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School bans on chocolate milk may backfire

Banning chocolate milk from schools may sound like a good move for kids' health, but efforts to do so haven't turned out that way, a small study found. More>>

School lunches more nutritious than home-packed lunches

Lunches packed at home are generally not as nutritious as school lunches, a new study shows. More>>

Study builds case for later high school starting time

Teens go to sleep much later than younger children, according to a study that lends support to later start times in high schools. More>>

The ABCs of successful classroom design

Classroom design can have a major impact on student achievement, a new study says. More>>

BlueLight gives college students an easy, more accurate way to alert police

Many college campuses feature a “Blue Light” system that allows students to get directly in touch with security. A new similarly named app called BlueLight brings the same functionality to your smartphone for an added sense of security both on and off campus. More>>

Colleges could do more for students with chronic ills

Many college health centers may lack the resources to fully care for students with chronic health conditions, a new study suggests. More>>

Childhood peanut allergy may be linked to skin gene mutation

Infants with a specific skin gene mutation who are exposed to peanut protein in household dust may be more likely to develop a peanut allergy, according to a new study. More>>

Today's teens can be adept multitaskers

If you think teenagers always pay a penalty in performance when they juggle multiple media devices, think again. More>>

ADHD can hamper school performance as early as 2nd grade

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can harm a child's academic performance and social skills as early as the second grade, a new Australian study contends. More>>

Boys with autism show certain grammar skills in study

Boys with high-functioning autism are stronger in a certain grammar skill than those without autism, according to a small study. More>>

Cyberbullying seems to ramp up in middle school

As kids transition from elementary to middle school, they are increasingly the targets of cyberbullies, according to a recent study. More>>

Few students with asthma, allergies have school emergency plan

Too few students with asthma and food allergies have emergency plans in place at school, which can leave the schools inadequately prepared in a health crisis, a new survey finds. More>>

An introduction to student loans and the FAFSA

Even if you think you won't qualify it is important to fill out an FAFSA form. You may be surprised and you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to access cheap funding options. More>>

Back to school laptop bag guide

Check out these five great laptop bags for students.

Cheap car insurance for college students

If you're of college age – or have a college-age student in the family – you probably know it's a terrible time to buy auto insurance. More>>

What parents need to know about sports participation

Sports are an important part of school for many youngsters, and proper preparation is essential for reducing their risk of injury, an expert says. More>>

College prep 101

College can be a challenging time for young people, but there are a number of things they can do to make the most of their new life, an expert says. More>>

More children hit by cars in September

More children are hit by cars during September than any other month of the year, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. More>>

Expert offers backpack safety tips

Parents need to make safety a priority when shopping for school backpacks for their children, an expert advises. More>>

Plan children's meals that make the grade

Poor nutrition can translate to poor performance in school, experts say. More>>

The essential back to school supply list

Make the transition from vacation to learning a little sweeter with a full stock of new, useful supplies for your child. More>>

Four back to school tips to stay organized

Getting ready for the back to school rush doesn't have to be hard. Here are some tips to get you and your kids organized. More>>

Preschoolers with special needs may gain from 'inclusion' classrooms

Preschoolers with special needs benefit from going to school with children who have strong language skills, according to a new study. More>>

Good schools may be good for a teen's health, too

Low-income teenagers who get into a more rigorous high school may take fewer health risks than their peers at other schools, a new study suggests. More>>

Same genes may influence reading, math skills

Nearly half of the genes that affect children's reading ability also play a role in their math skills, a new study says. More>>

Poor sleep may lead to worse grades for college students

Instead of staying up studying all night, college students might want to try a new way to improve their grades: get a good night's sleep. More>>

Levar Burton Reading Rainbow Web app raises $1 million-plus on Kickstarter in one day

Building off the success of the Reading Rainbow iPad application that launched two years ago, Levar Burton launched a Kickstarter campaign earlier today that will bring the application to the Web as well.

Good grades = bigger bucks

Good grades really do pay off, a new study suggests. More>>

Tips for repaying student loans

Be smart about paying off education debt.

Girls have been better students than boys for decades

Girls have earned better school grades than boys for nearly a century, according to a new study. And that includes math and science, even though it's long been believed that boys do better in those subjects. More>>

Fear won't boost exam scores: study

Students can't be scared into doing well on final exams, a new study shows. More>>

1 in 13 U.S. schoolkids takes psych meds

More than 7 percent of American schoolchildren are taking at least one medication for emotional or behavioral difficulties, a new government report shows. More>>

Having kids walk to school comes with risks, benefits

Many parents are understandably worried about letting their kids walk or bike to school. More>>

College women: Have a healthy spring break

Spring break offers college women -- and men -- a welcome respite from the pressures of school, but they need to make sure they protect their health while having fun. More>>

Preschoolers beat college kids at figuring out gadgets

When faced with a strange, new gizmo, preschoolers figured out how it worked more quickly than college students did, a new study shows. More>>

Kids who repeat a grade can become discipline problems

Students who have to repeat a grade can cause discipline problems among their classmates, a new study indicates. More>>

Students' health habits tied to school success

Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and being physically fit are important for students' success in school, a new study suggests. More>>

Frequent school moves may harm kids' mental health

Preteens who changed schools frequently when they were children are at increased risk of developing psychotic symptoms, a new study suggests. More>>

College students should get a flu shot

It's the peak of flu season, and not being vaccinated can be risky for college students, a doctor warns. More>>

'Sensitive' older sibling may help boost preschoolers' language skills

Preschoolers from big families tended to score a bit lower on one vocabulary test. However, in cases where those kids had a sensitive big brother or sister, the vocabulary disadvantage disappeared. More>>

Keep lice off your child's head

It's that time of year when your children are back in school -- and you need to be on the lookout for head lice, an expert says. More>>

Stocking epinephrine in schools might save lives

As a pediatrician at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, Dr. Sarah Denny has seen her share of the life-threatening reactions that can happen with food allergies. More>>

Books reflect the economic tone of their times

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," Dickens wrote in 1859. More>>

College students feel pull of cigarette ads

The influence of just one cigarette ad can last for seven days and increases the risk of smoking among college students, according to a new study. More>>

Financial tips for adults returning to college

Returning to school requires an upfront financial commitment. But college can be affordable when you put these tasks on your personal syllabus. More>>

Teens who are night owls may struggle in school

Teens who stay up late are more likely to have lower grades and more emotional problems, a new study suggests. More>>

How to raise cultured kids

Do you long for your child to choose the symphony over SpongeBob and couscous over mac ’n’ cheese? Raising a cultured kid can be easier than you think.

Crossing a line? California school district hires company to watch student's social media

The Internet is full of nightmares for parents and educators worried about safety. But does that make it appropriate for a school district to hire professional social media snoops to digitally tail their students' moves online?

Separation anxiety in children going to school

Separation anxiety that presents itself in children going to school is a regular part of childhood development for many kids. However, it can be very distressing to both the child and the parents. More>>

12 useful online services and apps for students

The school year is about to begin, and parents across the country are getting kids ready with new school supplies, computers, tablets, and a few other must-haves. Before you send your student off to high school or even the far away world of college, you should sign up for these (or similar) services. More>>

Turn your dorm room into a gamer den

When you move into a college dorm room, you accept certain limitations when it comes to your available living space. For gamers, that means you need to get a little creative in order to turn your room into the gamer cave you need to help you unwind between classes. More>>

iPad, Nexus, and Note: Back to school tablets for students

High schoolers and college kids need tablets with good, pixel dense displays, speedy performance, and extras or accessories that will keep them productive both in class and at the library. More>>

Laptops 101: What's the best computer for your college major?

Back to school shopping for college students often requires a trip to the local computer store. Make sure you're armed with the right information before you pick up that new laptop.

Resources for Connecticut school shooting

For those looking for information regarding the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, here are some resources. More>>

Create a soda bottle rainforest Video included

Here is a green science project idea that's sure to put your kid at the head of the class. It's a rainforest terrarium made from an old soda bottle. More>>

Mars rover Curiosity and collaborate to inspire students to "Reach for the Stars” Video included

Tastemaker, best known for his work with The Black Eyed Peas, has collaborated with NASA to transmit a song to Earth from the surface of Mars. More>>

Summer homework battles

You're still sitting on the beach, but unfinished summer projects for school -- posters, reading assignments, essays -- loom large. Here's how to make the job less painful. More>>

Fun ways to stop summer brain drain

During summer vacation, kids can experience a month or more of learning loss. As a parent, you can halt the summer brain drain and give your kids the brain boost they need to prepare them for the upcoming school year. More>>

Twitter helps save 9-year-old girl’s banned school-lunch blog

A Scottish girl's blog about the quality of her school meals had been getting a huge number of hits after news outlets around the world got hold of the story last month. Then her local council told her to stop. And that's when things really kicked off. More>>

Lessons learned from a lifetime of gaming

This is your brain on Oregon Trail. And guess what? Gaming isn't the violence-inducing waste of time it's sometimes made out to be. More>>

Kids can handle tech OK, but tying shoelaces? That’s another matter

A survey which looked at how connected today's youngsters are with the great outdoors turned up some interesting, albeit alarming, results. More>>

Apple boldly reinvents the school textbook with iBooks 2 and iTunes U, but will educators bite?

With iBooks 2 authors can create textbooks, students can buy them for $15 or less, and teachers attain the ability to create entire courses on the iPad. More>>

School immunization requirements from preschool to college

Each year, millions of children receive immunization shots in order to prepare for school, whether it's preschool, kindergarten, first grade, high school or college. Read on to learn more about why vaccinations are required and how to find out which immunization shots you child will need. More>>

Study: Students with smartphones study more often

While more teenagers and college students are utilizing tablets and smartphones in their daily lives, one study finds that students with access to these devices may be studying more often. More>>

Make online education work for you

Enrollments in online education have grown exponentially over the past decade, but not all are created equally. This is what you need to know before you log on to learn.

Universities buying .xxx domains to keep their brands clean

The .xxx domain registry is gaining some unlikely customers: universities, who wish to keep pornographers and cybersquatters from tainting their brands. More>>

What you may not know about your school nurse

Your school nurse's responsibilities go beyond fixing scrapes. Here's a primer on her role -- and how to help her help you. More>>

How to locate underused college scholarships

There are many scholarships set up by organizations, individuals and fraternal clubs that go wanting for applicants each year. Here's how to find them. More>>

Saving cash on college textbooks: E-book rental services compared

Recently Amazon launched a Kindle textbook rental service to compete with several other services designed to save college kids some cash. Here's a look at how e-textbook programs compare. More>>

Summer athletes need to take extra precaution

Hot weather can cause problems – even for healthy individuals. Any type of training in heat and humidity can put children and teens at risk of heat exhaustion and, in extreme cases, circulatory collapse or heat stroke. More>>

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