
Seattle Grandmothers Block Department of Ecology Entrance Before Oil Hearing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Contact – Abby 206 484 9857 More photos and media will be available throughout the day. Grandmothers Block Department of Ecology Entrance Before Oil Hearing Lacey, WA – Currently, seven members of the Seattle Raging Grannies are blocking the entrance to the Department of Ecology headquarters, stalling traffic and preventing employees from entering work. The groups are sitting in rocking chairs chained together across the Department’s vehicle entrance. They are telling workers that the Department is closed today for a “Workshop on How…

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Keystone XL Pipeline Case Faces Jury in Oklahoma

Media Advisory Press Contact: Ron Seifert, Tar Sands Blockade, 940-268-5375, [email protected] Stephen Warner, Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance, 405-863-2888, [email protected] Keystone XL Pipeline Case Faces Jury in Oklahoma Man who blockaded Keystone XL construction argues threats of climate change and environmental harm justify his actions On April 22, 2013, Alec Johnson disrupted construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline near Tushka, Oklahoma by chaining himself to heavy equipment and effectively halting work. Eventually the police were called and Mr. Johnson was removed from the site and…

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Photo by Kyle Depew,

UPDATE: Wall Street Clogged by Flood of Climate Protesters

Media Advisory September 22, 2014 Phone: 406-356-6316 [email protected] Photos from the event: UPDATE: Wall Street Clogged by Flood of Climate Protesters Sit-in Points Finger at Corporations in Flood Wall Street Action New York, NY – Today, thousands of protesters wearing blue sparked a national conversation about the role of corporate power in climate politics when they shut down portions of lower Broadway.  Following the Stock Exchange closing bell, an estimated 100 people were arrested by the NYPD in the Flood Wall Street action…

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Mass Climate Protest Disrupts NYC Financial District — Hundreds Risk Arrest

For immediate release: Thousands ‘Flood’ Financial District Following Sunday’s Historic March Interviews available upon requests Photos available here New York, NY — 3,000 people dressed in blue are currently between Exchange Place and The Bull in Manhattan’s financial district, sitting down to interrupt the business day and targeting corporations and businesses financing and fueling the climate crisis. “Communities that are first and most impacted by storms, floods and droughts are also on the frontlines of fighting the dig-burn-dump economy causing climate change,” said Michael Leon…

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