HOUSTON - Houston Police believe the driver who triggered a three-car wreck that sent seven people to area hospitals was intoxicated. The accident happened about 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in northwest Houston.

Witnesses told police a gold Buick was speeding east on Victory at about 80 mph when it struck a black Dodge, also eastbound, from behind. The two vehicles careened about 150 yards into the intersection at Wheatley. The Buick hit the median and flipped over. A third vehicle heading westbound crashed into them.

Neighbor Chris LeBlanc heard the impact and looked up. "These two cars come flying. The gold one went up in the air come down and burst into flames. The policeman gave me a knife I broke the windows out and cut him loose but his legs was pinned," said LeBlanc.

HPD Officer Trenton Bickford was also driving down Victory and saw the accident in his rear view mirror. Bickford organized several good Samaritan bystanders. Together they ignored the flames, freed the Buick's driver and pulled him out of the passenger door.

About the same time, Carlos Jones was also heading down Victory. He saw the smoke when his cell phone rang. It was his mother, who had been driving the black Dodge rear-ended by the Buick. Four other family members were in her car.

Carlos stopped just in time to see his family safe, saying "They got her outta the car in time before it blew up."

HPD Sgt. Pete Casares said, "The vehicle was in flames. If it wasn't for their fast action I believe that man would've died." Casares plans to nominate Officer Bickford for a lifesaving award.

Authorities believe that the driver of the Buick was intoxicated. Officials believe all the injured will survive.

Carlos said, "You can just never take life for granted. One moment you're having fun. The next moment there could be tragedy."

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