Digital Tools

The Benefits of Students Teaching Students Through Online Video

The Benefits of Students Teaching Students Through Online Video

The best student video tutorial creators are sometimes made the kids who’ve struggled the most to understand.

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Teaching Strategies

What MOOCs Are Teaching Universities About Active Learning

What MOOCs Are Teaching Universities About Active Learning

There’s a lot of skepticism about whether or not MOOCs are “disrupting” higher education, but can they offer important learning opportunities for the institutions themselves?

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Other Recent Posts

Why Trust Is A Crucial Ingredient in Shaping Independent Learners

Why Trust Is A Crucial Ingredient in Shaping Independent Learners

| November 4, 2014 | 3 Comments

Without trust, students don’t have the space to build the skills they’ll need to learn on their own.

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The Value of Connecting the Dots to Create “Real Learning”

The Value of Connecting the Dots to Create “Real Learning”

| October 31, 2014 | 10 Comments

A Philadelphia center puts making connections between concepts and experiences central to the creative process for student-driven learning.

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Students Tell All: What It’s Like to Be Trusted Partners in Learning

Students Tell All: What It’s Like to Be Trusted Partners in Learning

| October 29, 2014 | 2 Comments

High school students at Science Leadership Academy explain what they value in their education.

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The Thrill of Converting Math-Haters Into Appreciators Through Inquiry

The Thrill of Converting Math-Haters Into Appreciators Through Inquiry

| October 28, 2014 | 1 Comment

Teaching math as intellectual discipline and a creative endeavor could help a generation of students learn to love numbers.

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How Relearning Old Concepts Alongside New Ones Makes It All Stick

How Relearning Old Concepts Alongside New Ones Makes It All Stick

| October 28, 2014 | 3 Comments

Researchers say ‘drill and kill’ approach isn’t just boring — it also stunts student learning.

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What’s Going on Inside the Brain Of A Curious Child?

What’s Going on Inside the Brain Of A Curious Child?

| October 27, 2014

New research suggests that curiosity triggers chemical changes in the brain that help students better understand and retain information.

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A Problem-Solving Game For Teachers and Administrators

A Problem-Solving Game For Teachers and Administrators

| October 24, 2014 | 10 Comments

A simple game can bring educators together to talk about pain points and observations, and ultimately, find a solution.

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Report Finds Teachers Underutilize Resources for Digital Games in the Classroom

Report Finds Teachers Underutilize Resources for Digital Games in the Classroom

| October 23, 2014 | 1 Comment

A survey reports that most teachers are finding digital games in the classroom through informal means and could benefit from improved training and exposure to resources.

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How Teachers Can Motivate Students of Any Age

How Teachers Can Motivate Students of Any Age

| October 22, 2014 | 10 Comments

How can teachers promote the intrinsic benefits of learning in school systems that depend on grades as a way to measure progress?

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How Standing Desks Can Help Students Focus in the Classroom

How Standing Desks Can Help Students Focus in the Classroom

| October 21, 2014 | 19 Comments

Some educators are finding that standing desks are a simple way help fidgety kids settle down and get to work.

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