Want to Know What It's Like to Be a Millennial? Visit This Performance Art Piece (on a Boat) | Public Spectacle | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly
Performance Art

Want to Know What It's Like to Be a Millennial? Visit This Performance Art Piece (on a Boat)

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Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:29 AM
click to enlarge Artist Moses Storm in his original downtown L.A. exhibit - NICK RASMUSSEN
  • Nick Rasmussen
  • Artist Moses Storm in his original downtown L.A. exhibit

In her book Generation Me, author Jean Twenge characterized Millennials, the demographic born between 1980 and 2000, as noticeably more narcissistic than preceding generations. This self-absorption is evident in the core concept of "Modern Millennial," the performance art exhibit in which 25 year old artist Moses Storm crowdfunded a loft space where he resided 24/7 and invited audiences to come watch him live his day to day life. Before this experiment in Kickstarter-fueled concept art closed at the end of September, spectators could view Storm engaging in activities that ranged from checking email and returning phone calls to hosting parties and rock shows for local bands.

On Nov. 9, "Modern Millennial" returned with another dose of Storm-centric voyeurism, this time trading the loft space for a 35 foot schooner sailboat in Redondo Beach's King Harbor. The avant-garde vessel, named Islands Lady, docks twice a day, 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., to take patrons on a two hour cruise where they can observe Storm and experience his unique brand of art.

"I have a friend who had a boat. Its an idea that I tossed around when I first started, to just do it in a boat," explained Storm while nestled in a pseudo-tree house during an interview at Franklin Village's Bourgeois Pig. "The idea was to make every piece in there Instagram-able, to be able to Instagram it and get likes. That's personally how I hear about art shows, on Instagram. In my mind, there's nothing more Instagram-able than being on a boat. Its out of the norm."

Storm's utilization of mobile photo sharing exemplifies an ability to temper narcissism with tech savvy, a trait that typifies not only the youth demographic formerly known as Gen Y, but the exhibit itself. The $8,461 used to lease the loft space was generated entirely on Kickstarter. Patrons could find the East Pico address on Storm's Tumblr, as well as his cell phone number, which, when called at the location, prompted the artist to lower a styrofoam wig head from the fire escape with keys to the building. Upon entering the second story apartment, one realized there is an intellect behind MM's self-centered facade.

Stepping over the threshold, audience members were bombarded by a clinical shade of white that predominated every wall and piece of furniture in the loft. At the entry sat a table with written instructions to return the keys into a provided green bowl, put on one of the lab coats hanging on the nearby wall, and to pick a card, which supplied an interactive element, such as "act like you are freezing." After donning both coat and characteristic, viewers made their way through the first floor of the exhibit, which housed an assortment of 21st century artifacts: a tower of iPhones, a display containing a Makers Mark bottle and an American Spirit cigarette box. At the center of the room stood an ivory-hued table where spectators could sit with the artist and commune. 

click to enlarge Storm and an audience member communing - NICK RASMUSSEN
  • Nick Rasmussen
  • Storm and an audience member communing

"I would sit across from people and just listen to them and people honestly opened up to me: about attempting suicide, getting raped," he said. "Horrible things. No one listens in this generation. We're so used to using a stock quote we read of Instagram as advice. Its not based on any truth. That was something I was guilty of, and not making eye contact. That's been the biggest shift in me, sitting there and being present."

On the loft's second story, entire walls were covered with Storm's personal journal entries. Black felt pens were supplied, encouraging the audience to add to the verbal mosaic. Another wall displayed oversized icons and memes of political causes, such as the equal sign used during the marriage equality battle. These images criticized not the worthy causes but the armchair activism these cyber symbols enabled. Most of these pieces will return for the new nautical incarnation, but on a condensed scale.

click to enlarge First floor of "Modern Millennial" - NICK RASMUSSEN
  • Nick Rasmussen
  • First floor of "Modern Millennial"

"My actual journal entries will be up, and new sections of paper for people to add to," he said. "There's a little fold out table — it's much smaller. Everything is condensed and jam packed in. Its 35 feet, compared to 2,000 square foot loft."

The change of venue was motivated by necessity. On Sept. 29, during an initial interview with the artist at the Pico Boulevard loft, the building's owner entered the unit with four other middle aged men. The owner berated Moses for hosting late night events and threatened him with eviction if there was another party. 

"I knew he was a shady dude," Storm said. "It's why I did it in that building. Its the only building that let me have a 24 hour open space."

Several attempts were made to reach the building's management, but no one was available for comment. Despite the threats, Storm hosted an event planned ahead of time with Subway, an sponsor interested in "Modern Millennial."

"They wanted to bring 100 subs. The idea was Subway Feeds 100 Fresh Artists," he said. "That whole day I had Subway reps calling me up saying, 'Hey, don't worry about it, we have a lot of people coming down. Get ready its, going to be huge.' That's the last thing we needed. I had to go through with that, because it was an investor. I had to sneak 100 party subs upstairs."

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