UNT Celebrates Homecoming with Spirit Day

By on November 6, 2014

Kaleigh Gremaud / Staff Writer

Students walking through the Onstead Promenade Thursday morning might have felt as though they were walking through a circus. In fact, it was Homecoming spirit day.

Hospitality management senior Carlee Niemeyer was this year’s spirit day coordinator.

“This year the theme of spirit day was a circus,” Niemeyer said. “We had tables with face painting, we had people hairspray hair green, jugglers, people on stilts, free popcorn and a DJ. This was the first year we did a Canstruction.”

There were 20 teams and 14 organizations that participated in the Canstruction, an event to collect canned food and raise awareness for worldwide hunger. Teams had 9 a.m.-noon to create a structure out of the canned and dry good food items.

Applied behavior analysis junior Megan Sparts and her sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, teamed up with Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu and Sigma Lambda Gamma to build a Canstruction.

“We bought all green beans,” Sparts said. “It was easier buying it in bulk. The food is donated to Denton Food Bank.”

Niemeyer said the event brought about 20,000 cans and dry goods.

“This was the first year doing it and I think it worked out really well,” she said. “I feel we had a good turn out.”

The student director of Homecoming this year is public relations senior Ty Fleeman. He has put together almost every homecoming event, and has been involved in those he did not put together. The Canstruction idea was partly his.

“Student services coordinator Mara Jackson and I had a meeting back in the summer to plan for Homecoming,” Fleeman said. “It was suggested to us to have a community event on spirit day, and we decided to do a Canstruction.”

Niemeyer said Spirit Day is a day that students can be constructive in the community and have fun.

“Spirit day gets people pumped for game day,” Niemeyer said. “It’s an interactive day to get students involved and informed about Homecoming.”


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