ELECTIONS MATTER: Here’s the last of our series today on the changes to Senate leadership, and it's an important one!

The powerful Appropriations Committee controls the purse strings of government agencies, including those responsible for ...protecting the environment, such as the EPA, Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife, and the National Park Service. The chair goes from Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) who has a good environmental voting record to Richard Shelby (R-AL) who is generally hostile to pro-environment bills.

We hope this example shows that elections DO matter and have serious repercussions for issues like the environment. Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Are the senators from your home state generally favorable to the environment?
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Photo: ELECTIONS MATTER: Here’s the last of our series today on the changes to Senate leadership, and it's an important one!

The powerful Appropriations Committee controls the purse strings of government agencies, including those responsible for protecting the environment, such as the EPA, Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife, and the National Park Service. The chair goes from Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) who has a good environmental voting record to Richard Shelby (R-AL) who is generally hostile to pro-environment bills. 

We hope this example shows that elections DO matter and have serious repercussions for issues like the environment. Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Are the senators from your home state generally favorable to the environment?
ELECTIONS MATTER: As part of our series today on the changes to Senate leadership, we look at the current and future Senate chair of the Environment & Public Works Committee, which oversees issues such as clean air, water, endangered specie...s, and pollution.

The chairmanship switches from Barbara Boxer (D-CA), one of the strongest champions of the environment to none other than James Inhofe (R-OK), who famously wrote the book “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future” and once compared the EPA to Nazis.

It’s a stark reminder for people who don’t vote that elections have serious repercussions for issues such as the environment. Click SHARE or LIKE and share your thoughts below!
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Photo: ELECTIONS MATTER: As part of our series today on the changes to Senate leadership, we look at the current and future Senate chair of the Environment & Public Works Committee, which oversees issues such as clean air, water, endangered species, and pollution.

The chairmanship switches from Barbara Boxer (D-CA), one of the strongest champions of the environment to none other than James Inhofe (R-OK), who famously wrote the book “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future” and once compared the EPA to Nazis.

It’s a stark reminder for people who don’t vote that elections have serious repercussions for issues such as the environment. Click SHARE or LIKE and share your thoughts below!
ELECTIONS MATTER: A lot of people skipped this election because they didn't feel their votes mattered. But the huge difference between the environmental voting records of the new Republican Senate leadership vs. their Democratic predecessor...s is stark.

Today, we'll be profiling several of the most important changes in Senate leadership to the environment, starting with the Senate Majority Leader, who is the No. 1 ranking member and sets the agenda and business for the Senate. That position goes from Harry Reid (D-NV), who is an important clean air ally to Mitch McConnell (R-KY), one of the biggest proponents of dirty coal.

Click SHARE or LIKE and check out the other important changes to Senate leadership later today! Share your thoughts below.
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Photo: ELECTIONS MATTER: A lot of people skipped this election because they didn't feel their votes mattered. But the huge difference between the environmental voting records of the new Republican Senate leadership vs. their Democratic predecessors is stark. 

Today, we'll be profiling several of the most important changes in Senate leadership to the environment, starting with the Senate Majority Leader, who is the No. 1 ranking member and sets the agenda and business for the Senate. That position goes from Harry Reid (D-NV), who is an important clean air ally to Mitch McConnell (R-KY), one of the biggest proponents of dirty coal. 

Click SHARE or LIKE and check out the other important changes to Senate leadership later today! Share your thoughts below.
ROUGH TIMES AHEAD: With both the Senate and House now under Republican control, the environment will take a heavy beating from polluting industries and their newfound power in Congress. http://ejus.tc/1E5SZyM

We've seen environmentally hos...tile Congresses before but this new GOP-led Congress will test every ounce of our resolve. Key leadership roles in the Senate will switch from pro-environment Senators to those with some of the worst environmental voting records. If there was ever a time when the courts stand as our last line of defense against attacks on the environment, this is it. That's why Earthjustice stands ready to fight - we've beaten them before and with your support we'll beat them again!

Click SHARE or LIKE to show your resolve to keep fighting for our planet and the right of all people to a healthy environment! TELL US >> What is your reaction to the election results?
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Photo: ROUGH TIMES AHEAD: With both the Senate and House now under Republican control, the environment will take a heavy beating from polluting industries and their newfound power in Congress. http://ejus.tc/1E5SZyM

We've seen environmentally hostile Congresses before but this new GOP-led Congress will test every ounce of our resolve. Key leadership roles in the Senate will switch from pro-environment Senators to those with some of the worst environmental voting records. If there was ever a time when the courts stand as our last line of defense against attacks on the environment, this is it. That's why Earthjustice stands ready to fight - we've beaten them before and with your support we'll beat them again!

Click SHARE or LIKE to show your resolve to keep fighting for our planet and the right of all people to a healthy environment! TELL US >> What is your reaction to the election results?
"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

It's easy to forget that people all over the world - in...cluding the United States - have fought and died for what we take for granted: the simple right to vote. That's why on this election day, we ask everyone to go out and vote! If you care about the environment, go out to vote. If you care about social justice, go out and vote. EVERY VOTE MATTERS.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you will or have already voted! Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN
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Photo: "Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

It's easy to forget that people all over the world - including the United States - have fought and died for what we take for granted: the simple right to vote. That's why on this election day, we ask everyone to go out and vote! If you care about the environment, go out to vote. If you care about social justice, go out and vote. EVERY VOTE MATTERS. 

Click SHARE or LIKE if you will or have already voted! Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN
REMEMBER TO VOTE! Tomorrow is Election day and many Americans may feel like their vote doesn't matter. Make no mistake about it - IT DOES. Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree!
Photo: REMEMBER TO VOTE! Tomorrow is Election day and many Americans may feel like their vote doesn't matter. Make no mistake about it - IT DOES. Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree!
REMEMBER TO VOTE! Tomorrow is Election day and many Americans may feel like their vote doesn't matter. Make no mistake about it - IT DOES. Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN

Why should you care? Because ...what happens tomorrow could affect laws in our country for generations to come. And without strong laws protecting our environment and public health, our attorneys will not have legal footing to stand on.

So please take a moment tomorrow to cast our ballot and stand up for what you believe in!

Click SHARE or LIKE. And if you need help finding your polling place, click here >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN
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Photo: REMEMBER TO VOTE! Tomorrow is Election day and many Americans may feel like their vote doesn't matter. Make no mistake about it - IT DOES. Here's where you can find your polling place >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN

Why should you care? Because what happens tomorrow could affect laws in our country for generations to come. And without strong laws protecting our environment and public health, our attorneys will not have legal footing to stand on. 

So please take a moment tomorrow to cast our ballot and stand up for what you believe in!

Click SHARE or LIKE. And if you need help finding your polling place, click here >> http://ejus.tc/1rHwwkN
"F" FOR FAILING - Los Angeles' notoriously dirty air is no secret, but health and environmental groups are running out of patience with the EPA's rubberstamping of LA's faulty clean-up plans and now they are suing. http://ejus.tc/1u1BKig

T...hree million people in the Greater LA area are living with asthma, diabetes, and other smog-related diseases. In fact, the region's asthma rate is double the national average. But EPA seems to be content with just kicking the can down the road in its latest approval of LA's loophole-filled plan. That's why Earthjustice and our partners are taking them to court.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you live in or have you visited LA? What was your experience with its air quality?
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Photo: "F" FOR FAILING - Los Angeles' notoriously dirty air is no secret, but health and environmental groups are running out of patience with the EPA's rubberstamping of LA's faulty clean-up plans and now they are suing. http://ejus.tc/1u1BKig

Three million people in the Greater LA area are living with asthma, diabetes, and other smog-related diseases. In fact, the region's asthma rate is double the national average. But EPA seems to be content with just kicking the can down the road in its latest approval of LA's loophole-filled plan. That's why Earthjustice and our partners are taking them to court.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you live in or have you visited LA? What was your experience with its air quality?
SOBERING: There's a 75% chance that a big oil spill could wallop the Arctic Ocean if Shell and other oil companies are allowed to develop offshore oil drilling. That's the latest finding from the Dept. of Interior's own assessment of the ri...sks of Arctic drilling. http://ejus.tc/10G69GL

This frightening statistic should dispel any myth that offshore drilling can be done "safely" in a daunting environment like the Arctic. If BP couldn't clean up more than 25% of the oil in temperate waters mere miles from major ports, there is simply no way Shell can clean up a major spill in treacherous, icy waters a thousand miles away from the nearest Coast Guard station. The Arctic is already facing huge threats from climate change - the last thing it needs is a devastating oil spill.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread the news and TELL US >> Should the Dept. of Interior forbid offshore oil drilling in the Arctic?
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Photo: SOBERING: There's a 75% chance that a big oil spill could wallop the Arctic Ocean if Shell and other oil companies are allowed to develop offshore oil drilling. That's the latest finding from the Dept. of Interior's own assessment of the risks of Arctic drilling. http://ejus.tc/10G69GL

This frightening statistic should dispel any myth that offshore drilling can be done "safely" in a daunting environment like the Arctic. If BP couldn't clean up more than 25% of the oil in temperate waters mere miles from major ports, there is simply no way Shell can clean up a major spill in treacherous, icy waters a thousand miles away from the nearest Coast Guard station. The Arctic is already facing huge threats from climate change - the last thing it needs is a devastating oil spill.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread the news and TELL US >> Should the Dept. of Interior forbid offshore oil drilling in the Arctic?
WAIT & SEE: Coal ash - one of the most poorly regulated toxic wastes in the US - may soon face stricter rules if the White House can resist pressure from the coal industry to water down regulations. ejus.tc/1sFmLUz

A toxic byproduct of co...al-fired power plants, coal ash is filled with poisonous substances such as arsenic, lead, and mercury. Thanks to lobbying from the coal industry, regular household garbage is better regulated than toxic coal ash. Earthjustice sued EPA and finally forced it to take action. Now EPA's first-ever rule on coal ash is being reviewed by the White House and we hope it can stand strong against heavy pressure from the coal industry.

Click SHARE or LIKE and share your thoughts below.

Picture: This photo shows homes devastated by the disastrous Kingston Dam coal ash spill in 2008 in Tennessee.
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Photo: WAIT & SEE: Coal ash - one of the most poorly regulated toxic wastes in the US - may soon face stricter rules if the White House can resist pressure from the coal industry to water down regulations. ejus.tc/1sFmLUz 

A toxic byproduct of coal-fired power plants, coal ash is filled with poisonous substances such as arsenic, lead, and mercury. Thanks to lobbying from the coal industry, regular household garbage is better regulated than toxic coal ash. Earthjustice sued EPA and finally forced it to take action. Now EPA's first-ever rule on coal ash is being reviewed by the White House and we hope it can stand strong against heavy pressure from the coal industry.

Click SHARE or LIKE and share your thoughts below.

Picture: This photo shows homes devastated by the disastrous Kingston Dam coal ash spill in 2008 in Tennessee.
YIKES... Imagine walking through the dark jungles of Madagascar at night. You hear an eerie tap-tap-tap on a tree trunk and look up to see two bulging yellow eyes staring back at you. You've just been spotted by the creepy-looking aye-aye. ...http://ejus.tc/1xGnhG2

The world's largest nocturnal lemur, the aye-aye is surprisingly gentle and harmless to humans. It uses its long, bony third finger to tap tree trunks, looking for juicy grubs to fish out. Sadly, because of deforestation and local superstitions (Malagasy legend says if it points its witch-like fingers at you, you are marked for death...), aye-ayes are often killed on sight and strung up, becoming endangered throughout much of their homeland.

Click SHARE or LIKE to honor the aye-aye and the other wonderfully scary-looking creatures that share our planet this Halloween! TELL US >> What animal do you find the most creepy?
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Photo: YIKES... Imagine walking through the dark jungles of Madagascar at night. You hear an eerie tap-tap-tap on a tree trunk and look up to see two bulging yellow eyes staring back at you. You've just been spotted by the creepy-looking aye-aye. http://ejus.tc/1xGnhG2

The world's largest nocturnal lemur, the aye-aye is surprisingly gentle and harmless to humans. It uses its long, bony third finger to tap tree trunks, looking for juicy grubs to fish out. Sadly, because of deforestation and local superstitions (Malagasy legend says if it points its witch-like fingers at you, you are marked for death...), aye-ayes are often killed on sight and strung up, becoming endangered throughout much of their homeland.

Click SHARE or LIKE to honor the aye-aye and the other wonderfully scary-looking creatures that share our planet this Halloween! TELL US >> What animal do you find the most creepy?
BAD BEHAVIOR: The U.S. is thumbing its nose at international agreements to protect rapidly declining bigeye tuna populations by telling its own fishermen to continue fishing beyond the allowed cap. http://ejus.tc/1tBTbEH

Bigeye tuna are hi...ghly valued for sushi, but overfishing has caused the population to plunge to their lowest historic level. International agreements were put in place to protect the species from extinction, but the National Marine Fisheries Service has just issued regulations allowing longline fishermen off Hawai`i to exceed their caps. Longline fishing has also been implicated in untold numbers of whale, dolphin, and sea turtle deaths.

Our attorneys are looking at all our legal options. For now, click SHARE or LIKE to help us raise awareness of this unsustainable practice! Share your thoughts below.
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Photo: BAD BEHAVIOR: The U.S. is thumbing its nose at international agreements to protect rapidly declining bigeye tuna populations by telling its own fishermen to continue fishing beyond the allowed cap. http://ejus.tc/1tBTbEH

Bigeye tuna are highly valued for sushi, but overfishing has caused the population to plunge to their lowest historic level. International agreements were put in place to protect the species from extinction, but the National Marine Fisheries Service has just issued regulations allowing longline fishermen off Hawai`i to exceed their caps. Longline fishing has also been implicated in untold numbers of whale, dolphin, and sea turtle deaths.

Our attorneys are looking at all our legal options. For now, click SHARE or LIKE to help us raise awareness of this unsustainable practice! Share your thoughts below.
GOOD NEWS! When California mandated large-scale clean energy storage targets last year, the state's three largest utilities balked. Now, those smart regulations have invigorated the race to develop state-of-the-art energy storage that will ...power California's clean energy future. http://ejus.tc/1u8dpYF

Energy storage may not sound sexy, but it's hugely important. All the wind turbines and solar panels in the world won't make a difference if you can't store the energy for use when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. While the mandates are far from perfect, the momentum for building clean energy storage is proof that sometimes regulation can greatly help rather than stifle business innovation.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think other states should follow California's lead! Share your thoughts below.
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Photo: GOOD NEWS! When California mandated large-scale clean energy storage targets last year, the state's three largest utilities balked. Now, those smart regulations have invigorated the race to develop state-of-the-art energy storage that will power California's clean energy future. http://ejus.tc/1u8dpYF

Energy storage may not sound sexy, but it's hugely important. All the wind turbines and solar panels in the world won't make a difference if you can't store the energy for use when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. While the mandates are far from perfect, the momentum for building clean energy storage is proof that sometimes regulation can greatly help rather than stifle business innovation.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think other states should follow California's lead! Share your thoughts below.
SUPERSTORM SANDY ANNIVERSARY: Two years ago, Superstorm Sandy battered the East Coast, killing more than 100 people, destroying thousands of homes and businesses, and causing more than $60 billion in damage in New York and New Jersey alone.... Sandy was a chilling reminder that climate change is here and now. http://ejus.tc/ZYwdvc

That's why we're asking everyone to mark today's two year anniversary by telling EPA to tackle the number one source of climate pollution in the US: coal-fired power plants. It's one of the most meaningful thing we can do on this sobering anniversary, so do your part today!

Click SHARE or LIKE to remember Superstorm Sandy and take action >> http://ejus.tc/ZYwdvc TELL US >> What do you remember most about Superstorm Sandy?
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Photo: SUPERSTORM SANDY ANNIVERSARY: Two years ago, Superstorm Sandy battered the East Coast, killing more than 100 people, destroying thousands of homes and businesses, and causing more than $60 billion in damage in New York and New Jersey alone. Sandy was a chilling reminder that climate change is here and now. http://ejus.tc/ZYwdvc
That's why we're asking everyone to mark today's two year anniversary by telling EPA to tackle the number one source of climate pollution in the US: coal-fired power plants. It's one of the most meaningful thing we can do on this sobering anniversary, so do your part today! 
Click SHARE or LIKE to remember Superstorm Sandy and take action >> http://ejus.tc/ZYwdvc  TELL US >> What do you remember most about Superstorm Sandy?
BREAKING! MISSING BP OIL FOUND: For years, BP and lax federal agencies have claimed that much of the oil spilled in the Gulf simply "disappeared." Well, researchers have now discovered a shocking 1,235-square-mile "bathtub ring" on the Gulf...'s deep ocean floor. ejus.tc/1rS21cY

The discovery is a damning indictment of how poorly BP and the federal government have cleaned up the oil. In fact, just last week BP Senior Vice President Geoff Morrell argued that the Gulf of Mexico has “inherent resilience” when it comes to oil spills and that environmentalists are overreacting about its impacts.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this breaking news! TELL US >> Do you think the BP spill's impact on the Gulf is overestimated?
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Photo: BREAKING! MISSING BP OIL FOUND: For years, BP and lax federal agencies have claimed that much of the oil spilled in the Gulf simply "disappeared." Well, researchers have now discovered a shocking 1,235-square-mile "bathtub ring" on the Gulf's deep ocean floor. ejus.tc/1rS21cY 

The discovery is a damning indictment of how poorly BP and the federal government have cleaned up the oil. In fact, just last week BP Senior Vice President Geoff Morrell argued that the Gulf of Mexico has “inherent resilience” when it comes to oil spills and that environmentalists are overreacting about its impacts.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this breaking news! TELL US >> Do you think the BP spill's impact on the Gulf is overestimated?
WHAT RESPONSIBILITY? In a move sure to spark public outrage, the state of Alabama and U.S. Department of Interior have approved a plan to squander $58 million slated for environmental restoration in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil s...pill to subsidize a hotel & beachfront convention center instead. http://ejus.tc/1wCx81l

Alabama was allocated $100 million from the BP settlement to repair damaged wetlands, water bottoms, and wildlife from the 2010 spill. But state officials want to blow 60% of that money on a huge beachfront convention center that was damaged by a hurricane in 2004. Shockingly, U.S Dept of Interior approved this blatant misuse of public funds, and now conservation groups are suing.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think this is a slap in the face for coastal communities that were truly impacted by the BP oil spill! Share your thoughts below.
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Photo: WHAT RESPONSIBILITY? In a move sure to spark public outrage, the state of Alabama and U.S. Department of Interior have approved a plan to squander $58 million slated for environmental restoration in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill to subsidize a hotel & beachfront convention center instead. http://ejus.tc/1wCx81l

Alabama was allocated $100 million from the BP settlement to repair damaged wetlands, water bottoms, and wildlife from the 2010 spill. But state officials want to blow 60% of that money on a huge beachfront convention center that was damaged by a hurricane in 2004. Shockingly, U.S Dept of Interior approved this blatant misuse of public funds, and now conservation groups are suing. 

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think this is a slap in the face for coastal communities that were truly impacted by the BP oil spill! Share your thoughts below.
1 IN 7: Everyone has the right to breathe clean air—and that right is being denied to one in seven Americans who live in the shadows of nearly 150 oil refineries across the United States. People living nearest oil refineries are disproporti...onately children, lower income, African American and Latino. http://ejus.tc/12SvygW

Check out our interactive map where you can enter in your zip code and see if there's a toxic refinery near you! We'll be adding more features to the map in the near future.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you live near an oil refinery? How does it impact you and your family?
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Photo: 1 IN 7: Everyone has the right to breathe clean air—and that right is being denied to one in seven Americans who live in the shadows of nearly 150 oil refineries across the United States. People living nearest oil refineries are disproportionately children, lower income, African American and Latino. http://ejus.tc/12SvygW

Check out our interactive map where you can enter in your zip code and see if there's a toxic refinery near you! We'll be adding more features to the map in the near future.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you live near an oil refinery? How does it impact you and your family?
FACT #3: Americans can save $13 BILLION in electricity bills by cutting climate pollution from power plants. http://ejus.tc/1rZCIeh

(We'll be posting 3 little known facts about carbon pollution throughout the day! Click SHARE or LIKE to help us spread the info!)
Photo: FACT #3: Americans can save $13 BILLION in electricity bills by cutting climate pollution from power plants. http://ejus.tc/1rZCIeh

(We'll be posting 3 little known facts about carbon pollution throughout the day! Click SHARE or LIKE to help us spread the info!)
FACT #2: Power plants are the BIGGEST single source of climate pollution in the U.S. http://ejus.tc/1rZCIeh

(We'll be posting 4 little known facts about carbon pollution throughout the day! Click SHARE or LIKE to help us spread the info!)
Photo: FACT #2: Power plants are the BIGGEST single source of climate pollution in the U.S. http://ejus.tc/1rZCIeh

(We'll be posting 4 little known facts about carbon pollution throughout the day! Click SHARE or LIKE to help us spread the info!)