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Contact Awards Coordinator Abbi Martzall via email or by phone 317/927-8000, ext. 210.

Home > Awards > Ethics in Journalism Awards

Ethics in Journalism Awards
for performing in an outstanding ethical manner

Postmark deadline for nominations: March 20

The Ethics in Journalism Award honors journalists or news organizations that perform in an outstanding ethical manner demonstrating the ideals of the SPJ Code of Ethics. It also honors especially notable efforts to educate the public on principles embodied in the code or hold journalists ethically accountable for their behavior. The Society may present one Ethics in Journalism Award in any given year unless there are no worthy candidates. Nominations are op en. Self-nomination is permitted.

Download nomination form

Click here to download the nomination form.

2014 Winner
Matt Apuzzo, Adam Goldman and Ted Bridis, Associated Press
Read the Press Release

Previous Winners
2013   David Boardman, The Seattle Times
2012   Karen Gadbois, The Lens (New Orleans)
2011   No Award Given
2010   Bill Shory, WBIR-TV
2009   No Award Given
2008   Glen Mabie
2007   No Award Given
2006   Allan M. Siegal, The New York Times
2006   Jerry Roberts, George Foulsham, Don Murphy, Gerry Spratt, Michael Todd, Jane Hulse, Colin Powers, Barney Brantingham, and Scott Hadly, formerly of the Santa Barbara News-Press
2005   No awards made
2004   No awards made
2003   Jordan Rodack, Hurricane Editor, the University of Miami
2002   No awards made
2001   Otis Chandler and the newsroom staff of The Los Angeles Times
2000   No awards made
1999   No awards made
1998   David Broder, The Washington Post
1998   Steve Wilson and Jane Akre, formerly of W-T-V-T, Tampa, Florida
1997   Jerry Ceppos, San Jose Mercury News
1997   Hollis Curl, Wilcox Progress Era, Camden, Alabama
1997   Carol Marin, WBBM-TV, Chicago


Nomination form should be accompanied by a letter(s) of recommendation that addresses why the nominee is deserving of this national recognition. The winner will be honored at the SPJ National Convention and Journalism Conference.

Submit all nomination materials unbound on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Additional supporting materials are welcomed and should be limited to 10 pages.


Nominations must be postmarked on or before March 20. Nominations should be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:

Ethics in Journalism Award
Society of Professional Journalists
3909 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Fax: 317/920-4789

For More Information

Contact SPJ Headquarters at 317/927-8000 or e-mail:

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Society of Professional Journalists
Eugene S. Pulliam National Journalism Center
3909 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317/927-8000 | Fax: 317/920-4789

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