Barnett Shale Energy Education Council
Natural Gas Rig

Air & Water Quality
New air study shows no community health concerns from Barnett Shale gas development
A new and important study of the air quality in the Barnett Shale was released by Houston-based ToxStrategies, Inc. This study, published in the peer-reviewed Science of the Total Environment, is the first large-scale evaluation based on extensive measurements of ambient air in a shale gas producing area. The investigators concluded that Barnett Shale gas production activities – including hydraulic fracturing – have not resulted in community-wide exposures to chemicals at levels that would pose health concerns. With the high density of active natural gas wells in the Barnett Shale region, these findings may be useful for understanding potential health risks in other shale play regions.


Natural Gas
Do you know what recent research has found concerning methane emissions?
Find out more about the University of Texas-Environmental Defense Fund's study and their conclusions about methane emissions.


Drilling & Fracturing
Are you concerned about the health effects of hydraulic fracturing on childhood cancer?
Read why the experts say hydraulic fracturing isn't linked to childhood cancer.


811: Know what's below. Call before you dig.

Learn more about

Barnett Shale
Natural Gas
Air & Water Quality
Drilling & Fracturing
Natural Gas Vehicles


The Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC)
is a community resource that provides information to the public about gas drilling and production in the Barnett Shale region in North Texas.

About Ed Ireland, Ph.D.
BSEEC Executive Director

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Barnett Shale Energy Education Council