About Air & Water Quality

brought to you by the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC)

imageDid you know that drilling for natural gas is more environmentally friendly than drilling for oil? By using directional and horizontal drilling technology, natural gas wells have a much smaller impact on the environment than oil wells, and new drilling techniques are more energy efficient and quieter. 

The fracing techniques used in the Barnett Shale in North Central Texas involve pumping water and sand into the formation. This process requires approximately 1 to 4 million gallons of water. Producers have four ways to obtain the fresh water used in drilling:

  • Surface water
  • Ground water
  • Municipal sources
  • Recycled fracing water


In 2006, 16 energy companies formed the Barnett Shale Water Conservation and Management Committee to develop "best practices" for companies operating in the Barnett Shale. The Texas Railroad Commission has also sponsored research on the issue. Several firms have undertaken projects in the Barnett Shale to reduce the amount of fresh water used in development activities. Mobile water purification units fueled by onsite natural gas are being utilized on drilling locations to treat a portion of the wastewater stream for reuse.

To learn more about water conservation and air quality in the Barnett Shale, visit the BSEEC's dedicated page.