Miami Beach Will Write Off $13 Million in Fees Owed by SoBe Hotels and Restaurants

Categories: Business

Photo by Mr. Usaji via Wikimedia Commons
SoHo Beach House: $460,000. Prime Italian restaurant: $280,000. Blockbuster video: $25,000.

It reads like a bill for a raging Art Basel party. In fact, it's just a few of the fees that local businesses owe the City of Miami Beach.

Because of billing mistakes and lax enforcement, however, officials now say the are going to forgive the more than $13 million, essentially giving developers and business owners a huge holiday bonus. So to save some sense of accountability, New Times is publishing the full list of outstanding fines.

See also: Miami Beach Fire Department Is Aflame With Corruption and Abuse

The fees first became public back in September, when the city unveiled the results of an eight-month audit of its "fee in lieu of parking" program. Under the program, developers are supposed to pay for each legally required parking space they don't provide.

But the city's review found that over the past 20 years, crappy record-keeping had left roughly $19 million uncollected. Commissioners suddenly had to figure out how to fix a two-decade-old disaster.

Commissioner Jonah Wolfson recently told the Miami Herald that he thought charging the businesses the full amount of the fees would be unfair.

"I don't think we should be enforcing parking impact fees on a small business in such a way that's going to put someone out of business," he said.

Instead, the city came up with a plan to collect only the fees incurred during the past five years. All older fees were considered outside the statute of limitations.

Yesterday, the true cost of the city's financial f*ckup became fully apparent.

According to documents presented during a Finance & Citywide Projects Committee hearing, Miami Beach is writing off $13,367,566 in money it should have collected -- mostly from mega developers of swanky SoBe hotels.

A full list of outstanding fees is provided below, but here are a few of the highlights:

Cheese Burger South Beach was supposed to pay a one-time $1.26 million fee in lieu of parking. Instead, the restaurant paid nothing but because it opened in 2008 and is now closed, it's off the hook.

Many of the biggest fees are owed by Ocean Drive or Collins Avenue hotels because they were built with or expanded to include many rooms but little parking. All of these fines are being written off:

  • Edgewater Hotel $950,000
  • Fairwind Hotel $800,000
  • Apple Hotel $720,000
  • Shoreclub Hotel $585,000
  • SoHo Beach House $460,000
  • Victor Hotel $430,000

Other big fees owed include:

  • Portofino Office Tower $225,000
  • Blue & Green Diamond Condos $280,000

In some of these cases, the city "incorrectly calculated" one-time fees, leaving businesses to believe that they were squared up. In others, the city simply never collected the fees at all.

Not all of the outstanding fees belong to swanky hotels or condos, however. Gold's Gym on the corner of 14th Street and Alton was supposed to pay another $217,650 in yearly fees. 8oz Burger at 11th and Alton still owes $39,200. Blockbuster bailed on $25,000. All three businesses are now closed.

The fee forgiveness is frustrating for locals for two reasons. First, we're talking about more than $13 million that the city should have to spend on its citizens. If, in the future, the city needs funds, that money will come from taxpayers instead of mega developers who (intentionally or not) underpaid in the past.

Second, this issue is clearly connected to parking on the island. For anyone who has encircled Miami Beach for hours looking for a spot, you have these businesses -- and this failed program -- to thank.

Miami Beach - Fee in Lieu of Parking Program

[H/T Frank Del Vecchio]

Send your tips to the author, or follow him on Twitter @MikeMillerMiami.

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My Voice Nation Help
Stephon Kline
Stephon Kline

How the hell is this not a true sign of over taxation!?! If you can afford to write off past debt then guess what assholes adjust the land taxes and such to ensure citizens are not screwed and taxes are forcing closures!

Anastasia Biltmore
Anastasia Biltmore

THIS IS BULL$#*T!!!! 460K write off for SOHO House, a PRIVATE CLUB with ZERO public access for tourists and invitation/application only access for only the elite and wealthy? SOHO house is an enclave for the elite and wealthy. PAY YOUR BILLS!!!!! Someone has greased someone's palms to allow this to happen.


This is not corruption.  Just typical government mismanagement.  I'm glad the government manages my healthcare now too.  

Jason Winburn
Jason Winburn

How much did the city collect in tourism and property taxes from these hotels?

Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez

The south Florida style and who benefit from this ?

Samantha Savory
Samantha Savory

what bs - can they waive my parking fees? CORRUPT BS

Michael DeFilippi
Michael DeFilippi

I applaud the new Miami Beach management team for uncovering this major loophole.


A huge, epic scandal.  Establishments were allowed to be built without providing any parking spaces.  No way to fix this which was probably the idea to begin with.  Keep an eye on Miami Beach statute of limitations.  The lawsuits coming bogus permits and lack of inspections will be the next waiver scandal.  City is going to deny all enforcement responsibility.  They already have a code department head who is a lawyer. 

City is going to lawyer up every department to protect themselves. 

Scott Daniels
Scott Daniels

Miami beach continues it's bs and paves the way for corruption!!

Brandi Kolosky
Brandi Kolosky

These roads are a mess and need this money. The palm trees alone of Euclid are potentially hazards to our streets and citizens...trim them up #cityofmiamibeach

Orlando Martinez Jr.
Orlando Martinez Jr.

Nice welfare to business N then they dont have money n have to layoff or delay road repair

Taryn Lauren
Taryn Lauren

The cycle of corruption continues.. How is it ever going to stop?

James G. Camp
James G. Camp

Honestly though, this is what happens when an economy & real estate market that is fos. Reality is, the greed and bs in SoBe drives people out for good. I don't know of anyone that ever lived there and had anything good to say about the place after really ruining their life there trying to make a go of it. Wasted years of their lives as they reflected back on it.

Larry Shane
Larry Shane

This just in... city staffers who dropped the ball lose... no.. wait... are given promotions and raises.

Mario Khal Paredes
Mario Khal Paredes

That's why all the streets that's not Alton, Washington, or Collins are pot holed to hell.

Anthonyvop1 topcommenter

Good start but just a drop in the Bucket

Chris Leigh
Chris Leigh

The Rich just keep getting richer, while the people who live there will eventually pick up the tab.

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