Some Brave Soul Stole A Bunch of HPD-Issued Shotguns From an Officer's Truck Tuesday Night

Mad House Photography via Flickr
Stealing one gun from an officer is probably risky business, considering the potential consequences that could arise from such a deed.

Still, crooks on the North side of Houston took that risky gun-thieving business to the extreme Tuesday night when they stole a bunch of shotguns from a police officer's vehicle.

Thieves broke out the back window of an HPD officer's city-issued pickup truck Tuesday night and stole 10 HPD-issued Remington shotguns that were inside, according to reports.

The officer discovered the theft after he went outside his home on Twickenham Trail at 7:40 a.m. Wednesday and discovered the broken window, according to a report from KPRC.

The officer then realized that the 10 shotguns, which luckily have unique serial numbers, were gone.

A car was heard leaving the neighborhood with squealing tires around 3 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to witness reports.

The stolen guns can be easily identified by their orange markings, which indicate that the guns are most often used to fire non-lethal bean bag rounds.

However, they can still be used for live ammunition, according to reports. Awesome.

Police are now looking for the person responsible, who can probably be identified by their balls of steel, which would have been necessary to pull off an HPD gun-heist of this magnitude.


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