
Austin Police caught making rape jokes [Video]

Published On November 5, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

This incident was shared by someone who recognizes the value in transparency.

Date of Incident: May 24, 2014
Individuals Responsible: Mark Lyttle and Michael Castill
Outfit: Austin Police Department
Phone: (512) 974-5750

Rape is a vile and gross crime that nobody should be joking about, especially our Public Servants whose responsibility is to enforce laws against such a heinous crime. This is exactly what happened in Austin, TX, according to dashcam video recently obtained by an Austin attorney through a public records request. The video is dated May 24, 2014, uploaded to YouTube on October 30, and brought to the attention of the submitter via the San Antonio Express News on November 3.

The Austin Police Department has since apologized for the incident, but it doesn’t change the fact that heinous crimes such as rape are nothing for Public Servants to be joking about. This incident needs to be made as public as possible to send a message that this type of behavior is unacceptable.

As Joshua Fechter reported at

One officer then says, “Look at the girl over there,” before blowing a whistle.

The second officer is heard saying, “Go ahead and call the cops. They can’t unrape you.”

The first officer then asks, “You didn’t turn your camera off, did you?”

The second officer then says, “They can’t unrape you.”

Known Texas Based Police Accountability Groups

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When you see "CopBlock" as the author it means it was submitted via our contact tab - see top of page. Anyone can share their police related story with via this tab, we thank you in advance.
  • Thenumber4

    First, I thought it was funny haha

  • Common Sense

    The cops said something insensitive and I don’t like it!

    This is some cracker jack investigative journalism. Where’s the number for the Pulitzer people?

  • Common Sense

    …and to be factual, the officer is correct, you cannot be in fact “un-raped.”

  • JC

    Just like copblockers. They say all kinds of nasty things about murdering police officers, stalking, making sick homosexual statements, and the copblockers want the police not to have private conversations. It’s unfortunate this came to light but the PD apologized. They officers have freedom of speech just like copblockers.

  • RAD

    He has kind of a dark sense of humor and the joke is pretty off-color but really I think the sense of outrage people are having is from the disillusionment at having one of their perceived “super-heroes” seemingly not taking his “job” seriously, basically making it into a joke. But really, his “job” is a joke. Maybe his joking is in bad taste, but it does hit on an uncomfortable truth:calling the cops doesn’t usually do much of anything to benefit anyone. The author calls these cops “public servants”. Ok. What facts support such a presumption? It does sound like a nice feel good liberal social theory. But where are the facts?

  • ymygody

    hopefully both their entire families are raped with a sharp stick.

  • ymygody

    it’s unfortunate this came to light.?… Yeah that’s the problem here then, it came to light. I hope their children are skinned in front of them with a Knife dipped in phosphoric acid.

  • Common Sense

    Seems you make a joke out of it.

  • Thenumber4

    Well found the super creepy guy, and what he does at night

  • Thenumber4

    Shocker another little pussy cop blocker making violent post, yawn, every one knows you won’t do shit

  • Thenumber4


  • ben dover

    Disgusting you sick fucking boot lickers here need to be euthanized . They act like this in private they act like this in public , They need to be hung hi for all to see

  • Common Sense

    ..and for all that, you’ll do nothing.

  • Sikko

    Oh, the outrageousness of the outrageous outrage of an off color joke…the horror

  • Thenumber4

    What did you miss your nap time

  • keepitreal

    You really should learn to read and write before trying to post intelligent comments.

  • keepitreal

    Hey slaps, use that super tracking software to figure out where I moved to yet?
    And you’re really one to talk about sick stuff, fucking bestiality video posting douchebag that you are.

  • keepitreal

    Be even funnier if it were a female relative of your that it happened to, wouldn’t it now.

  • t

    Wow guy…just wow…that’s hot.

  • JC

    Prove it. You continue to make all of these false claims but you have never proven it.

  • JC

    Another pathetic rant by a streetsheep copblocker.

  • steve

    Just think for a while. when have you been in a care with a friend and made stupid comments to each other about people. That’s just what these two idiots did and they were stupid enough to record their selves. This is of no importance to us and of no use. waste.

  • steve

    You can fuck your self .

  • steve


  • steve

    How’s it feel to be hated.

  • Sikko

    Yep, just humans being humans

  • steve


  • Thenumber4

    What’s wrong your country’s rent pass due

  • Thenumber4

    Look random numbers

  • Thenumber5

    Wow # 4 is real smart.

  • Thenumber5


  • Tyler

    You realize IPs belong to devices and not people right?

  • Tyler

    No you dont.

  • keepitreal

    Illiterate Bob rides again! That’s past due, you freaking chowderhead.

  • JC

    You seem to be an expert in fucking yourself.

  • JC

    I was just going to ask you the same question.

  • JC

    What sites have I been blocked from? You are all talk and no substance. Prove it’s my IP address.

  • Shawn

    You guys do realize that such conversations reinforce the bad attitudes cops have toward the public?

    This is what cops think of harm to others. They show they are not motivated by protecting the innocent. They are motivated by power and position, and government bennies. They certainly aren’t motivated by ideals.

  • Thenumber4

    Wow #5 forgot how to imposter someone

  • Thenumber4

    Chowderhead looks like someone’s still in the 80’s

  • steve


  • steve

    yes and they give a geographic location of the device your using.

  • Thenumber3

    You are creepy

  • Thenumber3

    How about passed.

  • steve

    yes i do

  • Thenumber3

    this is all too true

  • Thenumber4

    Hey check it out a another number

  • Sikko

    Shawn: You guys do realize that such conversations reinforce the bad attitudes cops have toward the public?

    Me: No, it really doesn’t. It’s just like waiters, waitresses, and bartenders that blow off steam by joking about customers.

    Shawn: This is what cops think of harm to others.

    Me: no, it’s just two guys joking about their job, everyone does the same thing

    Shawn: They show they are not motivated by protecting the innocent. They are motivated by power and position, and government bennies. They certainly aren’t motivated by ideals.

    Me: no, it just shows they have a dark sense of humor, it’s common among cops, EMTs, ER docs, soldiers, and pretty much any high stress job you can imagine.

  • Jason Waite

    I’m excited to join this community. Here’s what happend to me almost one week ago ALMOST getting #tased by an officer ON video (Un-edited) ==>

  • keepitreal

    Better than looking like an illiterate moron.

  • keepitreal

    Everybody here knows you’re slappy, and everybody knows you posted sick bestiality videos claiming several of us were the stars. Stupid lying motherfucker.

  • JC

    You made the statements so prove it. By the way, that is miles away from what my IP address really is. Why don’t you stop being a coward and prove your statements.

  • JC

    You are the only one talking about bestiality videos. You are basically the only one making all of these assumptions yet you have never proven one statement you have made. Are you not aware of how stupid you look?

  • Thenumber4

    Hey look another person who doesn’t know or do shit, welcome

  • craig

    Funny , ATC controllers have a tough job, I don’t recall any jokes about aircraft going down !

  • Sikko

    No? I’ve heard ATCs joke about crashes and near misses, since I work in conjunction with them regularly. Firemen have been known to joke about being pyromaniacs. People tend to joke about their jobs in some of the most macabre fashions, and the dakness of those jokes tend to increase with the amount of stress inherent in a particular job.

  • Thenumber4

    So in that case you admit that in your head you believe your in the 80’s, which means that you have a form a brain disability, so in concussion everyone here is in full right to call you crazy because you even admit to your own craziness. Perfect