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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Commercial Real Estate

With Faith of Investors, Downtown Tulsa Reawakens

Anchored by the redevelopment of an old hotel, and a rejuvenated oil and gas industry, the central business district in the Oklahoma city is beginning to thrive again.

Manhattan’s Second-Tier Office Buildings Make Energy Efficiency a Goal

In recent years, several of Manhattan’s Class B buildings, typically known for being old and out of the way, have acted to improve their carbon footprints.

Recent Commercial Transactions

Notable properties that have been recently listed for sale, sold or leased.

Time Is Running Out for a Grand Central Bookstore

Squeezed out by new construction, Posman Books, which has been at Grand Central Terminal for 15 years, will close its store there on Dec. 31.

Recent Commercial Transactions

Notable properties that have been recently listed for sale, sold or leased.

Plan for a Times Square in Mumbai Stirs Criticism

India’s government would like to boost tourism by turning a historic neighborhood into a bustling cultural hub, but many locals don’t want the noise and congestion it could bring.

The Noise Near This Airport’s Runway Is Getting Louder

Plagued by complaints about jet activity, the Santa Monica Municipal Airport is facing a vote next week on whether residents or the city should control its future.

The 30-Minute Interview

Karim Rashid

Mr. Rashid is a designer whose real estate projects include work for HAP Investments in East Harlem and Chelsea.

The 30-Minute Interview

Stuart Siegel

Mr. Siegel is the president of the recently established New York City brokerage office of Engel & amp;Völkers, a real estate company based in Hamburg, Germany.

The 30-Minute Interview

Ian Schrager

Mr. Schrager is the chairman and chief executive of the Ian Schrager Company, a hotel and real estate developer.