Miami International Boat Show Moving To Marine Stadium

Categories: Unreal Estate

Photos by Claire Nelson
The Miami Marine Stadium is coming back. It's really coming back. After sitting dormant and abandoned for over 20 years, the Miami International Boat Show is expected to announce that they'll move their 2016 and 2017 editions from Miami Beach to the Virginia Key aquatic stadium.

Though renovations haven not begun, Friends of the Marine Stadium hope to have all their ducks in a line and renovations completed in time for the 2016 fair.

See also: Gloria Estefan, Street Artists Make Their Mark on Miami Marine Stadium

The Miami Herald reports that while it's not a totally done deal, supporters of the stadium's renovations, including Gloria Estefan, plan to announce the deal officially on Thursday morning on a yacht.

The relocation of the boat show during those years was somewhat of a necessity anyway thanks to planned renovations of the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Though a small portion of the actual stadium would be used, most of the fair would be held outside in tents erected in the stadium's vast parking lot.

Of course, Friends of the Marine Stadium still have not secured a full-time lease from the city, and has until January 20th to show that the stadium could be a moneymaking operation that wouldn't need public support.

Supporters say that the Boat Show's move proves that indeed there is a commercial future for the property, and hopes to secure that full-time lease in November.

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My Voice Nation Help
Alex Reyes
Alex Reyes

So much skateboarding and graffiti has happened here in the last 20 years. This has definitely not been "sitting dormant and abandoned"


This is the last chance to save this pig... IF the Cuban mafia (City Hall)doesn't screw this deal up -  I predict the "kick-back" might de-rail this gig.

Erin Barber
Erin Barber

Friends of Miami Marine StadiumART History - Friends of Miami Marine Stadium Mural Project

James G. Camp
James G. Camp

Brilliant, maybe the tolls kill the boat show ? Or they run over more cyclists because the roads aren't any safer than the water ?

Skye Kogan
Skye Kogan

Sena Field Brooke Mesner Austin Kibler Nick Pardo

Joey Vril-ya
Joey Vril-ya

Hernan Corredor your spot is done for bro

Dave Pazos
Dave Pazos

You can tell they're getting federal funding for it. Miami politicians never put county/city money towards anything that doesn't benefit them directly.

Christopher A. Haik
Christopher A. Haik

I hope when they are done whith whatever construction they plan on doing. There is still art everywhere.

Stephanie Figueroa
Stephanie Figueroa

Finally being put to good use? Uhhh I think it's fine how it's being used NOW.

Anthonyvop1 topcommenter

What needs to be done is a proper management company needs to secure the rights from the city.

The worst is to give a long term lease to a group that thinks that Letting Vandals plaster the stadium with Graffiti is what is needed.

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