Keystone XL


| November 4, 2014
Once viewed by the fossil fuel industry as a source of big profits, tar sands extraction is...

| October 20, 2014
Needless to say, Keystone XL opponents don't look at TransCanada as a paragon of "low-carbon infrastructure"...

| October 17, 2014
Thwarted so far in its attempts to build the Keystone XL pipeline to carry Alberta tar sands across the U.S....

| September 29, 2014
Nelson and Young played separate sets for the crowd of 8,000, joining together to sing the Woody Guthrie anthem...

| September 22, 2014
"Over the past six years, the Keystone XL fight has helped to galvanize a grassroots climate movement that is...

| August 13, 2014
Thom Hartmann and Tyson Slocum discuss the big question on opponents' minds...
tar fi

| August 11, 2014
The State Department cannot keep claiming that tar sands pipelines are inevitable when it has the authority to approve or reject each pipeline...

| July 31, 2014
No more grandmothers must be made to cry. No more First Nations people must be made to die. The tar sand industry's brutal...

| June 26, 2014
Anthony Swift of the NRDC and Ring of Fire Radio's Mike Papantonio take on the latest round of Keystone turmoil...

The people pushing for approval of the Keystone XL pipeline argue that running this tar sands pipeline...
Al Gore provided Rolling Stone an optimistic perspective on our climate crisis.

| June 18, 2014
A Gore spokeswoman wouldn't clarify the comment any further...
Environmentalists want Hillary Clinton on their side when it comes to Keystone XL. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

| May 21, 2014
"Will you stand with us against Keystone XL," the groups asked Clinton...