
Eagle Ford Shale mineral-rights trial moves forward

JPMorgan Chase Bank, as one-time trustee of the South Texas Syndicate Trust, is accused by some of the trust’s beneficiaries of mismanaging the mineral rights to 132,000 contiguous acres in LaSalle and McMullen counties.  More »

Fracking ban divides Denton

As Election Day nears in this small city 30 miles north of Dallas, a wary unease has settled over the early voting on a local referendum of national significance. If passed, the proposition would be the first to completely ban the petroleum extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing in one small corner of the great oil and gas boom state of Texas.  More »

Valley hopes for economic boom from Mexico’s energy measures

The Rio Grande Valley, which has missed out on most the oil and gas boom in the nearby Eagle Ford Shale, may get its own boost from increased economic activity tied to Mexico’s energy overhaul.  More »

Kirby Corp. grows onshore with hydraulic fracturing boom

Kirby Corp., a Houston-based barge shipping company, is growing its business on shore. Since hydraulic fracturing took off, Kirby has found a growing market for its diesel engine services division. The engines power hydraulic fracturing pumps, and demand has been rising in recent years.  More »

A lot’s changed since 1980s, but lower oil prices still cause unease

Oil prices have fallen this year, and that’s causing people in the oil capital to remember a much deeper slump 30 years ago.  More »

Getting new oil means fathoming the deep

Finding the oil is just the beginning, especially in the depths of the sea.  More »

First-of-its-kind carbon capture plant opens in North San Antonio

Austin-based Skyonic Inc. debuted its $125 million carbon capture plant on Tuesday.  More »

Tesoro Logistics to acquire Colorado company for $2.5 billion

The deal is expected to close by the end of the year.  More »

Oil price could bite companies whose production made it cheaper

The companies that helped turn around the domestic oil supply situation now face lower profits because crude’s become so plentiful it’s getting cheaper.  More »

Government lags in measuring gush of U.S. crude

The federal Energy Information Administration relies on state agencies for data about oil production, sometimes two years late. For natural gas, the EIA is collecting data from an outdated survey of producers in five states that was designed before technological advancements opened up new plays across the country.  More »

Guest Commentary: Anticipating the risks of oil and gas trucking

More shippers are exploring trucking as a way to move their products to diverse markets, but risk of spills are high.  More »

Natgasoline clears EPA hurdle for $1 billion methanol plant in Beaumont

The massive Beaumont project is expected to require thousands of construction workers and carry a more than $20 million annual payroll once it begins producing methanol at the end of 2016  More »
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