Category: Environment

US-China climate deal aims to prod others to act

“This is, in my view, the most important bilateral climate announcement ever,” said David Sandalow, a former top environmental official at the White House and the Energy Department.  More »

Fossil fuels with $550 billion subsidies hurt renewables

The findings highlight the policy shift needed to limit global warming, which the IEA said is on track to increase the world’s temperature by 3.6 degrees Celsius by the end of this century.  More »

KiOR files for bankruptcy, but not Mississippi unit

Kior, Inc., the Houston-area biofuels maker that hoped to tap new technology to produce clean energy, filed for bankruptcy Sunday.  More »

Republicans urged to reject wind tax credit in lame duck

Fiscal conservatives want Republican leaders to hold firm against proposals to extend a wind energy tax credit this year.  More »

Sunoco spill revised up to 189,000 gallons

The number of oil spilled is up 21,000 gallons from initial estimates.  More »

Fossil fuel caps urged as scientists warn of climate woes

The world can only consume a fraction of the known deposits of fossil fuels if it’s to avoid the most dangerous impacts from climate change.  More »

Superior Crude to pay $1.6M oil spill penalty

The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Justice say the consent decree was filed Wednesday.  More »

Commentary: New poll shows generation gap applies to energy stances

Respondents to a University of Texas at Austin poll has shown that Americans’ opinions on energy and the environment vary drastically depending on how old they are.  More »

Murray adds 100M tons to Illinois’ coal holdings

Murray Energy Corp., a privately held company with a dozen mines in Illinois and five other states, is among the nation’s most vocal coal producers.  More »

Researchers find oil footprint from 2010 Gulf oil spill

New research is shedding more light on the fate of the crude that gushed out of BP’s failed Macondo well in 2010.  More »

EU reaches deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions

The decision makes the EU the first major economy to set post-2020 emissions targets ahead of a global climate pact that is supposed to be adopted next year in Paris.  More »

Environmental group urges Texas regulators to tackle methane

The Environmental Defense Fund says some major oil companies are taking steps to reduce leaks of the greenhouse gas methane, the main component of natural gas, but that hundreds of smaller companies aren’t.  More »
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