
Cop Strikes Man In Head While He’s On The Ground [Video]

Published On November 5, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

This content was shared by someone who recognizes the power of commonsense and the court of public opinion.

Date of Incident: 11/1/2014
Individuals Responsible: Ryan Rabideau and Ethan Czyzewski
Outfit: Burlington VT Police Deptartment
Address: 1 North Ave. Burlington VT
Phone: (802) 658-2704

Police attempt to take a man into custody he is “resisting ” the video starts with the suspect on the ground but prior to being taken down he was tazed by the police officers once in the ground one of the officers repeatedly hits the “suspect” in the head in a press release the department says they were striking his back. Let the people decide.!!

From the video description:

A Burlington, VT Police Officer ruthlessly punches pinned downed civilian and an angry mob of bystanders stands witness and reacts.

Vermont Based Police Accountability Group

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  • steve

    Typical cowards .

  • Jerad Dorner

    The crowd should have all started dogpiling on those pigs and choking them out taken their guns and started pistolwhipping the shit out of those fucking pigs. They can’t club everyone at once.

  • JC

    It would appear the guy was resisting arrest. He had his hands underneath him and wouldn’t bring them up to his back. There is another guy curled up along side him. It would have been nice to see what happened before the PD got there. There is more to this story.

  • Sikko

    Well, you can’t really tell from the video at all, it really could be either. Given the usual body positioning when trying to maintain control of a grounded suspect, though, those punches more than likely were aimed at the mid/upper back, as it appears the officer has the suspects shoulders pinned to the ground with his knee. I could, however, be completely wrong, it can’t be clearly seen in this video, between the patented vertical recording and the multiple people moving between the camera and the action.

  • steve

    Try something different for a change asshole.

  • Sikko

    Of course there’s more to the story. Of course you also missed the point of this article. Does it look like the guy was punched in the head, or does it look like he was punched in the back? Dude, I’m super critical of CopBlock in general, but the only critique of this article I can even make is the gratuitous use of scare quotes. Not to mention that, for once, there is no editor’s note trying to sway thought in a particular direction before or after the article.

    Gotta give you props, though, for staying in character consistently, that’s a tall order in and of itself.

  • Thenumber4

    Oh take a break, every time you post you say shit about killing cops. But every one knows you won’t do shit.

  • Thenumber4

    Typical cop blocker

  • Thenumber4

    I would have tased him again

  • sunking1

    Aren’t you the same pussy that exalted Eric Frein as the new messiah? How did that work out for him? Weaklings of a feather flock together. Puss

  • t

    Looks to me like its the back of his left arm. If you watch…..you can see that this guy is still very actively resisting/fighting as he is trying to pull away from the officer on e ground with him

    But I think this is a great example of the CBer framed story and video. No discussion of what was taking place. The video….of course….shows only what the CBer poster wants you to see. Even if the video really started just as we see it….with no editing in the front part as the “videographer” really just started recording the scuffle right then…….what about after? Where is the rest of what happens? Am I to believe…..that a CBerafter recording that action…..and while the officer is still clearly struggling with the subject in the steet….that he just stopped recording and walked away?
    I just understand why the CBers fear the whole story.

  • Sikko

    I actually think this is an example of a CopBlock story done right, based on the video at hand. It’s fine to question whether or not the officer was striking the guy in the head. The video itself is inconclusive, although in what can be seen it looks to be more striking of the back than of the head. It’s about that one moment. No claims about behavior before or after, and all with an appeal to decide on our own. The only issue I could take with the entirety of this article is the misleading title.

  • JC

    There is no point of this article. It’s a video that is 1 minute long. It doesn’t show what was happening before the PD arrived or the beginning of contact made by LEOs. I find it very difficult to believe only 1 minute of video was taken during this event.

  • JC

    I was just going to suggest that to you loser.

  • Sikko

    It could have been three seconds long and it would have the same point, a point that you have missed. It doesn’t matter what happened before PD arrived, the beginning of contact with LEO doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if there’s one minute or three hours of video. Everything about this article centers around three seconds of the video in which the officer strikes the guy he has pinned on the ground and the question of whether or not the officer struck the guy in the head or in the back.

  • ben dover

    The only good cop is one in prison

  • Thenumber4

    The only good cop blocker, wait, there is no such thing as a good cop blocker they all suck haha

  • Jo Fer

    Looks like the back to me

  • Sharon Kay

    this man was laying peaceably after being tasered and was beaten by this cop while under control…at what point do we fight back? StAnD or kneel…u choose.

  • Uncle Arty

    so just what is it you hate about people being held accountable for the things they do? Seriously if there wasn’t such a glaringly obvious double standard, and a culture of corruption, abuse and brutality, groups like cop block, and police accountability wouldn’t even exist. So what you really hate is your own actions being scrutinized. And their cameras in your face are only a threat if you are breaking the fucking law. So go lick some leather and shut the fuck up

  • Uncle Arty

    I’m seriously going to make a new trading card based game, each card will be a different cop, caught doing shit like this, each cop will be awarded points based on the severity of his crime. it could be fun and educational

  • ymygody

    oh look more cops that need their families intestines pulled out in front of them. Fuck all cops, each one of them need this axe stuck between their eyes

  • ymygody

    the only good cop is a skinned cop hung by his own entrails.

  • Jerad Dorner

    You are a weak excuse for a man. Eric FRein is an inspirational story we can all learn from. He is a hero and a role model

  • Jerad Dorner

    What a joke.
    I eat punks like you for lunch.

  • Jerad Dorner

    Big talk.

  • JC

    No, it had no point. There is no story behind the video. What happened before the PD arrived and at the end? Why were those sequences deliberately cut out? More than likely it would have told the real story of what happened and it wouldn’t be on copblock.

  • Sikko

    Just because you refuse to acknowledge that the point exists, does not mean that it doesn’t exist. Before and after don’t matter, this whole posting is about ONE single question, and ONE single question alone, all the extraneous bullshit that you claim for being “more to the story” ignores that THERE IS NO STORY. This whole post is about 3 seconds of the action, and asking if the blows the officer gave the suspect were to the back or to the head. Your belligerent ignorance is both comical and sad. I guess I’ll just put it into a phrase that you can understand and ask you where is your SCIENTIFIC PROOF that there is more to this story?

  • Yankeefan

    It doesn’t matter what happened prior. There is no justification for kicking someone in the head in this particular issue. That’s a big IF he was kicked though!

  • Rick Wathen

    Next time the crowd should stomp the pigs faces.

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    I truly believe it is useless trying to get this fuck to use logic. He will never publicly acknowledge anything these pigs are doing is wrong because he is a pig-fucker / lover, and has been completely brainwashed by the corrupt system. However….. I REALLY can’t wait until he gets fucked up badly by a cop… because that’s just going to be epically fitting. There is a VERY HIGH probability he is a hermit who never leaves his house however, as he has zero friends in life, and it just might not happen.

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    Loser; Slang. a misfit, especially someone who has never or seldom been successful at a job, personal relationship, etc.
    JC, you need to STOP. Look at what you are saying and who you are saying it to. You’re the only fucking loser here!! HAHA

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    I will smile when you are beaten or shot to death in the street by some pig. Pathetic, anti-American piece of shit. Should think about finding a new home in North Korea. They follow your morals much more closely than the United States.

  • JC

    Another ridiculous rant by a streetsheep copblocker. I work as a probation officer. What do you do besides troll this site? You are the only pig fucker.

  • JC

    Again, a 1 minute video does not show everything that happened. What happened before the PD arrived. How about what happened when the PD arrived. Was the guy aggressive? I say yes. Again a little 1 minute video doesn’t show the whole story. It is typical of streetsheep copblockers to edit their videos to create “false stories”.

  • JC

    Were you there? What happened before the PD arrived? How about when the guy started fighting the LEOs? A 1 minute video doesn’t show enough information regarding the real story.

  • JC

    Another pathetic rant by a streetsheep copblocker. You are the one who needs to stop. Not once have you ever posted a real link to anything you say in any article. You are a liar and a fucking loser.

  • Yankeefan

    Nice try but no dice. What cops do in a few seconds is all that is needed. Look at the 2 NYPD cops being charged for a brief few seconds. It doesn’t matter what happened prior. If he was kicked in the head, nothing else is relevant as he was no threat. Keep trolling though, Slappy!

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    LOL!!!!! I am convinced you have numerous mental handicaps, though I am not a psychologist and I will be unable to tell you exactly what they are. I can tell you 100 times you’re a fucking ingrate but you simply lack the mental capacity to understand why.

    It is not my job to give you links to anything. You can fuck yourself for even asking.

    and… a liar???? no.. you really are a fucking ingrate… ROFL…….. please find the nearest bridge because jumping off it is the only thing productive you can ever do with yourself in life.

  • Sikko

    Dummy: Again, a 1 minute video does not show everything that happened.

    Me: it shows the whole event that is at issue in this post, it shows what happened immediately prior and immediately after.

    Dummy: What happened before the PD arrived.

    Me: doesn’t matter, it has nothing to do with whether or not the officer gave the suspect a strike to the head or a strike to the back

    Dummy: How about what happened when the PD arrived. Was the guy aggressive? I say yes.

    Me: it doesn’t matter if he was aggressive or if he was passive, it doesn’t matter what happened when the PD arrived, what is at question is whether the officer struck the suspect in the head or in the back

    Dummy: Again a little 1 minute video doesn’t show the whole story.

    Me: a one minute video shows more than the whole story, the whole “story” is nothing more than a question of where the suspect was struck, in the head or in the back

    Dummy: It is typical of streetsheep copblockers to edit their videos to create “false stories”.

    Me: yes it is, but that is NOT the case here. The ” story” here, again, is nothing more than a question: did the officer strike the suspect in the head or in the back.

    It’s really simple: head or back. Was the suspect struck in the head or in the back? Nothing more, nothing less.

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    You know what, bitch? Here’s a link. Here you go:
    You can find the definition of loser at the above URL.
    JC total number of copblock comments: 663
    JC total number of upvotes received: 284
    My total number of copblock comments: 75
    My total number of upvotes received: 165
    You are currently the loser.
    Additionally, my comments are in-line with the purpose of the site, and in-line with those who support it.

    Again, you are basically scum who has no real purpose of being here.

  • Yankeefan

    Now you see why he is a troll. He did same thing when he posted as Slappy. Its his trolling through exasperation. HE creates a peripheral argument he can retreat to. Or he makes statements then demands scientific proof. He did the same thing under Slappy. His best was saying, “show me the law that says you don’t have to show ID”. It my be technically true but in the context of the conversation, not relevant.

  • Sikko

    Oh, I know he’s a troll, and I know his trolling style. I just find it amusing sometimes to play troll games with the trolls

  • shebebanginyo

    He likes to suck the pigs off too at the end of the night. He’s a pig sucker for sure.

  • shebebanginyo

    Said the guy with Pig Jizznut all over his face.

  • RaymondbyEllis

    Yeah, that’s my favorite. We showed him the laws that say you have to identify youself (not the same as showing an ID, because the only law requiring showing an ID is a DL when driving) and under what circumstances, and pointed out that laws are not what you don’t have to do but what you do have to do. To no avail because he always fell back to “show me the law that says you don’t have to show ID”. He was right, there aren’t any.

  • RaymondbyEllis

    I’ve made the same argument many times. It doesn’t matter what happened before or after, what matters is what happened at that time. What matters is the point from that time.

    Exasperating isn’t it when dealing with the usual excuses?

  • RaymondbyEllis

    YF, there are PDs that not only agree with you but go further that no blows should be made to the head. Gee, I wonder why…

  • RaymondbyEllis

    The real story is what other than begging for an excuse?

  • RaymondbyEllis

    All of us fall under those few seconds. I’m sick and tired of cops and their apologists asking for minutes to explain away behavior when they judge and convict the rest of us by seconds. It’s hypocritical.

  • RaymondbyEllis

    I’ve watched it three times and yes it’s hard to tell where the blows land, but I see the back, possibly an arm, more than the head. What I also see is a guy subdued by two cops, but not totally submissive and compliant, who resists more when struck than before being struck. Funny thing that.

  • RaymondbyEllis

    You feed the authoritarians, you are their sustenance. You had just as well join them.

  • RaymondbyEllis

    Internet warriors are so yesterday.