      www.waterkeeper.orgClick her to visit the Waterkeeper Alliance website

Mark your calenders          
16th National Tar Creek Conference
 September 23-24, 2014          

Come see the Monument Quilt August 13, 2014 2:00-6:00 p.m.

Quapaw Tribe's Robert Whitebird Cultural Center, Quapaw, Oklahoma

Art Contest

L.E.A.D. Scholarship

Our Riverkeeper's Thoughts on Blue-Green Algae
Grand Lake's Blue Green Algae Alert here.

News! News! News!
 Fish ID Game is fun for children a-n-d adults!
Raising Awareness of Lead's Dangers-Sesame Street Crew.

National Campaign Launches to Protect Children and Families from Lead Poisoning
Important information on Mold
LEAD Agency on Facebook

Leading the way in Environmental Justice
Local Environmental Action Demanded, Inc.

Become a Member

Calendar imageClick here to see our calendar Calendar

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Photo Gallery

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"Tar Creek," by Vinita
native Matt Myers.


The Creek Runs Red
Creek Runs Red

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Making a Difference at the Tar Creek Superfund Site
.Click here to learn more about the book, "Making a Difference at the Tar Creek Superfund Site"

Going Blue
 Thumbnail image of the book, "Going Blue", a teen guide to saving our oceans, lakes, rivers, & wetlands by Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., Philippe Cousteau, and EarthEcho International

Make a Splash  


Local Environmental Action Demanded (L.E.A.D.) Agency is a non-profit corporation organized under IRS Sec. 501(c)(3). We organized in 1997 with the following goals:

•Educate the community on environmental concerns in Northeast Oklahoma
•Take action to counter environmental hazards that put Northeast Oklahoma's residents
 at risk both physically and financially
•Conduct environmental workshops and seminars concerning environmental issues
 in Northeast Oklahoma and other areas
•Enhance our efforts by partnering with other environmental organizations throughout
 Oklahoma and the nation

Since the time of our establishment, our membership has worked diligently to inform the community of issues in several different areas. These areas include awareness of Tar Creek related health and environmental issues, and all other local issues involving solid waste, air and water quality.

L.E.A.D. Agency, Inc. was awarded the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide a review of documents concerning the Tar Creek Superfund Site, and report the findings of that review to the community. We have also been actively involved in the Tar Creek Superfund Site in other ways. Some of these include:

•Promoting chat regulations and guidelines
•Pushing for testing Miami schools, parks, day care facilities and homes for lead
•Encouraging continuation of remedial work on contaminated yards
•Promoting lead safety measures in Picher and Cardin, including lead-based paint
•Demanding true cleanup and restoration
•Providing the Tooth Fairy Project, testing lead levels in the deciduous teeth of children

To Top of Page

Our membership has also promoted air monitoring near chat piles and participated in awareness studies of indoor air duct hazards from chat dust. We also partnered with the University of Tulsa in an important survey and study of the health impacts of mold in homes that resulted from the initial remedial work performed in the Picher/Cardin area.

In our capacity as activists, we have also been involved with promoting recycling as a solution to solid waste, while fighting illegal dumping, proposed landfills and incinerators. We also host or participate in public meetings on such issues as municipal and non-point discharges, commercial poultry operations and other issues affecting the water quality of Tar Creek, the Neosho and Spring Rivers and ultimately, Grand Lake.

These are but a few of the many responsibilities undertaken by L.E.A.D. Agency. We perform these functions while operating entirely on donations, grants, membership dues and the help of some wonderful volunteers. We look forward to having you join us in our efforts and encourage you to attend our next regular meeting or contact us for further information.

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View Recent CNN Interview, Tale of a Toxic Town, with Orval "Hoppy" Ray and Rebecca Jim here:


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Click here for details

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The materials contained on this website have been prepared by Local Environmental Action Demanded, Inc. for informational purposes only. Links to websites other than our own are provided as an informational resource. These links are provided as a service, and it should not be implied that we are recommending, endorsing or approving of any of the content located at the linked sites. We also cannot be responsible for maintaining websites other than our own.


Awarded to
   L.E.A.D., Inc.

Central Mill History

Harvard Children's
   Environmental Health
   & Disease Prevention

EPA for Children
Children's    Environmental
   Health & Disease    Research

Environmental Blogs    New!

Introduction to Tar    Creek Superfund Site

Is Your Child's Playground Safe?

Grand Riverkeeper

LEAD's       Environmental
Justice Grant




OK Sustainability Network

Western Mining              Action Network

Learn and Serve

Shall We Gather
at the River 


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WWW www.leadagency.org
© Local Environmental Action Demanded, Inc. 2010

Click here to donate and help the Gulf Waterkeepers recover from this disasterClick here to visit filmmaker's website about "The Creek Runs Red"Click here to visit filmmaker's website about "Shall We Gather at the River"Click here to read about the new documentary film, "Tar Creek" by Vinita native, Matt MyersClick here to learn more about the book, "Making a Difference at the Tar Creek Superfund Site: Community Efforts to Reduce Risk"Click here to visit the website for Harvard Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention ResearchClick here to learn about the Community Outreach and Translation Core (COTC) of the Harvard Center for Children���s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention ResearchClick her to visit the Waterkeeper Alliance webisteClick here to visit website regarding the book, "Going Blue", a teen guide to saving our oceans, lakes, rivers, & wetlands by Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., Philippe Cousteau, and EarthEcho International