Will Florida Ever Vote for a Republican Presidential Candidate Again?

Categories: Politicks

For the past few presidential elections, Florida has been the grand prize of swing states. It's 29 electoral votes could have conceivably gone either way.

President Obama was able to win Florida in the past two elections, but that was only after hard campaigning and a sophisticated "get out the vote" system in the state. If demographic trends hold steady, though, Florida could soon become an easier win for Democrats.

That, however, is a big if.

According to Bloomberg News, Patrick Oakford of the Center for American Progress used voter simulations based on 2012 results and projected demographic changes to predict that that Obama's 0.9 percentage point victory over Mitt Romney in 2012 would look something more like 3.4 percentage points in 2016.

Why? Because Florida's Hispanic and Black populations are growing at a much faster pace than its White population.

The model projects that Florida's voting population will have grown by 1 million people between 2012 and 2014. Only 672,000 of those voters will actually show up, based on voting rates. But even still, 82 percent of those new voters will be black or Hispanic.

Oakford's model, however, assumes that racial and ethnic groups not only continue to vote in the same way they did in 2012 but also show up in the same way they did.

Bloomberg News notes that the black turnout could be smaller without President Obama on the ballot.

The model also assume that Hispanic voters will vote the same way they did in 2012, and makes no predictions based off the trend of Florida's Hispanic vote becoming more and more Democratic.

In 2008, President Obama won Florida's Hispanic vote with 57 percent. In 2012, that grew to 60 percent. That trend holds true even in midterm election. In 2010, Republican Gov. Rick Scott actually won the Hispanic vote by two points. This year, he lost it by 20 points.

Could that trend possibly be reversed with the presence of Marco Rubio on the ticket?

The move toward the left could also switch if Republicans change their positions and rhetoric. In our two-party system, both parties adapt and respond so that both remain competitive with each other.

So this model is a big if, but if Republicans continue down their same path with little efforts to connect with minority voters, it seems as if their chance of winning Florida again anytime in the near future could be slipping away.

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My Voice Nation Help
Gary McFly
Gary McFly

Miami New Times still feeling some type of way after their gang lost the recent elections.

Steve Atlas
Steve Atlas

Metrage Lapicha, your argument boils down to mocking the president's name. Brilliant. You said he "ruined everything" (whereas Bush presumably made everything wonderful), but I doubt you can name anything he did, good or bad, because I doubt that you have the faintest clue about policy. As a know-nothing ideology, you don't have to actually know anything. You just need to know how to hate.

Felix Lauzurique
Felix Lauzurique

Gracias a el ..tengo mi casa. ya que el firmo la ley de Ipoteca Revertida,,

Robert Finne
Robert Finne

I still don't know what the big attraction for Reagan was supposed to be.

Carlos Rosario
Carlos Rosario

Never did never will unless they give me a job and that will never happen

Andrew Creech
Andrew Creech

Conservatives from the US who bash the word Liberal have no clue that the American Ideals of Freedom, Liberty and Individual rights are classically liberal issues. If you hate Liberals so much, go join your fellow conservatives in ISIS.

Adrian Lemos
Adrian Lemos

No entiendo la pregunta, Espanol por favor.

Bob Lowe
Bob Lowe

One can only hope even though Rick Scott, the alien from outer space was re elected

Steve Noyola
Steve Noyola

WOW..Captain obvious!!!! When people don't vote for your candidate then you will lose an election. ANOTHER educated democratic voter?????

Karina Trovato
Karina Trovato


Metrage Lapicha
Metrage Lapicha

James - Actually, we gave Democrats an opportunity to take office for 2 terms. And of course, Obutthole ruined it all. But it's over. You're doomed in 2016. Check out those recent election results again and grab a box of tissue paper my dear. :)

Gina Palomino
Gina Palomino

Liberals can't accept the TRUTH !! Keep on drinking the Kool Aid ..

James Fleming
James Fleming

Recent election results will prove to only accelerate decline. Were you sleeping as America voted a democrat in the last two Presidential elections?

Frank Ponch Torres
Frank Ponch Torres

Again, will see. I can't wait for Hitllery to be the DemoCrats sacrificial lamb in '16. Until then, we will rejoice.

Metrage Lapicha
Metrage Lapicha

^James - you must have been sleeping during the recent elections. #letitburn

James Fleming
James Fleming

The entire countries shifting demo will continue to cause fewer people to vote republican unless the GOP changes significantly.

Metrage Lapicha
Metrage Lapicha

It must be a Miami thing... WSVN Facebook page writers can't spell and/or use correct English grammar. And Miami New Times writers are biased and make up their own statistics for no reason. Interesting huh? #burn

Steve Atlas
Steve Atlas

"Except the counties of Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Orange" and Hillsborough? Frank, if you had any sense you'd realize that's where most of the population resides. You must have been really mystified when Obama won the state -- twice -- and Scott barely squeaked by two terrible Democratic candidates. You have geography and demographics confused, Frank. Empty spaces don't vote.

Christian Meighan
Christian Meighan

I'm sure preventing non-citizens from illegally voting would help.

Frank Ponch Torres
Frank Ponch Torres

The hate from your paper is amazing. The state is RED. Period! Except the counties of Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Orange, all the rest are red. There goes your changing demographics.

Angie Parker
Angie Parker

I don't care what party you affiliate with, just read the damn bill, don't allow others to sway you vote, and vote for you constituents wants and needs.. Period..

Andrew Connelly
Andrew Connelly

After seeing Rick "Steal Your Tax Dollars" Scott get elected again, anything is possible. Morons...

Joe Matos
Joe Matos

I think its a possibility because of the migration of people from miami to other parts of the state that are /were predominantly republican. Also many people do not go out to vote for the mid term elections compared to the turn out for the presidential election.

Will Mojica
Will Mojica

LMFAO! I will NEVER vote Republican nor Democrat, can't wait to hear the "if you don't vote, don't complain" argument. Stop voting for the lesser of two evils.

Jose Rohaidy
Jose Rohaidy

Miami New Times, spitting that political bias (shocking)

Jake Gonzalez Jr.
Jake Gonzalez Jr.

Get over your elections butt hurt New Times... You lost. Florida Democrats are tired and fading away. In 2016, you will be the only existing Liberal paper in the state.

Alba Reguero
Alba Reguero

Stop with the political agenda New Times, I thought this was supposed to be an Arts and Entertainment newspaper, bleh

Mike Evans
Mike Evans

If they don't show up to vote it can always happen, they voted Rick Scott in twice.

Tom Neibaur
Tom Neibaur

Jeb has a real shot at Florida. If a republican can carry Florida, it will be him

Anthonyvop1 topcommenter

More lazy moochers = More votes for the Dems!

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