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At Last Gubernatorial Debate, Davis Outperforms Abbott

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At the second of two governor's race debates, Wendy Davis seemed a great deal more relaxed and comfortable.
At the second of two governor's race debates, Wendy Davis seemed a great deal more relaxed and comfortable.


If you only have time to watch one of the three major debates this election cycle, you should make it tonight’s debate in Dallas. If you’re pulling for Wendy Davis to do well, you’ll enjoy it. But it’s worth watching because something strange happened tonight: Like the sky opening up after a monsoon season of turgid talking points, Wendy Davis and Greg Abbott actually took each other on tonight, to a certain extent. And against all odds, something approximating a discussion about policy took place. Call it the Miracle at KERA.

True, the bar was low after the last debate—the state’s first real gubernatorial debate since 2006. (And in Texas, the bar is pretty low anyway.) And we didn’t get off to a promising start—the first question from the panel of moderators asked how Davis and Abbott would respond as governor to the discovery that a man in a hospital in Dallas has Ebola. Both candidates are anti-Ebola, a devastating blow to the state’s pro-disease caucus. “We want to make sure that this Ebola disease does not spread any further,” said Abbott, sagely.

But things got better. Davis and Abbott grappled with each other on two wide fronts—the first, over ethics issues. Davis was asked about her legal work, which she rebuffed and went through the list of accumulated attack lines about Abbott’s tenure as AG. (She gave a stronger refutation of the conflict-of-interest charge after she was pressed.)

But when Abbott was asked (at about 19:45 in the video) about accusations his office helped hide incompetence and mismanagement with Gov. Perry’s Texas Enterprise Fund, he didn’t handle it very well. He offered that the recently issued audit of the fund didn’t single him out for criticism. “From the beginning of my campaign I’ve been questioning this very fund,” he said. (Perhaps, one suspects, because he knew how badly it was being run.) He tried to turn the question back to Davis, but she beat it back forcefully. As to the question of why Abbott’s office helped hide non-existing TEF applications from reporters, he couldn’t really answer.

On the issues, Abbott and Davis made stark distinctions. Neither could really answer a question about how they’d fund their education plans, though Abbott at least had a dollar figure for student spending that made it appear that he had given it some thought. But Davis hit Abbott hard. It was ludicrous, she said, for Abbott to keep saying he would make Texas schools No. 1 while defending huge cuts to funding and refusing to commit to providing more resources.

“Mr. Abbott, you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth,” she said. “You say you want to make Texas No. 1 in education. You cannot accomplish that goal without making the appropriate investments.”

On immigration, Abbott committed, after some pushing, to not vetoing a bill from the Legislature that would eliminate in-state tuition for undocumented migrants. There’s been a question about how Abbott would interact with a Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Killing in-state tuition is one of Patrick’s top priorities, and Abbott’s on board, apparently.

But the best part of the debate might have been the discussion over Medicaid expansion—at about 29:30 in the video above. Medicaid expansion is, quite literally, a matter of life and death, one of the most serious issues in the race. If Medicaid isn’t expanded in Texas, a quantifiable number of people will suffer and die—unnecessarily. But it hasn’t come up in the race as much as it might.

Abbott said he’d ask the feds to give Texas its Medicaid dollars as a block grant to be spent as the state sees fit, which few think is a realistic possibility. He assured listeners that he “wouldn’t bankrupt Texas” by imposing on Texas the “overwhelming Obamacare disaster.”

Davis laid out a forceful argument for Medicaid expansion. “I have to laugh when I hear Mr. Abbott talk about bankrupting Texas,” she said. “Right now Texans are sending their hard-earned tax dollars to the IRS, $100 billion of which will never come back to work for us in our state unless we bring it back. As governor, I will it bring it back. Greg Abbott’s plan is for you to send that tax money to California and New York.” Abbott’s rebuttal left Davis smiling from ear to ear. The whole fairly long exchange is worth watching.

Abbott didn’t have a bad night, per se—though there were a couple of awkward moments that’ll likely be circulating in the coming days—but Davis had a very good one. Will it matter? By the end of the debate, Abbott was already referring to himself as a governor in the present tense—something his campaign’s social media guys didn’t feel the need to correct.

Davis can leave the debate stage of the race feeling pretty good about her performance. There’s just a little over a month to go.

Christopher Hooks joined the Observer in 2014. Previously, he was a freelance journalist in Austin, where he grew up. His work has appeared in Politico Magazine, Slate, and Texas Monthly, among others. He graduated from The New School in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in history.

  • Jamie Gump

    “He (Greg Abbott) is California’s best friend in Texas!”
    That was the best line of the debate tonight, no question.

    • 1bimbo

      not sure what that means.. i guess california gets more gubment welfare because texas turns it down? that’s weak sauce, really really weak sauce

      • SocraticGadfly

        Hey, congrats; due to low GOP funding for schools, you can’t spell correctly or write in complete sentences!

        • 1bimbo

          ahh another pretentious elitist from the donkey party.. probably hiding in a basement in some looney leftist college

          • SocraticGadfly

            Actually, I graduated college long ago; I’m not an elitist; I’m not a Democrat.

            And, I’m not hiding in a basement of a “looney leftist college.”

            But, I did make breakfast for your mom before I left her place this morning!

          • 1bimbo

            you’re a 20something pajama boy .. no doubt

          • SocraticGadfly

            Your mama likes pajama boys. She asked me to leave mine under her pillow. She’s hoping we can produce a better son than she and your daddy did. I don’t think it will be very hard.

          • mongothesane

            Proud to everything a right winger like you hates. It means I am doing a great job for this country.

        • Rich Long

          Money can’t help stupid minorities…

          • Yahweh ben Yahweh

            I’ll give you credit for one thing and only one thing, Rich Long. At least your honest about your racism. Because you are a racist.

          • Rich Long

            Facts have nothing to do with racism.

      • mongothesane

        Sounds like you are talking about socialism. Do you know what that means Dumbo?

  • 1bimbo

    what on earth.. after a certain point, a ‘journalist’ needs to walk away with a shred of dignity when attempting to report on an event or issue.. fact is wendydavis’ hair was amazing but she performed poorly in that debate

    • J.P.M.

      Maybe you were watching the wrong debate??? “Is that really what you would tell to the 10 year old?” (that it’s a personal issue for you because you’ve been married to your wife for 33 years)

      • SocraticGadfly

        JP, note the guy’s “handle.” He’s an obvious wingnut troll. Don’t feed him.

        • 1bimbo

          y’all are losing and your strategy is to feebly dismiss commenters as ‘trolls’.. i’m a woman by the way and you’re twin tweedle dum is a little off on the number of years i’ve been married

  • SocraticGadfly

    Davis’ performance won’t matter a lot, because she didn’t do something like this in the first debate.

  • 1bimbo

    based on her debate performance, it’s no wonder she’s beloved by obama’s people.. if dumbdemocrats were able to eek out a win in the lone star state, obama/harryreid/nancy pelosi would be down to the texas governor’s mansion in a new york minute and snatch the power right out of poor wendy’s fingers before she cracked open the door to an office in the capitol.. hands down davis is a lamb.. abbott is a lion!

    • mongothesane

      Get a life.

    • Havoth

      “snatch the power…”? WTF mate – what country did you say you live in again? You idiots are always scaredy cats thinking somebody’s coming for your milk. Calm down sir/madam, the Abbott guy is a liar/deceiver/mendicant who can talk loud but has no content. Talking loudly is not the same as governing. Or being smart. Or having real proposals/goals to resolve some things.

  • mongothesane

    Turn Texas blue.

    • Suzie Que

      How about YOU move to a blue state? You people are like roaches….

  • TheDudeInTraining

    I kinda thought Abbott was on a roll.

    • Demonthedog

      There are definitely times. I liked Davis’ views on education better, but he conveyed his by far the best.

    • Joel Detrow

      Abbott has superior public speaking skills, which is unfortunate. If Davis was as well-spoken as Abbot, she’d pull off a win far more easily. As it is, it’s going to be close.

  • Julie Krohn

    Wendy Davis showed everyone what a complete childish typical Democratic idiot she is. She didn’t answer a single question. She only knew to answer questions by pointing to the other person to take pressure off herself. It happens in the Corporate work place every day. When someone is wrong, they shift the blame to someone else to take the eyes off them. Way too childish for me. And………..she’s a liar.

    • afisher

      Oh MY – you must love to write those checks to your Home Insurance Company – as the rubber stamp gang in Tx Insurance Division – The head who is Appointed by GOV to give these Companies free reign to raise premiums without justification…that is what you can be guaranteed to happen if Greg is elected….that is a really DUMB vote – or maybe you like giving your money away.

    • Havoth

      You either are now or used to be a guy who only got one part of the operation on a dare, didn’t you? Because no REAL woman (or even a REAL TG woman) would ever want to submit to the Abbott/GOP wheel of state-sponsored sexism that they propose every time their mouth opens. Abbott’s entire professional history shows a guy who likes to think he’s in charge when he cashes the check, but finger-points with the best 5 yr olds, if he is held accountable in any way. PUHLEEZE!

      • Suzie Que

        State sponsored sexism….you people are absolutely insane…you see nothing wrong with your woman Davis promoting irresponsibility and dangerous – life threatening – practices to women, especially those less educated along with minorities by her abortion stances.

        • Havoth

          Back-alley and home abortions are life-threatening. So, what “life-threatening” practices is Wendy Davis promoting? As opposed to having medical facilities available for women who choose, for any number of reasons (health risks, economical, social, ability to care for the child – something the Repugnicans so do not want to do once it graduates from fetus to child), to terminate a pregnancy. It is a woman’s right to choose this. It is a woman’s right to choose birth control – of whatever type makes best sense for her and her healthcare provider. State-sponsored sexism ALSO includes wage fairness, labor practice fairness, legal fairness and so on, in addition to healthcare fairness.

    • Demonthedog

      I’m gonna be honest and say that I am probably not going to have time to watch all of this, but so far I haven’t seen her (at least directly) point fingers at anyone else. Right now I’m at the driver’s license question, and she’s answered that pretty directly saying that she believes undocumented immigrants still need to be able to get drivers licenses because it motivates them to take the required defensive driving courses required to drive legally, and to obtain insurance to avoid poorer drivers from having to deal with the costly position of a hit and run.

      She is definitely avoiding a dollar amount on educational investments though, for sure. Probably because the amount it would take to fix our educational system is incredibly intimidating. But at least she wants to fix it statewide, instead of funding the best systems better (Abbott), so that the kids in the generally wealthier neighborhoods who had access would get an even larger disparity in education than those in poorer neighborhoods.

  • Julie Krohn

    Not to mention……she’s as monotone as they get………..reading from that script……no emotion and her voice is like fingernails on a chalk board. She’s a user of other people’s money and resources. She can’t build anything on her own. That’s how she got to be where she is today…….used her ex-husband’s money for college and had him take care of her kids while furthering her own personal agenda. Then, she used her ex-husband to get her into government. I cannot stand people like her!!!

    • afisher

      OH my – the reason not to vote for Wendy – is you don’t like her voice? How much Taxpayer money has Abbott wasted via TEF, ETF, CPRIT, Voter Fraud, etc. Not like a voice is hilarious – but I’d prefer someone to stop wasting money and quit sending TX tax dollars to CA and other States that have expanded Medicaid.

      • Suzie Que

        Wow…sort of like voting for Obama because it was time we had a black president or voting for hillary because it’s time we have a woman for president…you libturds are such hypocrites….

    • Havoth

      Used her poor ex-hubby’s money to go to college? Wha-the-eff? And what exactly is it that husbands do when they go to college and further their own careers and societal contributions while the wifey raises the kids and makes the home a home, or does uninteresting work in support of him? I’m not seeing your bullsh*t point about her “using” hubby’s money or time with his kids to pursue a career. That just sounds like you want to live in Texastan, where the women where burkas and stay barefoot and pregnant, and never have any financial say in their own lives, even after hubby decides to get a younger model slave. Which is what happens all over now. That last kid gets out of high school and your average middle-upper class men decide their obligation to be a family is over. Look at divorce rates of people in say, Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Westlake. Then go look how each of the divorced parties are living before and after the divorce. And FYI – no politician uses their own effin money to fix anything, no matter how much they have in their personal net worth. They use the peoples’ tax money, you moron, so I would hope that those who run for office are very good at getting them the most bang for the bucks that aren’t theirs. Wendy will do that and has done that. Abbott squanders and fills his own and his friends’ pieholes. Fact.

    • Demonthedog

      This is kind of the most illegitimate argument I’ve ever heard. You haven’t attacked any of her positions at all, just that you don’t like her voice, and you don’t like that her husband helped her pay for her graduate degree in a consensual arrangement. What about her opinion on how to reform our education system, or how she decided to ask experts on how to handle the ebola in Texas rather than just assume knowledge to assert her authority? A good leader is only as good as their advisors.

  • Neuro Mancer

    Interesting article. My response is: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Sorry, Chris, but that’s just par for this puff piece of yours. I’m beginning to wonder if you and I even watched the same debate.

    If Wendy “Abortion now and abortion forever!” Davis did so well in the debate why are her poll numbers down even further since then?

    Last time I checked Wendy (who except for the green skin color is pretty much a dead ringer for the Wicked Witch of the West) was down in Texas by double digits.

  • fakename111

    That was the most lop-sided debate I’ve ever seen. One candidate is not only on a different plain of intelligence, she also seems to genuinely care about the people of Texas. The other candidate is a talking head…and sadly the talking head will probably win it. I admire Wendy for everything she’s done and everything she’s trying to do. OK people whose political knowledge consists of attack ads, conversations with your uneducated friends, and deceiving emails, have at it replying to my post. I won’t see any of it.

  • James Kingsmill

    Apparently you weren’t watching the same debate. I am tired of all this Turn Texas Blue crap. Never gonna happen.

  • Tim Francis

    I feel sorry for Wendy. She’s obviously not prepared for all this. The Law School degree was a fluke, her 8 years living away from her children and husband, possible drug and alcohol abuse, having sex with so many partners while there, it seems her mind is gone. Perhaps if she had applied herself in school, or gone locally and embraced her husband and her daughters rather than leaving them, and had tried to establish good moral relationships she would have run a better campaign.

    • Jojo

      i know someome whoh her dads cousin is wendy davis

  • Jojo

    omg i have texas history homework and i have to gather info about the issues faceing the candidates for Gov./Lt/ Gov.!

  • Tom Servo

    Now it’s November 5th – looks like the voter’s didn’t buy what Wendy was selling!