Jackson Could Lose $570 Million a Year If Republicans Refuse to Expand Medicaid

Categories: Politicks

Rick Scott and his fellow Tallahassee Republicans' strong opposition to the Affordable Care Act has resulted in the state refusing to allow the federal government to expand Medicaid in Florida.

But their refusal could cause Florida hospitals to miss out on billions in funding, with Miami's cash-strapped Jackson Memorial Hospital in particular losing an estimated $570 million a year.

That's according to a report from non-profit Florida Legal Services.

Because the Affordable Care Act has reduced the amount of people without health insurance, the federal government is gradually paying states less disproportionate share hospital funds. That money is meant to help hospitals, especially public "safety net" hospitals, offset the cost of caring for the uninsured.

Problem is Florida is still left with about 760,000 residents who will not be able to access health insurance even under the ACA.

This gap is meant to be covered by expanding Medicaid eligibility, but Republicans in Tallahassee have refused to allow the feds to spend $5 billion a year to expand the service in the state.

Which basically means Florida's hospitals are screwed, in particular Jackson.

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Henry Louis Gomez
Henry Louis Gomez

A business model that depends on federal money doesn't sound too smart to me. Hey Jackson try taking care of the billions you're already getting?

Henry Louis Gomez
Henry Louis Gomez

Why the Republicans and not the state legislature? Oh that's right because the Republicans were elected to the state legislature. Maybe it's because they're against federal boondoggle.

James Smith
James Smith

How much do the tax paying hard working middle class stand to loose with expansion?


The whole purpose of a public hospital is to assist those who can't afford to cover their medical bills. But for Jackson, the poor = those who can't afford to pay thousands of dollars for hospital stay daily, would simply die in our streets. If that's your idea of freedom, go to West Africa and have a ball!


Time for So. Fla. to secede from this 1800's state?

Evie de Moller
Evie de Moller

Not about Republicans....all about mismanagement and corruption. My friends (Republicans by the way) gave over a million$$$ to help!)

Gabriel Esteban
Gabriel Esteban

Miami times is about as liberal a rag as you're going to read Jorge Shades Padilla

Merz Benz
Merz Benz

Tracy Cadet yup! #toiletflushing

Blessed Regardless
Blessed Regardless

Many failed to vote. People have to understand not only is the presidential election important, but state and local too.

James G. Camp
James G. Camp

This isn't an R or D issue, Jackson Health System hasn't paid for itself in at least 5 years. And if I recall, it's been a good decade of fiscal irresponsibility. The hospital system is too big to fail, like the banking & real estate bubble. Borrow, tax, spend cycle. No solutions, just more debt.

Carlos Rosario
Carlos Rosario

Laugh out loud......that's what we get when idiots vote

Jeff Stevens
Jeff Stevens

Oh well........ People should have voted and not allowed the thief SCOTT to again make decisions for floridians....

Christian Meighan
Christian Meighan

What you mean is redistribute $557 million from us to a corporation using the government.

Maribel Campa
Maribel Campa

Tinfoil good name for your ignorance retard just die off with the rest of the bigots

Rian Pelger
Rian Pelger

We voted the republican clowns into office...now we the people are going to get screwed royally. Watch and see....our governor has no plans to help all of us.

Teresa Neira
Teresa Neira

Yvonne lo que te explicaba sobre la expansión de Medicaid.

Rene Hernandez
Rene Hernandez

You voted for Prick Scott, now suck it up for 4 years.

Viviana Otero
Viviana Otero

Well... You voted for them! Now deal with it!!!!

Tinfoil-Tom Garcia
Tinfoil-Tom Garcia


Anthonyvop1 topcommenter


Instead of demanding that they take more of our money from us how about they cut the bloated budget and actually start forcing people to pay for the services they receive?

Will Mojica
Will Mojica

Lol, left pointing at the right. Right pointing at the left, how much more can your minds be enslaved in the left/right paradigm?

Al Newman
Al Newman

How much did Jackson lose last year???

Miriam Kaige
Miriam Kaige

Sad the only hospital that doesn't turn away uninsured patient's.


And when the other idiots DON'T vote.

Anthonyvop1 topcommenter

Can you please tell us which Hospital in South Florida that will turn away an uninsured patient in urgent need.

Just one!

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