Gov’t tells US drivers to get used to cheap gas

In a dramatic shift from previous forecasts, the Energy Department predicted Wednesday that the average price of gasoline in the U.S. will be $2.94 a gallon in 2015. That is a 44-cent drop from an outlook issued just a month ago.  More »

Boulder County drilling moratorium up for vote

The moratorium is set to end on Jan. 1, 2015 and commissioners are meeting Thursday to decide whether to continue it or change it.  More »

Residents’ lawsuit targets Illinois fracking rules

Among the allegations is that Illinois’ natural resources regulator didn’t consider scientific studies in its first rules notice, denying the public a chance to address the specific information the agency relied upon to draft the rules.  More »

New Mexico county passes strict drilling rules as state judge considers wider ban

The new ordinance supersedes a moratorium on oil and gas development that had been in place since 2010.  More »

Landrieu leading charge for Keystone pipeline vote

Echoing Landrieu’s plea were moderate Democrats from Republican states, who argued for the project that would carry oil from Canada south to the Gulf Coast.  More »

Hearing held in flood board’s oil industry lawsuit

U.S. District Judge Nanette Jolivette Brown heard more than two hours of arguments on multiple issues, including the energy companies’ contention that the lawsuit seeks relief from the court that should be left to regulatory agencies.  More »

US-China climate deal aims to prod others to act

“This is, in my view, the most important bilateral climate announcement ever,” said David Sandalow, a former top environmental official at the White House and the Energy Department.  More »

Iraqi forces retake most of strategic oil town

Iraqi soldiers battling the Islamic State group recaptured most of the town of Beiji, home to the country’s largest oil refinery.  More »

Dutch to test solar panels on bicycle path

The path is built of massive, Lego-like modules of solar panels embedded in concrete.  More »

KiOR says it owes $312 million because it missed payment

Biofuel maker KiOR missed a $1.8 million loan payment to the state of Mississippi.  More »

Texas Railroad Commission to continue drill permits in Denton

The chairwoman of a state agency that regulates oil and gas in Texas says she’s disappointed that Denton residents passed a measure to ban further hydraulic fracturing.  More »

CenterPoint giving refunds to Midwestern customers ahead of winter

The happy forecast from utilities, weather forecasters and the federal government predict that last winter’s record cold won’t repeat.  More »
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