Weather Week: The State of Texas Is Pretty Blue, Thanks to the Weather Map

Categories: Texas, Weather

Weather Bell
According to Weather Bell, Texas will be a blue state this week.

If you spent any time last week whining about the unseasonably hot November temperatures, well, we're blaming you for this impending arctic blast that's about to ruin Houston's sandal weather.

So should you be one of the offending parties, just fess up now, and please start sending sweaters and/or hot toddies our way. After today, we're gonna need 'em.

You might also want to pack a jacket for yourself this week, because come mid-morning today, a strong cold front is predicted to come barreling through the state. Temps in Houston will drop 15 to 20 points throughout the day, which means it'll be in the 50s by early evening.

There may even be some rain thrown into the mix, especially out along the coast, which should make things nice and uncomfortable as you're leaving the office. Don't say we didn't warn you.

But those kinda wet-and-cold temps will look like bathing-suit weather by the time late Thursday or early Friday rolls around.

By Friday, the temps in Houston will be at their coldest of the season, and will have dropped down into the 30s. That's next-level cold, in case you were wondering, and will happen as high pressure settles over the southern plains.

Areas north of I-10 in Montgomery County could even experience several hours where temps fall below freezing. That means there may be a good ol' freeze warning in effect come Friday.

Oh, and not only will it be super-cold this week, it will stay super-cold, too. The weekend will be kinda rainy and frigid, and that will carry on into part of next week as well. See? We weren't kidding about those sweaters.

So in short, this week is going to feel pretty cold for our Texas-acclimated asses, and for no good reason, we blame you. But misplaced cold-weather blame aside, at least Texas managed to turn blue for a little while. Even if it's just on the weather map.


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