Tar Sands


| June 2, 2014
Construction of what could become the first tar sands strip mine in the U.S. is expected to begin this summer...

| May 20, 2014
The absurdity of the Michigan legislature welcoming all manner of unconventional fossil fuel extraction methods while the state’s tourism office carries out its “Pure Michigan” campaign...

The nurses union has joined local residents’ fight to get petcoke transportation and storage banned in Chicago...

A total of $1.1 trillion USD earmarked for risky carbon-intensive oil sector investments...

| April 24, 2014
Yesterday, API released an offensive online ad that mocks Nebraska ranchers and farmers...

| April 18, 2014
Some see the delay as a victory, others say it's a disappointment...
Jessica Clark sitting, tree-sitting in protest of tar sands pipeline on Aug. 7. Photo credit: MI CATS

On Aug. 7, 2013 Jessica spent several hours in a tree in order to prevent Enbridge from expanding its tar sands pipeline...

The environmental movement has conceptualized Keystone XL as the single path for Alberta tar sands oil...

The Alberta Clipper is an existing Enbridge pipeline that runs from Hardisty, Alberta to Superior, WI...

| April 3, 2014
If approved, the $12 billion pipeline project will pump 1.1 million barrels a day of bituminous oil from Alberta’s tar sands...

In a landmark report to Alberta’s energy regulator, a panel of experts has concluded that odors from a controversial tar sands processing plant...

| March 31, 2014
The Alberta Clipper pipeline, also known as Line 67, currently pumps up to 450,000 barrels per day of tar sands crude...
Video screenshot: theuptake.org

| March 24, 2014
No timetable has been set for the channel's reopening...