Prostitutes Steal Millions and Walk Free

Prostitutes Steal Millions and Walk Free
Illustration by Mitch O'Connell

Scott Rosen thought he had sealed the deal when the pretty blond 20-something got up to use the bathroom. The 55-year-old with a receding hairline and freshly pressed shirt downed a $12 vodka cranberry as he waited for his target to slink back to the wicker sofa he occupied on the patio of YOLO, a tony restaurant on Fort Lauderdale's Las Olas Boulevard.

Next thing he knew for sure, he was alone in his hotel suite with a mysterious painting of a woman's head.

It was almost 2 a.m. — closing time at the nightspot — and the white noise of postparty plans and meaningless bar banter filled the otherwise quiet Saturday night. The table was adorned with a candle, and Rosen's trademark custom Rolex reflected the flame into a brilliant gold mosaic.

Rosen, whose taut, wiry frame resembles that of Sopranos wiseguy Uncle Paulie, would never speak to that blond again. "In about 30 seconds flat," Rosen recalls, a different woman joined him on the wicker sofa. The striking, five-foot-six Rihanna look-alike wore her long, curly hair pulled to one side. Moments later, she beckoned a blond bombshell in a light-blue dress.

Rosen wasn't much interested in Rihanna, but the fair-haired, lithe one was just his type. He didn't want to show his cards too quickly, though, so he issued an invitation. "Hey, do you guys want to go have a drink at my private bar?" he asked.

Then Rosen turned to his bodyguard of eight years, Scott Hostler. "Bring up the car," he said. Soon the white Cadillac DTS with a license plate reading RUTHLES rolled into the circular driveway outside YOLO. As Rosen clambered into the back seat with the girls, the only thing the blinged-out bachelor could think about was what would happen back at his waterfront condo once they peeped his 60-foot yacht.

Conversation was minimal. The Rihanna look-alike, who had introduced herself as "Crystal," chattered a bit, but the blond wasn't much of a talker.

After a 20-minute drive up I-95, they stopped in his driveway. With a wink and a nod, Rosen sent home his gun-strapped bodyguard; then the three headed inside. Hey, I'm a single guy, he reasoned with his four-drink-deep brain. What's the worst that could happen?

After Hostler left, Crystal asked for a tour of Rosen's boat, Chandelle, which was docked outside. LED lights on the deck railings twinkled like diamonds as they reflected off the Intracoastal.

In the house, the blond took a cigar from the kitchenette and lit up. She then proceeded to the living room, where she pulled a bottle of Ketel One from the bar and mixed three cocktails. Ten minutes passed. Rosen and Crystal ambled up the 20-foot grassy patch that led to a large sliding glass door and joined the blond in the living room.

The last thing Rosen remembers is sinking into the sofa's black leather. After what seemed like seconds, the inside of his eyelids burned red from the light seeping into the master bedroom. He awoke with a start at 9:30 a.m. — far later than normal — to find himself alone and fully clothed. The only thing he wasn't wearing from the night before was his diamond-encrusted Rolex, an accessory that had been replaced by a bump on his forehead. Upon searching his home, he found several other things missing: a Smith & Wesson snub-nose revolver, two Glock 9mm handguns, and three 3.5-carat marquise diamonds. In total, he was out close to $318,000 in swag.

The story of Crystal and her cohort, along with two other women, made headlines around the world last summer. Police said four women had ripped off dozens of men during a yearlong crime spree, which most notably included taking almost a half-million dollars from a 350-pound NFL defensive tackle.

This past June, Subhanna Beyah, AKA Crystal, the 25-year-old ringleader of the foxy female thieves, was arrested and charged with ripping off 13 men and making off with $1,281,769 in jewelry, guns, cash, and property including a Cadillac Escalade. Two other women — 25-year-old Johninna Miller and 27-year-old Keshia Clark — were arrested for their participation in the scam and have subsequently bonded out. Ryan Elkins, the daughter of a police chief and the girl who mixed Rosen's Ketel One, is on the lam.

Beyah, interviewed in jail, says she's innocent. The chameleon of a woman — who has appeared in 15 South Florida mug shots with just as many hairstyles — says her knowledge of YOLO is limited to the Drake lyric.

And though the evidence at first glance seems overwhelming, she just might get away with it. The reason: Most of the men involved — including New York Giants tackle Shaun Rogers — who originally reported the thefts have backed off rather than testify in court. All that remain are Scott Rosen and another man, who claims the pair took him for about $30,000. "God forbid some pimp comes after me," Rosen says. "But I'm ready."

Before Rosen decides to move forward, though, he might do well to study the case of John Bolaris. The 53-year-old was the highest-paid TV weatherman in Philadelphia, earning $540,000 per year delivering forecasts on Fox 29, when he encountered an organized crime ring of Eastern European women in 2010. Each year after sweeps week in late March, he and his buddy Chris Wragge would head to South Florida for a three-day golf trip — using Wragge's CBS Sports credentials to hit the most exclusive links. "Just single guys in Miami having fun," Bolaris now says of the pilgrimage.

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My Voice Nation Help

YOLO is the place that the now Capt Francis Sousa of Fort Lauderdale police was in charge of the security detail, why did he allow prostitutes to work there? Is this the same guy that helped LeVin get out of his DUI then LeVin struck and killed two people on the sidewalk on A1A & Las Olas, how corrupt is Fort Lauderdale police department? 


"Prostitutes Steal Millions and Walk Free"

What a misleading title. I thought this was gonna be an article about GOLDMAN SACHS.

Sandra Strickland
Sandra Strickland

Birds of a feather flock together. The gents had their minds on taking advantage of the women but they beat them to the punch ha!!

Paul Sutherland
Paul Sutherland

B.O.O. H.O.O...Way to have a body guard and not use him, douche.

Dino MacabreEnt
Dino MacabreEnt

Haha Good for them, Fools and their money are soon parted. Jackasses!

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