Posts Tagged ‘pipelines’

Bad Air Day

Around North Texas parks and playgrounds, children are breathing dangerous doses of toxic fumes from gas industry sites.
On a crisp Saturday morning, Delga Park, just north of downtown Fort Worth, was beautiful. The deep blue sky was spattered with cumulus clouds, and birds flitted among shade trees at one end of the park, sandwiched between I-35...


Disaster in Waiting

Beneath North Texas’ water-supply lakes run pipelines full of tarry danger.
Southeast of Dallas lie two major reservoirs that provide 80 percent of the drinking-water supplies in and around Tarrant County. Below each of those lakes runs a pipeline; one is 65 years old and the other more than 40. And bo...

Love to Circles

John Q. Reader
To the editor: I just got through reading “A New Curve” (Feb. 1, 2012) on the traffic circles. My wife is the one who was too busy to talk with you but yelled, “We love it!” She’s a home health occupational therapist ...

Down the Pipe

When the drilling rigs are long gone, the dangers of gas pipelines will be just beginning.
Chuck Paul bought 64 acres of land in DISH, Texas, north of Denton, several years ago. The father of four intended to live there with his family until the Metroplex grew to reach his area, then sell it to a developer.

Perilous Profits

Tempers and dangers are ramping up in the gas field we call home.
Peter Gorman
Ah, for the good old days in the springtime of the Barnett Shale boom, when the words “royalty check” were enough to get homeowners to sign away their mineral rights and everyone still thought the 3 a.m. screech of drilling...