Hydraulic Fracturing Presentation
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Hydraulic Fracturing Presentation

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This presentation discusses the technical, legal and regulatory issues associated with hydraulic fracturing.

This presentation discusses the technical, legal and regulatory issues associated with hydraulic fracturing.

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  • 1. Hydraulic Fracturing Myths and Maneuvers Presented by Cindy BishopSociety of Texas Environmental Professionals Meeting January 10, 2012 1
  • 2. Hydraulic Fracturing: Myths and ManeuversI. Hydraulic Fracturing 101 1. What is it? 2. Why do we care? 3. What’s the problem?II. Regulations – Who’s on First? 1. Texas 2. EPAIII. Myths (Studies)IV. Maneuvers 1. US v. Range Production Company 2. Maryland v. Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3. Town of Dish v. Atmos Energy, et al. 2
  • 3. What is Hydraulic Fracturing (“Fracing”)?General Steps•Obtain water source•Well construction•Fracing•Waste disposalFracing•Liquid pressure•Fissures•Propping agent•Flowback water 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Why do we care?•Natural gas heats ½ of US homes•Natural gas fuels more than 20% ofannual electricity production•Natural gas use will increase as coalplants are retired•20% of U.S. gas supply will be fromshale gas by 2020 5
  • 6. It is projected that shale gas will comprise over 20%of the total US gas supply by 2020 (EPA) NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION BY SOURCE (TCF/YEAR) 6
  • 7. Effect Locally•Since 2003 15,675 gas wells drilledand fracked in North Texas•2,000 wells in Fort Worth 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9.  About 1/3 flowback liquid returns Disposal well Surface impoundment Land surface 9
  • 10. Waste Disposal – SurfaceImpoundment 10
  • 11. WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? 11
  • 12.  What’s the Problem? Natural Gas in Well Water
  • 13. April 11, 2011 13
  • 14. What’s the Problem?•Water for fracing•Fracing •Chemicals in frac water •Methane release•Disposal of flowback water•Air emissions•Noise, light, odor•Earthquakes 14
  • 15. What’s the Problem?   Chemical Mixing  Well Injection  What are the possible impacts of inadequate treatment of hydraulic fracturing wastewaters on drinking water resources? FIGURE 1. FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH QUESTIONS POSED FOR EACH STAGE OF THE HYDRAULIC FRACTURING WATER LIFECYCLE  What are the possible impacts ofwithdrawalsof flowback and Whatmight large volume water releases of hydraulic fracturing What are the possible impacts of releases from ground and How arethe possible impacts of the injection and fracturing Wastewater Treatment Flowback and and Waste Disposal Produced Water surface wateron drinkingwaterwater resources? produced water on drinking water resources? processWater drinking resources? fluids on drinking water resources? impact Acquisition DRAFT Hydraulic Fracturing Study Plan February 7, 2011 -- Science Advisory Board Review --
  • 16. Regulating Fracing Who’s on First? 16
  • 17.  The Texas Railroad Commission has primary jurisdiction over oil and gas drilling.  Tex. Nat. Res. Code 81.051; 16 Tex. Admin Code 3.5 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has primary jurisdiction over conservation of natural resources and protection of the environment  30 Tex. Admin Code 5.012 17
  • 18. • Well Drilling/re-completion• Disposal wells• Pits for storage of oil field fluids or oil and gas wastes.• Spills associated with production• Oil and Gas Waste • Applicable Regs: 16 Tex. Admin. Code 3.8 (Water Protection); 3.13 (Casing, Cementing, Drilling, and Completion Requirements); RRC Rule 38; 40 CFR 261.4(a)(12)• Surface casing program (eff. 9/1/11) 18
  • 19.  Disclosure of Fracing Chemicals (16 TAC § 3.29) ◦ Applies to fracturing operations where RRC has issued an initial drilling permit on or after Feb. 1, 2012 ◦ Supplier/service company to operator – 15 days after completion of fracing ◦ Operator to RRC – disclose into online database on or before submission of well completion report to RRC  (30 days after well completion) 19
  • 20.  Disclosure of Fracing Chemicals (16 TAC § 3.29) ◦ Disclose:  Volume of water used  Each fracing chemical  Concentrations  Suppliers ◦ Exception for trade secrets 20
  • 21.  Surface water use Spills of hazardous substances Nuisance Odor Complaints Air Emissions ◦ Permit by Rule (30 TAC §106.352)  New PBR: applies to Barnett Shale operations constructed or modified after April 1, 2011 ◦ Existing operations in Barnett Shale claiming old PBR must notify TCEQ by Jan. 1, 2013 21
  • 22.  Memorandum of Understanding: 16 TAC § 3.30 22
  • 23.  Wastewater discharges Stormwater Underground injection wells involving diesel TSCA § 8(c) Proposed NSPS/NESHAP revisions (final rule by Feb. 28?) 23
  • 24.  Energy Policy Act of 2005 specifically excludes hydraulic fracturing operations. ◦ Exemption for: “The underground injection of fluids or propping agents (other than diesel fuels) pursuant to hydraulic fracturing operations related to oil, gas, or geothermal production activities.”  42 U.S.C. 300h(d)(1)(B)(ii). 24
  • 25.  No EPA action after 2005 Energy Policy Act Summer 2010 – EPA posts on its website that fracing with diesel requires a UIC permit August 2010 – Independent Petroleum Association v. EPA (D.C. Cir.) 25
  • 26.  Chemical disclosure statutes in Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Wyoming and Colorado, Michigan, Texas, California Drilling moratoriums: NY, Maryland, PA 26
  • 27.  Barnett Shale ◦ City of Fort Worth rules on drilling ◦ Town of Dish blocks drilling ◦ City of Dallas has not issued any drilling permits  task force for considering drilling requirements 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29.  Sampled 68 drinking water wells in PA and NY Methane concentrations were 17 times higher in water wells near active vs. inactive wells Methane was thermogenic “Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-well Drilling and Hydraulic Facturing” 29
  • 30.  85% of wells sampled contained thermogenic methane – regardless of location No fracing fluid detected in shallow water Water properties consistent with historical data Methane likely did not come from actual fracing 30
  • 31.  Methane is a GHG Fracing has a higher carbon footprint than coal 3.6 to 7.9% escapes in fracing 1.7 to 6% escapes in regular drilling “Hogwash” 31
  • 32.  January 6, 2012 New Cornell Study Prior study was “seriously flawed” Fracing has a carbon footprint that is half to a third that of coal 32
  • 33.  2004 EPA study – little to no risk of drinking water contamination during fracing of coalbed methane wells Al’s Study 2011 EPA study pending Wyoming Study 33
  • 34.  2012 - EPA proposed year to release interim results 2012 to 2014 - additional results to be released as particular investigations completed 2014 - EPA proposed year to release another report 34
  • 35. EPA Wyoming Study Draft Study – Dec. 8, 2011 Studied rural water wells in response to complaints Wells in area since the 1950s 169 production wells 33 surface pits EPA collected soil and gw samples Conclusions: (1) pits are a source of shallow gw contamination (2) likely impact to gw from hydraulic fracturing 35
  • 36. EPA Wyoming Study - Problems Draft Study – no peer review Area has a shallow gas field EPA drilled monitoring wells into a gas reservoir and found natural gas – duh QA/QC issues with blank samples Results from water well tests do not exceed drinking water standards Pits are already in remediation program 36
  • 37. UT Study UT Energy Institute Groundwater study in Barnett, Haynesville and Marcellus formations Final Report Expected January 2012 Preliminary findings – no direct link between fracing and groundwater contamination 37
  • 38. LITIGATION 38
  • 39. • 12/7/10 – EPA issued Emergency Administrative Order against Range under SDWA• Methane in 2 drinking water wells in Parker County “likely” due to fracing from Range wells in the area 39
  • 40.  EPA ordered Range to submit: ◦ A survey of all private water wells in the area and a sampling plan for approval. ◦ A plan to conduct soil gas surveys and indoor air analyses for all properties serviced by the nearby water wells. ◦ A plan to identify and eliminate gas flow pathways to the Trinity Aquifer. ◦ A plan to remedy the areas of the aquifer that had been affected by Range’s activities. 40
  • 41.  1 day after the EAO issued, Railroad Commission sets a hearing on Range Meanwhile, EPA sues Range to enforce the EAO (1/18/11) 3/7/11 – RRC finds no evidence that Range caused damage to the drinking water wells 3/22/11 – Range sues EPA, seeking dismissal of EAO on constitutional and evidentiary grounds 41
  • 42.  EPA seeks: ◦ Permanent injunctive relief to require Range to comply with the EAO. ◦ Civil penalties up to $16,500 per day of violation. 42
  • 43.  4/19/11 – Chesapeake well blowout releases flowback water onto neighboring farmlands and into nearby creek 4/29/11 – Maryland files Notice of Intent to Sue under RCRA and CWA ◦ Injunctive relief ◦ Attorneys’ fees 5/17/11 – Chesapeake Settles with PA for $1 million 43
  • 44.  February 2011, Town of Dish, Texas sued six natural gas pipeline companies that own and operate compressor stations near the town for releasing harmful substances into the air 44
  • 45.  TIMELINE ◦ 2005: residents complained of odors but assured there were no harmful gases ◦ April 2009: city officials confirmed presence of hydrocarbons in the air ◦ Summer 2009: compressor stations expanded; air quality allegedly worsened 45
  • 46. ◦ Sept 2009: independent testing confirmed presence of Benzene, Xylene, Toluene and Ethylbenzene◦ April 2010: TCEQ installed permanent monitoring stations 46
  • 47. Allegations Nuisance ◦ Odor ◦ Noise ◦ Light Trespass No Allegations of Regulatory Violations 47
  • 48.  DAMAGES ◦ Residents suffered loss of land market value, eroded tax base and loss of revenue in the amount of $15,000 per year ◦ $45,000 in legal fees ◦ $15,000 in “other” costs associated with Defendant’s activities ◦ Trespass damages of $1,000 per day ◦ Exemplary Damages 48
  • 49.  Allegations of Drinking Water Contamination ◦ 4 cases in TX 49
  • 50.  Where’s the science? How can we help? ◦ Technical/legal opinions ◦ Baseline study ◦ Disposal audits 50
  • 51. Hydraulic FracturingMyths and Maneuvers Presented by Cindy Bishop 214-893-5646cbishop@cbishoplaw.com www.cbishoplaw.com 51