Our Anniversaries, Ourselves: 25 Years after the Berlin Wall

Friday, November 07, 2014

This weekend marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the iconic images of joyful dancing and exaltation weren't always shown in commemorative cable news footage. Brooke talks with professor Rachel Somerstein about the significance of this fluctuating narrative. 

Song: David Hasselhoff, Looking for Freedom


Rachel Somerstein

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [3]

evaclaudia from New York

It's just that the American media is pretty anti-German and obsessed with the Nazis. It is not rocket science. This is also why Germans are not buying the line that Americans have anything positive to do with the fall of the Wall, and also are not crediting the U.S.,, or Ronald Reagan, for that matter. They think, deep down Americans have always been in kahoots with the Russkis and have just changed colors because its convenient.

Nov. 11 2014 06:34 PM
leofromChicago from West Berlin (1987)

Yee-gads, everyone talks about Reagan saying 'Gorby baby, tear down that wall' -- yet none were in Berlin or have any idea what really happened when Reagan was in Berlin that day. Why don't you people ask someone who was there?

You'd soon find out that the distinguishing characteristic of Reagan's visit wasn't his speech -- given pretty much to a select hand-picked audience -- but rather the huge protest and riot against him that took place in Kreuzburg, a part of Berlin under complete lock-down while Reagan was in town.

Those are the circumstances of his visit. Not exactly 'ich-bin-ein-berliner' material.

Nov. 09 2014 10:55 PM
dlm from United States

At 5.20 minutes in Somerstein states "we didn't have the narrative fixed yet of what we wanted the story to be in the media". Then toward the end of the piece Somerstein declares media are "the holders and perpetuators of the myth". You can see how these two statements conflict. The first is more accurate. The lefty dominated media hated Reagan, so gave the whole wall business short shrift. Of course, with an event that momentous effecting so many lives the truth seeped through. The media coverage over the years was forced to more accurately reflect the event for what it was.

Nov. 09 2014 06:10 PM

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