About the Barnett Shale

brought to you by the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC)

imageThe Barnett Shale is a large natural gas reserve encompassing more than 5,000 square miles and stretching across 20 counties in North Central Texas.

Many experts believe the Barnett Shale may be the largest onshore natural gas field in the United States, containing more than an estimated 40 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In recent years, advances in drilling technology have made it possible for energy companies to extract large amounts of natural gas from the Barnett Shale.

Contrary to popular belief, urban drilling is not new and has occurred at various places throughout the United States. However, the concentrated number of gas wells being drilled in a large metropolitan area, like around Fort Worth and surrounding cities, has created more awareness about urban drilling. The high activity levels of urban drilling in North Texas are a direct result of three things:

  • The Barnett Shale may be the largest and most active natural gas reserve field in the United States, making it an integral part of America’s energy sources.
  • The most populated areas of North Texas happen to sit atop the Barnett Shale. 
  • Advances in drilling techniques enable producers to extract this gas efficiently and economically.


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