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Driving Cars and Driving Businesses

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  • Driving cars serves as a good metaphor for decision-making. Hesitant drivers and hesitant managers may be faulty of making bad decisions, to give one example.
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  • 1. Driving Cars and Driving Businesses
    Ali Anani, PhD
  • 2. Drivers have to make quick decisions.They don't have the luxury of time
    Time out
  • 3. Time is shrinking
    Decision makers have to make quick decisions as car drivers do
  • 4. Hesitant car drivers make accidents
    So, are drivers of organizations
  • 5. Rapidity of change
    puts organizations on many junctions
  • 6. Which direction to go?
    And timely decisions must be taken
  • 7. Like a caring driver he does first what he may control
    He/she inspects the car before driving
  • 8. But that isn't enough
    The driver must take care of himself/herself
  • 9. Drivers of businesses should avoid "driving" the organization
    If they are stressed or unhealthy
  • 10. Good  drivers avoid driving while drunk
    Or, under stress
  • 11. Good drivers collect information on the enironment
    They minimize the driving risks
  • 12. Drivers of businesses should read the environment
    To minimize risks on the road of forward moving the business
  • 13. No matter what, car drivers shall come to junctions where they have to make
    Intuition may help in directing the driver to the correct direction
  • 14. Car drivers may run into a slow lane
    This determines their arrival time
  • 15. Good drivers have an emergency plan to move out of the slow lane
    They have alternative routes
  • 16. So are business drivers
    They do their best to have alternatives.
  • 17. Are good drivers good business drivers too?
    They share many similar ingredients