If We're Not Going to Reform Immigration, Let's Make It Fun

Categories: Buzz

In 2006, hunters generated $2.63 billion in retail sales for their sport in Texas, paying nearly $284 million in state and local taxes and supporting more than 44,119 jobs, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. That doesn't include the millions spent by birdwatchers, photographers and others who enjoy wildlife they don't kill.

A large chunk of money also goes to private landowners who sell hunting leases, providing revenue to farmers and ranchers, whose operations are being pinched by the same long drought that threatens the population of game animals.

This is a problem, obviously. But luckily Texas House candidate Tony Tinderholt has inspired Buzz to come up with a plan to harness Texans' love of sport and free enterprise, along with our basic nativism, in a way that everybody wins.

As the Observer's Amy Silverstein reported here last week, the Arlington Republican draped his beefy body in camo and joined the private Texas Border Volunteers to chase down some border-jumping people in this country illegally.

See also: GOP Candidate Tony Tinderholt Says He Didn't Catch Illegal Immigrants. He Just Learned about Them, Called Border Patrol

"I thought they were actually catching illegal immigrants, but they're not. What they're doing is identifying and tracking criminal trespassers on private property ranches," he said. And then they called the law. "I thought they would actually have face-to-face time with these people. They don't do that at all."

Ah, too bad, Tony. But when life gives you lemons ...

See, Texas is loaded with America-loving men who like nothing better than to hustle in the South Texas bush searching for illegal border crossers. At the same time, ranchers benefit from hunting leases. And the state likes to collect money for game tags. And the retailers of ATVs and camouflage suits certainly could use the business.

So we say, let's make this a sporting, profitable and humane enterprise.

We're not talking about "The Most Dangerous Game" here. No violence. Just a good, healthy run through the mesquite thorns, like a big game of kick the can. Ranchers could even put out automatic feeders to attract immigrants. Border jumpers could wear flag-football belts to decide a fair catch. We could even have zones where, if an immigrant makes it, he gets a bus ticket ... to California.


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Hey look, Pat Williams wrote some more idiotic libtard shit propaganda to be consumed by the Observer's naive white-guilt-ridden "progressive" do-gooder readers.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

One year ago the Senate passed an immigration reform bill 68-32.  The Republicans in the House are opposed to the bill because it includes a legalization program for the undocumented (which most Americans support).  So let's put the blame exactly where it belongs: House Republicans.

holmantx topcommenter

Too funny Mr. Williams!  And the President has helped transport and dump in 47,000 kids to the game.  YaaaaaHOOOO!

right, Mr. Williams?  Proud of yourself?

See, this way you people get to win the next election game the Chicago way.  Just corrupt the entire system!  Why all you have to do is stack up a bunch of bodies and blame Republicans for trying to stem the carnage by controlling the borders.

Just this weekend we find a mass grave of over 200 outside Falfurrias in Brooks County.  

So keep running those slick radio ads in the countries south of the Texas border.  Declare your town too can be a sanctuary city.  Don't enforce immigration law at all and let it be known that if you can make in, you in like Flynn.  HaaaHaaaaHaaah!

Google Falfurrias bodies, then bray like a buck-toothed mule.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Talk to the Commanches, Aztecs and Incans about what happens when a nation does not control its borders.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Why did I come back.  I feel like this comment thread is the continuation of the one from before I went on vacation

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Don't forget the Anglers. We can put them on the river.

They brought in over 3b last year.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Yes, House Republicans opposed it, and are to blame for not passing it.  They opposed it for more than what you claim.  One, Republicans learned from their own mistake.  When they gave amnesty without seeing first to enforcement, it exacerbated the problem instead of solving it.  Two, if we give those illegals citizenship, Republicans will have to pay more to get their lawns tended to.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This effort will have zero effect, there's a credibility issue among other reasons.


@holmantx YOU, my dear man are the next Maya Angelou....

You filet my soul/sole/sew with ur prose of redemption.  Capture my heart and put it to the torch. Run Falfurrias Run en masse.

Only to brae like a buck-toothed mule


TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ironically, had the border volunteers gotten to these people, they might be back home, instead of in a mass grave.

Obama causes a problem, he's a hero. Someone tries to fix Obama's problem, they're to be mocked and derided as nazis by ignorants.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz That is so tragic.  I wonder if this guy had been serving is Iraq.  Some of these militia guys seem to be searching out a reason to use their guns. I sometimes wonder if they believe in the cause as much as they claim or just want to cause as much harm.    The daughter that is left on the line in this situation is heartbreaking.  Her entire family blown away due to her Mom's crazy boyfriend.

Yet why does it take them so long to get help to her?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin  We need to never forget that hatred and fear are a lethal combination and that the Holocaust can be repeated.

scottindallas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki ignored are the US coups and attempted coups in Central America.  If they don't tilt the way we want, we embargo them and foist civil wars on them.  Your ignorance really is a disservice to you on foreign policy.  Please get better sources and not sophists who ignore that Obama has deported many times more than Bush did.  

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@RTGolden1  We both know that in the end, the 11 million undocumented immigrants will be given amnesty.  Refugees who incorrectly believe that that means guaranteed entry into the US are tragically mistaken.  Immigrants once thought American streets were paved with gold before they left the old country, and had to face a cruel reality when they arrived here.

holmantx topcommenter


And that dipshit acts like he hasn't been in charge of this fiasco-cum-crisis over the past six years.  He's the one who took the simple oath to uphold the (immigration) laws of the land.  It's like he just heard about the problem on the news.  He's the one who has pulled the troops and the border enforcement off the border and the interior, and they are dropping like flies on a promise he made.  And now he's thrown kids into the game.  In a normal world, it would be an impeachable offense.

And this guy who wrote this piece is emblematic of the sycophants that pass for the press. Hell, he's mainstream now. Totally bereft of any journalistic curiosity whatsoever.  Indeed, he labels compassion bigotry.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It is being repeated, in the mid-east.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They believe there will be amnesty because there will be.

Obama has said there won't be - there's the guarantee. Even illiterate Hondurans know the guy is a grade-A bullshitter.


@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul @TheRuddSki  It is doubtful that these illegals are reading the NY Times in Honduras every day.  You can bet that members of a certain agency within the administration have been spreading the amnesty rumor throughout Central America for months.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The polls seem to indicate we're not in Kansas anymore.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Yep.  Israel has probably almost completed preparations for their planned extermination of Palestinians and Arab Christians.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @scottindallas  

Someone needs to let them know that Obama is not eligible to run for President again.  And the way the process works is they find someone that best represents their views and help get him elected. 

Their is this humongeous elephant in their ultra small tent and his name is General.  And General freaks the holy hell out of them.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I might remind you that you started off this thread with "facts" that I quickly and efficiently demonstrated were "dead-ass wrong". You went downhill from there.


So you're going to blame this border rush on Reagan?

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

He broke it he owns it.  He's in charge and has been for many years now.  He has stopped enforcing immigration law and has STOPPED apprehensions and is CALLING turnbacks deportations to further queer his numbers, and the sad fact is you know it, I know it - we ALL know it.  

yet you blather on, demanding the last word, putting up endless links to nowhere to prove nothing while people die.

Bush hired 'em, he parked them because if he fired them his numbers would look bad, so ICE and BP morale is through the floor.

Only your lack of character lets you press on in defense of such an atrocity.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The only people exterminating Muslims are Muslims.

scottindallas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki The institution of the CIA.  Bush kept them preoccupied in the Middle East, but most of the attention directed there has been under Obama.

mavdog topcommenter


it is interesting, and revealing, that you spent so many words to NOT correct the inaccurate remark that you made, and that I proved wrong, but to dance around the fact.

and then there is your comment about "lack of character..".

now THAT is funny!

scottindallas topcommenter

@holmantx @mavdog Obama has deported more than Bush, so your first claim is wrong.  That undercuts your whole point


@TheRuddSki Do you consider yourself an Israeli Firster?  Are you fine with sending 3 billion a year to Bibi? 


@TheRuddSki We use to think that was true until the Internet opened the eyes to the world and allowed us to see the real Israel.  Not our so called BFF's what take billions every year from us but for the non stop shit they stir.  Never has their been such a quick change of heart for one group like American's feelings for Israel.  It certainly doesn't make Muslims any better, it just means that Israeli's suck ass just as much.  Yet we just use them ro religious reasons.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki preparations my friend, often precede actions.  With their moronic fences, illegal 'settlements' and current military build up, Israel is effectively building the barrels to fill with fish at which to shoot.  There is some complicity by other Arab nations, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia most prominent and Iran, for using the Palestinian situation as a crutch, but Israel is not fencing in the Palestinian territories for security, sovereign status or any of the other bullshit reasons they give for doing so.

scottindallas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki The US, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are driving much of what we see, so you're half right

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

You need to change  your pic to the braying buck-toothed mule because I did.  Bush hired them - he ordered them to not do their job.  I'm not going to repaeat myself a third time to a self-aggrandizer.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not sure what an Israel Firster is, but I'm fine with our aid there to Israel, the bulk of which is spent on US-made weaponry anyway.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Quick change LOL. Let's see what Gallup says about that.

March 15, 2013 - Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-time high.

February 18, 2014 - Americans' Mideast Country Ratings Show Little Change

Israel alone is viewed highly favorably; Iran viewed least favorably

Better luck next time.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


When Iran gets the bomb, we'll not have to worry about the plight of the Arabs in Palestine, they'll be vaporized.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


We're making Muslims kill Muslims, and at this point, few people give a shit any more.

mavdog topcommenter


here is what you didn't say:

the comment I made He's the one who has pulled the troops and the border enforcement off the border and the interior is inaccurate for as Mavdog showed the number of border enforcement personnel has increased, not decreased,

see, it isn't very difficult to admit that you were wrong, just takes a bit of character.

scottindallas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki OR do they, your neo-con buddies are pushing us to go back into Iraq.  They never mention our training, funding, coordinating and arming of militants in Syria.  More clown talk for clowns.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


We're not going back, liberal Islam has had its last chance, have fun, fellas.

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