NEW YORK — A few things you may not know about Katie Holmes:

On a nasty day, she'll sit through three movies in a row, in an actual theater, eating greasy popcorn. She's one of those people who sometimes checks her phone during films, and gets shushed by those around her. And when she gets sandwiches at Subway — yes Subway — she vacillates between which kind of Doritos should accompany them.

In short, the star of the drama Miss Meadows (opening Friday) seems to live what appears to be a quiet, normal life with daughter Suri, 8, despite her very famous marriage to and equally headline-making divorce from Tom Cruise.

"I feel very happy,'' says the Ohio native, who splits her time between Manhattan and Los Angeles. "And I am excited for projects that are coming up. I'm excited to do (the TV miniseries) The Kennedys again. I love being a mom. It's challenging sometimes, but it's such a beautiful relationship.''

The 35-year-old actress says she's thankful that "my family is really healthy. Things are good. My grandma just turned 90. My mom got her a hot-pink boa and crown. That's what we're all going for. A hot pink boa and a crown."

Holmes, you might have noted, never did any tearjerker interviews about her behind-the-scenes travails, whatever they were. She was that way pre-Cruise as well. "I like to keep my business to myself and keep the ones I love very close," she explains, putting an end to that topic with a polite smile.

It's done with the same finesse her latest character displays in Miss Meadows, about a well-mannered, tap-dancing teacher who moonlights as a vigilante. Writer/director Karen Leigh Hopkins cast Holmes because "she's inventive and crazy-smart. She's as charming as she is complex."

As for Holmes, she loved "the concept of an innocent-seeming person who carries a pistol in her purse. I look at different roles as, 'Can I bring anything interesting to this?' ''

Slyly, she adds: "I just worked with (director) Simon Curtis, on Woman in Gold, with Helen Mirren."

Wait, Helen who? Have we heard of her?

Holmes grins. "She's a British actress. She's very good. You'll be seeing a lot of her, but you heard it from me first."

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