
launched in january 2014, boost house is a publisher and residency currently located in brunswick, maine.

boost house as a publisher: our mission is to build community and culture at the intersections of poetry, new media, positive spirituality, and anti-oppression politics. we produce books (and other printed goods) which promote constructive spiritual and activist orientations to the world; we go on poetry tours across the country; and we curate streams of new writing on our social media. this summer we’re launching an internet free skool for our online community to cross-pollinate and expand our knowledge, focusing especially on social problems and what we can do about them.

boost house as a residency: the boost house team lives together in a house (also called boost house) in brunswick, maine. it's a drug-free, alcohol-free space. the house rent and groceries (all vegan) are supported by our income as a publisher. as we grow, we’ll accept more short-term and long-term residents with shared values and ambition to come work in the house. future versions of the house will host a free lending library and frequent poetry readings, as well as potlucks and other meetups for the local public. we broadcast from the house frequently so people worldwide can engage and take inspiration from our communal living project.

boost house's core team is emily elizabeth scott, rachel younghans, steve roggenbuck, and charlie the dog emeritus. emily is a poet, editor, and activist from michigan. she works on boost house's financial planning, book editing, and the feminist lit mag radical notion. rachel is an airbrush artist and mapmaker from maryland. she works on boost house's book layout, shipping, and website. steve is a poet and video blogger from michigan. steve works on boost house's internet free skool, book editing, and tour booking. charlie is an awe-inspiring dog from michigan. she provides morale boosts and oversight for the whole house. see more about our team members on this page!

other boost house residents: joseph kendrick is a vegan blogger from england who stayed with us from march to may 2014. stephen michael mcdowell (buttercup) is a writer and artist from maryland who stayed with us from april to may 2014 and is co-founding our internet free skool. cassandra gillig is a poet and archivist from illinois who's staying with us from june to august 2014.

two of our first projects:

(1) i love you, before long i die : a walt whitman mixtape : released in december 2013, walt whitman’s poetry and quotes, selected and with a foreword by steve roggenbuck. not trying to be a historical or balanced representation of whitman, this is all of steve roggenbuck’s favorite whitman compiled into one book. order it here.

(2) the yolo pages : released in april 2014, an epic anthology of poetry, tweets, image macros, and prose from 50+ people. one of the first anthologies ever to cover "alt lit," "weird twitter," flarf, and associated communities and figures, the yolo pages showcases an exciting array of possibilities for poetry in 2014. with a focus especially on politically- and spiritually-minded writers, it also affirms the integration of poetry into concrete efforts to make the world better. order it here.

many many developments to come !!! if you like what we’re doing, please also find us on facebook, tumblr, and twitter as well, and maybe send us an email !!! :)