake, Encana and Petrohawk.Mathis (2010) notes that Chesapeake uses 90% surface water for its Haynesville operations. InMay 2009, Chesapeake was the first gas company to receive an Army Corps of Engineers’permit to withdraw water from the Red River. Hanson (2010) suggests that Petrohawk now usesno groundwater in its hydraulic fracturing operations. As companies have responded tocommunity concerns, water demand for the year from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010being met primarily (78 percent) by surface water. The Louisiana Office of Conservation is nowconfident that the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer will not suffer long-term negative impacts related towater demands for gas drilling.In response to these concerns the gas industry has progressively changed the water sources fortheir operations to renewable sources such as the Red River aquifer (Van Biersil et al., 2010) and 16
  • 142. in some cases to the use of municipal waste water. EXCO Resources announced plans to usepartially treated waste water from an International Paper a mill in an 8 mile 12 million gallons-a-day pipeline. This wastewater is low in oxygen which reduces the need to use biocides in fracfluid to control bacteria.The current core of Eagle Ford Shale play encompasses than a dozen counties in South Texas,extending some 6,000,000 acres from Webb County in the southwest to Gonzales in thenortheast. In the Eagle Ford shale play in south Texas, fewer options are available for water. Thetotal water withdrawals from groundwater and surface water sources from the area encompassedby the current Eagle Ford shale play in 2008 was approximately 64.8 billion gallons(Chesapeake, 2011). The main fresh water use is for agriculture (70%) and municipal watersupply (26%). Surface water options are few except near the Rio Grande along the border withMexico. Nicot and Scanlon (2012) have noted that surface water is not readily available in thisarea and that apart from the Rio Grande the streams in the area such as the Frio and NuecesRivers are ephemeral.Thus far shale gas/oil drilling has largely tapped groundwater from the Carrizo aquifer. In Texasthe southwestern portion of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer has been significantly depleted byunsustainable extraction from water wells going back before 1900, with water levels declined onthe order of 130 m over the last hundred years in some parts (Greene et al., 2007). As noted byGreen et al. (2009), high rates of pumping in the 1960s, aggregating to more than 100,000 acre-ftper year continued through the mid-1980s, before decreasing by about 35% thereafter. Green etal. (2009) also suggested that the average total annual recharge of this southwestern Texasportion of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer “may be less than 30,000 acre-ft” which is considerablybelow the current rate of aggregate pumpage.Local short-term water shortages within the Eagle Ford shale play are perhaps inevitable and thegas shale industry appears to recognize that proactive strategies will be needed to avoid conflictswith local communities. Options that can mitigate local water shortages include: either pipelineor truck transport of Rio Grande surface water or Carrizo groundwater to areas with water issues;recycling using mobile desalination plants; reuse of flowback water blending with fresh water;and use of brackish or low quality groundwater from aquifers other than the Carrizo; and use oftreated municipal waste water. Thus far no information is available to allow even estimation of 17
  • 143. what impact these strategies have had on lowering the shale gas related withdrawals from theCarrizo. However reports in Texas business web sites suggest that water treatment companieshave seen the Eagle Ford shale play as an opportunity for selling significant volumes ofdesalination services.The Fayetteville Shale play in north-central Arkansas, active since 2001 (with over 3,000 wellsdrilled), is the 4th largest recoverable gas play in the country. Concerns over the impact of gasdevelopment on water resources have been driven in part by the fact that the play is close to abroad swath of eastern Arkansas that has chronic groundwater shortages. In the FayettevilleShale play in Arkansas, gas companies use water from surface water (rivers, private lakes andponds), reuse of flow-back water from previous fracking operations, and “limited use” ofgroundwater from private water wells (Chesapeake,2010). The main area of drilling in theFayetteville shale play in White County is west of, and abuts the area of eastern Arkansas thathas been designated as a critical area for groundwater shortage by the state (ANRC, 2012). Togather rain water the gas companies operating in the Fayetteville play have constructed a seriesof impoundments. Chesapeake in 2008 also constructed a large (500 acre feet) impoundment todivert water from the Little Red River during periods of high flow (Arthur, 2008). Water for thisreservoir is withdrawn River by the operators during periods of high flow (storm events orreleases for hydro power generation from an upstream Dam). The operator is permitted towithdraw up to 1550 acre‐ft each year. Southwestern which controls nearly a half of theFayetteville uses 100% surface water in its operations (36% from their own constructedimpoundments, 26% from private ponds, 21% from reuse of flowback, and 17% directwithdrawals from streams (SWN, 2012). It would seem that essentially all the water for theFayetteville shale play is derived from surface water sources and reuse. The USGS continuouslymonitors stream flow at seven sites within the area of the active Fayetteville Shale play so anysignificant overuse of surface water could be readily detected. This seems unlikely as most of thewater used comes from rain feed ponds.Pennsylvania receives an average of 43” precipitation per year and on the order of three times thewater available compared to Texas, where gas shale drilling was pioneered. Pennsylvaniaconsumes about 1.6% of the water available. In the Marcellus Shale Play in Pennsylvania,Hoffman (2011) has documented the actual water use for hydraulic fracturing within the SRB 18
  • 144. using water regulated by the Commission. For Marcellus gas wells between 6/1/08 to 6/1/11Hoffman reports that 724 shale gas wells were fractured using a total volume of 2,135.8 milliongallons of freshwater, 32% from public water supplies (from surface water in more than 95% ofthe cases, Hoffman, 2011) and 65% from direct surface water withdrawals, mostly from riversand streams. The average volume of water injected per well drilled and fractured wasapproximately 4.3 million gallons, 90% from freshwater and 10% from recycled flowback. Forthe 36% of water coming from public supplies, Entrekin et al. (2011) have computed that theaverage distance between Marcellus shale gas wells and the nearest public water supply inPennsylvania is 25.83 ± 17.93 Km. The actual road trip for tanker trucks would be longer thanthis. However it is likely that wells at a larger distance from city supply preferentially get theirwater from surface sources. As the Marcellus Shale Play has matured an increasing portion ofthis water is being sourced from surface water that has been transported by pipeline networks.Recently reuse of flowback water has become a significant component of water for hydraulicfracturing with reports of 75% or higher rates (Rassenfoss, 2011). This reuse rate wouldcorrespond to approximately 15% of the water consumption for hydraulic fracturing. Rassenfoss(2011) suggests that in the future acid mine drainage water from coal mines may become asource of water for shale gas activities.Rahm and Riha (2012) have recently reviewed some of the regulatory restrictions in place inPennsylvania to prevent withdrawals from streams so large that they will result in ecologicaldamages. They note that ‘‘Large’’ rivers (defined as rivers with a median flow >2830 l/s or 1000ft3/s) will seldom have low flows requiring regulatory intervention to curb withdrawals. Theyshow as stream size decrease the number of days with regulatory control of withdrawals becomelarger. Again as the Marcellus play matures pipeline infrastructures linking drill pads towithdrawal sites on large river via large storage impoundments will become widespread. In NewYork, the draft SGEIS has proposed a protective stream withdrawal regulation that states “WaterConsumption: Companies will not only have to follow Susquehanna River Basin Commissionand Delaware River Basin Commission protocols for water withdrawal where applicable, butalso must complete a more stringent and protective stream flow analysis in regards to waterwithdrawal plans – whether inside or outside the Susquehanna or Delaware basins”. 19
  • 145. The Horn River Basin is a shale gas play (ranking third largest in North America in reserves) inNE British Columbia Canada, approximately 1600 km NW of Calgary, Alberta. In the HornRiver Basin of British Columbia surface water resources are limited because the area of shale gasactivity does not have any significant through-flowing rivers, substantial lakes or othersignificant sources of surface water. For this reason hydraulic fracturing has been sourced largelyfrom small lakes (such as Two Island Lake) and groundwater. In response to the potential impactof groundwater extraction the gas companies operating in this shale play have attempted toutilize brackish and saline water sources (Coppola and Chachula, 2011), lower the amount ofwater used for fracturing and implement recycling where possible. The British Columbia Oil andGas Commission (BCOGC) has estimated that 20% of the water used in hydraulic fracturingcomes from reuse of flowback water (Campbell and Horne, 2011). In summer 2010 parts ofnortheast B.C. experienced “persistent and severe summer drought” prompting the BCOGC infour river basins in the Peace Region, to place a moratorium on withdrawals of surface water forseveral months (Campbell and Horne, 2011).2.3 Environmental Issues with Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, Flowback and Produced WaterThe composition of the chemical component of hydraulic fracturing fluids has been controversialas until recently the companies that manufacture fracturing fluid components have insisted theexact composition was proprietary. Over the last year or two between voluntary disclosure andstate based disclosure laws the details of the composition of the chemical components offracturing fluids are becoming known. These chemicals fulfill a variety of functions (Table 2):friction reducer; biocide (such as bromine, methanol or naphthalene prevent bacterial growthfrom clogging the fractures); scale inhibitor (such as hydrochloric acid or ethylene glycol toprevent precipitation of mineral such as carbonates from flowback and produced water);corrosion inhibitor (to prevent corrosion of steel casing and other metal components); claystabilizer (minimizes swelling of expandable clay minerals); gelling agent (helps suspendproppants in the fluid during flow into the induced fractures); surfactant (such as butanol orethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-BE) to promote fracturing); and cleaner (such ashydrochloric acid to dissolve debris from drilling and the fracturing processes). TheEnvironmental Impact Statement prepared by NY New York State (2009) includes a compilation 20
  • 146. from Material Safety Data Sheets of 260 chemical compounds in the 197 products thatcompanies submitted to the NYSDEC. The total number of different chemicals that have beenused in the past is now known to be even larger than thought. Recently a congressionalcommittee report has concluded that from 2005 to 2009, the 14 industry service companies haveutilized over 2,500 products containing 750 chemical compounds.The degree of danger to the environment from these chemicals is highly controversial. Theconcentrated form of the additive is an industrial strength chemical mixture. Recently in responseto state based disclosure laws and regulations the chemical composition of fracturing fluids isbecoming public knowledge. Three million gallons of hydraulic fracturing fluid “with 0.44%additives, will contain over 13,000 gallons of chemicals (including 3,300 gal of acid and 30 galof biocide)” (Soeder, 2009). This mixture, if spilt and drunk by cattle (to quote a real example) isdeadly.The point in time when flowback effectively ceases and produced water from the formationdominates has been the subject of controversy. Some have suggested flowback be defined bymonitoring certain chemicals in the fracturing fluid, others have used salinity or TDS as ameasure, and some have added tracer chemicals to the fracturing fluid and measured theirconcentration in the water being returned. Unfortunately these approaches in most cases givevery different answers for the same well. Siegel and Kight (2011) have noted that each shale gasplay has a distinctive “halogen fingerprint”. They suggest that flowback water can be identifiedfrom halogen chemistry, such as the Br to Cl ratio. The volume of injected water returned asflowback (estimated by using the variation in TDS to calculate a mixing relationship between thefresh injected water and a saline formation water component varies somewhat from well to well,but varies significantly between different shale plays. Overall it appears that 20 to 80 per cent ofvolume of water injected remains trapped in the subsurface. The factors controlling the relativevolume of water returned from shale play to shale play are not understood however thispercentage can play a key role in many shale plays in controlling the water usage. With highrates of recycling of flowback water taking place in some shale plays (see below) shales withhigh rates of return of relatively fresh flowback water may have lower overall water intensitythan those with low returns. 21
  • 147. Flowback waters contain some or all of the following: (1) sand and silt sized particles (from theproducing formation or produced proppant material); (2) clay sized particles that remain insuspension; (3) oil and grease components, typically of anthropogenic origin, related to oils fromcompressors and drilling equipment; (4) water soluble organic compounds from the fracturingfluid additives and potentially extracted from the producing formation (including from thenatural gas and condensate fractions in pore spaces); and (5) dissolved inorganic components(typically referred to as Total Dissolved Solids or TDS), apparently largely reflecting the brinelike nature of the formation water in gas shale reservoirs. The chemistry of flowback andproduced water gives us the most tangible estimate of the chemical makeup of the water thatcould potentially leak from the well after the hydraulic fracturing of the well is completed.As flowback continues the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the fluids returned increases. Typicallyflowback water becomes higher in sodium, calcium, magnesium and chloride ions though theexact chemical makeup varies between different shale plays. Ba and Sr concentrations areunusually high in the flowback water in some shale plays such as the Marcellus. It is interestingto note that such high Barium contents can only occur if SO4- ions are low in concentration dueto the low solubility of BaSO4 (Barite). The average chemistry of flow back water variesconsiderably between different shale plays. As summarized by Gaudlip (2010) the average TDSof flowback increases from 13,000 ppm for the Fayetteville shale, to 30,000 for the Woodfordshale, to 80,000 for the Barnett shale, to 120,000 pm for the Marcellus shale. This sequence doesnot correspond to the relative depth of these reservoirs and is presumably controlled by thenature of formation water, in the shale.Currently the factors controlling the chemistry of flowback waters appear to be only partiallyunderstood. Although many researchers appear to either explicitly or implicitly assume that flow 22
  • 148. back water are simply mixtures of injected water with water from the formation itself, a numberof industry experts have pointed to evidence of geochemical interactions in the reservoirs playinga role in the chemistry of water returning to the surface. Engel et al. (2011) have pointed to a“1.2‰ increase in δ18O between the hydraulic fracturing fluid and day 1 flowback” that theyfound followed by “much smaller (<0.2‰) shifts in subsequent [days] samples”, that theyinterpret as indicative of water-rock interaction, particularly in the first day. This observation isprobably explained by the dissolution of new surfaces created and damaged by the hydraulicfracturing process.Kirby et al. (2010) in a study of flowback water from 5 wells in the Marcellus Shale play foundthat the pH ranges from 5 to 8 with total dissolved solids ranging from 1,850 to 345,000 mg/L(which they note is an order of magnitude more saline than seawater). They suggest that “muchof the alkalinity” in the flowback water represents “naturally-occurring organic acids” and notHCO3-. In Marcellus flowback water Ba and Sr have a large range in concentrations with valuesa high as 26,800 and 5,230 mg/L, respectively (Kirby et al., 2010). Thermodynamic analysisusing PHREEQC by Kirby et al. led to the conclusion that Ba and Sr concentrations areconsistent with complexation by organic anions.On a regional scale the chemistry of flowback water with the Marcellus shale shows considerablevariability. Kirby et al. (2011) using a larger data set of chemical analyses of Marcellus flowbackwater samples have presented contour maps of concentrations of Sr, Ba, Li, U, Fe, and Zn(amongst others) that show for much of Pennsylvania the distribution of these elements inflowback water is distinctly heterogeneous. Kirby et al. (2011) also used this data set to examinethe relationship between TDS and concentrations of a range of elements in flowback water. Theyshowed that Sr concentration of flowback water is a linear function of TDS as TDS increases toapproximately 100,000 ppm. At higher levels of TDS, Sr values increase at a higher rate as TDSincreases. The most plausible interpretation of this data is that initially Sr concentrations are aproduct of linear mixing of fresh flowback water and in-situ formational brine. With increasingtime water-rock interaction appears to become sufficient such that the Sr values become higherthan predicted. The higher Sr values are likely the result of dissolution of a mineral such ascalcite. This interpretation may perhaps be supported by Sr isotope data presented by Avner(2011) that shows that the initial Sr isotope ratio of flowback for the first five days of around 23
  • 149. 0.7110 changes to values of approximately 0.7112 at 15 and 20 days after the initiation offlowback.Recent geochemical studies of Marcellus shale flowback water (Siegel and Kight, 2010) hasshown Br/Cl ratios that clearly reflect the strong influence of what they identify as “AppalachianBasin brine” rather than an imprint from the dissolution of halite crystals in the Marcellus shaleas proposed by Blauch et al. (2009). Siegel and Kight pose an important question based on theirinterpretation of the geochemical data that is do the fractures created by the hydraulic fracturingevent extend beyond the low permeability Marcellus to tap brine fluids from more permeablebrine filled formations. Or does the Marcellus shale contain, what they refer to as, “[a yetunrecognized] disseminated brine”.The nature of the organic chemicals in flowback waters are of considerable concern both interms of understanding what chemicals present in the injected fracturing fluids are being returnedand also what water soluble organic compounds from the shale may be present. Unfortunatelyonly limited information is available on the nature of these chemicals and how they change overtime after the hydraulic fracturing event. Acharya et al. (2011) show profiles for the hexaneextractables and TOC for the flowback waters for a well from the Woodford Shale Play. Overthe first two days they found high initial values for hexane extractable organics followed by asharp decrease by the third day.Struchtemeyer and Elshahed (2012) have studied the microbiological properties of hydraulicfracturing and flowback waters from two new gas wells in the Barnett Shale. Their studyconcluded that the biocides added to the fracturing fluid failed to kill all the bacteria. Howeverbased on rRNA diversity analyses, Struchtemeyer and Elshahed (2012) concluded that themicrobial communities in the flowback water were “less diverse and completely distinct” fromthe microbial communities in injected fracture fluids. They further concluded that the microbialcommunities in the flowback water are “well adapted to survive biocide treatments and the [insitu] anoxic conditions and high temperatures” in the Barnett Shale. The implications of thediscovery of microbial communities in this shale gas reservoir and flowback what remain to beassessed. 24
  • 150. Another environmentally important component of flowback and produced water is NORM(naturally occurring radioactive materials) which are elements extracted from the shale and/orpresent in the formation water, brought up during flowback and in produced water. Each shaleplay appears to have a different pattern and range of levels for NORM. Uranium accumulates inanaerobic basins fixed by organic anionic complexes and Bank (2011) has shown that Uraniumconcentrations in Marcellus core samples are strongly correlated with organic carbon content. Ina number of geographically diverse Marcellus shale cores studies by Resnikoff (2010) and Bank(2011) Uranium concentrations fell in the same general range between approximately 10 and 90ppm. Uranium can be mobilized (under low pH conditions) by oxygenated fluids if these fluidsare capable of oxidizing the organic component of the rock. Fortunately the fracturing fluidshave a weak oxidizing capacity and are only mildly acidic (and the pH measured in flowbackwater is close to neutral as shown by data in Acharya et al, 2011). As a result the concentrationof Uranium in flowback water is very low. Rowan et al. (2011a) have characterized the nature ofUranium in flowback as virtually absent. This they note “reflects its low solubility in thereducing environments at depth that characterize most oil and gas reservoirs”.The existence of radioactivity in flowback water has been a major concern of environmentalgroups, particularly in the Marcellus shale play. The most common naturally occurringradioactive material (NORM) constituents in flowback and produced water are Radium 226(from decay of Uranium-238) and Radium 228 (from the decay of Thorium-232), which occur inthe form of Ra2+ cations, present in aqueous solution in concentrations from zero to a thousandpico-curies per gram (1,000 pCi/L is equivalent 1 ppb Ra-226). Such concentrations are typicallynot a hazard except when concentrated by the precipitation of carbonate or sulfate scale. Forexample precipitation of barite scale concentrates Ra2+ as it substitutes in the sulfate mineralstructure for Ba2+. Scale precipitates typically accumulate as inside pipes, storage tanks, andother well-head equipment that the flowback and produced water flow through. Exposure toradioactive scale is most likely when repair work is performed as exposure is only likely whenequipment is opened, and exposure to the general public from scale deposits is highly unlikely.Shale gas wells are probably too new to have built up appreciable scale however a survey ofolder oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania may give some idea of the future NORM radiation fromscale (probably a lower bound). The PA DEP from 1991 to 1995 conducted a survey of 25
  • 151. radioactivity of NORM contaminated scale in Pennsylvanian oil and gas well head equipment(PADEP, 1995). Out of 400 well sites surveyed, 60 percent had radioactivity reading at or belowbackground levels; 34 percent had levels under 10 micro R per hour and 3 percent had valuesfrom 11 to 20 micro R per hour and 2 percent were in the range 21 to 50 Micro R per hour(PADEP, 1995). Two samples had a higher radioactivity of 54 and 193 Micro R per hour. Onlythese two samples were viewed by PADEP as of regulatory concern. The USGS has expressedsome skepticism regarding the PADEP survey, noting that “the time between hydrocarbonproduction and sample collection is unknown” and that “brines that accumulated in open pitspresumably would have been subject to evaporation and (or) dilution by rain” (Rowan et al.2011b). However the issue of greatest concern in the PADEP study was the radioactivity of scaledeposits and these data are not impacted by these concerns. Engel et al (2011) presented data forflowback water from the Woodford shale that show a decrease in ratios of Ra-228 to Ra-226with time to <0.5. These low, late-stage ratios were interpreted as reflecting U-rich source for thewater, similar to that of the Marcellus shale. Low-TDS waters from the Woodford shale havevalues for NORM values that range from less than 20 to 500 pCi/L and do not pose any health orsafety issues.2.4 Disposal, Recycling and Reuse of Fracturing WaterInitially when gas shale drilling and production was initiated in Texas disposal of flowback andproduced water was disposed of exclusively by injection into deep saline reservoirs into Class IIdisposal wells (permitted by the RRC in Texas under the Underground Injection Controlprogram of the Safe Drinking Water Act). The Barnett Shale play is particularly fortunatebecause it is underlain by the Ellenberger Limestone at depth of around twelve thousand feet. InTexas there are over 12,000 Class II salt water disposal wells. Even with these large numbers ofdisposal wells in Texas, construction of new wells closer to the shale gas drills sites has beencommon to lower truck traffic and costs. As the areas of shale gas production spread thoughTexas, Louisiana (over 2,800 Class II wells) and Oklahoma (over 2,800 permitted wells) disposalvia injection wells continued reflecting the widespread availability of such wells in these states(GWPC, 2009; ALL, 2009). Again if these disposal well sites are not close to the current area ofdrilling, extensive transport by tanker trucks will be required with inherent risks of accidental 26
  • 152. spills. As a shale play matures there is a financial incentive to develop pipeline networksfacilitate transporting flowback and produced waters to disposal sites.Recycling and reuse are terms often used interchangeably by companies; however it is useful todraw a distinction between the two. In this paper recycling is defined as when flow back orproduced water is treated such that the water is returned to a condition that it could be legallydischarged into surface water (or at least into a municipal water treatment plant. That is the waterthat resulted is fresh water. Reuse is defined as taking flowback water, and after minimaltreatment such as filtering out particulate and clays, directly mixing it with fresh water for use infracturing. Recycled water may be used for fracturing or could be used for other purposes.Acharya et al. (2010) have noted that flowback water with TDS less than 45,000 ppm TDS,suitable for treatment using reverse osmosis membranes, are typical of: the Fayetteville Shale;the Woodford Shale; and over half of the Marcellus shale in NY State, but not in Pennsylvania.The flowback water in the Barnett, the Haynesville, and the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania andWest Virginia require some sort of distillation approach. Gregory et al (2011) in a recent reviewof the water management challenges facing the shale gas industry, particularly in Pennsylvania,have discussed a number of new strategies and treatment technologies for recycling of flowbackand produced water. The extent to which these approaches get used in the future will depend inlarge part on the cost of other disposal options and the feasibility of simply reusing the water.The Barnett Shale play, having by far the longest production history, has the longest history ofrecycling and reuse. Many of the recycling and reuse strategies now being used in other shaleplays were either developed or first tested in the Barnett shale play. Limited reuse is done in theBarnett when suitable infrastructure is available by taking the early fraction of flow back withlower salinity and mixing it with fresh water for the next fracture job. Multi-well pad drilling isparticularly appropriate for this approach. Ewing (2008) provided an early description ofDevon’s recycling efforts in the Barnett. In 2005 treatment of 7.3 million gals of flowback waterproduced 6 million gals of “fresh” water. From 2006 to 2008 the amount of water treatedincreased from 65.4 to 210 million gals, all with a fresh water recovery of just over 80%. In 2008the cost of processing 210 million gals was $874,552, with additional costs of $491,512 fortrucking and $135,590 for disposal of 67,795 barrels of hyper-saline concentrate (Ewing, 2011).The cost of water treated was $4.43 per barrel; however as the system produced water the 27
  • 153. company valued at $366,091, the net cost was $3.35 per barrel of water treated. As of March2008, 90 to 100 percent of Devon’s flow-back water was being treated and recycled (FWBOG,2008). Today Devon’s treatment and recycling program in the Barnett continues even thoughinjection in disposal wells would be more cost effective. Ray (2011) quotes Devon’s estimatethat they “recycle about 85-percent of the water that comes up from the well”. Evans (2011)reports that “Devon is the only company recycling water in the Barnett Shale”. Certainly othercompanies are employing reuse strategies. In the Barnett Shale play, reuse and recycling haslargely been limited to a fraction on the order of 5% of the total water production (Rassenfoss,2011), in large part because of the wide availability of injection wells into the underlyingEllenberger formation.In the Haynesville shale play, recycling of flowback and produced water has not been practicalbecause of the limited and erratic quantities of water returned and its high salinity (Nicot andScanlon, 2012). Similarly, reuse has been minimal in large part because of the low quality ofeven the early flowback water with high TDS, and high concentrations of particulates. Inaddition the flowback water has a low volume compared to the injected volume. Disposalthrough injection wells has been the method of choice. Recently operators in the Louisianaportion of the Haynesville have been trucking flowback water to Texas as a result of a new lawin the state placing lower limits on the maximum injection pressure in Class II disposal wells(Bruyninckx, 2010). Unfortunately a higher risk of road accident related spills may be theunintended consequence of this regulatory change. Bruyninckx (2010) also points out thatforthcoming rule change will necessitate a higher level of recycling or reuse in Louisiana.In the Fayetteville shale play that developed in Arkansas reuse and recycling is enabled by thegenerally good quality of the flowback which is low in TDS (10,000 to 20,000 ppm) andchlorides in comparison to other shale gas plays (Veil, 2010; Mathis 2011). As a result,approximately 80% of initial flowback water each well (on the order of 250,000 gallons) can bereused. Reuse makes up approximately 6% of the total water used for fracturing a well (Mathis,2011). Until recently more saline flowback and produced water from the Fayetteville play hasbeen disposed of into a number of Class II saline injection wells drilled by the gas companieswithin the local area. Several of these wells were recently shut down by regulators and theoperators in the play are now moving to treatment and recycling options. 28
  • 154. When the Marcellus shale play was initiated, there were only eight permitted Class II disposalwells in Pennsylvania (one commercial well and seven private wells not permitted for Marcelluswastewaters), seventy such wells in West Virginia, and six private wells in New York State(ALL, 2009). Drilling new disposal wells in Pennsylvania was problematic as the existing wellshad relatively limited injection capacity and the geology is largely not conducive to the drillingof cost effective disposal wells. This necessitated a change in disposal strategy by the shale gascompanies as they began operations in Pennsylvania. The option of choice was disposal atmunicipal waste water treatment facilities. These facilities are not designed to treat the highsalinity water. Effectively they only achieved dilution before discharging into surface water.These facilities soon became insufficient deal with the volumes of fluids being produced byMarcellus drilling activities. Acting on complaints from environmental groups regarding surfacewater pollution, regulators moved to stop this form of disposal and at present flowback is eitherpartly treated and reused, or trucked out of state to saline water disposal wells, or sent to licensedsaline waste water treatment plants. Depending on the company somewhere between 75 andnearly 100% of flowback water is being filtered and simply treated before being mixed withfresh water to supply the next fracturing job (Rassenfoss, 2011). This reuse makes up typicallyabout 10% of the requirements for fracturing a well. Saline produced water is largely being sentto out of state disposal wells. Questions have been raised by researchers at Texas A&M as towhether the filtering techniques being applied to flowback water before reuse is adequate toremove sufficient particulates that this component will not cause a later production issue.Rassenfoss (2011) notes that trucking produced water to the nearest cluster of disposal wells inOhio (a six hour drive from eastern Pennsylvania) costs about $4 per barrel of water for transportand another $1.5 to $2.0 for disposal. These costs can be compared with the cost of desalinationtreatment which Rassenfoss (2011) reports is around $7.50 for more saline water. So thedesalination cost in the Marcellus play appears to be close to the cost of using out-of-statedisposal wells. By June 2010 PADEP had permitted 31 facilities capable of treating flowbackand produced water, however comparative cost is so far keeping the percentage of water beingtreated small (Rassenfoss, 2011). This may be because these plants are not integrated into anetwork of dedicated pipelines and storage impoundments designed to supply future fracturingoperations. 29
  • 155. 3 Noise PollutionNoise pollution is not only annoying, it can also have impacts on general health and wellbeing(Stansfeld and Matheson, 2003; Hygge, 2002). Drilling gas wells is noisy at least for severalweeks at the beginning of the process. The use of large compressors and diesel electricgenerators are perhaps the main noise problems. Noise levels a logarithmic scale with units ofdecibels (dB). The loudness of sound doubles with every increase of 10 dB in sound pressure.For comparing the impact of noise on humans the dB level is an inadequate metric and aweighted sound level (dBA) is used to adjust a linear noise spectrum to better reflect the averageresponse of the human ear. Today dBA levels as used to compare real noise to regulatoryrequirements such as a municipal noise ordinance or OSHA regulation.Ambient noise levels vary considerably between day and night and between rural and urbanareas. Night-time ambient noise levels in residential areas can be as low as 35 dBA. In Citiesambient noise levels can vary considerably with location and noise ordinances typically requireat least a 24 hour continuous noise survey prior to drilling or building of a compressor station.Before drilling was permitted in Fort Worth a 24 hour sound survey was done at four proposeddrilling sites (Behrens, 2006). This study found that typical day time sound levels (7am to 10pm)ranged from 54 to 67 dBA whereas night time levels (10pm to 7 am) varied from 48 to 62 dBA.In predrilling sound studies in more suburban settings to the west of Fort Worth, Behrens (2006)found average, ambient sound levels in the day varied from 59 to 66 dBA whereas nightaverages were 48 to 57 dBA. Such surveys provide a baseline for compliance and noisemitigation. The typical standard nationally ordinances regarding transient or temporary operationsuch construction is that sound increases above ambient are limited to 5 decibel dBA daytimeand 3 dBA night time. Some municipal ordinances are more stringent with a 2 dBA limit. Asstudies have shown that most people cannot distinguish between noise levels until there is a 3dBA difference (WSDOT, 2012), such limits should be more than adequate.The Bureau of Land Management (BLM, 2000) has compiled measurements on noise levels 50feet from unmitigated gas operations as: well drilling - 83dBA; produced water injectionfacilities - 71 dBA; and gas compressor facilities - 89 dBA. Behrens (2006) reportedmeasurements of noise in various areas of a gas drilling rig 10 feet away as: diesel generator 30
  • 156. engine, 100-102 dBA; running casing, 102 dBA; and on the rig floor noise averaged 85 to 105dBA (where the 105 dBA measurement was from brake operations). He further noted that theaverage drilling sound levels at 200 feet from the drilling rig was 71 to 79 dBA with brake noiseaudible up to 1000 feet away. Noise measurements around gas well drilling operations in theFort Worth area suggest that unmitigated increases in ambient sound levels are on the order of20 to 25 dB(A) at 200 feet from the rig in the city. To put these values in context, a general ruleof thumb (LACP, undated) is that noise from point sources decreases with distance by 6 dBA forevery doubling of distance for hard surfaces (bare soil, gravel, concrete) and 7.5 dBA for softsurfaces (grass, vegetation). These values vary with topography, wind speeds and presence of tallbarriers such as trees. So one would expect, unmitigated rig noise would be largely attenuatedwithin 1,000 feet in a city setting (similar to those tested in Fort Worth by Behrens (2006) and by1,200 feet in a quite rural, grassland setting. Clearly these estimates are only roughapproximations and will vary up and down with topography and existence of barriers such astrees. Unless the aim is to effectively ban drilling, a 1,000 foot set back from receptors rule foran urban or city environment is not be practical, therefor noise mitigation is essential.In urban environments, multiple strategies are used to mitigate various noise sources associatedwith shale gas drilling and production. Tall, plastic, sound-barriers (acoustical walls) are costeffective strategies that can are used to minimize these disturbances. At two hundred feet from arig surrounded by an acoustical wall noise was measured as 64-68 dBA (compared to 72-77without the wall, and at 500 feet noise was 53-56 dBA (compared to 61-66 without the wall)(Behrens, 2006). Similarly, using shrouds to mitigate brake noise results in noise levels of 65-70at 200ft from the sources (compare to 72-77 without mitigation), and levels of 53-56 dBA at500ft (compared with 61-66 dBA unmitigated). Additional approaches to mitigate sound includeusing blankets around engines, installing mufflers, noise control pipe wraps, baffles, sounddeadeners, air-line silencers, and complete sound adsorbing buildings for reducing noise fromcompressor stations.Noise in a conventional drilling rig comes from three main sources: the diesel generators thatpower the rig; the braking mechanism (part of the hoisting system); and handling drilling pipe.Some companies have developed low noise rigs based in minimizing all three of these noisesources. The actual hydraulic fracturing process can be noisier than drilling when utilizing low 31
  • 157. noise drilling rigs. Using a combination of these approaches, best practice noise suppression ondrilling rigs can get day time noise levels down to 59 dBA and night time levels to 51 dBA.These noise levels are at, or below, the equivalent average, ambient noise measurements in thecity of Fort Worth and the suburbs by Behrens (2006).Before any drilling on a specific drill pad begins, the City of Fort Worth’s noise ordinancerequires a 72-hour sound survey (which must include one weekend day). The purpose of thissurvey is to establish the typical average ambient sound levels are in an area. This survey is usedto determine the permitted day and nighttime sound levels. These levels cannot be exceeded bymore than 5 decibels during the day and by 3 decibels at night (Percival, 2009). Fracturing isallowed to be 10 dBA over the ambient level. The well operator is held responsible for meetingthese requirements at the closest receptor defined as the property line of the closest residence or aprotected structure such as a church or school. Avoiding noise in schools is particularlyimportant as it has been shown to have a negative impact on the cognitive performance ofschoolchildren (Hygge, 2002).Industry best practice is to install sound meters on all drill pads, compressor stations etc., suchthat the site is connected by cellular phone or Wi-Fi to record sound levels 24 hours a day. Whenan excedence of permitted sound levels is detected sound engineers investigate to seek the sourceand report not only the cause but also what steps have been taken to prevent a recurrence(Percival, 2009). Behrens (quoted in Percival, 2009) notes that “maybe 75 percent of theexceedances we see in our continuous monitoring during drilling are generated from sourcesother than the drilling activity”.One aspect of noise pollution that has been not studied extensively is the impact on fauna in ruralwoodland settings. Francis et al. (2009) studied the impact of gas compressor noise on birdsamong natural-gas extraction infrastructure within woodlands of northwestern New Mexico.They concluded, in contrast to previous research that identified reduced bird densities as aconsequence of road noise, that “no difference [exists] in community nest density betweentreatment [sites near gas compressors] and control sites”. However they noted that bird speciesthat are intolerant of noise may face higher nest predation rates than species that can inhabitnoisy areas. Francis et al. (2011) have studied further studied habitat use and nest success of birdspecies impacted by chronic, natural-gas compressor noise, again in woodlands in northwestern 32
  • 158. New Mexico. Compressor noise impacted over 80 percent of the study area and “occupancy ofeach species was approximately 5% lower than would be expected without compressor noise”.The flycatcher nest success was 7% higher as a result of less predation in noisy areas.Deployment of sonic walls around compressors could reduce the noise impacted area by 70%and “maintain occupancy and nest success rates at levels close to those expected”. Theyconcluded that without noise-reducing walls, the industry’s soundscape footprint will grow asmore wells are developed and that to “maintain some semblance of the natural soundscape”mitigation by sound walls is required to “minimize the spatial distribution of this industry’simpact on natural communities”.Other studies have been published on impacts on bird species of gas production, but have notspecifically considered noise. In the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming from 2008–2009,Gilbert and Chalfoun (2011) evaluated the abundance and species richness of songbirds as afunction of the well density at two natural-gas fields, and one oil field,. There was no particulartrend in species richness as a function of well density. However they found that increased welldensity was correlated with significant decreases in abundance of Brewer’s sparrow and sagesparrow particularly in the Jonah natural gas field. Vesper sparrows also decreased with higherwell density. The abundance of horned larks increased with well density in the PinedaleAnticline natural gas field. Gilbert and Chalfoun (2011) suggest that regional declines of certainsongbird species “may be exacerbated by increased energy development”. As noted above theseare broadly similar to the impacts on bird species by noise from distributed gas compressors(Francis et al., 2009; Francis et al., 2011)Drilling and hydraulic fracturing is a temporary, transient activity typically lasting a few weeks.Noise can be successfully mitigated down to measured ambient sound levels in suburban and cityenvironments. Noise ordinances such as those implemented in Fort Worth appear to be effectivein gaining public acceptance of drilling activity as well as allowing industry to mitigate noise in acost effective way. Earth Works (EW, undated) has proposed that a noise limit of 45 dBA atnight for urban areas be implemented for shale gas drilling. Although Earth Works suggest that“there are several jurisdictions that require oil and gas operators to meet a 45 decibel level duringthe night-time, in residential areas” they do not identify the locations of these localities. 33
  • 159. Considering the ambient noise level measurements in city and urban environments in Fort Worthdocumented in Behrens (2006), such a proposal doesn’t make sense. 34
  • 160. 4 Risk of Surface SpillsThe drill pad is a locus for potential spills and leaks both from impoundments, storage tanks, andfrom surface blowouts or leaks from the wellhead. The New York State Water ResourcesInstitute at Cornell note that such spills “may result from accidents, from inadequatemanagement or training, or from illicit dumping” (NYSWRI, 2011). Hydraulic fracturingchemicals and flowback water present a more significant risk above ground than they do in thedeep sub-surface. This is particularly the case if the fracturing chemicals are in their concentratedform before dilution in large quantities of water. These risks can be mitigated in part if thevolume of chemicals stored at multi-well pads is reduced by either offsite premixing offracturing fluids and just-in-time-delivery. Flowback water is typically pumped into temporarystorage in an impoundment before transport by truck or pipeline to the next well pad for reuse, totreatment plants, or disposal sites. Trucks hauling hydraulic fracturing chemicals, flowback, andproduced water can be involved in accidents resulting in spills. Similarly transporting flowbackor produced water to injection or treatment sites, by both pipeline or tanker truck can result inaccidental spills. Leaks in pipelines can be problematic as it may be some time before the leak isdiscovered.For any spill three characteristics are important: the degree of containment of the spill; thevolume of the spill; and its toxicity (Riha and Rahm, 2010). By definition a contained spill posesno to human health and/or to ecosystems. The toxicity of the spill depends not only on the natureof the chemicals spilled but also their concentration. Containment is the key to preventingimpacts to ground or surface water from spills. Without effective containment, highly toxicsurface spills of any volume are problematic if the fluids can leak into ground or surface water(NYSWRI, 2011) and there are exposure pathways linked to risk receptors such as animals andhumans. In contrast a successfully contained spill should pose little threat to the environment,unless there are toxic air emissions.An important mitigation approach is to establish secondary containment for fuel storagecontainers and areas where tanker trucks load and unload. Tanks with fracturing fluidconcentrate should also be inside lined secondary containment areas. As outlined by Hull (2010)best practices for “environmental containment” to mitigate surface spills on pads include laying 35
  • 161. down a “sandwich” of interlayered felt and plastic to create a “leak-proof continuous barrier.When industry uses that term containment means that the spill is prevented from leaking intosurface or groundwater and is constrained such that it can be readily cleaned up. Hull describes aperimeter barrier as a “10 inch silt sock…. often accompanied by an additional barrier withmemory foam”. Hull suggests that if leaks occur “vacuum trucks scour the surface of fluids forsafe disposal”. Anecdotal evidence from environmental blogs and news reports suggests that thiskind of containment approach is not standard with many gas companies. Gravel pads, dirt berms,trenches, plastic sediment fences etc. are perhaps more common. Other best practices includedeveloping spill response plans, which include transfer and disposal procedures (PIG, 2012).Having a contingency plan, necessary supplies and equipment for spill management (as well as awell trained staff can not only prevent negative environmental impacts it also can keep downtimeto a minimum (PIG, 2012). By far the most effective approach to mitigating the risk from surfacespills is to avoid the use of toxic chemicals by using non-toxic fracture fluids. Spill managementand remediation should be based on carefully thought out contingency plans that are developedjointly with local emergency responders and regulatory agencies. Rapid communication of thenature, volume, and toxicity of the spill is the key to effective emergency response.Another potential source of leaks is the impoundments (typically lined, open‐air pits) used atmany drill pads to store water for hydraulic fracturing, and subsequently flowback and producedwater. Lining of the pits is based on company policy and varying state regulation. As noted byVaughn and Pursell (2010) even lined pits can leak if the plastic liner tear or the pit overflowsdue to excessive storm-water accumulation. Best practice is to use clay lined pits that are notsusceptible to tearing. In contrast, Myer (2009) has suggested that water associated withhydraulic fracturing should be stored in “closed-looped steel tanks and piping systems” shouldbe used for any centralized storage of flowback water” because “lined systems are subject toleaks”.Little information is available on the short and long term consequences of surface spills.Unfortunately the vast majority of regulatory reports on spill investigations associated with theMarcellus shale in Pennsylvania do not provide any context that would allow insights into thespills potential for environmental damage or whether the spill was effectively remediated. 36
  • 162. One experiment has been performed by Adams (2011), just over three hundred thousand liters offlowback water was spread over a 0.20-ha test area on the Fernow Experimental Forest, WestVirginia, characterized by mixed hardwood forest. Other than the fact that the flowback had a pHof 7.8 no chemical data on the flowback water was gathered. During the application of the fluid,ground vegetation suffered extensive damage and destruction, followed about 10 days later bypremature leaf drop by “over-story trees”. After two years the mortality rate of trees within theplot was 56% with America Beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) being the most impacted treespecies, and Red Maple (Acer rubrum L.) was the least impacted. May reported thatconcentrations of sodium and chloride soil immediately increased 50-fold and then declined overtime (as did soil acidity). Given the available data it seems likely the high salinity of theflowback water was responsible for the underbrush and tree mortality. This study does give someidea of the potential consequences of large, unremediated spills of flowback water.The key question is how often do surface spills occur and what is the nature of the environmentalconsequences of these spills (and the result of remediation efforts). Regulatory agencies either donot collect this information or do not make it publicly available in a form readily accessible.Perhaps the best attempt at providing such information comes from British Columbia whereaccidents are rated on a scale of increasing environmental impact. In 2010 the agency reportedone level 3 incident (involving serious impacts to the public and/or environment and resulting inimmediate danger) and one level 2 incident (that may pose a major risk to the public and/orenvironment) (REFERENCE).On a very positive note, some shale gas companies now provide statistics on volumes of theirspills on their web site. Such statistics typically are general company-wide aggregates and lackdetails on impact/outcomes but they help with an emerging picture of risks from spills. Forexample the number of spills (of larger than a half a barrel of fluid) recorded by Talisman, havedecreased from 415 spills in 2008 to 109 spills in 2010 (Talisman, 2010). The total spill volumerecorded by the company in 2010 was 501 cubic meters (about 66% of these were hydrocarbonspills). The largest spill (as reported on the company web site) was in March 2010, from a shalegas drilling operation in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, where a large spill of diesel fuel leakedpartly offsite into a field. 1,700 liters (450 gallons) was recovered and Talisman’s environmentalresponse crews remediated the impacted area (Talisman, 2010). The key outcome though was 37
  • 163. that the company implemented a number of improvements to prevent future offsite impactsacross their North American operations including installing plastic liners under drilling andcompletions sites, upgraded connector equipment to lower likelihood of leaks, and increased spillprevention training. 38
  • 164. 5 Environmental Impact of BlowoutsBlowouts are uncontrolled fluid releases that rarely occur during the drilling, completion, orproduction of oil and gas wells. A blowout occurs when fluid flows out of the well to the surfaceunder pressure or flows into a subsurface formation. This can only occur after all the static anddynamic barriers put in place to prevent such an event have failed. Blowouts pose a significantsafety hazard, and can result in environmental damages from the fluids lost from the well,resulting (in some cases) in substantial mitigation and remediation costs.During drilling, blowouts can occur if unexpected high pressures are encountered. Blowouts canalso be caused by mechanical failure of components such as valves. Some aspects of the drillingand completion of shale gas (and hydraulically fractured tight gas) wells present unique risks forblowouts. For example unexpected pressure bursts can occur during completions, particularlyduring drill out of plugs. Also unexpected and unpredictable pressures changes can be caused bynearby fracturing activity. The B.C. Oil and Gas Commission recently put out a safety warningfollowing a series of incidents where evidence suggested that the hydraulic fracturing a well hadresulted in establishing a connection with existing open fractures of an adjacent wells or in whichduring the drilling itself, the well intersected an existing open fracture.Blowouts can be simply classified into surface and subsurface. Subsurface or undergroundblowouts are described by Tarr and Flak (2005) as “involve[ing] a significant down-hole flow offormation fluids from a zone of higher pressure (the flowing zone) to one of lower pressure (thecharged zone or loss zone)”. Tarr and Flak (2005) assert that underground blowouts are the“most common of all well control problems” and that “many surface blowouts begin asunderground blowouts”. Statistical information on the frequency and consequences ofunderground blowouts are limited and the consensus in the technical literature appears to be thatmost go unrecognized or unreported. It should be noted that Tarr and Flaks observations maywell not include any information from shale gas drilling.In their training module on dealing with underground blowouts Smith et al. (undated) note thatthe consequences of such incidents range from being “indiscernible to catastrophic”. Specificallythey note that an underground blowout can result in “minor subsurface transfers of fluids that 39
  • 165. may never be identified” or in fluids flowing to the ground surface where “a crater, a fire, loss ofequipment, and sometimes loss of life may result”.The biggest problem with underground blowouts is our limited ability to understand what ishappening in the subsurface during unexpected events (Grace, 2003). So for example whenblowout preventers are activated when a pressure “kick” is experienced during drilling or wellcompletion, the pressure surge though prevented from creating a surface blowout by the BOPcould exploit weaknesses in the casing and cement resulting in an underground blowout that mayor may not be recognized by the well operator in post-mortem examination of pressure and otherrecords.Several incidents of underground blowouts associated with shale gas wells have been identifiedby State regulators. In the Barnett Shale play the Texas Railroad Commission has determinedthat of twelve blowouts two were underground blowouts. Unfortunately in none of these cases isthere sufficient publically available information to evaluate the causes or consequences of theblowout (see Duncan, 2012).By far the most data and systematic analysis on blowout frequency and consequences is availablefrom offshore oil and gas drilling (OGP, 2010). As this report notes there is no comparable datafor onshore wells. This data set for offshore North Sea wells, suggests that blowouts related todrilling wells have a frequency of 6.0 x10-5 per well drilled, whereas blowouts duringcompletions at a frequency of 9.7x10-5 are more common whereas blowouts during wire-linelogging are rarer at a frequency of 6.5x10-6 (OGP, 2010). The highest frequency of blowouts isassociated with well workovers with a frequency of 1.8x10-4. As noted by Duncan (2012) thehigher risk of workover operations is predicable in that workovers are required when there is aproblem of some sort with the well.The OGP report also separates out blowouts from “shallow gas wells” (which are actually eventsin any well being drilled, prior to the installation of a BOP). For “shallow gas” exploration wellsthe frequency of surface blowouts is 6 X 10-4 versus a frequency for underground blowouts of9.8 X 10-4. Similarly for “shallow gas” development drilling the frequency of surface blowoutsis 4.7 X 10-4 whereas the frequency of underground blowouts is 7.4 X 10-4 (OGP, 2010). So ineach case the frequency of underground blowouts is higher than that of surface blowouts. For the 40
  • 166. deeper data set (deeper in this context meaning after the installation of a BOP) no data isavailable for subsurface releases. In general it might be predicted that underground blowoutswould be more prevalent after the installation of blowout preventers as long as the BOP works,unexpected “pressure kicks” will not result in a surface blowout but will stress the subsurfaceintegrity of the well. It is not clear if regulators systematically conduct an investigation afterneither any activation of the BOP system nor whether pressure records are examined to look forpatterns indicative of underground blowouts.Putting this information in the context of what is known of the blowouts associated with shalegas drilling Duncan (2012) concluded that in all likelihood that the number of undergroundblowouts is under reported (consistent with what appears to be the consensus of industrytechnical experts on this issue). For example in the Barnett Shale it might be expected that on theorder of another 8 to 10 underground blowouts may have occurred. There is certainly noevidence that this is the case but the possibility of more widespread occurrence of undergroundblowouts should be carefully considered by both the gas companies and the regulatory agenciesinvolved.The potential consequences of underground blowouts depend largely on three issues: (1) thetiming of the blowout relative to well activities (this will determine the nature of the releasedfluid such as pressurized fracturing fluid or natural gas); (2) does the breach of containmentoccur through the surface casing or deep in the well; and (3) what risk receptors, such a freshwater aquifers and water wells are impacted.We do know that underground blowouts do occur in association with both wells that have beenhydraulically fractured and were about to be fractured.For a few underground blowouts (not related to shale gas drilling) at least some aspects ofgroundwater contamination have been investigated. For example Schramm et al. (1996) reportedthe underground blowout of Louisiana gas well resulted in transient pressurization of the shallowWilcox aquifer. In response a number of surrounding water wells started spouting water. At thesame time sand and formation water “created a crater around an old abandoned well south of theactive rig and a collapse crater north of the rig”. The company started an investigation of thenature and extent of groundwater contamination caused by the blowout which revealed minor 41
  • 167. localized contamination by BETX. A more detailed study of the impact on groundwater of anunderground blowout of a gas well was reported by Kelly and Mattisoff (1985). In 1982, a gaswell in Ohio unexpectedly drilled into a shallow (~500 m), high pressure natural gas pocketresulting in an underground blow out. Kelly and Mattisoff (1985) describe gas “shot up theuncased wellbore” and invading shallow rock formations apparently transported throughpreexisting fractures. Within a few days vigorous gas bubbling was observed in water wells andsurface water, and the floor of the basement of one house was uplifted several inches andcracked (followed by one meter depth of water. Soon thereafter authorities evacuated 51 familiesover an 11-km 2 area. A small fire and explosion did happen in one house, before the well wasbrought under control and capped a week later. Aeration devices were installed in water wells tovent natural gas. Eight months later water in four wells still had unsafe concentrations of gas. 42
  • 168. 6 Groundwater ContaminationThe rapid expansion of shale gas drilling has coincided with a growing concern about theenvironmental impact of drilling amongst the general public and a specific concern regarding thecontamination of domestic water wells. Complaints of contaminated water wells spatiallyassociated with shale gas drilling have been ascribed by regulators to problems with inadequatewell casing and or problems with the cementing of casing. It may be that contamination fromsurface spills and leaky pits is a greater risk; however there is essentially no information to testsuch a hypothesis. There are concerns that the high pressures required for hydraulic fracturingstresses flaws and weaknesses in the casing cement sheath related to well construction error,weaknesses in steel casing pipe, and/or problematic cementing.Energy in Depth, a vocal industry funded group, has argued that the onus is on well owners andenvironmental activists to prove that shale gas is responsible for contaminating water wells. Theyassert that in 60 years of hydraulic fracturing “it has yet to be credibly tied to the contaminationof drinking water”. Some have suggested that conducting a test with hydraulic fracturing fluidtagged with a dye or some other tracer combined with test drilling to sample the overlyingaquifers could be a definitive test of whether hydraulic fracturing does create conduits that resultin contamination of freshwater by fracturing fluids.In areas overlying gas shales, source rocks for methane it is not surprising that methane iswidespread in porous sands at depths between the shale and the surface and in some shallowaquifers. In addition, methane from biogenic sources, from old, leaking abandoned-wells, andfrom leaking gas storage reservoirs have been documented. Although the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Environmental Protection filed violations against gas companies that faulty wellconstruction (cementing and/or casing) of shale gas wells has resulted in methane gas migrationinto the water wells. It is important to understand that this conclusion on the part of regulators inPennsylvania does not constitute scientific proof. It does not even require that regulators believeit to be true as PADEP regulations state that the onus is on the drilling operator to prove that theydid not cause the contamination by conducting pre-drilling water analyses of any water wellwithin 1,000 foot of the proposed gas well and showing that the contamination was pre-existing. 43
  • 169. In the absence of such proof, any contamination found in the well water is considered to havebeen caused by the drilling of the gas well.Most but certainly not all of the complaints about groundwater contamination associated withshale gas activity come from rural Pennsylvania. Amy Mall of the Natural Resources DefenseCouncil keeps a running and unfiltered compilation of well owner’s complaints, all claiming thatshale gas drilling activity has polluted their wells (Mall, 2012) and Pennsylvanian wells lead thelist. Duncan (2012) has attempted to track down and evaluate information such as chemicalanalyses and regulatory agency reports relating to all of these incidents. These reports have anumber of commonalties, the main one being that the well owners water suddenly changed colorfrom clear to red or brown or grey (corresponding to an increase in turbidity or cloudiness).Typical contaminants reported are: iron and manganese (the two most commonly reportedcontaminants); sometimes bubbles of methane gas; sometimes benzene (and/or toluene); andsometimes (particularly in Pennsyvania) other elements such as strontium, and barium.To put these issues in a proper context it is important to first understand the nature of water wellsin rural areas, particularly the background levels of water contamination found in such wellsunassociated with shale gas drilling. The best available data comes from Pennsylvania whereSwistock et al. (2009) reported a survey of 701 private wells statewide. Only 16 percent of wellssurveyed had a sealed, sanitary well cap. About 5 percent of the homeowner wells had both asanitary well cap and evidence of cement grout around the well casing. Only a “handful” hadapparently been grouted the entire length of the well (as is required in many states). Less thanone third of the well owners had any awareness of water quality of their wells and with “thehighest awareness occurring for… nitrate, pH, [and] bacteria”. Although only 2 percent of thewells exceeded the 10 mg/L drinking water standard for arsenic, 89 percent had measurablearsenic levels below 6 mg/L, with high arsenic occurred mostly in northern Pennsylvania. Onlyeight percent of well owners whose wells tested as having elevated arsenic values were aware ofthe problem prior to the Penn State survey.GWPC (undated) reviewed approximately 10,000 chemical analyses of groundwater fromPennsylvania water wells and compared to “existing ground water quality (Pennsylvania publicdrinking water) standards such as maximum contaminant levels’. This study found 10 to 25% ofthe samples analyzed exceeded the drinking water standards for pH, TDS, nitrate, iron, 44
  • 170. manganese and turbidity. In the same study less than 1% exceeded the standard for sulfate,arsenic, and barium. The US Geological Survey (Low et al., 2008) has analyzed a considerablylarger data set to the GWPC (nearly 25,000 wells and springs). Significantly they also found that“of the 4,528 samples collected and analyzed for volatile organic compounds [VOC’s], 23.5percent exceeded an MCL. Oram (2011) suggests that in Pennsylvania barium concentrations ingroundwater above 0.5 to 1 mg/L would likely reflect impacts from long-time-scale mixing with“saline water”, presumably brines migrating from deeper formations. He reports one water wellthat had a barium concentration “about 1.6 mg/L”. He suggests that this well was by MarcellusShale drilling or a surface spill of produced water but rather “the well was deep enough to permitthe mixing of saline and freshwater”. Oram (2011) also reports “a saline seep in SusquehannaCounty [PA]” with “barium levels of over 160 mg/L”.A common contaminant in drinking water wells is methane. In the past it has been assumed thatsuch methane is biogenic coming from microbial breakdown of organic matter in the aquifer.Increasingly however analysis of methane in aquifers above gas shale reservoirs (such as theMarcellus in Pennsylvania and the Barnett in Texas), has proved to be of thermogenic origin andisotopically similar to the gas in the underlying shale. Examples of seepage of thermogenicmethane into higher formations and ultimately into water wells are common in areas of Texasthat overlay the Barnett Shale (Kornack and McCaffrey, 2011). Local residents and water-well-drillers in Hood County, Texas have reported that water wells in the area have been historicallycontaminated with methane (Montes and Chandler, 2011). Years before any shale gas drillingactivity, water well drillers have recorded both intermittent and sustained (up to 122MCF perday) natural gas production from some of the water wells drilled in the area (Montes andChandler, 2011).Methane in water wells is so common in Pennsylvania that both the Pennsylvania StateUniversity Extension Service and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) have for decades distributed pamphlets for home owners entitled “what do if you havemethane in your water well” or some similar statement. The Pennsylvania Geologic Survey has anote on its web page that “in some areas of Pennsylvania (especially areas of coal mining andgas well activity), stray methane gas in the subsurface can be a hazard. Under certain conditions, 45
  • 171. methane can migrate to private water supply wells and ultimately into a house orstructure. Unmitigated, methane can build to explosive concentrations.”The USGS has done a study of methane concentrations in water wells in West Virginia yearsprior to shale gas drilling. Between 1997–2004 they sampled 170 residential water wells from 47counties (White and Mathes, 2006), detected dissolved methane in 131 of these wells, withdangerous concentrations over 28 mg/L in 13 wells (about 8% of the wells tested) and another 13wells with levels in the range 11.9 to 24.3 mg/L. White and Mathes (2006) assumed that themethane in these wells was coming from underlying coal mines, but this has not beenscientifically established. Baldassare and Laughrey (1997) have plotted Hydrogen and Carbonisotopes of methane gases from both Pennsylvania coals and deeper thermogenic gases andshown that they are indistinguishable in these isotopic ratios.More recently Boyer et al. (2011) have completed an 18 month study of water quality in 48 ruralwater wells specifically designed to evaluate water quality prior to shale gas drilling. This studyfound approximately “40 percent of the water wells failed at least one Safe Drinking Water Actwater quality standard”, most often for “coliform bacteria, turbidity and manganese, before gaswell drilling occurred”. Statistical analysis of post-drilling versus pre-drilling water chemistrydid not suggest any significant correlation between shale gas drilling activity on nearby waterwells, based on changes in levels of contaminants most abundant in the flowback water.Comparing levels of dissolved methane in the water wells sampled pre and post drilling, Boyer etal. found no statistically significant increases in methane or correlation to distance from gaswells. In plots of chemical components before and drilling presented by Boyer et al. (2011) andinterested trend can be discerned. For most all components such as sulfate, hardness, sodium andstrontium no systematic differences can be seen. However there are a number of wells that showsignificant increases in both iron and total suspended sediment after drilling. Duncan (2012b) hassuggested that sudden onset of turbidity and water quality issues could be caused by disturbanceof biofilms, corrosion products and sediment in water wells could be caused by pressure wavesfrom drilling activity. In a provocatively titled presentation Eisner (2011) presented evidence thatturbidity of water in domestic wells can be triggered by merely running several faucets to createunusually high pumping rates. 46
  • 172. 7 Impact on LandscapeCurrent practice is to drill multiple wells from a single pad to drain on the order of 0.386 squarekilometers (640 acres) per pad. Howarth (2011) suggests that single a 2-hectare well pad and “upto 16 wells” can service “an area of up to 1.5 square kilometers”. Sweet (2010) quotes aspokesman from Range Resources as saying that “You can develop 1 square mile [of subsurfacefield] and yet disturb only 1 percent of the surface”. Prior to multi-well horizontal drilling from asingle pad (typically involved 8 to 12 wells) the density of vertical well pads on the landscapewas considerably higher. On the order of 1.5–3.0 ha of land is cleared to construct each multi-well pad (Entrekin et al., 2011). The construction of the pad site (and associated roads andinfrastructure) can impact the quality of local streams and lakes by the discharge of sediment-laden water during rain storm events (Williams et al. 2008; Adams, 2010). In most cases shalegas drilling takes place in rural areas and accessing many drill pads sites requires constructed ofnew unimproved roads (Sweet, 2010). Road construction alone can have negative ecologicimpacts (Ellis, 1936; Forman and Alexander, 1998) that can only be partially mitigated. Soederand Kappel (2009) have noted that transporting water, well materials and heavy equipment torural drill sites over dirt or gravel roads will lead to some degree of degradation of streams andwatersheds sediment and chemicals from erosion and spills. State regulations controlling oil andgas activities have various safeguards in place designed to minimize surface impacts.The detailed three year field study by Banks and Wachal (2007) on the impact of gas drilling onstorm water runoff in part of the Barnett sale play in Denton County Texas is perhaps the firstresearch to attempt to directly quantify the environmental effects of such activity. This study(reported also in Williams et al., 2008) set out to develop guidance on how to best regulate suchactivity in part through developing best management practices particularly to reduce sedimentpollution. The annual predicted sediment yields from the two test sites in this study were 38.0and 20.9 t ha-1 yr-1. In a study of three construction sites Daniel et al. (1979) after two years ofmonitoring estimated average sediment yield from the sites of was 17.5 to ha-1 yr-1. In a similartwo year study of three residential construction sites Madison et al. (1979) estimated sedimentyields of between 39 to 90 t ha-1 yr-1. This led Banks and Wachal (2007) to the conclusion thatthe sediment yields from natural gas well sites are similar to typical construction sites. Banks and 47
  • 173. Wachal (2007) suggested that the most effective approach to erosion control focused on the mosterodible parts of a hill slope. They recommend mitigation strategies based on use of seeding andfilter strips, in addition to terraces, check dams, filter fences, and straw bales.There is contradictory information on the overall impact of shale gas development on waterquality is streams. In the Barnett shale play TCEQ has four monitoring locations (Denton,Dallas, Tarrant, and Johnson Counties Texas) in streams draining the area of most intense shalegas activity with long term measurements of TDS. None of these monitoring locations show anyappreciable change in TDS between the years before and after shale gas drilling began (Nolen,2011, quoting data developed by GSI Environmental).The Nature Conservancy has significant concerns over the potential impacts of Marcellus shalegas drilling on the ecology of rural Pennsylvania and adjoining states. Watersheds with healthyeastern brook trout populations substantially overlap with projected Marcellus development sites.Those of Pennsylvania’s watersheds still ranked as intact are concentrated in north centralPennsylvania where drilling activity may be intense. Johnson et al. (2010) note that almost onethird of the species of concern to the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program “are found in areasprojected to have a high probability of Marcellus well development”, and that 132 of thesespecies are globally rare, “critically endangered, or imperiled in Pennsylvania”. Johnson et al.(2010) also suggest a number of best practices for developing shale gas infrastructure that theybelieve can considerably mitigate negative impacts on the land and ecology. One they suggest isrelocating projected wells pads to open areas or “toward the edge of large forest patches”. TheirGIS study in the southern Laurel Highlands for example suggested that this approach couldreduce the net area of forest clearing by 40 percent and interior impacts on forest lands by over athird (Johnson et al., 2010).For the Marcellus shale play the Nature Conservancy has estimated that two thirds of the wellpads will likely be constructed in forest areas (Johnson et al., 2010). They project that this willinvolve the clearing of 34,000 and 83,000 acres (depending on the number of wells per pad),with an additional 80,000 to 200,000 acres of habitat impacts due to new forest edges createdpads and associated road infrastructure (Johnson et al.,2010). The Conservancy notes thatalthough statewide, the cumulative forest clearing is less than one percent of the state’s forests,clearing and fragmentation will likely have a more “pronounced” impact in areas with intensive 48
  • 174. gas well development. As noted by Sweet (2010) keeping surface disturbance down to about onepercent of area locally (rather than regionally) is possible using best practice that the gas industryhas developed a figure lower than that assumed by Johnson et al. (2010).The report by Johnson et al. (2010) was based on information on impacts from other areas andother industries. Recent research on measuring actual impacts from monitoring the effects ofconstruction and operation of drill pads in shale gas impacted areas is just starting to becomeavailable. Frank Anderson, a Staff Scientist, at the Academy of Natural Sciences at DrexelUniversity has examined the relationship of the density of shale gas well pads per watershed areaon the ecology of nine headwater streams (tributaries of the North Branch of the SusquehannaRiver) located in part within Susquehanna County in northeastern Pennsylvania (Anderson,2011; Mead et al., 2011). The sites were similar in characteristics, but differed in their well paddensity. Three sites had high-density (0.75-2.38 wells/km2) three had lower well densities (0.39-0.61 wells/km2), whereas three sites have no drilling activity. Data from this preliminary study(Anderson, 2011; Mead et al., 2011) demonstrate an association between increases in natural gaswell density with decreases in water quality indicators such as of stream water. Sites with highwell pad density had stream water significantly contaminated with an average a 60% increase inspecific conductivity of stream water compared with those at low well pad density sites. There isa correlated degradation of macro-invertebrate community, family richness (the number ofmacro-invertebrate families); and Shannon Diversity. Anderson (2011) concluded that “therewere no statistically discernible differences [using a student t-test] between sites in catchmentswith low drilling densities and those with none”. It is important to note that current industrypractice of drilling from multi-well pads would give a well pad density of less than the “lowdensity” test areas studied in their project. So based on the careful (but still preliminary) studyreported in Anderson (2011) and Mead et al. (2011) it would be reasonable to conclude that onlylimited impact on the water quality and ecology of streams might be expected to accompanyfurther development of the Marcellus shale play.The DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is currently sponsoring a widerange of research into understanding and helping to develop mitigation plans for the ecologicalimpacts of access roads and drill pads (Hammack, 2010). For example: researchers at Penn StateUniversity are investigating better designs for dirt and gravel roads; researchers at West Virginia 49
  • 175. University are investigating the possible impact of shale gas drill pads and roads on sensitivebird species; and Clarion University is studying the possible impact on aquatic life in streams,particularly macro-invertebrates. 50
  • 176. 8 Atmospheric EmissionsAir emissions related to shale gas production begin with dust and diesel fumes from road anddrill pad construction activities and as well as truck traffic to and from the site. Emissionsassociated with drilling and fracturing activity include nitrous oxides, diesel fumes, volatileorganic compounds (VOC), hazardous air pollutants (HAP as defined by EPA) such as methanol,and fine particulates or PM2.5 (defined by the EPA as particles less than 2.5 micrometers indiameter)mostly from engine exhausts and fugitive vapors from fracturing fluids. Depending onthe composition of the gas coming from the shale reservoir VOC’s are typically rich in theBTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene).Methane, a powerful green-house-gas, is the dominant component of natural gas. Venting ofnatural gas may occur during the hydraulic fracturing process and flowback, although many gascompanies use low emission completion equipment (sometimes called green completions) tocapture and sell rather than vent or flare methane produced with water flowback. Fugitiveemissions of natural gas come from leaks and in some cases pressure-relief venting valvesassociated with separators, condensate tanks, produced water tanks and so on. Some emissioncomponents including methane and short chain hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, butane) havelittle toxicity. Prominent VOCs in emissions from condensate tanks are longer chainhydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, n-butane, iso-butane, and pentanes.Although the processing of natural gas is essentially confined from the well to sales, CH4 maybe released as a fugitive emission from gas processing equipment, especially equipment in highpressure service such as pneumatic controls. Although the gas industry has an economic motiveto minimize natural gas emissions to increase the amount of delivered product it is not yetpublicly known to what extent best management practices (such as low emission completions,low-bleed gauges and valves and so-on) to reduce vented and fugitive losses of methane.Of the common minor and trace gases sometimes present in natural gas hydrogen sulfide (H2S)is perhaps the most dangerous, being extremely toxic at relatively moderate concentration levels.Fortunately shale gas typically has negligible concentrations of H2S. If it does occur the gasindustry has good technology to monitor and safely handle this gas. Flaring of natural gas,although a good thing for reducing GHG emissions, results in the production and emission of a 51
  • 177. myriad of toxic compounds such as benzene, toluene, xylenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs, including naphthalene), ethyl benzene, formaldehyde, and propylene. Flared gas at wellsites is typically vented through a tall pipe and as the gas is under relatively high pressure theflared combustion products are imbued with a considerable vertical upward velocity so thesegases will be more likely to add to regional rather than local concentrations of emissions.Another source of emissions in associated with shale gas production come from compressorengines (typically fueled by natural gas). The main emissions from compressor engine exhaustsare nitrous oxides. Use of catalytic emissions controls has lowered emissions from these types ofengines by a factor of ten to below 2 grams of NOx per horsepower hour. Other emissions fromthese engines include carbon monoxide (CO), PM2.5, as well as VOC, and HAP emissions.Raun, L., 2008, Benzene Risk: Determining Carcinogenic Health Risk Concentration Levels forBenzene in Ambient Air at EPA, TCEQ and the City of Houston, Report prepared by City ofHouston Mayor’s Office of Environmental Programming,http://www.greenhoustontx.gov/reports/benzenerisk.pdf*Concentration developed using EPA recommended toxicity, City of Houston number for samerisk level** TCEQ numberThe only place where the impact of shale gas exploitation on the atmosphere can be effectivelyevaluated is the Fort Worth area where shale gas drilling (associated with the Barnett shale) hasbeen going on since the late 1990’s. This area was declared an EPA Ozone Nonattainment Area 52
  • 178. before gas drilling became a significant issue and is now the site for seven Automated GasChromatographs (AutoGCs) which analyze for 45 different VOCs 20 times a day. These unitswere installed and operated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Thelongest record is for a site at Hinton St/Dallas Love Field Airport (twelve years), the secondlongest is the Ft. Worth Northwest (near Meacham Airfield) which has an eight year record.Eight new AutoGC units have been approved for the Barnett Shale area for a total of fifteen.Some simple annual average benzene values for these TCEQ monitoring sites are shown inFigure X. Two trends are clear from this plot. First there is an overall decrease in benzene valuesover the last decade, a period of time during which the level of shale gas drilling and gasproduction from the Barnett increased dramatically. Second, the average level of benzeneemissions was higher in the inner urban monitoring stations (Hinton St./ Love Field) comparedto more rural sites, that are in the thick of gas activity (such as the new Dish, Texas site).It is important to understand that the AutoGC units are most appropriate to monitor thecumulative atmospheric impact of effectively non-point sources such as automobile exhausts andwidely dispersed point sources such as gasoline stations. Point sources such as batteries ofnatural gas compressor stations and gas processing plants, cannot be appropriately monitored bya relatively few AutoGC units spread over a large area. It also should be noted that assessment oflifetime exposure levels requires either long term continuous monitoring such as provided by theAutoGC units or extensive, randomly selected, short term sampling on a long term basis.Lifetime exposures cannot be estimated from a small number of short term measurements.Although the contaminant plumes of point sources ultimately contribute to the averagecompositions of air trapped inside the urban heat island they can only be effectively monitorusing targeted technologies that allow greater spatial granularity. Initially to address this issue,and to respond to public concerns, there have been a number of more focused emissions studiessponsored by local government or private foundations.The first of these more focused studies (and ultimately the most controversial) wascommissioned by the small town of Dish Texas to the north west of Fort Worth. Residentcomplaints of odors and noise from gas well pads and engines. Reports of illness of residents ledthe Mayor of the town to seek outside help to undertake sampling of air emissions. Wolf EagleEnvironmental conducted a set of 24 hour canister samples at four residences in the town 53
  • 179. (chosen to be downwind of compressor stations) and reported detection of elevated levels ofbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (WEE, 2009). The results may have surprised TCEQregulators. Although the Wolf Eagle Environmental study could be criticized for its methodologyand overreaching conclusions it did serve a useful purpose in alerting regulators that a detailedprogram of measurement of emissions was warranted. Similarly a short term emissions study bythe environmental group Earthworks in the Dish are reported unexpectedly high levels of carbondisulfide along with dimethyl disulfide and methyl ethyl disulfide. This study also showedmethane levels the report described “as much as 20 times above normal background levels” inthe air around several counties in the greater Dallas-Fort-Worth Metroplex.In December of 2009, the TCEQ carried out an intensive three day survey of air emissions(testing for 22 VOCs including Benzene) associated with approximately 126 gas production sites(including well drilling and fracturing operations, disposal sites, and compressor facilities) in thecity of Fort Worth. The team was equipped with infrared cameras that can visualize VOCemissions otherwise invisible, hand-held toxic vapor analyzers, and air sampling canisters. Thismonitoring survey found no pollutants at levels that would be a cause for concern. The TCEQnews release on the study announced that “the majority of the testing during that trip found nodetection of volatile organic compounds at all,”In June 2010 a report on ambient air quality study in the Fort Worth Arlington area was releasedby Titan Engineering and funded by an industry consortium (the BSEEC).. The study was basedon testing for benzene, formaldehyde, and other VOCs. The study found only one facility, a wellsite in South Fort Worth, with benzene levels exceeding long-term ESLs: the Encana MercerRanch. This particular site, consisted of 6 wells producing gas and condensate (so called wetgas), as well as some twenty tanks for condensate and water. Benzene levels from 24 hourreadings of 1.96 ppb and a one-hour reading of 3.15 ppb came from within 100 to 150 feet of thetanks. These levels exceeded TCEQ’s long-term standard (ESL). As this site has a set-back of1,000 feet from the nearest protected use BSEEC asserted that the results “showed there are noharmful levels of benzene and other compounds being emitted from natural gas sites tested”(BSEEC, 2010).One result from these independent studies of atmospheric emissions studies has been animproved understanding of the origin of the VOC’s in the atmosphere in areas of intense shale 54
  • 180. gas activity. It has become clear that in general most VOC’s in the atmosphere in the greater FortWorth area are not associated with gas production or transport (although this could have beeninferred from the spatial variation of the benzene results just discussed). In a study of the ShaleCreek area (a very active area of shale gas production, north of Fort Worth and about 13 Kmsouth west of Dish Texas) an independent research group from Nevada’s Desert ResearchInstitute found that shale gas was responsible for less than half the VOC’s in the atmospheremotor vehicle emissions being the dominant contributor, making up approximately 45%(Zielinska et al., 2010). Natural gas emissions from wells other infrastructure (and fromcondensate tanks) made approximately 43% of the emissions, with small gasoline engines (suchas lawnmowers) making up about 17%. Interestingly analysis of air sampling from sites nearestthe local gas processing plant gave similar results to the residential sites. Zielinska et al.’smodeling of individual organic compounds predicted that approximately 70% of isopentane isfrom engine emissions, while about 70 – 80% of benzene is from “fugitive emissions of naturalgas”. Xylenes are almost entirely attributed to motor vehicle emissions at most sites. 55
  • 181. 9 Health ImpactsThere is a widespread suspicious among some environmentalists and part of the public healthcommunity that shale gas development will have a negative impact on the health in localcommunities. This is in large part because a number of the contaminations that leak from wells,condensate tanks, engine exhausts and gas processing plants include: known carcinogens(benzene); possible carcinogens (ethylbenzene, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde); and compoundsthat can cause serious non-cancer health effects (such as toluene, xylene, and benzene). Many ofthese contaminants can result in a range of neurological symptoms (dizziness and headaches),respiratory problems (throat irritation, and degraded lung function). In the long term thesecontaminants can result in a range of more serious diseases. Unfortunately many of thesecontaminants are also associated with vehicle exhausts, gas stations, smoking, dry cleaningoperations, and gasoline driven snow blowers, weed wackers, lawnmowers etc.The residents of DISH, Texas, are often pointed to by opponents of shale gas as a key example ofhealth impacts from atmospheric emissions from wells and compressors (Schmidt, 2011). Aftercomplaints by town residents of odors from gas drilling and gas compression plants in andaround the town and reports of illness of residents, the Mayor of the town appealed to outsideorganizations for assistance. In October -November 2009 a survey was conducted of healthcomplaints of 31 volunteers who were residents of Dish at that time. Subra (2009) documented165 medical and diseases in her survey. The most frequently reported conditions were “sinusproblems, throat irritation, allergies, weakness and fatigue, eye irritation, nasal irritation, jointpain, muscle aches and pains, breathing difficulties, vision impairment, severe headaches, sleepdisturbances, swollen and painful joints, frequent irritation, skin irritation, wheezing, frequentnausea, ringing in ears, decreased motor skills, loss of sexual drive, bronchitis, easy bruising anddifficulty in concentrating”. Subra’s report had little tangible impact until the discovery ofelevated levels of benzene, xylenes, dimethyl disulphide, methyl ethyl disulphide, andnaphthalene at four residences in the town by Wolf Eagle Environmental (WEE, 2010) and ofelevated levels of carbon disulfide by Subra (2010) resulted in Texas’s regulatory agenciesconducting more detailed studies of both emissions and blood/urine chemistry of residents. 56
  • 182. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) attempted to sample the blood and urineof 50 residents but they were only able to get 28 blood and urine samples from volunteers. Thesamples were tests for a wide range of VOCs and HAPs and their metabolites. The results werethen compared to national norms from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES). The Health Services report concluded that the VOC blood levels in the Dishvolunteers were broadly similar to the general US population as represented by the NHANESsurvey (Jia et al., 2008) and that the pattern of blood and urine results is not consistent with acommon community-wide exposure to unusual levels of VOCs. The report emphasized thatelevated blood benzene levels were associated with smoking with one exception. They alsoconcluded that the levels of VOC metabolites in urine were at levels similar to their controlgroup (DSHS staff) and literature values.A second study by the DSHS was carried out to respond to concerns in the community that therewas cluster of cancer cases in the Flower Mound area near Fort Worth. DSHS studied rates ofoccurrence of leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, childhood brain cancer and female breastcancer in the using decade long Cancer Registry data (from 1998 to 2007). They compared theobserved cancer rate with statewide rates and concluded that occurrence of all cancers exceptbreast cancer were “within a statistically normal range” in the Flower Mound area. The DSHSconcluded that the increased rate of breast cancer does not have an obvious connection to theobserved shale gas related emissions and may in fact be explained by higher mammography usein the area compared to the state average. The DSHS also compared that average annual numberof cancer cases in preliminary data for the period 2007 to 2009 with the previous decade andfound no statistically significant change in rate though numerically there was a slightly higherrate for leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer for 2007 to 2009. The DSHSemphasizes that the 2007 to 2009 is preliminary and may well change. 57
  • 183. 10 DiscussionOne gas industry leader has admitted that “development of the Marcellus Shale in theAppalachian Basin is not without controversy” Hull (2010). Further noting that “the speed, atwhich the Marcellus is being developed” is resulting in “a tension” as to how best to maximizethe benefits, “while minimizing the negative impacts on the local environment” Hull (2010).It is surprising that such a divergence of opinion exists even amongst the scientific communityover various aspects of the environmental impact of shale gas extraction. This divergence applieseven to aspects where the basic facts are not in dispute. For example the usage of water by theshale gas industry is “staggering” according to (REFERENCE). Whereas Arthur (2009)suggests that the “overall” water consumption “is small as well as temporary” when compared toother uses such as for electric power. As noted by Arthur and Coughlin (2011) greatest concernover the impacts of water consumption for shale gas operations have focused on their cumulativeimpacts. For any shale gas play, the key issue in assessing cumulative impacts, is whether thewater consumption related to shale gas activity (over the lifetime of this activity) is going toresult in a significant long term loss of water resources within the region. Concern over thecumulative withdrawal of surface water resources is misguided as surface water is renewable.Groundwater resources are only partially renewable (depending on the recharge rate of theparticular aquifer), and clearly should be of greatest concern.An instructive case to make a realistic, worst-case, assessment the magnitude of waterconsumption for producing shale gas is the Eagle Ford shale play. Of all the current significantshale gas production areas in North America today, the Eagle Ford has the highest reliance onlargely non-renewable water and has the driest climate. Brownlow (2010) has estimated the totalconsumption of water over the lifetime of the Eagle Ford play will be 300,000 acre-feet. Thepresent day pumping rate (for this area of the Carrizo aquifer), for all uses other than shale gas,has been estimated as 275,000 acre-feet per year (Brownlow, 2010). If this rate of agriculturaland municipal pumpage holds constant over the life of the play (estimated by Nicot and Scanlon,2012 as on the order of fifty years), then the usage for shale gas will be on the order of 2% of thetotal. Nicot and Scanlon (2012) have made a detailed projection of water-use for the Eagle Fordplay assuming an area for the play of 53,000 km2, an area significantly larger than that probably 58
  • 184. used by Brownlow in his estimates. 1870 Mm3 (1,520,000 AF) (Error! Reference source notfound.). Projections suggest that water use will peak in 2024 at 58 Mm3 (48 kAF) (Error!Reference source not found.).It is more than likely that the total pumpage from the Carrizo aquifer over the lifetime of theshale gas drilling activity will be less than the uncertainty in the recharge rate for the aquifer. Thedetailed study by LBG-HDR (1998) estimated the potential recharge as Recharge Potential(acre feet per year) see page 132. Subsequently Scanlon et al. (2000) have reported an order ofmagnitude range in estimates for recharge rates in the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer, with rechargevalues ranging from 0.1 to 5.8 in/yr. It would be reasonable to conclude that, on a regional basis,the water withdrawals for shale gas extraction are insignificant, in that they will not bestatistically resolvable by analysis of average water levels. This conclusions says more about ourlimited knowledge of the recharge rate of aquifers than it does about the magnitude of waterdemands for hydraulic fracturing. Having made this analysis, it is also clear that water pumpingfor shale gas related consumption can have significant localized negative impacts. These aremost likely to occur in areas of existing high pumpage rates for agriculture or municipal usagewhere high pumping of wells for shale gas create localized cones of depression that magnify thedrawdown of existing wells.Recently a report by a task force appointed by Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter hasconcluded that “data shows Carrizo Wilcox Aquifer contains enough water to support oil and gasdevelopment [expected in the Eagle Ford shale play]” (RRC, 2012). The report concludes that“drilling and completions in the Eagle Ford Shale account for approximately six percent of thewater demand in South Texas”, whereas “irrigation accounts for 64 percent and municipal usesaccount for 17 percent” (RRC, 2012). Although the details of the report have not yet been madepublic the conclusion is consistent with the discussion above. However a significant part of thecurrent and future Eagle Ford development will take place above the Coastal Plain Aquiferwhich has more limited water resources. Closer to the coast during the current droughtconditions, operators apparently are seriously considered desalination of sea water as a watersource. 59
  • 185. In their publication on the impact of the Texas natural gas boom on health and safety, Wilson etal (2011) have asserted, in the context of “increasing scarcity of water supplies”, that the“immense quantities” of water used for hydraulic fracturing are “not sustainable”. In view of thediscussion above it would seem that the majority of the water usage in all shale plays except forthe Eagle Ford, is in fact sustainable. It also seems likely that for all the current, major shaleplays in North America the non-sustainable portion of the water will not have a significantimpact on the long term water resources, at a regional scale. On a local scale, some water conflictissues have arisen in the past with water withdrawals for shale gas drilling playing a possible rolein decline in groundwater levels in specific wells. The industry, sometimes with guidance fromregulatory agencies, in the past has responded quickly to change water sources.The location and timing of surface water withdrawals can make a difference by avoiding overabstraction impacts during the dry season in surface water sources that have marginal capacity orare oversubscribed in low flow periods. The cumulative impacts of non-sustainable waterwithdrawals will limit the exploitation of shale gas resources in semi-arid or arid areas withlimited or oversubscribed surface water resources. Abundant groundwater sources Marginalquality groundwater sources (?)Strategic capture of surface flows during wet seasonEnsure adequate pass-by flowsShort and long-range view Active participation in State water planning processesUse of treatment technologies where practical No magic bulletFiltration and reuse of produced watersContinual evaluation of emerging technologies and enhancementFrom: Berkowitz M. 2009 Toxic Chemicals on Tap How Natural Gas Drilling ThreatensDrinking WaterEnvironment America Research and Policy Center Report November, 2009From: http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/AME-toxics-report-final-lo-res.pdf 60
  • 186. 10.1 Environmental Concerns over Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids and Disposal of Flowback WaterThe most commonly cited chemicals of concern in flowback water are arsenic, uranium andbenzene. Of these chemicals arsenic is the single contaminant that appears to be the greatestconcern. Although not uncommon in domestic water wells with no connection to hydraulicfracturing, the detection of arsenic in drinking water in Texas and Pennsylvania has become thecause for outrage amongst home owners and environmental groups. Mall (2011) has reportedthat the water well of a family in Butler County, Pennsylvania was tested after “nearby drillingand fracking activities in early 2011” showing “high levels of arsenic and other substances”.Mall also reports that another well owner in the area, will a well pad as close as 500 feet, became“very ill [when the hydraulic fracturing occurred] for several days--until they stopped drinking[their well water]” with “symptoms that [the well owner believes] can be caused by arsenicpoisoning”. The PA-DEP tested her water but found no evidence of contamination. Mall (2010)reports that the well owner remains concerned because “her water was not tested for arsenic”.Concern over the presence of carcinogens such as arsenic in flow back water is driving demandsfor stronger regulation. Even with the introduction of so called “Green” hydraulically fracturedfluids the problem of toxic, radioactive, and carcinogenic contaminated flow-back water willlargely continue as most of the compounds of concern are extracted out of the host shale. Thispoint has been made by the Sierra Club as early as 2009 when Annie Wilson, Energy CommitteeChair of their Atlantic Chapter noted in a formal submission to the New York City Council that“Even if fracking fluid chemicals were not used, substances that normally remain undergroundare brought to the surface by the fracking process”. Wilson (2009) specifically pointed out that“The release of arsenic, heavy metals, radon and other radioactive carcinogens are of sufficientconcern in their own right to preclude support of this inherently toxic process”. Penningroth(2010), a former Cornell University professor, has asserted that “Flow back is hazardous waste,not industrial wastewater” and has suggested that Congress should “Eliminate exemption of oiland gas industry waste from disposal as hazardous waste under RCRA”. Such a developmentcould add considerable cost to shale gas operations. Even if such actions do not occur,management of water with significant arsenic concentrations poses significant reputational risksin the case of tanker truck or pipeline like accidents involving flow-back/produced waters. 61
  • 187. The concern of the public and some NGOs over the concentration of Uranium in flowback waterhas an interesting history. Professor Tracey Bank (UB, 2010; Bank et al. 2010; Bank 2011)created a flurry of news Blog reports initiated by a press release suggesting that dangerous levelsof Uranium may be leached out of Marcellus shale during hydraulic fracturing and returned tothe surface in flowback water. The University at Buffalo press release (UB, 2010) stated“researchers [Professor Bank and colleagues] have now found that that … hydraulic fracturing --also causes uranium that is naturally trapped inside Marcellus shale to be released, raisingadditional environmental concerns”. Quoting Bank directly the press release poses a question:"My question was, if they start drilling and pumping millions of gallons of water into theseunderground rocks, will that force the uranium into the soluble phase and mobilize it? Willuranium then show up in groundwater?" Again in a direct quote Bank answers the question thatshe posed earlier by stating “the process of drilling to extract the hydrocarbons could startmobilizing the metals as well, forcing them into the soluble phase and causing them to movearound." To assess this possibility the press release notes that “When Bank and her colleaguesreacted samples in the lab with surrogate drilling fluids, they found that the uranium was indeed,being solubilized”. Again in a direct quote Bank suggests that “at these levels, uranium is not aradioactive risk, it is still a toxic, deadly metal". Not surprisingly, Banks press release andarticles created a cascade of concern. The Earth Justice Blog (Lawlor, 2010) reported the UBpress release as follows “Tracy Bank shows that hydraulic fracture drilling, or fracking, in theMarcellus shale deposit on the East Coast of the United States will result in the pollution ofgroundwater with uranium. Bank found that naturally occurring uranium trapped in Marcellusshale is released into groundwater following hydraulic fracturing”. Similarly a Natural ResourcesDefense Council (NRCD) Blog featured Bank’s question “Will uranium then show up ingroundwater?", and added “The answer, she and colleagues found, is yes”. The Bank pressrelease also spawned an article in Science News titled “Uranium in Groundwater? FrackingMobilizes Uranium in Marcellus Shale” (Science News, 2010). Most significantly perhaps, Banket al.’s abstract was quoted in a formal letter to the EPA from the NRCD’s Amy Malcommenting on the EPA’s Draft Hydraulic Fracturing Study Plan to support the assertion that“Flowback and Produced Water … may also contain … naturally occurring radioactive material… [Bank et al., 2010], as a result of contact with subsurface formations and fluids”. 62
  • 188. Bank (2011a) described three extraction experiments that she performed on Marcellus shalesamples, designed to “determine the extent that these metals could be mobilized during reactionsthat occur between drilling and fracking fluids and the shale”. Her first extraction resulted innegligible release of uranium. In the second extraction, finely ground shale was reacted with 3 Mand then 1.5 M HCl for a total of two hours. This she reports (Bank, 2011b) released about 25%HCl of the uranium in ground Marcellus shale core. The third and most extreme extractionreleased more Uranium. These experiments used a 30 percent hydrogen peroxide treatment to“oxidize and remove the organic matter from finely ground shale”. A nitric acid treatment wasthen used “solubilize any metal released by oxidation of the organic matter”. This acidificationshe noted was necessary because “Under neutral pH conditions, oxidized uranium released bythe organic carbon removal would sorb to the shale mineral phases”. As a result of this ratherextreme chemical extraction “up to 35 percent of the uranium was solubilized” in herexperiments. Before presenting her talk at the Geological Society of America Bank wasinterviewed by Green Wire and was quoted as saying “in my opinion, everything that comes outof the holes [Marcellus Shale gas wells], because theres the potential to be enriched with toxicmetals, should be considered a toxic waste”. To put all this in context, as noted earlier in thispaper, the USGS on the basis of their program of chemical analysis of flowback and producedwater associated with Appalachian gas deposits has concluded that Marcellus flowback watercontains negligible levels of Uranium. The extractions used by Bank (2011a and 2011b)described in UB (2010) as “surrogate frac fluids” were, in fact, much stronger acids andoxidizing fluids than real hydraulic fracturing fluids. The information in Bank et al. (2010), Bank(2011a) and Bank (2011b) does not provide any tangible evidence that supports suggestions thatflowback water is contaminated with Uranium nor that it is contaminating groundwater.Unfortunately there is now a widespread, though erroneous belief that Uranium is a common andsignificant component of flowback water. Lechtenbohmer et al. (2011) for example state that“Through the hydraulic fracturing process, these naturally occurring radioactive materials suchas uranium, thorium and radium bound in the rock are transported to the surface with the flow-back fluid”.For the first few years of the Marcellus Gas play companies public water treatment plants inPennsylvania became the dominant disposal method. Volz (2011) reported that eventually over 63
  • 189. 50 public water treatment plants in PA were accepting contaminated water from shale gasdrilling. As these plants use biological processes they are not designed to treat high salinity fluidsrather disposal relied on dilution by larger volumes of municipal waste water. The use of watertreatment plants for disposal of saline water has been the source of considerable controversy.Professor Volz from the University of Pittsburgh led a campaign to stop the disposal of salineflowback water. As noted by Zoback et al. (2010), there have been “significant” bulges in levelsof total dissolved solids (TDS) in the Monongahela River (PADEP, 2008), an important sourceof drinking water in Pennsylvania. In 2008 flowback water made up to 20 percent of the watertreated by some water treatment plants in Pennsylvania (Zoback et al., 2010). Public concernsresulted in the PADEP initially ordering these plants to limit their acceptance of flowback water(PADEP, 2008) and eventually terminating the practice (REFERENCE). Although Zoback etal. (2010) in passing, noted that higher TDS levels are also impacted by drainage fromabandoned coal mines, storm-water runoff, and discharges from water treatment plants, theywere apparently not aware of conclusive geochemical evidence that coal mine drainage was byfar the main cause of the high TDS levels in the Monongahela River in 2008. It has been widelydocumented that TDS levels of water draining from abandoned and active Appalachian coalmines has been increasing significantly over recent years, as a result of the effectiveness ofprograms to reduce the acidity of mine drainage (REFERENCES). As a result of theneutralization of sulfuric acid in coal mine drainage, these effluents are characteristically high insulfate ions. In contrast the flowback and produced water from the Marcellus shale play ischaracteristically low in sulfate. In a study of the TDS issue in the Monongahela River in 2008,Tetratech (2009) concluded that the high TDS levels were in part a result of very low flows inthe river due to drought and that “the main chemical component detected in the TDSconcentrations… was sulfate, which mostly likely is the result of mine drainage”.When these plants stopped accepting this water from gas producers, recycling of flowback waterhas become the low cost solution for water management as long as pond storage is available inthe vicinity of the drill pads. Rassenfoss (2011) notes that Range Resources began testingrecycling of flowback and produced water in their Marcellus operations in August 2009 and2010 the company reused 96% of its produced water in Pennsylvania. The company is currently 64
  • 190. using a mix of fresh water and flowback water passed through a 25 micron filter for hydraulicfracturing in southwest Pennsylvania.10.2 Water ContaminationIn a recent review article in Business Week (sub-titled “Natural gas derived from the process islifting the economy, but its environmentally risky”) Efstathiou and Chipman (2011) suggest that“reports of contaminated water [wells] and alleged disposal of carcinogens in rivers have caughtstate and federal regulators, and even environmental watchdogs, off guard”. When you traceback the origin of these specific concerns they appear to be related not to chemicals injected inhydraulic fracturing fluids but rather to elements and compounds extracted out of the gas shaleduring and after the fracturing process. After hydraulic fracturing has been effected and the fluidpressure build up is relieved the water returned from the well (termed flow back) is initiallysimilar in composition the injected fluid. As flowback proceeds over a period of hours it is nolonger the fresh water (plus chemicals) injected, but rather becomes increasingly salinerepresenting larger components of saline formation water from the shale. Simon and Fleming(2011) have suggested that although gas production is “a routine practice”, that shale gasproduction necessitates use of hydraulic fracturing “that uses chemicals” and is “far moreintrusive to the subsurface environment” than is conventional gas production. This is probablyone of the mildest descriptions published in an environmental journal of the potentialenvironmental issues associated with hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction.Complaints by homeowners and some NGO’s have resulted in a number of reports by Universityresearchers suggesting that exploitation of shale gas can have serious environmentalconsequences. Professor Robert Howarth of Cornell University in a letter to the EPA regardingtheir congressionally mandated study of hydraulic fracturing has expressed an even greaterdegree of certainty that shale gas extraction has resulted in contamination of water wells.Howarth (2010) suggested that: “It is certain that shale gas development has contaminatedgroundwater and drinking water wells with methane”, adding “the mechanism or mechanismsleading to this contamination remain uncertain”. Howarth in an article in Nature poses thequestion “Have fracking-return fluids contaminated drinking water?” His answer is “Yes,although the evidence is not as strong as for methane contamination” (Howarth, 2011). Howarthdoes admit that “none of the data has yet appeared in the peer-reviewed literature” but adds that 65
  • 191. “a series of articles in The New York Times documents the problem”. Perusal of the New YorkTimes articles suggests that the main source of this “documentation” comes via internet bloggersand interviews with individuals who often have a vested interest. In some cases the New YorkTimes articles either ignore the conclusions of official reports by regulatory agencies on theseincidents or appear to be unaware of these report. Internet Blogs have become a major source ofinformation (and in many cases disinformation) about the environmental impact of shale gasdevelopment. Some papers have multiple paragraphs with facts and factoids taken from Blogs,sometimes referenced as such but often just paraphrased.Professor Bill Chameides (Dean of the Nicolas School at Duke University) has suggested that“Evidence is mounting that fracking does bad things to people’s drinking water”. He furthersuggests that “somehow” hydraulic fracturing is “causing gas and chemicals to migrate upwardinto well water”. Increasingly, people with wells in the vicinity of fracking operations arecomplaining of drinking water contaminated by natural gas or worse. He further suggests that insome cases “water has become laced with natural gas to the point of posing a safety hazard —like the pipes going kaboom”. What Chameides seems to be unaware of is that water wells andassociated plumbing in rural PA have been “going kaboom” long before shale gas and hydraulicfracturing came to Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection hasbeen warning home owners of the danger of stray methane in water wells and has documented asignificant number of stray gas incidents and explosions many of were prior to gas shale drilling.A number of these incidents were related by PaDEP (2009) to gas storage sites or old gas wellsthat were improperly plugged, and some were unexplained. Few if any appear to have been havebeen definitively resolved as to their origin.Very little scientific data or analysis is available on whether drilling and exploitation of shale gaswells is resulting in contamination of aquifers used to supply drinking water. In the abstract totheir paper Osborn et al. (2011) conclude that “we document systematic evidence for methanecontamination of drinking water associated with shale gas extraction”. Five issues raise concernabout their study and how the results are being interpreted both by the author’s interviews in thepress and by others. These issues are : 1) the study appears to have systematic biases in thechoice of sampling sites; 2) the unexplained absence of any contamination of the water wellswith either components of frac fluid or saline brines from produced water is not explained; 3) the 66
  • 192. nature of the proposed leakage is very different from that observed in the documented cases ofmethane leakage from casing referenced by the authors; 4) there is a fundamentalmisunderstanding on the part of the authors that identification of thermogenic methane gas inwater wells serves as proof that this gas came from shale gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing,and/or shale gas production activities; and 5) the systematic isotopic correlations in their datathat are consistent with a common origin for their “active” and most of their “inactive” methanesamples.Only fragmentary evidence is available for how the authors chose their sample sites. Indiscussing the Osborn et al study, the Associated Press reported (Cappiello, 2011) that “SherryVargsons drinking water well in Bradford County had the highest levels of methane detected inthe study” and noted that “Chesapeake Energy Corp., has bottled water delivered [to her].” Thereader is left to wonder how many of the Osborn et al sample sites were from areas alreadyidentified as having high methane water wells by the DEP regulators and/or where water wellowners are involved in lawsuits filed against gas companies.It should be noted that the authors’ distinction between active and nonactive sites is entirelyarbitrary and a radius of 1 km appears to have been chosen to exclude the results of a largenumber of water wells with very low methane levels approximately 1.2 to 1.8 kms fromextraction (shale gas) wells. There also seem to be a systematic bias in the location of theauthors’ “nonactive” water well samples. There are no non-active water wells sampled in thesame aquifer as the Dimock township water wells. This leaves open the question as to whetherthere is actually widespread methane contamination in this aquifer independent of the existenceof shale gas drilling. Samples taken to the east of Dimock roughly between Brooklyn andMontrose (shown in the inset in Figure 1) are very clustered and do little to characterize theregional background levels of methane. It may be that this clustering was a reflection of thedifficulty of obtaining private water well samples. However, it detracts from the authors’argument that high methane levels are not found more than a thousand meters from active shalegas wells.Several research groups and many environmentalists appear to implicitly or explicitly assumethat observations of sudden onset of water well contamination are caused by some form ofleakage of fluids from the gas well. For methane contamination, the gas must become dissolved 67
  • 193. (to the methane saturation point) in groundwater surrounding the gas well, followed by the flowof this water through the aquifer to surrounding water wells. There are several problems with thishypothesis: 1. In the one documented example (the Bainbridge Ohio incident) where careful detailed study has suggested that domestic water wells were indeed contaminated by methane. This occurred when excessive gas pressure in a newly drilled gas well evidently exploited a flaw in the casing/cement barrier, resulting in a shallow horizontal fracture of the aquifer. This fracturing event squirted methane radially and resulted in methane bubbles travelling through fractures into water wells. As noted above the key difference between the Bainbridge event and methane contamination incidents in Pennsylvania and Texas is that in Bainbridge the concentration of dissolved methane is very low. Similarly in the Crosby 25-3 blowout in Park County, Wyoming, the other well documented example of what happens when there is a blowout of gas through a shallow casing failure, the methane apparently dominated migrated vertically by bubble and slug flow and very little dissolved into ground water. 2. Observed water well contamination, typically high iron, sometimes high manganese as well as iron, and in a number of cases high arsenic, just does not make sense in terms of contamination of fluids from a gas well. None of these elements are characteristic of fracturing fluids, flowback, or produced waters. 3. If the timing of contamination is as described by almost all well owners (immediately as drilling/fracturing took place) then it would be physically impossible for groundwater to flow from the gas well to the water well in that time even for the most transmissive aquifer. Proponents of this idea have a real problem with finding a feasible mechanism. 4. There is a growing body of evidence that methane saturated groundwater is widespread in groundwater aquifers above the Barnett and Marcellus Shales (and probably other gas shales). Examples of seepage of thermogenic methane into higher formations and ultimately into water wells are common in areas of Texas that overlay the Barnett Shale (Kornack and McCaffrey, 2011). Local residents and water-well-drillers in Hood County, Texas have reported that water wells in the area have been historically contaminated with methane (Montes and Chandler, 2011). Years before any shale gas drilling activity, water well drillers have recorded both intermittent and sustained (up to 122MCF per day) natural gas production from some of the water wells drilled in the area (Montes and Chandler, 2011). The isotopic systematics of the methane in the aquifers has been increasingly found to reflect both a thermogenic origin and a commonality in hydrogen and carbon isotope systematics between the shallow gas and the methane being produced from the underlying shale gas. This is to be expected as the shale gas formations are source rocks for hydrocarbons. In some cases where appropriate reservoirs and seals exist, upward migrating gas from the Barnett or Marcellus has become trapped to form gas deposits such as the Bend Conglomerate, the Strawn etc.So if the well-leak-leading-to-methane-contamination model doesn’t work then how can thespatial and temporal correlation between drilling of shale gas wells and water well 68
  • 194. contamination, be explained? It could be dismissed as some sort of group hysteria, except thatthe reports from a large number of well owners have a number of consistencies (and the wateranalyses have considerable commonalities such has high iron, high turbidity, and in some caseshigh arsenic values). The following testable hypothesis is capable of explaining the observedobservations and the methane gas fizzing and explosions. First we assume that say 10% of thewater wells above shale gas formations tap an aquifer saturated in methane. In local areas mostof the wells may tap methane saturated water. Second we assume that the interior of the casing ofthe water well and the bottom of the well is coated with hydrated iron oxide particles, clay,microbial films and what scientists call “sludge”. During the drilling and hydraulic fracturingprocess of the shale gas well, numerous pressure transients and pressure jumps occurs. Each oneof these radiates pressure waves that vibrate nearby water wells. As a result, particles from thecasing wall and well bottom are agitated into suspension causing the cloudiness, red, orange orgold colors reported by well owners. I have personally experienced our water well in Virginiaturning a rust-brown color for days after our well was worked on. High arsenic values can beexplained as iron oxides are well known to adsorb arsenic on its grain surfaces and could releasearsenic into solution if the iron oxide grains are dislodged from their chemical microenvironmentin bacterial encrusted bacterial films on the well casing wall, and dispersed into a different Eh-pH environment could release arsenic adsorbed on iron oxide grains. Finally the same agitationand turbidity described above could nucleate bubbles of methane in gas saturated water.Accumulation of evolved gas in confined spaces could lead to observed explosions. In this modelthe shale gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing is the instigator of the water contamination issues,acting in a way as a catalyst for contaminants that are already in-place. This model also leads toobvious mitigation actions on the part of both shale gas drilling companies and well owners.Duncan (2012a) has presented a fact-based view of the environmental impacts impact of shalegas exploitation. Key conclusions include: • leakage from the actual hydraulic fracturing at depth has not been observed • Insufficient information currently exists to understand and evaluate the long term, cumulative risks associated with the processes associated with hydraulic fracturing at depth in the long term, after gas production has ceased • A testable hypothesis has been put forward that explains well owners observations of water well contamination phenomena (coincident with drilling of nearby hydraulically 69
  • 195. fractured shale gas wells) without inferring loss of integrity of containment of the well casing of the new gas wells. • Available evidence suggests that well water quality problems widely ascribed to the drilling of shale gas wells, is more apparent than real. Regional water quality studies in several states, conducted prior to the initiation of shale gas drilling, demonstrate that the kind of contamination ascribed to shale gas drilling is already widespread in local water wells prior to drilling. • No evidence has been found thus far that environmentally dangerous chemical in hydraulic fracturing fluids are not attenuated to negligible levels by natural processes. Further research is needed to confirm this.Somehow the rumors and accusation of groundwater pollution in internet Blogs has becometranslated into “documented examples” across the Atlantic. For example, Broderick et al (2011)assert that “The dismissal of any risk as insignificant is even harder to justify given thedocumented examples that have occurred in the US, seemingly due to poor construction and/oroperator error. These examples have seen high levels of pollutants, such as benzene, iron andmanganese, in groundwater, and a number of explosions resulting from accumulation of gas ingroundwater”. No reference to the “documentation” is given. The fact that iron and manganeseare not notable components of hydraulic fracturing fluids or flowback water, or that benzene isnot uncommon in rural water wells in Pennsylvania, is not mentioned.Many, but not all, of the areas being exploited for shale gas in the US have long been the targetfor oil and gas production (in some cases extending back over a century). Unplugged (orimproperly abandoned wells), leakage from old drilling pits, old surface spills (all dating backyears, decades and in some cases a century before shale gas exploitation began) have contributedto groundwater contamination in a number of these areas.Based on studies by the Gas Technology Institute, Edelstein (2011) concluded that the chemicalcharacteristics flowback water are: (1) Low suspended solids and Total Organic Content (TOC);(2) Man-made chemicals “of concern” are at levels below that of detection; (3) Benzene,Toluene, Xylene (BTEX) and poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), at “trace levels”; (4) Oilsand greases at “non-problem levels”; (5) Soluble organics that are highly biodegradable; and (5)Concentrations of heavy metals that “are lower than in municipal sludge”. The risks from longterm leakage from deep fractured shale reservoirs would perhaps be downgraded if futuredetailed studies of flowback water substantiate Edelstein’s conclusions. 70
  • 196. Ernst and Young (2011) have suggested that “The primary environmental concern” related to theexploitation of shale gas “seems to be the risk of contamination of drinking water supplies by thechemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process”. Perhaps the most detailed recent expositionof the concerns over the chemicals in fracturing fluids has been the congressional report byWaxman et al. (2011). All four chemical compounds raised by Waxman et al. (2011) as being ofspecific concern are already widely distributed in the natural environment. That is not to suggestthat releasing more into groundwater or soils or surface water would be acceptable, but ratherthan finding any of these chemicals in a way well near a shale gas well is not by itself diagnosticthat the well has leaked. Second, the residence time in the subsurface combined with thebiodegradation rates of most if not all of these compounds is such that leaking from a hydraulicfracture say thousands of meters hydraulic fracturing fluid (if any) have a high enough initialconcentrations to be detectable after dilution, dispersion, adsorption on clay minerals, andmicrobial degradation, even in deep monitoring wells. The simple water tests typically doneregulatory agencies and non-specialized water testing services do not analyze for chemicals thatmight plausibly be fingerprints for possible fluids leaking from gas wells. It is not clear at themoment what chemical compounds in the long list of components of hydraulic fracturingadditives should be monitored for as indicators of possible leakage of such fluids nor which mayhave potential health impacts. Clearly more research is needed in this area.10.3 Long Term Risks of Groundwater Contamination from the Deep Hydraulic Fracturing ProcessThere has been speculation in the journal literature and the press that hydraulic fracturing and/orthe high fluid pressures associated with fracturing could either force fracturing fluids up intoshallow drinking water aquifers or eventually allow such fluids to flow upwards into freshwateraquifers through existing or newly created fracture pathways. For example Guidotti (2011) hassuggested that “The [fracturing] pressures… may drive frack (sic) water and brine-carryingreturn water up through cracks and faults in the rock, against the gradient of gravity, and mayeven create new fractures by splitting rock”. He further asks “Is there enough pressure to drive itthousands of feet upward to contaminate groundwater or even reach the surface?” Guidotti(2011) then asks “Could the gas itself travel along fracture or fault lines all the way to thegroundwater or to the surface?” Curiously Guidotti then asserts that “however unlikely this 71
  • 197. seems, some models suggest that it could happen” and that “this seems to be the biggest concernof residents in the area”. The author gives no hint as to the reference for the “some models” thatsuggest “it could happen”.There is a very extensive published literature on the nature and consequences of hydraulicfracturing. The upward propagation of fractures during modern high volume hydraulic fracturingof shale gas reservoirs has been monitoring hundreds of times by high sensitivity micro-seismometers. The fracturing process has been modeled in large computer models to helpunderstand the nature of the fracturing process and hundreds of highly skilled scientists andengineers both in companies and in Universities have studied the results. The following pointsrepresent both the broad consensus and conclusions that can be reasonably drawn from thisconsensus: 1. The magnitude of fluids pumped under pressure during the hydraulic fracturing process is orders of magnitude less than what would be required to propagate fractures upwards to fresh water aquifers through a thousand to four thousand feet or more of layered low- and high-permeability rock (ICF, 2009; 2. That tensile fractures created by hydraulic fracturing will have a very short life of enhanced permeability if they are not propped open by injected sand or other injected proppant particles. Proppants only are dispersed into a fraction of the propagated fracture (Cikes, 2000; Cipolla et al., 2009; Kuochen et al, 2012). At the high temperatures and pressures such unpropped cracks will seal rapidly with propped cracks sealing at a slower rate (Cikes, 2000; Weaver et al. 2009; LaFollette and Carman, 2011). 3. Gas production will create a large zone of lowered pressure in the fractured reservoir that will drive fluid flow in and down, likely for hundreds of years after production has ceased (this is highly worthy of modeling studies) 4. Many of the chemicals in fracing fluids will be rapidly dissipated during the fracturing process by reaction between the fluid and the fractured rock surface (the acid with become rapidly neutralized), and some chemicals will become adsorbed on surfaces of organic components and clay minerals. 5. After the fracturing events are over, any residual, depleted, fracturing fluid would be mixed with dense formational brines (as seen in evolution of the flowback water) which will be essentially impossible to migrate upwards without a very high driving pressure, that doesn’t exist. This analysis has been eloquently advanced by Professor Terry Engelder of Penn State University in a series of talks and articles.Cupas (2009) has suggested that The EPAs draft of EPA (2004) stated that "hydraulic fracturingfluids can move beyond and sometimes significantly beyond, the propped, sand-filled portions ofhydraulically induced fractures". Cupas expressed concern that this statement was not in the final 72
  • 198. report. Whatever the significance of this specific editorial decision, it is difficult to believe thatunpropped tension fractures have more than a brief transitory increased permeability at thepressures and temperatures encountered in fracturing shale gas. Undoubtedly the elastic “snapback” of the unpropped extremes of the induced fracturing network would instantly drive thefracturing fluid back towards the well. As a result there would be no pressure drive for the kindof upward flow of fracture fluid that Myers (2009) speculatively suggests.A recent article on the regulation of unconventional natural gas development (Mandelbaum,2011) has noted that some have portrayed the fracturing itself as a risk to groundwater, ”focusingon the possibility that hydraulic stimulation will crack confining layers and allow hydrocarbons(or fracturing chemicals) to migrate upward into water-bearing zones”. He further notes that“research has not uncovered a report of any such incident” and that “it would require a massivefailure of geology and engineering for fracture patterns to travel thousands of feet beyond theirintended length, allowing gas to escape into an aquifer”. Mandelbaum (2011) concludes that “inthe hierarchy of risks, this fear seems to be a distraction”.10.4 Atmospheric EmissionsThe NGO Riverkeeper declared that “The Dallas-Fort Worth area has seen a dramatic impact onits air quality from natural gas drilling in the Barnett Shale” (Michaels et al., 2010). Thisstatement has been quoted (amongst others) by Lechtenbohmer et al. (2011) in a EuropeanParliament Report, even though there is an extensive body of evidence reviewed in this paperthat does not lend any support to such a statement. Professor Howarth of Cornell University (avocal opponent of hydraulic fracturing) has recently asserted that “only this year have objective,scientific studies on the consequences [of shale gas exploitation] been published, and these arealarming” (Y-E-360, 2011). Howarth further made the blunt assertion that one of theconsequences of the activities of the shale gas industry is that “widespread air pollution withcompounds such as the carcinogen benzene is prevalent in both Texas and Pennsylvania” (Y-E-360, 2011). It is well known that aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzeneand xylene (BTEX) are typically found in emissions from so-called “wet-gas” wells that producecondensate or oil as well as natural gas. It is also well established in the medical literature thatthese chemicals are toxic and/or cancer causing for humans. If “air pollution” is defined as airexceeding the EPA’s clean air standards is Howarth’s assertion that “widespread” benzene 73
  • 199. pollution of the atmosphere caused by shale gas activity is “prevalent” in Texas andPennsylvania justified? Clearly the studies reviewed in this paper are consistent in showing that(except locally in the vicinity of some gas processing plants and compressor installations)benzene pollution derived from shale gas sources is significantly less, than the contribution fromautomobile traffic and other sources in the urban areas of Fort Worth and Dallas. In more outersuburban and semi-rural areas where benzene from urban traffic is not an issue, benzene levelsare a fraction of those in the cities (and lower than what experts regard as dangerous levels), evenwhen these areas are the site of intense shale gas activity (REFERENCES).Production of shale gas clearly contributes ozone precursors (such as VOCs and nitrous oxides)to the atmosphere. So far there has been no comprehensive study of the magnitude of thiscontribution. In the Dallas Fort Worth area the contribution to ozone from Barnett shale gasactivity has been a controversial issue. An analysis of this issue by Armendariz (2009) hasasserted that the VOC and NOx emissions from natural gas production in the Barnett shale play asignificant role in ozone development. TCEQ (2009) in evaluating Armendariz’s report, havecriticized the combining of NOx and VOC emissions in his analysis. The TCEQ report noted thatmodeling of photochemical reactions within the air mass in the DFW nonattainment area hasshown that ozone is “much more responsive to NOx [than to VOC levels]”. The report also notesthat while ozone levels in the DFW area declined in a generally steady way from 2003 to 2008,shale gas activity ramped up steadily during this time period, increasing by a factor of four. Itcould be argued that in the absence of shale gas activities that ozone levels in the DFW non-attainment area would have decreased at an even higher rate. To evaluate the magnitude of suchan impact would require more information of the magnitude and location of point sources (aswell as contributions from non-point sources) integrated with modeling of both air dispersionand concurrent photochemical reactions.In a provocative article in Nature entitled “Should Fracking stop?” Howarth (2011) states that“Shale-gas development — which uses huge diesel pumps to inject the water — also createslocal air pollution, often at dangerous levels”. Howarth suggests that “The state of Texas reportsbenzene concentrations in air in the Barnett shale area that sometimes exceed acute toxicitystandards [TCEQ, 2010]”. This report, an internal TCEQ Interoffice Memorandum, does notstate that benzene values have exceeded “acute toxicity standards”. The report presents a large 74
  • 200. number of analyses of benzene levels directly associated with condensate tanks, compressors andwell heads (on the order of a hundred perhaps) typically inside fenced-off, secure areas. Of thesemeasurements the vast majority were non-detects. Of the sites with measurable benzene thehighest values ranged from 1.6 to 95 ppbv with one exceptionally high value of 15,000 ppbv.The obvious question is, do any of these values exceed the “acute toxicity standards”. In secure,fenced-off, industrial setting (with typically no on-site employees) the standard for acute toxicityis given by the AEGL standards. These standards consist of AEGL-1 and AEGL-2. Thesestandards in ppbv are AEGL-1(1 Hr) 53,544; AEGL-1(8 Hr) 9,134; AEGL-2(1 Hr) 818,910; andAEGL-2(8 Hr) 201,580 (EPA, 2011). In term of the standards for community exposures the mostconservative standards is the California toxicity standard which has an acute level of 409 ppbvand a chronic exposure level of 19 ppbv. So only the single value of 15,000 ppbv is the only oneabove the California acute standard. Only four of the values from the measurements insideindustrial facilities in TCEQ (2011) were above the California chronic standard. All of thissuggests that the data in TCEQ (2010) does not support Howarth (2011) assertion that air in theBarnett shale area sometimes exceeds acute toxicity standards.Howarth (2011) further states that “although the concentrations observed in the Marcellus shalearea in Pennsylvania are lower [PaDEP, 2011] … they are high enough to pose a risk of cancerfrom chronic exposure [referencing Talbot et al., 2011]”. Howarth (2011) assertions regardingthe Pennsylvanian emissions study are supported neither by the available data, nor by the reportand paper he cites. For example the report on emissions from the Marcellus shale Howarthreferences concludes “PA DEP has determined that benzene should not be considered a pollutantof concern near Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale operations”. The same report also states that “thelifetime cancer risk was not calculated for this short-term sampling study”. Significantly it goeson to point out that “Typically, a sampling period of at least one year is necessary for a lifetimecancer risk analysis”. In addition the paper by Talbot et al. (2011), quoted by Howarth (2011) tosupport his assertion that the benzene levels measured by PADEP (2011) are “high enough topose a risk of cancer from chronic exposure”), does not address the levels of chronic atmosphericbenzene exposure that would result in a measurable increase in cancer. The PADEP studies wereshort term measurements at industrial installations that cannot be meaningfully used to asseschronic community exposure. As such the appropriate metrics are OSHA standards for benzene 75
  • 201. exposure related to cancer hazard: TWA 1,000 ppb; STEL 5,000 ppb; and an action level of 500ppb (Weisel, 2010).In urban drilling environments such as Fort Worth Texas the atmospheric emissions from shalegas drilling may well be significantly less than the contributions from other sources. ERG (2011)has compiled estimated VOC’s from Tarrant County to be 4,800 tons a year from oil and gasproduction (most all shale gas) compared to 10,600 tons from road vehicles, 2,300 tons fromgasoline stations, and 810 tons from dry cleaning, bulk gasoline terminals and residential naturalgas. These estimates come from model emissions rather than direct measurements and they mayactually overestimate the contribution from gas operations in Tarrant County. The estimates doshow that very significant amounts of VOC emissions come from sources other than gas activity.This is supported by long term measurements of VOCs and other air pollutants by continuousmonitoring of the DFW non-attainment area.DISCUSS THE ABOVE DIAGRAM 76
  • 202. To put the benzene values found in shale gas areas into a national context, Clements et al. (2006)reported that the maximum 24-hour average concentrations of benzene reported for four U.S.cities in 2004: were 3.5 μg/m3 for St. Louis, Missouri; 8.6 μg/m3 for Chicago, Illinois; 9.3μg/m3 for Los Angeles, California; and 234.8 μg/m3 for Houston, Texas. In addition as the EPAhas long noted, high indoor benzene levels in houses with smokers is by far the highest level ofhuman exposure to benzene we encounter in normal living. None of this should suggest thatVOC’s levels from shale gas activity are inconsequential or not requiring more careful andextensive monitoring.There are concerns being expressed by residents in areas impacted by shale-gas activity that thespatial and temporal concentration of drilling rigs and associated diesel compressors, dieselgenerators, heavy truck traffic and vented/flared emissions that tend to be associated with shalegas exploitation create short lived problems for air quality particularly in terms of VOC, nitrogenoxides, ozone and particulate levels. This kind of localized relatively short term air hazard is offparticular concern when babies and young children are exposed. For example Madsen et al.(2011) have noted that over 320 day care facilities, 67 schools and 9 hospitals are located withintwo miles of permitted well sites and that a significant fraction of these are closer than one mile.Our knowledge of the transient impacts to VOC levels close to arrays of active drilling padsappears too limited. Typically the only information available comes from short-term outdoorgrab samples that do not necessarily represent 24-hour or annual exposure levels.Arguably the kind of ongoing systematic air monitoring being done by government agencies isinadequate to identify the apparently small percentage of compressor, condensate tank andrelated shale gas operations that appear to emit the majority of VOC’s. Realistically only theoperating companies have the ability to monitor such problems with their own operations. Toachieve this goal, states should create regulatory incentives that encourage companies to improvetheir attention to issues like broken valves and flares that have lost their flame.In some of the western states (Colorado and Wyoming), oil and gas air emissions are the largestregional source for VOCs and related high ozone levels. In rural Sublette County, Wyoming, anarea with intense natural gas drilling winter ozone levels routinely spike exceeding the EPA’s 8-hour ozone standard of 75 ppb, making the air quality sometimes worse than that in Los Angeles(WDEQ, 2010; WDEQ, 2011; Schmidt, 2011). Keith Guille (quoted in Schmidt, 2011) with the 77
  • 203. Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, notes that “[The oil and gas industry is]certainly our biggest sources of VOCs and NOX,” however, Guille also observes that ozone iscreated when VOCs and NOX interact with sunlight, particularly when reflected by the Countiescontinuous winter snow cover. Snow cover and a common temperature inversion in theatmosphere above the county both play a key role in the ozone build up. The Sublette Countycase illustrates that oil and gas industry emissions can impact regional air quality and that othernatural factors can play a key role. So it is well established that oil and gas activity can createdsignificant air pollution problems. However in some large part these problems are controlled byspecific regional circumstances of atmospheric inversion layers and factors controllingphotochemical reactions. The emissions levels that create an atmospheric pollution problem inone part of the country may have little impact elsewhere.10.5 Health IssuesProfessor Conrad Volz has written about how water, land management, ecological, and diversecontaminant sources interact to produce tertiary public health, medical, social, and economicproblems. He noted that chemicals that impact health including VOCs “such as benzene, toluene,and xylene”, as well as dangerous compounds “derived from gasoline, non-latex paints andvarnishes, cleaning solutions, and dry cleaning” (Volz, 2007). Separating the impact on health ofone factor such as air emissions of benzene from one source such as gas shale production fromthe impact of smoking, work place exposures and so on, is a complex task.As portrayed documentary films such as “Gasland” shale gas extraction and processing is oftenaccompanied by anecdotal reports of health issues such as headaches, diarrhea, nosebleeds,dizziness, blackouts, and muscle spasms (Schmidt, 2011). A number of chemicals associatedwith hydraulic fracturing have the potential to cause a range of serious health problems (seeColborn et al., 2011; Steingraber, 2011). Although it is probable that exposure to fracturingchemicals has occurred (such as to workers on shale gas drilling rigs and those involved insurface spills of fracturing chemicals for example) linkages between source and receptor havenot been scientifically established and there has been little systematically collectedepidemiological evidence that connect natural gas production to health problems. The assertionsof Colborn et al. (2011) and Steingraber (2011) focus on the intrinsic properties and healtheffects of chemical compounds associated with natural gas extraction (that is the potential 78
  • 204. hazard), rather than on realistic, documented exposure scenarios (that is the risk). What must beidentified is not only a hazard (the dangerous chemical) but also an exposure pathway that resultsin the substance being injected by humans at levels that are of concern. An exposure pathwaylinks the source of contamination to a mechanism for transporting it (such as flow ofgroundwater) to a point of exposure (a domestic water well for example), as well as a receptor(such as a family drinking the water). If the hazardous chemical is adsorbed onto clay surfacesand/or consumed by microbial action in the groundwater aquifer, the exposure pathway is notcompleted and the risk is avoided. For example Colburn et al. (2011) use the undergroundblowout of the Crosby well in Wyoming as an example of the risk of endocrine disruptors andcarcinogens used in drilling fluids. What Colburn et al. (2011) fail to discuss is the fact that afterthis blowout and extensive groundwater monitoring program was carried out with the drilling ofmonitoring wells, together will sampling and analysis for specific chemicals in the drilling mud.Not only were none of these chemicals found in domestic water wells surrounding the site, nonewere found in the monitoring wells specifically drilled to detect possible contamination(REFERENCE).Unfortunately several chemicals associated with either flowback water or atmospheric emissionsfrom gas wells and gas infrastructure have the potential for significant negative impact on humanhealth (given exposure, particularly to vulnerable populations such as embryos, babies and youngchildren). For example recent research suggests that benzene impacts blood at low levelsexposure with no evidence of a threshold, thus “there is probably no safe level of exposure tobenzene, and all exposures constitute some risk” (Smith, 2010). As will be seen in the discussionbelow large cohort epidemiological studies of the effects of benzene exposure do not substantiatethe low level exposure concerns of Smith (2010), however no such studies appear to have beendone on babies or children. Weisel (2010) has recently noted that understanding the toxicity ofbenzene will require evaluation of the differences in metabolic rates between human and animaldoses, as well as the presence of polymorphisms to properly evaluating the risks fromenvironmental exposures.An additional concern is a set of chemicals termed endocrine disruptors; man-made chemicals ifabsorbed into the body mimic or block hormones thus disrupting the normal functions ofchemical-signaling in the body potentially impacting growth, reproduction, and metabolism 79
  • 205. (Colborn, 1995; Krimsky, 2001). Similarly to benzene, it is not clear that there is a level ofendocrine disrupting chemicals that does not impact health. Some researchers suggest thatconcentrations on the order of parts per trillion can cause gene alteration resulting in birth defectsor cancer (Vanndenburg et al., 2009; Beronius et al., 2010). The field of endocrine disruption ishighly and with skeptical protagonists being as strident as the supporters.Some epidemiologists have questioned whether any impact of endocrine disruptors can bediscerned in health and mortality statistics (Safe, 2000; WHO, 2002), though this seems to be aminority viewpoint. There are many plausible hypothesizes in this area of research howeverdeveloping robust approaches to testing them is difficult (Krimsky, 2001). Similarly translatingsmall animal studies to complex epidemiologic settings is difficult. Beronius et al. (2010) havereviewed risk assessments for a specific endocrine disruptor that has ranged from “there is norisk to any part of the population” to “there is risk to the entire population”. Behind this widerange in assessments Beronius et al. (2010) found that there are “prominent differences” in howvarious assessments of risk of endocrine disruptors interpreted the” reliability, relevance andoverall significance of toxicity data”. Vanndenburg et al. (2009) reviewing the controversiessurrounding endocrine disruption have concluded that “The data collected thus far in the field ofenvironmental toxicology are sufficiently robust to raise concerns about the potentiallydeleterious impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on human development”. Whether or notthis will prove to be a consensus opinion is not clear however in assessing risks associated withshale gas it is probably best at this time for the purpose of risk mitigation, to be conservative andassume that any proposed endocrine disruptor can have a potential impact at concentrations ofparts per trillion.Our society faces a real problem in that benzene (and other VOCs), PAHs, HAPs, and a varietyof endocrine disruptors are widespread pollutants in our environment independently of anycontamination from shale gas production. To place the statements in the previous paragraph in anappropriate context it should be noted that individual loadings of benzene and other BTEXcompounds is dominated (for most of the population) exposure to tobacco smoke (either direct orindirect), highway driving, time spent in gas stations, time spent in urban environments and soon. At the same time many of us probably have a range of endocrine disruptors in various oldbottles of household cleaners, tile floor treatments and window cleaners under our kitchen sinks. 80
  • 206. This does not justify any industrial contamination of the air or water, but it does complicate theinterpretation of epidemiological studies.Perhaps the only controlled human epidemiological study that has suggested a correlationbetween employment in the oil and gas industry and disease was conducted by Mills, et al.(1984). This study suggested this association, based on 347 medical records of patients withtesticular cancer. However this study does not appear to be widely supported by other experts inthe field. First Becker (1984) has critiqued the Mills et al (1984) study because it was based on“a clearly biased hospital sample”, used “questionable methods for verifying employment”, useda control group 79% of which had other malignant tumors and failed to “match patients andcontrols for area of residence”. Further both Garner et al.’s (2005) and Mester et al. (2010) havewritten comprehensive reviews of the epidemiology of testicular cancer, and although bothreference the Mills at al. (1984) study in the context of risk to agricultural investments, neitherincluded oil and gas workers in their discussion of occupations possibly related to increasedprobability of cancer.No mortality studies appear to have been conducted on workers in the up-stream gas industry.Only one such study (with a cohort of over 19,000 men) has been completed on oil industryworkers exposed to crude oil (Devine and Barron 1987; Divine and Hartman, 2000). This studyconcluded that mortality was not increased significantly for all cancers, stroke, heart disease andrespiratory disease and that overall mortality and overall cancer incidence among these workersare significantly lower than in the general population. In a study of exposure of workers to oilbased drilling fluids on offshore North Sea platforms Eide et al. (1990) concluded thatinsufficient information was available long-term impact on “carcinogenicity and changes in thelungs”. Steinsvåg et al. (2007) have examined the exposure to carcinogens (including benzene,formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, dichloromethane). In this and several similar studies (Gardner,2003; Bratveit et al., 2007) no correlation between exposure and cancer rates has beenestablished. Rather these studies are preparatory to a large-cohort epidemiological study.In terms of the impacts of exposure from oil and gas activities on nearby inhabitants, large cohortstudies with coupled exposure evaluations appear to be lacking. A cohort study of refineryworkers carried out by McCraw et al (1985) identified an excess of acute myeloid leukaemia.However this study was based on eight cases all of whom had jobs not identified as having high 81
  • 207. benzene exposures. Another study of workers in a refinery by Tsai et al. (1983) failed to finddeaths from leukaemia (with 0.4 expected). The median benzene exposure in the study was 140ppb, and of 1,394 personal samples taken over ten years, only 16%, contained more than 1,000ppb.A large cohort study of cancer mortality among 4,417 chemical plant workers exposed tobenzene was conducted by Collins et al. (2003). This study concluded there was “little evidenceof increasing risk with increasing cumulative exposure for all leukaemias or acute non-lymphocytic leukaemias (ANL), or the other lymphohaematopoeitic cancers with the exceptionof multiple myeloma”. In addition the study found that peak exposures over 100,000 ppb ofbenzene for 40 or more days was correlated with a greater than expected number of allleukaemias, ANL, and multiple myeloma. Collins et al. (2003) noted that the number of deaths intheir study was small, that “the number of peak exposures greater than 100 ppm to benzene” is asuperior predictor of risk compared to the cumulative exposure.Barregard et al. (2009) have studied the incidence of Leukemia in people living close to anddown-wind of an oil refinery emitting VOCs including benzene. The study utilized VOCemission data, dispersion modeling, and monitoring measurements, to estimate contribution therefinery to the population’s exposure to benzene and other VOCs. They found that the incidenceof leukemia in the downwind area’ was significantly increased between 1975–2004; with 33cases versus 22 expected cases over that period with 19 observed cases versus 8.5 expected 1995to 2004. At the same time the leukemia incidence in the control area (up-wind) met expectationswith 50 observed versus 56 expected cases. Based on monitoring and dispersion modeling therefineries contribution to the populations mean-annual, VOC loading was approximately 2mg/m3 for benzene, 2 mg/m3 for ethylene, 0.5 mg/m3 for 1,3-butadiene and 5 mg/ m3 forpropene (Barregard et al., 2009). The authors, using estimates of risk “extrapolated from high-level exposure”, concluded that an increase of leukemia rate at such low VOC exposures wouldnot be expected.In discussing their results Barregard et al. (2009) express some degree of skepticism assertingthat their r findings “may reflect a causal association due to emissions, but it could also be due tounknown confounding, or chance”. This in part may because a number of similar studies in theUnited Kingdom (three separate studies) and in Italy have found no significant increase in 82
  • 208. Leukemia in close proximity to refineries. The same Swedish research group has studied thepopulation living near a petrochemical complex in Sweden where the ambient air iscontaminated with a range of carcinogens such as ethylene, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene(Axelsson et al., 2010). The result of their study was that living close to petrochemical industrieswas not found to increases the risk of cancer. Similarly Tsai et al. (2004), in a study in of apopulation in Louisiana within a concentration of several refineries and petrochemical plants,concluded that mortality from cancer was statistically indistinguishable from that elsewhere inthe state.Although most large cohort studies of exposure in the downstream oil and petrochemicalindustries have failed to demonstrate a strong correlation between exposures to benzene andother VOCs and either cancer or mortality rates there are other types of evidence of healthimpact being found. One is evidence of chromosome damage. Studied the impact of low levelexposure to benzene (related to working in the petrochemical and petroleum refining industries),on the frequencies of chromosome aberrations. The study, based on analysis of blood samplesfrom 178 exposed workers compared with 36 unexposed workers, concluded that the frequencyof chromatid deletions and aberrations in those exposed to benzene were higher by a factor ofnearly two, than those not exposed. This difference was statically significant even after adjustingfor age, smoking status, and alcohol intake. Unfortunately the exposure levels (especially thepeak exposures) are not known for the participants in this study. However if they are similar tothe worker exposures recorded in the refinery worker studies reviewed above, then these resultsmay refer to benzene levels an order of magnitude of more than exposures to the general publicin areas of intensive shale gas extraction.No large scale or comprehensive studies have been made of health or mortality outcomes relatedto gas production or processing. Epidemiological studies of the general population, that mayhave relevance, do not demonstrate a definitive association with natural gas production. Forexample, based on data from the state of Texas, Lupo et al. (2011) have concluded that mothersfrom areas with “the highest benzene levels” were “more likely to have offspring with spinabifida” than women in areas with “the lowest levels [of benzene in the atmosphere]”. To theextent that exposure of pregnant women, babies and young children to high environmental levelsof benzene, formaldehyde, other VOC’s, PAH’s, HAP’s and fine particulates can be tied to gas 83
  • 209. extraction, a variety of medical risks become worrisome (Duong et al., 2011; Lupo et al., 2011;Pandya et al., 2002; Sacks et al., 2011; Perera, et al. 2009; and Slama et al., 2009). Notsurprisingly wildlife embryos are impacted in a similar manner to human embryos (Hamlin andGuillette, 2011).The short term study of VOC levels in a sample of the population of DISH Texas has been theonly health related study that has focused specifically on the possible impact of shale gasextraction. The response to the DSHS study from the anti-hydraulic fracturing protagonists waspredictably strong. As recounted by Josh Fox in his treatise Gasland Reaffirmed (Fox, 2011)…“Wilma Subra, MacArthur Foundation Genius Award-winning chemist analyzed the new data ata recent public meeting: ‘According to DSHS, 50 percent of the people in DISH have levels ofchemicals associated with compressor station and pipeline emissions over the general populationof the United States in their blood, urine and tap water. Half the population is a huge percentagefor people being exposed to the chemicals that are being released in DISH.’” The TDSHS studyreferences the individual data to the median values for national survey and of course one wouldexpect 50% of a sufficiently large sample to be above the median. A second controversy centeredon the benzene results, again from Fox (2011) quoting Subra “They found benzene in six people,and DSHS are saying that those people are smokers. Five of those were smokers”. This issuerefers to the fact that out of twenty eight people tested, six residents of Dish in the DSHS studyhad detectable benzene levels in their blood. Of these six, four had benzene blood levels abovethe 95 percentile in the national survey. All four were smokers and their blood levels wereconsistent with the range expected in smokers. The one non-smoker with detectable benzene, hadlevels an order of magnitude below the 95 percentile from the national survey.Apparently based on the in DSHS study (but not referencing it), Rahm (2011) suggested that“blood and urine samples taken from residents living near [Dish, Texas] Barnett Shale gas wells”revealed that “65% of households tested had toluene in their systems and another 53% haddetectable levels of xylene” and that “these chemicals have all been identified in Dish airsamples on multiple occasions”. These statements are not found in the DSHS (2010) but can becalculated from the data in the report (see the blog by Tillman, 2010). The DSHS (2010) reportpresents an analysis that shows that the Dish blood levels have a median lower than (butstatistically indistinguishable from) the general U.S. reference population. Of the eighteen 84
  • 210. residents with detectable Toluene levels, five have levels above the 95 percentile of the nationalreference population. Of these four were smokers and one was identified as having probableoccupational exposure. In the case of m-p/ Xylene, of the fifteen residents with detectable bloodlevels, four had levels greater than the 95 percentile. Of these four two were smokers, one hadprobable occupational exposure and one had possible occupational exposure. The DSHS reportconcluded that “the pattern of VOC values [in blood samples from Dish residents] was notconsistent with a community-wide exposure to airborne contaminants, such as those that mightbe associated with natural gas drilling operations” (DSHS, 2010). It would be difficult to make acogent argument that this conclusion is not justified by the data presented. The inference of thereporting of the results of the DSHS study in Rahm (2011) is that it found community-wide,BTEX contamination caused by shale gas operations.Finkel and Law (2011) have suggested that “little research” has been completed on “the potentialadverse health effects of fracking”. This is true, but it is also true the gas industry has been usinghydraulic fracturing for over 50 years that the epidemiologic studies examined in this reviewhave not revealed any direct evidence for health impacts on workers in this industry nor thepublic living near oil and gas industry activity. What is largely unprecedented is the developmentof urban drilling for gas in major cities such a Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. Review of theatmospheric emissions studies in the DFW area suggests that significant VOC emissions areassociated with a minority of gas related installations such as certain compressors andcondensate tanks. Before any health studies are undertaken it would seem to be a higher priorityto focus on identifying any exposures from emissions. Perhaps the best way to lower health risksrelated to shale gas is to encourage adoption of best practices in construction and operation ofsuch facilities. Best practices might include using electrical compression engines in area of highpopulation density for example.10.6 Are Regulatory Frameworks in Place that Minimize Risk of Environmental Damages?Early in 2011, Steven Chu (US Sec. of Energy) formed a Shale Gas Subcommittee (SGS) of TheDepartment of Energy’s Science Advisory Board (SEAB) to make recommendations to promotethe safety and environmental performance of shale gas extraction. The first report on hydraulicfracturing asserted that “strong regulations and robust enforcement resources and practices are a 85
  • 211. prerequisite to protecting health, safety and the environment” (SGS-SEAB, 2011). They alsonoted that the lowering these impacts was “easier” when companies are “motivated andcommitted to adopting best engineering and environmental practice”. Key concerns identified bythe SGS included: (1) possible air pollution and water contamination associated with shale gasextraction; (2) possible pollution of drinking water by methane and hydraulic fracturingchemicals; and (3) community disruptions including increased truck traffic.Whether existing regulations in place for well construction are sufficient to avoid futureproblems (and whether existing regulations are being adequately enforced), has been an issue ofconsiderable controversy, the details of which are beyond the scope of this paper. Well integrityproblems resulting in leakage can be divided into two categories sometimes called annular flowand leak flow. In annular flow, fluids move broadly up the well, travelling up the interfacebetween the rock formation and cement, or between the cement and the casing or between thecasing and plug material. The flow is though imperfections, channels, fractures or throughporous flow. Leak flow is defined as flow in a radial direction out of the well into the formation.Leak flow can take advantage of the some of the same imperfections listed above; however leakflow is most likely related to cracking, corrosion, or some other form of breaching of thecasing/cement sheath.There is little publicly available information that would enable an informed assessment of howmany shale gas wells now have or are likely in the future to have significant well integrity issues.Industry well integrity experts have noted that a significant percentage of offshore oil and gaswells (45% in the Gulf of Mexico, 34% in the UK portion of the North Sea, and 18% in theNorwegian portion of the North Sea) have some degree of well integrity issues such as high gaspressures in the annulus (Feather, 2011). The data quoted by Feather does not translate directlyinto leakage but it does show that industry in the recent past has had endemic well integrityissues while at the same time the significant differences from region to region must reflectdifferences in factors such as differing requirements or regulatory enforcement.The gas industry and service companies are actively developing improved cement types toeffectively seal well casing and prevent leakage of produced water and/or gas into freshwateraquifers. Schlumberger (2011) has suggested that cement sheath damage or “debonding” canallow “nuisance gas” to migrate to the surface and that there are “thousands of wells” that are 86
  • 212. impacted by this phenomena. The company is promoting a self-healing cement technology thatthey suggest can solve this problem. Numerous other examples of such technologies supplied byother companies could be documented but the key point is that industry has developedtechnologies to improve well bore integrity and potentially greatly decrease the likelihood oflong term leakage. Are there testing programs to establish which of these approaches is mostappropriate? Industry, through the American Petroleum Institute (API), has a long tradition ofcreating “best practice” handbooks based committees of experts with a wide range of technicalexpertise. These hand books are the focus of extensive technical reviews to incorporate the bestof evolving technology and practices. There are three API guidelines specific to the issuescovered in this paper: (1) HF1 – Hydraulic Fracturing Operations – Well Construction andIntegrity Guidelines, 1st Edition, October 2009; (2) HF2 – Water Management Associated withHydraulic Fracturing, 1st Edition, June 2010; and (3) HF3 – Practices for Mitigating SurfaceImpacts Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing, 1st Edition, February 2011. It should be notedthat in some large part these documents came from a compilation of earlier API guidancedocuments on a myriad of smaller recommended practice and guidance documents on specificsub-topics compiled in these three reports. If gas drilling by companies does not follow API bestpractices the companies may later find itself at a disadvantage in defending any possible lawsuits related to the well.In addition to these established best practices there are significant research and technologytransfer programs underway to develop strategies for extracting shale gas that have lessenvironmental impact. One such project is the Environmental Friendly Drilling program atHARC in Houston Texas. This group has developed a scorecard to help guide low impactdrilling for shale gas in environmentally sensitive areas taking into account “air, site, water,waste management, biodiversity and societal issues” (Haut et al., 2010). Their approach aimsreduce the “environmental footprint of operations” by encouraging new approaches to (1)transporting materials to and from the well pad, (2) reducing the well-pad area, (3) adoptingalternative power management for drilling, and (4) using improved waste management practicesat the well pad (Haut et al., 2010).A recent report (GWPC, 2009), from the Groundwater Protection Council, entitled “State Oil andGas Regulations Designed to Protect Water Resources”, attempts to assess the effectiveness of 87
  • 213. the regulatory frameworks currently used by state government oil and gas regulatory agencies inprotecting fresh water aquifers. This report was based on an assessment each state’s regulation ofdrilling, construction, completion and plugging of wells; as well as the construction andoperation of above-ground storage tanks, impoundments. In the context of their ability to protectgroundwater the GWPC report concluded that state regulations are “generally adequate”. Thereport made two main recommendations: that best practices should be developed for effectivehydraulic fracturing practices (adjusted to fit the needs of individual states; and that thecapabilities and operation of the national, non-profit organization State Review of Oil andNatural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER), should be expanded (to elements notcovered by the current state review guidelines) and strengthened. STRONGER does peer-reviewof regulatory activities of state agencies upon request. These reviews are conducted by a panel ofvolunteers from other state agencies, the oil-and-gas industry, and environmental organizations.STRONGER can play a critical role in helping states develop effective regulatory frameworksand to foster the adoption of best practices such as those put forward by the API. The report alsoconcluded that implementation of electronic databases for regulatory information has been asignificant addition to state agency capacity. Although some form of data bases on spills relatedto gas production are maintained by a number of states (Colorado, Pennsylvania and WestVirginia) these data are lacking in metrics for the consequences of the spills and are not userfriendly in terms of analysis of statistical trends. Further development of data managementsystems such that currently scattered environmentally related data are gathered together andmade readily available will greatly increase transparency. The GWPC is also working to expanda risk-based, data-management to facilitate the exchange of information between states onhydraulic fracturing operations.A more recent report sponsored by the GWPC (Kell, 2011), reviews regulatory agency records inTexas and Ohio to determine the causes of groundwater contamination incidents related to oiland gas industry exploration and production activities. The study evaluates how the experiencesand insights from decades of regulatory investigations have shaped the regulatory frameworks ofthese two states and ultimately resulted in process improvement of standard industry practices.Kell notes that state agencies “prioritize regulatory reforms” and strategically adjust rules thatreduce risk of future contamination. Kell’s study looked at a 25 year period (1983-2007) in Ohio 88
  • 214. where he examined 185 groundwater contamination incidents related to oil and gas activities.One hundred and forty four of these incidents of groundwater contamination were related toregulated industry activities, the rest from leakage of orphaned wells. Just over half of theregulated incidents occurred from 1983 to 1987 in the first five year increment of the studyperiod. Since 1983 the number of groundwater contamination incidents declined significantly(approximately 90% by the last study increment, 2002-2007. In Texas during the 16 years from1993 to 2008, over 16,000 horizontal shale gas wells, with multi-staged hydraulic fracturingstimulations (over 13,000 in the Barnett Shale) were completed. During this period, the RailRoad Commission investigated 211 incidents of groundwater contamination and significantly,not a single water contamination incident has been identified associated with these hydraulicfracturing operations (Kell, 2011). Neither state has documented any contamination ofgroundwater caused by site preparation or fracturing stimulation of tight gas sands nor shale gaswells.One problem with state agencies regulatory approaches to surface impact is that they aretypically based on enforcing a set of rules or Best Management Practices (BMPs) rather thanmonitoring the impacts of the practices on the local environment. Citations for violationsinvolving land impacts typically record a failure to maintain a correct filter fence; rather thansay, exceeding some level of suspended sediment in the local stream. Short of developing a newperformance or outcome based regulatory framework (REFERENCE DUNCAN SUBMITTED),enforcement of well-thought-out BMP’s can be an effective way to help minimize surfaceimpacts. In this context it is unfortunate that some companies appear to have developed a trackrecord of failure to comply with such regulations. Examination of the PA DEP reports onregulatory enforcement shows that some companies have developed an unfortunate track recordfor compliance failure in this area. One company for example in Pennsylvania in 2009aggregated multiple violations for failure to implement BMP’s for surface erosion and relatedsurface spill problems at 13 different well sites. This resulted in a number of citations and finesof nearly $100,000. For companies with annual revenues on the order of a billion dollars suchfine may not be a deterrent but the reputational risk of such citations may act as a largerdeterrent. 89
  • 215. It is encouraging that a number of shale gas companies are implementing practices that exceedregulatory requirements. For example in the Barnett Shale play, Devon has implemented “greencompletions” using technologies that capture gas that would be normally be vented and/or flaredduring completion of wells. The use of these technologies greatly lowers not only methaneemissions but also eliminates VOC emissions. In the Marcellus Shale play in Pennsylvania, EOGis storing all fracturing fluids, flowback and produced water in lined enclosed tanks. Thecompany is also installing protective liners on the well pad under the storage tanks and the areawhere trucks deliver the fluids.Subra (2010) has suggested that to protect ground water resources, a “regulatory mechanism”should be implemented “to identify and evaluate the locations of orphan and abandoned wellsites in the area of the proposed wells and in the areas to be fractured”. Subra’s concern is thathydraulic fracture could intersect such wells.Subra W., 2010, Comments on Hydraulic Fracturing to the Louisiana Senate EnvironmentalQuality Committee http://leanweb.org/our-work/water/produced-waters/comments-on-hydraulic-fracturing-to-the-louisiana-senate-environmental-quality-committeeUbinger et al. (2010) have suggested that the “complexity and potential impacts” from hydraulicfracturing of Marcellus Shale wells warrants a “pre-permit” application process that involves a“more in-depth analysis of site specific conditions” than that required by current regulations inPennsylvania. The drivers behind their suggestion is consistent with the conclusions from thiscurrent paper that natural gas migration either from natural pathways or from old and/orimproperly abandoned oil or gas wells can pose a threat to human safety that can and should beidentified and mitigated prior to shale gas drilling. As Ubinger et al. (2010) note, there arebelieved to be on the order of 184,000 old, undocumented, oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania. Abest practice that would help both shale gas companies and the local community is a practicewhereby water-wells within a few thousand feet of any shale gas well would be sampled andchemically analyzed for methane and a battery of other possible pollutants both before and afterdrilling and hydraulic fracturing operation is completed. 90
  • 216. (Riha and Rahm, 2010) Impacts from uncertain events (spills and leaks, contaminant migration)can be minimized by targeted regulations, encouragement of preventative best managementpractices, and establishment of accurate and timely reporting guidelines.Develop transparent monitoring and reporting systems that assure the public that shale gasdrilling is occurring in a manner that protects our water resources.Although the discussion above has emphasized improving the effectiveness of regulatoryframeworks, other approaches may be effective in reducing the environmental impacts of shalegas operations. For example contracts for leasing mineral rights often carry penalties for waste,and emissions from leaks are wasteful. Similarly insurance companies may begin to insist thatcompanies follow best practices to obtain insurance. In the final analysis gas companies wouldbe well served to put more emphasis on training staff to have a higher level of safety vigilance interms of recognizing and correcting on-site issues that can have an environmental impact.Companies also would reduce their risk of environmental impact by insisting that both on-siteand offsite (trucking companies for example) contractors used only properly trained and licensedworkers and equipment that meets all state and federal safety requirements.Irrespective of the nature of the regulatory framework all stakeholders would benefit fromgreater transparency on the part of industry. Just one example is the issue of emissions fromimpoundments. Volz et al. (2010) have suggested that the concentration of VOC’s inimpoundments holding flowback water have the potential to create “serious” air pollution issues.Some residents in the vicinity of such impoundments have complained (Legere, 2010) of “odorslike that of gasoline and kerosene”. No chemical analyses of flowback water (or measurementsof emissions from impoundments) could be found during this review to support the assertions ofVolz et al. (2010). Anti-shale-gas-activists point to photos of impoundments next to well padsengulfed what can best be described as a fireball with huge billowing black smoke(REFERENCE). It may well be that this specific fire was related to a surface spill of diesel froman on-site storage tank, but the impression is left with the general public that flowback water is acesspool of flammable organic chemicals. Ironically the shale gas industry would be betterserved if individual companies (and regulators) had not only a greater degree of transparency indealing with accidents but also took a pro-active stance in making information on environmentalimpacts readily available to the public. In almost all cases it is likely that the reality of any 91
  • 217. accident is significantly less than what the imagination of information-starved local residents willcreate in the absence of facts. 92
  • 218. 11 ConclusionsThe current state of distrust between gas companies and water well owners that exists in someareas of north Texas and in Pennsylvanian towns such as Dimock has created an acrimoniouspublic dialogue of charge and counter charge that ultimately is detrimental the localcommunities, the industry, and the environment. Only through an open and informed dialoguebetween industry, regulators, the local communities and other stakeholders can we make forwardprogress. Increased transparencies on the part of the natural gas industry, together with fosteringan improved understanding of technical issues on the part of the local community are importantfirst steps.Amy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst Natural Resources Defense Council has suggested in recentcongressional testimony addressing hydraulic fracturing has suggested that “Not only is therelimited scientific knowledge about the impacts of oil and natural gas production, but currentregulations, as well as enforcement capabilities, are insufficient”.Dr Cal Cooper “Society benefits from high-quality research that advances knowledge andultimately makes us more comfortable with the difficult choices we face”. 93
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  • 236. 5 Regulation of Shale Gas Development 57
  • 237. Table of Contents________________________________________________1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................32 Scope of Coverage; Objectives and Methods .......................................................................53 Overview of Federal Shale Gas Development Regulation .................................................174 Content of State Regulations That Apply to Shale Gas Development, With Some Discussion of Local and Regulation ...................................................................................25 4.1 Testing for Gas ..........................................................................................................26 4.2 Constructing a Well Pad and Access Road: Preventing Erosion and Sedimentation Throughout the Drilling and Fracturing Process; Protecting Wildlife and Minimizing Habitat Fragmentation ...........................................................................31 4.3 Locating the Well Pad, Well, Pits, and Disposal Sites ..............................................37 4.4 Transporting Equipment to the Well Pad ..................................................................47 4.5 Drilling and Casing a Well; Preventing Blowouts ....................................................49 4.6 Controlling Air Emissions During Drilling and Fracturing ......................................65 4.7 Withdrawing Water for Fracturing ............................................................................72 4.8 Fracturing the Well ....................................................................................................84 4.9 Preventing and Reporting Spills ................................................................................94 4.10 Testing and Replacing Water Supplies....................................................................102 4.11 Storing Waste ..........................................................................................................107 4.12 Disposing of Waste..................................................................................................113 4.13 Restoring the site .....................................................................................................1255 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................127 Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 1
  • 238. 1 IntroductionAs gas and oil development from shales has expanded in the United States, various entities haveexpressed concerns about potential environmental contamination, health effects, nuisances, andimpacts on local roads, among other possible effects. The public has tended to direct its focustoward one stage of the shale development process called slickwater “hydraulic fracturing,”wherein an operator, after drilling a well, typically injects large quantities of water combinedwith relatively small quantities of chemicals 1 down the well bore to fracture the shale around itor to expand existing fractures, thus exposing more surface area within the stratum and enablinggas or oil production. This paper provides a brief overview of federal regulation of oil and gasdevelopment and fracturing and describes how local, state, and regional statutes, regulations, andpolicies (referred to broadly as “regulation” or “regulations”) address the potential effects ofhydraulic fracturing as well as other stages of shale gas development. In the course of describingthese regulations, the paper suggests how regulation could better respond to science-based 21 The chemicals are estimated to make up less than one percent of the solution pumped down the well to fracture it,as measured by weight. See Joseph H. Frantz, Jr., Natural Gas, Range Resources, and the Marcellus Shale, 2010No. 5 Rocky Mtn. Mineral Law Foundation-Institute Paper No. 2, at 3 (Dec. 6-7, 2010) (estimating that chemicalsrepresent “0.1% of the mix”); New York State Dep’t of Environmental Conservation, Preliminary RevisedSupplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Program (Sept. 2011),available at http://www.dec.ny.gov/data/dmn/rdsgeisfull0911.pdf (from sample fracturing fluid compositions in theFayetteville and Marcellus Shales, estimating that “approximately 84 and 90 percent of the fracturing fluid is water;between approximately 8 and 15 % is proppant; the remainder, typically less than 1 % consists of chemicaladditives”).2 From the legal perspective, weighty associations attach to the term “science-based.” As Professors Wendy Wagnerand Tom McGarity of the University of Texas School of Law observe, industry actors sometimes object toregulation by claiming that it is not based in “sound science,” but many actors—from industry or other fields—alsomay attempt to influence science to achieve “economic or ideological ends.” THOMAS MCGARITY ANDWENDY WAGNER, BENDING SCIENCE: HOW SPECIAL INTERESTS CORRUPT PUBLIC HEALTHRESEARCH 1 (Harvard Univ. Press 2008). In a world of competing interests and objectives, it is sometimesdifficult to identify what, exactly, “sound science” or “science-based” means, and to separate this word usage fromvarious political implications. This paper attempts to avoid using the term “science-based” in a manner thatsuggests economic or ideological ends. It presumes that the terms “science-based” or “fact-based” refer toconclusions rooted in observation and analysis of effects and predicted effects—recognizing that regulation is neverpurely “scientific” because regulators work with imperfect data, respond to competing policy objectives, and oftenmust attempt to control the risk of rapidly-changing technologies, the effects of which are still not fully known. AsWendy Wagner also has noted, there is, overall, a dearth of adequate data in environmental regulation, and this Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 3
  • 239. concerns about shale gas development. The paper compares regulations in sixteen select statesthat have recorded shale gas, shale oil, and/or tight gas production as of 2009 or likely soon willproduce these resources.makes the regulatory task all the more difficult. See Wendy Wagner, Using Competition-Based Regulation toBridge the Toxics Data Gap, 83 IND. L.J. 629 (2008). This often forces regulators to guess about effects. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 4
  • 240. 2 Scope of Coverage; Objectives and MethodsThis paper addresses the regulatory component of “Fact-Based Regulation for EnvironmentalProtection in Shale Gas Resource Development,” a project led by the Energy Institute at theUniversity of Texas, by describing and analyzing state statutes, regulations, and policies thatapplied to shale gas development—or had been proposed—as of August 2011. 3 This provides thesource material from which to assess whether the laws respond to facts—enabling a betterunderstanding of how, and to what extent, regulations incorporate the science of shale gasdevelopment and address the potential environmental effects of the practice.States wrote most of the regulations described in this report prior to the rise of slickwaterhydraulic fracturing—the typical method of extracting natural gas from shale. 4 State oil and gasagencies, whose primary responsibilities include conserving oil and gas, protecting “correlative”rights (ensuring against illegal drainage, example), and, more recently, implementingenvironmental protections, 5 have long administered regulations that require, for example,adequate casing (lining) of wells to protect groundwater and minimum construction requirementsfor surface pits that store oil and gas waste. Most these regulations, which are addressed in thisreport in detail, are not specifically tailored toward fracturing or shale gas development moregenerally—in part due to their age. Rather, as worded, they can be read to apply to at least onestage of shale gas development due to their general language but were not written with thisdevelopment in mind. Recent tailored, regulations, such as Pennsylvania’s limits on total3 In limited circumstances, the paper addresses state regulations and policies that have been enacted and/or proposedsince August 2011.4 See Railroad Comm’n of Tex., Water Use in the Barnett Shale, Jan. 24, 2011 (explaining that “[]in 1997, the firstslick water frac (or light sand frac) was performed and found to be very successful in stimulating the Barnett Shale).5 See Ground Water Protection Council, State Oil and Natural Gas Regulations Designed to Protect Water Resources13-15 (May 2009), available at http://www.gwpc.org/e-library/documents/general/State%20Oil%20and%20Gas%20Regulations%20Designed%20to%20Protect%20Water%20Resources.pdf; Mike Soraghan, Mike Soraghan, Protecting Oil From Water – The History of State Regulation,E&E News, http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2011/12/14/1. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 5
  • 241. dissolved solids in the wastewater from hydraulically fractured wells 6 (since partially mooted byadvice that operators should not send waste to POTWs); 7 several states’ updated requirements forwell casing and blowout prevention; 8 New York’s proposed mandate for the use of steel tanks forfracturing wastewater (“flowback”) storage and greenhouse gas emissions from drilling andfracturing, among many other protections; 9 Fort Worth, Texas’s requirements for the and anumber of states’ chemical disclosure requirements, 10 help to demonstrate some of the newconcerns posed by the rise of slickwater fracturing and other stages of shale gas development.The effectiveness of these regulations and their advisability of course remains disputed. The useof steel tanks to store wastewater, for example, may reflect environmental concerns associatedwith leaking storage pits but may be costly for operators. 11 A requirement that operators conducttesting of water wells near oil and gas sites prior to drilling and fracturing, in turn, may beopposed by landowners who would view testing as a trespass or a water quality monitoringdevice as a taking of their property. Discussion of both existing regulations and the fewregulations that have been revised to address fracturing—even if these regulations haveimperfections—allows other team members at the Energy Institute to more closely analyzewhether recent state regulatory responses to shale gas development are grounded in science.6 25 PA. CODE. § 95.10(b) (West 2011).7 See Dan Hopey & Sean D. Hamill, Marcellus Wastewater Shouldn’t Go to Treatment Plants, PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, Apr. 19, 2011, available at http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11109/1140412-100-0.stm (describing arequest sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to gas operators),8 See, e.g., Arkansas Oil and Gas Comm’n Rule B-19, http://www.aogc.state.ar.us/PDF/B-19%20Final%201-15-11.pdf; Mont. Admin. Code § 36.22.1106 (2011) (unofficial final rules); N.D. Admin. Code § 43-02-03-21; 43-02-03-27.1 (proposed rule changes 2012), available at https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/rules2012changes.pdf; ProposedRulemaking, Environmental Quality Board, 40 Pa.B. 3845, July 10, 2010,http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol40/40-28/1248.html; regulations codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.83 et seq.(2011).9 See generally New York State Dep’t of Environmental Conservation, Preliminary Revised Supplemental GenericEnvironmental Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Program, available athttp://www.dec.ny.gov/data/dmn/rdsgeisfull0911.pdf.10 See infra table 7a. Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Texas, andWyoming have some of the most detailed disclosure requirements (or proposed requirements).11 Cf. infra note 319 for sources describing oil and gas producers’ opposition to New Mexico’s “pit rule,” whichrequires the use of steel tanks in certain quantities. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 6
  • 242. To provide the regulatory foundation for the broader “Fact-Based Regulation” project led by theEnergy Institute, this paper describes and analyzes state regulations of shale gas and/or oildevelopment in select states where this development is proceeding or soon will commence.Specifically, it identifies the most relevant statutes, regulations, and policies (broadly describedthroughout the paper as “regulations” or “regulation”) that apply to each stage of the shaledevelopment process and compares the content of these laws by state. The report then buildsfrom the scientific and media-based analyses prepared by Professors Duncan and Eastin toprovide a preliminary analysis of whether and how these laws respond to the science of shaledevelopment.To define the scope of the regulatory data to be collected, the authors, consulting with other teammembers, first identified states that have or may soon have shale gas or oil development orsimilar development, including drilling and fracturing in tight sands. According to the EnergyInformation Administration, in 2009, twelve U.S. states produced shale gas, including Arkansas,Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma,Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia. 12 Shale gas development in Montana, New Mexico, andNorth Dakota has not been common; Montana and North Dakota primarily produce shale oil, 13and New Mexico primarily produces gas from tight sands formations. Other states with potentialshale gas production include, inter alia, Illinois and Indiana (New Albany); 14 Maryland and Ohio(Marcellus and Utica Shale); 15 New York (Marcellus and Utica); 16 Utah (Uinta); 17 Virginia (Big12 U.S. Energy Information Admin., Shale Gas Production (2011), http://www.eia.gov/ dnav/ng/ng_prod_shalegas_s1_a.htm.13 See U.S. Energy Information Admin., Technology-Based Oil and Natural Gas Plays: Shale Shock! Could ThereBe Billions in the Bakken?, (Nov. 2006) (describing “booming” Bakken Shale production).14 See U.S. Energy Information Admin. (2011), Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale OilPlays 15-16 http://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/usshalegas/pdf/usshaleplays.pdf (describing the potential of theNew Albany shale play of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky, estimated to have 10.95 trillion cubic feet of technicallyrecoverable reserves, for which nine companies held leases in 2008).15 See id. at 5 (describing how 1.09 and 18.19 percent of the areal extent of the Marcellus is in Maryland and Ohio,respectively, and how the Marcellus in total is estimated to have 177.9 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverablereserves, for which nineteen companies held leases in 2008. Other estimates for total Marcellus reserves are muchhigher. See, e.g., Terry Engelder and Gary G. Lash, Marcellus Shale Play’s Vast Resource Potential Creating Stir Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 7
  • 243. Sandy); 18 and Wyoming (Mancos and Hilliard-Baxter-Mancos). 19 This paper does not explore allstates with potential shale gas or oil production. Indeed, certain states with high productionpotential, such as Mississippi, 20 are omitted due only to time and space limitations. The paperaddresses regulations in select states (a sample of sixteen), which already have produced, or soonmay produce, gas or oil from shales or tight sands. This sample includes Arkansas, Colorado,Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota,Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. 21 The sample is notcomprehensive, and oil and gas development practices vary among formations 22 and by the typeof resource being extracted. Lessons from one state therefore may not be fully transferable toothers—due not only to differences in practices but also to climate, geography, and otherdifferences. Technologies for developing shales and tight sands are similar, however, and lessonsfrom each type of formation and resource are relevant to the other. The sample of sixteen statesin Appalachia, AM. OIL & GAS REP. (May 2009), available athttp://www.geosc.psu.edu/~engelder/references/link150.pdf (estimating “a total resource of the Marcellus play ofnearly 50 Tcf”—an estimate that has since risen).16 See id. at 5-6 (describing how 20.06 percent of the areal extent of the Marcellus underlies New York).17 See id. at 68 (describing the USGS of the Uinta Piceance Basin in Colorado and Utah, estimated to have between1.8 and 4.9 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable gas) (citingUSGS. Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Uinta-Piceance Province of Colorado and Utah.2002).18 EIA, supra note 14, at 9-10 (describing the potential of the Devonian Big Sandy shale gas play, estimated to have7.4 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable reserves, for which ten companies held leases in 2008).19 See EIA, Review of Emerging Resources, supra note 14, at 63-64 (describing the Hilliard-Baxter-Mancos shaleplay in Wyoming and Colorado, estimated to have 3.77 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable reserves, forwhich five companies hold leases); id. at 67-68 (describing the Mancos play in Colorado and Wyoming, estimated tohave 21.02 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable reserves, for which nine companies hold leases).20 The Tuscaloosa Marine Shale underlying Louisiana and Mississippi21 Ohio and Maryland, which overlie portions of the Marcellus Shale, may soon produce shale gas. Wyoming hasnot yet experienced shale gas production but has experienced tight sands production. See e-mail from Tom Doll toJeremy Schepers, June 21, 2011 (“Wyoming has not had activity in shale gas exploration. We have hadactivity, starting in late 2009 to-date in 2011, in the Niobrara shale oil formation as well as oil exploration in tight oilsands of the Sussex, Parkman, Turner and Frontier formations, all occurring [sic] in 5 counties in the eastern half ofWyoming.”).22 See, e.g., Halliburton, U.S. Shale Gas, available athttp://www.halliburton.com/public/solutions/contents/shale/related_docs/H063771.pdf (describing drilling andhydraulic fracturing techniques in shales around the United States and how they differ). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 8
  • 244. described here provides examples of regulatory approaches to shale gas development, highlightsthe differences among some state regulations, and offers potential lessons for other statesengaged in or soon to explore shale gas production. Although this paper refers to regulations thatapply to “shale wells” or “shale gas development,” these regulations also apply to shale oil andtight sands wells. With the exception of spacing requirements for wells, special coalbed methanerestrictions, and special requirements for the casing (lining) of wells in certain deep formationsand formations in which the operator does not know what pressures to anticipate, states often donot differentiate among formations in oil and gas regulation.Having identified states that currently or soon will have oil or gas development from shales ortight sands, the authors next defined the relevant stages of the shale gas development process towhich regulations apply, including development stages that are not unique to shale wells. Thisenabled a comprehensive review of the regulatory process for shale wells. Generally speaking—ignoring, for the purposes of this introductory stage, key details and variations among wells—anoperator developing a shale well first obtains data, often collected through a process calledseismic testing, 23 to estimate the location and abundance of gas underground. The operatorselects a drilling location based on these data and a number of other factors, including accessibletopography and the availability of mineral rights to lease, for example. 24 After obtaining thenecessary mineral rights and regulatory approval of the well location, as well as other permits, 25the operator constructs a well pad and access road at this location, and drills a well. Operators23 Cf. Owen L. Anderson and Dr. John D. Piggot, 3D Seismic Technology: Its Uses, Limits & Legal Ramifications,42 ROCKY MTN. MINERAL LAW FOUNDATION-INSTITUTE 16 at 4 (1996) (explaining that “geophysicists who use 3Dseismic technologies, together with geologists and engineers, are necessary components of the petroleum team,” thatthe use of 3D seismic technology “promises to become the exclusive seismic tool for future field development,” andthat seismic technology use is becoming “more routine”).24 See, e.g., Frantz, supra note 1, at 3 (explaining that energy companies acquire leases and that “geophysicistsdetermine drilling locations” using “surface, subsurface maps,” 3-D seismic measurements, and “state-of-the-arttechnology”).25 States require the operator to obtain a permit to drill prior to commencing well construction. See, e.g., 16 Tex.Admin. Code 3.5 (2011) (providing that “[a]n application for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter any oilwell, gas well, or geothermal resource well shall be made”). As discussed throughout the paper, states also mayrequire the submission of disposal plans and environmental reviews. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 9
  • 245. increasingly drill horizontal wells for shale development, 26 in which the drill bit cuts downvertically through the formation but is then gradually deviated to a ninety-degree angle. 27Horizontal drilling and fracturing introduces locational flexibilities, which, depending on states’spacing regulations, allow multiple wells to be drilled on one pad and also allow operators toavoid sensitive surface locations, such as valuable wildlife habitat. 28 During drilling andfracturing, any gas that escapes is captured, vented, or flared (burned off), 29 and following thecompletion of drilling, casing, and fracturing the well, the first gas produced is similarly capturedor flared (burned off). 30 As part of the drilling process, an operator cements of casing (typicallysteel pipe 31) into the well. 32 As the well is being drilled, the operator often installs and cements26 See, e.g., Penn. Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Hydraulic Fracturing Overview, available athttp://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/oilgas/new_forms/marcellus/Reports/DEP%20Fracing%20overview.pdf (explaining that “[c]urrent drilling practices in the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania utilize both horizontal andthe more traditional ‘vertical’ wells,’” and that both vertical and horizontal wells in the shale typically requirehydraulic fracturing); Railroad Comm’n of Tex., supra note 4 (describing the quantities water required forslickwater fracturing of vertical and horizontal wells in the Barnett Shale). But see Penn. Dep’t of Envtl. Protection,Drilling For Natural Gas in the Marcellus Shale Formation, Frequently Asked Questions,http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/oilgas/new_forms/marcellus/MarcellusFAQ.pdf “Extracting naturalgas from the Marcellus Shale formation requires horizontal drilling and a process known as ‘hydraulic fracturing’that uses far greater amounts of water than traditional natural gas exploration.”). This above statement is incorrect,as some wells in the Marcellus are only vertically (not horizontally) drilled and are fractured. See J. Daniel Arthuret al., Hydraulic Fracturing Considerations for Natural Gas Wells of the Marcellus Shale, available athttp://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/materials_minerals_pdf/GWPCMarcellus.pdf.27 See Frantz, supra note 24, at 4; U.S. DEP’T OF ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF ADVANCED OIL AND GASEXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 36 (1999) (describingHow horizontal wells “deviate from the strictly vertical orientation by anywhere from a few degrees to completelyhorizontal, or even inverted toward the surface”).28 Horizontal drilling can substantially reduce surface disturbance See, e.g., Frantz, supra note 24, at 5 (noting thathorizontal wells “[g]realty reduce surface impact” and “[m]inimize disturbance”); U.S. DEP’T OF ENERGY, supranote 22, at 36 (noting that “production footprints” in Alaska have “shrunk dramatically” as a result of horizontal andother innovative drilling and also have minimized disturbance of sensitive habitats); id. at 37 (listing theenvironmental benefits of horizontal drilling as including “fewer wells,” “lower waste volumes,” and “protection ofsensitive environments”). It also may concentrate certain environmental effects, such as air pollution, within onearea.29 New York Preliminary Revised SGEIS at 5-134.30 Id.31 Ground Water Protection Council, State Oil and Natural Gas Regulations Designed to Protect Water Resources 18(May 2009), available at http://www.gwpc.org/e-library/documents/general/State%20Oil%20and%20Gas%20Regulations%20Designed%20to%20Protect%20Water%20Resources.pdf (“Casing is typically steel pipe used to line the inside of the drilled hole (wellbore).”).32 For a detailed description of the casing and cementing process, see id. at 19-20. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 10
  • 246. into the wellbore several types of casing—each of an incrementally small diameter. 33 This casingincludes conductor casing to prevent the top of the well from collapsing in on itself, 34 surfacecasing that runs from the surface down to a certain depth to protect fresh water and othersubstances around the well, 35 intermediate casing to support well structure of other naturalresources farther from the surface, 36 and deep production casing to allow the gas or oil producedto flow up through the well. 37 These drilling techniques will differ substantially depending on thecomposition of the formation, the depth at which a well is drilled, and other factors, and shouldbe understood only as a general description. 38During drilling, fluid called “produced water” comes up naturally out of the formation; theoperator temporarily stores this water on site, along with drill cuttings (rocks and othersubstances that come up out of the drilled formation) and other drilling waste such as useddrilling muds 39 and fluids, and then disposes of it. The wastes are either stored in closed steeltanks (in what is called a “closed loop system”) or in surface pits. Depending on stateregulations, the pits may be unlined or lined with clay, a synthetic material, or other substancesdepending on state regulations, and their contents must be disposed of within a certain amount oftime after the drilling and fracturing operation has ended.33 See id. at 19 (explaining that “the casing of oil and gas wells, whether vertical and horizontal, is accomplished inmultiple phases from the largest diameter casing to the smallest”).34 See id. (explaining that conductor casing is installed to “prevent the sides of the hole from caving into thewellbore where it is drilled through unconsolidated materials such as the soil layers”).35 See id.36 See id. (explaining that intermediate casing is “usually only required for specific reasons such as additionalcontrol of fluid flow and pressure effects, or for the protection of other resources such as minable coals or gasstorage zones”).37 See FracFocus.org, Well Construction & Groundwater Protection, http://fracfocus.org/hydraulic-fracturing-how-it-works/casing; New York Dept. of Envtl. Conservation (2011), New York Supplemental Generic EnvironmentalImpact Statement preliminary revised draft 5.9, http://eidmarcellus.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/SGEIS-Preliminary-Revised-Draft-7-1-11.pdf.38 Cf., New York Preliminary Revised SGEIS at 5-30 (noting differences in drilling techniques and the “iterativeprocess” of hydraulic fracturing design).39 Drilling muds often contain chromium and barium. See Joseph Dancy, Solid Waste Management andEnvironmental Regulation of Commonly Encountered Oil Field Wastes, 35 A ROCKY MTN. MINERAL LAWFOUNDATION SPECIAL INSTITUTE at 3 (Feb. 1994). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 11
  • 247. Disposal techniques for drill cuttings, drilling fluids, produced water, and other drilling wastesvary. Both the drill cuttings and the produced water may contain low levels of naturally-occurring radioactive materials or “NORM” wastes. 40 Some states allow the cuttings to be mixedwith soil on site or spread on the surface of the well site through a process called landfarming orland application, 41 or require that the cuttings be transported to an approved disposal facility;state regulations for storage and disposal of drilling fluids sometimes differ depending onwhether the fluids are petroleum, salt, or water-based. 42Produced water, which may have high levels of chlorides and other total dissolved solids (“salty”substances 43) in addition to NORM, may be landfarmed or land applied after the operatorconducts required soil tests, applied to roads (through a disposal method called “roadspreading”),sent to a centralized disposal facility, sent to a wastewater treatment plant, or disposed of in anunderground injection control (UIC) “Class II” disposal well under the Safe Drinking Water Act.The SDWA regulates the construction of UIC wells to prevent contamination of undergroundsources of drinking water, and it classifies these wells based on the materials in the wells, such ashazardous wastee or oil and gas waste. 44 Centralized surface disposal facilities for oil and gaswastes, which are state regulated, often are called “E&P” facilities. 45 E&P refers to40 New York Preliminary Revised SGEIS at 6-205.41 See, e.g., CODE. MD. REG. § W; CODE. MD. REG. § F(2)(g) (West 2011) (providingfor landfarming or offsite disposal); Oklahoma Admin. Code § 165: 10-7-19 (2011) (allowing land farming ofcuttings in certain soils); 25 PA. CODE § 78.61 (a), (b) (allowing land application at the site).42 See, e.g., New York Preliminary Revised SGEIS at 7-65 (proposing to require that cuttings from oil-baseddrillings be disposed of in an approved solid waste facility).43 See, e.g., Dancy, supra note 39, at 13 (in 1994, indicating that “produced water in the mid-continent area has atotal dissolved solids (“TDS”) content of approximately 50,000 parts per million (PPM) on average” and that “theaverage TDS level of produced water (50,000 ppm) exceeds the solids content of seawater (approx.. 34,500 ppm)”).44 See U.S. Envtl. Protection Agency, Classes of Wells, http://water.epa.gov/type/groundwater/uic/wells.cfm.45 See, e.g., Oklahoma Admin. Code 165:10-9 (providing requirements for commercial pits). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 12
  • 248. “exploration and production” oil and gas wastes, which are exempt from federal hazardous wastedisposal requirements. 46Following the drilling and casing of a well, the operator punches holes in or “perforates” small,below-ground portions of the well and casing within the shale layers to be fractured. To perforatethe well, the operator lowers a type of “gun,” typically powered by an electric charge, far downthe well. (The perforating “gun” is a large, sturdy metal pipe with multiple holes punched in it;bullet-type objects fly out of these holes when the gun is lowered far into the well and set off.)The operator uses this gun to perforate the small portions of the well and casing at whichfracturing will occur and gas will be produced; for one stage of fracturing, for example, theoperator may perforate a four-foot segment of the wellbore at a depth of 8,000 feet (or anotherdepth that the well log suggests has the most gas) —both to allow gas to flow and to allow acidsand fracturing fluids injected down the well to enter the shale around the well. 47 Selection of theperforation and fracturing depth depends on a number of factors, including the nature of thereservoir produced.After perforating a portion of the well, the operator then prepares for the slickwater fracturingoperation. To fracture a well, the operator withdraws water from an underground or surfacesource or uses recycled, treated wastewater from another well, pipes in or trucks this water to thesite (or drills a well on site), 48 and mixes the water with chemicals. The operator typically uses46 For a summary of the E&P wastes that are exempt from federal hazardous waste regulation, see State Rev. of Oiland Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, Inc., Guidelines for the Review of State Oil & Natural GasEnvironmental Regulatory Programs § 2.6, June 2000, available athttp://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/oilgas/STRONGER.pdf (including, for example, produced water,drilling fluids, drill cuttings, “well completion, treatment, and stimulation fluids” (this category covers fracturingfluids), and pits sludges “from storage or disposal of exempt wastes”).47 See U.S. Dep’t. of Energy, supra note 27, at 36 (explaining that an operator “perforates the well casing at thedepth of the producing formation to allow flow of fluids from the formation into the wellbore”); New York Dept. ofEnvtl. Conservation, supra note 37, at § 5.9.48 See New York Dept. of Envtl. Conservation, supra note 37, at p.8 (estimating that “2.4 million to 7.8 milliongallons of water may be used for a multi-stage hydraulic fracturing procedure in a typical 4,000-foot lateralwellbore.”); R.R. Comm’n of Texas, supra note 4 (“Slick water fracing of a vertical well completion can use over1.2 million gallons (28,000 barrels) of water, while the fracturing of a horizontal well completion can use over 3.5 Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 13
  • 249. approximately ten or eleven chemicals selected from a potential list of more than 250chemicals; 49 the handful of chemicals chosen from this long menu vary substantially dependingon formation characteristics. These chemicals perform functions such as reducing the friction inthe well (which is caused by pumping millions of gallons of water down the well at highpressure), carrying “proppant” in the fracturing fluid to prop open fractures in the shale, releasingthe proppant once it reaches the shale, and killing bacteria in the shale that might interfere withthe fracturing process. 50 Before injecting the water-chemical mixture called fracture or “frac”fluid into the well, the operator cleans the shale around the well by injecting an acid into thewell. 51 He or she then injects the fracturing fluid into the well at high pressure along with aproppant, such as sand, to prop open fractures in the shale once they are formed. This allows gasto flow through the fractures in the shale and up through the well. Flowback water—thefracturing fluid that flows back up out of the well after a fracture treatment—is storedtemporarily in pits or tanks on site and then disposed of either through recycling, landapplication, a wastewater treatment plant, or an underground injection control well. Followingdrilling and fracturing, the operator attaches equipment to the wellhead to control the flow ofgas, retains some pipes on site to transport the gas to a processing plant, and removes otherequipment from the site. Finally, the operator revegetates the site; the level of site remediationvaries depending on the regulations of the state in which the well is located.After identifying these relevant stages of well development, the authors located state, andregional regulations that potentially apply to each stage (and, in limited circumstances, localregulations). The authors focused most closely on state regulations because states have coreregulatory responsibility for oil and gas development. To identify the regulations, the authorsmillion gallons (over 83,000 barrels) of water.”); infra notes 219-220 (providing more sources and estimates ofwater use). Water use varies substantially depending on the length of the horizontal (lateral) bore and whether drygas or wet gas is produced. Wet gas requires processing (which uses additional water), while dry gas typically doesnot.49 New York Dept. of Envtl. Conservation, supra note 37, at § 5.9.50 Id.51 Id. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 14
  • 250. reviewed the existing literature; searched oil and gas and environmental statutes, regulations, andWestlaw and LexisNexis databases; spoke with attorneys; and searched state agency web pagesfor regulations, requirements within drilling and other permits, and recent agency directives. Theauthors then identified the core content of each relevant regulation or agency requirement.Examples of these regulations are summarized and analyzed below. The paper also brieflyexplores alternatives to regulation, such as best management practices, but does not describe in-depth the range of extra-regulatory controls, such as internal industry guidance and requirementsfor review of environmental impacts, which can further control effects. 5252 Cf. Ground Water Protection Council, supra note 31, at 6 (“To gain a more complete understanding of howregulatory programs actually function, one has to evaluate the use of state guides, manuals, environmental policyprocesses, environmental impact statements, requirements established by permit and many other practices.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 15
  • 251. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 16
  • 252. 3 Overview of Federal Shale Gas Development RegulationEntities at the local, state, regional, and federal levels all regulate aspects of the shale gasdevelopment process. Locally, municipalities—depending on the state in which they arelocated—zone oil and gas development (within the powers grand to them by states), tax oil andgas operators, regulate road use, and control certain aspects of the oil and gas production, such asinsurance and bonding, fencing of well sites and pits, prevention of water contamination,chemical disclosure, and the timing of oil and gas drilling. 53 The extent of local regulation variesby state; some states preempt local regulation of oil and gas development, with limitedexceptions for road use and limited zoning, 54 while others, such as Texas, 55 allow extensive localcontrols. Local regulation is not discussed in depth in this paper. Readers should refer to othersources for further detail on preemption, municipalities’ expanding efforts to control shale gasdevelopment, and other local regulatory issues. 56Regardless of whether a state has preempted local authority over oil or gas development, stateshave the bulk of the regulatory responsibility over shale gas development; they both administerfederal environmental regulations and write and enforce a range of state oil and gas regulations,including, among others, regulations addressing the location of wells, water withdrawals,maintenance of pits for temporary containment of oil and gas waste, disposal of waste, and siteremediation. Although states have primary regulatory authority over oil and gas development, a53 See, e.g., Arlington, Texas, Ordinance No. 07-074 § 7.01 A.29 (2007), available athttp://www.marcellus-shale.us/pdf/Gas-Drill-Ord_Arlington-TX.pdf; Fort Worth, Texas, Ordinance No. 18449-02-2009 § 15-42 A.2 (2009), available athttp://www.fortworthgov.org/uploadedFiles/Gas_Wells/090120_gas_drilling_final.pdf.54 See N.Y. Envtl. Conserv. Law § 23-0303(2) (McKinney 2010); 58 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 601.602 (West 2010)(preempting most local regulation of oil and gas development). But see Huntley & Huntley, Inc. v. BoroughCouncil of Oakmont, 964 A.2d 855, 865–69 (Pa. 2009) (suggesting that local governments in Pennsylvania may, atminimum, designate the zones within which oil and gas extraction may occur).55 See supra note 53.56 See, e.g., Michelle L. Kennedy, Essay, The Exercise of Local Control Over Gas Extraction, 22 FORDHAM ENVTL.L. REV. 375 (2011); Bruce M. Kramer, Local Land Use Regulation of Extractive Industries: Evolving Judicial andRegulatory Approaches, 14 UCLA J. ENVTL. L. & POL’Y 41 (1995/96). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 17
  • 253. number of federal regulations apply to the development process. Clean Water Act stormwatercontrols aim to minimize erosion and sedimentation during construction (including constructionof oil and gas sites), and the Clean Water Act prohibits the dumping of any pollutant into U.S.waters without a permit. 57 The EPA intends to propose Clean Water Act standards for thetreatment of wastewater from shale gas wells in 2014. 58 Further, under recently-proposed CleanAir Act regulations, shale gas operators also will have to control volatile organic compound(VOC) emissions from flowback during the fracturing process by using a VOC capture techniquecalled “green completion.” 59 Shale gas operators also must comply with the Endangered SpeciesAct (ESA), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and certain portions of the EmergencyPlanning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPRCA) 60 and the Occupational Safety andHealth Act (the OSHAct), 61 among other federal acts. Under the ESA, operators must consultwith the Fish and Wildlife Service and potentially obtain an incidental “take” permit ifendangered or threatened species will be affected by well development. 62 Operators will bestrictly liable for any harm to migratory birds under the MBTA and therefore must ensure thattheir maintenance of surface pits or their use of rigs does not attract and harm these birds. 63Under EPCRA and the OSHAct, in turn, operators must maintain material safety data sheets57 33 U.S.C. § 1311 (2011) (making unlawful the discharge of any pollutant except in compliance with the Act); 33U.S.C. § 1342 (2011) (allowing the EPA Administrator to issue a permit for the discharge of a pollutant)58 EPA Announces Schedule to Develop Natural Gas Wastewater Standards, Oct. 201, 2011,http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/bd4379a92ceceeac8525735900400c27/91e7fadb4b114c4a8525792f00542001!OpenDocument.59 Environmental Protection Agency, Proposed Rule, Oil and Natural Gas Sector: New Source PerformanceStandards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Reviews, 76 Fed. Reg. 52738, 52758(Aug. 23, 2011) (requiring "reduced emission completion" ("green completion") and pit flaring for newhydraulically fractured and refractured wells).60 See Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 §§ 312–313, 42 U.S.C. §§ 11021–11022(2006) (requiring material safety data sheets and hazardous chemical inventory forms when certain quantities ofhazardous chemicals are present at facility). This information is extracted from Hannah Wiseman, Trade Secrets,Disclosure, and Dissent in a Fracturing Energy Revolution, 111 COLUM. L. REV. SIDEBAR 1 (2011),http://www.columbialawreview.org/assets/sidebar/volume/111/1_Wiseman.pdf.61 Hazard Communication, 52 Fed. Reg. 31,852 (Aug. 24, 1987); 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1200(b) (2010) (requiring “allemployers to provide information to their employees about the hazardous chemicals to which they are exposed").62 16 U.S.C. § 1538 (a) (2011).63 16 U.S.C. § § 703, 707 (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 18
  • 254. (MSDS) for certain hazardous chemicals that are stored on site in threshold quantities. 64 Finally,under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act(CERCLA), operators must report releases of hazardous chemicals of threshold quantities 65 andmay potentially be liable for cleaning up these spills. 66Oil and gas operators, while facing a number of local, state, regional, and federal regulations,also enjoy several federal exemptions. Most wastes (“exploration and production” or “E&P”wastes) from fracturing and drilling are exempt from the hazardous waste disposal restrictions inSubtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 67 meaning that states—notthe federal government—set the required disposal procedures for the waste. Although Subtitle Cof RCRA originally covered oil and gas wastes—thus requiring that oil and gas operators followfederally-established procedures for handling, transporting, and disposing of the wastes—in the1980s Congress directed the EPA to prepare a report on oil and gas wastes and determinewhether they should continue to be federally regulated. 68In its report, the EPA noted that some of the wastes were hazardous but ultimately determinedthat due to the economic importance of oil and gas development and state controls on the wastes,federal regulation under RCRA Subtitle C was unwarranted. 69 The EPA did note some stateregulatory deficiencies in waste control, however, and relied on the development of a voluntaryprogram to improve state regulations. This voluntary program has since emerged as the StateReview of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER)—a non-profitpartnership between industry, nonprofit groups, and regulatory officials 70 that has developed64 42 U.S.C. 11005 (2011); Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 §§ 312–313, 42U.S.C. §§ 11021–11022 (2011).65 42 U.S.C. § 9603(a) (2011).66 42 U.S.C. § 9607 (2011).67 53 Fed. Reg. 25,446-01, 25,447 (July 6, 1988) (exempting these wastes from Subtitle C of RCRA).68 For a full discussion of the process of the exemption, see Hannah Wiseman, Regulatory Adaptation in FracturedAppalachia, 21 VILL. ENVTL. L.J. 229, 243-48 (2010).69 53 Fed. Reg. 25,446 (1988).70 State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, http://www.strongerinc.org/. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 19
  • 255. guidelines for state regulation of oil and gas wastes, periodically reviews state regulations, andencourages states to improve certain regulations. 71 Despite the RCRA exemption, some statestreat oil and gas wastes as unique wastes under their own waste disposal acts. Pennsylvania, forexample, treats certain oil and gas wastes (including flowback water from fracturing) as“residual” wastes under its state Solid Waste Management Act and has special handling anddisposal requirements for these wastes. 72 Furthermore, in all states, non-exempt oil and gaswastes, such as unused hydraulic fracturing fluids and other oil and gas wastes that tend to havehigher levels of hazardous substances, 73 still must be disposed of in accordance with federalRCRA requirements. 74The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act also contains anexemption for oil and gas. CERCLA holds owners and operators of facilities, those who arrange71 For more description of the exemption and the EPA’s reliance on this private nonprofit group to encourage betterstate regulations, see Guidelines for the Review of State Oil & Natural Gas Environmental Regulatory Programs,supra note 46, at §§ 1.1-1.3.1. If the reader wishes to learn more about the role of the State Review of Oil andNatural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER), see STRONGER, http://www.strongerinc.org/“The state review process is a collaborative process by which review teams composed of stakeholders from the oiland gas industry, state environmental regulatory programs, and members of the environmental/public interestcommunities review state oil and gas waste management programs against a set of Guidelines developed and agreedto by all the participating parties.”). For STRONGER’s general guidelines for oil and gas development, whichsuggest, for example, how operators should construct and maintain surface pits among many other suggestedstandards, see STRONGER, Revised Guidelines, available athttp://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Revised%20guidelines.pdf. For STRONGER’s recently-developedhydraulic fracturing-specific guidelines, see Memorandum from the STRONGER Board to Persons Interested in theHydraulic Fracturing Guidelines, Feb. 8, 2010, Update on the Development of Hydraulic Fracturing Guidelines,available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/HF%20Guideline%20Web%20posting.pdf.72 25 Pa. Code § 287.1 (West 2011) (defining “residual waste” as “Garbage, refuse, other discarded material or otherwaste, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, mining andagricultural operations and sludge from an industrial, mining or agricultural water supply treatment facility,wastewater treatment facility or air pollution control facility, if it is not hazardous.”); 25 Pa. Code § 287.1 (West2011); 25 Pa. Code § 287.53-54 (West 2011) (requiring generators that produce an average of 2,200 pounds ofwaste monthly to employ “source reduction strategies” and to characterize the chemical composition of their waste).73 For a list of oil and gas exploration and production wastes that are not exempt from Subtitle C of RCRA, see U.S.Envtl. Protection Agency, Exemption of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Wastes from Federal HazardousWaste Regulations 11 (2002), available at http://epa.gov/osw/nonhaz/industrial/special/oil/oil-gas.pdf.74 See, e.g., Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission Rule B-26 (2011) (“All stormwater and produced fluids which havebeen mixed with non-exempt RCRA waste as defined by the USEPA shall be removed and disposed in accordancewith applicable Pollution Control and Ecology Commission regulations, as administered by ADEQ.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 20
  • 256. for disposal of waste, and those who accept hazardous substances for disposal liable for the costsof hazardous substance clean-up, 75 and the Act also requires reporting of certain hazardous wastespills.76 CERCLA exempts oil and natural gas from the hazardous substances that trigger theseliability and reporting requirements, 77 however. Oil and gas operators still must report spills ofother hazardous substances of a threshold quantity (those that are not oil and gas) and ultimatelymay be liable for clean-up of these wastes.A third oil and gas exemption from environmental regulation is contained in the Clean WaterAct. Typically, industrial facilities that generate stormwater runoff (as “pollutant” under the Act)must obtain a stormwater permit under the Clean Water Act for this runoff; they are required tohave a permit both for constructing the facility (at which point soil sediment may run off the site)and operating it (at which point polluted substances may continue to run off the site duringprecipitation events, for example). The Clean Water Act does not require oil and gas operators,however, to obtain a permit for uncontaminated “discharges of stormwater runoff from . . . oiland gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations.” 78 In the Energy Policy Actof 2005 (EPAct 2005), Congress expanded the definition of oil and gas exploration andproduction under the Clean Water Act 79--a definitional change that potentially allowed for theexemption of more oil and gas activity from stormwater permitting requirements. The EPAsubsequently revised its regulations to exempt oil and gas construction activities from theNPDES stormwater permitting requirements. 80 In 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for75 42 USC § 9607 (West 2011).76 42 U.S.C. 9603 (West 2011); 42 U.S.C. 9602 (2011) (providing threshold amounts for the spill reportingrequirement).77 42 U.S.C. § 9601(14) (2011) (exempting from the definition of “hazardous substance” “petroleum, includingcrude oil or any fraction thereof” and “natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas, or synthetic gas usablefor fuel”).78 33 U.S.C. § 402(l)(2) (West 2011).79 33 U.S.C. § 1362(24) (West 2011).80 Envtl. Protection Agency, Regulation of Oil and Gas Construction Activities,http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/oilgas.cfm (last updated Mar. 9, 2009). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 21
  • 257. the Ninth Circuit in Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA vacated these regulations. 81 TheEPA has since reinstated its prior requirements for stormwater permits along with “clarification”based on EPAct 2005. 82 In sum, oil and gas operators must obtain a stormwater permit under theClean Water Act for the construction of a well pad and access road that is one acre or greater, butthey need not obtain such a permit for any uncontaminated stormwater from the drilling andfracturing operation. Some states, such as New York, and regional entities, such as the DelawareRiver Basin Commission (a governmental body formed by an interstate compact and tasked withprotecting the quality of surface water within the basin), have proposed to require stormwaterpermitting that addresses both the construction of oil and gas pads that will host hydraulicallyfractured wells and the operations that occur on those pads. 83Finally, fracturing operations also are exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), whichrequires entities that inject substances underground to prevent groundwater pollution. TheSDWA applies only to waste from fracturing and drilling that is disposed of in undergroundinjection control wells; 84 an SDWA underground injection control (UIC) permit is not requiredfor the fracturing operation itself. Operations that use diesel fuel in fracturing, however, are notexempt from SDWA. 85 The EPA currently is developing UIC standards for fracturing withdiesel. 8681 Natural Resources Defense Council v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 526 F.3d 591 (9th Cir.2008).82 Envtl. Protection Agency, Regulation of Oil and Gas Production Activities, http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/oilgas.cfm (last updated Mar. 9, 2009).83 NY Preliminary Revised SGEIS at 7-26-7-27.84 42 U.S.C. § 300h (d)(1) (2011).85 Id. (excluding from the SDWA definition of underground injection “the underground injection of fluids orpropping agents (other than diesel fuels) pursuant to hydraulic fracturing operations related to oil, gas, or geothermalproduction activities” (emphasis added)).86 EPA, Underground Injection Control Guidance for Permitting Oil and Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing ActivitiesUsing Diesel Fuels,http://water.epa.gov/type/groundwater/uic/class2/hydraulicfracturing/wells_hydroout.cfm#diesel. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 22
  • 258. As result of the federal exemptions for oil and gas development and historic state authority overoil and gas development, the majority of regulation of the development process occurs at thestate level, as discussed in the following section. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 23
  • 259. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 24
  • 260. 4 Content of State Regulations That Apply to Shale Gas Development, With Some Discussion of Local and RegulationThis section compares regulations in sixteen states that currently are producing gas or oil fromshales or gas from tight sands formations or soon will. It provides examples of regulations ateach stage of the well development process—roughly in order of the development stages of ashale gas, shale oil, or tight sands well—and explores the potential environmental effectsaddressed by these regulations. This section also describes, where relevant, local and regionalregulation. In each of the tables below, a reference to “DRBC” describes the Delaware RiverBasin Commission, and “SRBC” describes the Susquehanna River Basin Commission. TheseCommissions are regional entities (approved by Congress, as required by the Compact Clause ofthe U.S. Constitution) 87 with authority over the water quality and quantity in these rivers—including the respective watersheds that affect water quality and quantity. Their regulationsapply in portions of New York and Pennsylvania, as well as other Appalachian states. Althoughregional regulations are not directly transferable to many states in light of their differentobjectives and powers, 88 they offer useful examples and add to the set of regulatoryexperimentation from which federal, state, and local entities may glean both positive andnegative lessons. To avoid repetition, the authors included regional regulations within only onecell of the relevant comparison tables (under New York or Pennsylvania); note that theseregulations apply in portions of both New York and Pennsylvania, however. The Delaware RiverBasin Commission regulations described in some tables below are proposed and have not yetbeen implemented. A lawsuit filed by the State of New York, which claims that the DRBC mustprepare an environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act before87 See Delaware River Basin Compact, 1961, available at http://www.state.nj.us/drbc/regs/compa.pdf; SusquehannaRiver Basin Compact, 1972, available at http://www.srbc.net/about/srbc_compact.pdf.88 The Delaware River Basin Commission has jurisdiction in portions of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, andPennsylvania. See id. The Susquehanna River Basin Commission has jurisdiction in portions of Maryland, NewYork, and Pennsylvania. See Susquehanna River Basin Compact (1972), available athttp://www.srbc.net/about/srbc_compact.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 25
  • 261. finalizing the regulations, also may delay their effect. 89 Finally, none of the regulatorycomparison tables in this paper are comprehensive. A blank box within a table does notdefinitively indicate that the state lacks regulation in the area addressed, but rather that theauthors have not yet summarized and/or located the regulation.4.1 Testing for GasAn operator who plans to develop a shale gas well must first locate the productive areas of gas.Typically, a team of geophysicists using “seismic testing” techniques already will have mappedout an area and will offer Seismic techniques vary substantially, 90 but, as generally understood,they require three stages, including acquiring data in the form of underground reverberationsfrom rock formations, processing the data through a machine such as a seismograph orgeophone, and interpreting the data. 91 To acquire reverberations from underground formations, ateam of geophysicists either sets off an explosive in holes in the ground called shot holes,detonates explosives at the surface, or strikes the surface with heavy equipment in a techniquecalled “vibroseis.” 92 The loud sound created by blasting or striking the ground “travels downwardinto the ground and reflects off of strata (reflectors) back to the surface, creating an echo.” 93 Thissound travels through different types of underground strata at different velocities, and this allowsgeophysicists to identify the depths of various subsurface materials, from sandstone or clay tosalt, methane, and oil. 94 The company also may use a more simple technique to locate likely89 New York v. Army Corps of Engineers, Complaint, May 31, 2011, available athttp://www.ag.ny.gov/media_center/2011/may/DRBC%20Complaint%20%28Final%29.pdf.90 See Anderson & Piggot, supra note 23, at 12 (describing differences between acquisition of seismic data for 3D(three-dimensional) and 2D seismic testing, including the use of more sources (points of sound, such as explosions)and receivers (machines that pick up the seismic data) for 3D testing.91 See Anderson & Piggot, supra note 23, at 5, 12. See also See N.Y. Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, Guidelines forSeismic Testing on DEC Administered State Land (Dec. 20, 2007), available athttp://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/sfseismic.pdf (describing various methods of conducting seismictesting, including92 See Anderson & Piggot, supra note 23, at 12 (mentioning explosives and vibroseis); N.Y. Dep’t of Envtl.Conservation, supra note 91, at 1 (describing shot holes, surface shots, and vibroseis).93 Anderson &. Piggot, supra note 23, at 5.94 Id. at 8. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 26
  • 262. locations of underground gas by drilling a stratigraphic test well, which is not used to produce oilor gas but rather helps the operator determine the quantity and quality of oil or gas at a givenlocation. 95Many states require operators to obtain a permit and/or a blaster’s license before blasting a shothole or conducting other seismic testing, 96 but beyond this preliminary measure, safety andenvironmental protections vary widely. Maryland and Louisiana have some of the mostcomprehensive environmental protections at this stage. Maryland requires assurances that thetesting will not impact environmental resources and allows its environmental agency to deny ablasting permit if there is a substantial risk of unmitigated environmental damage from theblasting. Maryland also allows permit denial if blasting would affect Chesapeake Bay resourcesand other water resources. 97 Louisiana, in turn, requires entities proposing seismic testing towork under the supervision of the Seismic Section of the Department of Wildlife, and NorthDakota mandates minimum distances between blasting and natural resources such as springs. Assummarized in Table 1, several states also require that shot hole blasting or other seismic testingnot occur within a certain distance of water wells and other potentially sensitive resources, andthat the shot hole be plugged following the completion of testing. Colorado has some of the mostdetailed plugging regulations for shot holes, which vary depending on whether artesian or non-artesian water flows were encountered during blasting. 98 New York, in contrast, appears to have95 See, e.g., North Dakota 43-02-03-01 Oil and Gas Conservation (“Stratigraphic test well” means any well or hole,except a seismograph shot hole, drilled for the purpose of gathering information in connection with the oil and gasindustry with no intent to produce oil or gas from such well.”96 See, e.g., Explosives Regulations of the Colorado State Division of Oil and Public Safety § 3.1,http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheader=application%2Fpdf&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1251616366954&ssbinary=true (prohibiting anyone from using explosives without firstobtaining a permit from the Division of Oil and Public Safety); 25 Pa. Code § 210.13 (2011) (“A person may notdetonate explosives or supervise blasting activities unless the person has obtained a blasters license.”); 25 Pa. Code§ 211.121 (2011) (providing that “a person may not engage in blasting activities . . . without first obtaining theappropriate permit from the Department issued under this chapter.”).97 MD ADC § (2011).98 See infra Table 1. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 27
  • 263. few protections at the seismic testing stage, aside from protections on state lands. 99 New Yorkhas not addressed this aspect of the oil or gas development process in its Supplemental GenericEnvironmental Impact Statement 100—a document that will impose a range of protectiveconditions on “high volume” hydraulic fracturing in shales (fracturing that requires largevolumes of water).Several environmental risks are present at the seismic testing stage. Large seismographic trucksthat strike the ground to create vibrations (sometimes called “thumper trucks”) could compactsoils and damage water resources if they cross streams and wetlands, for example. Blasting ofshot holes in sensitive environmental areas could potentially damage surface and undergroundwater sources, and unplugged shotholes could, in addition to posing a basic safety risk,potentially allow for underground intrusion of pollutants. States that do not provide for agencyreview or, at minimum, agency notification of blasting in environmentally sensitive areas shouldconsider adding regulatory controls in this area. All states, following the lead of Arkansas,Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, and Texas, also should require that shot holes beplugged. Tables 1a and 1b show minimum required distances between seismic testing andenvironmental and domestic resources for the following: • Location of shot holes and other seismic activity • Other seismic protections99 See N.Y. Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, Guidelines, supra note 92.100 New York Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, Preliminary Revised Supplemental Generic Environmental ImpactStatement. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 28
  • 264. Table 1a. Minimum required distances between seismic testing and environmental and domesticresources: Location of shot hole/other seismic activityAR No shot hole w/in 200 ft. of residence, water well, structure w/out express authority; peak; other required distances from structures vary based on charge weight. AOGC Rule B-42(k) (2010)CO Minimum distance requirements for storage of explosives only. 7 COLO. CODE REG. § 1101-9:4.6, 8.1 (West 2011) (explaining that ch. IV applies to seismic blasting)KY Provides “maximum peak particle velocity of the ground motion” “at the immediate location of any dwelling house, public building, school, church, commercial or institutional building.” 805 KY. ADMIN. REGS. 4:020 (West 2011)LA “Explosives shall not be detonated in congested areas or in close proximity to any structure, railway, highway, pier, dock, vessel, or other installation which may be damaged.” LA ADC 55:I: 1531 (2011). No explosives w/in 1,000 ft. of a boat. LA. ADMIN. CODE tit. 76, pt. I., § 301 (West 2011)MD No blasting w/in 500 ft. of occupied building w/out written permission. Md. Code Regs. Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT No vibroseis w/in 330 feet or shot hole w/in 1320 ft. of “any building, structure, water well, or spring”; not w/in 660 ft. of reservoir dam w/out written permission. MONT. ADMIN. R. 36.22.501 (West 2011)NM Our search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY On state lands, 250 feet from existing roads and trails. Guidelines for Seismic Testing on DEC Administered State Land Dec. 12, 2007, http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/sfseismic.pdfND No seismic shot hole blasting less than 600 ft. and no nonexplosive exploration methods less than 300 feet from “from water wells, buildings, underground cisterns, pipelines, and flowing springs,” except by written agreement. N.D. ADMIN. CODE 43-02-12-05 (West 2011)OH The Ohio Department of Natural Resources “does not regulate seismic activity.” 101OK No seismic activity w/in 200 ft. of water well w/out written permission; not w/in 500 ft. of Superfund site boundary. OHIO ADMIN. CODE 165:10-7-15 (West 2011)PA “Maximum allowable peak particle velocity” limitation (or minimum scaled distance requirement) at “closest building or other structure” 25 PA. CODE 211.151 (West 2011)TX Drilling permit required for seismic holes that penetrate a “depth or depths at which usable quality water must be protected or isolated.” 16 TEXAS ADMIN. CODE § 3.100 (West 2011)WV Blasting regulations appear to apply only to “surface mining operations” and “surface disturbances associated with underground mining operations.” W. VA. CODE R. § 199-1-1 (West 2011)WY No shot holes w/in ¼ mile of building or water well; no “vibroseis, seismic operations” w/in 300 ft. of building or water well. WYO. CODE. R. OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 6(q) (West 2011)101 Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Oil and Gas Frequently Asked Questions,http://www.ohiodnr.com/oil/oilfaq/tabid/17869/Default.aspx (last visited Sept. 12, 2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 29
  • 265. Table 1b. Minimum required distances between seismic testing and environmental and domesticresources, other seismic protectionsAR Proper backfill of hole required, no cutting of tree 6” or more in diameter unless no reasonable alternative. AOGC RULE B-42 (m),(p) (2010)CO Must rake slurry, drilling fluids, cuttings from shot hole to w/in 1 inch of surface; plugging and filling of all shot holes required, differs by whether artesian or non-artesian water flow encountered. 2 Colo. Code Reg. § 404-1, Rule 333 (West 2011)KY Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.LA No geophysical exploration work w/out first notifying Wildlife and Fisheries Commission. Marsh vehicles, if used, must cause minimum disturbance. Must backfill shot hole w/ cuttings and plug. Seismic activities must be under supervision of Seismic Section of Dep’t of Wildlife. LA ADC 76:I.301MD Md. DEP may deny seismic permit if testing will “poses a substantial risk of causing environmental damage that cannot be mitigated by the applicant.” MD. CODE ANN., ENVT., § 14-109 (2011)MI Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.MT Must plug shot holes. MONT. ADMIN. R. 82-1-104 (West 2011)NM Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.NY Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.ND Plugging required. N.D. ADMIN. CODE 43-02-12-07 (West 2011)OH Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.OK Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.PA Blasting may not damage real property, with the exception of the property of the blasting permittee. 25 PA. CODE § 211.151 (West 2011)TX Plugging and letter of protection depth from TCEQ required. 16 TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 3.100 (West 2011)WV Appears to have no setback requirement; other protections not located.WY Must be plugged on same day shot hole has been drilled and loaded. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 5 s 6(q) (2011) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 30
  • 266. 4.2 Constructing a Well Pad and Access Road: Preventing Erosion and Sedimentation Throughout the Drilling and Fracturing Process; Protecting Wildlife and Minimizing Habitat FragmentationAfter an operator has located a site for drilling and collected the necessary mineral rights througha lease and drilling and other required permits from state and/or federal agencies, the operatorconstructs a well pad and an access road to the pad. Access roads for shale gas development maycover 0.1 to 2.75 acres, and well pads typically range between 2.2 and 5.7 or more acres, 102 withan average shale gas well pad size (industry estimate) of 3.5 acres. 103 This stage of thedevelopment process leads to increased stress on local roads, potential erosion andsedimentation, potential surface pollution from equipment leakage (diesel and other substances),and direct and indirect impacts on wildlife, including habitat fragmentation. 104As introduced in part A. above, under the Clean Water Act, shale gas operators must obtaingeneral stormwater permits for constructing access roads and well pads. States implement CleanWater Act requirements, including stormwater permitting, and many states approve theconstruction of a shale gas site under a “general industrial” stormwater permit or similar erosionand sediment control plan. 105 Under this general permit, which requires stormwater controls thatare not individualized by site, the operator must submit a notice of intent to the state, and thestate must grant general permit approval before construction may begin. Under the general102 NEW YORK STATE DEP’T. OF ENVTL. CONSERVATION, REV. SGEIS, supra note 4, at 5-10. In New York State, gascompanies have applied to drill and hydraulically fracture for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale formation that liesbeneath the state. Out of those applications, “[p]roposed well pad sizes range from 2.2 to 5.5. acres” (excluding theaccess road), and New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation believes that these sizes are “consistent”with sizes required for drilling and fracturing in other formations, such as a n average 3.6-acre pad in Wyoming(excluding the access road) and a maximum of 5.7 acres in the Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas. See also Frantz,supra note 24, at 4 (estimating a “footprint” of “3-5 acres”).103 NEW YORK STATE DEP’T. OF ENVTL. CONSERVATION, REV. SGEIS, supra note 4, at § Id. at §5.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, See, e.g., Arkansas Rule B-17 (requiring a “stormwater erosion and sediment control plan” for each well site,which must “describe and ensure the implementation of both erosion and sediment control practices which are to beused to reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the well pad and access roads,” and alternativelyallowing the operator to follow a guidance document for sediment controls); See MD. CODE REGS. (2009) (requiring a “sediment and erosion control plan” and a “stormwater management plan”); W. VA.CODE ANN. § 22-6-6(d)(LexisNexis 2010) (requiring a “soil erosion control plan”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 31
  • 267. permit, operators constructing well pads and access roads typically must follow bestmanagement practices (BMPs) under those permits. 106 These BMPs help to control erosion andsedimentation during the well pad and access road construction process, 107 and they tend to havesimilar content in all sixteen states described in this paper. Most require controls such as waterbars to prevent water from running directly down a road and creating a gully, silt fences, andculverts. Some states also encourage operators to use existing roads as access roads to avoidsurface disturbance and erosion. 108Unique Delaware River Basin stormwater controls are being considered by the Delaware RiverBasin Commission, which has proposed to regulate many stages of shale gas development. Forthe construction of well pads in the drainage areas of “Special Protection Waters” in the Basin,for example, the Commission has proposed that operators must implement a Non-Point SourcePollution Control Plan. The proposal contains some of the most stringent stormwater measuresdescribed in Table 2 below. 109 The proposal calls for the plan to be approved before any clearingfor well pad or access road construction begins. The plan must include both pre-and post-construction stormwater controls, including stormwater structures (some permanent, ifnecessary) that will control runoff during the construction and operation of the well and after siterestoration is complete. The plan’s erosion control measures must include the more stringent oftwo measures: those contained in state regulations or those found in the Delaware River BasinCommission’s Water Quality Regulations. 110106 See, e.g., Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Instructions for a Notice of Intent (NOI) forCoverage Under the Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP-1) For Earth Disturbance Associatedwith Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities, availableat http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Document-83401/Modified%205500-PM-OG0005%20NOI%20Instructions%202.pdf.107 Portions of this paragraph were originally prepared by Hannah Wiseman for CLE International, Oklahoma WaterLaw, May 5-6, 2011, Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Quality: A Brief Description of Regulations.108 See, e.g., COGCC Rule 1002.109 Delaware River Basin Comm’n, Proposed Natural Gas Development Regulations, Dec. 9, 2010, at 59-60,available at 41.110 Id. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 32
  • 268. In addition to controlling soil erosion during the construction of an access road and well pad onwhich oil and gas development activities will occur, some states have recognized the potentialimpacts of construction on wildlife, including indirect impacts such as habitat fragmentation.Colorado has some of the most protective measures in this area. If a proposed well will be withina “sensitive wildlife habitat or a restricted surface occupancy area,” the operator must consultwith the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission(COGCC Director), and the Surface Owner about potential wildlife impacts. The COGCCdirector may impose various conditions of approval, which shall be “guided by the list of BestManagement Practices for Wildlife Resources” identified on the COGCC’s website. 111 Coloradogives operators an option to submit a Comprehensive Drilling Plan to the Colorado Oil and GasConservation Commission, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, theColorado Division of Wildlife, “local government designee(s),” and affected surface owners allare invited to participate in developing the plan. “In many cases, participation by these agenciesand individuals will facilitate identification of potential impacts and development of conditionsof approval to minimize adverse impacts.” 112 The plan remains valid for six years. Colorado alsoattempts to minimize surface disturbance and habitat fragmentation by providing, “Wherepossible, operators shall provide for the development of multiple reservoirs by drilling onexisting pads or by multiple completions or commingling in existing wellbores.” 113Other states require few specific wildlife or habitat protections but simply remind oil and gasoperators that construction and operation of an oil or gas production site may harm endangeredspecies and may require various permits and consultations under the Endangered Species Act.Kentucky, for example, provides that no “waste site or facility” (which includes a “holding pit”for produced water 114), shall “[c]ause or contribute to the taking of any [ESA-listed] endangered111 COGCC Rule 1202 (b)-(c)112 COGCC Rule 216d.113 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 603(d) (2011).114 401 KAR § 5:090 Section 9(a) (2011) (“Holding pits shall be constructed in accordance with KRS Chapter 151and Division of Waste Management administrative regulation 401 KAR 30:030.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 33
  • 269. or threatened or candidate species” or “[r]esult in the destruction or adverse modification of thecritical habitat of” these species. 115 Several states also require that certain surface pits be coveredby netting (a measure noted in Section 11 – “Storing Wastes”). 116 As oil and gas drillingincreases in areas not previously subject to exploration—due largely to the advancement offracturing technologies—states should consider how drilling and fracturing may affect sensitiveareas. They should consider implementing controls to reduce surface disturbance (for example,requiring operators to use existing roads, where available). States also should explore the optionof requiring site-specific permitting or best management practices in sensitive wildlife areas, andupdating stormwater permits to recognize the heavier site traffic and potential surfacedisturbance that occurs as a result of fracturing. Furthermore, states should encourage operatorsto locate access roads and well pads away from sensitive areas; horizontal drilling, which allowsan operator to drill laterally through shale for several thousand feet, makes this possible. As theNational Park Service has noted in the context of the Marcellus Shale: While the horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing practices expected to be used in developing the Marcellus Shale have negative environmental effects on the surrounding area, when compared to development of conventional oil and gas resources this development method could result in fewer impacts than conventional vertical wells due to greater flexibility in well location. 117Table 2 provides examples of state stormwater permitting requirements for well pad and accessroad construction—a stage of the well development process that applies to all wells, not justhydraulically fractured ones.115 401B KY ADC § 30:031 Section 3 (2011).116 See, e.g., N.D. Admin. Code § 43-02-03-19.1 (2011).117 Nat’l Park Service, Potential Development of the Natural Gas Resources in the Marcellus Shale 4 (Dec. 2008),available at http://www.eesi.psu.edu/news_events/EarthTalks/2009Spring/materials2009spr/NatParkService-GRD-M-Shale_12-11-2008_view.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 34
  • 270. Table 2. Examples of stormwater management regulations: Stormwater permits and bestmanagement practicesAR Erosion and sediment control plan or ADEQ-approved guidance document; site-specific permit if will discharge to CWA (303(d)) or other certain water bodies. AOGC Rule B-17(l) (2010)CO Construction stormwater and post-construction stormwater permits, which include BMPs for “transport of chemicals and material”; no post-construction controls for Tier 1 O&G sites (slope less than 5%, low erosion risk). 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 1002(f) (2011)KY General permit for stormwater discharges[2] 118LA LWDPS permit required for stormwater runoff from exploration and production activities not upland; limits on chemical oxygen demand, organic carbon, chloride, oil and grease in stormwater. La. Admin. Code 33:IX.708 (2011)MD Sediment and erosion control plan and stormwater plan required. COMAR (2011)MI Counties issue Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control permits. 119MT General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Mining, Oil and Gas Activities, including exploration and production.120NM EPA appears to issue permits for oil and gas stormwater. 121NY New stormwater general permit for gas drilling operations (in addition to general stormwater construction), individual State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for stormwater discharges w/in 500 ft. of principal aquifers. R SGEIS at 7.1.2ND General stormwater permit for five acres of more. 122OH Erosion and control BMPs required in urbanized areas. OH ADC 1501:9-1-07 (B) (2011)118 See Energy and Env’t Cabinet, Kentucky Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Fact Sheet, Kentucky Pollutant DischargeElimination System (KPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities(KYR10), available athttp://water.ky.gov/permitting/General%20Permit%20Fact%20Sheets/FinalPermitKYR10000RTC_2_.pdf(mentioning plans for oil and gas exploration and production as potentially requiring a general permit).119 See Michigan Dep’t of Envtl. Quality, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Agencies,http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3311_4113-8870--,00.html.120 Montana Dep’t of Envtl. Quality, Storm Water Discharges Associated with Oil, Gas, and Mining Activity,http://deq.mt.gov/wqinfo/MPDES/StormwaterMining.mcpx.121 New Mexico Env’t Dep’t, Environment Secretary Discussed Oil and Gas Industry Exemptions fromenvironmental Law and Regulations at ABA Conference in Dallas, June 18, 2010 (explaining, in the context ofstormwater discharges from oil and gas activities, that “EPA regulates NPDES permits for New Mexico”).122 See Fact Sheet, Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities North Dakota Pollutant DischargeElimination System (NDPDES) General Permit NDR 10-0000,http://www.ndhealth.gov/wq/storm/Construction/NDR10sob20091001F.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 35
  • 271. OK EPA-issued stormwater permits for oil and gas drilling and production. 123PA Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management for Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities General Permit (ESCGP-1) for all earth disturbances 5 acres or greater (Marcellus Advisory Commission indicates that E&S plan is required for 124 all disturbances of 5,000 square feet or greater or any disturbance with the potential to discharge sediment to certain waters with very good water quality. 125TX Stormwater discharges authorized by EPA and Railroad Commission when required by federal law. 16 TAC 3.30 (b)(1)(B)(ii) (2011).WV BMPs in Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. 126WY NPDES Small Storm Water Construction permit from Wyoming DEQ Storm Water Division and storm water pollution prevention plan for development between 1 and 5 acres on federal lands; NPDES Large Storm Water Construction and storm water pollution prevention plan for wells on five acres or more. 127123 Okl. Dep’t of Envtl. Quality Water Quality Division, General Permit GP-00-01, Table 1-2,http://www.deq.state.ok.us/WQDnew/stormwater/gp-00-01.pdf; Okl. Dep’t of Envtl. Quality Water QualityDivision, General Permit OKR 10, Table 1-1,http://www.deq.state.ok.us/wqdnew/stormwater/construction/okr10_final_permit_13_sep_2007.pdf124 Pennsylvania Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Comment and Response Document Erosion and Sediment Control andStormwater Management for Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, Treatment Operations orTransmission Facilities (2008), available at http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Document-67458/05%20Comment%20and%20Response%2003%2028%2008.pdf.125 Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission § 7.2.1 (2011), available athttp://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Land/mining/marcellus/Documents/MSAC_Final_Report.pdf.126 West Virginia Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Industry Guidance, Gas Well Drilling/Completion, Large WaterVolume Fracture Treatments (Jan. 8, 2010), available at http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and-gas/GI/Documents/Marcellus%20Guidance%201-8-10%20Final.pdf.127 Regulatory Compliance: Wyoming,http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=regulatory%20compliance%3A%20wyoming%20coalbed%20methane%20temporarily%20discharging&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcbnga.com%2Fwp-content%2Fplugins%2Fdownload-monitor%2Fdownload.php%3Fid%3D8&ei=62mhTuXyLM3ViALS8_CDAQ&usg=AFQjCNHMcAeO3CkVEnTPy4TveCMud2Oxsg&cad=rja (summary for coalbed methane, but many regulations described apply to all oil and gasdevelopment). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 36
  • 272. 4.3 Locating the Well Pad, Well, Pits, and Disposal SitesWhen an oil or gas operator proposes to construct an access road and well pad, he or she mustlocate the well pad and/or the drilled well in accordance with state regulations. Most statesregulate the spacing of wells—requiring well setbacks from property lines and/or other oil andgas wells, or minimum acreages per well, in order to prevent waste of subsurface oil and gasreserves and ensure efficient development. 128 For environmental and health purposes, however,some states also control the location of well pads, drilled wells, and/or on-site waste pits in orderto prevent the contamination of nearby resources. These controls typically require that the wellpad, well head, surface pits, or certain methods of drilling and fracturing waste disposal (landapplication sites, for example), be set back a minimum distance from a protected resource, suchas a private water well, a public water supply, a stream, or a state park. They help to ensure thatif a spill accidentally occurs during drilling or fracturing, for example, it will not contaminatewater or other important natural resources. Several of these spills have occurred and in somecases have affected resources. In Pennsylvania, for example, a well “blew out” 129 during afracturing operation, meaning that pressure forced the wellhead off the top of the well. Thiscaused several thousands of gallons of fracturing fluid to enter a nearby creek and led the Stateof Maryland to threaten a lawsuit to address contamination. 130 Another Pennsylvania blow-out“discharged 35,000 gallons of HF [hydraulic fracturing] fluid into a state forest.” 131 Further, an128 See Ground Water Protection Council, supra note 31, at 14 (explaining that “[t]hroughout the period 1946 to1960, most oil and gas producing states established a regulatory agency to enforce oil and gas conservationpractices”). But see id. at 17 (noting that states also now regulate environmental aspects of oil and gas developmentand asserting that “[a]lthough current state oil and gas regulatory programs for water and environmental resourceprotection vary in scope and specificity, they invariably have the common elements necessary to ensure thedevelopment of oil and natural gas resources is accomplished in a manner designed to protect water resources”).129 A “blowout” during fracturing is not technically a blowout, but the media typically has used this term. See infranotes Error! Bookmark not defined.-167 and accompanying text.130 Edward McAllister, Chesapeake Stems Flow From Blown Pennsylvania Gas Well, Reuters, Apr. 22, 2011,available at http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/22/us-chesapeake-blowout-idUSTRE73K5OH20110422; Officeof the Att’y General, Attorney General Gansler Notifies Chesapeake Energy of the State’s Intent to Sue forEndangering the Health of Citizens and the Environment, May 2, 2011,http://www.oag.state.md.us/Press/2011/050211.html.131 Dianne Rahm, Regulating Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Plays: The Case of Texas, 39 ENERGY POLICY2974, 2976 (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 37
  • 273. operator in Pennsylvania spilled a total of approximately 8,400 gallons of a lubricant gel forfracturing, some of which leaked into a nearby creek and wetland. 132 The State Review of Oil andNatural Gas Regulations—a private group tasked with reviewing state regulations and suggestingimprovements—recognizes the importance of measures to avoid these types of incidents, whichcan pollute water and other resources, noting that “[w]here necessary . . . states should havestandards to prevent the contamination of groundwater and surface water from hydraulicfracturing.” 133There are several ways to prevent spills and other accidents from causing contamination ofnearby resources. First, as many states do, the basic distance between the well or wellhead andnatural resources can be regulated. Better still, states can identify the activities on the well padthat pose the highest risk, such as storing waste in an open pit in an area with high levels ofprecipitation (thus risking pit overflow). They can then ensure that those activities do not occurwithin a certain distance of important resources. To best mitigate risks, a state can require thatthe entire wellpad and all of the activities on the pad are set back minimum distances fromimportant resources. New York has proposed this latter, most protective approach for naturalresources, indicating that it will require the entire well pad to have a minimum set back fromresources such as streams and wetlands. 134 These setbacks appear to be substantially moreprotective than those in all other states. As Reuters notes, New York’s proposed buffers are “asmuch as 20 times larger than neighboring . . . Pennsylvania.” 135 Several states take the middleground—identifying certain potentially risky activities on the wellpad that should be set back132 See Laura Legere, DEP Orders Driller to Stop All Hydraulic Fracturing in Susquehanna County, The Times,Tribune, Sept. 26, 2009, available at http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/dep-orders-driller-to-stop-all-hydraulic-fracturing-in-susquehanna-county-1.283390#axzz1bX80FDUP.133 State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, Memorandum from The STRONGER Board toPersons Interested in Hydraulic Fracturing Guidelines, Update on the Development of Hydraulic FracturingGuidelines, Feb. 8, 2010, available athttp://www.strongerinc.org/documents/HF%20Guideline%20Web%20posting.pdf.134 See infra Table 3.135 Edward McAllister, NY Gas Drillers Victory Soured by Tough New Rules, REUTERS, Oct. 21, 2011, available athttp://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/21/us-newyork-fracking-idUSTRE79K4XM20111021?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&rpc=76. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 38
  • 274. from water or other resources. Arkansas, for example, provides: “Mud, Circulation, and ReservePits constructed within the 100 year flood plain must be in accordance with any county or otherlocal ordinance or requirement pertaining to the 100-year flood plain.” 136 Oklahoma providesminimum required distances between land application of wastes such as produced water andcertain water wells, streams, and wetlands. 137 New Mexico similarly prohibits temporary pits andbelow-grade tanks within 100-year flood plains. 138 New Mexico has some of the most detailedregulations that address minimum distances between pits and various protected resources. Fortemporary pits, permanent pits, and, in some cases, for surface deposit of “material excavatedfrom the pit’s construction,” New Mexico’s “pit rule,” as revised in 2008 (and currently underreview 139), specifies minimum setbacks from “continuously flowing watercourse[s],” wetlands,floodplains, residences and other structures, private water wells, subsurface mines, and unstableareas. 140 Texas has the least stringent protections in this area. It does not appear require any wellor pit setbacks from natural resources. 141Several states have recently revised or are proposing to revise regulations that would requiresetbacks in order to protect various protected resources. In 2007, for example, Coloradoestablished “Public Water System Protection” regulations, which create buffer zones aroundareas that are or could be public water supplies. Within the internal buffer zone nearest to theprotected water system, oil and gas drilling and completion may not occur. Within theintermediate buffer zone, drilling and completion is allowed, but with restrictions, such as therequirement that operators use closed-loop drilling and fracturing systems, which store alldrilling and fracturing wastes in steel tanks. A third, external buffer zone is also open for oil and136 Rule B-17 (2011).137 See infra Table 3.138 NMAC (2011).139 See infra notes 318-320 and accompanying text.140 NMAC (2011).141 See 16 TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 3.8(d)(4) (2011) (providing pit requirements); 16 TEX.ADMIN. CODE § 3.37 (2011) (providing well spacing requirements but no setback requirements). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 39
  • 275. gas drilling, again with certain restrictions to protect the public water supply. 142 New York issimilarly proposing detailed setbacks in its revised Supplemental Generic Environmental ImpactStatement, including a prohibition on high-volume hydraulic fracturing within the New YorkCity and Syracuse watersheds, a 4,000-foot buffer zone around the watersheds, and within 100-year floodplains; 143 a 2,000-foot setback of the well pad from public water supplies; 144 a 500-footsetback from water wells; 145 and site-specific review for well pads proposed within 150 feet “of aperennial or intermittent stream, storm drain, lake, or pond” 146 and 500 feet of a principalaquifer. 147States such as Texas, which have not required any minimum setbacks with the exception of asetback from homes, should consider implementing better protections to ensure that accidentalspills do not enter surface water or groundwater (through direct contact or soil seepage, forexample). States such as Kentucky, which appears to only provide setbacks from structures andto prohibit discharge from holding pits into water, could improve regulations by implementingmeasures that are more easily enforced and better protect against unlawful discharge. It isdifficult for state officials to locate every illegal discharge. It is easier, however, for them tomeasure the distance between a well pad and a natural resource. This required setback alsowould help to prevent the illegal discharge, thus providing a more specific directive to operatorsregarding the best means of avoiding prohibited discharges. A general prohibition on illegaldischarges is important, in other words, but additional regulatory measures may be needed. (Spillprevention plans, secondary containment structures under chemical transfer stations and surfacepits, emergency response plans, and clean-up requirements, as discussed in more detail below,also are important means of avoiding contamination.)142 Department of Natural Resources, Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, 2 CCR 404-1,http://cogcc.state.co.us/ (follow “COGCC Amended Rules Redline” hyperlink).143 New York SGEIS at 1-17.144 New York SGEIS at 1-17.145 New York SGEIS at 22.146 New York SGEIS at 7-76.147 New York SGEIS at 1-18. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 40
  • 276. Table 3 provides examples of state and local setback regulations. In Table 3, the object inparentheses is the object that must be set back from a protected resource, such as the wellhead,the well pad, a pit, or a tank. Tables 3a to 3e show examples of minimum required distancesbetween wells drilled, well sites, and/or storage pits and natural and domestic resources for thefollowing: • Private water wells • Public water supplies • Structures/dwellings • Streams • Wetlands Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 41
  • 277. Table 3a. Examples of minimum required distances between wells drilled, well sites, and/orstorage pits and natural and domestic resources: Private water wellAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI 300 ft. (well, assoc. surface facilities) Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.502 (2011)MD 1,000 ft. (well). Code Md. Reg. (2011)MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM 500 ft. (temp. pit or below-grade tank); 500 ft. (permanent pit). NMAC (2011)NY 148 500 ft. (well pad). R SGEIS (2011)ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK No land application of produced w/in 300 ft. of actively-producing well or of drill cuttings/fluids, petroleum-based cuttings w/in 300 ft. of water well. OAC 165: 10-7-19; 10-7-26 (2011)PA 200 ft. (well). 58 P.S. 601.205 (2011)TX Appears to have no minimum distance; setback is for homes, not wells.WV 200 ft. (well). W. Va. Code 22-6-21 (2011)WY If “close proximity to water supplies,” (pit) O&G Commission may require closed-loop system, pit lining, etc. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1(u).148 DRBC refers to proposed regulations of the Delaware River Basin Commission, which will apply to shale gasdevelopment in New York. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 42
  • 278. Table 3b. Examples of minimum required distances between wells drilled, well sites, and/orstorage pits and natural and domestic resources: Public water supplyAR Appears to have no setback requirement.CO 300 ft. 149 (oil and gas location, excluding pipelines, roads, gathering lines); drilling and fracturing with conditions in buffer zones beyond 300 ft. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 603 (2011)KY Appears to have no setback requirement.LA If a pit is “likely” to contaminate groundwater aquifer or underground source of drinking water, plan for preventing contamination required. LAC 43:XIX.309 (2011)MI 2,000 ft. type I public water supply, 800 ft. types II +III (well separators, storage tanks, treatment equip.)MD 1,000 ft. (well). COMAR (2011)MT Appears to have no setback requirement.NM No temp. pit or below-grade tank “within a defined municipal fresh water well field”. NMAC (2011)NY 150 NY: 2,000 ft. (well pad/surface disturbance. R SGEIS (2011). DRBC: 500 ft. (pad site)ND Appears to have no setback requirement.OH Appears to have no setback requirement.OK No discharge of produced water w/in 300 ft. of “actively-producing well used for municipal purposes”. OAC 165: 10-7-19; no land applic. of petroleum-based cuttings w/in 1/4 mile of municipal supply. OAC 165:10-7-26; no commercial soil farming w/in 3 miles of watershed of public water supply lake. OAC:10-9-2PA 200 ft. (well). 58 P.S. 601.205 (2011)TX Appears to have no setback requirement.WV Appears to have no setback requirement.WY If “close proximity”(pit) O&G Commission may require closed-loop system, pit lining, etc. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1(u) (2011)149 Some new drilling with limitations is permitted within 301 to 500 feet of a Classified Water Supply Segment.150 DRBC refers to proposed regulations of the Delaware River Basin Commission, which will apply to shale gasdevelopment in New York. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 43
  • 279. Table 3c. Examples of minimum required distances between wells drilled, well sites, and/orstorage pits and natural and domestic resources: Structures/dwellingsAR 200 ft. for habitable dwelling, 300 ft. for public use bldgs. (tanks and tank batteries). AOGC Rule B-26CO 150 ft. or one and one-half the derrick height, whichever greater, from building unit; 350 ft. in high- density areas (wellhead) COGCC Rule 603(a)(1) and (e)(2); 350 ft.. in high-density areas (setback for production tanks, pits from buildings); 500 ft. in high-density areas (setback of production tanks, pits from educational and other group facilities). 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 603 (2011)KY 150 ft. (well) KRS 353.500 (2011)LA 500 ft. (well) in urban areas, or 200 ft. w/ owner’s written permission Louisiana Office of Conservation Order No. U-HS 151MI 300 ft. (well, assoc. surface facilities)MD 1,000 ft. (min. required distance between well and school or “occupied dwelling”). COMAR (2011)MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM 300 ft. (temp. pit or below-grade tank); 1,000 ft. (permanent pit). NM ADC (2011)NY[11] Access roads “as far as practicable” from residences Rev. R SGEIS 7.10.2ND 152.40 meters N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-28 (2011)OH 150 ft. (well or tank battery)OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.PA 200 ft. (well). 58 P.S. § 601.205 (2011)TX 200 ft. statewide; 152 Fort Worth & Arlington 600 ft. (wellbore); Colleyville & Weatherford 1,000 ft.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY If “close proximity”(pit) O&G Commission may require closed-loop system, pit lining, etc. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1(u)151 State of Louisiana Office of Conservation, Order No. U-HS, available athttp://dnr.louisiana.gov/assets/OC/eng_div/20090806-U-HS.pdf.152 Tex. Local Govt. Code § 253.005(c) (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 44
  • 280. Table 3d. Examples of minimum required distances between wells drilled, well sites, and/orstorage pits and natural and domestic resources: StreamAR Closed-loop systems required if oil-based drilling fluids used and mud or circulation pit is w/in 100 ft. of stream. Rule B-17 (2011); 200 ft. for protected streams, 300 for others (tanks and tank batters) Rule B-26CO 300 ft. if suitable for or intended to become potable (see buffer zone requirements) 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 603 (2011)KY Holding pits (for produced water) may not discharge pollutant into state waters, in violation of CWA or Kentucky water laws. 401B KAR 30:031 Section 4(1) (2011) 153LA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM 300 ft. (temp. or permanent pit or below-grade tank 154). NMAC (2011)NY NY: site-specific review w/in 150 ft. (well pad). Rev. SGEIS p. 3-15; NY 500 ft. (fueling tanks). R SGEIS DRBC: 500 ft. 155 (pad site)ND No reserve pits “in, or hazardously near, bodies of water.” NDCC 43-02-03-19 (2011)OH No pits w/in flooding zoneOK No land application of produced water, drill fluids/cuttings, petroleum-based drill cuttings w/in 100 ft. of perennial stream, 50 ft. of intermittent stream. OAC 165: 10-7-17; 10-7-19; 10-7-26 (2011); no commercial soil farming w/in 100 ft. OAC 165:10-9-2 (2011)PA 150 ft. (well site or well). 58 P.S. § 601.205 (2011)TX Appears to have no setback requirement.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.153 401 Ky. Admin. Code Section 9(5)(a) (2011) provides, “Holding pits shall be constructed in accordance withKRS Chapter 151 and Division of Waste Management administrative regulation 401 KAR 30:030,” which nowappears to be codified as 401 KAR 30:031. 401 Ky. Admin. Code Section 1(13) (2011) defines “holding pit” as apit that holds produced water.154 The regulations require the setback to be from a “continuously flowing watercourse.” The setback is 200 feet forother “significant” watercourses.155 The regulations refer to “water body.” Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 45
  • 281. Table 3e. Examples of minimum required distances between wells drilled, well sites, and/orstorage pits and natural and domestic resources: WetlandAR Above-ground pits or closed loop systems require in wetlands where water table is 10 ft. or fewer below surfaces. Rule B-17 (2011); 200 ft. (tanks/tank batteries). AOGC Rule B-26 (2010)CO “Operators shall avoid or minimize impacts to wetlands and riparian habitats to the degree practicable.” COGCC Rule 1002; operations in wetlands shall “incorporate adequate measures and controls to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts. COGCC Rule 901; Definitions (2011)KY Holding pits (for produced water) may not be in wetlands 156 or discharge pollutant into state waters, including wetlands, in violation of CWA or Kentucky water laws. 401B KAR 30:031 Section 4(1) (2011) 157LA Production equipment allowed in wetlands, but if cannot build dike for containment, must use impervious decking w/ curbs, gutters, and/or sumps La. Admin. Code 33:V.1121 (2011)MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MD May deny permit if will threaten wetlands. COMAR (2011). No drilling in Chesapeake Bay Critical Area unless written approval from Critical Area Commission. Id.MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM 500 ft. (temp. or permanent pit or below-grade tank). NMAC (2011)NY[11] NY: 500 ft. (fueling tanks). R SGEIS (2011). DRBC: 500 ft. (pad site)ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Appears to have no setback requirement.OK No land application of produced water, drill fluids/ cuttings petroleum-based drill cuttings w/in 100 ft. of wetland. OAC 165:10-7-17; 10-7-19 10-7-26 (2011); no commercial soil farming w/in 100 ft. OAC 165:10-9-2 (2011)PA 100 ft. (wetlands > 1 acre). 58 P.S. § 601.205 (2011)TX Appears to have no setback requirement.WV Appears to have no setback requirement.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.156 401B Ky. Admin. Regs. § 30:031 Section 12 (2011). 401 Ky. Admin. Code Section 9(5)(a) (2011) provides,“Holding pits shall be constructed in accordance with KRS Chapter 151 and Division of Waste Managementadministrative regulation 401 KAR 30:030,” which now appears to be codified as 401 KAR 30:031. 401 Ky.Admin. Code Section 1(13) (2011) defines “holding pit” as a pit that holds produced water.157 401 Ky. Admin. Code Section 9(5)(a) (2011) provides, “Holding pits shall be constructed in accordance withKRS Chapter 151 and Division of Waste Management administrative regulation 401 KAR 30:030.” 401 Ky.Admin. Code Section 1(13) (2011) defines “holding pit” as a pit that holds produced water. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 46
  • 282. 4.4 Transporting Equipment to the Well PadDuring construction of an access road and well pad and subsequent production, oil and gasoperators who drill and fracture shale wells must move heavy equipment over local roads—requiring anywhere between “320 and 1,365 truckloads of equipment to bring a well intoproduction. 158 This, predictably, increases strain on the roads 159 and often requires roadupgrades. 160 Although all oil and gas development increases traffic on roads, fracturingsubstantially raises the numbers and types of vehicles on roads. The National Park Serviceestimates, for example, that fracture stimulation fluids and materials for one site requiresomewhere between 100 and 1,000 truckloads (this likely differs substantially depending onwhether water is piped or trucked to the site), while “fracture stimulation equipment (pumps,trucks, tanks)” requires 100 to 150 truckloads. 161To accommodate the rise of heavy traffic on roads, local officials and operators sometimesrequire operators to post a bond. 162 In the Barnett Shale, the City of Denton has gone further,requiring operators to “enter into a road repair or road maintenance agreement” with the city.Other municipalities have implemented similar requirements. 163 The agreements, in addition toincluding bonding requirements, often designate which routes operators may use, how they mustrepair damage, and the damage for which the city will not be liable, among other provisions.158 Nat’l Park Service, Potential Development of the Natural Gas Resources in the Marcellus Shale 8 (Dec. 2008),available at http://www.eesi.psu.edu/news_events/EarthTalks/2009Spring/materials2009spr/NatParkService-GRD-M-Shale_12-11-2008_view.pdf.159 See, e.g., Michele Rogers, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, Marcellus Shale: What LocalGovernment Officials Need to Know 11 (2008)(“The process of drilling, fracturing, and maintaining natural gaswells can create significant heavy truck traffic on rural roads, many of which were not designed for carryingvehicles of this size.”).160 Nat’l Park Service, supra note 158, at 8 (“Many rural roads near park areas overlying and near the MarcellusShale occurrence will not meet standards necessary for large trucks that will be used to haul equipment, water, andother supplies to and from drill pad sites. These roads will need to be upgraded through widening, and surfacing; androad curve angles may need to be reduced.”).161 Nat’l Park Service, supra note 158, at 9.162 See Rogers, supra note 159.163 Martin E. Garza, Local Regulation of Gas Development in an Urban Setting: The Texas Experience, in OIL ANDGAS LAW 273, 285 (The Center for American and International Law, eds., Sept. 2008). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 47
  • 283. Some cities in the Barnett Shale also have charged operators road remediation assessments tocover the cost of repair. 164 Municipalities responding to heavier traffic and road expansion needsshould look to these plans as potential methods of successfully contracting with operators.164 Id. at 286-87. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 48
  • 284. 4.5 Drilling and Casing a Well; Preventing BlowoutsSome of the most detailed state regulations apply to the process of drilling and casing a wellonce an oil or gas operator has received permission to use or expand local roads and has preparedan access road and well site. States regulate the metal liner (“casing”) that is cemented into awell to prevent wells from collapsing, underground water from mixing with gas and oil in thewell, and oil and gas from migrating out of the well into water, basements, soils, and otherunderground resources. 165 They also require certain measures to prevent blowouts during drillingand fracturing. A blowout, as briefly introduced above, is “an uncontrolled intrusion of fluidunder high pressure into the wellbore, from the rock formation,” 166 and it can have bothsubsurface and surface effects. Informally, when the wellhead blows off a well during thefracturing process, media accounts also describe this as a “blowout.” 167 States typically regulatethe required depth of surface casing—the string of casing that protects underground water—aswell as the strength of the casing, the strength of the cement that holds the casing, the method ofcementing in the casing, and the length of time for which the cement that holds the casing mustremain undisturbed. Some states also require operators to prepare a cement and/or casing log thatdescribes the materials and methods used.The regulation of casing, cementing, and blowout equipment is necessary for the protection ofunderground water supplies—a concern often addressed in the popular media, as discussed byProfessor Matt Eastin. Proper casing, secured by adequate cement, ensures that the substances inthe wellbore, including gas and fracturing fluid (during the fracturing stage), do not mix withother underground substances, including water. As the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas165 Ground Water Protection Council, supra note 31, at 21 (describing the role of casing in protecting groundwater);cf. East Resources, Inc., DelCiotto No. 2, Subsurface Natural Gas Release Report Roaring Branch, McNettTownship, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania 10-11 (Sept. 18, 2009) (in a well in McNett Township that appeared notto have been fractured, noting a gas release that “resulted in sediment and gas migration into streams, groundwaterwells, springs, culverts, and a residential structure” partially as a result of a flaw in the casing).166 NY Revised SGEIS, supra note xx, at 10-3, n. 4.167 See id. (explaining that this is not technically a blowout but is described as one). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 49
  • 285. Environmental Regulations observes, “The setting of surface casing to an appropriate depth iscritical for meeting anticipated pressures and for protecting fresh water aquifers.” 168The Ground Water Protection Council, an association of state regulators, 169 conducted a survey ofstate regulators that found no “proven” incident of underground water pollution from coalbedmethane. 170 Academics and nonprofit groups have since extensively debated this conclusion. InDimock, Pennsylvania, for example, methane may have migrated to oil and gas wells as a resultof fracturing, and a recent paper suggests that fracturing may be linked to methane contaminationof water wells. 171 Although ongoing scientific analysis will be necessary to identify the source ofgas and other substances in groundwater, the literature and incidents that have occurred inPennsylvania suggest that drilling and improper casing of wells are in some cases associated withmethane migration into groundwater, surface water, soil, and structures. 172 All hydraulically168 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 6, Oct. 2011,available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Colorado%20HF%20Review%202011.pdf.169 The GWPC is a 501(c)6) organization founded to “promote and ensure the use of best management practices andfair but effective laws regarding comprehensive ground water protection.” Ground Water Protection Council, OurMission, http://www.gwpc.org/about_us/about_us.htm.170 Ground Water Protection Council, Survey Results on Inventory and Extent of Hydraulic Fracturing in CoalbedMethane Wells in the Producing States 3 (Dec. 15, 1998), available at http://www.gwpc.org/e-library/elibrary_documents/e-library_documents_general/Hydraulic%20fracturing%20methane%20coal%20beds.pdf .171 S.G. Osborne et al., Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-Well Drilling and HydraulicFracturing, 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NAT’L ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 8172, available athttp://www.pnas.org/content/108/20/8172.full.pdf+html.172 See East Resources, Inc., supra note 165 (concluding that both naturally-occurring stray gas and gas from a wellwith casing flaws drilling in McNett Township entered groundwater and a structure); Penn. Dep’t of Envtl.Protection, Draft, Stray Gas Migration Associated with Oil and Gas Wells, Oct. 28, 2009, available athttp://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/advcoun/oil_gas/2009/Stray%20Gas%20Migration%20Cases.pdf(concluding that for this same well: “A natural gas leak from an East Resources Oriskany well was confirmed onJuly 27, 2009. Methane gas from the well impacted multiple private drinking water wells and two tributaries toLycoming Creek, forced one resident to evacuate her home, and required the closure of access roads near the well.Company personnel took necessary measures to stop the gas leak at the well and stream and drinking water wellconditions improved. The suspected cause of the leak is a casing failure of some sort.”); id. at 4 (after locatingcombustible gas in a residential basement, concluding that “two recently drilled gas wells were over-pressured andwere producing from different geologic strata. Isotopic analysis indicated that a specific gas well was the probablesource of the fugitive gas”); id.at 5-6 (“The discovery of fugitive gas in the soil near the residences [homes nearWalnut Creek in Erie County], forced the Erie County Health Dept. to evacuate the neighborhood. The residentswere displaced for at least two months. Through the use of isotopic analysis and through investigation performed bythe Department’s field staff, it was determined that the recently drilled neighboring gas wells were the cause of themigration.”); Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Envtl. Protection, Inspection Report, Inspection Record # Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 50
  • 286. fractured wells must of course be drilled before they are fractured, and it is imperative that statesensure that wells are properly cased to protect groundwater in the short term. Proper casing,combined with adequate plugging, also is imperative to ensure long-term well integrity and toavoid the leaking of methane from old wells, as has occurred in Pennsylvania. 173Casing, cementing, and blowout protections vary widely among states, and most were writtenbefore the recent expansion of fracturing activity. 174 Kentucky’s and West Virginia’s casingdepth requirements appear to be the least stringent, at 30 feet. Other states, such as Texas andMontana, have generalized mandates that casing adequately protect fresh water (thus notspecifying a depth below groundwater), but officials in these states may require specific depthsin each well permit. Colorado similarly determines casing depth on a well-by-well basis. The1565790, Permit 37-031-24332, Sept. 21, 2006 (“Inspection resulted in finding that gas is leaking around seven inchcasing”). Cf. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Envtl. Protection, In The Matter of : David C. and Linda J.Osterberg, Order, Sept. 28, 2010, at 3 (concluding that isotopic analysis of gas from a private drinking water welland free gas from the production tubing of a well with compromised casing showed that the gas was “similar inorigin” and that the well was a “possible source and/or contributing source of the combustible free gas” in the watersupply); Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Envtl. Protection, In the Matter of: Schreiner Oil and Gas, Inc.,Order, Feb. 23, 2010, at 5 (describing a DEP determination that drilling activities “were responsible for thepollution” of a water supply with combustible gas); Letter from Penn. Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Knox DistrictOffice to Mr. Kevin Wedekind, Jan. 15, 2010 (indicating that the Department “has determined that the drilling,alteration, or operation activities at . . . [an EQT Production Company well] diminished” a resident’s water supply);Letter from Penn. Dept. of Envtl. Protection to Mrs. Joy Rapp, Nov. 3, 2009 (noting that the Department“determined that . . . the drilling, alteration, or operation of oil or gas wells affected” the resident’s water supply butthat the operator had installed treatment for the water); Letter from Penn. Dept. of Envtl. Protection, Knox DistrictOffice to Mr. James Baldwin, Jan. 27, 2009 (concluding that the resident’s water supply “had been affected” by agas well site “based on information gathered from site inspections, documented timelines, gas and water wellrecords, area geology, and our sample results”); Letter from Pennsylvania Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, NorthwestRegional Office, to Mr. Brent Vath, May 22, 2009 (concluding, based on “laboratory results” of a “water sample,”that an operator affected the resident’s water well “by gas activity”). Note that the information available for thewells described in this footnote does not indicate whether the wells were fractured. This information should not beinterpreted to mean that fractured wells have leaked gas or other pollutants.173 Penn. Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Stray Gas Migration, supra note 172 (noting that after gas contamination of awater well in a basement was discovered, plugging of an abandoned gas well and removing the pavement over thewell improved conditions); id. at 12 (noting that “[o]rigin/mechanism of [gas] migration [“inside a private watersupply well”] is an abandoned gas well”)174 Some states, such as Montana and Pennsylvania, have recently updated their casing requirements, however. See36.22.1106 (unofficial final rules), http://bogc.dnrc.mt.gov/PDF/FinalFracRules.pdf; Proposed Rulemaking,Environmental Quality Board, 40 Pa.B. 3845, July 10, 2010, http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol40/40-28/1248.html; regulations codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.83 et seq. (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 51
  • 287. State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations recommends that Colorado“review how available information is used to determine minimum surface casing depths and howthese depths assure that casing and cementing procedures are adequate to protect freshgroundwaters.” 175 Other states that do not have minimum surface casing depths should alsofollow this recommendation.With respect to the strength of casing materials, an initial survey suggests that only New York,North Dakota, and Pennsylvania require that used casing be pressure tested prior to beinginstalled in a well. States that do not have this provision should consider implementing it.Cementing strength requirements are similar across states but differ in terms of the amount oftime that the cement must set and the pressure in (typically measured in pounds per square inch)that the cement must withstand. States should review these differences and determine whetherthey are merited by differing geologic conditions. Finally, as shown in Table 4e, many statesrequire operators to submit a bond and casing log or to submit a log in certain circumstances. InOklahoma, for example, if an agency inspector “does not witness cementing, and in otherinstances based on site-specific circumstances, a cement bond log can be required.” 176 To betterreduce risks of inadequate casing and long-term well integrity, states should consider requiringan agency staff member familiar with casing requirements to be present at the site when wellcasing should occur; this could help to prevent casing problems before they occur. Additionally,to identify casing problems quickly and to ensure that repairs occur where needed, states shouldrequire operators to prepare and submit comprehensive casing and cement logs, regardless of site175 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 6, Oct. 2011,available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Colorado%20HF%20Review%202011.pdf.176 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Oklahoma Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 11, Jan.2011, available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Final%20Report%20of%20OK%20HF%20Review%201-19-2011.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 52
  • 288. circumstances, that show the depth, type, amount, and strength of casing and cement installed ineach well. 177In addition to ensuring that casing and cementing will adequately protect underground watersources during the drilling and fracturing process, states must prevent well blowouts duringdrilling and fracturing. Some states, even prior to the shale gas fracturing boom, already haddetailed blowout prevention regulations, with Montana providing one of the most comprehensivecontrols. Montana mandates, for example, minimum specifications for “drilling spools forblowout preventer stacks,” specific blowout equipment for “wells in areas of abnormal orunknown formation pressures,” installation of blowout prevention and well control equipmentfor “development wells and in all areas of known formation pressures,” and additionalprotections, such as remote blowout prevention controls. 178 Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, andOklahoma have similarly detailed blowout requirements, as summarized in Table 4. Other states,with weaker protections in this area, have only general blowout prevention requirements.Arkansas, for example, provides, “All proper and necessary precautions shall be taken forkeeping the well under control during drilling operations, including but not limited to the use ofblow-out preventers . . . .” The state also requires that blow-out preventers “be tested at regularintervals to insure proper operation.” 179 States with generalized blowout prevention requirementsshould consider the specific requirements in states such as Montana and Oklahoma, includingspecific types of rams, 180 remote blowout prevention controls, and other protective measures.Some states, including New York, Pennsylvania, Montana, and North Dakota, have recentlyupdated or proposed to update their casing, cementing, and blowout regulations to recognizepotential fracturing risks. These regulations recognize that fracturing can increase pressure on the177 Both of these proposals of course require adequate funding and staff with expertise, which will strain thin statebudgets. The accompanying white paper “State Enforcement of Shale Gas Regulations” suggests creative ways toincrease funding, such as Pennsylvania’s raising the permit fee paid by each operator applying for a permit to drill.178 Montana Admin. Rule 36.22.1014 (2011).179 Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission General Rules and Regulations, Rule B-16 (2011).180 These include “blind rams” that lock together no matter the activity occurring in the well, for example. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 53
  • 289. well and potentially compromise casing, thus requiring more protective measures. States thathave not updated their casing requirement despite enhanced fracturing activities should followthese states’ lead. Montana’s revised 2011 rules provide, for example, among other requirements,“If the operator proposes hydraulic fracturing through production casing or through intermediatecasing, the casing must be tested to the maximum anticipated treating pressure. If the casing failsthe pressure test it must be repaired or the operator must use a temporary casing string (fracturingstring).” 181 Pennsylvania, in turn, revised its rules in 2010 to require operators to “prepare andmaintain a casing and cementing plan showing how the well will be drilled and completed.” 182 Italso added intermediate casing requirements, providing that “[i]f the well is to be equipped withan intermediate casing, the casing shall be cemented from the casing seat to a point at least 500feet above the seat.” Further, Pennsylvania revised its regulations to require testing of usedcasing, pressure testing of all casing, welding of cases with “at least three passes,” and a cementand bond log. 183 For blowout prevention, the state required casing attached to “a blow-outpreventer with a pressure rating of greater than 3,000 psi” to be pressure tested. It also specifiedthe “passing pressure test” and required operators to use blow-out preventers “[w]hen drilling awell that is intended to produce natural gas from the Marcellus Shale formation.” 184 NorthDakota, in turn, has proposed to add a new section to its oil and gas regulations entitled“Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation.” This section would require, inter alia, that the “frac string”must reach a minimum depth below the top of the cement of a certain formation, “whichever is181 36.22.1106 (unofficial final rules), http://bogc.dnrc.mt.gov/PDF/FinalFracRules.pdf.182 Proposed Rulemaking, Environmental Quality Board, 40 Pa.B. 3845, July 10, 2010,http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol40/40-28/1248.html; regulations codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.83 et seq.(2011).183 See id. See also State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Pennsylvania Hydraulic Fracturing StateReview 7, Sept. 2010, available athttp://www.strongerinc.org/documents/PA%20HF%20Review%20Print%20Version.pdf.184 Proposed Rulemaking, supra note 182, codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.72 (2011) (noting that the updatedregulations require “that a cement job log, that documents the actual procedures and specifications of the cementing,be maintained by the operator). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 54
  • 290. deeper,” that the annulus (space) between the intermediate casing and frac string “be pressurizedand monitored during frac operations,” and that certain pressure relief valves be used. 185Tables 4a to 4f provide examples of casing, cementing, and blowout prevention requirements forthe following: • Depth of surface casing below lowest fresh groundwater • Strength of surface (and other) casing • Restrictions on reuse of surface casing • Cementing • Log • Blowout prevention185 N.D. Admin. Code § 43-02-03-27.1 (2011) (proposed 2011), available athttps://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/rules2012changes.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 55
  • 291. Table 4a. Regulation of the well drilling process: casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:Depth of surface casing below lowest fresh groundwaterAR “Surface casing shall be set and cemented at least . . . 100 feet below the deepest encountered freshwater zone.” AOGC Rule B-19(e) (2011). All Fayetteville Shale fields: 186 min. 500 ft. of surface casing. 187CO 50 ft. Casing must be set “in a manner sufficient to protect all fresh water and to ensure against blowouts or uncontrolled flows; individual casing program adopted for each well. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 317(g) (2011)KY 30 ft. (surface, intermed., or long string). 805 KAR 1:020 Section 3:1 (2011)LA Casing lengths and strengths differ depending on “total depth of contact”; standard lengths and strengths only apply “where no danger of pollution of fresh water sources exists.” 43 LA ADC Pt XIX, § 109 (2011). Below 9,000 feet, more than 1,800 ft. of casing requ. and test pressure at least 1000 lbs. per sq. in. Id.MD 100 ft. or deepest known workable coal, whichever deeper. COMAR (o)(4)MI 100 ft. below all fresh water strata. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.408 (2011)MT “Sufficient surface casing must be run to reach a depth below all fresh water located at levels reasonably accessible for agricultural and domestic use." MONT. ADMIN. R. 36.22.1001 (2011)NM “[A]s may be necessary to effectively seal off and isolate all water-, oil- and gas-bearing strata.” NM ADC 19.15.16 (2011)NY 75 ft. or into bedrock, whichever deeper (100 ft. primary and principal aquifers). R SGEIS, id. at 7.3 (2011)ND “[A]t sufficient depths to adequately protect and isolate all formations containing water, oil, or gas or any combination of these.” NDAC 43-02-03-21 (2011)OH 50 feet.; 188 no agency specific review if at least 500 ft. between highest perforated portion of casing and lowest groundwater. ORC 1509.17(D) (2011)OK 50 ft. or 90 ft. below surface, whichever deeper. OAC 165:10-3-4PA 50 ft. or into consolidated rock, whichever deeper; if encounters additional freshwater, centralizers required. 25 Pa. ADC 78.83 (2011)186 See Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission, Order No. 146-2005-09, Cove Creek Field, Sept. 27, 2005,http://www.aogc.state.ar.us/Field%20Rules/Fayetteville%20Shale/146-2005-09.pdf; Arkansas Oil and GasCommission, Griffin Mountain Field, Amendment, July 26, 2005,http://www.aogc.state.ar.us/Field%20Rules/Fayetteville%20Shale/114-2005-07.pdf; Arkansas Oil and GasCommission, Gravel Hill Field, Order No. 97-2005-06,http://www.aogc.state.ar.us/Field%20Rules/Fayetteville%20Shale/97-2005-06.pdf; Arkansas Oil and GasCommission, Scotland Field, Order No. 96-2005-06, June 28, 2006,http://www.aogc.state.ar.us/Field%20Rules/Fayetteville%20Shale/96-2005-06.pdf.187 See also “All fresh water sands shall be fully protected by the setting and cementing of surface casing to preventthe fresh water sands from becoming contaminated with oil, gas, or salt water.” A.O.G.C. Rule B-15 (2010).188 STRONGER, Ohio Hydraulic Fracturing State Review (Jan. 2011), available athttp://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/11/oil/pdf/stronger_review11.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 56
  • 292. TX “[S]et and cement sufficient surface casing to protect all usable-quality water strata.” 16 TAC § 3.13 (2010)WV “(30) feet below the deepest fresh water horizon (that being the deepest horizon that will replenish itself and from which fresh water or usable water for household, domestic, industrial, agricultural, or public use may be economically and feasibly recovered)" W. Va. CSR § 35-4-11.3 (2011)WY “[B]elow all known or reasonably estimated utilizable groundwater.” WCWR 055-000-003 Section 22(a) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 57
  • 293. Table 4b. Regulation of the well drilling process: casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:Strength of surface (and other) casingAR Steel alloy of “sufficient internal yield pressure to withstand the anticipated maximum pressures to which the casing will be subjected in the well.” AOGC Rule B-19 (d) (2010). Production casing must “be sufficient to contain the max. anticipated” fracturing which “shall not exceed 80% of minimum internal yield pressure for casing. Id.CO “[P]rotect any potential oil or gas bearing horizons penetrated during drilling from infiltration of injurious waters from other sources, and to prevent the migration of oil, gas or water from one (1) horizon to another, that may result in the degradation of ground water.” COGCC Rule 317 (2011)KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Casing lengths and strengths differ depending on “total depth of contact”; standard lengths and strengths only apply “where no danger of pollution of fresh water sources exists.” 43 LA ADC Pt XIX, § 109 (2011). Below 9,000 feet, more than 1,800 ft. of casing required, and test pressure must be at least 1,000 lbs. per sq. in. Id.MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI “Of sufficient weight, grade, and condition to have a designed minimum internal yield of 1.2 times the greatest expected well bore pressure to be encountered”. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.410 (2011)MT “Suitable and safe.” MT ADC 36.22.1001 (2011)NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Surface casing: mill test of at least 1,000 psi. R SGEIS (2011)ND Surface casing: “new or reconditioned pipe that has been previously tested to one thousand pounds per square inch [6900 kilopascals].” ND ADC 43-02-03-21 (2011)OH “Steel production casing.” ORC 1509.17 (2011)OK “[O]il field grade steel casing.” OAC 165:10-3-4PA Internal pressure rating “20% greater than anticipated maximum pressure.” 25 PA ADC 78.84 (2011)TX “[S]teel casing that has been hydrostatically pressure tested with an applied pressure at least equal to the maximum pressure to which the pipe will be subjected in the well”; mill test for new casing. 16 TAC 3.13 (2010). “Good and sufficient wrought iron or steel casing.” Tex. Nat. Res. Code 91.011 (2010)WV No casing strength requirement.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 58
  • 294. Table 4c. Regulation of the well drilling process: Casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:Restrictions on reuse of surface casingAR All Fayetteville fields: “new or second-hand” production casing allowed.CO Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Pipe must be new, unless used casing is pressure tested before drilling. R SGEIS (2011)ND “N]ew or reconditioned pipe that has been previously tested to one thousand pounds per square inch [6900 kilopascals]. ND ADC 43-02-03-21 (2011)OH “Good and sufficient wrought iron or steel casing.” ORC 1509.17 (2011)OK “[S]urface casing shall be oil field grade steel casing.” OK ADC 165:10-3-4 (c)(7)(D) (2011)PA Used surface, intermed., or production casing must withstand “the anticipated maximum pressure to which it will be exposed for 30 minutes with not more than a 10% decrease in pressure.” 25 PA ADC 78.84(c) (2011)TX All used casing must be “[s]teel casing that has been hydrostatically pressure tested with an applied pressure at least equal to the maximum pressure to which the pipe will be subjected in the well.” 16 TAC § 3.16(b) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 59
  • 295. Table 4d. Regulation of the well drilling process: Casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:CementingAR If “setting and cementing of production and/or any intermediate casing” as planned in cement program does not occur to isolate hydraulic fracturing zone, Dept. may require correction of cement deficiencies before fracturing initiated. AOGC Rule B-19(f) (2010)CO Surface, intermediate, and production casing cement 300 psi after 23 hrs., 800 psi after 72 hrs. at 95 deg. F. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 317 (2011); COGCC Rule 317(h)KY Protective casing cemented to surface or 30 “feet into the next larger string of cemented cases” 805 KAR 1:020. “Sufficient cement” required where abnormal pressures expected. 805 KAR 1:020 Section 3 (2011)LA Must “fill annular space to a point 500 feet above the shoe,” if drop of 10% of test pressure after 30 minutes, must ensure cementing will hold test pressure for at least 30 minutes w/out more than 10% drop. LAC 43:XIX.109 (2011)MD Surface casing cement: API Class A, not > 3% calcium chloride, no other additives, must be “[a]llowed to set at static balance or under pressure for a minimum of 12 hours before drilling the plug.” COMAR (2011)MI Well casing cement must set “until the tail-in slurry reaches 500 psi compressive strength, but for not less than 12 hours”; cement “of a composition and volume approved by the supervisor”. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.411 (2011)MT Surface casing cement must set until it “has reached a compressive strength of 300 [psi],” no testing until set at least 8 hrs. MONT. ADMIN. R. 36.22.1001 (2011)NM By pump and plug unless otherwise authorized. Must fill “annular space behind casing to the top of the hole.” May sometimes use oil-based casing packing material in lieu of hard-setting cement. In certain counties, must set until min. compressive strength 500 psi. NM ADC 19.16.16 (2011)NY Surface casing cement by pump and plug and circulated to surface, minimum 25% excess cement pumped, cement slurry to mfr. or contractor specifications, no casing disturbance until achieves compressive strength 500 psi., API Spec. 10A, wait 8 hrs. before disturbing. R SGEIS Surface casing by pump and plug, fill annular space behind casing to bottom of cellar or to surface of ground; must stand under pressure at least 12 hrs. Surface casing strings must stand under pressure 5 hrs. until reach compressive strength of at least 500 psi. All filler cements must reach 200 psi compressive strengths w/in 24 hrs. ND ADC 43-02-03-21 (2011). Addtl. cementing and pressure tests proposed for fractured wells. ND Admin. Code 43-02-03-27.1 (proposed 2011) 189OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Tubing and plug, pump and plug, or displacement, set at least 8 hrs. before drilling. If not circulated to surface, shall determine top of cement. OK ADC 165:10-3-4 (c)(7)(D) (2011)PA Surface casing cement must be “cement that meets or exceeds the ASTM International C 150, Type I, II or III Standard or API Specification 10”. 25 PA ADC 78.85 (2011)TX Surface casing strings must stand until compressive strength of at least 500 psi in zone of critical cement; cement in this critical zone “shall have a 72-hour compressive strength of at least 1,200 psi.” 16 TAC 3.13 (2010)189 For proposed rules, see https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/rules2012changes.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 60
  • 296. WV Cement for annular space API Class A, not > 3% calcium chloride, no other additives, withstand min. 500 psi, set 8 hrs. W. Va. CSR 35-4-11 (2011).WY “[C]emented casing string shall stand under pressure until cement at the shoe has reached a compressive strength” of 500 psi; all cements minimum compressive strength of 100 psi in 24 hours at 80 deg. F. WY ADC GEN Ch. 3 s 22(a)(ii) (2011) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 61
  • 297. Table 4e. Regulation of the well drilling process: Casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:LogAR Bond log “or other cement evaluation tool” may be required if “setting and cementing of production and/or any intermediate casing” as planned in cement program does not occur to isolate hydraulic fracturing zone. A.O.G.C. Rule B-19(f) (2010)CO Copies of “all logs run” (“mechanical, mud, or other”). COGCC Rule 308(a) (2011)KY “[E]ntire casing and cementing record, any packers and other special down hole equipment, and cement bond logs, if run” 805 Ky. Admin. Reg. 1:020 Section 4 (2011)LA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MD Casing and liner record, cement record. 190MI Log including “[t]he amount of cement used and the calculated elevation of the top of the cement.” MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.418 (2011)MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issues (only logs for bottomhole temperature, well location, geological sample logs, mud logs, core descriptions in Mont. Admin. R. 82-11- 123 (West 2011)NM In certain counties, must report volume of cement slurry, approx.. temp. when mixed, cement strength at time of casing test. NM ADC 19.15.16 (2011)NY Radial cement bond evaluation log “to verify the cement bond on the intermediate and the production casing.” R SGEIS (2011)ND “[L]og from which the presence and quality of bonding of cement can be determined.” ND Admin. Code 43-02-03-31 (2011)OH Cement bond log and tickets for each “cemented string of casing.” ORC 1509.17(D) (2011)OK Required if agency does not witness fracturing operation or in site-specific circumstances. 191PA Cement and bond log. 25 PA ADC 78.74 (2011)TX Completion and plugging report, basic electric log, and information on any “change in perforations, or openhole or casing records”; cement log with “complete data concerning the cementing of surface casing in the well as specified on a form furnished by the commission.” 16 TAC § 3.16 (b),(c) (2011); 16 TAC § 3.13(b) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Well log, report on well completion. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 12, 21 (2011)190 Maryland Well Completion Report, available at http://textonly.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER019-oilgas.PDF.191 See supra note 176. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 62
  • 298. Table 4f. Regulation of the well drilling process: Casing, cementing, and blowout prevention:Blowout preventionAR Blowout preventers and regular testing of BOPs required. AOGC Rule B-16 (2010). In H2S areas, “blowout preventers and well control systems shall be pressure tested initially” meet certain psig or burst pressure levels. AOGC Rule B-41(V) (2010)CO “The operator shall take all necessary precautions for keeping a well under control while being drilled or deepened.” Blowout prevention equip. “shall exceed the anticipated surface pressure to which it may be subjected”. Rule 317; high-density areas rig with kelly: double ram with blind ram and pipe ram; annular preventer or a rotating head, rig w/out kelly double ram w/blind ram and pipe ram 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 603 (2011)KY “In areas where abnormal pressures are expected or encountered, the surface and/or intermediate casing string shall be anchored in sufficient cement, at a sufficient depth to contain said pressures, and blowout prevention valves and related equipment shall be installed.” 805 KAR 1:020 (2011)LA Blowout preventer must be installed before installing surface casing, must have certain ram-type preventers appropriate “to control the well under all potential conditions” and drilling spool with side outlets, choke and kill lines, and auxiliary equipment, be tested and maintained so as to control well throughout drilling, workover, “and all other appropriate operations”. 43 LA ADC Pt XIX, § 111. Well control safety training required. La. Admin. Code 33:IX.708(C)(1)(b) (2011)MD Blowout preventer shall be installed before drilling plug on surface casing, tested to pressure in excess of that expected at production casing point, tested on weekly basis. COMAR (2011)MI “[D]ouble ram blowout preventer including pipe and blind rams,” accessible controls on rig floor & remote, kelly valve, drill pipe safety valve, flow line; rated working pressure that exceeds max. anticipant pressure. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.406 (2011)MT Specific blowout equipment required for wells in formations of unknown pressure (single or double ram w/ at least one pipe and one blind ram, upper and lower kelly cocks, etc.); blowout and well control equip. requ. for all wells (drilling spools to meet certain working pressures). MAR 36.22.1014 (2011)NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY BOP must be maintained and in working order. 6 NYCRR 554.4. BOPE use and test plan required. RSGEIS Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Blowout prevention required in all urban areas and within 200 feet of structures. OAC 1501: 9-9-03. In all areas, casing must provide “base for a blowout preventer or other well control equipment that is necessary to control formation pressures and fluids during the drilling of the well and other operations to complete the well.” ORC 1509.17(A) (2011). In Northeastern Ohio, remedial cementing required is annulus pressure exceeds 70% of the hydrostatic pressure at the casing shoe of the surface casing string.” 192OK Specific blowout and well control equipment required, must be installed before drilling below surface casing (similar to MT requirements). OAC 165:10-29-1PA Blowout prevention required for all Marcellus wells; casing attached to blowout preventer must meet192 Ohio Dep’t. of Nat. Resources, Oil and Gas Well Permitting Program, Shallow Surface Casing PermitConditions, available at http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/11/oil/pdf/special_permit_conditions.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 63
  • 299. pressure test. 25 Pa. Code 78.72, 78.84 (2011)TX Blowout prevention “to keep the well under control at all times” required. Equipment must “satisfy any reasonable test which may be required by the commission or its duly accredited agent.” 16 TAC § 3.13(b) (2011)WV “The well operator shall assure that, at all times during the operation of the drilling rig, a person shall be present who has successfully completed a training course on blowout prevention approved by the Chief.” W.Va. CSR 35-4-11WY BOP required for all wells. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 22 (2011). Working pressure of BOP “shall equal or exceed the maximum anticipated pressure to be contained at the surface.” Supervisor may require BOPs on case-by-case basis. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 23 (2011). Different technology requirements by PSI system. Id. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 64
  • 300. 4.6 Controlling Air Emissions During Drilling and FracturingWhen an oil or gas operator drills and fractures a well, this process emits air pollutants, includingnitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), among others. These pollutants mayarise from the following sources: • wellhead (natural gas leaks) • flared gas (gas that escapes from the well during drilling and fracturing and is burned) • equipment used for drilling, fracturing, and dehydrating gas (equipment exhaust) • pipelines (natural gas leaks); • flowback water tanks and pits (evaporating volatile organic compounds); and • compressor stations (“When natural gas leaves a well, it is sent to a gathering station and the gas is then compressed by an internal combustion . . . engine(s) and conveyed to a processing facility via pipeline.” 193)The regulatory process that applies to air pollutants from oil and gas operations is complex, andthis paper does not describe this process in depth. Briefly, however, the EPA has establishedNational Ambient Air Quality standards for certain “criteria” pollutants under the Clean AirAct—common pollutants from an array of sources, which endanger public health and welfare. 194It also has set separate, technology-based standards for hazardous air pollutants, or HAPs, whichcause serious and chronic human health effects, such as cancer. 195 Oil and gas development emitsboth criteria and hazardous air pollutants. These pollutants often face little regulation under theClean Air Act, however, because the Act focuses most of its controls on “major” sources, whichare defined as sources that emit a certain number of tons per year of a pollutant, and particularlyon new sources. Oil and gas operations often are minor sources and are thus regulated—if atall—under state minor source programs. (States have been delegated regulatory authority under193 Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, supra note 125, at § 7.3.2194 See generally 42 U.S.C. §§ 7408-9 (2011).195 See generally 42 U.S.C. §7412 (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 65
  • 301. the Clean Air Act and implement their own regulations above a federally-imposed floor.) Oil andgas operations—even minor ones—tend to face the strictest regulations in “nonattainment”areas—those areas that have exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) fora criteria pollutant and that require control of all air pollution sources.The EPA’s current methodology for defining “major” sources 196 could bring many more oil andgas sites beneath the major source umbrella, even in relatively clean “attainment” areas. A majorsource includes “any group of stationary sources located within a contiguous area and undercommon control” that emits a certain number of tons of regulated pollutant annually. 197 Newly-built and existing compressor stations that make a modification and increase their hourlyemissions already are subject to new source performance standards (technology-based emissionscontrols) for “stationary spark ignition internal combustion engines.” 198 The EPA also hasproposed regulations that will establish new source performance standards (NSPS) for VOCsemitted from fractured wells and those that are “refractured”—referring to circumstances inwhich an operator returns to the well after one fracturing operation to fracture the well again andenhance oil or gas production. 199 The EPA partially based is proposed VOC controls onColorado’s and Wyoming’s air quality regulations for oil and gas wells (including fractured196 See Memorandum from Gina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator to Regional Administrators, Withdrawal ofSource Determinations for Oil and Gas Industries, Sept. 22, 2009, available athttp://www.epa.gov/region7/air/nsr/nsrmemos/oilgaswithdrawal.pdf.197 42 U.S.C. § 7661 (West 2011). (This definition comes from Title V of the Clean Air Act, which describes whichsources of criteria pollutants (regulated pollutants emitted by stationary sources) must obtain Title V operatingpermits. Title V permits pull together various Clean Air Act permitting requirements (emission controls on criteriapollutants emitted from new and modified stationary sources and on hazardous air pollutants, for example) withinone permit. Stationary sources of air pollutants do not face much regulation under the Clean Air Act unless they are:1) major, and, in the case of criteria (non-hazardous) air pollutants, 2) modified or new. If a source meets these twocriteria, it will face emission limitations under the “new source review” provisions under the Clean Air Act and willhave to obtain a Title V permit. Some states also regulate minor sources, however, as discussed in the text.198 See Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, supra note 125, at § 7.3.1 (citing 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart ZZZZ).199 76 C.F.R. 52738, Aug. 23, 2011, Oil and Natural Gas Sector: New Source Performance Standards and NationalEmissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Reviews, Proposed Rule. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 66
  • 302. wells), 200 which already require some emissions reductions. Colorado, for example, amended itsVOC regulations in 2006 “to include state wide control requirements for emission sourcesapplicable to the oil and natural gas industry.” 201 Under the current regulations, condensate tanks,crude oil, and produced water tanks with the potential to emit five tons per year or more ofVOCs must capture 95% or more of their VOCs in certain counties and within certain distancesof buildings such as jails, nursing homes, and schools. 202 Glycol dehydrators and pits in thesesame areas with the same potential VOC emissions must capture 90 percent of more VOCs. 203All wells that have the potential to emit certain quantities of hydrocarbon gas must use greencompletion practices. 204At the state level, New York (followed closely by Colorado) has perhaps gone the furthest inregulating emissions from drilling and fracturing. It has proposed to limit “the maximum numberof wells to be drilled and completed annually or during any consecutive twelve-month period at asingle pad” to four. 205 New York further intends to prohibit the simultaneous operation of drillingand fracturing engines at one well pad, and to require diesel “used in drilling and hydraulicfracturing engines” to be “limited to ULSF [ultra-low sulfur diesel] with a maximum sulfurcontent of 15 ppm,” 206 and it has proposed several additional air quality controls 207 andgreenhouse gas emission mitigation requirements. 208 Echoing the EPA’s proposed regulations forVOCs, New York also has proposed to require vapor recovery systems on condensate tanks “tominimize fugitive VOC emissions.” At the flowback stage, New York also would limit the200 76 F.R. 52738, 52757 (2011), available at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-23/pdf/2011-19899.pdf(looking to Colorado and Wyoming’s mitigation measures).201 Ty J. Smith, Colorado Minor Source Permitting, 2007 No. 5 ROCKY MOUNTAIN MINERAL LAW FOUNDATION-INST. PAPER No. 3C at 1 (Nov. 1-2, 2007).202 COGCC Rule 805(b)(2).203 Id.204 COGCC Rule 805(b)(3).205 New York Preliminary Revised Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement, supra note xx, at 7-108.206 Id.207 Id.208 R SGEIS § 7.6.8. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 67
  • 303. venting of gas to “a maximum of 5 MMscf during any consecutive 12-month period.” 209 Beyondlimited minor source regulations, many other states do not have these types of controls. At most,they require stacks on drilling and fracturing rigs to be of a minimum height, thus seeking topartially prevent air pollution from concentrating in the local area in the vicinity of the emissionsource.Some municipalities also have imposed air quality requirements on gas wells and their associatedfacilities, such as pits and tanks. Fort Worth, Texas, for example, requires storage tanks that, inthe aggregate, emit 25 tons of more of volatile organic hydrocarbons annually to install vaporrecovery systems that capture 95% of VOCs. 210 Fort Worth also requires that certain welloperators employ “Reduced Emission Completion” techniques, meaning that operators shouldavoid releasing gas into the air. 211 Finally, it requires exhaust mufflers to reduce noise fromequipment and to “prevent the escape of obnoxious gases, fumes or ignited soot.” 212At minimum, states should evaluate and monitor emissions from oil and gas drilling andfracturing operations and ensure that these emissions are not contributing to existingnonattainment problems or causing air quality problems in adjacent, clean areas. Texas hasimplemented an extensive air monitoring program in the Barnett Shale, for example, whichprovides up-to-date online emissions data. 213 Pennsylvania also has conducted limited, short-termambient air monitoring in the Marcellus Shale region. 214 Substantive regulatory revisions alsomay be needed depending on the results of monitoring. Although space limitations prohibit amore detailed discussion of existing air regulations and the need to revise them in light of the209 Id. at § City of Fort Worth, Ordinance No. 18449-02-2009 § 15-42 A.36, available athttp://fortworthtexas.gov/uploadedFiles/Gas_Wells/090120_gas_drilling_final.pdf.211 Id. at § 15-42 A.28.212 Id. at § 15-42 A.25.213 Texas Comm’n on Envtl. Quality, Barnett Shale Emissions: Data Collection and Analysis,http://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/barnettshale/bshale-data.214 Northeastern Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Short-Term Ambient Air Monitoring Report, Jan. 12, 2011,http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/aq/aqm/docs/Marcellus_NE_01-12-11.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 68
  • 304. thousands of new oil and gas wells contributing to air pollution, air quality issues appear requiremuch more regulatory attention than they have so far received.Tables 5a and 5b provide examples of state air quality regulations for drilled and fractured wellsand more general regulations, which, while not controlling the amount of air emissions, reducelocalized air pollution. The examples include: • Requirements for rig and dehydrator stack heights, condensate tank vapor recovery, exhaust muffling • Gas venting and flaring (during drilling and/or flowback), VOC capture Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 69
  • 305. Table 5a. Air emission controls during drilling and fracturing: Requirements for rig anddehydrator stack heights, exhaust mufflingAR No gas requirements, but H2S from storage tanks must be recovered through vapor recovery unit or flared through flare stack with permanent pilot (if H2S > 100 ppm). AOGC Rule B-41 (2010)CO Exhaust shall be vented away from all building units COGCC Rule 801; must meet Air Quality Control Commission Reg. No. 2 for Odor Emission, 5 C.C.R. 1001-4. Operators must obtain permission under general permits for condensate and produced water tanks; statewide, condensate tanks emitting 20 tpy or more VOCs must capture 95% VOCs. 215KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Exhaust discharged only if engine or compressor has exhaust muffler or exhaust box (urbanized areas) Order No. U-HSMD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT In certain areas, good engineering practice stack heights required. MAR 17.8.402 (2011)NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Min. stack height for dehydrator 30 ft. if wet gas encountered; drilling rigs and air compressors EPA tier 2 or newer equipment; Non-Selective Catalytic Reduction controls on wellhead compressors; and others R SGEIS Attachment A (p. 1352); id. at 1-15ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.PA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.215 Air Pollution Control Division, Oil and Gas Regulatory Information,http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ap/oilgas.html. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 70
  • 306. Table 5b. Air emission controls during drilling and fracturing: Gas venting and flaring (duringdrilling and/or flowback), VOC capture, compressor station permittingAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Condensate, produced water tanks w/ potential to emit 5 tpy or more of VOCs in certain counties must have 95% VOC control efficiency; pits w/ this emission potential must be >1/4 mile from buildings; glycol dehydrators w/ this emissions potential must control VOCs by 90% COGCC Rule 805; gas from drilling must be conducted “safe distance” from well site and burned. AOGC Rule 317KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Must “minimize gas releases into the open air,” flaring allowed, but no open flame w/in 200 ft. of building (urbanized areas). Order No. U-HSMD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Venting during flowback max of 5 MMscf during consecutive 12-mo. pd. R SGEIS (2011)ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Up to 50 mcf/d without a permit if meet certain conditions. OCC 165:10-3-15; “Suitable” stack must be used for flaring “to prevent a hazard to people or property”. OAC 165:10-3-15PA General permit for Natural Gas, Coal Bed Methane, or Gob Gas Production or Recovery Facilities (GP-5) if < 1,500 HP engine; larger units subject to best available technology emission limitations 216TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.216 Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, supra note 125, at § 7.3.2. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 71
  • 307. 4.7 Withdrawing Water for FracturingMany of the regulations discussed to this point apply to all types of oil and gas development—not just fractured wells. To varying degrees, states regulate the construction of access roads andwell pads, the location of well pads and associated facilities, the casing and cementing of drilledwells, and air emissions from well activity, and these regulations are not typically fracturing-specific. Indeed, in many cases, these regulations were not written in anticipation of widespreadhorizontal drilling and fracturing and therefore may not have predicted some of the indirectchanges that fracturing introduces to the typical stages of well development, such as increasingthe number of wells per pad and the depth of the well drilled.Fracturing also introduces several new stages to the well development process—stages, which,unlike those discussed to this point, are typically unique to fractured wells in shales and tightsands.. First, states must regulate or monitor the millions of gallons of water that fracturingoperators must withdraw for fracturing (in addition to water withdrawn for drilling muds andfluids used at the drilling stage). 217 States also increasingly require the disclosure of chemicalsthat are mixed with water just prior to the fracturing process. Some have revised their regulationsto address fracturing itself—the process of injecting the water-chemical solution into the well athigh pressure. This section discusses regulation of water withdrawal for us in slickwaterfracturing, and the following section describes chemical disclosure and fracturing-specificcontrols.The issue of water use is one of the greatest challenges faced by states experiencing increasedrates of slickwater fracturing. The Railroad Commission of Texas, for example, has noted that“[i]ncreasing water use due to growing population, drought, and Barnett Shale development hasheightened concerns about water availability in North-Central Texas.” 218 Drilling alone can217 See infra notes 219-220.218 Railroad Comm’n of Texas, Water Use in the Barnett Shale, Jan. 24, 2011,http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/barnettshale/wateruse_barnettshale.php. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 72
  • 308. require “up to 300,000 gallons [of water] per day per well,” 219 and each fracturing treatmentrequires between 1.2 and seven million gallons of water, or more. 220 The laws that control thiswater use—which are generally tailored toward water consumption more generally, and not todrilling and fracturing—have historically varied dramatically as a result of states’ varieddevelopment trajectories.Regardless of the state in which an operator drills a well, he or she must obtain water rightsbefore withdrawing water or must purchase water from someone who has water rights and ispermitted to sell water withdrawn under those rights. Each state’s common law governs theexercise of these rights, 221 and the common law follows roughly regional lines. Generally, easternstates are dominated by riparian regimes in which those who own land abutting resources havelimited rights to use of the water, 222 while western states tend to follow a prior appropriationregime in which those who first put water to beneficial use maintain a right to continued use ofthe water. 223 Other states follow a hybrid riparian-prior appropriation approach. 224 As described219 Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension, WaterWithdrawals for Development of Marcellus Shale Gas in Pennsylvania 3 (2009), available athttp://pubs.cas.psu.edu/freepubs/pdfs/ua460.pdf.220 See J.A. Harper, The Marcellus Shale – An Old “New” Gas Reservoir, 38 PA. GEOL. 1, 12 (2008),http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/topogeo/pub/pageolmag/pdfs/v38n1.pdf (estimating that “[b]ased on informationfrom the Barnett Shale play, a horizontal well completion might use more than 3 million gallons”); NY DECPreliminary Revised SGEIS, supra note xx, at 8 (“It is estimated that 2.4 million to 7.8 million gallons of water maybe used for a multi-stage hydraulic fracturing procedure in a typical 4,000-foot lateral wellbore.”); RailroadCommission of Texas, Water Use in the Barnett Shale, Jan. 24, 2011,http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/barnettshale/wateruse_barnettshale.php (“Slick water fracing of a vertical well completioncan use over 1.2 million gallons (28,000 barrels) of water, while the fracturing of a horizontal well completion canuse over 3.5 million gallons (over 83,000 barrels) of water. In addition, the wells may be re-fractured multiple timesafter producing for several years.”).221 Cf. R. Timothy Weston, Water and Wastewater Issues in Conducting Operations in a Shale Play: TheAppalachian Basin Experience, 2010 No. 5 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Institute Paper No. 4,Development Issues in the Major Shale Plays at 9 (Dec. 6-7, 2010) (explaining that in the Marcellus, “common lawdoctrines and tradition remain strong” despite regulatory programs displacing these doctrines in some cases).222 Id. at 10.223 See Henry Smith, Governing Water: The Semicommons of Fluid Property Rights, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 445, 447(2008).224 See Shelley Ross Saxer, The Fluid Nature of Property Rights in Water, 21 DUKE ENVTL. L. & POLY F. 49, 55(2010). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 73
  • 309. by R. Timothy Weston, in a riparian regime like Pennsylvania’s (in an area without additionalregulations, such as those imposed by river basin commissions) an operator who drills on landadjacent to surface water will be able to use that water, provided that it does not illegally impedeothers’ reasonable use; the operator also may use groundwater beneath the leasehold, againsubject to a “reasonable use” limitation. 225 Operators who need to import water from beyond thesite will encounter more hurdles, as the common law may prevent riparian owners from sellingtheir water to the operator. 226Many states have augmented or replaced the common law with statutes and regulations, whichadd permitting and reporting requirements to the water withdrawal process. 227 Space limitationsprohibit a full discussion of these varied regimes, but as a general matter, operators face a varietyof legal scenarios. In some states, operators must obtain both water rights and a permit towithdraw water and are limited in the quantities that they withdraw. They also may need toperiodically report the quantities of water withdrawn to a state entity. In other states, operatorsface few controls on withdrawal and, after ensuring that they have the necessary water rights tocover their withdrawal, may simply begin pumping.Pennsylvania’s water use regime provides an example of a relatively complex system, based bothin the common law and regulation, which governs water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing.Water use in the state is partially governed by a common law riparian scheme, which provides,generally, that landowners abutting surface water are entitled to an undiminished natural flow ofwater subject to the reasonable use of other riparian owners. 228 This means that Groundwater use225 Weston, supra note 221, at 31.226 Id.227 See Weston, supra note 221, at 9 (noting that despite the strength of the common law in the Marcellus,“common law has been supplemented, and to a significant degree supplanted by, statutory enactments establishingregulatory permitting systems”).228 Michael Dillon, Comment, Water Scarcity and Hydraulic Fracturing in Pennsylvania: Examining PennsylvaniaWater Law and Water Shortage Issues Presented by Natural Gas Operations in the Marcellus Shale, 84 TEMP. L.REV. 201, 214 (2011) (citing Clark v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 22 A. 989, 990 (Pa. 1891)). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 74
  • 310. is subject to a similar reasonable use doctrine. 229 Beyond the common law doctrine that limitswithdrawals by defining the water rights that must be obtained, “No state statute or regulatoryprogram comprehensively addresses the allocation of use of ground or surface waters amongcompeting users, or provides for long-term management of water resources.” 230 Operatorswithdrawing ground or surface water for fracturing, however, are subject to several regulatorymechanisms. Under the state’s Clean Streams Law, which protects water quality, and the Oil andGas Act, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection has “claimed authority . . . toreview and approve ‘water management plans’ governing water sources utilized by MarcellusShale gas operators.” 231 The State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulation’sreview of Pennsylvania’s hydraulic fracturing program noted the strength of Pennsylvania’sprogram, explaining: In 2008, . . . [Pennsylvania] began requiring water management plans to identify where water would be withdrawn and the volumes of withdrawal. The purpose of this inquiry is to ensure that water quality standards are maintained and protected. . . . Because large withdrawals can, individually or cumulatively, impact water quality, DEP must assure that excessive withdrawals do not occur. DEP follows water quality guidance promulgated by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC to ensure uniform statewide evaluation. 232Under a water management plan, an operator in Pennsylvania must describe the source fromwhich water may be withdrawn (surface water; groundwater; wastewater, mine water, or coolingwater discharge; or a public water supply); the location of the source, the average daily quantityproposed to be withdrawn in gallons per day, and the maximum withdrawal rate in gallons perminute. 233 If the “total water withdrawn from listed sources and other sources operated by the gas229 Id.230 Weston, supra note 221, at 18.231 Id.232 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Pennsylvania Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 4, Sept.2010, available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/PA%20HF%20Review%20Print%20Version.pdf.233 Pennsylvania Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Water Management Plan for Marcellus Shale Gas Well DevelopmentExample Format at 1, http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Document-74084/5500-PM-OG0087%20Application%20Example.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 75
  • 311. well operator in the same watershed” will exceed an average of 10,000 gallons per day within“any 30-day period,” 234 the operator must register with the Department of EnvironmentalProtection and “annually report their water usage.” 235 Within the water management plan,operators also must conduct a low flow analysis describing the “average daily flow of stream atpoint of withdrawal” in gallons per day and other flow statistics; a “withdrawal impacts analysis”describing “how the surface withdrawal intake will be designed and operated to minimizeentrainment and impingement of fish and other aquatic life,” among other impacts; and a naturaldiversity inventory, among other required data and analyses.Operators in Pennsylvania withdrawing surface water or groundwater within the watersheds ofthe Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers are subject to additional regulation (as are operators inportions of other states that fall within these watersheds). The Delaware and Susquehanna RiverBasin Commissions—regional regulatory bodies that operate under congressionally-approvedfederal compacts—have the power to protect water quality and quantity within theirwatersheds, 236 and any operator proposing to withdraw threshold quantities 237 of ground or234 Id.235 Pa. Dep’t. of Envtl. Protection, Water Use Registration and Reporting,http://www.pawaterplan.dep.state.pa.us/StateWaterPlan/WaterUse/WaterUse.aspx.236 See Delaware River Basin Compact, supra note 87, at § 10.1 (providing that “[t]he commission may regulate andcontrol withdrawals and diversions from surface waters and ground waters of the basin”); id. at § 5.3 (providing thateach of the signatory parties “agrees to prohibit and control pollution of the waters of the basin according to therequirements of this compact”); id. at § 5.5 (allowing the Commission to enforce, “after investigation and hearing,”its rules that it has “adopted for the prevention and abatement of pollution”); Susquehanna River Basin Compact,supra note 88, at § 11.1 (providing that “[t]he commission may regulate and control withdrawals and diversionsfrom surface waters and ground waters of the basin”); id. at § 5.2 (providing that the commission shall “encourageand coordinate the efforts of the signatory parties to prevent, reduce, control, and eliminate water pollution and tomaintain water quality,” and, although leaving primary water quality authority to the states, allowing theCommission to “assume jurisdiction” over water quality when its comprehensive plan so requires and it conductsand investigation and provides public notice).237 The threshold quantity for the SRBC is “100,000 gallons per day (gpd) or more (based on a 30-day average) or“the consumptive use of 20,000 gpd or more (also based on a 30-day average”). Susquehanna River Basin Comm’n,Accommodating a New Straw in the Water: Extracting Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale in the SusquehannaRiver Basin 2 (2009), available athttp://www.srbc.net/programs/docs/Marcellus%20Legal%20Overview%20Paper%20%28Beauduy%29.pdf.PDF.Any “diversions from the basin” are consumptive uses, as are uses that involve injection of water that will “notreasonably be available for future use in the basin. Id. All withdrawals for fracturing are considered consumptive Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 76
  • 312. surface water from a basin watershed accordingly must first obtain approval from thecommission with jurisdiction. 238 The Susquehanna River Basin Commission determines thequantity allowed to be withdrawn based on “reasonably foreseeable need,” which looks to wateravailability and the needs of the specific operator and prohibits withdrawals that will haveadverse impacts, such as degraded water quality, effects on fish and wildlife, or “excessivelowering of water levels.” 239 It also limits consumptive withdrawals based on cumulative adverseimpacts of water use, 240 requiring one-to-one mitigation of impacts by, for example, reducing orsuspending withdrawals during periods of low water flow. 241 Proposed regulations of theDelaware River Basin Commission also would specify the types of sources from which operatorscould withdraw water and, for certain sources, the quantity that could be withdrawn, as measuredby the minimum pass-by flow conditions that must be maintained within the stream from whichthe operator is withdrawing. 242 Proposed regulations of the Susquehanna River BasinCommission, in turn, would make recycling and reuse of flowback water easier—providing for afaster means of approving diversions of flowback water for use at another site. 243uses. Thomas W. Beauduy, “Shale” We Drill? The Legal and Environmental Impacts of Extracting Natural Gasfrom Marcellus Shale, 22 VILLANOVA ENVTL. L. J. 189, 217 (2011) (explaining that “one hundred percent of thewater that goes down the bore hole is considered lost to the basin”)238 18 C.F.R. § 806.4(a)(8) (2011); Delaware River Basin Commission, Natural Gas Development Regulations(proposed) § 7.3, Dec. 9, 2010, available at http://www.state.nj.us/drbc/naturalgas-draftregs.pdf (requiringindividual review of “[w]ater withdrawals and water use for natural gas development”). Note that under the draftrules, certain withdrawals could be approved via “approval by rule” rather than an individual docket. See generallyid.239 Susquehanna River Basin Comm’n, supra note 237, at 2. See also 18 C.F.R. § 806.23(b)(1) (West 2011).240 18 C.F.R. §806.23 )West 2011); Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Frequently Asked Questions, SRBC’sRole in Regulating Natural Gas Development, Sept. 2011,http://www.srbc.net/programs/docs/FAQ%20September%202011%20Final%20-%20SRBC%27s%20Role%20in%20Regulation%20Natural%20%20Gas%20Development.PDF.241 Susquehanna River Basin Comm’n, supra note 237, at 2-3.242 Del. River Basin Comm’n, supra note 109, at § 7.4 (d)(xi) (passby flow conditions).243 76 Fed. Reg. 41154, July 13, 2011, available athttp://www.srbc.net/programs/docs/Proposed%20Rulemaking%20%28as%20published%20in%20Fed%20Reg%29%2007-13-11.pdf. The document provides an “approval by rule” of certain diversions, which allows the ExecutiveDirector of the SRBC to approve diversions. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 77
  • 313. The several layers of law and regulation that apply to water withdrawals for fracturing inPennsylvania are just one model; other state approaches vary substantially. Like the regionalSusquehanna River Basin Commission, however, several states have revised their regulations toencourage recycling and reuse of flowback water, as shown in Figure 1. When operators reuseflowback water, this can substantially reduce the amount of freshwater that must be withdrawnfor drilling and fracturing as well as the waste generated.In contrast to Pennsylvania’s approach, states such as Kentucky—although requiring a permit forwater withdrawals exceeding an average daily flow of 10,000 gallons per day 244—provide that nopermit shall be required for withdrawing water to be injected for oil and gas operations. 245 It isnot clear whether Kentucky includes hydraulic fracturing in its definition of “injection,”however, and this will be an important consideration if fracturing expands in the state.In other states, operators need not obtain a permit before withdrawing water but still must reportthe quantity of water that they propose to withdraw or actually withdrew for hydraulic fracturing.All states should consider, at minimum, requiring this type of reporting to better understand theFigure 1. Regulatory Provisions that Allow and/or Encourage Recycling and Reuse of Flowback244 Weston, supra note 221, at 16 (citing to Ky. Rev. Stat. § 151.150(1).245 See infra Table 6. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 78
  • 314. Arkansas: All Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment flow back fluids shall be handled, transported, stored, disposed, or recycled for re-use . . . .” AOGC Rule B-19(j) (2010). Oklahoma: Offers “reclaim and/or recycle” as a flowback disposal option. 165 10-7-24 (b)(3), (c)(1) (2011). Pennsylvania: “A wastewater source reduction strategy shall be developed by the well operator by August 22, 2011, and submitted to the Department upon request. The source reduction strategy must identify the methods and procedures the operator shall use to maximize the recycling and reuse of flow back or production fluid either to fracture other natural gas wells, or for other beneficial uses.” 25 Pa. Code § 95.10 (2011). SRBC: “The interbasin diversion of any flowback or production fluids from hydrocarbon development projects from one drilling pad site to another drilling pad side for use in hydrofracture stimulation, and handled in such a manner as to isolate it from waters of the basin, shall not be subject to separate review and approval ad a diversion . . . if the generating or receiving pad site is subject to an Approval by Rule . . . .” 18 C.F.R. § 806.4quantity of water needed for fracturing and to project and minimize potential future conflictsamong water users. As the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Regulations observes inColorado: [T]he [Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission] and the [Division of Water Resources should] jointly evaluate available sources of water for use in hydraulic fracturing. Given the significant water supply issues in this arid region, this project should also include an evaluation of whether or not availability of water for hydraulic fracturing is an issue and, in the event that water supply is an issue, how best to maximize water reuse and recycling for oil and gas hydraulic fracturing. 246States also should consider implementing certain controls on water withdrawals, such asminimum pass-by flow requirements, to ensure that sufficient water remains in surface suppliesto protect aquatic fish, plants, and wildlife and to help maintain water quality. While states’water law systems vary substantially, and in many cases will not accommodate these types ofprovisions without substantial and likely controversial statutory amendment, states shouldconsider other creative ways of ensuring that water withdrawals for fracturing—particularlyduring drought periods—do not adversely impact water supplies. Tables 6a and 6b provide246 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 7, Oct. 2011,available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Colorado%20HF%20Review%202011.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 79
  • 315. examples of state and regional regulation of water withdrawals and water use reporting. Notethat the table omits requirements of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River Basin WaterResources Compact, which applies to “sections of western New York, northwesternPennsylvania, and northeastern Ohio” that overlie the Marcellus Shale. 247 Some states haveprogressed further than others in implementing this compact, which requires states to requireapplications for new or increased water withdrawals and “consumptive uses and diversions,” 248and to establish registration program for all withdrawals exceeding 100,000 gallons per day overany thirty-day period. 249247 Weston, supra note 221, at 29.248 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact § 4.3 (Dec. 13, 2005), available athttp://www.cglg.org/projects/water/docs/12-13-05/Great_Lakes-St_Lawrence_River_Basin_Water_Resources_Compact.pdf.249 Id. at § 4.1. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 80
  • 316. Table 6a. Withdrawing water for fracturing: water withdrawal permits and other requirementsAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Disinfection of water suction hoses and water transportation tanks in Cutthroat Trout habitat. COGCC Rule 1204. If outside designated ground water basin, permit from state engineer for groundwater withdrawal. CO Stat. § 37-90-137 (2011). Water right through adjudication process of substitute water supply plan fr. state engineer. CO Stat. § 37-92-308KY No permit required for withdrawing water to be “injected underground in conjunction with operations for the production of oil or gas.” KRS 151.140 (2011)LA Conservation Commissioner “recommends” that Red River Alluvial aquifer be used if groundwater must be pumped, “encourages” use of available surface waters.” 250MD Water appropriation and use permit required for surface and groundwater withdrawals. 251MI Withdrawal of water for oil and gas exempt from state regulation, 252 but the state appears to prohibit the use of surface water for drilling fluid unless there is an emergency. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.404 (2011).MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM Submit application for beneficial use to state engineer. NM Stat. § 72-12-3 (2011)NY Avoid degradation of water qu. as result of water withdrawal. R SGEIS at DRBC: low-flow requ. + permit; prohibition of any alteration in flow that would impair a fresh surface water body’s designated best use”. Rev. SGEIS; permit requ. before withdraw surface water 6 NYCRR § 601.3 (2011); Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resource Compact (GLSB): withdrawal permitting for 100,000 gpd withdrawn over 30 days 253ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Permit required for “new or increased consumptive use” > 2 mill. gallons/day averaged over thirty days ORC § 1501.33 (2011) ; GLSB withdrawal permitting for 100,000 gpd withdrawn over 30 days 254OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.250 Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Ground Water Use Advisory: Commissioner of ConservationRecommends Wise Water Use Planning in the Haynesville Shale, Oct. 16, 2008,http://dnr.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=newsroom&tmp=detail&aid=509.251 Md. Dep’t of the Env’t, Application for Gas Exploration and Production, available athttp://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER045.pdf.252 See State of Michigan, Dep’t of Envtl. Quality, Supervisor of Wells Instruction 1-2011,http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/SI_1-2011_353936_7.pdf.253 This is the default permitting requirement contained in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin WaterResources Compact. See Weston, supra note 221, at 29-30 (citing Pub. Law 110-342, 122 Stat. 3749 and noting thatthe Compact is still in the early stages of implementation within the participating states, with the exception ofPennsylvania).254 See id. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 81
  • 317. PA DRBC: passby requ. + permit; SRBC: permit; GLSB permitting for withdrawal equal to or greater than 100,000 gpd averaged over 90 days or any new or increased consumptive use equal to or greater than 5 million gpd averaged over 90 days. 32 PSA 817.23TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Must “ensure that all uses of the waters are protected.” 255 All users of more than 750,000 gallons of water per month must register with WV DEP and provide information on water withdrawals. W. Va. Code §§ 22- 26-2, 22-26-3 (West 2011). No statewide permitting requirement. 256WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.255 West Virginia Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Industry Guidance, supra note 126, at 3.256 Weston, supra note 221, at 23 (indicating in 2010 that “West Virginia has not adopted a regulatory programaddressing either surface or groundwater withdrawals”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 82
  • 318. Table 6b. Withdrawing water for fracturing: water withdrawal reportingAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Must report total volumes used under proposed rule 205A.KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Water source and associated volume. 257MD Estimated amounts of water to be used for drilling, hydraulic fracturing (each in gpd); “source and location of withdrawal point of water.” 258MI Water withdrawal evaluation, daily monitoring of water levels in water wells w/in 1,320 ft. of water withdrawal. 259MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Identify source and qty. of water intended for use. R SGEIS (2011). DRBC: extensive monitoring and reporting required (proposed); SRBC: daily monitoring, quarterly reporting of use required 260ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.PA See NY for DRBC and SRBC; Annual Act 220 water use reports required 261TX “Total volume of water used in hydraulic fracturing treatment.” H.B. 3328 (2011) (enacted).WV Report anticipated volumes and actual volumes used. 262WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.257 Memorandum from James H. Welsh, Commissioner of Conservation, to “All Concerned,” ReportingRequirements for Water Use in E&P Operations, Sept. 15, 2009.258 http://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER045.pdf.259 See supra note xx (Michigan Dep’t of Envtl. Quality Instruction 1-2011).260 Natural Gas Well Development in the Susquehanna River Basin,http://www.srbc.net/programs/docs/ProjectReviewMarcellusShale%28NEW%29%281_2010%29.pdf.261 Pennsylvania’s Act 220, Pa. State Water Plan Update, http://www.state.nj.us/drbc/wateruse/PAact220.htm.262 West Virginia DEP, Industry Guidance, Gas Well Drilling/Completion, supra note 126, at 2. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 83
  • 319. 4.8 Fracturing the WellIn addition to withdrawing water and transporting it to a site to fracture a well, an operator mustbring chemicals to the site to mix with water and form a fracture solution. As discussed inProfessor Duncan’s white paper, the transportation of chemicals and their transfer to water onsite poses one of the highest potential risks for environmental harm. The fracturing chemicals,many of which are hazardous and are not diluted at the transportation stage, could causeenvironmental and health damage if spilled—particularly if spilled near surface water or aconduit to groundwater. In Oklahoma in December 2011, for example, a truck carrying 4,500gallons of hydrochloric acid had a loose fitting and began leaking onto a highway, necessitatingthe evacuation of about 500 people. 263 Although reports of the spill did not indicate the ultimatedestination or purpose of the hydrochloric acid, a similar incident could potentially occur duringthe transport of hydrochloric acid and other chemicals to fracture sites.The regulation of the transportation of hazardous chemicals, including those used for fracturing,occurs primarily at the federal level. Department of Transportation hazardous transportregulations apply to the shipment of chemicals. They require that trucks be labeled withappropriate information and that transport containers be constructed with certain materials ofcertain thickness, among a number of other requirements. 264 In addition to federal regulation,municipalities also may control the routes on which hazardous chemicals are transported, 265 thuslimiting the risks of spills to certain areas.Beyond regulating the shipment of chemicals to the site, some states have implemented generalprovisions requiring that fracturing not pollute water, as indicated in Figure 2. Although such263 Amanda Bland, Acid Leak Reroutes Traffic; Residents Evacuated, TULSA WORLD, Dec. 15, 2011, available athttp://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20111215_82_A10_ULNSof222040.264 49 C.F.R. §§ 171-180. See R SGEIS at for a description of the federal Hazardous Material TransportationAct and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act and their applicability to the transportation offracturing additives.265 New York Dept. of Envtl. Conservation, supra note xx, at 7.11.5 (noting that “[m]unicipalities may requiretrucks transporting hazardous materials to travel on designated routes, in accordance with a road use agreement”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 84
  • 320. general regulations provide little useful guidance to operators, they may be important if litigationresults from a drilling fracturing operation. They may potentially allow plaintiffs to argue that afracturing operator who caused pollution acted negligently “per se” because he or she violated astatute, for example. 266Figure 2. Examples of general prohibitions on water pollution Ohio: “All persons engaged in any phase of operation of any well or wells shall conduct such operation or operations in a manner which will not contaminate or pollute the surface of the land, or water on the surface or in the subsurface.” Ohio Admin. Code § 1501:9-1-07 (West 2011). Oklahoma: “In the completion of an oil, gas, injection, disposal, or service well, where acidizing or fracture processes are used, no oil, gas, or deleterious substances shall be permitted to pollute any surface and subsurface fresh water.” Ok. Admin. Code § 165:10-3-10 (West 2011). West Virginia: “Before commencing to drill any well for oil and gas, the well owner or operator shall make proper and adequate provision to prevent surface and underground water pollution.” W. Va. Code State R. § 35-4-16.5 (West 2011).Beyond general prohibitions on water pollution, which may have little effect, states also haveimplemented more specific constraints on the fracturing process, which should serve as modelsfor the many states that have not yet acknowledged the additional risks that fracturing creates,including increased pressure on casing and the potential for blowouts and spills. Examples ofgeneral regulations and specific constraints on the fracturing process are described in Figure 3.266 See, e.g., Potts v. Fidelity Fruit & Produce Co., 165 Ga.App. 546, 546 (1983) (describing how, in cases in whicha plaintiff cannot establish “ordinary negligence,” she may be able to establish nuisance per se if she candemonstrate that the allegedly negligent party violated a statute, that she plaintiff is in the class of persons intendedto be protected by the statute, and that the statute was intended to guard against the harm that she complains of”).The authors located this case in David W. Robertson et al., Cases and Materials on Torts 106 (3d. ed. 2004). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 85
  • 321. Figure 3. Constraints on the Hydraulic Fracturing Process Arkansas: Operators must monitor casing annuli that could show “potential loss of well bore integrity” during fracturing and “establish methods to timely relieve any excessive pressures.” Ark. Oil & Gas Comm’n Rule B-19 (2011). Montana: “New and existing wells which will be stimulated by hydraulic fracturing must demonstrate suitable and safe mechanical configuration for the stimulation treatment proposed.” Mont. Admin. Code § 36.22.1106 (2011). North Dakota: “If perforating, fracturing, or chemical treating results in irreparable damage which threatens the mechanical integrity of the well, the commission may require the operator to plug the well.” N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-27 (2011). Many additional requirements proposed in 43-02-03-21 (pressure relief valves, etc.). Oklahoma: Operators are prohibited from polluting surface or subsurface freshwater when fracturing used. Okl. Admin. Code § 165:10-3-10 (2011). Wyoming: “Blending equipment used in fracturing operations” that use flammable and/or combustible liquid must be grounded; valves in discharge lines must be checked to ensure that they are open before pumping; all acidizing, fracturing, and hot oil trucks must be at least 75 feet from the well bore. All spilled acid must be covered or properly disposed of. Wy. Admin. Code OIL Ch. 8, § 6 (2011).Figure 4 shows examples of regulation of fracturing fluid and flowback containment andtransport.A final recent regulatory development that is specific to fracturing does not aim to constrain orcontrol the fracturing process. Rather, it ensures that officials responding to potential problems,such as spills or human exposure to fracturing chemicals, are aware of the types of chemicalsinvolved. At the federal level, the Emergency Planning and Community-Right-To-Know Act andthe Occupational Safety and Health Act already require that operators keep material safety datasheets (MSDS) for certain hazardous chemicals stored on site in threshold quantities. 267 Stateregulations are slowly supplementing these basic federal laws. In some cases, states have begunFigure 4. Regulation of fracturing fluid and flowback containment and transport: examples267 See Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 §§ 312–313, 42 U.S.C. §§ 11021–11022(2006); Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements, 55 Fed. Reg. 30,632–37 (July 26, 1990). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 86
  • 322. Flowback transport in Arkansas: The state requires a permit (renewed annually); a $100 fee/transportation tank; name, address, and business and emergency telephone numbers; a description of type and number of tanks; and Entity Organizational Report; and a visible permit sticker. Ark. Oil & Gas Comm’n Rule B-17(g); Rule E-3(d) (2011). Records must be maintained for three years. Id. at E-3(h). All tanks must be leak free, and the state places limits on the location to which fluids may be transported. Id. at E-3(i). Colorado hazardous material containers: Containers to treat, store, and “otherwise handle” hazardous material that must be labeled as required by DOT’s Hazardous Materials Regulations shall retain labels until the container is “sufficiently cleaned of residue and purged of vapors to remove any potential hazards.” Col. Oil & Gas Conservation Comm’n Rule 210d (2011).to require disclosure of all fracturing chemicals—not just those required to have MSDS underEPCRA or the OSHAct—to agency officials and/or the general public.As shown in Table 7 below, Colorado, for example, requires operators with more than 500pounds of hazardous chemicals stored on site during a quarter to maintain a chemical inventoryof those chemicals in an accessible format. Colorado also has proposed new disclosureregulations in COGCC Rule 205A, which would require operators to disclose on FracFocus,within 60 to 130 days of completing a hydraulic fracturing treatment, “each hydraulic fracturingadditive used in the hydraulic fracturing fluid,” the trade name and vendor, a description of theadditive function, the CAS number for “each chemical intentionally added to the base fluid,” andthe maximum concentration (in percent by mass) of these chemicals,” as well as watervolumes. 268 Louisiana has proposed to require operators to report “the types and volumes of theHydraulic Fracturing Fluid . . . used during the Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation Operation,” “a listof all additives used” and the “specific trade name” of each additive, and “[t]he maximumingredient concentration within the additive.” Operators in Louisiana also would be required todisclose all chemicals that they have used that are included in OSHA’s hazard communication268 Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Comm’n, Revisions and Additions to Rules and Regulations, Rule 205A,available at http://cogcc.state.co.us/RR_HF2011/ProposedAmendmentsToRules.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 87
  • 323. regulations, which provide that “[c]hemical manufacturers and importers shall obtain or developa material safety data sheet for each hazardous chemical they produce or import.” 269 Texasrecently enacted statutory disclosure requirements similar to Louisiana’s proposed rules, but itwould not require that “the ingredients be identified based on the additive in which they arefound or that the concentration of such ingredients be provided.” 270 Railroad Commissiondisclosure rules (effective Jan. 2, 2012) further specify how operators must publicly disclose thechemicals used in fracturing. 271 Several states require disclosure of chemicals used at each sitethrough a new chemical disclosure website called “Frac Focus” developed by the Ground WaterProtection Council and industry (or offer this as one disclosure option). These and otherexamples of disclosure laws—many of which emerged in 2011—are included in Table 7 below.Chemical disclosure, although only a procedural regulation that does not directly prevent the riskof chemical spills or water contamination, is an important component of state regulation. Indeed,the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations provides, “State programsshould contain mechanisms for disclosure of information on chemical constituents used infracturing fluids to the state in the event of an investigation or to medical personnel in the eventof a medical emergency.” 272 Disclosure prior to these events would better protect human healthand the environment. Pre-incident disclosure—prior to conducting a fracturing operation—wouldallow state and federal agencies to better and more quickly respond to accidental spills and moreeffectively clean them up. Health officials also could more quickly identify the chemicals towhich a patient was exposed. Finally, up-front disclosure would improve regulation. If scientists,agency officials, and the public are aware of the chemicals used at each drilling and fracturingsite, this would better inform the development of new regulations that, for example, controlfracturing chemical and flowback transport, require enhanced spill prevention and emergency269 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1200.270 HB 3328 (2011) (enacted).271 Railroad Comm’n of Tex., Proposed Texas Admin. Code § 3.29: Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical DisclosureRequirements (HB 3328, 2011), adoption approved at conference Dec. 13, 2011, effective date of adoption Jan. 2,2012, available at http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/rules/signed-adopt-3-29-Dec13-2011.PDF.272 STRONGER, Hydraulic Fracturing Guidelines, supra note 133, at X.2.2. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 88
  • 324. response plans, and constrain the methods of disposing of and transporting flowback water,which contains fracturing chemicals in diluted form.Another means of lowering the risk of harm to the environment and human health fromfracturing is to require fracturing operators to notify agencies prior to conducting a fracturing joband to mandate that someone from the agency supervise the operation. The State Review of Oiland Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, for example, suggests, “The regulatory agencyshould require appropriate notification prior to, and reporting after completion of, hydraulicfracturing activities.” 273 Many states require this notification, 274 although this regulatory elementis not included in Table 7. Tables 7a to 7c show the chemical disclosure provisions in theregulation of the fracturing process with respect to the following: • Chemical that must be disclosed • Trade secret protection allowed • Direct public access to disclosed chemicals273 Id.274 See, e.g., STRONGER, Louisiana Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 13 , Mar. 2011, available athttp://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Final%20Louisiana%20HF%20Review%203-2011.pdf (observing that “thedistrict manager must be notified at least 12 hours prior to the initiation of any work under the Work Permit” (whichcovers fracturing); STRONGER, Ohio Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 12 (Jan. 2011), available athttp://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/11/oil/pdf/stronger_review11.pdf (“Operators are required to notify [Ohio’s oiland gas agency] at least 24 hours before the initiation of hydraulic fracturing.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 89
  • 325. Table 7a. Regulation of the fracturing process: Chemical disclosure – chemical that must bedisclosedAR All “specific additives” used in fracturing: actual rate or concentration and percent “by volume of the total “Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids and Additives.” AOGC Rule 19(k) (2010). Also must report chemicals anticipated to be used. Id.CO All chemical products used downhole or stored in “an amount exceeding five hundred (500) pounds during any quarterly reporting period.” 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 205 (2011); 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 100 (2011). Proposed: all chemicals and additives and their concentration. COGCC Rule 205A (proposed 2011).KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA “[A]ll constituents added downhole in conjunction with drilling and workover operations.” LAC 33:IX.708 (2011). Proposed: types and volumes of fluids used, all additives and specific trade names, maximum ingred. Concentration. LAC 43:XIX.118 (2011) 275MD Material and quantity of materials used for well stimulation and treatment; 276 “drilling additives” and their toxicity. 277MI Copies of MSDS for all fracturing additives used, volumes used. 278MT Stimulation fluid by additive type (such as acid), chemical ingredient name and CAS number for “each ingredient of the additive used, “rate or concentration of each additive.” MT ADC 36.22.1015 (2011 unofficial final rule)NM Proposed: FracFocus form submitted to Oil and Gas Commission or hydraulic fracturing disclosure form submitted to Oil and Gas Commission 279 (ingredients, purpose, CAS number, max. ingredient concentration). Proposed New Mexico Code R. (2011) revisions, available at http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ocd/documents/201111-2OCDModifications.pdfNY MSDS for “every additive product proposed for use” and “anticipated volume of each produce proposed” provided to NY DEC; “materials and volumes of materials used” on completion report. R SGEIS (2011)ND Proposed: Trade name, ingredients, CAS number, maximum ingredient concentration in additive, maximum ingredient concentration in fracturing fluid. NDAC 43-02-03-27.1 (2011) 280OH Invoice. “If applicable, the type and volume of fluid used to stimulate the reservoir of the well.” SB 165275 For proposed Louisiana Admin. Code 43:XIX.118, seehttp://dnr.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=calendar&tmp=detail&eid=110.276 Maryland Department of the Environment, Oil/Gas Well Completion Report, Form No. MDE/LMA/PER.019 at3, Nov. 1, 2008, available at http://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER019-oilgas.PDF.277 Maryland Department of the Environment, Application for Gas Exploration and Production, Section 4. MarcellusShale Wells/ Hydro Fracturing Addendum, Form No. MDE/LMA/PER.045 at 5, Nov. 1, 2008, available athttp://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER045.pdf.278 See supra note xx (Michigan Dep’t of Envtl. Quality Instruction 1-2011).279 Susan Montoya Bryan, N.M. Oil and Gas Group Proposes Fracking Rule, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 9, 2011,http://www.santafenewmexican.com/localnews/N-M--oil-and-gas-group-proposes-fracking-rule.280 For proposed rule, see https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/rules2012changes.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 90
  • 326. OK Volumes of frac fluid and proppant used 281PA “Chemicals or additives utilized,” including MSDS, “toxicological data, and waste chemical characteristics.” Report “approximate quantities of each material and the method of storage.” 282TX Each chemical ingredient required to be reported under the OSHAct and “all other chemical ingredients” used in hydraulic fracturing treatment. HB 3328 (2011) (enacted). See also RRC rules effective Jan. 2, 2012. 283WV Additives used. W. Va. Code 22-6-2 (2011) (requiring completion report)WY Stimulation fluid by additive type, chemical compound name and CAS number, proposed rate and concentration of each additive to Wyoming OGCC. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 45(d)281 STRONGER Oklahoma report, supra note xx, at 5.282 Guidelines for a Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency (PPC) Plan for Oil and Gas Development at 3,available at http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Version-48243/chap4.pdf.283 See supra note 271. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 91
  • 327. Table 7b. Regulation of the fracturing process: Chemical disclosure – trade secret protectionallowedAR Yes, with exception for “health care professional, doctor, or nurse” AOGC Rule 19(k) (2010)CO Yes, with exception of “written statement of necessity” from COGCC director indicating need for chemical information. COGCC Rule 205dKY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Yes, with exception of disclosure “required by state or federal law to be provided to a health care professional, a doctor, or a nurse.” LAC 43:XIX.118 (2011)MD No trade secret protection allowance indicated on completion report.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT Yes, with exception of “medical emergency,” written statement from health professional, or MT ADC 36.22.1016 (2011 unofficial final rule)NM Presumably yes because FracFocus allows trade secret protection, and proposed rules may be satisfied through FracFocus form disclosure.NY Yes, with exception of any information “necessary to ensure that environmental protection and public health and safe drinking water objectives are met.” R SGEIS (2011)ND Yes, with exception for “health care professionals, emergency responders, and state, federal, or tribal environmental or public health regulators” if agency determines disclosure necessary to “protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare.” NDAC 43-02-03-27.1 (2011)OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.PA No 284TX Yes, but surface owners, adjoining landowners, and state agencies may challenge, and includes a health professional and emergency responder exception. H.B. 3328 (2011) (enacted)WV Yes (likely). W. Va. Code 22-6-2 (2011) allows trade secret status for certain information reported.WY Yes. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 45(f)284 State Review of Oil & Natural Gas Envtl. Regulations, Pennsylvania Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 33, Sept.2010, available at http://www.strongerinc.org/documents/PA%20HF%20Review%20Print%20Version.pdf. “Noconfidential hydraulic fracturing [information] is currently submitted to DEP. In the event that CBI is submitted,Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law contains provisions to protect this information.” Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 92
  • 328. Table 7c. Regulation of the fracturing process: Chemical disclosure – direct public access todisclosed chemicals 285AR Unclear—disclosure is to Director and permit holder. AOGC Rule B-19 (2011)CO Unclear—disclosure is to COGCC director and/or Colorado Department of Public Health & Envt. Director of Envtl. Programs. COGCC Rule 205cKY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Yes (FracFocus), or to DNR. http://dnr.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=newsroom&tmp=detail&aid=894MD Unclear. Completion report is submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT Public access possible. Operator must either submit job log, final treatment report, or other document to agency or on FracFocus website. MT ADC 36.22.1015 (2011 unofficial final rule)NM Proposed: not clear. Operators must either submit FracFocus form or another hydraulic fracturing form to the Oil and Gas Commission. (2011 proposed amendments).NY Yes—public will have access to all MSDS on an “individual well basis” on the DEC website. R SGEIS (2011)ND Proposed: Yes. NDAC 43-02-03-27.1 286 (2011)OH Unclear (disclosure to agency).OK Unclear (disclosure to agency).PA Unclear (disclosure to agency).TX Yes. H.B. 3328 (2011) (enacted)WV Unclear (disclosure to agency).WY Likely yes. 287285 Note that even in states that only require disclosure of chemicals to agencies, members of the public couldpotentially obtain chemical data from the agency under the state’s public records law.286 For proposed rule, see https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/rules2012changes.pdf.287 Rebecca Torrellas, Wyoming Forces Frac Fluid Disclosure, E&P, Sept. 2, 2010, athttp://www.epmag.com/2010/September/item66859.php (on file with the Columbia Law Review) (suggesting thatthere will be public access even though only disclosure to agency is required). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 93
  • 329. 4.9 Preventing and Reporting SpillsAs introduced in Section 8, when operators ship chemicals to well pads and transfer thesechemicals to water, accidental spills may occur. 288 Spills also may occur at other stages of thedrilling and fracturing process. Diesel fuel may leak from well pad construction and drillingequipment; surface storage pits and tanks may leak or overflow; flowback water, producedwater, drilling mud, or other waste may spill when it is transferred from the well to a storage pitor tank; and releases of chemicals also may occur during the injection of fracturing fluid into thewell—during a well blowout, for example. 289 Indeed, depending on the contents of the materialspilled, a small amount could contaminate soil or water. 290 Regulations are therefore needed toprevent spills, contain them when they occur, and to ensure proper reporting and cleanup. Underthe Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),companies must report spills of hazardous substances of a threshold quantity and, 291 ifcontamination has occurred, may be liable for the cost of cleanup. 292 State regulations are needed,however, to prevent spills and ensure fast response and cleanup—and remediation, whereneeded. The State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Regulations has noted the importance ofpreventing spills, suggesting in its hydraulic fracturing guidelines that wells should meet thegeneral oil and gas STRONGER guidelines for “contingency planning and spill riskmeasures.” 293 The guidelines, in turn, provide that each state “should develop and adopt a statecontingency plan for responding to spills and releases,” which should “define the volume of aspill or release . . . which triggers implementation of the plan, . . . the time in which notification288 N.Y. State Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, Rev. SGEIS, supra note xx, at xx (spills during transport).289 Id. at xx (other spills). See also supra note xx (describing a “blowout” during fracturing, which sent chemicals toa nearby creek).290 See, e.g., Dancy, supra note 39, at 13 (“The high TDS concentration of most produced waters can result in arelatively small amount of produced water contaminating a large fresh water aquifer or surface reservoir”).291 42 U.S.C. § 9603 (2011) (requiring notification of the National Response Center for releases of hazardoussubstances in certain quantities); 42 U.S.C. § 9602 (requiring the EPA to establish reportable quantities); 40 C.F.R.§ 302.4, Table 302.4 (2010) (establishing threshold quantities).292 42 U.S.C. § 9607 (2011).293 STRONGER, Hydraulic Fracturing, supra note xx, at X.2.1. (over) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission.
  • 330. and subsequent clean—up should occur, and guidance or criteria relating to final remedialverification provisions.” 294Most states require operators to maintain some form of spill prevention and control plan forunanticipated surface chemical spills, as shown in Table 7. These plans differ substantially,however, in terms of the times by which operators must report spills and the threshold quantitiesof spills that trigger reporting and/or clean-up requirements. To varying degrees, states alsorequire structural spill prevention measures, including secondary containment, such as dikes,around storage tanks or pits and beneath chemical mixing and tank and/or pit filling operations. 295These secondary containment structures are intended to capture any spills that occur; some statesalso require that the structures be maintained so as to effectively trap spills. Some require, forexample, that the secondary containment structures remain reasonably free of vegetation andhave adequate freeboard—meaning a structure wall (dry space above any liquids in thecontainment structure) adequate to prevent overflow. Further, some states have hazardous clean-up laws that apply to certain chemical spills in addition to the federal CERCLA. Pennsylvania’sHazardous Site Cleanup Act (HSCA), for example, requires the Department of EnvironmentalProtection to investigate a “release or substantial threat of release of a contaminant whichpresents a substantial danger to the public health or safety or the environment” or a “release orthreat of release of a hazardous substance.” 296 The Department must then notify the operator orperson responsible and allow that operator or person to respond. The Department itself mayrespond and implement remedial or removal actions “which . . . [it] deems necessary orappropriate to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the environment.” 297 The Department294 STRONGER Criteria, supra note xx, at See, e.g., COGCC Rule 604(a)(4) (“Berms or other secondary containment devices shall be constructed aroundcrude oil, condensate, and produced water tanks to provide secondary containment for the largest single tank andsufficient freeboard to contain precipitation.”).296 HSCA § 501.297 HSCA § 501. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 95
  • 331. may order the responsible person to respond to the release, and the responsible person mustcover the cost of this response. 298Finally, some states have recently updated their laws to address potential spills from drilling andhydraulic fracturing and to recognize the higher risk of spills that accompanies the addition ofnew chemicals to the fracturing process. For example, Arkansas added an Exploration andProduction Fluid Gathering, Handling, and Transportation Rule in 2009, for example, and thisrule applies to fracturing fluids. 299 Tables 8a to 8c explore state regulatory approaches to spillprevention, containment, and cleanup by providing examples of state requirements for spillcontrol, spill reporting, and cleanup/remediation.In light of the variation in requirements shown in Table 8, states should consider updating theirspill prevention and contingency plans to recognize that fracturing adds new chemicals to the oiland gas development process. Some of these chemicals pose a risk even in small quantities;threshold quantities in reporting and clean-up requirements therefore may need to be updated.New York has proposed, and all states should, consider additional structural controls to containspills of fracturing fluid—particularly when undiluted fluid is transferred to water on site. Allstates, for example, should consider requiring secondary containment structures underfracturing fluid transfer stations.298 HSCA § 505.299 A.O.G.C. Rule E-3 (at the end of the rule, explaining that the rule was new in January 2009); A.O.G.C. Rule B-19(g)(6) (“The transfer of Frac Flow-Back Fluids via tank truck shall be in accordance with General Rule E-3.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 96
  • 332. Table 8a. Regulation of spills: prevention, control, clean-up, and reporting of spills: Spillprevention and controlAR Crude oil tank batteries and tanks w/ produced fluids must be surrounded by containment dikes or other containment structures; reservoir in dike must be kept free of excessive vegetation, stormwater, etc. AOGC Rule B-6 (2011)CO Emergency spill response programs required in buffer zones around water supplies COGCC Rule 317B. Berms or other secondary containment devices around condensate and produced water tanks, must be inspected at regular intervals, have sufficient freeboard COGCC Rule 604KY Spill prevention and countermeasures plan only when required for oil pollution prevention by 40 C.F.R. § 112. 401 Ky. Admin. Reg. 5:090 Section 13 (2011)LA Spill prevention and control plan. LAC 33: IX.905 (2011) Produced water pits “shall be protected from surface waters by levees or walls and by drainage ditches,” no siphons or openings shall allow contamination. LAC 43:XIX.307 (2011). 300MD Spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plan. 301 Dikes for pits must be compacted, free of debris, maintained w/ slope that preserves structural integrity. COMAR Pollution incident prevention plan if threshold quantity of chemicals. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.2006 (2011). All wellheads and pumpjacks must have secondary containment, must keep dikes free of debris MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.1002 (2011)MT Must control spills of oil, water, or produced water w/ more than 15,000 ppm TDS.NM Secondary containment for large tanks and small tanks w/in 500 ft. of water resources; troughs, drip pads, pans beneath tank fill-port. 302NY State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit required for both site construction and surface activities associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing; will include best management practices for spill prevention, which include, for example, locating all additive containers and transport, mixing, and pumping equipment w/in secondary containment and use of drip pans or pads when fracturing fluids are transferred. SGEIS 7.1.2ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Dike or pit for spill prevention and control; reservoir in dike or pit “must be kept reasonably free of brine & other waste substance.” ORC 1509.22(c) (2011)OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.300 Facilities “shall be equipped with pollution containment devices that under normal operating conditions preventunauthorized discharges.All drains from diked areas must have control valves. In wetlands and open waters, if cannot build dike, must useimpervious deck w/ curbs, gutters, and/or sumps to retain spills.La. Admin. Code 33:IX.708(C)(1)(b) (2011).301 Md. Dep’t of the Env’t, Application for Gas Exploration and Production 12.302 New York Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, Rev. SGEIS, Proposed Supplementary Permit Conditions for High-Volume Fracturing Operations. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 97
  • 333. PA Address method of containment for spilled or lost materials and equipment avail. for spill clean-up in disposal plan, also must prepare a Preparedness, Prevention, Contingency (PPC) plan with specific spill control and prevention measures, including secondary containment.TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV “[C]onfine all materials leaked or spilled as a result of drilling operations to the drilling site.” W. Va. CSR 35-4-16 (2011)WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 98
  • 334. Table 8b. Regulation of spills: prevention, control, clean-up, and reporting of spills: SpillreportingAR Report any spill w/in 24 hours. AOGC Rule 19-B (2010). See also AOGC Rules B-26, B-24 (2010) (spills from containment dikes).CO In buffer zone, notify “affected or potentially affected Public Water System(s) immediately” and report to Comm’n, hotline. COGCC Rule 317B. All spills and releases of more than 5 bbls. E&P waste or spills of any size that could threaten waters must be reported to Comm’n. 2 CCR 404-1 Rules 337, 906(b) (2011); CRS 25-8-601(2) (2011)KY Report of spill, including spill of produced water, shall be “made by the most rapid means of communication available.” 401 KAR 5:090 (2011); 401 KAR 5:015 (2011)LA Immediate notification of hotline for any unauthorized discharge that causes emergency LAC 33:I.3915 (2011); for unauthorized discharge of reportable qty., 303 notify by telephone w/in 24 hrs. LAC 33:I.3917, 3923 (2011). If unauthorized discharge contaminates groundwater, notify Single Point of Contact w/in 7 days. LAC 33:I.3919 (2011)MD Report “no later than 2 hours after detection.” COMAR (2011)MI “[P]romptly report” all spills; report w/in 8 hours spills of “42 gallons or more of brine, crude oil, or oil and gas field waste.” MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.1008 (2011)MT Immediately report by telephone and written report w/in 5 working days of “spill, leak, or release of more than 50 barrels of oil or water containing more than 15,000 parts per million (ppm) total dissolved solids (TDS)” and any qty of above that enters groundwater or surface water. MONT. ADMIN. R. 36.22.1103 (2011)NM Immediate verbal notice for unauthorized release (excluding gases) > 25 BBLs or gases > 500 MCF to district office and written notice w/in 15 days; written notice w/in 15 days for >5 BBLs, < 25 BBLs non- gas or >50 mcf, <500 mcf gas. NM ADC and 10 (2011)NY NY: Verbal notification of any spill w/in 2 hrs. of discovery. R SGEIS 7.1.6 DRBC: Immediately report release or threatened release of any “substance, pollutant, or contaminant”. Proposed Regs. 7.5(h)(1)(vi) (2011)ND Verbally notify director w/in 24 hrs. of any leak or release of fluid, “written report within ten days after cleanup of the incident.” Notification of surface owner also required. N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-31 (2011)OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Must report w/in 24 hrs. of discovery any discharge to waters or discharge >10 bbls. to surface. OAC 165: 10-7-5 (2011)PA DRBC: Immediately report release or threatened release of any “substance, pollutant, or contaminant” Proposed Regs. 7.5(h)(1)(vi) (2011); see also Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency Plan requirements; 304 25 Pa. Code § 79.15 (oil and gas spills)TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.303 See Louisiana Admin. Code § 33:I.3931 (2011) for list of reportable quantities.304 The PPC must designate a company representative responsible for spill reporting and “contain a list of theagencies to be notified” if an incident occurs. Penn. Dep’t. of Envtl. Protection, Oil and Gas Management Practices,at 4, available at http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Version-48243/chap4.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 99
  • 335. WV Must report discharge of more than 1,000 U.S. gallons w/in 12-month period. W. Va. CSR § 35-1-9 (2011); immediate notification of any discharge W. Va. CSR § 47-11-2 (2011).WY Must verbally report contained spills of >10 barrels (420 gallons) “No later than the next business day following discovery of incident; for contained spills of 1 barrel (42 gallons) or more file written report w/in 15 days. All unauthorized releases must be reported verbally no later than next business day and in writing w/in 15 working days. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 3 (2011) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 100
  • 336. Table 8c. Regulation of spills: prevention, control, clean-up, and reporting of spills: Spillcleanup/remediationAR Immediately contain spill, commence remediation efforts “as soon as practical” A.O.G.C. Rule 19-B (2010); has specific remediation requirements for spills of crude oil and produced water. A.O.G.C. Rule B-34(c)-(d)(2010)CO In buffer zones, “immediately implement” emergency spill response program COGCC Rule 317B; control and immediately contain all E&P waste spills to protect envt., Director may require “Site Investigation and Remediation Workplan.” 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 906 (2011). Specific soil remediation based on sodium absorption ratio.KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA For any unauthorized discharge of oil, produced water, other waste, “immediately” initiate “remedial response”; if immediate clean-up not appropriate, alternative remedial plan. La. Admin. Code 33:IX.708(C)(1)(b) (2011)MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT “Promptly control and clean up any leak, spill, escape, or discharge, regardless of the amount of oil, produced water, water containing more than 15,000 ppm TDS, or gas involved.” ARM 36.22.1104.NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Stormwater BMPs would include “[p]rocedures for immediately stopping the source of the spill and containing the liquid until cleanup is complete”; remediation BMPs also proposed. R SGEIS, Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Unpermitted discharge from pit: “sufficient measures to stop or control the loss”; clean up pursuant to instructions. OAC 165:10-7-16PA If spill occurs during transportation, transporter “must immediately clean up the waste” and take other action to prevent threats to human health, safety, welfare, environment; O&G operators in PPC must list clean-up equipment that will be on site, may need to bring in “outside cleanup contractors.” 305TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Soil cleanup levels to maximum concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons determined by oil contaminated soil remediation ranking system of API if aquifer, surface water, other resources affected. If these resources will not be affected, remove harmful properties of waste, reduce or eliminate leachate mobility, remove and treat contaminated soil to “acceptable level.” 306305 Penn. Dep’t. of Envtl. Protection, Oil and Gas Management Practices, at 4, 85, available athttp://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/Get/Version-48243/chap4.pdf.306 Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Guideline for Spill Cleanup, Dec. 10, 2002,http://wogcc.state.wy.us/craig/spill.htm. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 101
  • 337. 4.10 Testing and Replacing Water SuppliesAs discussed in Sections 6 through 9, hydraulic fracturing adds several new stages to thedevelopment process of an oil or gas well. Additional quantities of water must be withdrawn,new chemicals must be transported to and transferred on site, and the process of injecting thewater and chemicals down the well increase pressure on the casing, thus requiring better casing,cementing, and blowout prevention measures. Many of these risks also exist for traditional oiland gas wells, and at the non-fracturing stages of the development process of a shale well. Spillsmay occur during well pad construction and drilling, for example, and casing may give outduring drilling, rather than fracturing. These risks are heightened by the addition of fracturing tothe development process, however. Furthermore, the fact that fracturing allows the developmentof thousands of new wells means that more wells are drilled, thus increasing the risks that arise atthe site development and drilling stages. 307As Professor Eastin’s paper discusses, despite the many stages of the shale gas developmentprocess, much of the media attention to shale gas development risks has focused on fracturingalone, and particularly on the concern that fracturing will contaminate underground watersupplies. Regardless of the level of risk of underground contamination, it is essential thatoperators conduct baseline testing of water supplies around a well drilling and fracturing sites toestablish the contaminants that already exist, to provide better data for scientific research oncausal mechanisms of contamination moving forward, and to provide landowners with proofwhen water contamination is caused by drilling or fracturing and water supply replacement isneeded.The lack of baseline testing and post-drilling and fracturing data amplifies the difficulty ofaccurately identifying the risk to underground water supplies posed by drilling and fracturing.States should update their regulations to require one entity—either the operator, the landowner,or a state agency—to conduct baseline and post-drilling and fracturing testing using approved307 A forthcoming companion piece describes this concept through the lens of mobile air pollution. One car on theroad poses few risks; several hundred thousand cars substantially increase air pollution and other problems. HannahWiseman, Draft, Reframing Risk and Response in Fracturing Policy (2012). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 102
  • 338. testing procedures and to submit this data to a centralized state database. Considerations aboutwho should shoulder the cost of testing should take into account which parties have the mostknowledge of appropriate testing procedures, can afford the testing, and will ensure that testing isconducted consistently and accurately. 308A limited number of states require or allow operators to test nearby water wells prior to and/orafter drilling and fracturing a well. Colorado, which focuses on the integrity of public drinkingwater supplies, requires testing of nearby surface waters and notification of municipalities ifcontamination is located. In addition to requiring baseline testing—and, in a limited number ofcases—follow-up testing, at least one state (Pennsylvania) also regulates liability for watercontamination, establishing a rebuttable presumption that the well operator caused thecontamination within 1,000 feet of the well and requiring the operator to replace watersupplies. 309 Pennsylvania also recently revised its regulations to expand protections of watersupplies near gas wells. In updating both its well casing and water replacement requirements,Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection explained: Many of the regulations governing well construction and water supply replacement were promulgated in July 1989 and remain largely unchanged. New well drilling and completion practices used to develop Marcellus Shale wells, as well as recent impacts to drinking water supplies by both traditional and Marcellus Shale wells, caused the Department to reevaluate the existing requirements. 310Accordingly, the Department substantially expanded the procedures that operators deemedresponsible for water contamination must follow in replacing contaminated water supplies. Itnow requires, for example, that operators ensure that the new supply is as “reliable” and308 This requirement may appear to be too onerous; it will be costly for operators, and some operators may lackaccess to wells if landowners deny entry. Several states already require this type of baseline testing, however,suggesting that oil and gas development is still moving forward despite an apparently burdensome regulatoryrequirement. Furthermore, by establishing a rebuttable presumption that water contamination within 1,000 feet ofan oil and gas well and discovered within six months of the end of well drilling or completion was caused by thewell operator, Pennsylvania has effectively required baseline testing.309 58 P.S. 601.208 (2011).310 Proposed Rulemaking, Environmental Quality Board, 40 Pa.B. 3845, July 10, 2010,http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol40/40-28/1248.html; regulations codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.83 et seq.(2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 103
  • 339. “permanent” as the previous water supply, and that“[n]ot require excessive maintenance.”Operators also must ensure that the property owners have as much control over and access to thewater supply as they did prior to contamination. “[P]lumbing, conveyance, pumping or auxiliaryequipment and facilities necessary for the surface landowner or water purveyor to utilize thewater supply,” are among other requirements. 311 Michigan legislators recently proposed but didnot enact a similar law that would have presumed operator liability for water contamination andrequired water replacement. Michigan HB 4736, introduced in June 2011, would have provided: If groundwater in the vicinity of a well used for hydraulic fracturing is determined to contain 1 or more hazardous substances that were injected into that well while conducting hydraulic fracturing, there is a rebuttable presumption that the person conducting the hydraulic fracturing is liable . . . for the contamination present in the groundwater.Tables 9a to 9c offer examples of state regulations addressing baseline water testing andreplacement in the event of contamination. The dearth of baseline and post-drill and fracturetesting requirements suggests that substantial regulatory updates are needed in this area. Tables9a and 9b describe requirements for baseline testing and source replacement with respect totesting required or allowed and water supply replacement by operator required.311 Id. (codified at 25 Pa. Code § 78.51). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 104
  • 340. Table 9a. Regulation of drinking water sources: Requirements for baseline testing and sourcereplacement – testing required or allowedAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Collection of baseline surface water data and data from 3 mos. after operation required around public water systems and over certain aquifers. 312 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 317(b) (2011). Voluntary baseline water well testing results must be disclosed. 313KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Ground water monitoring may be required as part of plan for preventing contamination if “any pit . . . is likely to contaminate a groundwater aquifer” or underground source of drinking water. 43 LA ADC Pt. XIX § 309MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Hydrogeological investigation, including water quality sampling, required. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.1002 (2011)MT Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Required w/in 1,000 ft. of well pad (or 2,000 ft. if none w/in 1,000 ft.) SGEIS at 1-10 RSGEIS at 1-10 314 DRBC: groundwater and surface water pre-alteration monitoring study report, post-drilling sampling. DRBC Draft Regs. 7.5(h)(2)(i) (2011)ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Required for all water wells w/in 300 ft. of “proposed well location” in urbanized areas. OH ADC 1501:9- 1-02(F) (West 2011)OK Required only for “enhanced recovery injection” UIC operations. OAC 165:10-5-5 (2011)PA Allowed (“predrilling or prealteration survey of water supplies”). 58 P.S. 601.208 (2011); 25 Pa. ADC 78.52 (2011)TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Required at request of owner w/in 1,000 feet of well. W. Va. CSR 35-4-19 (2011)WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.312 Baseline water well testing in Greater Wattenburg Area required for closest water well in Laramie/Fox HillsAquifer; further testing if complaints 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 318A(e) (2011); ground water samples required “whereground water contamination” suspected or known, impacted soils “are in contact with ground water,” or “impacts tosoils extend down to high water table” 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 910 (2011).313 See Colorado Oil and Gas Association Voluntary Baseline Groundwater Sampling Program,http://www.coga.org/index.php/BaselineWaterSampling.314 A full description of the proposed water well testing requirements is located in Chapter 7 of the Revised DraftSupplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 105
  • 341. Table 9b. Regulation of drinking water sources: Requirements for baseline testing and sourcereplacement -- water supply replacement by operator requiredAR Compensation only for damage to non-water resources (real property, soil, trees, crops, etc.) caused by produced water or crude oil. Ark. Code 15-72-219 (2011)CO Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.KY Replacement “where the supply has been substantially disrupted by contamination, diminution, or interruption proximately resulting from the operator’s oil or gas operation.” KRS 353.597LA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Proposed but not implemented: If groundwater “in vicinity” of fractured well has 1 or more hazardous substances used in fractured well, rebuttable presumption of liability.” 315MT “The oil and gas developer or operator is responsible for damages to real or personal property caused by oil and gas operations and production.” Mont. Admin. R. 82-10-505 (West 2011).NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Joint investigation by DEC and county health department of complaints about water well contamination during active operation at well pad (or within a year of last hydraulic fracturing) within 2,000 ft. or radius where baseline sampling occurred; if complaint coincides w/ non-routine incident, Dept. may require “immediate corrective action.” RSGEIS at Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Replace or compensate if supply “substantially disrupted by contamination . . . proximately resulting from the owner’s oil and gas operation.” ORC 1509.22 (2011)OK Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.PA Replacement supplies of same quality and quantity as previous supply. 25 Pa. Code 78.51 (2011)TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Must submit groundwater remediation plan “where practical, to reduce the level of contamination over time to support drinking water use.” W.Va. CSR 35-4-20 (2011)WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.315 H.B. 4736 (Mich. June 14, 2011) (not enacted), available at http://legislature.mi.gov/documents/2011-2012/billintroduced/House/pdf/2011-HIB-4736.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 106
  • 342. 4.11 Storing WasteWaste from drilling and fracturing is typically stored on site in a pit or tank prior to permanentdisposal. This waste includes drill cuttings and drilling fluids; produced water, which is releasedfrom the formation during the drilling and/or fracturing process; and flowback water (fracturingfluids that flow back up out of the well following fracturing). The pits used to store these wasteshave a variety of names, and different state regulations often apply to each pit. A “reserve pit,”for example, may contain drilling muds and other drilling wastes, while a completion pit maycontain hydraulic fracturing fluids. A state may require a permit for completion pit but not forthe reserve pit, or a synthetic liner for one pit but not the other.States regulate the storage of waste on site in order to prevent pit wastes from contaminating soilor water beneath or surrounding the pit and to avoid other impacts, such as harm to livestock, 316humans, 317 or migratory birds. Some states require that pits have liners, including synthetic, clay,or other earthen liners, and often that the liners be of a certain thickness. States also typicallyregulate the amount of “freeboard” required for each pit—meaning the dry space above the wastein the pit necessary to ensure that the pit does not overflow. New Mexico recently revised its “pitrule” to require liners and steel tanks in some cases (effective June 16, 2008); 318 several industryassociations have proposed revisions to the pit rule, arguing that the rules should eliminate therequirement for steel tanks in some cases and other requirements. 319 The Commission posted apublic hearing on the revisions on December 16, 2011. 320 Other states, through similarly316 See, e.g., West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Industry Guidance, Jan. 8, 2010 ,http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and-gas/GI/Documents/Marcellus%20Guidance%201-8-10%20Final.pdf (requiring allpits to have “lifelines and perimeter fencing”).317 Oklahoma, for example, requires that “[e]ach frac tank used at the wellsite shall have protective man-ways toprevent persons from accidentally falling into the frac tank.”OAC 165:10-3-18 (2011).318 N. M. Code R. 19.15.17319 Case No. 14784, Application of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association for Amendment of Certain Provisionsof Title 19, Chapter 15 of the New Mexico Administrative Code Concerning Pits, Closed-Loop Systems, BelowGrade Tans, Sumps and Other Alternative Methods Related to the Foregoing and Amending Other Rules toConforming Changes, Statewide, Sept. 30, 2011 available athttp://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ocd/documents/Application_000.pdf. The Independent Petroleum Association hasproposed similar amendments, available at http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ocd/documents/201111-29ApplicationIndependentPetroleumAssociation.pdf.320 State of New Mexico, Oil Conservation Commission, Case No. 14784, available athttp://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ocd/documents/201112-16NoticeWeb.pdf Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 107
  • 343. protective measures, require “closed-loop” drilling systems, meaning that all drilling andfracturing waste must be stored in tanks, not pits. Colorado, for example, require these systemsfor drilling close to protected public water supplies, and New York proposes to require closed-loop systems for all Marcellus Shale development that uses large volumes of water (“high-volume” fracturing). Most states described in Table 10, however, allow wastes to be stored inpits. In light of the fact that fracturing has introduced a new, potentially more hazardous waste tothe oil and gas development process in the form of flowback water, states that currently do notrequire pits to be lined should consider doing so. States also should update their regulations toaddress flowback pits, if they have not yet. Many of the traditional labels for pits do not makeclear whether these pits may contain flowback water, thus failing to identify which pitconstruction and closure methods operators must follow for flowback pits.Tables 10a to 10c summarize the storage regulations that apply to flowback water, focusing onliner mandates, freeboard requirements, and requirements for pit closure 321 and, omitting—in theinterest of brevity—similar regulations that apply to the storage of produced water, drillingmuds, and other drilling wastes. The regulations of on-site fracturing waste storage aresummarized with respect to the liner and freeboard requirements for flowback water and thetiming of pit closure for flowback.321 In addition to the timing of pit closure, some states regulate how quickly materials must be removed from pits.New Mexico, for example, requires an operator to remove “any visible or measurable layer of oil” from surface ofpit “immediately after cessation” of drilling or workover, remove all free liquids w/in 30 days from release ofdrilling or workover rig. NM Admin. Code § B. (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 108
  • 344. Table 10a. Regulation of on-site fracturing waste storage: Flowback water -- liner requirementAR Clay (compacted) and 40-mil synthetic liner. AOGC Rule B-17 (2010)CO Tank (pitless drilling) for existing O&G operations w/in 300 ft. of public water supply and new operations w/in 301-500 ft. Synthetic liner farther from water supply. 322 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 904 (2011) 323KY If pit used for longer than thirty days after completion of exploration or drilling, 20-mil synthetic liner 401 Ky. Admin. Reg. 5:090 Section 9(5)(a) (2011) 324LA Natural, soil mixture, and synth. for produced water pits, must be “equiv. of 3 continuous feet of recompacted or natural clay” w/ hydraulic conductivity not > 1 x 107 cm/sec.” 325 La. Admin. Code 43:XIX.307 (2011)MD No liner requirement, but pits must be “impermeable” and “[a]llow no liquid or solid discharge of any kind into the waters of the State.” COMAR Appears to require tank. 326 Drilling mud pits must have 20-mil polyvinyl chloride liners. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.407 (2011)MT Synthetic impermeable liner for pits containing >15 ppm TDS. No hazardous materials stored in earthen pit or open vessel, may not be located in floodplain. ARM 36.22.1207 (2011)NM Temp. pits: Geomemb. 20-mil string reinforced LLDPE or equiv. NM ADC 19.15.17 F. (2011). Permanent pits: Geomembr. 30-mil flexible PVC or 60-mil HDPE liner or equiv. 19.15.17 G. (2011)NY NY: No pits allowed; water tight steel tanks required. R SGEIS (2011) DRBC: “materials suitable to safely contain the wastewater stored”ND Lined and “sufficiently impermeable to provide adequate temporary containment of the oil, water, or fluids.” NDCC 43-02- 03-19.3 (2011)OH Pits must be “liquid tight.” OAC 1501: 9-3-08 (2011)OK Synthetic in wellhead protection area, w/in 1 mile of active municipal water well, other sensitive areas.322 Synthetic liner of 24-mil. thickness and soil foundation compacted 12 inches for new operations w/in 501- 2,640ft. and existing operations w/in 301-2,640 ft. Rule 317B, 904; other locations: if pit has certain hydrocarbon orchloride concentrations, see 12” soil and 24-mil liner requirement above. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 904 (2011).323 COGCC Rule 100 makes clear that “drilling pits” include “flowback pits,” and Rule 904 requires a twelve-inchcompacted soil foundation and a synthetic liner with 24-mil thickness for drilling pits “designed for use with fluidscontaining hydrocarbon concentrations exceeding 10,000 ppm TPH or chloride concentrations at total well depthexceeding 15,000 ppm.”324 This liner requirement applies to holding pits, and the definition of “holding pit” is “an earthen excavateddepression designed to receive and store produced water at a facility.” 401 KAR § 5:090, Section 2(13) (2011).The requirement also applies to “drilling pits” used for more than thirty days “following the completion ofexploration and drilling activities.” 401 Ky. Admin. Reg. 5:090 Section 10 (2011).Drilling pits include any “earthenexcavation for the collection of fluids associated with the drilling, construction, completion, acidizing, or fracturingof an oil or gas well.” 401 Ky. Admin. Reg. 5:090 Section 13(7).325 I assume here that produced water pits in Louisiana include flowback water. (See pit definitions.)326 MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.407 (2011) provides that “only the following materials may be placed in a linedpit” and does not include flowback water or completion fluids in the list of acceptable materials. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 109
  • 345. OAC 10-7-16PA “Synthetic flexible liner with a coefficient of permeability of no greater than 1 x 107 cm/sec.” 25 Pa. Code 78.56 (2011)TX No liner requirement unless RRC requires. 16 TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 3.8(d)(4) 327WV Impervious liner req. if soil does not prevent seepage, leakage, overflowsWY Tanks required for non-RCRA exempt wastes and where groundwater is less than 20’ below surface. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1(q), (u) (2011). Synthetic lining for exempt wastes. 328 Liner or tank required for flowback water. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 3 s 45 (j) (2011)327 This assumes that “completion pit” refers to a pit with flowback water.328 For exempt wastes, “lining of pits with reinforced oil grade material, compatible with the waste to be received,”required under certain circumstances.” Id. at (w). Lining always required if tds >10,000 mg/l. Id. at (w). “Soilmixture liners, recompacted clay liners, and manufactured liners must be compatible with waste,” synthetic 9-12 milthickness. Id. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 110
  • 346. Table 10b. Regulation of on-site fracturing waste storage: Flowback water: freeboardrequirementAR 2 ft. (flowback for recycling only stored in reserve pit up to 90 days) AOGC Rule B-17CO 2 ft. COGCC Rule 902(b)KY 1 ft. 401 Ky. Admin. Reg. 5:090 Section 9(5)(B) (2011)LA 2 ft. LAC 33:IX.708(C)(1) (2011)MD 2 ft. COMAR Appears to require tanks, 329 thus no pit freeboard requirement.MT 3 ft. for earthen pits w/ 15,000 parts ppm TDS in volumes greater than 5 BBL monthly. ARM 36.22.1227 (2011)NM 2 ft. for temporary pits. NM ADC (2011); 3 ft. for permanent. Id. at (C); NMADC (2011) 330NY 2 ft. NY SGEIS Appendix 10 (2011)ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH “[C]onstructed and maintained so as to prevent escape of saltwater and oil field wastes”; level of saltwater in excavated pits shall not rise above ground level. OH Admin. Code 1501: 9-3-08 (2011)OK 2 ft. OAC 10-7-16PA 2 ft. 25 Pa. Code 78.56(a) (2011)TX Brine evaporation pits only: 2 ft. 30 TAC § 218.20(c) (2011).WV “[A]dequate freeboard to prevent overflow from any pit,” and at least 2 ft. W. Va. CSR § 35-4-16 (2011)WY Must keep liquids at “level that takes into account extreme precip. events and prevents over-topping and unpermitted discharges.” WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1(w)( 2011).329 MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.407 (2011) provides that “only the following materials may be placed in a linedpit” and does not include flowback water or completion fluids in the list of acceptable materials. See also MICH.ADMIN. CODE R 324.502 (2011) (“A permittee of a well shall not store or retain oil, brine, or associated oil or gasfield waste in earthen reservoirs or open receptacles.”).330 A permanent pit is a pit “constructed . . . for the duration provided in its permit. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 111
  • 347. Table 10c. Regulation of on-site fracturing waste storage: Timing of pit closure for flowbackAR Stored in reserve pit up to 90 days. AOGC Rule B-17(g) (2010)CO 3 years in high-density areas. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 902 (2011)KY Backfill when pit no longer used for intended purpose.. 401 KY ADC 5:090 s 9(5)(c) (2011)LA All pits closed w/in 6 mos. of abandonment. LAC 43:XIX.307 (2011)MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT All earthen pits closed w/in 1 yr. after ending drilling. ARM 36.22.1005.NM Close newly-built pits w/in 60 days or six months for temp. pits. NM ADC B (2011)NY “[f]luids removed [from steel tanks] within 45 days of completing drilling and stimulation operations at last well on pad” RSGEIS Contents removed w/in 72 hrs.; timing for pit closure unclear. NDCC 43-02- 03-19.3 (2011)OH 14 days after removal of rig. Oh Admin. Code 1501:9-9-03 (2011)OK W/in 60 days or six months (if converted reserve/circulation pit) after completion, fracture, workover, or drilling operations cease. OAC 165:10-7(e)(7)PA remove or fill the pit w/in 9 months after completion of drilling unless obtained a control, storage, and disposal permit, he/she must 331TX Unclear which pits contain flowback water. Completion/workover pits must be closed w/in 30 days of completion of workover operations and backfilled, compacted w/in 120 days. Reserve and mud circulation pits closed w/in one year of cessation of drilling operations for low chloride, 30 days for high chloride. 16 TAC § 3.8 (d)(3) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Generally, “based on site-specific conditions,” but 1 yr. for pits with hazardous materials. 332331 25 PA. CODE § 78.56 (d) (West 2011).332 Closure and remediation required w/in 1 yr. “after the date of last use” if hazardous. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4s 1(ii), (qq) ( 2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 112
  • 348. 4.12 Disposing of WasteHandling the large quantities of waste generated by shale gas development may be the greatestenvironmental challenge facing states with enhanced shale development activity. As discussedabove, most wastes associated with oil and gas exploration and production, including producedwater, drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and flowback water, are exempt from federal hazardouswaste disposal requirements. 333 From the shale gas development perspective, the most importantwastes that remain federally regulated are unused fracturing fluids and acids. 334 As new types andlarger volumes of waste are generated as a result of flowback water from fracturing, states mustquickly respond.Disposal practices for drilling fracturing waste vary substantially by state and by the type ofwaste. Most states allow operators to dispose of drill cuttings—particularly thoseuncontaminated by petroleum—on site. Liquid wastes such as produced water and flowbackwater typically must be disposed of either through land application, a centralized exploration andproduction (E&P) facility, a wastewater treatment plant, an underground injection control well, 335or recycling. 336 Underground injection control well disposal has been common in the south andthe west, whereas operators in the northeast have tended to dispose of flowback waste throughPOTWs. All POTWs accepting new wastes, such as flowback water, must obtain a new federalClean Water Act point source discharge permit (a National Pollutant Discharge EliminationSystem or “NPDES” permit), 337 although, as discussed below, the EPA has expressed concernsthat POTWs may not be equipped to adequately treat flowback water. 338 For operators that333 Envtl. Protection Agency, Exemption of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Wastes from Federal HazardousWaste Regulations 10 (Oct. 2002).334 Id. at 11.335 See Dancy, supra note 39, at 15 (noting that “[m]ost produced water is disposed of in underground injectioncontrol wells”).336 See Rahm, supra note 131, at 2977 (describing various disposal practices).337 Weston, supra note 221, at 35 (noting that “[e]ach publicly owned treatment works . . . must obtain NPDESpermitting agency approval prior to receipt of new types of industrial wastewater . . . that were not reflected in theiroriginal NPDES permit application” and that “[a]ll states require POTWs to provide notice to state permittingauthorities and to obtain NPDES permit modification if necessary for acceptance of new types of influent sources”).338 EPA Seeks More Information from Natural Gas Drilling Operations to Ensure Safety of Wastewater Disposal,May 12, 2011, http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/0/4816775AD0E881AB8525788E006A91ED (requesting Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 113
  • 349. dispose of flowback and other wastes in underground injection control wells, these wells must bepermitted under the Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure that they will not leak and endangerunderground sources of drinking water. 339In addition to implementing federal requirements in cases where states have received permittingauthority under federal acts, states have added some of their own restrictions on disposal. In2010, Pennsylvania implemented a new regulation that required operators to reduceconcentrations of total dissolved solids and other pollutants in flowback water before sending it ato a wastewater treatment plant (publicly owned treatments works, or POTWs). Subsequently,the Commonwealth determined that no flowback water should be disposed of throughPennsylvania POTWs. 340 The EPA also intervened, requiring the largest fracturing companies inPennsylvania to describe how they have been disposing of their flowback waste. 341 Following thestate’s request that operators no longer send their waste to POTWs, it appears that operators arerecycling much of the waste or sending it across state lines—typically to Ohio—for disposal. 342West Virginia has similarly struggled to identify ideal waste management strategies, indicatingin industry guidance: While land application may generally be an option on smaller, shallower wells, it may not be practical in dealing with the volume of water expected at these [Marcellus] sites. Presently, underground injection control (UIC) may be the best option. This practice is generally recognized as being environmentally sound and has proven effective for the past 25 years. However, to handle the expected amount of water, many additional UIC wells will need to be permitted, drilled or converted. The Office of Oil and Gas issues Class II UIC permits for brine and fluid disposal. Currently, WV has only two permitted commercial UIC wellsPennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection to “[n]otify EPA when facilities are accepting hydraulicfracturing wastewater so EPA can assess if a pretreatment program or additional permit limits are needed).339 42 U.S.C. § 300h (West 2011).340 Dan Hopey & Sean D. Hamill, PA: Marcellus Wastewater Shouldn’t Go to Treatment Plants, PITTSBURGHPOST-GAZETTE, Apr. 19, 2011 (describing the DEP’s request that operators voluntarily stop disposing of flowbackthrough POTWs).341 EPA, supra note 338.342 Professor Hannah Wiseman, discussions with Pittsburgh attorneys, Sept. 1-2, 2011. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 114
  • 350. available. Operators should seriously consider options for the recycling of fracture treatment flow-back fluid. 343Texas, in turn, recently approved one POTW to accept flowback waste and has implemented anumber of pilot recycling projects; some of the projects ended as a result of high costs, but othershave been successful. 344 The EPA has announced that it will develop federal Clean Water Actstandards for the treatment of wastewater from shale gas development by 2014. 345Many states require operators proposing to drill and fracture a well to describe how they plan todispose of their wastes and to report actual disposal practices. 346 Pennsylvania, for example,recently revised its regulations to require that operators develop a “wastewater source reductionstrategy” 347 to “maximize the recycling and reuse of flow back or production fluid,” and it limitsthe monthly average of allowable total dissolved solids, chlorides, barium, and strontium inflowback water. 348 The EPA questioned, however, whether water in Pennsylvania was beingadequately treated for radioactive and other substances prior to arriving at a POTW and whetherthe state was adequately monitoring POTW discharges. 349 Still other states have generalrequirements for disposal in lieu of or in addition to specific provision. Montana provides, forexample, “The operator of a drilling well must contain and dispose of all solid waste and343 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Industry Guidance, Jan. 8, 2010,http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and-gas/GI/Documents/Marcellus%20Guidance%201-8-10%20Final.pdf.344 Railroad Commission of Texas, Water Use in the Barnett Shale, Jan. 24, 2011,http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/barnettshale/wateruse_barnettshale.php.345 U.S. Envtl. Protection Agency, EPA Announces Schedule to Develop Natural Gas Wastewater Standards, Oct.20, 2011,http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/d0cf6618525a9efb85257359003fb69d/91e7fadb4b114c4a8525792f00542001!OpenDocument.346 See, e.g., Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Rule 216c (requiring “[a] plan for the management ofexploration and production waste”).347 See 25 PA. CODE. § 95.10(b) (West 2011); see also 39 PA. BULL. 6467 (Nov. 7, 2009), available athttp://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol39/39-45/2065.html (last visited Mar. 27, 2011); Environmental QualityBoard, Proposed Rulemaking, Wastewater Treatment Requirements, http://pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol39/39-45/2065.html.348 25 PA. CODE. § 95.10(b) (West 2011).349 Letter from Shawn M. Garvin, Regional Administrator, Region III EPA to Michael Krancer, Secretary, Penn.Dep’t. of Envtl. Protection, May 12, 2011, available athttp://www.epa.gov/region03/marcellus_shale/pdf/letter/krancer-letter5-12-11.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 115
  • 351. produced fluids that accumulate during drilling operations so as not to degrade surface water,groundwater, or cause harm to soils.” 350Another important category of disposal involves the disposal of wastes with naturally occurringradioactive materials, typically called “NORM” wastes—drill cuttings, produced water, andflowback. 351 As Joseph Dancy explains, “Radioactivity is not a hazardous ‘characteristic’ underRCRA, and low level oil field radioactive wastes are generally not regulated as a RCRAhazardous waste” unless these wastes contain materials with other RCRA hazardouscharacteristics (corrosivity, for example) or are mixed with wastes listed as hazardous underRCRA. 352 Therefore, states shoulder the bulk of the responsibility for regulating oil and gasNORM waste disposal. “In many case more than one state agency” regulates NORM, asilluminated by several of the examples in Dancy’s paper. 353 In Texas in 1994, for example, theRailroad Commission regulated the disposal of NORM wastes from oil and gas operations, whilethe Department of Health (now the Texas Department of State Health Services) had “jurisdictionover the handling, transportation, and NORM contaminating materials”—thus potentiallyrequiring oil and gas operators, under then-new rules, to obtain a general license from thisdepartment. 354 This general regulatory regime remains in place today, with the RailroadCommission controlling oil and gas NORM wastes under the Texas Administrative Code andleaving certain regulation—including equipment decontamination—to the Department of StateHealth Services. 355 The Railroad Commission regulations prohibit the disposal of NORM wastes(other than produced water) “by discharge to surface or subsurface waters” and “by spreading onpublic or private roads.” 356 They allow disposal of NORM wastes “in a plugged and abandonedwell” “at least 250 feet below the base of usable water quality,” through treatment and burial at350 Mont. Admin. R. 36.22.1005 (2011).351 See Weston, supra note 221, at 34 (noting NORM as a “constituent of concern” in flowback water).352 Dancy, supra note 39, at 25.353 Id.354 Id. at 26.355 Railroad Comm’n. of Tex., NORM – Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material,http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/environmental/publications/norm.php.356 16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.611 (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 116
  • 352. the site where NORM was generated, landfarming at the site where the NORM waste wasgenerated, “disposal at a licensed facility,” or injection into a disposal well. 357 Louisiana similarlyallows disposal of NORM in plugged and abandoned wells if the operator first obtains apermit. 358An additional consideration in oil gas waste disposal is the centralized E&P waste disposalfacility, which accepts a variety of RCRA-exempt exploration and production wastes. AlthoughTable 10 does not describe state requirements for these facilities, a brief introduction toregulation of these facilities is in order. Colorado, for example, requires sampling of all waterwells “within a one (1) mile radius of the proposed facility” prior to the construction of this typeof facility; an operating plan that provides for emergency response, site security, inspection andmaintenance, and other safety precautions; surface water diversion to accommodate a one-hundred year, twenty-four hour flood event; and other measures. 359 New Mexico similarlyrequires that centralized disposal facilities have a “best management practice plan to ensureprotection of fresh water, public health, safety, and the environment,” a plan to control waterrunoff, a “leachate management plan,” 360 an “inspection and maintenance plan,” 361 and othermeasures.No matter the method of disposal chosen for various drilling and fracturing wastes, disposalposes a number of environmental and health risks. If the waste is not adequately treated prior toarriving at a POTW and the POTW cannot handle the new types and quantity of waste, levels oftotal dissolved solids, radioactive substances, and other pollutants in the receiving stream mayrise to unhealthy levels. If drilling and fracturing wastes are applied to land surfaces and then runoff into a surface water body, or to soils or surface waters with connections to underground357 16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.614 (2011).358 Louisiana Dept. of Envtl. Quality, Norm Disposal in a Well to be P&A,http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/Portals/0/permits/Radiation/PDF%20RPD-34%20NORM%20Disposal%20in%20a%20Well%20to%20be%20PA%2006.pdf.359 Colorado Admin. Code § 404-1:908 (2011).360 NM Admin. Code § C. (2011).361 NM Admin. Code § L. (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 117
  • 353. waters, there is also a risk of contamination. Some states, including Oklahoma 362 and WestVirginia, 363 still appear to allow land application of flowback water. Although Oklahoma’sregulations allow this, the Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner has stated that land applicationis not permitted.364 Oklahoma should revise its regulations to make this clear. West Virginia, inturn, has stated that land applications of large volumes of flowback may not be “practical,” 365 butit, too, should ban the practice or severely constrain land application to areas where resourceswill not be negatively impacted.Tables 11a to 11f provide examples of state regulation of disposal of oil and gas exploration andproduction wastes with respect to the following: • Drill cuttings from water-based drilling • Drill cuttings from petroleum-based drilling • Water-based drilling fluids • Oil-based drilling fluids • Flowback • Produced waterTable 11a. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: Drill cuttings from water-baseddrillingAR Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.CO Interim reclamation: cuttings back-filled in pits. COGCC Rule 1003KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.362 Okl. Admin. Code § 165:10-7-24 (b)(3), (c)(1),(2),(5), and (7) (West 2011).363 See State of West Virginia, Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Oil and Gas, Well Work PermitApplication Addendum, (requiring the operator to indicate the water disposal method and to “estimate . . . [thepercentage that] each facility is to receive, and listing as possible facilities “[l]and [a]pplication, “UIC”(underground injection control well), “POTW” (publicly owned wastewater treatment plant), “NPDES” (NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System permit under the Clean Water Act to discharge into waters of the UnitedStates), and “[o]ther.”).364 Jim Myers, “Fracking” Is Termed Eco-Safe at Hearing, Tulsa World, Apr. 13, 2011, available athttp://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20110413_16_A9_CUTLIN944671.365 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Industry Guidance 4 (Jan. 8, 2010), available athttp://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and-gas/GI/Documents/Marcellus%20Guidance%201-8-10%20Final.pdf (“While landapplication may generally be an option . . . [i]n smaller, shallower wells, it may not be practical in dealing with thevolume of water expected at these sites.”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 118
  • 354. LA On site, surface discharge (but not within parks, etc. or within 1,300 ft. of active oyster bed), or moved offsite to approved commercial facility or transfer station. LAC 43:XIX.313 (2011); LAC 33:IX.708 (2011)MD Landfarming (in areas of disturbance), approved disposal facility, other methods approved by MD DOE. COMAR and .06 (2011)MI If NORM material encountered, “store, reuse or recycle” after removing free tubulars or reinsert into wellbore and plug. 366MT In manner so as not to degrade water, harm soils. ARM 36.22.1005 (2011)NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Burial on site; consultation with Division of Materials Mgt. required if water or brine-based mud contains chemical additives. RSGEIS 7.1.9 (2011)ND On site. N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-19.2 (2011)OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Commercial pit. OAC 165:10-9-1; land application OAC 165:10-7-28 and 10-7-29PA Pit on site or land application (requirements vary depending on whether from above or below casing seat). 25 Pa. Code 78.61 (2011)TX Landfarming of drill cuttings obtained while using low chloride drilling fluids, burial of drill cuttings obtained while using drilling fluids with more than 3,000 mg/liter chloride concentration 16 TAC § 3.8(d)(3) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.366 In the Matter of: The Need and Desirability to Issue an Order Establishing Particular Requirements for Pluggingof Wells Where Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) May be Present, Mich. Dept. Nat. Res. OrderNO. 3-6-92. http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3311_4111_4231-9171--,00.html indicates that this case,cited from: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/ogs-oilandgas-sow-3-6-92_261340_7.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 119
  • 355. Table 11b. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: Drill cuttings from petroleum-based drillingAR Class 1 landfill or other ADEQ-approved methods. AOGC Rule B-17(i) (2010) 367CO If count as “oily waste,”commercial solid waste facility, land treatment on site, or land treatment at centralized E&P facility. 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 907 (2011)KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Community well or class II UIC well LAC 43:XIX.313 (2011). No discharge allowed. LAC 33:IX.708 (2011).MD See water-based drill cuttings.MI Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MT If used within floodplain, must dispose off site. ARM 36.22.1005 (2011).NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Part 360 solid waste disposal facility. RSGEIS 7.1.9ND On-site disposal. N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-19.2 (2011) (does not differentiate betw. water- and oil- based)OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Commercial pit or land application. OAC 10-7-26 OAC 165: 10-9-1)PA Pit on site or land application (requirements vary depending on whether from above or below casing seat). 25 Pa. Code 78.61 (2011)TX Burial of drill cuttings obtained while using drilling fluids with more than 3,000 mg/liter chloride concentration 16 TAC § 3.8(d)(3) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.367 Because A.O.G.C. Rule B-17(c)(21) defines reserve pits as containing drill cuttings, this section assumes thatfluid disposal requirements for reserve pits also apply to drill cuttings. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 120
  • 356. Table 11c. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: Water-based drilling fluidsAR Land applied, NPDES or state-permitted facility, Class II UIC well, down well bore, solidified and buried in situ. AOGC Rule B-17CO Class II UIC well, commercial solid waste disposal facility, land treatment/land application at centralized E&P waste mgt. facility, “drying and burial in pits on non-crop land”, land application. COGCC Rule 907KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA See water-based drill cuttings.MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Approved UIC well. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.703 (2011)MT In manner so as not to degrade water, harm soils. ARM 36.22.1005 (2011).NM All liquids from temp. pits must be sent to “division-approved facility” or recycled/reused. NM ADC B. (2011). Those from permanent pits must go to division-approved facility. Id. at C.NY Not indicated in of RSGEIS (“drilling fluids”)ND Top water from reserve pit removed and “disposed of in an authorized disposal well or used in a manner approved by the director” 43-02-03-19.2OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Commercial pit. OAC 165:10-9-1; commercial soil farming OAC 165:10-9-2; land application OAC 165:10-7-19 (for water-based fluids from earthen tanks)PA Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.TX Landfarming for low-chloride fluids, burial for dewatered fluids with “chloride concentration in excess of 3,000 mg/liter.” 16 TAC § 3.8 (d)(3)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Landfarming, landspreading, roadspreading w/ DEQ and Oil and Gas Conservation Commission permission. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1 (mm) (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 121
  • 357. Table 11d. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: Oil-based drilling fluidsAR Class 1 landfill or re-use at another well location. AOGC Rule B-17CO Disposal at commercial solid waste disposal facility, land treatment onsite, land treatment at centralized E&P waste mgt. facility. COGCC Rule 907KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA Community well or class II UIC well LAC 43:XIX.313 (2011). No discharge allowed. LAC 33:IX.708 (2011)MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Approved UIC well. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.703 (2011)MT If used within floodplain, must dispose off site. ARM 36.22.1005 (2011).NM All liquids from temp. pits must be sent to “division-approved facility” or recycled/reused. NM ADC B. (2011). 368NY Pit liners for pits that contain oil-based drilling fluids must be disposed of in solid waste landfill. R SGEIS 5.13.12ND Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Soil farming of oil-based drilling muds prohibited. OAC 165:10-9(i) (West 2011)PA Potential discharge from pit (when mixed with water) with DEP approval 25 Pa. Code § 78.60; after dewatering, residual waste may be disposed of in pit on site following certain requirements (setbacks, etc.) 25 Pa. Code § 78.62TX Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Landfarming, landspreading, roadspreading w/ DEQ and Oil and Gas Conservation Commission permission; permitted disposal facility, bioremediation, burial after encapsulation if below certain dissolved solid and oil concentrations. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1 (ii), (mm) (2011)368 Those liquids from permanent pits must go to division-approved facility. NM ADC C. (2011). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 122
  • 358. Table 11e. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: flowbackAR No disposal in mud, circulation, or reserve pit or through land application, except temp. storage allowed as part of flow-back recycling system. AOGC Rule B-17 (2011)CO If “workover” fluids encompasses flowback, disposal at solid waste disposal facility, treatment at centralized E&P waste management facility, Class II UIC well. COGCC Rule 906KY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.LA “Workover, completion, and stimulation” fluids: community well, class II UIC well, or surface discharge, where authorized. LAC 43:XIX.313 (2011)MD “Treatment facility, pit, impoundment, or dam” 369MI UIC. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.703 (2011)MT Nothing flowback-specific. In manner so as not to degrade water, harm soils. ARM 36.22.1005 (2011).NM Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.NY Approved wastewater treatment plant or recycling/reuse. R SGEIS 7.1.8ND “All waste associated with exploration or production of oil and gas must be properly disposed of in an authorized facility in accord with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.” N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-19.2 (2011)OH Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.OK Recycling, burial, noncommercial pits, underground injection. 370 OAC 165:10-7-24 (b)(3), (c)(1),(2),(5), and (7)PA Previously, wastewater treatment plants after TDS treatment. Currently,per “request” of DEP, waste must be disposed of through UIC well, recycling, or out-of-state disposal 25 PA ADC 95.10 (2011) 371TX Underground injection control well. 16 TAC § 3.9(1) (2011). Unclear whether contents of completion/workover pits include flowback, but dewatered contents from these pits may be disposed of within the pit on site. 16 TAC § 3.8(d)WV Land application, UIC wells. WV DEP Industry GuidanceWY Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.369 Maryland Department of the Environment, Application for Gas Exploration and Production, Section 4. MarcellusShale Wells/ Hydro Fracturing Addendum, Form No. MDE/LMA/PER.045 at 7, Oct 2008, available athttp://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/permit/MDE-LMA-PER045.pdf.370 Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Jeff Cloud reports that the Commission requires either recycling orunderground injection. See Jim Myers, “Fracking” Is Termed Eco-Safe at Hearing, Tulsa World, Apr. 13, 2011,available athttp://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20110413_16_A9_CUTLIN944671.371 For a description of the DEP request, see Hopey, supra note 7. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 123
  • 359. Table 11f. Regulation of drilling and fracturing waste disposal: produced waterAR Identical to water-based drilling fluids rule. AOGC Rule B-17CO Class II UIC well, evaporation/percolation in pit, permitted commercial facility, roadspreading outside of sensitive areas, discharge into state waters with permit, lined pit at a centralized E&P waste management facility, reuse and recycling . 2 CCR 404-1 Rule 907 (2011)KY Enhanced recovery well, UIC well, permitted surface discharge (including discharge into water), evaporation, reverse osmosis, other approved method—provided that no method violates water quality standards. 401 KAR 5:090 (2011)LA “Subsurface injection into legally permitted or authorized operators saltwater disposal wells, commercial saltwater disposal wells, enhanced recovery injection wells, community saltwater disposal wells, or gas plant disposal wells.” LAC 43:XIX.303.B (2011)MD Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.MI Approved UIC well, ice or dust control in limited circumstances. MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.703 (2011); MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 324.705 (2011)MT If >15,000 ppm TDS, Class II UIC well or lined or unlined earthen pit if can show volume of water to be disposed of in each pit will not exceed 5 bbl/day monthly and won’t degrade water or harm soils. ARM 36.22.1226 (2011)NM “Delivery to a permitted salt water disposal well or facility, secondary recovery or pressure maintenance injection facility, surface waste management facility or permanent pit [permitted]; or to a drill site for use in drilling fluid.” NM ADC (2011)NY Possible road spreading after beneficial use determination and NORM analysis; POTWs with approved pre-treatment program. R SGEIS 5.16.6; See flowbackOH UIC (except exempt Mississippian wells). Ohio Rev. Code § 1509.22(C) (West 2011); road application if approved by municipality and meets other conditions. Ohio Rev. Code § 1509.226 (West 2011)OK Produced water from tanks may be discharged on to land with maximum Exchangeable Sodium Percentage, slope, min. depth to bedrock, min. depth of water table, etc. OAC 165:10-7-17PA POTW after treatment for TDS, etc. (But see flowback disposal discussion. Recent move away from POTWs). 25 PA ADC §95.10TX Underground injection control well. 16 TAC § 3.9(1) (2011)WV Search did not locate statute, regulation, or policy addressing this issue.WY Landfarming, landspreading, roadspreading w/ DEQ and Oil and Gas Conservation Commission permission. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1 (mm) (2011). If pit solids have high concentration of salt, permitted facility, encapsulation, or chemical or mechanical treatment. WY ADC OIL GEN Ch. 4 s 1 (ii), (mm) (2011) Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 124
  • 360. 4.13 Restoring the siteAfter drilling and fracturing are completed and an operator has disposed of the waste, manystates require that the operator restore the site. Operators often must empty pits of waste and fillthem in, test soils for contamination remove any contaminated soils, stabilize the soils on site,and, in some cases establish vegetative cover on the site. 372 Arkansas requires that pits and the“applicable portion of the drill pad not utilized for production purposes . . . shall be returned tograde, reclaimed and seeded within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed one hundredeighty days (180) days after the drilling or workover rig is removed from the site.” 373 Kentuckyprovides, in turn, “In conjunction with the plugging and abandonment of any well or the reworkingof any well, the operator shall restore the surface and any improvements thereon to a condition asnear as practicable to their condition prior to commencement of the work.” 374 Although most stateshave comprehensive remediation requirements, states should consider the additional surfacecontamination that may have occurred as a result of fracturing, require testing for hazardouschemicals, and update their remediation requirements accordingly, as Colorado has done. 375372 Okla. Admin. Code § 165:10-7-16(c)(7) (2010).373 Rule B-17.374 Kentucky Rev. Stat. § 353.595 (2011).375 COGCC Rule 909 (requiring pit remediation); COGC Table 910-1 (requiring reduction of contamination toallowable concentrations); STRONGER, Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing State Review 25, Oct. 2011, available athttp://www.strongerinc.org/documents/Colorado%20HF%20Review%202011.pdf (describing site remediation). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 125
  • 361. 5 ConclusionThe majority of state regulations that apply to shale gas development were written before shalegas development became common, although some states have revised regulations to specificallyaddress shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing. Arkansas, for example, requires (forfractured wells) that surface casing “have sufficient internal yield pressure to withstand theanticipated maximum pressure to which the casing will be subjected in the well” and appliesspecific cementing requirements to fractured wells. Pennsylvania also has updated its casing andcementing requirements and its requirements for the treatment of flowback water prior todisposal. Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming have similarly updated their casingrequirements to require pressure tests or the use of a pressure relief valve “on the treating linesbetween pumps and wellhead,” among other protections. New York, in turn, has engaged in acomprehensive environmental review of the impacts of high-volume hydraulic fracturing inshales and has proposed aggressive environmental controls, such as requirements for setbacks ofwellpads from natural resources, air emission controls on drilling and fracturing equipment, andthe use of steel tanks to hold drilling and fracturing waste. Colorado recently reviewed its entireoil and gas code and comprehensively updated it, implementing buffer zones around public watersupplies, improving remediation requirements, and adding wildlife protections, among othermeasures. Oklahoma has provided a helpful summary of all of its existing regulations that applyto fracturing operations but has not updated many of its regulations; it is including hydraulicfracturing, however, in a five-year “strategic plan.” 376 Texas, in contrast, has not revised any ofits oil and regulations to address fracturing, with the exception of chemical disclosure.Most of the recent regulatory revisions tend to focus on three prominent concerns: that shale gaswells are cased properly so as to avoid contamination of underground water supplies withmethane; that the content of the fracturing solutions used be known; and that the large quantitiesof wastewater produced are disposed of properly. Many of these revisions have reflectedsuggested regulatory improvements in the literature. The Secretary of Energy Advisory Board376 State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, Oklahoma Hydraulic Fracturing State Review,January 2011, available at http://www.occeweb.com/STRONGER%20REVIEW-OK-201-19-2011.pdf. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 127
  • 362. Shale Gas Production Subcommittee, for example, suggested in its ninety-day report that wemust “improve public information about shale gas operations,” 377 and chemical disclosurerequirements recently enacted in Montana, Texas, and Wyoming take an important step towardthis recommendation. Other revisions have reflected guidelines and recommendations of theState Review of Oil & Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, which encourage disclosure ofchemicals if a health incident occurs, minimum requirements for casing depths belowgroundwater, and spill prevention and contingency plans, among other protections.Despite the regulatory updates in several states and existing, protective regulations in others,significant gaps remain. The paper accompanying this piece, for example, (“State Enforcementof Shale Gas Regulations”), highlights the risks of surface spills, and particularly spills ofundiluted fracturing chemicals. New York has proposed best management practices for thetransportation of chemicals and secondary containment under chemical transfer operations onwellpads; Colorado has special container laws for hazardous chemicals, and Arkansas, regulatesflowback transport. These states have made important steps toward reducing the potentialimpacts of spills, but the many other states with enhanced oil and gas and fracturing activitymust follow this lead. States should review whether Department of Transportation regulations forhazardous materials adequately prevent spills of fracturing fluid.Other gaps remain in the areas of well casing and cementing, water withdrawal, waste storage,and waste disposal. Professor Duncan notes the importance of long-term well integrity and ofavoiding the rare risk of underground well blow-outs during drilling and fracturing. A well that isimproperly cased and plugged can leak methane or other substances after it is plugged and alsoincreases the risk of an underground blowout. States that have not yet revised their casing,cementing, and blowout prevention regulations to account for the additional pressure thathydraulic fracturing places on the well should do so. They also should require, as Pennsylvaniaand several other states have, that if an operator installs used casing, the casing must first bepressure tested. Because fracturing also expands the amount of water required for oil and gasdevelopment, states should update water withdrawal monitoring requirements and reconsider the377 The SEAB Shale Gas Production Subcommittee Ninety-Day Report, Aug. 11, 2011. Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 128
  • 363. need to permit withdrawals of water for oil and gas development. For the storage and disposal offlowback water after fracturing, states that have not yet done so should update their waste storagelaws to describe the types of pits in which flowback water should be stored. They also shouldimplement liner requirements for flowback storage and ensure that flowback pits are not locatednear surface waters or other important natural resources. Finally, states must update their wastedisposal laws to account for the addition of a new waste stream—flowback water—from the oiland gas development process. As the EPA works toward writing wastewater standards, statesshould ensure that flowback is not land applied and is adequately treated if sent to a plant forwastewater treatment and discharge to surface waters.The maze of regulation that applies to shale gas development—much of which is stateregulation—is difficult to navigate, and no one paper can comprehensively describe theregulatory re-evaluation and modification that should occur to address the rise of shale gasdevelopment. A number of existing sources, including guidelines from the Ground WaterProtection Council and the Council’s State Review of Oil and Natural Gas EnvironmentalRegulations, provide a good starting point. 378 These guidelines do not fully address, however, allpotential impacts of shale gas development, from seismic testing through site restoration. Thispaper has briefly explored all core stages of shale gas development and provided examples ofregulation at each of these stages in an attempt to inspire further conversation about improvedregulation. Much more work is needed, but the authors hope that the regulatory examples herewill provide valuable source material for future projects.378 Ground Water Protection council, supra note xx, at 7 (providing “Key Messages and Suggested Actions”). Rough draft—please do not cite without permission. 129
  • 364. 6 State Enforcement of Shale Gas Regulations 58
  • 365. Table of Contents________________________________________________1  Introduction ...........................................................................................................................3 2  Scope of Coverage; Objectives and Methods .......................................................................5 3  Enforcement Capacity .........................................................................................................11 4  Environmental Effects Associated with State Environmental Violations and Enforcement at Shale Oil, Shale Gas, and Tight Sands Sites ...................................................................15 5  Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................29  1 1
  • 366. 1 IntroductionThe United States is in the midst of a boom in natural gas and oil production, much of which hasoccurred in shale formations around the country. As shale development has expanded—largelyas a result of new horizontal drilling and “slickwater” hydraulic fracturing techniques—questionshave arisen regarding the environmental risks of drilling and fracturing in shales and how laws,policies, and regulations (described generally as “regulations” throughout this paper) addressthese risks. To understand how regulation addresses risks, one must know both the content ofregulations and how they are applied through inspections of well sites, notation of violations,and/or enforcement. Regulations have little effect if they are rarely applied to regulated actors;looking to both the content of regulations, violations of the regulations, and enforcementtherefore provides a more complete picture of the regulation of shale gas development.A second paper by this author, entitled “Regulation of Shale Gas Development,” addresses thecontent of federal, regional, state, and local regulations that apply to shale gas development.This paper, “State Enforcement of Shale Gas Regulations,” takes up the task of describing howthese regulations are applied. It briefly surveys complaints about shale gas and tight sandsdevelopment lodged by citizens with state agencies,1 states’ notation of environmental violationsat shale gas and tight sands2 wells (abbreviated generally as “shale gas wells” in this paper) bothin response to these complaints and as a result of independently-instigated site visits or self-reported violations, and states’ capacity to inspect sites and enforce violations noted. Theobjective of this “on-the-ground” review of shale gas development regulatory activities is tooffer a preliminary identification and analysis of environmental effects of shale gas developmentand how states address through citations of violations and/or initiation of enforcement action.This paper also aims to illuminate media accounts and academic perspectives on shale gas1 In places, the paper also addresses tight sands and shale oil development, as these types of development use similartechnologies and can provide important lessons for shale gas development.2 Throughout this paper, the author generally refers only the shale gas wells because these wells comprised thelargest component of the enforcement data collected. 3 3
  • 367. development, described in separate papers by Professors Matt Eastin and Suzanne Pierce, bycomparing the academic and media focus with the effects that states have identified throughcomplaints and inspections. Looking to state enforcements of environmental regulations atshale gas and tight sands sites (where wells also are typically hydraulically fractured) provides aglimpse into the types of risks posed by drilled and fractured wells and the potential magnitudeof these risks.33 Addition information that might help to describe risks would be an analysis of the types of industry actors involvedin horizontal drilling and fracturing. Large companies with adequate capital and years of experience, for example,may tend to cause fewer violations than would, for example, small ones. Indeed, for several of the more seriousviolations noted at well drilling and fractures sites in Texas, the operator involved entered bankruptcy proceedings.See Lease no. 0613349, docket 09-0260793, Oak Hills Drilling & Oper., LLC (enforcement records indicate masterdefault order signed with requirement that “respondent must plug wells and otherwise place in compliance, notationthat operator is in bankruptcy); Lease no. 0628399, docket 09-0250732, Saddle Creek Energy Development(enforcement records indicate a $23,400 penalty assessed for improper disposal methods and that operator is inbankruptcy). This study does not describe the specific entity that caused the violations described at sites. The dataunderlying the study, however, include company names. Future investigation that included an analysis of violationsand the size of the entity causing the violation could offer a valuable predictive tool with respect to risk. 4 4
  • 368. 2 Scope of Coverage; Objectives and MethodsThis paper addresses both regulatory and scientific components of the “Fact-Based Regulationfor Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Resource Development” project. The paperinvestigates violations of environmental and oil and gas regulations noted by state agency staffand, where applicable, enforcement of these violations, combined with states’ capacity toenforce.4 This tends to show the types of environmental effects caused by shale gasdevelopment. If states with adequate inspection and enforcement capacity (and thus the capacityto investigate and respond to a range of potential environmental effects) note a large number ofviolations for chemical spills at the surface, for example, this may suggest that surface spills areone of the primary environmental effects of shale gas development.5 Understanding states’identification of violations and accompanying enforcement actions also may provide a morenuanced picture of states’ regulatory responses to the effects of shale gas development byshowing the types of effects that states have prioritized for response.The report assumes that state enforcement of laws regulating shale gas development shows someof the most common environmental effects of this development, with several caveats. Whenstates have little capacity to enforce regulatory requirements or inspect sites for violations,enforcement data are insufficient to accurately describe the effects of shale gas development.6Further, even if states have adequate inspection capacity and therefore respond to a range ofpotential environmental effects, field inspectors may tend to notice certain violations but notothers: Spills, inadequate fencing around a well pad, and a failure to revegetate a site, for4 This paper addresses capacity to enforce by identifying the number of field inspectors and attorneys at agencies. Itdoes not investigate, however, states’ political will or commitment to enforce, which also may affect the number ofinspections and enforcements.5 Other factors also may contribute to a high number of spill responses, of course. A field inspector can more easilydetect surface spills than underground water contamination, for example. Enforcement actions at a minimum do,however, point to some of the effects.6 Low levels of enforcement activity could be caused by several factors. First, low enforcement levels might suggestthat shale gas development has few environmental effects and therefore causes few violations of environmentalregulations. Alternatively, the levels might indicate that shale development has environmental effects that wouldcause violations of the state’s laws but that the state has low enforcement capacity. 5 5
  • 369. example, may be obvious; detection of alleged effects such as water well contamination and airemissions often requires special equipment and may be not be detected if not tested. On theother hand, a large number of violations such as spills and inadequate fencing may simplysuggest that these are the most common issues encountered.To identify states’ enforcement of environmental regulation of shale gas development and theircapacity to enforce, the author, with the valuable assistance of six University of Texas School ofLaw research assistants, attempted to collect data, categorize, and analyze data on complaintsand enforcements from fifteen of the sixteen states discussed in “State Regulation of Shale GasDevelopment.”7 Specifically, for the period of approximately 2008-2011,8 we attempted toobtain the following data from state oil and gas (and, in limited cases, environmental) agencies:  the number of annual field inspectors devoted to oil and gas enforcement and, specifically, to enforcement at shale gas or oil and/or tight sands wells, if any;  the total number of annual field inspectors at the agency (if none were assigned specifically to oil and gas or shale gas or oil and/or tight sands development);  the total number of field inspector visits to shale gas or oil and/or tight sands sites (or to oil and gas well sites, if shale gas/oil and tight sands information was not available);  the total number of attorneys annually assigned to enforce violations at oil and gas wells;  all violations of municipal, state, and/or federal laws identified at shale gas and tight sands well sites and at the disposal stage;  enforcement of municipal, state, and/or federal laws at shale gas well sites and at the disposal stage; and7 Due to time constraints and the fact that few shale gas wells have been drilled in Kentucky, the author omitted thisstate from her enforcement analysis.8 The time period for data collected varied among states due to the period over which shale development hasoccurred and the quantity of information that each state was willing or able to collect and provide). 6 6
  • 370.  environmental testing, sampling, and/or monitoring at shale gas well sites, including any agency determinations of whether shale gas development caused environmental or health effects.To locate data on violations and enforcement of environmental laws at well sites, we firstsearched for complaint, violation, and enforcement data in online databases and other web-basedinformation made publicly available by state oil and gas and environmental agencies. In cases inwhich sufficient data were not available online, we then contacted agencies by phone and/or e-mail, requesting all complaints, violations, and enforcements at shale gas, shale oil, and tightsands wells recorded between 2008 and 2011 (or earlier if substantial development began prior to2008). We followed up with official public records requests if we still had not obtained theneeded data. For data on employees and inspections made, we also scanned agency websites,requested the information from agencies, and, for some states, reviewed reports from the StateReview of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations, which survey state oil and gasagencies and voluntarily review these agencies’ regulatory programs to identify strengths andareas for improvements in the programs. We also surveyed some state agencies’ sunset reports,which describe agencies’ staffing and performance.We emphasize caution in drawing overly broad conclusions from the data described in Part 4.First, the violation and enforcement data collected are, by necessity, incomplete. The manner inwhich we requested and obtained data from each state differed, partially due to state norms andinitial agency responses to our requests. Responses to these requests differed; some statesprovided full data sets of all violations and enforcements at shale and/or tight sands sites over arecent time period (ranging from three to ten years), others provided partial data sets, and stillothers provided no information. States also have a variety of methods for collecting, recording,and organizing enforcement data, which influenced the data that they were able to provide. NewYork, for example, does not keep separate enforcement records,9 requiring a review of every9 Telephone Conservation between Joel Daniel, Research Assistant to Professor Wiseman, and Jennifer Maglienti,New York Department of Environmental Conservation, August 3, 2011. 7 7
  • 371. well file to identify whether the agency has enforced environmental regulations for each well.(New York also has not yet allowed high-volume hydraulic fracturing within the state unlessoperators first conduct a site-specific review, which makes New York data less relevant from theperspective of fracturing.)For states that maintain records of inspections, violations, and post-inspection enforcement thatare separate from general well files, some keep online records, while others do not. Some statesare in the process of moving from hard copy to online record systems and indicated that any dataprovided would be incomplete.10 States’ differing methods of maintaining and reportinginspection, violation, and enforcement also may lead, in some cases, to inaccurate reporting.This report only conveys the information provided by states and does not certify the accuracy ofthat information. Finally, even when we obtained comprehensive enforcement data from a state,the state may have failed to preserve or investigate certain complaints about shale gasdevelopment, and we were unable to determine from the information collected which complaintswere not preserved and/or not addressed. Without more information about these complaints, wecannot properly analyze their validity.The data described in Section 4 also are incomplete due to the dual nature of some states’ oil andgas environmental regulation. Although we attempted to contact both environmental and oil andgas agencies to obtain data on enforcement at shale gas sites, we focused primarily on the agencyin the state with the primary authority over oil and gas wells. Most of the enforcement data thatwe received therefore came from oil and gas agencies or the oil and gas division of states’environmental agencies. It is important to note, therefore, that particularly in the states whereother sections of environmental agencies have key jurisdictional authority over oil and gasdevelopment, the enforcement data are incomplete. This is particularly relevant for issues suchas air quality and wastes with naturally occurring radioactive materials (“NORM”): In many10 See, e.g., Telephone Conservation between Hannah Wiseman, Assistant Professor, and Tom Richmond, MontanaDepartment of Natural Resources, Board of Oil and Gas, August 16, 2011 (indicating that Montana is moving to anonline system and expressing concern that any enforcement data provided would be incomplete, as the records arein transition). 8 8
  • 372. states, both environmental and oil and gas agencies have jurisdiction over certain aspects ofNORM handling and disposal, as discussed in “State Regulation of Shale Gas Development.”Finally, of the states that provided violation and enforcement data, several of the data sets werenot complete.11Finally, a small percentage of the violations described in Part 4 may be associated with wells thatwere not fractured. Some states do not maintain information in their files on whether a well wasfractured or not or cannot sort by this function. For these states, we attempted to identifycomplaints, violations, and enforcements at all wells drilled in counties where there are shale ortight sands formations; this was the best proxy available for identifying fractured wells, but it isnot perfect; some wells drilled in counties overlying shale or tight sands formations may not infact have been fractured. In light of the fact that this study addressed all stages of shaledevelopment, however—including the site development and drilling that occurs for all types ofoil and gas wells—even enforcements that occurred at non-fractured wells can contribute to ourunderstanding of the types of environmental effects that may arise at all stages of the shale gasdevelopment process.Taken together, the incomplete complaint and enforcement data examined below offer apreliminary picture of the types of environmental effects of shale gas development and stateresponses to these effects. Identifying complaints relating to and environmental enforcement ofshale gas development is not a perfect measure of potential environmental effects; effects may gounnoticed by gas companies, the media, individuals and organizations lodging complaints, and/orregulatory agencies. The data described below may, however, suggest the range of potentialenvironmental effects from well development and from the fracturing process itself and howregulatory bodies are responding to these effects.11 The author has additional violation and enforcement data from Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginiathat are not discussed in detail in this paper due to time constraints. The author is continuing to categorize andanalyze these data; please contact her if you wish to see updated results. 9 9
  • 373. 1010
  • 374. 3 Enforcement Capacity To measure a state’s capacity to inspect sites, to identify violations of environmental law, and to conduct post-violation enforcement—and thus the likelihood that the state’s described below identified a reasonably broad range of potential environmental effects in their shale gas inspection and enforcement activities—we collected data on staff and inspection numbers, as described in Section 3. Several states have not yet responded to our inquiries about enforcement capacity, but Table 1 summarizes the data that we have obtained to date and includes data from additional sources, including the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations and a sunset report prepared by the Railroad Commission of Texas. Table 1. State Shale Gas Development Inspection and Enforcement Capacity, 2008-2011 CO12 LA13 MD14 MI15 MT NM16 ND17 OH OK PA18 TX WY19Number of 0 308 195 10,14620active shalegas, tightsands, and/oroil shale wells20082009 0 153 768 25 wells2010 0 120 1,386 complet ed in2011 0 72 1,015 2009-11 period21 12 Data for the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. 13 Data for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation. 14 Data for Maryland Department of the Environment. 15 Data for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Number of wells drilled for Michigan describes shale gas wells. 16 Data for the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Oil Conservation Division. 17 Data for the North Dakota Industrial Commission, Department of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Division. 18 Data for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. 19 Data for the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (OGCC) unless otherwise indicated. DEQ refers to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division. 20 Railroad Comm’n of Tex., Newark (East) Barnett Shale Well Count, http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/barnettshale/barnettshalewellcount1993-2010.pdf. 21 E-mail from Thomas E. Doll, State Oil and Gas Supervisor, Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, to Jeremy Schepers, June 21, 2011 (To-date only 25 wells have been completed in these unconventional oil reservoirs, 10 in the Niobrara shale, 6 Sussex, 6 Turner, 2 Parkman and 1 Frontier sand well.”). Note, however, that beyond the unconventional reservoirs, many more gas wells have been hydraulically fractured in Wyoming. See id. (“Statewide 11 11
  • 375. Table 1. State Shale Gas Development Inspection and Enforcement Capacity, 2008- 2011(continued) CO LA MD MI MT NM ND OH OK PA TX WYTotal number of 17- 12524field inspectors in 2223agency 2008 NA 6422 NA 27 6 16 NA NA2009 NA 62 NA 25 7 16 NA 17-22 3525 NA2010 NA 61 4 24 7 16 NA 17-22 4826 76 NA2011 12 59 4 22 7 16 11 28 12 O&G 7 DEQ27Of total inspectors 27 16 NA NA NAlisted above, totalnumber ofinspectorsassigned to shalegas wells 2008 4328 NA2009 4129 NA 25 16 NA NA NA2010 4030 431 NA NA2011 3832 433 NA NAin 2008 1,148 wells were hydraulically fractured and 6,376 individual treatments were performed, in 2009 746 wellshad 5,675 individual HF treatments, and in 2010 704 wells had 5,974 individual HF treatments.”).22 Number indicates “number of staff positions authorized at the beginning of the fiscal year for field inspectors.”23 Number indicates full time employees, which “ranged from 17-22 from 2008-2010.” Response of Tom Tugend,Deputy Chief, to inquiry from Matt Peña, Sept. 26, 2011.24 Railroad Comm’n of Tex., Self-Evaluation Report at 97 (Sept. 2009), available athttp://www.sunset.state.tx.us/82ndreports/rct/ser.pdf.25 Sabrina Shankman, New Gas Drilling Rules, More Staff for Pennsylvania’s Environmental Agency, ProPublica,Feb. 9, 2010, available at http://www.propublica.org/article/new-gas-drilling-rules-more-staff-for-pennsylvanias-environmental-agency.26 See State Rev. of Oil & Nat. Gas Envtl. Regs., Oklahoma Hydraulic Fracturing State Review (Jan. 2011),available at http://www.occeweb.com/STRONGER%20REVIEW-OK-201-19-2011.pdf.27 The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s Water Quality Division has seven field inspectors whospend, on average, half of their time on oil and gas activities. E-mail from John Wagner, Wyoming Department ofEnvironmental Quality, Water Quality Division, to Jeremy Schepers, June 28, 2011.28 Attorneys are devoted to oil and gas sites (excluding field inspectors for “pipelines, underground injection controlstructures, and commercial facilities authorized to dispose of exploration and production waste”), not tohydraulically fractured wells specifically.29 See id.30 See id.31 Represents inspectors devoted to oil and gas enforcement.32 See supra note 28.33 Represents inspectors devoted to oil and gas enforcement. 12 12
  • 376. Table 1. State Shale Gas Development Inspection and Enforcement Capacity, 2008- 2011(continued) CO LA MD MI MT NM ND OH OK PA TX WYNumber of field 13 11,01334 16 144 120,866inspections 2008 (Not (all oil and specific gas to shale facilities35) wells.) 32009 186 13,459 16 323 22010 374 22 16,850 16 643 22011 363 0 4,396 16 298 2Number ofattorneys devotedto enforcingactivities at oil andgas wells 2008 2 336 NA2009 2 2 NA2010 2 1 NA2011 2 1 1 1 1.5 DEQ37As Table 1 demonstrates, the ratio of field staff and inspections to the number of active shalegas, shale oil, or tight sands wells in a state varies widely. Part of this variation is due todifferences in reporting. Pennsylvania tallies the number of annual field visits to shale wells, forexample, while other state data on site visits represent all oil and gas inspections conducted.Although state enforcement capacities vary, it appears that the states with current shale gas, shaleoil, and/or tight sands development for which we obtained data--as well as additional states forwhich we have not yet compiled enforcement data but obtained capacity numbers--have theenforcement capacity necessary to address, at minimum, a small range of complaints associated34 From Joe Petit, Enforcement Section, Resource Management Division, Michigan Department of EnvironmentalQuality, Office of Geological Survey: “The total number of inspections performed in the Cadillac and GaylordDistrict Offices. This is the area of the state where shale formations are developed. The number is representative ofall field inspections performed and not specific to the drilling and completion of shale wells.”35 Railroad Comm’n of Tex., supra note 24, at 19.36 Described in response from agency as “enforcement staff.”37 1.5 attorneys address water quality issues, and they spend approximately half of their time enforcing oil and gasissues. Wagner, supra note 27 13 13
  • 377. with this development and to conduct independent enforcement actions. Some states have muchhigher enforcement capacity, and larger numbers of inspections, than others; this likely affectsthe total number of violations noted and enforcement actions taken and may create a morerepresentative set of violations. Michigan conducted nearly 17,000 inspections of all oil and gaswells in the state (not just shale wells) in 2010, for example, and Pennsylvania inspected nearly1,400 shale wells in the same year. 14 14
  • 378. 4 Environmental Effects Associated with State Environmental Violations and Enforcement at Shale Oil, Shale Gas, and Tight Sands SitesBased on the data presented in Table 1 in Section 3, if one assumes that all states have sufficientenforcement capacity to address at least a representative sample of potential violations as shalegas sites, the types of activities underlying these identified violations and/or enforcement actionsmay help to demonstrate the types of activities in shale gas and similar unconventionaldevelopment that cause the most violations. In locating the activities that tend to causeviolations of environmental regulations, one also can analyze typical environmental effects.Improperly casing or cementing a drilled well, for example—an improper plugging—cancontribute to the groundwater pollution problems that have been emphasized in the media, asdiscussed in Professor Matt Eastin’s paper. Surface spills, in turn, if not recovered and/orremediated, can pollute soil and water. Table 2 summarizes the activities at oil and/or gas wellsfor which states noted violations. Where noted, the violations are specific to shale gas wells. 15 15
  • 379. Table 2. Oil and Gas violations: Percent of Total by Violation Type (continued on page 18) 38 Louisiana: Haynesville Michigan: Antrim New Mexico: tight Texas: fractured Shale wells 2009-2011 Shale wells 1999-2011 sands and shales (not shale wells, FY 2008- comprehensive) 2000- 2011 2011 158 total violations 497 total violations 77 total violations 72 total violations40 Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total violations39 violations violations violationsConstruction of access road and well padErosion and 0.8sedimentationMaintenance of site: vegetation, signs, fencingFencing 1.3Signs and labeling 20.0 32.5 18.2 5.6Site maintenance 22.4(clearing weeds, forexample)Drilling (and potentially fracturing)Air quality 0.2 See TCEQ discussionCasing and cementing 3.0 8.3Commingling oil and gas 1.5Failure to prevent oil and 0.6gas wasteFire 1.3Gas or oil leak at 3.0 5.2 1.4wellhead/ventingNoise 0.2 1.3Odors 0 See TCEQ discussionSurface spill condensate 1.3Surface spill contaminant 24.5 5.2not indicatedSurface spill diesel 1.3Surface spill drilling mud 1.5Surface spill oil 0.7 0.4 9.1Surface spill produced 1.5 0.2 33.8waterWellhead and blowout 3.0 1.0 1.44138 It is important to note that Antrim Shale development in Michigan is substantially different from, for example,Barnett Shale development in Texas. For full data on violations and enforcement at Marcellus Shale wells inPennsylvania, see Pennsylvania Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Oil & Gas Inspections – Violations – Enforcement,http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/oilgas/OGInspectionsViolations/OGInspviol.htm.39 Percents, combined, may not reach 100 or may slightly exceed 100 due to rounding.40 See also description of Texas Comm’n. on Envtl. Quality violations noted in text. (over)
  • 380. Louisiana: Haynesville Michigan: Antrim New Mexico: tight Texas: fractured Shale wells 2009-2011 Shale wells 1999-2011 sands and shales (not shale wells, FY 2008- comprehensive) 2000- 2011 2011 158 total violations 497 total violations 77 total violations 72 total violations40 Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total violations39 violations violations violationsequipmentWell spacing 4.2Fracturing-specific violations and complaintsFracturing 1.3Groundwater (1.2)contamination(complaints only)Surface spill frac fluid 9.1Storage of wastePits and tanks: 39.3 0.2 1.3 1.4construction, operation,maintenance, closureSecondary containment 1.5 3.6Disposing of wasteLand application of 2.6wasteImproper disposal 20.8Plugging and site closurePlugging 9.6 11.1Removing equipment, 1.4filling ratholesWell not secured if shut 0.4inProcedural violations: financial security, permits, tests and drills, reportingFinancial issues 7.4(bonding, etc.)Permitting, plat filing, 12.6 7.8 43.1reportingTests and drills 0.1 1.4OtherWater well construction 0.241 No pressure valve on well. 17
  • 381. We obtained data from a number of additional states that are not included in Table 2. Some,including Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia are not included because the data areextensive and will require further efforts to fully categorize and analyze. Other states did notproduce a sufficiently large sample from which to draw conclusions about the prevalence ofviolations at shale gas sites. From late 2009 through 2011, for example, Wyoming has had alimited amount of activity “in the Niobrara shale oil formation as well as oil exploration in tightoil sands of the Sussex, Parkman, Turner and Frontier formations, all occurring in 5 counties inthe eastern half of Wyoming.”42 Twenty-five wells have been drilled and fractured in theseregions, and of these wells, only one has resulted in a violation. In the Niobrara shale oilformation, “an oil spill caused by high winds blowing oil from a heater treater pressure reliefvalve that malfunctioned. That release was contained, remediated, and reclaimed by the operatorto the satisfaction of the landowner with no fines or penalties.43 One other potential violation hasoccurred in Wyoming as a result of vibroseis activity; the Oil and Gas Commission has held theoperator’s seismic reclamation bond “until final inspection of the remediation at sites andreleases can be made.”44Although we have not conducted a comprehensive analysis of violations in Pennsylvania, thisstate has produced the largest number of violations of state environmental and oil and gas laws atshale gas sites, and examples of the types of violations are therefore important to note. In 2011,violations at Marcellus Shale sites in Pennsylvania ranged from improper casing and cementing 45to discharge of fracturing fluids and flowback water. These led the Department ofEnvironmental Protection to issue more than eighty notices of violation (NOVs) but did not in allcases lead to formal enforcement, such as issuance of penalties. One of the activities underlyingthe issuance of an NOV involved the “discharge of fracing fluid to the ground” during fracturing42 E-mail from Tom Doll, State Oil and Gas Supervisor, to Jeremy Schepers, June 21, 2011.43 Id.44 Id.45 See, e.g., well permit 035-21179, Jan. 3, 2011 (discharge of ethylene glycol to well pad); well permit 115-20223,Jan. 5, 2011 (failure to case and cement to prevent migrations into fresh groundwater; defective cement job); wellpermit 115-20341, Feb. 28, 2011 (flowback fluids overtopping tanks spilling to ground surface beyond secondarycontainment); well permit 115-20228, Jan. 10, 2011 (150 barrels of treated and untreated flowback spilled from“partially open valve on blender”); well permit 035-21174, Jan. 7, 2011 (“hose with flowback on ground withdischarge to soil”). 18
  • 382. (causing three violations of Pennsylvania laws).46 Other activities leading to NOVs inPennsylvania in 2011 included, for example, spills of pollutional substances along accessroads,47 tears in a liner on a well pad and dark staining of well site soil,48 a failure to reportdefective casing,49 rolloff containers leaking fluid onto the well pad,50 a failure to restore a sitewithin nine months after completing drilling,51 and a spill of approximately 130 gallons of soap(Aqua Clear Inc. Airfoam B) when the soap “fell off a trailer while in transport.”52 TheDepartment of Environmental Protection also has determined that several gas wells havecontaminated nearby water wells, surface waters, and/or structures with gas;53 from the data thatwe have obtained, we are unable to determine whether or not these wells were drilled in shaleand/or were fractured.Violations in Texas recorded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) arenot included in Table 2 because we only obtained TCEQ data for 2010-2011. We identifiedapproximately sixteen TCEQ violations at Barnett Shale (fractured well) sites for this timeperiod. One violation involved disposing of solids (left over after the disposal of liquid waste) ina landfill without a permit.54 Another involved operating a salt water disposal facility without apermit,55 and the majority of the remaining violations related to air quality (odor issues, naturalgas emissions from compression stations and well pads, and opacity violations).56 A final46 Well permit 081-20197, violation # 616768, July 26, 2011.47 Well permit 081-20271, violation # 605107, Mar. 25, 2011.48 Well permit 115-20250, violation # 603128, Apr. 20, 2011.49 Well permit 115-20284, violation # 604118, Jan. 5, 2011.50 Well permit 115-20635, violation # 624531, Nov. 7, 2011.51 Well permit 015-20296, violation # 616163, July 14, 2011.52 Well permit 125-24174, violation # 615820, June 13, 2011.53 See Regulation of Shale Gas Development, footnote 171 on page 50 (identifying incidents of stray gas migrationfrom wells into underground water, basements, and other resources).54 Well permit. no. RN100825462 (Apr. 29, 2011 violation).55 Well permit no. RN105907588 (Mar. 18, 2010 violation).56 Spreadsheet data on file with author. 19
  • 383. violation addressed sewage from a gas rig site that was leaking and being stored improperlywithout a permit.57In identifying the types of violations noted in Table 2, it is important to understand whichviolations were minor or serious in terms of their environmental effects, as shown in Table 3.The author categorized each effect in Table 3 based on the criteria described in Figure 1. Asdescribed in Figure 1, to label each violation as procedural, minor—no effect, minor effect,substantial, or major, the author took two primary considerations into account, including the typeof violation and enforcement (if any) and the nature of the environmental result, meaning theenvironmental medium affected and the quantity of substance that entered the medium. Anagency’s formal enforcement as a result of the violation, and issuance of a large penalty or anorder to remediate, may indicate that the environmental effect was particularly strong. Factorsother than the strength of the environmental effect also could contribute to an agency’s decisionto formally enforce based on a noted violation, however, including, for example, an entity’sfailure to take corrective action after a violation—even a mundane one—was noted, a desire todeter certain activities that will not necessarily cause environmental harm but potentially could(such as the failure to obtain a permit before constructing a site and drilling), and differing stateenforcement policies. Use of the type of violation or enforcement therefore is not foolproof. Forthe data set that we acquired, Michigan enforcement staff often only noted violations andengaged in no enforcement activity for substantial violations such as “serious erosion” on anaccess road,58 for example, while staff in Louisiana and New Mexico issued notices of violationand fines for violations that did not appear to have any environmental effect, such as a $5,000penalty for a failure to obtain a permit (New Mexico) and $2,000 penalties for similar permittingdeviations in Louisiana. This is due in part to state statutes, which dictate the types ofenforcement actions that agencies may take in response to violations and the amount of thepenalty that they may impose, if any.5957 Well permit no. RN105222574, (Mar. 10, 2010 violation).58 April 13, 1999, violation noted for well with permit number 51521.59 See, e.g., Railroad Comm’n of Tex., supra note 24, at 45 (summarizing the types of amounts of penalties that theRailroad Commission may assess for violations of various statutes, which include penalties of up to $10,000 per day 20
  • 384. Figure 1. Methodology for Identifying the Gravity of the Environmental Effect Caused by aViolationGravity of environmental Activity for which violation Enforcement action Environmental factorseffect occurredProcedural --Permitting All ranges (“violation noted” No indication in violation/field --Reporting through notice of violation notes that failure to obtain --Testing and/or administrative order) permit, report, conduct a test, --Financial assurance or provide financial guarantee resulted in environmental damageMinor--no effect --Equipment failures All ranges (“violation noted” No indication in field notes that --Pit construction, operation, and through notice of violation violation resulted in any maintenance and/or administrative order) environmental damage --Failure to prevent oil and gas waste --Commingling oil and gas --Site maintenance, such as moving weeds --Sign posting and hazard labelsMinor effect --Equipment failures that led to Violation noted, or Small spills and improperly release NOV/administrative order disposed wastes (typically less --Pit construction, operation, and paired with very small than 5 barrels of produced maintenance that led to release environmental effect water or oil) that did not move --Air pollution offsite or otherwise suggest --Spills substantial environmental --Disposal damage. Small quantities of air emissions (slightly over the daily limit, for example).Substantial --Equipment failures that led to Violation noted or Medium spills and improperly release NOV/administrative order + disposed wastes (typically --Pit construction, operation, and substantial environmental more than 5 barrels and less maintenance that led to release effect; remediation order than 10 for produced water or --Failure to plug well twelve oil that stayed on site). For months after abandonment or fracturing fluid spills, any spill inactivity of more than 1 barrel was --Air pollution considered major. --Spills --DisposalMajor --Equipment failures that led to Violation noted or Large spills or improperly release NOV/administrative order + > disposed of wastes (typically --Pit construction, operation, and substantial environmental 10 or more barrels, small to maintenance that led to release effect (or high penalty + large spills that moved off site --Air pollution substantial envtl. effect); and impacted a resource --Spills remediation order + major (drainage ditch, wetland, etc.). --Disposal environmental effect Any spill of fracturing fluid > 1 barrel.“for violations of laws, rules, orders, permits or certificates pertaining to oil and gas well safety or pollutionrequirements”). 21
  • 385. In light of the varied reasons for states’ enforcement choices, adding the environmental result(amount of pollutant release, environmental medium affected, for example) to the type ofviolation helped to levelize violations across states. These environmental proxies are not perfect,however. Drawing a line at ten barrels of non-frac fluid pollutant spilled rather than twenty toidentify major versus substantial spills, for example, is not rooted in scientific calculations aboutthe toxicity of various pollutants, and the quantity spilled has different environmental effectsdepending on the location of the spill. While the environmental effect proxies used here soughtto take into account spill location (assigning more gravity to spills that moved off site), these areonly very rough measures and must be treated as such. With these limitations in mind, Table 3summarizes the approximate percentage of violations in each state that fell into each of thecategories identified for “gravity of the environmental effect.” Table 3. Gravity of Environmental Effect: Percent of Violations That Were Procedural, Were Minor and Resulted In No Environmental Effects, or Caused Minor, Substantial, or Major Effects Louisiana: Haynesville Michigan: Antrim New Mexico: tight Texas: fractured Shale wells 2009-2011 Shale wells 1999-2011 sands and shales (non- shale wells, FY exhaustive) 2000-2011 2008-2011 158 total violations 497 total violations 77 total violations 72 total violations61 Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total Percent of total violations60 violations violations violationsProcedural 60.0 32.8 26.0 52.8Minor—no effect 30.8 28.0 1.3 1.4Minor effect 1.9 24.5 19.5 8.3Substantial 7.1 14.7 41.6 29.2Major 0.6 0.0 11.7 8.3Detailed empirical analysis of these data and a more sophisticated toxicity-based categorizationof environmental effects would be required to draw any firm conclusions about the gravity of theenvironmental effects represented by the violations in each state. Generally, however, the data60 Percents, combined, may not reach 100 or may slightly exceed 100 due to rounding.61 See also description of Texas Comm’n. on Envtl. Quality violations noted in text. 22
  • 386. suggest that the types of violations, as well as the gravity of the environmental effects potentiallyassociated with the violations, varied among states. The most common violations in Louisianainvolved pit and tank construction and maintenance (39% of violations identified in that state),while the most common violations in Michigan were signs and labeling (33%), surface spills ofproduced water in New Mexico (34%),62 and permitting in Texas (43%). Looking to the gravityof the environmental effects associated with various violations, most of the major violationsidentified in New Mexico involved large spills of produced water. (The percentage of spills inNew Mexico as compared to other violations may not be as high as it appears here. Our data setof violations at tight sand wells is not complete, and we identified many of the violations in theState of New Mexico Oil Conservation Division’s “Spills” database.)63 One pre-2008 violationin New Mexico involved land application of produced water (quantity unidentified) accompaniedby a fine of $7,500,64 and another involved an 800-barrel spill of a hydraulic fracturingchemical.65 The major Louisiana incident involved a discharge of saltwater into a swampy area,which required the construction of new containment facilities. An operator was using frac tanksto store produced water, and the tanks overflowed.66 The higher percentage of substantial andmajor effects in New Mexico could potentially result from several factors. New Mexico’sinspectors may focus more closely on environmental effects than on technical violations, such asa failure to post a sign (this may be particularly true recently as a result of the state’s revised “pitrules,” which require lined pits or tanks67). The smaller size of the data set and our reliance onNew Mexico’s database of spills to identify certain violations could skew the percentages.Alternatively, there could indeed be more significant problems in New Mexico.Despite several potential major effects, Table 3 suggests that of the violations identified so far,many are procedural and represent no environmental effects; are minor with no effect—meaning62 Note the discussion elsewhere in this paper explaining that we located many of the New Mexico violations withinthe state’s spills database; a lower percentage of total violations may have involved spills than suggested here.63 See State of New Mexico Oil Conservation Division, OCD Permitting—Spills,https://wwwapps.emnrd.state.nm.us/ocd/ocdpermitting//Data/Incidents/Spills.aspx.64 Well permit 30-045-30652, June 2002 violation.65 Well permit 30-045-34815, violation # KGR0910634065, Mar. 2009 violation.66 Well permit 238585, settled administrative order Mar. 2009.67 New Mexico Admin. Code § 19.15.17 (effective 2008, currently under application for amendment). 23
  • 387. that an inspector noted a flaw in a pit or casing job, for example, but did not note any release of acontaminant to the environment as a result of that flaw; or represent environmental minor effects,such as small releases. As noted earlier, without further data and analysis, it is not possible toknow whether the majority of incidents at shale and tight sands sites are in fact procedural orminor with few environmental effects or simply represent the incidents that agencies havehappened to identify.Another important factor in understanding incidents at well sites and their potential indication ofthe environmental effects at well sites is the number of violations that led to enforcement actionsby state agencies, such as the issuance of administrative orders and civil penalties. Table 4provides example of some of the penalties issued by states, comparing them by the type ofviolation noted. Table 4. Examples of enforcement actions by type of violation Louisiana: Haynesville Michigan: Antrim New Mexico: tight Texas: fractured Shale wells 2009-2011 Shale wells 1999-2011 sands and shales (non- shale wells, FY exhaustive) 2000-2011 2008-2011 158 total violations 497 total violations 77 total violations 72 total violations68Type of violationFailure to obtain permit Administrative order, No permitting violations Agreed order, Agreed order,before drilling or $1,00069 noted. $23,50070 $14,50071completing a well orproducing/transportinggasPit/tank construction Order to take Violation noted, Agreed order, $5,00074 Agreed order,and maintenance appropriate remedial apparently no $1,00075 action72 enforcement7368 See also description of Texas Comm’n. on Envtl. Quality violations noted in text.69 Well permit 240195, Jan. 7, 2010.70 Well permits 30-045-33820; 30-039-29748; 30-045-33476; 30-045-33495, Feb. 8, 2007.71 Well permits 0637567, 232848, 233600, penalty paid Nov. 4, 2008.72 Well permit 240662, Sept. 22, 2010.73 Well permit 54713, Nov. 7, 2001.74 Well permit 30-045-32300, Feb. 2, 2004.75 Well permit 0612459, check received Dec. 5, 2007. 24
  • 388. Table 4 demonstrates that when states initiated formal enforcement action in response to aviolation of an oil and gas or environmental regulation, responses in some cases variedsubstantially—from no enforcement to issuance of a large penalty. This may result fromdiffering state political priorities, differing directives from legislatures (such as the power ofagencies to issue penalties and the amount of the penalty that may be imposed), or varyinggravity of effect. Overall, enforcement actions are sparse compared to violations noted; of theviolations described in Table 2, few resulted in formal enforcement actions, with the exception ofLouisiana and Texas; all of the violations noted for Louisiana and Texas resulted in the issuanceof administrative orders, agreed orders, and/or penalties.76 Although Table 2 does not includePennsylvania data, Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale data (available online),77 provide furtherexamples of violations that led to formal enforcement. Pennsylvania, like other states, did notformally enforce environmental laws in response to a number of violations notes but did imposehigh penalties in certain enforcement actions. Three activities at one well site, for example,including improper construction and use of surface pits, maintenance of the well site (failure topost a sign); and disposal of drill cuttings, drilling fluid, and/or NORM waste, led to a consentorder and agreements and penalty of $188,000.78 Several pre-2008 violations in New Mexicoand Michigan (a time period not covered for Louisiana, and thus not directly comparable) led toformal enforcement. In New Mexico, for example, in addition to the penalties described above,one company’s release of oil as a result of a frozen drain valve led to an approvedcompliance/remediation plan.79 Other penalties in New Mexico resulted from operators’ failingto obtain permits before drilling wells, constructing surface pits, disposing of produced waterabove the liner in a pit, and processing natural gas. Also prior to 2008, Michigan initiated76 This variation may be result from reporting differences. Louisiana and Texas may only have provided us withviolations that led to enforcement actions while omitting other violations; we are communicating with agency staffto clarify the nature of the data provided.77 Pennsylvania Dep’t of Envtl. Protection, Oil & Gas Inspections – Violations – Enforcement,http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/oilgas/OGInspectionsViolations/OGInspviol.htm78 Well permit 125-24033, consent order and agreement Feb. 2011.79 Well permit 30-039-23605, violation # DGF0309237920, Mar.-Apr. 2003. 25
  • 389. compliance cases for contamination of soil at a wellhead80 and issued notices of non-compliancefor failures to plug wells after production ended.81Another useful data point from the violations identified in Table 2 is the number of violationsthat resulted from complaints; this could help to indicate whether complaints tend to validlyidentify environmental effects or not. A limited number of the violations in Table 2 and itsaddendum were noted in response to complaints. The Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission noteda seismic testing violation caused by agricultural ground disturbance after receiving a complaint,for example; the violations were immediately corrected, and no formal enforcement actionensued. Several complaints about oil or gas development activity also are on record in NewMexico and Michigan, although all of these complaints arose prior to 2008. Individualscomplained of a “high-pitched whine” coming from a well site, compressor noises, weeds arounda well, brine spraying from a wellhead, other wellhead leaks (venting gas), an overflowingproduction pit, “pungent nauseating odors,” oil leaks from equipment, and improper reseeding ofsites. In Michigan, complaints of compressor noise, improper reseeding, and gas leaks at thewellhead led the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (Office of Geological Survey)to note violations, but the complaints did not lead to any formal enforcement activity. Of thesmall numbers of complaints received—most of which were received prior to 2008 inMichigan—the agencies noted violations but did not enforce in response to the complaints.In Texas, far more complaints have been recorded by the Texas Commission on EnvironmentalQuality than in other states, although few resulted in notations of violation or enforcement.Specifically, between 2010 and 2011, the agency received approximately 535 complaints aboutgas well development in the Barnett Shale (including gas compressor stations).82 An additional80 Well permit 37853, violation May 2009.81 Well permits 49341 (violation Apr. 2003), 49329, 49341 (violations Aug. 2001).82 Spreadsheet on file with author. See also Barnett Shale Incident Report (V3) provided by Texas Comm’n onEnvtl. Quality to Matt Peña. 26
  • 390. two complaints were lodged with the Environmental Protection Agency. Approximately sixteenof the complaints to the TCEQ resulted in known violations.83Policymakers can glean useful lessons from the data in Table 2 and from additional informationabout violations at shale gas sites in Pennsylvania and other states discussed in this paper. First,surface spills, improper disposal of oil and gas wastes, and problems with leaking pits or tanksare relatively common violations, which can be prevented. These relatively common incidentsarose from a number of mistakes at shale gas, shale oil, or tight sands sites, ranging fromallowing valves to freeze during cold weather to pouring substances into tanks with leaks inthem, failing to maintain adequate dikes and other secondary containment for pits. One incidentin New Mexico, in which a tank released a large quantity of frac water, was attributed tovandalism.84 While vandalism can only be partially controlled through fencing and requirementsfor warning signs, many of these incidents could have been avoided by working with the oil andgas industry to ensure that careful chemical and waste handling procedures are followed. Asdiscussed in more detail in “Regulation of Shale Gas Development,” states should considerenhancing their spill prevention and control requirements and their waste storage rules to preventthese types of incidents.An additional point of interest from Table 2 and additional information on violations is the largenumber of “procedural” violations that arise from oil and gas operators’ failure to obtain a permitprior to drilling, submit an intent to plug, file a completion report, submit blowout prevention orother test results, or otherwise provide data to the agency. Procedural requirements areextremely important because they alert agencies to the existence of a well and the proceduresfollowed in developing the well. With knowledge of the well, agency staff can visit the well siteand ensure that substantive regulations are followed. Due to the importance of permitting andother procedural requirements, it is understandable that in addition to noting many proceduralviolations, state agencies tended to issue stiff penalties for a failure to follow them. In somecases, however, incidents with potentially strong environmental effects—such as large,83 Id.84 Permit no. 30-045-31390, incident # nBP0633238279 (Oct. 2006). 27
  • 391. unrecovered spills of produced water or fracturing chemicals—result in few or no penalties,while a failure to submit a completion report can lead to a several thousand dollar penalty.Penalties, which are important for deterring future violations, speak strongly to the type ofactivity that agencies will not tolerate. Agencies should therefore reconsider their policies forpursuing penalties associated with procedural versus substantive violations and, perhaps, to workwith state legislatures where statutes constrain their ability to issue stiff penalties for substantiveactivities with potentially strong environmental effects. 28
  • 392. 5 ConclusionThe data on violations noted by agencies, and enforcement actions taken in response to certainviolations suggest that many of the environmental effects of shale gas development arise fromthe drilling process itself. Fracturing increases certain risks, such as surface spills of fracturingfluid, and can increase the severity of certain environmental effects (by adding new andsometimes toxic substances to the process, for example). But developing a well that iseventually fractured requires a number of other stages, including site construction and welldrilling, that appear to cause the majority of environmental violations. Agencies and the mediashould recognize that as fracturing has enabled tight sands and shale gas development, oil andgas activity as a whole (not just fracturing) has increased. With more activity comes morepotential for environmental impacts at all stages of the development process, thus necessitatingresponses such as better casing standards to ensure proper construction of wells, improved spillprevention programs and pit construction requirements, and other controls that can reduce theimpact of expanding production.As shown in Table 2, only 9.7 percent of oil and gas activities at shale and tight sands wells inNew Mexico--of the incomplete set of violations that we identified there--were fracturing-specific. The remaining incidents that led to violations in all three states could not be clearlyconnected to fracturing, although some of the spills identified may potentially have occurred atthe fracturing stage (although not indicated in the agency write-up). The data suggest that thetendency in the media to focus most strongly on the fracturing stage of shale gas developmentmay not be wholly justified. Certain violations that occur during the fracturing stage potentiallyhave more problematic environmental effects than, for example, a failure to properly maintain aproduced-water pit (a non-fracturing-specific violation). Activities outside of the fracturingstage, however, should not be ignored. It appears that state agencies already recognize this, asthe violations that they have noted arise at many stages of the well development processunrelated to fracturing. Agencies should ensure, however, that certain pre-fracturingdevelopment stages may require more attention in light of expanding well development and thechanges that fracturing adds to the process. Inspecting sites at the casing stage to ensure that 29
  • 393. casing is done properly, for example, becomes more important if a well is later fractured, whichincreases the pressure on the casing.The rough violation data in this paper echo findings in Professor Ian Duncan’s, Matt Eastin’s,and Suzanne Pierce’s papers, as well as those in the State Regulatory Comparison thataccompanies this white paper. Specifically, the strong focus on contamination of undergroundwater resources in the media and scientific literature could pull attention from the potentiallyhigher risk of surface incidents. In Professor Eastin’s analysis of media reports of shale gasdevelopment, the most common topics addressed in newspaper reports included contamination ofground water or well water by methane/shale gas (166 instances); ground water, well water, oraquifer contamination from fracturing (98 instances); ground water or well water contaminationfrom shale gas in particular formations (145 instances); and well blowouts (76 instances). Inonline media searches, the most common shale gas development topics similarly includedground water, well water, or aquifer contamination from fracturing (83 instances) and wellblowouts (79 instances). Similarly, Professor Suzanne Pierce’s paper shows a strong focus onunderground resources in the scientific literature. As Professor Ian Duncan notes, however, thehighest risks from hydraulic fracturing may arise from surface spills of undiluted fracture fluid—not the fracturing process that occurs in the wellbore. Substantially more data are needed toconfirm or deny the apparently low level of water contamination caused by fracturing so far.Indeed, the Regulatory Comparison that accompanies this paper emphasizes that states shouldrequire pre- and post-drilling analyses of nearby water sources. A nearly exclusive focus on thisarea of concern, however, is short-sighted. Underground water contamination—particularlyfrom improperly cased wells that leak during drilling (or old, improperly cased wells)—is indeeda concern.85 So, too, however, are surface effects.85 See, e.g., Pennsylvania Dept. of Envtl. Protection, Bureau of Oil and Gas Mgt., Stray Natural Gas MigrationAssociated with Oil and Gas Wells,http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/advcoun/oil_gas/2009/Stray%20Gas%20Migration%20Cases.pdf; ., EastResources, Inc., DelCiotto No. 2, Subsurface Natural Gas Release Report Roaring Branch, McNett Township,Lycoming County, Pennsylvania 10-11 (Sept. 18, 2009) (concluding that natural gas that migrated to a spring andwater wells was from natural sources and from the annulus of an improperly cased well) (October 7, 2011, responseto Right-to-Know request 4400-11-170). 30
  • 394. The limited enforcement data obtained for this paper, although not a comprehensive set, suggestthat surface incidents associated with the development of oil and gas from shale and tights sandsare very important. In Louisiana, nearly forty percent of violations arose from improperconstruction, maintenance, operation, or closure of surface pits and tanks. In Michigan, nearly aquarter of violations over more than decade of recorded violations were from surface spills, forwhich the contaminant was unidentified. Similarly, thirty-three percent of the incomplete set oftight gas and shale gas violations identified in New Mexico for 2000-2011 were from producedwater spills. Surface violations are easier to identify, which may explain their prevalence.Inspectors cannot detect underground water contamination unless they conduct sophisticatedwater sampling, which the Regulatory Comparison white paper shows that many states are notdoing. While the high percentage of surface incidents may result partially from ease ofidentification, it also may suggest that we must turn more regulatory and scientific attention tothe surface—identifying the incidents at all stages of the shale gas development process that canharm soils, surface waters, underground water sources, and other important natural resources.A final lesson from this preliminary analysis suggests that some states may need to turn theirinspection and enforcement efforts toward higher-risk incidents both at the surface andunderground. Although signs identifying well sites and labeling pits as containing hazardoussubstances are essential, the high percentage of violations noted for signage and a failure to mowweeds is somewhat surprising. Just as media reports and scientific investigations should turnmore attention to risks at the surface, inspectors—who appear to focus nearly exclusively onsurface incidents—should consider increasing underground water testing86 and more closelymonitoring activities such as pit and tank construction, proper casing of wells and use of blowoutprevention equipment, and the safe transport of fracturing chemicals to sites and transfer ofchemicals on sites.86 Testing water supplies near each well prior to drilling and fracturing can be time consuming and expensive. Asdiscussed in “Regulation of Shale Gas Development,” however, some states already require this. If states believethat comprehensive testing is too burdensome or could run up against legal hurdles, they could consider thealternatives discussed in this author’s white paper. 31
  • 395. Appendix A. Energy Institute OverviewThe Energy Institute was established at The University of Texas at Austin to provide the State ofTexas and the Nation guidance in the pursuit of a new energy paradigm. The mission of theEnergy Institute is to alter the trajectory of public discourse in a positive manner, as exemplifiedin our credo – good policy based on good science. Implicit in the Energy Institute’s formation isthe idea that colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to conduct independent andimpartial scientific research. This belief is reflected in the Energy Institute’s assembly ofmultidisciplinary teams of faculty capable of addressing complex issues in a comprehensivemanner. Our aim is to inject science and fact-based analysis into what is frequently a contentiousdialogue and, in so doing, bring clarity to the debate that shapes public policy on these importantissues.A.1. Core Research ProgramsThe Energy Institute has developed a core set of major research programs designed to addresssome of the toughest energy challenges facing Texas and the nation. The scope of research spansthe full range of energy topics – from fossil fuel issues to nuclear energy concerns and new andemerging energy technologies and resources.Fact-based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas DevelopmentHydraulic fracturing, which has been in use for decades, has the potential to unlock vast reservesof natural gas that could provide an affordable source of domestic energy for generations.Natural gas supplies unleashed through fracturing greatly enhance our nation’s energy security.But much remains to be done to demonstrate that it can be developed safely and in anenvironmentally benign manner. Sensing the critical need to inject science into what has becomea highly emotional and contentious issue, the Energy Institute has launched an independent studyof hydraulic fracturing of shale for natural gas production.A multidisciplinary team is conducting a comprehensive review of the science, policy andenvironmental issues surrounding fracturing. The study for the first time combines an 59
  • 396. independent assessment of alleged groundwater contamination and seismic events ascribed tohydraulic fracturing of shale formations with a detailed analysis of the scope and effectiveness oflaws and regulations related to fracturing.The research team is investigating claims of groundwater contamination, seismic events, fugitiveair emissions and other concerns associated with fracturing in states within the Barnett,Marcellus and Haynesville Shale areas. The work includes a systematic evaluation of data fromscientific studies, news reports, advocacy websites, citizens’ groups and other sources. The teamis also interviewing local residents and other stakeholders to identify concerns and overallperceptions of shale gas development, with a focus on fracturing.Researchers are also examining influences on current and proposed national policies relating toshale gas development and compare reported concerns about fracturing with peer-reviewedliterature on recognized effects of the practice. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to promotepolicies and regulations grounded in science, rather than uninformed perspectives or politicalagendas, and to foster effective communication of fact-based regulatory approaches to shale gasdevelopment.The Outlook for "Unconventional" in Natural Gas and OilAs nations throughout the world grapple with how to meet an ever-increasing demand forenergy, identifying sources to meet that demand is highly uncertain. What is clear, however, isthat despite the continued development of renewable resources and heightened attention onissues surrounding global warming, the world as a whole will continue to rely primarily onhydrocarbon fuels to drive economic growth for the foreseeable future. However, the productionof conventional hydrocarbon resources is beset with a number of serious challenges – accelerateddepletion of historic sources, troubling geopolitical tensions, numerous adverse environmentalimpacts, and conflicting views on how to deal with irreversible climate change.The good news is that in addition to traditional oil and natural gas resources, a number of‘unconventional’ sources of hydrocarbons have emerged. To assess the prospects for thesealternative sources, the Energy Institute has assembled an interdisciplinary team of Universityresearchers to examine the most promising unconventional hydrocarbon fuels available – 60
  • 397. including coal bed methane, shale gas and oil, oil sand, oil shale, and methane hydrate. Theresearch team consists of faculty members or research scientists conducting state-of-the-artenergy research in their respective fields.Tthe team is addressing a wide range of issues, beginning with a summary of the resource basefor each of the sources. Researchers also will examine technologies in place to exploit theresources; identify key incentives and constraints needed for future development; and providerecommendations on additional research needed to foster production. The researchers areemphasizing factors relevant to fostering or inhibiting large-scale utilization of each of theunconventional resources. Ultimately, researchers will produce a brief, clear statement of thecurrent outlook for each of the resources studied, along with policy options available to improvethe outlook for future development.Transition from Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to Carbon Capture and Utilization andStorage (CCUS)At present, there is little likelihood the private sector will adopt CO2 capture from existing coal-fired power plants unless the federal government provides sufficient funding to reduce the netcost to zero or mandates sequestration of some portion of the CO2 produced by power plants andother industrial facilities. CCUS may become an alternative approach that is more promising inthe present political and budget climate. The Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) in the Bureau ofEconomic Geology, supported by the Energy Institute, has developed the concept of CCUS usingunconventional enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as “value added” to CO2 capture and storage.Unconventional EOR is achieved through gravity dominated floods and CO2 injection below themain oil production target. The research elements involve: • Regional and site-specific rock characterization, and oil migration history • Improved fluid characterization; exploring for unconventional targets • Improved techniques to balance floods to manage heterogeneity and gravity, model reservoir performance, engineer solutions and field testing • Cost-effective public assurance of retention 61
  • 398. Research Center for Environmental Protection at Hydrocarbon Energy Production Frontiers(REEF)The April 2010 explosion and record oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was a stark reminder of therisks of offshore drilling. The accident was a wake-up call for many in the industry and revealeda need for tighter regulation of deepwater exploration. Before the oil had stopped flowing fromBP’s Deepwater Horizon rig, the Energy Institute assembled a team of researchers to examinewhat had gone wrong and develop a blueprint for safely and responsibly extracting oil andnatural gas from some of the most challenging regions on earth.In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Energy Institute team hasproduced a comprehensive proposal – the Research Center for Environmental Protection atHydrocarbon Energy Production Frontiers (REEF) – to identify varying approaches formanaging the array of special risks and concerns associated with exploration in challengingenvironments, and to develop guidelines for safely transporting oil and gas once it has beenextracted. The REEF team, which also includes scientists from the renowned Woods HoleOceanographic Institution, also will produce a series of best practices for marshaling theresources necessary to rapidly respond to future accidents.The REEF team will study regulatory and policy issues in frontier environments through aholistic approach that reflects appropriate public input and involvement. The challenge is todevelop a legal and policy framework for exploration and production of hydrocarbon resourcesin frontier environments that achieves the right balance of environmental protection andoperational flexibility.Large-Scale Electrical Energy StorageThe generation of electricity from renewable sources, specifically the wind and the sun, has beenlauded as the answer to America’s need for “clean” energy. Unfortunately, the sun doesn’talways shine, and the wind tends to blow hardest at night, when demand for electricity is low.Extensive use of these renewable energy sources therefore requires storage of the electricitygenerated over a period of at least 24 hours at base-load levels. Rechargeable conventionalbatteries can efficiently store the electrical energy generated by variable wind and/or radiant- 62
  • 399. solar energy, but their capabilities are limited. Advances in technology must be made that permitinexpensive, reliable large-scale storage of electrical energy for these intermittent sources to beutilized on an on-demand basis.Researchers at the University, in partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, have formed a“virtual hub” for research in electrical energy storage. New concepts for energy storage that use aliquid rather than a solid as the battery’s cathode are being investigated to enable large amountsof energy to be stored and to keep the battery cool during charge and discharge while matchingthe delivery of energy from intermittent sources like the wind and the sun to base load uses.Researchers have demonstrated proof of concept for a cell in which the cathode is an aqueoussolution that operates in a flowthrough mode. They have identified a solid electrolyte thatincreases conductivity by a factor of ten over previous oxide materials. Ideal behavior wouldrequire yet another factor of ten in conductivity. If successful, the researchers will have solvedthe problem of intermittent sources in a way that satisfies the requirements for utility levelelectrical energy storage.Fuel from SunlightHydrogen is used in large quantities in petroleum refineries to increase the octane rating ofgasoline. Most of this hydrogen is produced by “reforming” natural gas using steam. However,for every four molecules of hydrogen produced in this process a molecule of carbon dioxide isproduced. Given concern over carbon emissions and global climate change, research is underwayfor ways to produce hydrogen utilizing sunlight energy.Sunlight can break water into its two components, hydrogen and oxygen without the need fornatural gas and steam and generation of carbon dioxide emissions. Development of the materials(photocatalysts) to support the breakdown of water by sunlight efficiently has been an elusivegoal for decades. Researchers at the University, supported by the Energy Institute, havedeveloped a new photocatalyst and a new thin-film technology that in combination promise tocreate a new industry involving production of fuels (hydrogen) from sunlight.Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Security 63
  • 400. The Energy Institute, the UT Applied Research Laboratories (ARL:UT), the LBJ School ofPublic Affairs, and the Cockrell School of Engineering have joined forces to examine twospecific nuclear areas for the Department of Defense – current security risk analysis methods andrare event considerations. Initially, the multidisciplinary team is focusing on the following: • Reviewing current risk assessment techniques applied to misuse of nuclear materials for an illegitimate weapons program • Using analytical techniques from game theory, optimization and simulation aimed at developing cost-effective methods for defending against such misuse • Surveying and summarizing differing approaches to risk estimation and quantification, including scenarios involving nuclear facilities • Comparing and contrasting methods used to structure, elicit, or model the actions of potential adversaries • Determining policy implications associated with assessing risks and rare event threats • Reviewing publicly available academic and policy literature on the capability and intent of potential adversaries at nuclear facilities and suitability of government assumptions about such threatsWhen research is completed, the team will make recommendations to further strengthen overallsecurity risk decision making, including consideration of rare events in security risk analysis.A.2. Complementary Energy InitiativesBesides its core research and education programs described above, the Energy Institute is startingor supporting several additional initiatives.Energy Research Opportunities in CubaFor the United States, Mexico, and Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico basin represents the greatestpotential source of significant new discoveries of oil and gas in the years ahead. These resourceswill come from challenging geologic and environmental settings in deep and ultra-deep waterand at depths below the sea floor not thought possible a few decades ago. While advances intechnology now allow energy companies to find and produce oil and gas in these difficult 64
  • 401. environments, risks associated with exploiting these resources have engendered increasedenvironmental concerns. In particular, questions have arisen over whether industry is adequatelyequipped to safely manage operations in frontier environments, as well as whether regulatoryagencies are prepared to effectively manage development of these new resources. Cuba’s entryinto the picture also raises the profile of oil and gas development issues surrounding the gap, or‘doughnut hole,’ in the eastern Gulf – a region where the interests of Cuba, Mexico, and theUnited States converge.The Institute is discussing emerging priorities in these areas with U.S. government agencies,including the Department of State and the Department of Energy, in order to ensure that futureresearch programs are consistent with evolving U.S. policies toward Cuba. Cuba’s plans to drillexploratory wells in deep water 55 miles from the coast of Florida have added a new dimensionto concerns over safe operations and environmental stewardship in the Gulf of Mexico basin. Asrelations between the U.S. and Cuba improve, the Energy Institute is exploring ways to forgerelationships with Cuban universities and U.S. corporations seeking energy-related businessopportunities in Cuba. Such mutually cooperative relationships have the potential to result incollaborative research on energy technologies, policies, and related environmental issues. TheUniversity has a long history of engagement in Latin America through research, courses, and avariety of student programs.Energy and the “New” EuropeThe face of Europe has changed dramatically since the fall of communism in 1989, with theaccompanying dissolution of the Eastern Bloc, disintegration of the Soviet Union, andfragmentation of the former Yugoslavia into new states. With the expansion of NATO andenlargement of the European Union, by 10 mostly post-communist countries from Central andEastern Europe (CEE), the dynamics of Trans-Atlantic relations has changed markedly. Energysecurity is one of the top priorities of all EU countries, with many of the CEE countries highlydependent on Russian oil and gas supplies.The emergence of substantial energy resources in the CEE countries – with the advent ofhydraulic fracturing of shale to produce natural gas – the geopolitical frontier between energy 65
  • 402. producers and consumers has shifted dramatically. The growing importance of shale gas has thepotential to make the CEE countries self-sufficient in energy supplies, free them fromdependence on Russian supplies and capable of becoming energy exporters, with concomitantfinancial and political power. Current natural gas finds in Poland, for example, give that countryat least 300 years of supply, based on 2009 usage. The geopolitical orientation of this region ischanging, with profound consequences not only for Europe, but for global political relationships.Under Energy Institute sponsorship, the University of Texas at Austin and Masaryk University inBrno are exploring this sea-change in orientation, both geographical and intellectual, throughcollaborative interdisciplinary research and teaching. The wide scope of mutual interests betweenthe two institutions presents an opportunity to establish a wider framework of cooperation,including respective partner institutions and academic and research institutes with various fieldsof expertise.The UT Energy PollConsumers’ views of energy are in a perpetual state of flux, influenced by how much they payfor gasoline and for heating and cooling their homes, as well as by catastrophic events fromacross the world (such as Fukushima) or controversial issues closer to home (hydraulic fracturingof shale). Public perceptions of energy issues also shape the formation of public policy and affectvoter preferences for officeholders at all levels of government. As the growing demand forenergy continues to stretch available resources, perception of the risks and rewards associatedwith various energy sources take on even greater importance.To better understand consumers’ views and how they affect consumption patterns, investment innew technologies and other issues, the Energy Management & Innovation Center (EMIC) at theUniversity, with support of the Energy Institute, has launched the UT Energy Poll. The surveyhas been designed to provide an impartial, authoritative source of public opinion on energyissues, generating data to inform and guide debate, investment planning and policy development.The UT Energy Poll tests consumers’ views in a variety of areas, including: 1) the extent andnature of America’s energy challenges; 2) an assessment of national priorities related to energyinvestment and consumption; 3) the role of government and industry in addressing energy 66
  • 403. problems; 4) support for options intended to resolve energy challenges; and 5) sources oftrustworthy information on energy issues. The poll, which is administered online to 2,000consumers, consists of 100 questions and lasts no more than 20 minutes. It includes four sets ofquestions that: 1. Gauge public perceptions of current and future energy prices and how these prices affect consumers individually and the economy as a whole 2. Assess the public’s satisfaction with the work of government, business, energy industry leaders, academics and public interest groups to address energy issues 3. Test consumer views regarding knowledge of and interest in energy issues, potential trade-offs related to the production and consumption of varying sources of energy, trustworthy sources of information on energy issues, voting behavior, social and cultural sources that influence energy usage, and the future of energy. 4. Focus on a special issue unique to each version of the survey; potential topics include energy and job creation, climate change, renewable energy, technology and energy finance.An academic advisory panel reviews the survey findings prior to their release, and continues toguide the strategy, positioning, and roll-out of future surveys and findings. In addition,representatives from the Environmental Defense Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council,and the Nature Conservancy have pledged to review poll questions and ensure the poll’sobjectivity.UT Office of SustainabilityThe President of the University has established a Sustainability Steering Committee composed offaculty, staff and students. The committee is charged with setting strategic direction and thepursuit of specific tasks designed to expand and promote the university’s sustainability portfolio.The Energy Institute supports UT’s Office with participation in the Sustainability SteeringCommittee.The Office of Sustainability encourages broad critical thinking with respect to our interactionswith the environment – our needs and the effect of our actions on the environment; our sense ofhumanity and how the way we live affects others; and how we define and perceive return-on-investment. It coordinates and communicates existing efforts, promotes new initiatives, and 67
  • 404. encourages the conversation about the pursuit of sustainability. The Office works to ensure theUniversity remains a leader in producing research and scholars that help shape a moresustainable global future. It takes a holistic approach to initiatives, focusing on solutions thatconsider the long-term effects of our actions and their impact on future generations.A.3. Energy EducationAlong with its primary mission of facilitating research that provides science-based solutions topressing energy challenges, the Energy Institute is deeply committed to developinginterdisciplinary certificate and degree programs in energy at the University. The Institute iscurrently most active in two areas, both of which are designed to broaden the educationalexperience of students in energy-related fields.First, the Institute sponsors the UT Energy Symposium to provide a platform for students andfaculty to interact on a wide range of topical energy-related issues. The Symposium was createdin response to a desire among students for credible information on energy issues. The weeklyforum is intended to provide students the opportunity to glean valuable information from expertsrepresenting diverse perspectives in an open, informal setting. Throughout the semester, expertsfrom industry, government or academia present their perspectives on technological, policy,regulatory and market aspects of the week’s topic. Lecturers also discuss how the designatedtopic relates to the future of energy on a global scale. The lecture series is open to the public.In the second area, the Energy Institute is leading an effort to establish a Graduate PortfolioProgram in Energy Studies a new, interdisciplinary graduate program designed to supplementgraduate students’ course knowledge and provide practical knowledge to those who may pursueprofessional careers in energy. The Program will integrate existing resources throughout theuniversity and synthesize course study with practical application to augment the breadth anddepth of graduate student knowledge in various energy fields. Program requirements call forgraduate courses in energy related fields with an emphasis on classwork outside their degreeprograms. Students must also complete a research project and report their results at aprofessional meeting or an on-campus event. 68
  • 405. A.4. Advisory CouncilThe overall mission and direction of the Energy Institute comes from an Advisory Councilwhose members comprise senior professionals and executives from a cross-section oforganizations: Dr. Samuel Bodman, Chairman. Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy; Member, Board of Directors, DuPont, the Hess Corporation, and the AES Corporation. Dr. Bernard Bigot. Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of France; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission; President of “la Fondation Internationale de la Maison de la Chimie Ernest H. Cockrell. Chairman, Cockrell Interests Inc.; President and Director, Cockrell Foundation; Chairman and Director, Welch Foundation Linda Zarda Cook. Director, Boeing Company, Cargill, Inc.; Executive Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc (Retired) Kenneth R. Dickenson. Chairman, Texas Association of Engineering Boards; Member, Development Board, University of Texas at Dallas; Co-Chairman, Industrial Advisory Board, School of Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas; Vice Chairman of Engineering Advisory Board, University of Texas at Austin; Board of Trustees, House Institute, Los Angeles; Board of Trustees, Center for American and International Law; Senior Associate, Sustainable Development Corporation, California Donald Louis Evans. Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy; Chairman, Energy Future Holdings; Senior Partner, Quintana Energy Partners; Chairman, George W. Bush Presidential Center Randy A. Fouch. Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Laredo Petroleum, Inc. Robert W. Fri. Visiting Scholar, Resources for the Future Henry Groppe, Jr. Vice Chairman Founding Partner, Groppe, Long & Littell Ronald Hulme. Chief Executive Officer, Carlson Capital Fred Krupp. President of Environmental Defense fund (represented by James D. Marston - Director of the Texas Regional Office, and Director of the National Energy Program) James J. Mulva. Chief Executive Officer, ConocoPhillip Jack P. Randall. Co-founder and Managing Partner, Jefferies Randall & Dewey Inc.; Director XTO Energy 69
  • 406. Shahid Ullah. Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Afren PLC; Member, Engineering Advisory Board, The University of Texas at Austin Dr. Deborah L. Wince-Smith. President and CEO, Council on Competitiveness; of Director, NASDAQ-OMX, Inc.; Member, Oversight Board of the Internal Revenue Service; Member, U.S. Department of State’s Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy; former Chair, Secretary of Commerce’s Advisory Committee on Strengthening America’s Communities; Member, University of Chicago’s Board of Governors for Argonne National Laboratory; Member, Board of Directors, Albert Shanker Institute.Also included in the Advisory Council as Ex Officio Members are the Deans and Directors of theparticipating schools and research units of the University: • Cockrell School of Engineering • McCombs School of Business • LBJ School of Public Affairs • Jackson School of Geosciences • College of Natural Sciences • School of Law • Bureau of Economic GeologyA.5. Faculty Associates and Energy Institute StaffEach University dean having interests relevant to the Institute has named a faculty representativeto serve as a member of the Faculty Associates to help integrate the extensive campus resourcesinto cohesive energy security programs. The organization is an outreach network to the researchand instructional resources of the University’s schools and colleges. Faculty Associates of theInstitute represent the following entities as the University: • School of Architecture • McCombs School of Business • College of Communication • Cockrell School of Engineering • Jackson School of Geosciences • School of Law • College of Liberal Arts • College of Natural Science • LBJ School of Public AffairsThe Energy Institute staff comprise senior energy professionals who have held high-levelpositions at the national level: 70
  • 407. Raymond L. Orbach, Ph.D., Director.Prior to his current position, Dr. Orbach served as the first Under Secretary for Science at theU.S. Department of Energy (DOE). His primary responsibility was to serve as chief scientist forDOE and advise the Secretary of Energy on a variety of topics. He was responsible for leadingthe Department’s implementation of the American Competitiveness Initiative, designed to helpdrive continued U.S. economic growth. He was also responsible for leading the Department’sefforts to transfer technologies from DOE national laboratories and facilities to the globalmarketplace, serving as Chair of the Technology Transfer Policy Board. Prior to and concurrentwith serving as Under Secretary for Science, Dr. Orbach served as the Director of the Office ofScience, which is the third largest Federal sponsor of basic research and primary supporter of thephysical sciences in the United States.Before his DOE positions, Dr. Orbach was Chancellor of the University of California (UC),Riverside. Under his leadership, UC Riverside doubled in size, achieved national andinternational recognition in research, and led the University of California in diversity andeducational opportunity. Dr. Orbach began his academic career as a postdoctoral fellow atOxford University and became an assistant professor of applied physics at Harvard UniversityHe later joined the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and served asthe Provost of the College of Letters and Science at UCLA. Dr. Orbach’s research in theoreticaland experimental physics has resulted in the publication of more than 240 scientific articles.Dr. Orbach received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the California Institute ofTechnology in 1956. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of California,Berkeley, in 1960 and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.Charlie Cooke, Deputy DirectorCharlie Cooke has been involved in energy policy and legislation in Washington for more than35 years. Prior to joining the Energy Institute, he was Assistant Vice Chancellor for FederalRelations at The University of Texas System in Washington, where he had responsibility for thesupport of the System’s nine academic institutions on federal issues of interest to the campuses.Before his University position, he was a Professional Staff Member with the U.S. House Science 71
  • 408. and Technology Committee and previously had oversight responsibilities for the energy researchprograms at the Department of Energy. The Committee was focused on DOE Big Scienceprograms, including the Superconducting Super Collider.Prior to his House Committee responsibilities, Mr. Cook represented Southern California EdisonCompany in Washington where he worked primarily on industry restructuring, tax, electrictransportation and telecommunications issues. Previously he was with a consulting firm thatrepresented Texas oil and gas, banking and ranching interests in Washington and Austin. He alsoserved as an assistant to a member of the former Federal Power Commission (now the FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission). Prior to moving to Washington he served as energy advisor totwo Texas Governors, Preston Smith and Dolph Briscoe, and worked for the Texas Legislature inthe State Senate.Charles G. (Chip) Groat, Ph.D., Associate DirectorCharles G. (Chip) Groat is Associate Director of the Energy Institute, Director of the Center forInternational Energy and Environmental Policy, and Director and Graduate Advisor of theEnergy and Earth Resources Graduate Program. His current interests focus on advancing the roleof science and engineering in shaping policy and informing decisions, and on ways to increasethe integration of the science disciplines as a means of improving the understanding of complexresource and environmental systems. He holds the John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair inEnergy and Mineral Resources in the Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School ofGeosciences, and is Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas atAustin. He served as interim dean of the Jackson School of Geosciences at UT from July 2008 toAugust 2009.He assumed these positions at The University of Texas at Austin after serving 6½ years asDirector of the U.S. Geological Survey, having been appointed by President Clinton and retainedby President Bush. Prior to his position with the U.S. Geological Survey, he was Associate VicePresident for Research and Sponsored Projects at The University of Texas at El Paso following aterm as Director of the Center for Environmental Resource Management and Professor ofGeological Sciences there. His previous experience includes the following: 72
  • 409. • Associate Director and Acting Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology and Associate Professor of Geological Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin • Chairman of the Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Texas at El Paso; State Geologist and Director of the Louisiana Geological Survey • Assistant to the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources administering the Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Protection programs • Professor of Geology and Geophysics • Director of the Center for Coastal, Energy and Environmental Resources at Louisiana State University; and Executive Director of the American Geological Institute.Dr. Groat has been a member of the National Research Council Board on Earth Sciences andResources and the Outer Continental Shelf Policy Board. He is a past President of theAssociation of American State Geologists and of the Energy Minerals Division and Division ofEnvironmental Geosciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. His degreesin geology are from the University of Rochester (A.B.), University of Massachusetts (M.S.), andThe University of Texas at Austin (Ph.D.)Dale E. Klein, Ph.D., Associate DirectorDr. Dale Klein rejoined The University of Texas at Austin in April, 2010 after serving almost 8½years as a Presidential Appointee. He currently is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering,Associate Vice President for Research, and Associate Director of the Energy Institute. Dr. Kleinwas appointed Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by President George W.Bush and served in that role from July 1, 2006, to May 13, 2009. From then until March 30, 2010he served as a Commissioner. As Chairman and Commissioner, he believed that the NRC mustcontinue to ensure the safety and security of current operating reactors as it also prepared toreceive more than 30 license applications for new reactors.Before joining the NRC, Dr. Klein served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense forNuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs. He was appointed to this position byPresident George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate on Nov. 8, 2001. In this position, heserved as the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary 73
  • 410. of Defense, and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology for policy andplanning matters related to nuclear weapons and nuclear, chemical, and biological defense.Previously, Dr. Klein served as the Vice-Chancellor for Special Engineering Programs at theUniversity of Texas System and as a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering(Nuclear Program) at the University of Texas at Austin. During his tenure at the University, Dr.Klein has been Director of the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory, Deputy Director of theCenter for Energy Studies, and Associate Dean for Research and Administration in the Collegeof Engineering. He has published more than 100 technical papers and reports, and co-edited onebook. He has made more than 400 presentations on energy and has written numerous technicaleditorials on energy issues that have been published in major newspapers throughout the UnitedStates. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in mechanical engineering and a doctorate innuclear engineering, all from the University of Missouri-Columbia.Thomas W. Grimshaw, Ph.D., Research FellowDr. Grimshaw’s professional interests are in energy policy, with emphasis on emerging energytechnologies and resources. He is particularly interested in the intriguing case of cold fusion,with its potential as a major – but controversial – energy source. He is currently co-principalinvestigator for two projects at the Energy Institute of The University of Texas at Austin. One ofthe projects is an assessment of the outlook for unconventional natural gas and oil resources. Theother project is developing the basis for science-based regulation for of shale gas operations. Dr.Grimshaw received the masters degree (mid-career option) at the LBJ School of Public Affairsand subsequently served as adjunct faculty. He was co-instructor for two policy researchprojects, both of which focused on energy policy and emerging technologies. He is currentlyleading an initiative at UT’s Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy fordealing with secondary impacts of broad deployment of cold fusion as a major energy source.Dr. Grimshaw received the master’s degree (mid-career option) at the LBJ School of PublicAffairs and subsequently served as adjunct faculty. He was co-instructor for two policy researchprojects, both of which focused on energy policy and emerging technologies. Dr. Grimshaw hastaught courses on energy and environmental policy as adjunct faculty at the LBJ School. 74
  • 411. Before shifting to energy policy, Dr. Grimshaw had a lengthy career in environmental protectionand consulting services. His dissertation for the PhD in geology was on environmental care andgeologic hazards in growing urban areas. He worked primarily as a technical consultant,providing professional environmental services for municipal infrastructure, commercial facilities,and government installations. Much of his environmental work was for energy-related facilities,including oilfield waste sites, coal mines, petroleum refineries, coal-fired power plants, andsynthetic fuels (coal gasification and liquefaction) plants. Dr. Grimshaw has also held theposition of Associate Director for Environmental Programs at the UT’s Bureau of EconomicGeology and has taught courses on environmental geology at the community college level. Asadjunct faculty at the LBJ School, he was also instructor for a course in environmental policy.In addition to the mid-career M.P.Aff. degree, Dr. Grimshaw has a BS in Geological Engineeringfrom the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and an MA and PhD in Geology fromThe University of Texas at Austin. 75
  • 412. Appendix B. Project TeamAssessment of fact-based regulations for shale gas development requires a broad range ofperspectives from a number of disciplines. The assessment has been accomplished by amultidisciplinary team of experts who are well recognized for their energy-related work in theirrespective fields. The team consists of representatives from six organizations at The Universityof Texas at Austin: • Energy Institute • Cockrell School of Engineering • Jackson School of Geosciences • UT Bureau of Economic Geology • UT School of Communications • University of Tulsa College of LawThe Environmental Defense Fund reviewed and provided comments on the White Papers anddraft and final reports. Brief biographical summaries of the team members are provided below.B.1 Principal Investigator and Co-InvestigatorCharles G. Groat, PhD, Associate Director, Energy Institute Dr. Groat’s interests focus on advancing the role of science and engineering in shaping policy and informing decisions. He is Director of the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy (CIEEP) at the Jackson School of Geosciences. CIEEP is chartered as a dedicated policy center in one of the Universitys longstanding areas of leadership – energy development and its confluence with the environment. Prior to these positions, Dr. Groat served for 6½ years as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, having been appointed by President Clinton and retained by President Bush. He has been a member of the National Research Council Board on Earth Sciences and Resources and the Outer Continental Shelf Policy Board. He is a past President of the Association of American State Geologists and of the Energy Minerals Division of American Association of Petroleum Geologists. His degrees are in geology from the University of Rochester (AB), University of Massachusetts (MS), and The University of Texas at Austin (PhD).Thomas W. Grimshaw, PhD, Research Fellow, Energy Institute Dr. Grimshaw’s professional interests are in energy policy, with emphasis on emerging energy technologies and resources. He is particularly interested in the intriguing case of cold fusion, with its potential as a major – but controversial – energy source. He is currently co-principal investigator for two projects at the Energy Institute of The University of Texas at Austin. One of the projects is an assessment of the outlook for unconventional natural gas and oil resources. The other project is developing the basis for science-based regulation for of shale gas operations. Dr. Grimshaw received the master’s degree (mid-career option) at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and subsequently served as adjunct faculty. He was co-instructor for two policy research projects, both of which focused on energy policy and emerging technologies. Dr. Grimshaw has also taught courses on energy and environmental policy at the LBJ School. In addition to the Master of Public Affairs degree, he has a BS in Geological Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and an MA and PhD in Geology from The University of Texas at Austin. 76
  • 413. B.2 Senior Participants: White Paper AuthorsScott Anderson, JD, Environmental Defense Fund Scott Anderson is a Senior Policy Advisor for Environmental Defense Fund’s (EDF) Energy Program. Since 2005, he has served as EDF’s point person on policies relating to natural gas development and to the geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Mr. Anderson works on a broad array of legislative and regulatory issues, and participates in stakeholder groups focused on reducing the environmental footprint of natural gas operations. Mr. Anderson spent many years in the oil and gas industry prior to joining Environmental Defense Fund. He is the former Executive Vice President and General Counsel of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO). Mr. Anderson was the long-time Secretary of the LIAISON Committee of Cooperating Oil and Gas Associations and was previously a member of the governing Council of the State Bar of Texas Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Section.Ian Duncan, PhD, Bureau of Economic Geology Dr. Duncan is Program Director at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) and conducts research at the BEGs Gulf Coast Carbon Center, whose mission is to apply its technical and educational resources to implement geologic storage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide on an aggressive time scale. Its a focus is on a region where large-scale reduction of atmospheric releases is needed and short term action is possible. Dr. Duncan’s areas of expertise are carbon sequestration, integration of carbon capture into enhanced oil recovery, clean coal technologies, remote sensing, and environmental geology. He is currently serving as Principal Investigator for a U.S. Department of Energy project to develop a comprehensive risk assessment framework for geologic storage of carbon dioxide. He has given testimony to Congressional committees on three occasions related to carbon dioxide sequestration and application to enhanced oil recovery. Dr. Duncan has a BA in Earth Sciences from Macquarrie University in Sydney and a PhD in Geological Sciences at the University of British Columbia.Matt Eastin, PhD, School of Communications Dr. Matthew Eastins research focuses on new media behavior. From this perspective, he has investigated information processing as well as the social and psychological factors associated with game play, new media adoption, e-commerce, e-health, and organizational use. His research utilizes information processing as a central mechanism to new media experiences and knowledge acquisition. Dr. Eastins research has been published in a number of prestigious peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Computers in Human Behavior. He received his PhD in Mass Media from Michigan State University and was Assistant Professor for Communication at Ohio State University for several years prior to his current position as Associate Professor of Advertising. 77
  • 414. Hannah Wiseman, JD, University of Tulsa College of Law Ms. Wiseman is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tulsa College of Law, where she teaches Environmental Law, Energy Law, and Property Law. Her scholarship addresses issues at the intersection of land use, energy, and environmental law. She also regularly writes and lectures about the regulation of hydraulic fracturing. Professor Wiseman’s articles have been published in the Georgetown Law Journal, Columbia Law Review Sidebar, South Carolina Law Review, and several others. After working in ICF Consulting’s Climate and Atmosphere Policy Practice, Professor Wiseman received her J.D. from Yale Law School, where she was a managing editor of the Yale Journal on Regulation. Professor Wiseman clerked for the Honorable Patrick Higginbotham on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and then spent two years as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Texas School of Law, where she taught Environmental Law, Energy Law, Electricity Law, and Land Use & Environmental Law. She is a member of the Texas Bar. 78