Vonciel Jones Hill and Carolyn Davis Star in Bizarre Council Fight Over City Collections

Categories: City Hall

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Dallas Observer
Vonciel Jones Hill and Carolyn Davis in happier times.
The issue at hand is a little wonky, but not too complicated. The Dallas City Council took bids for a contract to collect fines for the city's municipal courts. In the next fiscal year, the contract holder is expected to resolve more than 150,000 cases. MSB Government Services submitted the bid most favorable to the city by far, and was awarded the contract by an 8-7 vote Wednesday afternoon.

Right. Like it was that easy.

Since 2002, the law firm Linebarger, Goggan, Blair and Sampson has held the contract and submitted a bid for the new one, but it finished third under the city's scoring system this time. MSB had the highest-scoring bid, because it guarantees the city almost $21.9 million. Linebarger only guaranteed the city $300,000 -- not that they wouldn't have collected more for the city. That's just how much they were willing to guarantee in advance.

What MSB doesn't have is DeMetris Sampson as a former partner, or her firm's history of making generous political donations across Texas. Sampson is a longtime figure in southern Dallas politics and close associate of political consultant Kathy Nealy, Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price's co-defendant in a pending corruption case in federal court. We're not saying the Nealy/Price case is in any way related to the city bid. It's just fun to note all the links that crop up in local politics.

Anyway, the point is that MSB submitted the best bid by the city's own rules, the well wired Linebarger et al came in third and several members of the City Council wanted to reconsider the bidding process for some reason.

We may never know why Adam Medrano, Vonciel Jones Hill, Jerry Allen, Carolyn Davis, Tennell Atkins, Monica Alonzo or Dwaine Caraway voted to reopen the bids, but we do know that the show put on in the council chambers Wednesday -- specifically by Hill and Davis -- was entertaining.

Hill couched her arguments against MSB as a fight for fairness for minorities. MSB, the winning bidder, has a 79 percent minority workforce. Linebarger has a 74 percent minority workforce. Those numbers were unsatisfying to Hill. She did not care about the number of "secretaries and janitors" who were minorities, she wanted to know about executives and ownership.

"Can you tell me the name of your African-American owner," she asked MSB's representative.

He didn't know the makeup of the company's ownership group and admitted as much.

"Can you tell me the name of your Hispanic owner," she asked.

He gave the same answer.

"Can you tell me the name of your Asian-American owner," she asked, before the bewildered looking MSB rep again said he didn't know the full makeup of the ownership group.

The fact that he couldn't answer the questions, Hill said, was "like urinating on my head and telling me it's raining."

Davis' performance was less polished.

"I have no dog in this pony," she said in the midst of a series of questions seemingly intended to do nothing more than bog down the process.

Seemingly Davis had never encountered a contract during her eight years on the City Council. She seemed confused as to how the city could collect MSB's $21.9 million guarantee.

"It's almost like I'm being pimped," she said.

Yes. It was almost like that.


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Run it up the totem pole and see what sticks.


I have no urination in this hunt.


In her defense, I think I understand what Councilwoman Davis meant by "I have no dog in this pony," which makes it more productive than 90% of the shit she says.  


Apparently, Linebarger erroneously submitted the $300,000.00 it had guaranteed to the usual City Council suspects as "honorariums".


Can I pee in Vonciel's pool and tell her I'm spraying for mosquitoes?




That should be Dallas' new slogan.


Davis and Hill are proof of ClickAnd Clack's theory that 2 people who know mothing about a subject can be dumber than one who doesn't, due to the exponential increase in wrong pathways the conversation can take.


I hope the FBI was in audience. It is so sad what we have at City Hall..All Black folk are not that ignorant.


This is what you get with a 10% voter turn out in city elections.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

My first thought was, "Priceless".

Then I thought again.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

where is noblefurr on this one.  I bet he has some racist comments to espouse here


Sure,  some of the Council Members are idiots,  in way over their heads.

But,  don't the people of Dallas who are also idiots and in way over THEIR heads deserve a little representation too?

(with thanks to US Senator Karl Mundt)


"not that they wouldn't have collected more the city" Huh?

Montemalone topcommenter

Think about this:

Those people were chosen by voters.

I wish Griggs and Kingston would forego parliamentary politeness and lay into those stupid ignorant fucks. Call out their ignorance and incompetence. Make it part of the public record.

I can guarantee you both would walk to victory in their next election campaigns, and could probably move into the Mayor's chair or some other higher office if so desired.

Allowing these thieving morons to wield power over the city's checkbook, or credit line, is criminal.


Call the FBI

gm0622 topcommenter


Item 1, remove all the clowncil members.

Item 2, carefully vet all new candidates for the council.

Item 3, require the council members to be above board and honest.

Item 4, my keyboard just about burned with item 3. 


And on the eighth day, God said "let there be imbeciles"

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

OMG, I mean, if it wasnt so funny, I'd say they shouldnt be serving on the council, who am I kidding, they shouldn't be, but they are funny.  

Wonder how she knows what urinating on her head feels like?  Water sports eh!?!?!?!  

holmantx topcommenter

No wonder Mr. Schutze fled the city.  His dog boned the pony and created a living nightmare.

He's probably hiding out in some suburb somewhere on the west side of Fort Worth.  He needs to be taken into custody and brought to the Horseshoe.

There he should be stripped to the waist, lashed to a whipping post, and subjected to 200 hours of Vonciel Jones Hill and Carolyn Davis' wry humor and Clarence Darrow interrogatories.

Those two give poseurs a bad name.

makes you wanna go hug a Staffer today.


" We're not saying the Nealy/Price case is in any way related to the city bid."

It goes without saying.

The fact that he couldn't answer the questions, Hill said, was "like urinating on my head and telling me it's raining."

Simile fail.

"I have no dog in this pony," she said in the midst of a series of questions seemingly intended to do nothing more than bog down the process.

Wait, what?

"It's almost like I'm being pimped," she said.

Yes. It was almost like that.



@ozonelarryb Rumor has it that Davis and Hill are seeking royalties from Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels for the unauthorized use of their likenesses.



That's analogous to the theory that the IQ of a mob is the IQ of the dumbest person in the mob, divided by the number of people in the mob. 


Nope, that's what you get with single member districts.


@fordamist I guess one could say that these two are truly representative of their districts' populations


@Beenjamman There were to lines to the bid, a projected return to the city and a guaranteed return. The projected returns were all very similar, the main difference was the guarantee by the winner. 


@gm0622 I don't think their is a vet alive who would vet these animals



Why in the fuck is Jim S being dragged into this? Does this have anything to do with the shrine you have for him in your bedroom?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk lol, he is calling me a juvenile delinquent druggie on a 3 day old thread about racism.  Fun times.  Yesterday, one of the commenters on Anna's Jez story called me"beta as fuck"  Im on a roll I guess


@dmay1 @Beenjamman  Glad you could decipher it, I was only pointing out that the author left out the word "for". You "two" obviously went to the same school with your brilliant "to" lines to the bid post!

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk @ScottsMerkin noblefurr is now claiming there are photos of Darren wilsons eye socket being busted and posted a link to snopes....that wait for it......says the photo is false.  Guy is really losing it.  Alteredjustice is handing him his ass this morning

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