Fuel Fix

Saudis reject talk of OPEC market share war as oil slides

Saudi Arabian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Ibrahim al-Naimi. (AFP PHOTO)
Brent crude futures plunged below $80 yesterday for the first time since September 2010 on concern OPEC is in no hurry to halt a four-month slide in prices. More »

Veteran lobbyist to lead to lead new NRG Home business

NRG Energy has tapped veteran Washington lobbyist Steve McBee to lead its newly-created NRG Home division.  More »
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz (Billy Smith II / Chronicle)

Natural gas exports bill gets feds’ attention

Legislation to accelerate natural gas exports could win the Obama administration’s endorsement — with some changes.  More »
Exchange-Wildcat Wells

Report: Energy jobs have led economic recovery

The increases in oil and gas industry employment has nearly overtaken the number of all the jobs lost in the last decade, according to a new report  More »
Retired school teacher Elaine Doudna joins about 20 other protesters outside City Hall in downtown Colorado Springs, Colo., as they speak out against fracking for oil and gas in El Paso County before a city council meeting. "It's something I really, really feel strong about, " Doudna said. Citizen fears about hydraulic fracturing, a drilling procedure used to pry oil and gas from rock deep underground, have made "fracking" the hottest political question in Colorado. Opposition to fracking has also surfaced in Idaho, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. (AP Photo/The Gazette, Christian Murdock, File)

Boulder County drilling moratorium up for vote

The moratorium is set to end on Jan. 1, 2015 and commissioners are meeting Thursday to decide whether to continue it or change it.  More »

Brent extends drop below $80 as OPEC seen resisting cuts

Oil sank into a bear market as leading OPEC members resisted calls to cut production and instead reduced export prices to the U.S.  More »
A protester against fracking attends a rally after a House Committee hearing on hydraulic fracturing legislation at the state Capitol in Springfield, Ill. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File)

Residents’ lawsuit targets Illinois fracking rules

Among the allegations is that Illinois’ natural resources regulator didn’t consider scientific studies in its first rules notice, denying the public a chance to address the specific information the agency relied upon to draft the rules.  More »
(Ken Childress)

New Mexico county passes strict drilling rules as state judge considers wider ban

The new ordinance supersedes a moratorium on oil and gas development that had been in place since 2010.  More »
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Cheaper gasoline may translate to a boost in holiday spending

For every 1 cent drop in gas prices, Americans save about $3.7 million.  More »
(Tom Reel/San Antonio Express-News)

Eagle Ford Shale mineral-rights trial moves forward

JPMorgan Chase Bank, as one-time trustee of the South Texas Syndicate Trust, is accused by some of the trust’s beneficiaries of mismanaging the mineral rights to 132,000 contiguous acres in LaSalle and McMullen counties.  More »
Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., speaks at a Capitol Hill rally for Keystone XL earlier this year. (Mandel Ngan/Getty)

Landrieu leading charge for Keystone pipeline vote

Echoing Landrieu’s plea were moderate Democrats from Republican states, who argued for the project that would carry oil from Canada south to the Gulf Coast.  More »
An offshore oil platform and wells are silhouetted by the setting sun in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, U.S. (Derick E. Hingle/Bloomberg)

Hearing held in flood board’s oil industry lawsuit

U.S. District Judge Nanette Jolivette Brown heard more than two hours of arguments on multiple issues, including the energy companies’ contention that the lawsuit seeks relief from the court that should be left to regulatory agencies.  More »
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