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Advocacy Campaign

Oceans: Building Resilient Ecosystems

Earthjustice safeguards marine species through litigation that holds polluters accountable and stops harmful fishing practices that put our oceans’ inhabitants at risk.


Obama Opens Door to More Dirty Drilling in Atlantic

On July 18, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management gave its stamp of approval to a framework for oil and gas exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, on an area of land stretching from Florida to the Delaware Bay.

Ocean Ecosystems are on the Brink.

Humans depend on the ocean for food, commerce and inspiration—but overfishing, pollution and now climate change are presenting unprecedented threats to the marine ecosystem.

Industrial fishing fleets are decimating the forage fish species that are at the foundation of the ocean food web. This impacts salmon, tuna, swordfish, whales, sea birds and fishing communities who depend on a healthy ocean.

We're making waves and mobilizing citizens to build a more resilient ocean.

Earthjustice fights to end overfishing of forage fish in the Atlantic and Pacific—a critical piece of our organization’s overall strategy to build a more resilient ocean. Our long-term goal is to establish sustainable fisheries that feed people while keeping the ocean’s ecosystem intact.

We are building an army of ocean activists who advocate for strong state, regional and federal fisheries management. In court, our attorneys advocate for ecosystem-wide planning rather than fragmented, single-species regulations.

Earthjustice works with and for fishing communities to protect ocean ecosystems that can provide economic and recreational bounty forever—if managed properly.

Join us by taking action today.