Etro takes its prints to the page


Etro Education

In whirls and swirls, a house’s journey from fabrics to fashion — and now a book


It is the fashion page-turner of the season. Behind a cover that is as impactful as the prints its namesake fashion house is known for, Etro, the book, offers an exclusive glimpse into the Italian company’s legendary history. Published by Rizzoli and edited by author, writer and critic Renata Molho, the monograph, the first about Etro, visually chronicles the company’s rich evolution: its launch in 1968 by Gerolamo “Gimmo” Etro as a textiles manufacturer, known for its signature paisleys; its 1980s expansion into leather goods and home decor; its 1990s move into full-on fashion collections. The 320-page book is divided into seven chapters, beginning with Nature and ending with — what else? — Paisley, each one introduced by a different member of the Etro family and filled to the brim with glossy images (300, to be exact) from past collections, campaigns and projects. Even a quick flip through the eye candy that fills these pages will leave you wanting more. Happily, the almost-400-page book delivers. $85, Rizzoli New York, November 4

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