Editorial: Texas Driver Responsibility Program is a messy mistake of a law


A decade is long enough to live with a big, expensive legislative mistake.

That’s the welcome message from lawmakers from both political parties who are looking to finally untangle the mess caused by Texas’ Driver Responsibility Program.

Call HB 104 the bipartisan acknowledgement of “oops.” It would eliminate the thicket of points, penalties and surcharges against drivers convicted of violations ranging from drunken driving to driving without insurance.

The program has turned out to be a study in confused public policy, so a salute to the repeal bill’s authors, Reps. Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth, and Alma Allen, D-Houston. What’s more, the repeal has the blessing of one of the program’s architects from 10 years ago, Rep. Sylvester Turner, D-Houston.

Isn’t it refreshing when a politician tries to fix a mistake?

The program became a confused, even if well-intentioned, effort to correct bad behavior by making driving violations hurt the wallet even more than fines levied in traffic court. Adding state surcharges, lawmakers thought, would give them a river of cash and the ability to shower trauma centers with it.

It turns out that the program’s most spectacular achievement is the mass revocation of driver’s licenses of the 1.3 million Texans who couldn’t or wouldn’t keep up with add-on payments amounting to thousands of dollars in some cases. In all, 60 percent of drivers have fallen into arrears on the surcharges, to the tune of a combined $1.7 billion past-due bill to the state.

Now they make up a new class of unlicensed and mostly uninsurable drivers. Turner reckons that many are breaking the law to drive, if that’s what it takes to hold down a job to pay off a surcharge. What a sad irony.

Gonzales points out that uninsurable drivers have pushed up the cost of insurance for the rest of us who pay a total $1 billion a year for protection from those without coverage.

One group that doesn’t see the program as a total bust: the state’s hospitals, which are grateful for the trickle of money from the surcharges, even though they were promised a torrent.

Turner has a good idea to keep faith with the hospitals and still scrap the ill-fated surcharge system: Pay them over time out of $380 million that has built up in the trauma fund but that lawmakers have never allocated. Drawing down that trauma fund over years would give lawmakers time to find a more reliable source of money.

Repeal of the surcharge program would create one other aggrieved class of people — those drivers who dutifully paid their add-on charges and kept right with the law. They must feel like suckers today, knowing that some lawmakers now want to forget the whole thing.

Still, knowing what they know now about unintended consequences, lawmakers have no choice but to drive a spike through the heart of this one.

Problems with the law

Passed in 2003 by lawmakers strapped for cash, the Texas Driver Responsibility Program has turned out differently from its design:

The law has led to more than 400,000 suspended licenses in the past three years alone, pushing the estimated number of unlicensed drivers to 1.3 million.

In some Texas counties, one in five misdemeanor cases involve drivers with suspended licenses.

Surcharges on offenses such as drunken driving were meant to correct behavior. But the percentage of fatal accidents that involve alcohol has increased, from 26 percent of fatal accidents to 34 percent of them, between 2003 and 2011.

Many driving-while-intoxicated defendants decline to plead out, because of the surcharges, and fight the charges in court. This has led to a 10 percent drop in the conviction rate between 2003 and 2011, meaning thousands never got court-ordered alcohol counseling.

SOURCE: Texas Criminal Justice Coalition

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