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Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’

November 6th, 2014
03:19 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

New York Times reporter James Risen, who is facing jail time for refusing to reveal his source for a story, has denounced the Obama Administration as “the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation” in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that aired Thursday.

The current administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers under The Espionage Act than all previous presidents combined.

Risen, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and author who was the first – alongside colleague Eric Lichtblau - to uncover the NSA’s warrantless surveillance program on Americans, told Amanpour that he is “trying to uphold the traditions of journalism. And that's what I'm going to continue to do.”

The U.S. government is not happy about a chapter in Risen’s 2006 book “State of War” that looks into a CIA operation that aimed to undermine Iran’s nuclear program.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • U.S. Politics

Stand up for heroes

November 6th, 2014
03:15 PM ET

Imagine a world where the head of the armed forces stands up for veterans by belting out show tunes.
CNN's Christiane Amanpour has the story. Click above to watch.

Filed under:  Imagine a World

Jon Stewart and Maziar Bahari on bringing 'Rosewater' to the screen

November 5th, 2014
04:50 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

It all started with a harmless comedy clip on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, in which satirical correspondent Jason Jones met with journalist Maziar Bahari in a Tehran café.

The clip marked the beginning of a partnership that would lead to Stewart’s directing and screenwriting debut. Or maybe that just happened by chance, Stewart told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview that aired Wednesday.

"I had always wanted to be in the Directors' Guild. And so I was looking for anything. And the script had come across – it could have been a Martin Lawrence, Will Smith buddy comedy. It really didn't matter to me,” he joked.

“Rosewater” tells the story of Bahari’s months-long-imprisonment in Iran following his coverage of the 2009 presidential election. Stewart told Amanpour that he and Bahari became friends after the journalist was released.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Iran • Latest Episode

‘I will not have my own Room of Situations,’ Jon Stewart tells CNN​

November 5th, 2014
04:22 PM ET

By Henry Hullah, CNN

Good luck trying to get Jon Stewart to tell you what he’s planning for the future.

“You have to tell me what's going to happen in my life,” he told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview that aired Wednesday.

As the satirist’s contract with the “The Daily Show” reportedly comes to an end, Amanpour asked what the future holds – will he continue his journey into directing, or will he stick with his job as the world’s chief political satirist?

“I don't view them as separate entities. I view it all as a process. In my mind, this is all chicken. I'm just making chicken. Sometimes I make cutlets, sometimes I make a nice teriyaki, sometimes I just grind it up and feed it to baby birds. But it's still chicken.”

Could one of these "chickens" one day be a role as a serious news anchor?


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • U.S. Politics

Hostage to history

November 5th, 2014
08:25 AM ET

Imagine a world where 35 years after the Iran hostage crisis, that infamous day has become an inspiration for writers and filmmakers.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has the story. Click above to watch.

Filed under:  Imagine a World

Issues lost in horse race for Senate, two U.S. journalists say

November 4th, 2014
06:18 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

As America went to the polls on Tuesday, two U.S. journalists told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that the battle for control of the U.S. senate has dominated this midterm election.

“One of the things I find particularly peculiar about this election is that the degree to which it doesn’t seem to be about anything big apart from winning the senate,” said U.S. correspondent for The Guardian Gary Younge.

Joining in the discussion was Brian Lehrer, host of the Brian Lehrer Show on WYNC radio, who agreed with Younge.“Yes, this is a ‘stop Obama election’, not a ‘get something we really believe in done election’ for the Republicans,” Lehrer said.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • U.S. Politics

U.S. senior envoy for Iraq: every time we've engaged with local forces we’ve succeeded in defeating ISIS

November 4th, 2014
04:00 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

The U.S.-led coalition fighting ISIS has succeeded in defeating the terrorist organization every time it has worked with local forces on the ground, Brett McGurk, the U.S. Deputy Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday.

"What I can say is that every single time we have worked with a local force on the ground and we have coordinated with them with our special forces who are in the field, and we have coordinated with them with our air coalition above, we have succeeded in defeating ISIL, not only defeating ISIL, but actually routing them in some major battles,” he said.

McGurk described the operation against the terrorist group, which has recently seized vast swathes of Iraq and Syria and executed hundreds of religious minorities, as “very much a fight to the death.”


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Iraq • Latest Episode • Syria

On the eve of U.S. midterms, experts say unrepresentative government remains a major issue

November 4th, 2014
10:57 AM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

As Americans prepared to vote in crucial midterm elections, two experts told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday that despite some improvements the misrepresentation of the electorate remains a major problem in the country.

“Fundamentally, we have a democracy that does not represent America and particularly the face of America is changing,” said Tamara Draut, Vice President of Policy and Research at the think-tank DEMOS.

“There's been some progress. It's very slow, though, and it's the same - if you step back - this is research done by the Women's Donor Network - the statistic that really just sticks out to me is that we actually have a third of our population, which is white men, controlling nearly two-thirds of all elected offices in this country, from the county, city all the way up to the national level,” Draut added.

According to the Reflective Democracy campaign, 33% of New York City's population is white, but 51% of the New York City Council is white.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • U.S. Politics

Joining forces to end discrimination

November 3rd, 2014
04:50 PM ET

Imagine a world where U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is joined on stage by Austria's bearded disco diva Conchita Wurst to fight against bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has the story. Click above to watch.

Filed under:  Imagine a World

‘This is Crimea two’, says Ukrainian ambassador about separatist vote

November 3rd, 2014
04:25 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

The vote for autonomy in Ukraine’s rebel-held provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk is a repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.N. Yuriy Sergeyev told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday.

“This is Crimea two,” Sergeyev said, adding that Russia annexing the eastern provinces is one of the “possible scenarios.”

Voters went to the polls on Sunday to elect leaders to rule the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk republics. The election was backed by the Kremlin, but labelled by Kiev and several Western governments as illegitimate, echoing what happened in the Crimean peninsula before Russia annexed it in February.

Ukraine is facing an “artificial scenario when alleged leaders backed by alleged support - they will propose, can propose to be a part of Russia,” Sergeyev said.

He also expressed concern that the fragile ceasefire agreed between Kiev and pro-Russian rebels in Minsk, Belarus, in September, has now been compromised.

“Because this is the scenario, the scenario of Moscow to keep the region pending in this conflict, and they are interested to have this instability, either to have more arguments and to break more laws during the next talks of the future of Donbas or just to keep the frozen conflict there,” Sergeyev said.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode
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