Occupy Houston became a figurative protest Monday evening when city officials closed down the small encampment still left in Tranquillity Park, a modernistic patch of downtown grass and concrete that had served as the local operation's de facto home for several months.

Citing upcoming spring festivals that had rented the park and nearby grounds, Mayor Annise Parker said the time had come for protesters to leave. Parker praised their peacefulness and expressed sympathy for their movement - part of a nationwide campaign against economic inequality and the influence of Wall Street over national politics - but said the local group needed a "nudge" to end its visible presence in the virtual shadow of City Hall.

"It's time for them to move on to the next phase of their protest," Parker said.

Parker said the Occupy Houston protesters would not be allowed to move to another park. She said she had spoken with representatives from the movement last month and told them they would not be allowed to stay on city property indefinitely. But the order to vacate was not issued until earlier Monday.

No arrests were reported as police cleared the park. A small number of protesters showed up at the site when word spread that the park was being closed, but the camp had been mostly empty earlier in the day.

Throughout its four-month protest, Occupy Houston was praised for its cooperation with authorities and other groups that had paid for use of the public property it was on.

Overnight ban

Parker stressed that Occupy Houston would still be allowed to exercise its free-speech rights on city property, as would any other group, but its members will not be allowed to remain overnight.

She also said Tranquillity Park will be closed immediately for repairs. It will need to be thoroughly cleaned and resodded, she said. The city estimates the cost of doing so will run about $13,000. The protest has cost Houston Police Department more than $350,000 in salaries and overtime, city officials said.

"We had a very safe protest and good communication with the protesters all along," Parker said. "No one was arrested who did not want to be arrested. They can take credit for the longest occupation of any city."

The Occupy Houston protest began in early October, about three weeks after its celebrated counterpart on Wall Street. It was forced to move several times because the city property it had occupied was rented for activities. In December, 20 Occupy Houston protesters were arrested at the Port of Houston.

When the Occupy movement reached Houston, between 600 and 800 protesters attended Tranquillity Park for weeks.

'Still here'

Four months later, the number had dwindled to only a handful as the end drew near, according to political activist Joe Roche.

Roche is a substitute teacher and currently handles the social media for Occupy Houston.

"Occupy Houston will survive and continue," said Roche. "Members are splitting off to focus on their specialties, and they are still here, even though the weather chased a lot of them off."

Roche praised local political leaders for not provoking confrontation.

"This has been the longest-running occupation in the country without eviction or violence. We have had political figures come by several times, including Mayor Parker, and speak with us. We have been very successful in starting an ongoing national dialogue with our leaders," he said.

Parker criticized

Roche heard about the mayor's order through Houston Police Department's Central Intelligence Division a few days earlier, and remained in the park to warn arriving protesters. He said he did not want trouble with police and expected others to comply with the order closing the park.

Some, however, would have preferred a more personal touch from Parker at the end.

"Why didn't the mayor let us know in person?" said protester Shere Dore. "I've been here almost every day since October, and I had to find out from the media today. We have had good relationships so far. It's very disheartening to see those four months of hard work end this way."
