Insane Car Accident Leaves Sedan Upside Down in Middle of North Miami Avenue

Categories: Crime

Courtesy of Allie Conti
A dramatic traffic accident created a bizarre scene last night in Little Haiti.

Around 1:30 a.m., a red sedan lost control on North Miami Avenue near 79th Street, flipping upside down and landing on its roof. Afterward, the car's occupants appeared unhurt and could be seen making phone calls. Passersby in both directions had to veer around the disabled vehicle, which was strewn perpendicular to traffic.

It's unclear if another car was involved in the crash. More details to come.

Update: Miami Police spokeswoman Frederica Burden says the accident was a hit-and-run but didn't have any further details about what happened. We'll update this story when a a full accident report is available.

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