Thursday, 13 November 2014 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • The Other Midterm Elections Result: Americans Want Legal Weed

    By Paul Armentano, Truthout | Op-Ed

    (Photo: Brett Levin)(Photo: Brett Levin)

    The majority of Americans - if not yet a majority of their elected officials - believe that the ongoing enforcement of marijuana prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, impedes legitimate scientific research, engenders disrespect for the law and disproportionately impacts communities of color.

  • If Journalists Ever Stop Uncovering Abuses of Power, We Will Lose Our Democracy

    If Journalists Ever Stop Uncovering Abuses of Power, We Will Lose Our Democracy

    By James Risen, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing | Book Excerpt

    Perhaps the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been prosecuting James Risen for not revealing a confidential source not so much because "classified information" was disclosed, but rather because Risen has a long record of detailing government incompetence and misdeeds. In PAY ANY PRICE, Risen uncovers fraud and malfeasance of massive financial proportions during the war in Iraq - and the cancerous spread of the surveillance-industrial state.

  • The Myth of "Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform": Mississippi Close-Up

    The Myth of "Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform": Mississippi Close-Up

    By Nancy A Heitzeg, Critical Mass Progress | News Analysis

    Mississippi is second only to Louisiana in incarceration rates, and locks up more people per capita than China and Russia combined. More than 20,000 inmates are imprisoned in the state, including more than 2,500 held at the Adams County Correctional Center, a Corrections Corporation of American facility that contracts with the Federal Bureau of Prisons to hold immigration detainees. The state spends $389 million annually on corrections.


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