
Agressive Cop Pounding on Hood of Car

Published On November 6, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

Submitted anonymously

When: September 20, 2014

Individual Responsible: unidentified member of the Pennsylvania State Police

I was watching the evening news this evening and was a bit disturbed to see the news crew showing a cop throwing a tantrum to a driver. I know this will probably go no where. At this time there was still a manhunt in the area for an accused cop killer on the loose. Police at this time still had a “shelter in place” order and had blockades up so residents could not get to their homes. This officer resorted to screaming and hitting the hood of a vehicle while they were turning around.

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  • BuelahMan

    You will respect my Authority.

  • Jerad Dorner

    That pig deserves to be shot in his ugly face. Eric Frein brought the righteous hammer of justice to those fucking pigs. His victory is an inspiration to all.

  • JC

    Big deal. They caught that murderer and now he is in jail waiting for his trial and death sentence.

  • JC

    You are a dink. Eric Frein did nothing but murder a police officer in cold blood. That is a coward just like you are. You write just like Chris Cantwell.

  • Jerad Dorner

    Eat shit scrub. Eric Frein is a role model. You are a sorry ass maggot. Real men don’t concern with the likes of you. Waste of time.

  • Pw4x3r

    I will agree with you this time, it is not a BIG deal. It’s still a deal. Just another look at the cop mentality across this country. Big babies with guns and small penises. What else do you do but “rawr me smash car hood” when you’re in that position?

  • JC

    Real men don’t live in total hate like you do. I’m a probation officer and I am damn proud of it. You are just an insignificant puke with no direction in life. If Eric Frein is a role model for you, it is very apparent where you are headed loser. I still believe you are Chris Cantwell.

  • Long live Eric

    Um Eric frein, died in prison about a hour ago, it’s said that he hung him self with his shirt. Go to Pennsylvania news channel 9 website

  • Thenumber4

    His victory will be short very short lived.

  • SFCRetired

    I cannot imagine why anyone would be proud of such a demeaning occupation. Says loads about one’s mentality, doesn’t it?

  • Yankeefan

    You are no Probation Officer! Show scientific proof or shut the fuck up!

  • Jerad Dorner

    Don’t you fucking lie about Eric.

  • Thenumber4

    Well looks like we found your soft spot, do you have a crush on him. Isn’t that cute

  • Thenumber4

    Look who’s taking, a man with “no” occupation

  • Thenumber4

    Yet you reply

  • RaymondbyEllis

    I think this is a better account of pounding on the hood of a car: Damn that video because it didn’t show what happened before. Clearly edited to put the cop in a bad light. The ballet shoes are a nice touch.