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  • Earthquake shakes parts of Kansas, Oklahoma

    Earthquake shakes parts of Kansas, Oklahoma

    An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 has shaken parts of Kansas and Oklahoma.
    An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 shook parts of Kansas and Oklahoma on Wednesday, the largest since a series of temblors began rattling Kansas a little more than a year ago.
  • Japan's nuclear cleanup stymied by water woes

    Japan's nuclear cleanup stymied by water woes

    More than three years into Japan's massive cleanup of the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant, only a tiny fraction of the workers are focused on the key tasks of dismantling the broken reactors and removing...
    More than three years into the massive cleanup of Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant, only a tiny fraction of the workers are focused on key tasks such as preparing for the dismantling of the broken reactors...
  • Remote Nevada quakes result from stretching crust

    Remote Nevada quakes result from stretching crust

    Scientists say a swarm of earthquakes since July in the remote desert linking Oregon, California and Nevada can be traced to the constant stretching of the Earth's crust.
    Scientists say a swarm of earthquakes since July in the remote desert linking Oregon, California and Nevada can be traced to the constant stretching of the Earth's crust.
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