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Featured Slides

  • Seeking a Better Sickle Cell Cure

    NHLBI Director Dr. Gary Gibbons talks with NHLBI researcher Dr. John Tisdale on his work seeking a more widely-available sickle cell disease cure.

    Dr. John Tisdale
  • Why Do Fruit Flies Nap?

    NHLBI Director Dr. Gary Gibbons speaks with NHLBI researcher Dr. Susan Harbison about her studies of fruit fly sleep and how the work could impact human health.

    Dr. Susan Harbison holding a tube
  • Fun Family Recipes

    The NHLBI and the NIH have provided more than 40 healthy recipe cards for you and your family, from breakfast to dinner to snacks. Check them out, and happy cooking!

    Vegetable wraps on a plate
  • NHLBI AIDS Program

    The NHLBI AIDS Program provides global leadership for research, training, and education programs to promote research in the areas of HIV-related heart, lung, and blood diseases, as well as blood-based therapies. Learn more

    Two illustrations side by side. One of a heart and lung, one of red blood cells and HIV.

Health Topics

The NHLBI provides science based, plain-language information related to heart, lung, and blood diseases and conditions and sleep disorders.

Educational Campaigns
and Programs

Community Health Worker Health Disparities Initiative Logo

Educational Campaigns and Programs

Health Publications and Resources

Clinical Studies

Clinical trials are a key research tool for advancing medical knowledge and patient care. Find out more about clinical trials available for patients.

NHLBI Systematic Reviews and Guidelines

Trustworthy guidelines should be based on a systematic evidence review, developed by panel of multidiciplinary experts, provide a clear explanation of the logical relationships between alternative care options and health outcomes, and provide ratings of both the quality of evidence and the strength of the recommendations.

NHLBI Systematic Evidence Reviews

Resources by Audience

Research Programs

Get background information and at-a-glance summaries of a range of the NHLBI programs and research projects:
Spotlight on Research
Research Resources

Funding Opportunities

NOT-HL-14-232: Notice of NHLBI Discontinuation of Grant Program "Ancillary Studies in Clinical Trials (R01)"External link Disclaimer

NOT-HL-14-233: Notice to Extend the Response Date for the NOT-HL-14-030 "Request for Information (RFI): NHLBI WholeExternal link Disclaimer

See the NHLBI funding page

Training and Career Development

The NHLBI is committed to helping researchers establish independent careers. To this end, the Institute has posted a Web page listing resources available.

Inside NHLBI

Featured Fact Sheet

Model of RNA

Green Fluorescent RNA Helps Reveal the Inner Workings of Living Cells
Researchers from the NHLBI and Weill Cornell Medical College teamed up to improve technology for studying the inner workings of living cells. A synthetic molecule called “Baby Spinach” could offer new insights in RNA’s role in cellular activity. Read full fact sheet...

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Director's Message
Researcher Brings Medicine One Step Closer to Widely Available Cure for Sickle Cell Disease

Gary H. Gibbons
September 2, 2014

From the use of antibiotics to prevent and treat infections in children with sickle cell disease to the FDA approval of the drug hydroxyurea, researchers have made steady progress during the last few decades in improving the lives of individuals with sickle cell disease. Yet still, a widely available cure has remained just out of reach. Now, work from a team of researchers at the National Institutes of Health, including NHLBI’s Dr. John Tisdale may open the door to reversing sickle cell disease in more patients....
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What's New

October 29, 2014
Recommendations from the NHLBI Working Group on Epidemiology

October 27, 2014
NIH and CDC Announce Grantees for the Sudden Death in the Young Registry