NOW 12:15 PM The Dark Past
NEXT 1:50 PM Boomerang!
LATER 3:50 PM Cat Ballou



Today would be Grace Kelly's 85th birthday. Here's a look at her iconic style throughout the years, from... More


Stalag 17

This movie is truly a classic. A great war story that will keep your attention from beginning to climatic end. William Holden is cast perfectly... More

The Gorgon

I really like this movie because I love Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee and Vincent Price as well in the Tingler. I hope one day you all can... More

Tonight on Icons @ 8, two boxing films starring two legends – one even plays himself! First, it's James Earl... More


"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets." -


Emperor of the North Pole

This is one of the great depression movies that should not be missed! It will have you griping your chair! Hang on and go for a ride... More