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Causes of Erosion

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The processes of erosion and efforts to alleviate it have a huge effect on the infrastructure and economies that support the increasing coastal population. The Texas General Land Office is striving to understand the complex nature and extent of erosion along our bay and gulf shorelines. Through administration of the Texas Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA), the Land Office compiles the most current scientific knowledge of coastal erosion processes. Using state funding for CEPRA and matching funds from local public, non-profit and federal entities, the Land Office has applied many erosion response countermeasures in the past six years.

Based on a sound understanding of the erosion process, the Land Office implements the most cost-beneficial and long-term solutions. The processes that cause erosion are interrelated and affect one another. The following links will give you a general summary of the most currently understood causes of coastal erosion in Texas, as determined from historical study.

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Kevin Frenzel
Kevin Frenzel
Thomas Durnin
Thomas Durnin
Michael Weeks
Michael Weeks
Carla Kartman
Carla Kartman